The entry deadline for the 2012 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business is quickly approaching on August 29 and we thought it would be helpful for communications professionals if we highlighted the many PR awards categories available. (Don't fret if you can't make the entry deadline, entries for the 2012 Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the world's premier business awards for women executives, entrepreneurs, and the organizations they run, can still be submitted through the final entry deadline of September 28 with a late fee of $35.00; request your entry kit today.)
Our PR award categories for Communications or PR Campaign of the Year which recognize excellence in public relations, press relations, and publicity programs by or for women since July 1, 2011 include:
- Community Relations: campaigns/programs that aim to improve relations with communities in which the sponsoring organization has an interest, need or opportunity.
- Crisis Communications: campaigns/programs undertaken to deal with an unplanned event and requiring immediate response.
- Global Issues: campaigns/programs that demonstrate effective global communications implemented in at least two countries.
- Internal Communications: campaigns/programs undertaken to inform or educate an internal audience, such as employees or members.
- Issues Management: campaigns/programs undertaken to deal with issues that could extraordinarily affect ongoing business strategy.
- Low Budget (under $10,000/€7000): campaigns/programs that cost no more than $10,000/€7000 to plan and implement.
- Marketing – Business to Business: campaigns/programs designed to introduce new products or promote existing products or services to a business audience.
- Marketing – Consumer Products: campaigns/programs designed to introduce new products or promote existing products to a consumer audience.
- Marketing – Consumer Services: campaigns/programs designed to introduce new services or promote existing services to a consumer audience.
- Multicultural: campaigns/programs specifically targeted to a cultural group.
- Reputation/Brand Management: campaigns/programs designed to enhance, promote or improve the reputation of an organization with its publics or key elements of its publics.
- Public Affairs: campaigns/programs specifically designed to influence public policy and/or affect legislation, regulations, political activities or candidacies.
- Public Service: campaigns/programs that advance public understanding of societal issues, problems or concerns.
Entries in these categories require an essay of up to 500 words describing the nominated campaign: its genesis, development, planning, commission, and performance to date, a biography of the leader of the team that developed the campaign (up to 100 words), and optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.
Other website awards, blog awards, app awards, and video awards that may be of interest include:
- Website of the Year: Recognizing excellence in web sites created and maintained by or for women. There is no eligibility period requirement for this category - it doesn't matter when the site was first published.
- Blog of the Year: Recognizing excellence in individual or company blogs created by or for women. There is no eligibility period requirement for this category - it doesn't matter when the blog was first published.
- Smartphone or Tablet App of the Year: Recognizing excellence in smartphone and tablet apps produced by or for women. There is no eligibility period requirement for this category - it doesn't matter when the app was first published.
- Video of the Year: Recognizing excellence in videos produced by or for women since July 1, 2011.
These categories only require an essay of up to 100 words describing the nominated work: its purpose and results to date, the nominated work itself, which you should upload to our server via the new uploading tool on our online entry form, and optionally, you can provide creative and production credits for the work, such as writers, creative directors, and programmers.
Not sure where to begin? All communications awards entries are submitted directly online through your account. You can begin by registering here.