Bigleaf Networks: Optimizing Internet Performance With SD-WAN Technology

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Aug 27, 2024 @ 11:50 AM

23 spotlight Square-11-3Stevie-winner Bigleaf Networks specializes in optimizing internet performance for businesses through a cloud-first SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) solution.

Their technology focuses on ensuring reliable internet connectivity by dynamically managing and prioritizing network traffic, which is crucial for businesses dependent on cloud-based applications. Bigleaf's solution detects and mitigates network issues automatically, providing consistent performance and reducing downtime for critical business operations.

The company serves various industries with a plug-and-play setup that requires minimal IT intervention, making it accessible to businesses without extensive technical expertise. Bigleaf's services include real-time traffic analysis, automated failover, and load balancing across multiple ISP connections. This approach ensures optimal internet performance and reliability, allowing businesses to maintain productivity and efficiency even during network disruptions or heavy usage periods.

Bigleaf has built a reputation for providing network optimization solutions. It offers dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) and intelligent internet traffic load balancing services designed to guarantee optimal performance for essential internet and cloud applications. Their commitment to innovation and excellence has led to the delivery of cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.

Founded on the goal of revolutionizing internet connectivity, Bigleaf has successfully optimized network performance for businesses of all sizes across various industries. Their dynamic QoS and intelligent traffic load balancing services ensure uninterrupted access to essential applications, enhancing productivity and driving business growth.

Since July 2021, Bigleaf has achieved significant milestones in customer service, evidenced by impressive G2 ratings and reviews. These ratings highlight the company's dedication to delivering exceptional customer service and satisfaction. Bigleaf boasts a 98% gross customer retention rate and an outstanding 114% net retention rate, demonstrating its success in retaining and expanding its customer base through effective service and support.

These achievements underscore Bigleaf's focus on prioritizing customer satisfaction and providing value-added solutions tailored to client needs. Through its proactive approach to customer service and commitment to excellence, Bigleaf Networks has solidified its reputation as a trusted partner and industry leader in delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Bigleaf Networks won a Bronze Stevie® Award for Customer Service Success - Technology Industries in the 2024 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

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Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Final Entry Deadline Extended in 21st Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Aug 22, 2024 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has extended the final entry deadline in the 2024 (21st annual) Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. Entrants now have until September 4 to submit nominations. The original final entry deadline was August 21.

Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at

Stevie Awards for women in business

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor the achievements of working women in more than 100 categories, including Best Female Entrepreneur, Female Executive of the Year, Mentor or Coach of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Achievement in Equal Pay, Women Helping Women, Employee of the Year, Woman-Owned or -Run Company of the Year, and Female Innovator of the Year. All female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run, worldwide, are eligible to be nominated.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards competition for women. In 2023 the competition attracted more than 1,600 nominations from organizations in more than 26 nations.

The 2024 Stevie Awards for Women in Business will be judged by more than 200 leading professionals around the world, and nominees will have access to all the judges’ comments and suggestions about their nominations. Finalists will be announced on September 18, and winners will be announced on November 8 at an awards ceremony in New York City.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business recognize achievement in the workplace in award categories including:

Achievement Categories
Communications & Marketing (Developed for/by Women) Categories
Company/Organization (Women-Owned or -Led) Categories
Individual Women Categories
Media (Developed for/by Women) Categories
New Product & Service (Developed for/by Women) - Categories
Social Media Categories
Sustainability Categories (new for 2024)
Thought Leadership Categories

There are 11 new Sustainability categories, to recognize innovative achievements by individual women and women-led or -owned organizations in resource and environmental sustainability since the beginning of July 2022.

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

GoCo Offers Modern HR for SMBs With Tailored Client Support

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Aug 21, 2024 @ 09:12 AM

Stevie-winner GoCo is on a mission to automate manual human resources (HR) tasks and empower HR professionals to make work a better place.
GoCo Logo is modernizing HR, benefits, and payroll with its modern, all-in-one, solutions for SMBs (small-to-medium-sized businesses). Unlike other HR platforms, GoCo is built to support existing processes, policies, and providers so that SMBs don’t have to change the way they work in order to adopt a modern HR system.

GoCo's Client Success (CS) Team provides exceptional service tailored to customers' evolving needs. The department has undergone strategic expansions and process changes over the years to introduce specialized roles for each aspect of the platform and foster a culture of dedicated support.

As the company has grown, the CS Team has expanded from eight team members to over 50 team members specialized in different areas of the process and product. The history of GoCo's CS Team reflects a dedication to innovation, client-centricity, and a consistent pursuit of excellence in delivering service to clients.

Unlike many players in the space, GoCo prioritizes a personalized approach. It assigns a dedicated team of named contacts to every client at each stage of the process and throughout their lifecycle as a client. This team, based 100% in the United States, offers a genuine human connection with a reachable phone number, eliminating the use of impersonal 800 numbers, offshoring, chatbots, or AI in client interactions.

Their commitment to customer success is further exemplified by having specialists dedicated to each facet of the platform, ensuring expertise in addressing specific client needs. Notably, they don't impose extra charges for any services, including group training, private one-on-one sessions, or training new client administrators, a stark departure from industry norms.

“There's never enough time for busy HR leaders to get everything done, but GoCo has an answer to that,” said Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer, Lighthouse Research & Advisory. “With a robust HR platform focused on small businesses and their unique needs, 100% of GoCo clients say the system saves them time each week, said Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer, Lighthouse Research & Advisory. "Most importantly, those employers are turning that newly freed up time toward creating workplaces that engage and support the workforce in a powerful way.”

They said these awards exemplify the company’s unwavering dedication to driving positive change in the HR technology landscape: "It's a tremendous honor to receive these accolades, which are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire GoCo team," said Nir Leibovich, Co-Founder and CEO at GoCo. These awards reaffirm our commitment to delivering best-in-class solutions and unparalleled customer service to our clients."

Since winning its award, GoCo has made significant strides in enhancing its platform with cutting-edge features aimed at revolutionizing HR management for SMBs. Among the notable additions to its arsenal are expense management with an AI receipt scanner, a built-in AI knowledge base, attendance management and scheduling, and employee engagement and eNPS surveys.

Additionally, GoCo proudly announced the addition of Steve Allison as the new Vice President of Client Success. With over 30 years in the Benefits and HR industry, Steve brings a wealth of experience to the GoCo team. His appointment underscores GoCo's commitment to delivering unparalleled service and support to its growing client base.

GoCo won a Bronze Stevie® Award for Customer Service Department of the Year – Computer Software - 100 or More Employees in the 2024 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

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Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Gold-Stevie für grüne Technologie-Vorreiter: Die ZF Bielefeld ist ein Gewinner

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Aug 21, 2024 @ 07:32 AM

Das bielefelder Werk der ZF Friedrichshafen AG engagiert sich konsequent im Wandel hin zu einer grüneren Industrie - und ist damit in der gesamten Branche ein Vorreiter.

In einer Industriebranche, die aufgrund ihres Ressourcen-Hungers nicht immer den besten Ruf hat, setzt die ZF Friedrichshafen AG an ihrem Standort in Bielefeld konsequent auf ein innovatives Konzept von Müllvermeidung, Recycling und Wiederaufbereitung. Hier wird bereits seit einigen Jahren ein Cradel-to-cradle-Konzept (C2C) verfolgt, das es ermöglicht, die Herstellung von Getriebeteilen so umwelt- und materialschonend wie irgend möglich zu realisieren. Für dieses Engagement wurde die ZF bereits mit mehreren Preisen ausgezeichnet.

Nun folgt mit einem der begehrten Gold Stevies bei den German® Stevie Awards in der Kategorie "Wiederverwendung und Recycling" eine Anerkennung besonderer Klasse!

ZF-Graffiti ZF Bielefeld

In den letzten zwei Jahren ist es der ZF gelungen, eine wichtige neue Wertschöpfungskette zu installieren und diese so zu optimieren, dass diese möglichst sparsam mit den eingesetzten Rohstoffen umgeht, bzw. so weit wie möglich auf den Einsatz neuer Ressourcen zu verzichten. Während Mitwettbewerber in dieser Zeit unter gestörten Lieferketten und Teuerung gelitten haben, konnte die ZF hingegen Altteile wieder aufbereiten und den Materialeinsatz niedrig halten. Im Gegensatz zu einem Neuteil lassen sich so bis zu 90% an Werkstoffen und Energie einsparen - das ist gut für die Umwelt und die Kunden, denn aufgearbeitete Aggregate sind deutlich günstiger als Neuteile! Zugleich konnte die ZF eine Zertifizierung ihres C2C-Konzepts erreichen, so z.B. auch bei ihrem pneumatischen Kupplungsausrückzylinder für AMT-Getriebe, dem ConAct, der somit wahrscheinlich das weltweit erste solchermaßen zertifizierte Bauteil mit elektronischen Komponenten überhaupt ist. Mittlerweile sind sämtliche Produkte am ZF-Standort in Bielefeld zu 100% nach Cradle to Cradle zertifiziert!

Um dies zu realisieren, müssen bestimmte Kriterien erfüllt sein, z.B. muss die Materialgesundheit und die Kreislauffähigkeit genauestens geprüft werden. Diese Kriterien sind bei Teilen aus Metall, wie der bereits 2017 zertifizierte Kupplungsdruckplatte MFZ 430, einfacher einzuhalten als bei z.B. solchen aus Plastik. Deshalb wurde die Zertifizierung damals an genau diesem Teil beispielhaft vorgenommen, um das nötige Know-How und passende Kontakte aufbauen zu können. Die Erfahrungen wurden dann nach und nach auf weitere Produkte übertragen. Mit Erfolg, denn mittlerweile sind auch Aggregate mit elektronischen und Kunststoffteilen zertifiziert.


Neben den oben genannten Kriterien spielen jedoch auch andere Faktoren eine wichtige Rolle: Der Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien und ein verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit dem Rohstoff Wasser sind die eine Seite, aber auch die soziale Gerechtigkeit - also ethische Geschäftspraktiken bei aller Beteiligten, faire Bezahlung und menschenwürdige Arbeitsumstände entlang der gesamten Lieferkette - spielen eine große Rolle. Das Cradel-to-Cradel-Konzept ist dabei von der Europäischen Kommission offiziell anerkannt. Aufgrund des großen Erfolges in Bielefeld werden die Themen Altteile-Rückhol-Konzept und C2C mittlerweile in weitere Standorte getragen und finden z.B. bei einer neuen Produktionslinie in einem ZF-Werk in Brasilien Anwendung.

Um eine stetige Versorgung mit für die Aufbereitung geeigneten Altteilen zu garantieren, hat die ZF ein eigenes System zur Rückholung etabliert. Da diese reverse Logistik, die eine fast lückenlose Rückverfolgung ihrer Produkte ermöglicht, bereits seit 1963 existiert, konnte diese effizient den neuen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten angepasst werden. Eine eigene Abteilung behält weltweit die Märkte im Blick und kümmert sich um die Rückführung alter Teile. Dies ist keine leichte Aufgabe, denn im Werk werden jeden Tag etwa 50t Alt-Aggregate sortiert - was auf ein Jahr hochgerechnet dem Gewicht des Eiffelturms entspricht! Jährlich werden serienmäßig ca. 325.000 Kupplungsdruckplatten und Kupplungsscheiben, 5.000 Drehmoment-Wandler und 75.000 ConActs Ausrücksysteme nach den Maßgaben des C2C-Konzepts hergestellt, was einen erheblichen Vorteil sowohl für die Kunden als auch für die Umwelt darstellt. 

Dass dieses Konzept aufgeht, sieht man zudem auch daran, dass Kunden gebrauchte Altteile auch aus eigenem Antrieb zurückgeben. Schließlich sorgt ein ausgeklügeltes Pfand- und Rabattsystem, bei dem der Kunde neue Produkte bei Abgabe eines Altgeräts günstiger erhält, für zusätzliche Anreize. Etwa 35% aller Altprodukte können so zurückgeholt und dem Recycling zugeführt werden - wobei sich dieser Prozentsatz in Zukunft weiter erhöhen soll, denn das Ziel ist, möglichst allen Altteilen eine Chance auf ein zweites Leben zu geben. Jedes Bauteil, bei dem die knappen Rohstoffe nicht aufwändig aus der Erde gewonnen werden müssen, sondern stattdessen wiederverwendet werden können, hilft, der Ressourcenknappheit entgegenzuwirken.

ZF-Besuch Ministerin Frau Neubaur

Dem Ziel, zeitnah klimaneutral, oder besser, sogar klimapositiv zu werden, kommt die ZF nicht nur durch die bereits 2017 erfolgte Umstellung auf 100% grünen Strom nach, sondern auch durch die konsequente Einsparung von Verbrauchsmaterialien - schließlich sind die weltweiten Entwicklungen eine Verpflichtung zu handeln. Zudem konnte die ZF am Standort Bielefeld praktisch nebenbei Entsorgungskosten für Abfälle in den letzten drei Jahren um 40% reduzieren. Schließlich gilt hier getreu der Abfallpyramide: Recyceln vor thermischer Verwertung! Anfallende Abfälle wurden im Rahmen der C2C-Zertifizierung genau untersucht und werden jetzt einer spezifischen Trennung zugeführt, die es ermöglicht, durch den Verkauf von Materialien wie Altölen, Folien, Metallen oder Aluminium sogar zusätzliche Gewinne zu erzielen. Zudem strebt die ZF an, in Bielefeld einen Standort ohne Abfall zu werden. Das Ziel ist es, dass dort keine Abfälle einer Verbrennung oder Deponierung zugeführt werden müssen: So z.B. bei einer der aktuellen Aktivitäten, bei der 160t alte, genutzte Kupplungsreibbeläge in ihre Bestandteile zerlegt werden und diese Fraktionen wieder der Produktion zugeführt werden.

Die ZF Friedrichshafen AG ist ein weltweit aktiver Technologiekonzern, der Systeme für die Mobilität von PKW, Nutzfahrzeugen und Industrietechnik liefert. Mit insgesamt 153.000 Mitarbeitern an rund 271 Standorten in 42 Ländern ist die ZF weltweit vertreten. Das Werk am Standort Bielefeld beschäftigt z.Zt. 220 Mitarbeiter und hat sich auf die Aufarbeitung von Antriebsstrang-Modulen für den Aftermarket in Europa spezialisiert. Hier wurde gezeigt, dass die Aufarbeitung von Produkten nicht nur ein Umweltthema ist, sondern auch wirtschaftlich lukrativ sein kann! Der Entschluss, sich mit dem C2C-Ansatz weiter zu beschäftigen, wurde auch durch die politischen Entwicklungen sowohl auf europäischer als auch auf Bundesebene bestärkt, z.B. durch die geplante Klimaneutralität im Jahr 2050. Viele Unternehmen sehen sich dadurch immer stärker unter Zugzwang, die restriktiver werdenden Umweltvorgaben umzusetzen. ZF ist durch ihre vorausschauenden Umweltaktivitäten optimal auf die Zukunft vorbereitet. Gleichzeitig steigt bei den Kunden die Umweltsensibilität und diese fragen explizit nach Umweltzertifikaten. Dadurch wird eine durchgehende C2C-Zertifizierung ein klarer Wettbewerbsvorteil! Nebenbei hat die ZF so die große Chance genutzt, ihre Produkte zu verbessern und zu optimieren.


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Topics: German Stevie Awards, German Stevie Awards 2024

Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in The 21st Annual International Business Awards® from Across the Globe

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 14, 2024 @ 09:00 AM

High-achieving organizations and executives around the world have been recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The 21st Annual International Business Awards®, the world's only international, all-encompassing business awards program. The IBAs have been called “the Olympics for the workplace.”

Winners were selected from more than 3,600 nominations submitted by organizations in 62 nations and territories.

IBA24 Winners Announced - Rectangle

A complete list of all 2024 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at

More than 300 executives worldwide participated on 11 juries to determine the Stevie winners.

The top winner of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards is Ayala Land of Metro Manila, Philippines with 25 Stevie Award wins.

Other winners of multiple Stevie Awards include, among others: Halkbank, Istanbul, Türkiye (18), Tata Consultancy, worldwide (14), Viettel, Hanoi, Vietnam (13), Akbank, Istanbul, Türkiye (13), DP DHL, worldwide (13), Miral, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (13), IBM, worldwide (11), Cathay United Bank, Taipei, Taiwan (10), Data Dynamics, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA (9), PLDT and Smart, Makati City, Philippines (9), Abu Dhabi Customs, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (8), Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan, (8), China Resources Land Limited, Shenzhen, China (8), Lounge Group, Budapest, Hungary (8), Manila Electric Company, Metro Manila, Philippines, (8), Atos Customer Services, Istanbul, Türkiye (7), BELBİM AŞ, Istanbul, Türkiye (7), Everise, Plantation, FL USA (7), pladis, Istanbul, Türkiye (7), Russell Harris Event Group, North Hollywood, CA USA (7), Sandoz AG, Basel, Switzerland (7), WNS, Mumbai, India (7), Wolters Kluwer, worldwide (7), A.S. WATSON, Hong Kong, China (6), Beyaz Kağıt San. ve Tic. A.Ş., Adana, Türkiye (6), Ceyhinz Link International Inc., Irving, TX USA (6), HKRI Taikoo Hui, Shanghai, China (6), LLYC, Madrid, Spain (6), Pan American Energy, Buenos Aires, Argentina (6), TELUS, Vancouver, BC Canada, (6), Thai Life Insurance Plc., Bangkok, Thailand (6), ZIMAT, Mexico City, Mexico (6), Mastercard, Miami, FL USA (6), Cisco Systems Inc, San Jose, CA USA (5), DDB Group Philippines, Taguig City, Philippines (5), Dito Telecommunity, BGC Taguig, Philippines (5), HCL Software, Noida, India and Santa Clara, CA USA (5), King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (5), KoçZer, Istanbul, Türkiye (5), KoçSistem Bilgi ve İletişim A.Ş., Istanbul, Türkiye (5), SOCAR Türkiye, Istanbul, Türkiye (5), FPT, Hanoi, Vietnam (5), Sleepm Global Inc., ON Canada (5), TriNet, Dublin, CA USA (5), and Yapi Kredi Bank, Istanbul, Türkiye, (5).

IBA24 Winners Announced - Rectangle (2)

All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in the IBAs and may submit any number of nominations in a wide range of categories for achievement in management, marketing, public relations, customer service, human resources, new products and services, technology, websites, apps, events, and more.

Winners will be celebrated during a gala event in Istanbul, Türkiye, at the InterContinental Hotel on October 11, 2024. Tickets are on sale now.

Nominations for the 2025 edition of the IBAs will be accepted starting in February.

Topics: International business awards

Grand Winners Announced in 2024 Stevie® Awards for Technology Excellence

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Aug 13, 2024 @ 09:00 AM

Amazon, including Amazon Web Services, and Owkin (Paris, France) have won the Grand (“best of show”) Stevie® Award trophies in the first Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence, “the Olympics for technology.”

The Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence are an international business awards competition that is open to all organizations worldwide. The awards recognize the remarkable accomplishments of individuals, teams, and organizations shaping the future of technology across all industry sectors. The competition’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners in the various categories were announced last week, and are available at

SATE24 Grand (1)

Amazon/Amazon Web Services will receive the Grand Stevie trophy as the most honored organization in the 2024 competition on the strength of 21.5 award points earned through five Gold, one Silver, and three Bronze Stevie Award wins. To determine the Organization of the Year Grand winner, each Gold Stevie win counts for three points, each Silver Stevie for two points, and each Bronze Stevie win for one-and-a-half points.

The Grand Stevie Award for the Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year goes to Owkin, artificial intelligence (AI) biotech that unlocks complex biology to find the right treatment for every patient. The firm is headquartered in Paris, France with locations in Boston, Geneva, London, Nantes, and New York. The firm’s nomination "Bringing AI Cancer Testing to Patients with MSIntuit CRC” won the Gold Stevie Award for Technology Breakthrough of the Year – Healthcare, and received an average score from the judges of 9.5 out of a possible 10.

Winners will be celebrated and presented with their Stevie Awards during a joint awards ceremony with the ninth annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on September 16. Tickets are now on sale. The presentations will be broadcast live.

More than 600 nominations from organizations in 21 nations and territories were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 100 professionals worldwide, acting as judges.  Some of the other organizations with winning nominations announced last week include Adobe, Africa Fintech Network, Google, IBM, Lenovo, Meta, Octopus Energy, Samsung, TELUS, and Tesla, among others.

The Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence recognize achievement in many facets of technology.
Categories are grouped in 20 technology-industry sections:

  • Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations Technology
  • Aerospace Technology
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Architectural Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Assistive Technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Business Technology
  • Communication Technology
  • Educational Technology
  • Energy Technology
  • Entertainment Technology
  • Financial Technology
  • Government Technology
  • Green and Clean Technology
  • Healthcare Technology
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Marine Technology
  • Transportation Technology

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes nine of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence

Grand Winners Announced in 2024 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 12, 2024 @ 09:00 AM

Bank of America (Charlotte, North Carolina, USA) and Eren Enerji (Zonguldak, Türkiye) have won the Grand (“best of show”) Stevie® Award trophies in the ninth annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers, “the Olympics for human resources.”

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers are an international business awards competition that are open to all organizations worldwide. The awards recognize the world's best organizations to work for, and the HR teams, professionals, achievements, new products, and suppliers that help to create and drive great places to work. The competition’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners in the various categories were announced last week, and are available at

SAGE24 Grand Winners (1)

For the second year in a row, Bank of America has won the Grand Stevie for Organization of the Year, on the strength of 52 award points earned by nine Gold, eight Silver, and six Bronze Stevie Award wins. To determine the Organization of the Year Grand winner, each Gold Stevie win counts for three points, each Silver Stevie for two points, and each Bronze Stevie win for one-and-a-half points.

The Grand Stevie Award for the Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year goes to Eren Enerji for their nomination “Eren Enerji's Corporate Social Responsibility Projects,” the Gold Stevie winner for Best Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy. Eren Enerji's nomination received an average score of 9.6 out of a possible 10 from the judges.

Winners will be celebrated and presented with their Stevie Awards during a joint awards ceremony with the first annual Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on September 16. Tickets are now on sale. The presentations will be broadcast live.

More than 1,000 nominations from organizations in 35 nations and territories were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 130 professionals worldwide, acting as judges. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Employer of the Year Categories
  • HR Achievement Categories
  • HR Individual Categories
  • HR Team Categories
  • Solution Provider Categories
  • Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media Categories
  • Thought Leadership Categories

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes nine of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

A sponsor of the 9th annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers is HiBob.

Topics: great employers

Empowerment and Flexibility: Inside Tangible Words’ Unique Work Environment

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Aug 07, 2024 @ 12:25 PM

Logo verticalStevie-winner Tangible Words Ltd. is a marketing and sales enablement agency dedicated to helping businesses grow their revenue through strategic content marketing and sales support.

The company specializes in creating and executing comprehensive marketing plans that align with clients' business goals. They ensure that every piece of content produced is designed to attract, engage, and convert potential customers.

In addition to content marketing, Tangible Words offers a suite of services aimed at enhancing sales processes and improving overall business performance. These services include website optimization, lead generation, email marketing, and customer relationship management. By integrating marketing efforts with sales strategies, the company helps clients streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and ultimately boost their bottom line.

Education and Empowerment
A key aspect of Tangible Words' approach is their commitment to education and empowerment. The company provides training and workshops to equip clients with the knowledge and tools they need to maintain and grow their marketing and sales efforts independently. This commitment extends to their employees as well.

According to Co-founders Vicky Marrack and Alysha Dominico, working women are rarely given the privilege of personal time, so they created Tangible Words with a vision of genuine work-life balance. Long before the pandemic popularized virtual offices, the two created a work structure that supports personal life.

With minimal required weekly meetings, their remote team of 70% women contractors create personal work schedules that best fit their lifestyle. Contractors don’t sacrifice their personal goals for work goals but are encouraged to find balance, leaving room for development in both spheres. Vicky and Alysha lead by example in this pursuit of balance. The flexible work schedule gives greater freedom in work hours, allowing them to volunteer at their kids' school and cheer them on at sporting events. Vicky is an avid athlete fitting in time to play golf, basketball, and ultimate frisbee, and Alysha is a fiction writer, and both find time to develop these skills while leading a successful, growing agency.

Instead of molding their team into a singular work style, Vicky and Alysha embrace differences, bringing out each team member’s strengths to create meaningful results. The success of Vicky and Alysha’s workplace structure is not only seen in the company's achievements but also in the personal achievements of their team.

As pioneers of this work structure, Vicky and Alysha continue to find unique ways to connect their far-flung contractors. They implemented social Slack channels to share stories and fun personal updates and scheduled virtual escape rooms to solve excitingly complicated puzzles. Vicky and Alysha use these shared online spaces to celebrate their team loudly in all their achievements, maintaining a togetherness despite the distance. 

Supported by the successful structure they have created, Tangible Word’s flexibility allows Vicky and Alysha the time to help others achieve. In addition to their agency, the two created Tangible Help which contributes time and money to projects of change in underrepresented groups. Sponsoring the Wheelchair Basketball Canada tournament in Ottawa, Canada, and sponsoring a women-owned landscaping company are two of the many ways Tangible Words continues to give back.

Understanding the dangers of burnout, especially for women, Vicky and Alysha pioneered an online office structure that prioritizes professional and personal development. Working in a personalized way that brings out their best, the Tangible Words team aims to show that with strong leadership and care, work doesn’t have to stall life – instead, work can enhance life.

Tangible Words won a Silver Stevie Award for Women-Run Workplace of the Year in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Winners in First Annual Stevie® Awards for Technology Excellence Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 07, 2024 @ 10:21 AM

Winners in the 2024 (first annual) Stevie® Awards for Technology Excellence, “the Olympics for technology,” were announced today. The awards celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of individuals, teams, and organizations shaping the future of technology across all industry sectors. Individuals and organizations worldwide are eligible to enter - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small.

Among the organizations with multiple Stevie Award wins are Amazon/Amazon Web Services (9), IBM (5), the City of Sydney, Australia (4), Gabriel Marketing Group, on behalf of several of their clients (4), Impel (4), LandGate (4), Lenovo/Lenovo India Pvt Ltd/ Lenovo PCCW Solutions (LPS) (4), BostonGene (3), Cisco Systems Inc. (3), CleverTap (3), Google (3), Gov2Biz Inc (3), MicroHealth, LLC (3), and Constructor (3).

SATE Winners Announced - Rectangle

Winners will be celebrated during a gala awards banquet on Monday, September 16 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. Tickets are now on sale. The presentations will be broadcast live.

More than 600 nominations from organizations in 21 nations and territories were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 100 professionals worldwide, acting as judges. The Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories are grouped in 20 technology-industry sections:

  • Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations Technology
  • Aerospace Technology
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Architectural Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Assistive Technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Business Technology
  • Communication Technology
  • Educational Technology
  • Energy Technology
  • Entertainment Technology
  • Financial Technology
  • Government Technology
  • Green and Clean Technology
  • Healthcare Technology
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Marine Technology
  • Transportation Technology

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, organizer of nine of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

Moving Experiences - Die polySTAGE als Leuchtturm der Innovation

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Aug 07, 2024 @ 02:00 AM

Die polySTAGE setzt neue Maßstäbe im Bereich der multimedialen
Event-Installationen und gewinnt verdient gleich zwei der begehrten
German Stevie Awards

Die polySTAGE des Austria Center Vienna (IAKW-AG) gewinnt dieses Jahr bei den German® Stevie Awards sowohl einen Gold-Stevie in der Kategorie "Technologische Innovation des Jahres" als auch einen Silber-Stevie für "Besondere Leuchtturm-Projekte".

Das Projekt wurde zusammen mit dem renommierten Wiener Unternehmen Media Apparat vorangetrieben, das sich an der Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst, Design und Technologie befindet. Dieses hat bereits zahlreiche andere internationale Projekte realisiert, wobei die polySTAGE jedoch ihr Meisterstück darstellt, welches die Eingangshalle des Austria Center Vienna zu einer individuellen Bühne macht, die ihresgleichen sucht.


Die Installation aus 52 einzeln ansteuerbaren und zum großen Teil beweglichen LED-Paneelen hebt die gesamte Präsentationstechnologie auf eine neue Ebene. Der aus einem inneren und einem äußern Ring bestehende zentrale Teil der Installation bietet eine gigantische Fläche von 174 Quadratmetern, um Videos, Bilder und Text-Informationen darzustellen und in einen außergewöhnlichen Kontext zu setzen. Ergänzt werden die beiden Ringe aus einzeln beweglichen Paneelen durch fest installierte LED-Banner an den Seitenwänden und der Rückwand, die ebenfalls einzeln oder zusammen im Konzert mit den Ringen mit Content bespielt werden können. Zusammen stehen so mehr als 310 Quadratmeter LED-Fläche mit insgesamt 107 Millionen Pixeln zur Verfügung - genug für einen echten "WOW"-Effekt bei den Besuchern. Um das Erlebnis abzurunden, wird es durch ein Spatial Sound System ergänzt, das das immersive Erlebnis auf den Hörsinn erweitert, um den Zuschauer komplett in das Erlebnis eintauchen zu lassen.

Die seit September 2023 existierende Einrichtung legt die Messlatte für diese Art von Installationen auf eine neue, zuvor ungekannte Höhe. Die technischen Herausforderungen, die es dabei zu lösen galt, bestanden nicht nur in der Größe der verwendeten LED-Panele - das Gesamtgewicht der Installation liegt bei 18 Tonnen, der bewegliche Teil bringt es auf immerhin 7 Tonnen! -, sondern vor allem auch in der Entwicklung der nötigen Tools und Steuerungs-Software, die alleine etwa 200 Tage beanspruchte. Damit die einzelnen Komponenten in ihrer Choreographie synchronisiert werden können, wurden mehr als 27 Kilometer Kabel verlegt.


Die polySTAGE kann sowohl von Endkunden als auch Agenturen gebucht und mit eigenem Content versehen werden, wobei die IAKW-AG und ihre Partner natürlich den gesamten Prozess sowohl kreativ als auch technisch begleiten. Die polySTAGE bietet dabei ein Veranstaltungserlebnis, das sich von allem unterschiedet, was es in der Branche bisher gab, und besitzt somit ein einzigartiges Alleinstellungsmerkmal, das nicht nur den digitalen Fokus des ACV widerspiegelt, sondern sich auch auf die dargestellten Inhalte überträgt. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der polySTAGE sind dabei nahezu unbegrenzt: Von einer Startposition wechselt die Installation in eine fließende Wellenbewegung, wobei die dargestellten Inhalte auf den Screens von der Bewegung unberührt wirken oder diese spielend aufnehmen. In anderen Settings bilden die LED-Paneele statische Räume für Registratur und Messestand oder für scheinbar schwebende Kunstausstellungen, sowie als interaktive Bühne für hybride Diskussionsrunden, wo Speaker vor Ort mit zugeschalteten Teilnehmern räumlich in Verbindung tretenEine weitere Einsatzmöglichkeit bietet sich für interaktive Bühnen z.B. bei hybriden Diskussionsrunden, bei denen Teilnehmer vor Ort mit solchen auf der anderen Seite des Planeten räumlich in Verbindung treten können. Zudem ist ein Wechsel zwischen den einzelnen Szenarien in kürzester Zeit möglich.

Die polySTAGE hält somit das Versprechen, das sie mit ihrem Name gibt: Ein Vielfalt von Inhalten auf die digitale Event-Bühne des 21sten Jahrhunderts zu heben und dabei die Zuschauer in ihren Bann zu ziehen!

IAKW-acvDie IAKW-AG  - Internationales Amtssitz- und Konferenzzentrum Wien - ist verantwortlich für die Erhaltung und den Betrieb des Vienna International Centre sowie des Austria Center Vienna. Mit 19 Sälen, 180 Meetingräumen sowie rund 26.000 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche ist das Austria Center Vienna Österreichs größtes Kongresszentrum und gehört zu den Top-Playern im internationalen Kongresswesen. Bereits im Jahr 2022 hatte die IAKW-AG einen der begehrten Gold-Stevies in der Kategorie "Bestes Event zum Markenerlebnis" mit ihrem innovativen Konzept des Hybrid Circle gewonnen - einem Meeting-Format, das mit hilfe moderner Video-Technologie und kreisförmiger Videoleinwände die Diskussionskultur auf ein neue Niveau gehoben hat.

Haben Sie mit Ihrer Organisation auch Großartiges geleistet? Dann melden Sie sich jetzt für unseren Newsletter an, um immer über die Fristen der German Stevie® Awards 2025 auf dem Laufenden gehalten zu werden!

Topics: German Stevie Awards, German Stevie Awards 2024

Winners in 2024 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 05, 2024 @ 09:32 AM

Winners in the 2024 (ninth annual) Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, “the Olympics for human resources,” were announced today. The awards recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.    

SAGE Winners Announced - Rectangle

Among the organizations with multiple Gold Stevie wins are Bank of America (9), Everise (4), pladis (4), Apexon (3), Digital Hands (3), ecosio (3), Enerjisa Uretim (3), LMI (3), Peak on Air (3), SOCAR Türkiye (3), TurkTraktor (3), Abu Dhabi Customs (2), Arkas Holding (2), Ayala Land, Inc. - Makati Development Corporation (2), Benefex (2), Capital One (2), Cathay United Bank (2), DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (2), Doğuş Holding (2), ENERJISA ENERJI (2), Entek Elektrik (2), Gamefam (2), GCash (Mynt - Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc.) (2), HALKBANK (2), Octopus Energy (2), ResultsCX (2), Seer Medical (2), Tata Consultancy Services (2), Wells Fargo (2), and Wesley, LLC (2).

For a full list of winners by category, visit

SAGE Winners Announced - Rectangle (1)

Winners will be celebrated during a ceremony on Monday, September 16 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. Tickets are now on sale. The presentations will be broadcast live.

More than 1,000 nominations from organizations in 35 nations and territories were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 130 professionals worldwide, acting as judges. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  •     Employer of the Year Categories
  •     HR Achievement Categories
  •     HR Individual Categories
  •     HR Team Categories
  •     Solution Provider Categories
  •     Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media Categories
  •     Thought Leadership Categories

Stevie Award placements in the 31 Employer of the Year categories were determined by a unique blending of the ratings of professionals and the votes of the general public. More than 34,000 votes were cast this year by members of the public for their favorite employer.

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes nine of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

A sponsor of the 9th annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers is HiBob.

Topics: great employers