Tomorrow, Friday, November 16, is the first early-bird deadline for The 2013 American Business Awards, the premier business awards competition in the U.S.A. (Entry fees are discounted by as much as 25% for entries submitted this week, request your entry kit here.)
All individuals and organizations in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. The ABAs feature categories to recognize achievement in every facet of worklife, including:
App awards,
- Company / organization awards,
- Customer service awards,
- HR awards,
- IT awards,
- Management awards,
- Marketing awards,
- New product awards,
- PR awards, and
- Website awards.
See the full list of business awards categories.
If you can't make tomorrow's deadline, December 12, 2012 is the second early-bird entry deadline. March 27, 2013 is the entry deadline and April 24, 2013 is the last day that late entries will be accepted with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced on May 8, 2013. Entry details are available at
Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through April 24, 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published.
Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about how to participate in The 2013 American Business Awards.