Our new new product awards categories include:
- Business Intelligence Solution – New
- Business Intelligence Solution – New Version
- Incentive Management Solution – New
- Incentive Management Solution – New Version
- Sales Automation Solution – New
- Sales Automation Solution – New Version
These bring the total number of new product and service awards categories in the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service to 16. New and new-version solutions for sales, contact center, and customer service operations that were introduced to the marketplace after July 2010 are eligible to be nominated.
The following information should be included in your submissions:
- An essay of up to 500 words describing the product or service and its features, functions, benefits, and performance to date;
- A brief biography (up to 100 words) of the leader of the nominated team or department; and
- Any number of supporting materials, including demonstration videos, news articles, product reviews, and so on.
All new product awards Finalists will be notified on January 25. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the start of the Stevie Awards movement, all Finalists will now be recognized as Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award winners. 2012 winners will be announced on February 27th at our 6th annual sales and customer service awards banquet at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.
Not sure which new product or service award you should apply for? Call us at + 1 703-547-8389 or email us at help@stevieawards.com!