The 2013 American Business Awards, the premier business awards competition in the U.S.A., feature a wide selection of categories to recognize the achievements of PR professionals and we thought it would be helpful if we highlighted five additional awards categories that should be of interest to PR individuals. (March 27 is the entry deadline for the 2013 ABAs. If you haven't yet done so, you can request your entry kit here.)
In addition to submitting entries specifically labeled as PR awards, there are several communications awards categories including:
- Annual Report Awards Categories
These categories recognize excellence in annual reports, brochures, marketing and sales kits, house organs (corporate magazines), and other publications issued since January 1, 2012. - App Awards Categories
These categories recognize excellence in apps for handheld and tablet devices, and for PCs, issued or updated since January 1, 2012. - Live Event Awards Categories
These categories recognize excellence in live events staged since January 1, 2012. - Video Awards Categories
These categories recognize excellence in videos produced for a business- or work-related purpose that were first released or otherwise made public since January 1, 2012. - Website Awards Categories
These categories recognize excellence in web sites and blogs. There is no eligibility timeframe for these categories - it doesn't matter when the site or blog was first published.
Leave us a comment and let us know which categories your organization will be submiting entries to in the 2013 ABAs.