Amanda Del Signore

Amanda Del Signore

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Insights and Takeaways from the 2024 Women|Future Conference

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Jul 24, 2024 @ 04:43 PM

The 7th annual Women|Future Conference was held virtually on July 23, bringing together ambitious, forward-thinking women from across industries and career stages to connect and discuss key issues impacting their industries, careers, and lives.

A professional development, learning, and networking event launched in 2018 to complement the highly successful Stevie® Awards for Women in Business program, the Women|Future Conference brings together a community of women small business owners, executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals interested in starting a business.

Attendees tuned in from cities across the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, and Europe. This year the agenda featured sessions that focus on small business and entrepreneurship.

If you missed the live conference, you can still watch all the session replays for just $5, available until the end of 2024 through Zoom Events.
Register for access here.

Key Takeaways and Quotations5-1
The conference kicked off with Keynote Speaker Heather Hoytink, President, South Division PepsiCo Beverages North America. In this role, Heather leads a beverage portfolio that has grown to nearly $5.5B since she started in 2022. As the company’s first woman named division president, she is responsible for end-to-end P&L ownership and manages all cross-functional activity inclusive of commercial, go-to-market, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. Heather was honored with a Gold Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business.

In her session titled "Igniting Your Influence," Heather was joined by ForbesWomen Contributor, Vickie Chachere, to engage in an intimate fireside chat delving into the profound impact of influence and relationships on one’s path to career success. 

Heather shared how her relationships have shaped her career, how she feels about being a woman in an executive role, and the concept of "returnship." She commented: "Be grounded in what sacrifices and trade-offs you're willing to make in your career and stay true to your principles. If you have great joy somewhere, stay the course. The grass isn't always greener somewhere else. Worry more about the collection of qualifications that will best help you get your dream job down the line."

She emphasized how mentors completely transformed her career: "They took a vested interest in me and helped me navigate corporate America," teaching her how to persuade and influence, how to design a career map, and sharing their professional insights. To help other women reach success, Heather created a returnship program at PepsiCo in partnership with "Path Forward." These are 16-week paid learning opportunities for women who had to take a break from work, whether due to family needs, health issues, etc. Returnships serve to help women assimilate back into corporate America with the support, mentors, and resources to be successful. At the end of the experience, if both parties are interested, "returners" may be offered a permanent position.

In her closing remarks, Heather encouraged the audience: "It's a great time to be a woman—we need to harness this moment and do great things."

1-Jul-24-2024-08-31-38-9817-PMThe next session was a panel discussion, "Unlocking Awards Success: The Power of Stevie Awards in Building Credibility and Business Growth," which examined how organizations can utilize Stevie Awards to enhance their credibility, leverage their achievements to drive business growth, and effectively integrate award recognition into their overall strategic approach.

Nicole Schmitz, Founder & CEO of a leadership coaching consultancy, started her business during the COVID pandemic. She shared how winning an International Business Award helped her business grow rapidly. She encouraged others not to wait to nominate their business if they have found success—even if their business is newer: "My business went from zero to 100 after I won that first International Business Award. The more awards you enter, the more credibility, confidence, and experience you gain!"

She explained how "the backstage interview and the awards ceremony add another layer of leverage that provide value as well," while sharing that her red carpet interview from The 2023 International Business Awards ceremony in Rome, Italy, racked up over 20k views online!

CEO of Branch & Bramble Emily Lyman commented: "Applying for an award is a testament to your confidence in your company or your campaign to even submit. You can build out your campaigns with the Stevie Awards in mind: How can I craft a campaign that is award worthy? What is cutting edge and innovative and will help us win?"

Managing Partner and Founder of Purpol Marketing and 36-time Stevie Award winner Denise O'Leary, MBE, said that she collects press mentions, screenshots, and other articles that will support her Stevie Award nominations throughout the year. She recommends that all prospective entrants make a practice of this, so that it's easier to find and craft the story of your business accomplishments when it's time to collect evidence and make a case for any award submission.
In the third session of the conference, "Building a Trusted Brand: Authenticity in a Time of Public Scrutiny and Hot News Cycles" panelists hosted by Trust Relations CEO & Founder April White shared advice for brand leaders to decide when to take a public stance on issues in the press and how to prepare for and manage crisis situations.

Panelists included Rachel Griffin, Co-Founder of PlayWise Partners; Ronjini Joshua, Owner & President of The Silver Telegram; Catharine Montgomery, Founder & CEO of Better Together; and Marissa Nance, CEO & Founder of Native Tongue Communications.

All panelists agreed how important honesty and consistency are in developing trust with an audience. Catherine noted that it is just as essential to know your audience: "If leaders and companies don't know their audience, they can't connect authentically." Understanding your audience will help you create messaging that will truly resonate.

Ronjini added that consistency of messaging across channels should involve clear communication between internal teams so that all departments of an organization can be on the same page regarding messaging and tactics.

These strategies contribute to building authentic connections and trust with your audience and customers. In addition, if an organization makes a misstep in messaging or has compromised its reputation in another way, having that foundation of trust will help to repair and heal brand loyalty. Panelists highly recommend that leaders have a ready-to-go crisis management plan in place (before it's ever needed) that is up-to-date and consistently reviewed.

Marissa offered four practical tips for organizations who find themselves in a crisis situation: 1) make sure you clearly understand what the issue is—don't react to a misunderstanding or something that doesn't even exist; 2) determine if the issue is based in fact or fiction; 3) address it with sincerity in a way people feel seen and heard; and 4) take a step back during the situation and reflect on if what you're doing is actually working—if not, optimize and relaunch where and when needed.

If resources allow, there may be instances when you need to ask for help. "Don’t spend hours trying to be an expert when you can outsource to someone who is an expert," said Rachel. Even though social and cultural pressure sometimes makes women feel they should manage alone, part of being a leader is honestly evaluating your strengths and determining when to ask for assistance and support.

3-3In the next session, "Breaking Barriers, Building Empires and Elevating Women: Driving Change in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Business" speakers shared their personal journeys and experiences through the world of leadership and entrepreneurship.

It all begins with self-confidence, noted business strategist Kerry-Ann Powell, Founder of Trafalgar Strategies LLC: "It is important for you to always go back to how you see yourself....Do the work within....That internal belief about who you are and your vision is what enables you to step into yourself in a more positive way." 

Bosky Mukerjee, Founder of PMDojo, echoed Kerry-Ann's sentiments and added that you need to decide on your non-negotiable priorities that support your core values. She related her own experiences of hitting rock bottom in her mental and physical health while serving as President of a tech company. She said it was months of inner work reflecting on what she really cared about and what she wanted the next few years to look like: "You only grow when you are in the deep end of the pool," she said. Despite the intense pressure to shatter the glass ceiling, sometimes you have to walk away from roles or activities that are not serving your vision-- even if they might be million-dollar offers.

The panelists examined the role “hustle culture” has played in motivating and driving change, however, Angelique Hamilton, CEO & Chief Coaching Officer at HRCG, noted that there should be boundaries and parameters that you determine for yourself. Business Growth Strategist and Consultant Danielle Levy of The Boardroom League agreed, noting that this involves being in alignment with who you are to create your own journey of what work-life balance and professional development look like in practice.

Bosky highlighted the value of “finding your tribe”—the people who understand and support you—or if you can’t find a tribe you fit into, create your own and invite others with like priorities and goals. This also gives women leaders an opportunity to make space for other women in challenging sectors, she noted.

When it comes to battling against stereotypes and snap judgments in the workplace, panelists remarked that there are times for productive corrections and times to let it go. You can’t teach everyone good manners, said Bosky, relating how she used to get quite angry at the stereotyping that occurred in her workplace: “It’s all about picking your fights….be at peace in the things you can control.” 
In the final session of the conference, speakers explored "Leveraging AI Technology and Navigating the Social Media Landscape" panelists discussed the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for businesses, featuring insights from industry leaders including an AI tech startup Founder, a Product Leader, an AI Strategist, and the SVP of Growth for Fortune 500 client brands.

AMP Solutions CEO Lisa Thee emphasized the importance of automation in reducing the mental load for leaders and employees and establishing a brand presence. She highlighted how AI and social media can help startups and businesses create engaging content, turning complex information into digestible sound bites. "AI is like hiring an amazing assistant that allows you to focus more on your super special powers," Lisa commented, which allows professionals to do less of the minor organizing and planning tasks that get in the way of executing their vision.

Kristen Dolan, SVP of Growth at Influential, discussed the integration of AI into social platforms, including tools like ChatGPT, and how companies are leveraging AI to enhance productivity. She cited examples like Meta AI, TikTok Symphony, and Snapchat’s MY AI, which provide small and medium-sized businesses with powerful, accessible tools for content creation and trend detection.

Deboshree Dutta, Founder & CEO of Criya, elaborated on AI’s impact on marketing, explaining how AI can create multi-mode content, streamline drip campaigns, and boost sales productivity by providing executive summaries and outlines.

The panel conversation also touched on the evolution of creator content. Kristen underscored the enduring need for genuine human connections, while Deboshree spoke about the burgeoning creator and influencer economy. She noted that content creation involves not just creativity but also business acumen, and AI can assist with the demanding business aspects. The panelists agreed that AI tools can help creators maintain authenticity and scale their efforts, suggesting that businesses and individuals experiment with AI to understand its capabilities.
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Stay Connected: Replay Sessions and Nominate for Women in Business Stevies
If you didn’t get a chance to register for the live event, you can watch all the session replays for just $5, available until the end of 2024 through Zoom Events. Whether you attended the conference or are catching up now, these sessions are a treasure trove of knowledge.

Individuals and organizations can also still submit nominations for the 2024 (21st annual) Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. Entries will be accepted through August 21. Request the Entry Kit Now.

Finalists will be announced in September, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie-winner placements of the Finalists revealed during a gala awards dinner in New York City on Friday, November 8.Request the Entry Kit

Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates about next year's conference.

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WFC24 Partners (2)

Gold Sponsor:
The Boardroom League

Silver Sponsors: 
Dominique Young Law, P.C. 

Bronze Sponsors:
Enterprising Women Magazine
Divine Wealth Solutions
Lead Twist

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women Future Conference

GEHA’s Strategy and Innovation Executive Honored as Female Executive of the Year in Government and Nonprofit Sectors

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Mon, Jul 22, 2024 @ 12:21 PM

23 spotlight Square-11GEHA (Government Employees Health Association, Inc., pronounced G-E-H-A) is a nonprofit member association that provides medical and dental benefits to more than 2 million federal employees and retirees, military retirees and their families.

GEHA was founded more than 80 years ago by a group of Railway Post Office employees who passed the hat to help their co-workers in times of need. What began as medical aid in the 1930s has transformed into providing medical and dental plans to federal employees, retirees, military retirees and their families today. GEHA remains dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of its 2 million members by continually seeking innovative ways to cater to their distinct health care needs.

In a testament to its commitment to corporate social responsibility, GEHA was recognized in 2023 by the Stevies 21st Annual American Business Awards® as a Gold winner for the Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year and Bronze winner for an Achievement in Corporate Social Responsibility. 
Alexis Rolloff headshot
Alexis Rolloff, the Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, adds to GEHA's culture of prioritizing members and innovation. In 2023, she earned acclaim by winning a Bronze Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in government and nonprofit sectors. She has also been recognized as a Health Evolution Partners Fellow and serves as a mentor to women and non-binary leaders in Healthcare through Csweetener powered by HLTH Foundation. She is also an active member of Women Business Leaders in Healthcare.

Alexis Rolloff has a history of transforming complex business challenges into compelling solutions. At GEHA, she has catalyzed the development of the organization’s long-term business goals and strategic roadmap.

To accelerate this vision, she initiated the development of GEHA Ventures, a new strategic corporate venture capital initiative focused on partnering with seed and early-stage companies. As a strategic investor, GEHA is positioned to fuel new innovative solutions through investment as well as pilot these offerings with its association members. Through GEHA’s dual-purpose investments, it aims to:

  1. Empower the consumer: GEHA strives to create a more informed and active health care consumer by investing in technologies and services that provide consumers with better access to information and tools to manage their health.
  2. Enable lifestyle longevity: GEHA’s efforts are geared towards helping individuals navigate life's changes and maintain a preferred lifestyle across all life stages, including investments in digital health solutions that support long-term health and wellness.
  3. Expand access: GEHA is committed to democratizing health care access to foster health equity and inclusion. By investing in innovative solutions that remove barriers to health care, GEHA aims to ensure everyone can receive quality care.
  4. Drive sustainability: Ensuring high-quality care is economically sustainable and efficient is a core objective. GEHA’s investments are focused on technologies and services that reduce costs while maintaining or improving the quality of care.

Under Alexis' leadership, GEHA Ventures has made significant progress over the course of the past year, establishing strategic investment themes, building a strong leadership team and garnering internal support, while introducing GEHA and the federal opportunity to the external start-up and investor community.  Through these efforts, the program secured strategic deals that aligned with the organization's long-term goals – successfully funding and launching pilots that place breakthrough solutions in its member's hands.

One such pilot is with portfolio company You are Accountable, an innovative peer-based addiction recovery solution that is focused on the maintenance stage of change, enabling individuals to sustain their recovery long after acute treatment episodes. The pilot is an example of the tremendous potential impact of GEHA Ventures beyond financial returns alone.

In addition, Alexis is dedicated to supporting military veterans and their families through intentional philanthropic efforts, such as volunteering to serve military veterans on September 11, leading GEHA’s senior leadership team in a day of service with the Veterans Community Project, emphasizing transitional housing and mental health care services and spearheading and representing GEHA’s presence at Kansas City’s annual PrideFest. She also volunteers with her local chapter of Girls on the Run, promoting programs designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others.

By leveraging technology and cultivating a culture of innovation and wellness, Alexis has led her teams to achieve significant growth, paving the way for continued success and advancement in the future. Her forward-thinking approach solidifies her position as a driving force behind GEHA's continued evolution and success.

GEHA's Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer Alexis Rolloff won a Bronze Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year – Government or Nonprofit –11 to 2,500 Employees in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

Interested in entering the 2024 program?

Request the Entry Kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Last Chance to Register for the 7th Annual Women|Future Conference

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Jul 09, 2024 @ 12:55 PM

There's still time to register for the 7th annual Women|Future Conference, hosted by the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business!

This year’s conference will take place virtually on July 23, 2024. Sign up by visiting our registration page.

The mission of the 7th annual Women|Future Conference, hosted by the Stevie® Awards, is to foster connections and professional and personal development through insightful sessions, workshops, and networking. If you’re a small business owner, executive, entrepreneur, or considering starting a business, #WomenFuture24 is an event you won’t want to miss.

#WomenFuture24 Keynote Speaker and Agenda Details
We are excited to have Heather Hoytink, President, South Division PepsiCo Beverages North America, as our Keynote speaker for the 2024 Women|Future Conference.

5-Jul-09-2024-04-32-53-2957-PMHeather is the President of PBNA South Division, leading a beverage portfolio that has grown to nearly $5.5B since she stepped into the role in 2022. As the company’s first woman named division president, Heather is responsible for end-to-end P&L ownership and manages all cross-functional activity inclusive of commercial, go-to-market, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. Heather was honored with a Gold Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business.

Heather will be joined by ForbesWomen Contributor Vickie Chachere, to engage in an intimate fireside chat, delving into the profound impact of influence and relationships on one’s path to career success.

Virtual sessions are tailored to ambitious professionals looking to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections.

2-Jul-09-2024-04-32-54-1231-PMYou can expect discussions about everything from how to utilize mentorship as a path to professional and personal development, gain traction through public relations, and how technology affects human behavior. You’ll learn practical takeaways from sessions on marketing strategies, business ownership, and more. Sessions include:

Building a Trusted Brand: Authenticity in a Time of Public Scrutiny and Hot News Cycles

In this session hosted by Trust Relations CEO & Founder April White, panelists Rachel Griffin (Co-Founder of PlayWise Partners), Ronjini Joshua (Owner & President of The Silver Telegram) and Marissa Nance (CEO & Founder of Native Tongue Communications) will share advice for brand leaders to decide when to take a public stance on issues in the press, and how to ensure that when they decide to do so, they can back up their claims.
Unlocking Awards Success: The Power of Stevie Awards in Building Credibility and Business Growth

This panel discussion will delve into how organizations can utilize Stevie Awards to enhance their credibility, leverage their achievements to drive business growth, and effectively integrate award recognition into their overall strategic approach.

Breaking Barriers, Building Empires and Elevating Women: Driving Change in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Business3-Jul-09-2024-04-32-53-7765-PM

This session explores women’s journeys and experiences through the world of leadership and entrepreneurship, highlighting how passion-driven initiatives are breaking glass ceilings and revolutionizing business industries.

Leveraging AI Technology and Navigating the Social Media Landscape: Strategies for Business Growth & Success

In this dynamic panel discussion, we bring together a powerhouse of women who are at the forefront of innovation and technology. Join this session to delve into the realm of artificial intelligence and its transformative potential for businesses, led by a diverse panel comprising an AI tech startup Founder, Product Leader, AI Strategist, and SVP of Growth for Fortune 500 client brands. 


The 21st Stevie Awards for Women in Business
In 2018, the first annual Women|Future Conference was presented by the Stevie Awards to complement the highly successful Stevie® Awards for Women in Business program, the world’s top honors for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run. Many 2024 speakers are past and current Stevie Award winners who have earned recognition in one (or many) of our nine Stevie Awards programs.

Individuals and organizations can still submit nominations for the 2024 (21st annual) Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. The final entry deadline is July 24, but late entries will be accepted through August 21 with payment of a late fee. Request the Entry Kit Now.

Finalists will be announced in September, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie-winner placements of the Finalists revealed during a gala awards dinner in New York City on Friday, November 8.

Register for the Conference


Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women Future Conference's Stevie Award-Winning HR Leaders and Enterprise Solutions

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Mon, Jul 01, 2024 @ 09:25 AM

Swiss-based custom software product engineering company has operations in Romania and customers in DACH and the US. To date, their team of 250+ IT specialists has delivered 140+ complex enterprise solutions, with proven expertise in software and product engineering, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, data analytics, and integration services.

Having won multiple Stevie® Awards over the years, is skilled at delivering custom solutions for industries like retail, banking, fintech, and healthcare. They focus on understanding and meeting their clients' unique needs, providing excellent service every step of the way.

Partnering with means getting expert guidance through the complexities of modern technology. Whether it's creating tech advancement roadmaps or enhancing product offerings, they support clients at every stage. Their clients include businesses seeking to leverage technology for a competitive edge and streamline their operations. and team members won five awards in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers, including Achievement in Benefits Design and Administration; Employer of the Year - Computer Software; Human Resources Professional of the Year; Human Resources Executive of the Year; and Rising HR Star of the Year.

Rising HR Star of the YearRoxana Staneiu - Rising HR Star of the Year
People Director Roxana Staneiu won a Gold Stevie Award for Rising HR Star of the Year. This award category recognizes the achievements of human resources professionals under the age of 30.

On winning the award, Staneiu commented:

This recognition holds a special place in my heart. It’s genuine proof that we are on the right path and that our collective dedication, authenticity, and passion for lifelong learning are reshaping and innovating industry practices. 

She explained how they foster a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization:

We support people in embracing a growth mindset, encouraging curiosity, lifelong learning, and trying out new things without the fear of failure “Fail fast. Fail better.” Our approach encompasses multilateral development, bringing together training programs, mentorship opportunities, and a culture of giving feedback on the spot feedback while nurturing psychological safety inside teams.

Learning is a never-ending journey, and we are happy to be next to our people to empower and guide them every step of the way.

She says their focus remains on becoming better every day, innovating, and fostering a place of trust in which they can co-create together with their partners. They are committed to further enhancing their people’s growth initiatives, leveraging cutting-edge technology to drive impactful change and innovation, such as AI-driven learning.

Human Resources Professional of the Year
People & Culture Specialist Estera Fodorean won a Silver Stevie for HR Professional of the Year. When asked what this recognition meant to her and her team, she explained:

Estera Fodorean - Human Resources Professional of the YearFor years, navigating the professional landscape, I've encountered societal norms that often dictated a rigid definition of professionalism. These norms implied that real professionals should appear as very serious figures with little to no laughing or jokes, avoid forming deep bonds with colleagues, hide their emotions, and keep personal challenges hidden. It felt completely unnatural, and I was determined to stick to my authentic style of a people-person.

Winning a Stevie award for professionalism signifies the transcendence of these outdated beliefs for me and my team. It's a testament to our commitment to authenticity, fostering genuine connections, and embracing both the challenges and joys of our work environment while maintaining quality in everything that we do.

Looking ahead, Fodorean says that her commitment remains focused on continuous learning and contributing to her team, community, and all those around her.

They will continue to "inspire and encourage each other, provide opportunities for professional development, encourage mentorship and knowledge sharing, and celebrate the achievements and milestones of team members." and team members won a Gold Stevie, two Silver Stevies, and two Bronze Stevie Awards in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers.

Interested in entering the 2024 program?

Request Your Entry Kit

Topics: great employers

Meet Our Keynote Speaker for Women|Future 2024: Heather Hoytink of PepsiCo

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Jun 25, 2024 @ 08:00 AM

We are excited to announce the keynote speaker for the 2024 Women|Future Conference, Heather Hoytink, President, South Division PepsiCo Beverages North America.

Keeping with our tradition of past Stevie® Award winners keynoting the conference, Heather was honored with a Gold Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business.

2024 WFC Session Graphics (1920 × 1080 px)-2
Heather is the President of PBNA South Division, leading a beverage portfolio that has grown to nearly $5.5B since she stepped into the role in 2022. As the company’s first woman named division president, Heather is responsible for end-to-end P&L ownership and manages all cross-functional activity inclusive of commercial, go-to-market, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. 

Heather's Keynote, "Igniting Your Influence," will be the opening session of #WomenFuture24, at 10:00 am ET on July 23.

In 2024, she was honored as a 2024 “Woman Who Means Business” by the Orlando Business Journal, and last year she was selected as one of Florida’s 500 most influential business leaders by Florida Trend Magazine. Her other recent accolades include Orlando Magazine’s 2023 Woman of the Year, Profiles in Diversity Journal’s 2023 Woman Worth Watching in Leadership, and during her nearly 20-year career at PepsiCo, Heather has served in sales and operating leadership roles of increasing responsibility across all four beverage divisions.

From 2017 to 2019, Heather served as Senior Vice President of Foodservice Sales, during which she delivered record 10-year revenue growth and scaled the first e-commerce online ordering platform, PepsiCo Partners, to 30,000 customers. As a champion of diversity, inclusion and employee engagement initiatives, Heather has continued to tap into her personal values through her team’s “Returnship” program with non-profit Path Forward, aiming to help women professionals return to the workforce after taking time off for caregiving. She led the rollout of PepsiCo’s internal program, “One Smile at a Time,” which encourages and recruits employees for volunteer events in their communities.

Heather will be joined by ForbesWomen Contributor, Vickie Chachere, to engage in an intimate fireside chat, delving into the profound impact of influence and relationships on one's path to career success.

Vickie previously served as the executive editor of Florida Trend, an award-winning business and public affairs magazine. Before that, she led communications for the University of South Florida Research & Innovation, highlighting its achievements as a leading public research university. Her journalism background includes roles as a supervisory correspondent for the Associated Press and a reporter and editorial writer for the Tampa Tribune. She is dedicated to exploring and explaining the complex issues that shape our world. 

Now a freelance journalist and communications consultant, she uses her extensive knowledge of global challenges, economic development, and public policy to create engaging and impactful content for various audiences. With over 30 years of experience, she excels in writing and speechwriting, delivering clear and compelling messages that inform and inspire.

This year’s conference will take place virtually on July 23, 2024. Sign up by visiting our registration page.

WFC24 RegisterThe mission of the 7th annual Women|Future Conference, hosted by the Stevie® Awards, is to foster connections and professional and personal development through insightful sessions, workshops, and networking.

If you’re a small business owner, executive, entrepreneur, or considering starting a business, #WomenFuture24 is an event you won’t want to miss.

Sessions are tailored to ambitious professionals looking to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections.

You can expect discussions about everything from how to utilize mentorship as a path to professional and personal development, gain traction through public relations, and how technology affects human behavior.

You will learn practical takeaways from sessions on marketing strategies, business ownership, and more. Session Topics include:

  • Building a Trusted Brand: Authenticity in a Time of Public Scrutiny and Hot News Cycles
  • Unlocking Awards Success: The Power of Stevie Awards in Building Credibility and Business Growth
  • Breaking Barriers, Building Empires and Elevating Women: Driving Change in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Business
  • Leveraging AI Technology and Navigating the Social Media Landscape: Strategies for Business Growth & Success

Women from cities across the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, and Europe attend the conference year after year to be inspired, build resilience, and share insights into changes that impact their industries, their careers, and their lives. 

The Women|Future Conference is a great opportunity to build industry connections, share challenges, and brainstorm solutions alongside women like you. In any given session, you may find yourself in the company of the Founder of a non-profit, an Entrepreneur, a Publicist, and a CEO.

View the Full Agenda and Speakers online now.

Register to Learn from the Best and Join Our Growing Community of Ambitious Women in Business!

To learn more about the Women|Future Conference speakers and view the full agenda, visit

For partnership, press, and media inquiries, contact

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women Future Conference

Multiple Stevie-winner Drives Change With Future-Minded Women

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Jun 21, 2024 @ 09:46 AM

NegruStevie-winner is a Swiss-based custom software product engineering company with operations in Romania and customers in DACH and the US.

To date, their team of 250+ IT specialists has delivered 140+ complex enterprise solutions, with proven expertise in software and product engineering, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, data analytics, and integration services.

With multiple Stevie® Award wins for consecutive years, they stand out in their ability to cater to a wide range of industries, including retail, banking, fintech, food tech, healthcare, pharma, hospitality, publishing, and real estate. Their core mission revolves around being the partner of choice for data and product engineering to drive business growth and deliver an impact within your organization.

At, they cover the entire development cycle from business research, consulting, and architecture to post-implementation testing and maintenance. Whether it's establishing roadmaps for technological advancement or enhancing product offerings, they provide comprehensive support to clients at every stage of their journey.

They continue their growth process, relying on continuous learning, a particularly important element for, which translates into projects from various industries, new technologies, the scaling of existing projects through processes that allow partners competitive advantages.

Leading Women in IT
With a team of dedicated engineers proficient in end-to-end software services, offers expertise in business analysis, architecture, development, integration, maintenance, and support.

Beyond delivering technical solutions, they foster an intrapreneurial environment where individuals can thrive both professionally and personally. This approach not only ensures the success of their projects but also cultivates a culture of innovation and collaboration within the organization. won multiple Stevie Awards in the 2023 edition of the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, including a Silver Stevie for Fastest Growing Company of the Year. Anamaria Bumbar, Head of Customer Success at, won a Bronze Stevie for Female Executive of the Year.

Anamaria Bumbar - BRONZE STEVIE® AWARD at the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in BusinessAnamaria commented on her win:

"Winning the Bronze Stevie® Award in the Female Executive of the Year category was a pleasant surprise for both me and my team. It's certainly encouraging to see our efforts acknowledged in such a manner.

This recognition serves as a gentle reminder that the good work we put in each day doesn't go unnoticed. We're grateful for the honor and it motivates us to keep pushing forward with our goals."

Anamaria has worked with "from the very beginning," embracing different roles with passion, such as Scrum Master, Project Manager, People Manager, and Key Account Manager. She now successfully manages an operational team of over 220 people. Over the past 8 years, Anamaria has successfully contributed to numerous international projects, delivering more than 70 projects successfully with her dedicated teams.

Anamaria explained the importance of cultivating an environment where learning is embraced:

"We believe in the power of curiosity and encourage our team members to explore new ideas and approaches. This involves providing ample opportunities for professional development, whether it's through workshops, training sessions, or mentorship programs.

By fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration, we create an atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to contribute and grow." operates by promoting the principles of holocracy, eschewing traditional hierarchy for self-organizing teams. This innovative approach distributes responsibility and decision-making throughout the organization, fostering inclusivity and innovation.

CEO of Lucia Stoicescu explained how they encourage continuous learning in the workplace:
Lucia Stoicescu (1)
"We promote a learning environment through professional development opportunities, participation in industry events, and internal knowledge-sharing sessions. By nurturing curiosity and innovation within our team, we encourage our community to grow, contribute fresh ideas, and drive our progress in the rapidly evolving tech landscape."

She commented that their focus remains on delivering high-impact AI-driven solutions to meet clients' unique challenges and strategic goals. By expanding into new markets and deepening their industry expertise, they are committed to driving sustainable growth for both the company and its clients. won a Silver Stevie Award for Fastest Growing Company of the Year, and's Head of Customer Success Anamaria Bumbar won a Bronze Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year – Business Products – 11 to 2,500 Employees - Computer Software in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

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Highlights From The 22nd Annual American Business Awards® Ceremony

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Jun 14, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

More than 450 Stevie® Award winners, their guests, and Stevie judges gathered for The 22nd annual American Business Awards® at a gala on Tuesday, June 11 at the Marriott Marquis in New York City.

For those unable to attend, the ceremony was streamed live on Vimeo. You can watch the full ceremony replay on our site and our YouTube channel.

More than 3,700 nominations were submitted to the 2024 competition by organizations and individuals. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in the various categories were announced in April, as selected by the ratings of more than 300 professionals worldwide. Winners of five Grand ("best of show") trophies were announced in May, while winners of People's Choice Stevie Awards, chosen in a worldwide public vote, were announced later in May.

The American Business Awards recognize achievement in the workplace in a wide variety of categories and have come to be recognized as the premier business awards program in the United States.

View and download photos from the event here.


How the Awards Were Presented
To start the evening, gala attendees first enjoyed a formal reception in the lounge outside of the ballroom, providing an excellent opportunity to network and establish new business connections with other Stevie-winning professionals and leaders. This was followed by a dinner and the awards presentations.

During the presentations, each organization was introduced individually. A short video produced by the Stevie Awards showcased the winning organization, followed by the winners' acceptance speech on stage. After receiving their award(s), winners were invited to the red carpet area outside the event room for interviews, where they were asked two questions:

  • "What does winning a Stevie Award mean for your organization?"
  • "How will winning a Stevie Award help your organization?"

Acceptance speeches and interview clips will be available on the Stevie Awards YouTube channel.


Winner Highlights
All organizations operating in the USA–large and small, public and private, for-profit and non-profit–were eligible to submit nominations to the ABAs in a wide range of categories. This year, we witnessed a surge of nominations in categories like Product Innovation, Innovation of the Year across diverse industries, and Technology Categories, mirroring the influence of new and emerging technologies shaping our nation.

One of first winners honored on stage was Boost Payment Solutions of New York, NY. A global leader in B2B payments, Boost Payment Solutions seamlessly serves the needs of today's commercial trading partners, eliminating friction and delivering process efficiency, payment security, data insights, and revenue optimization.

Boost Founder and CEO Dean M. Leavitt was there to take home a Gold Stevie for Best Financial Services Entrepreneur, and the company itself earned two additional Gold Stevies and a Bronze Stevie Award for Achievement in Finance, Company of the Year, and Most Innovative Company of the Year, respectively.

Attending from Rochester, NY, Kodak was also among the first organizations honored. Internationally recognized, Kodak manufactures industry-leading hardware, software, and services for commercial print, packaging, publishing, manufacturing, and entertainment. They earned a Gold Stevie Award for Best Business Technology Pivot for their Inkjet Print Technology.

Also celebrated that evening was RED @ Vanguard, the in-house agency at Vanguard, a Grand Stevie Award winner for Most Honored Marketing Agency of the Year. The Grand Stevie Awards are best-of-competition prizes awarded to only a handful of organizations that submit the best body of work to the competition, in their own name or in the names of one or more clients, or have the highest-rated nomination in the competition. The Grand Stevie Award trophy cannot be applied for directly.

Based in Malvern, Pennsylvania, RED @ Vanguard specializes in creative and strategic marketing solutions to support Personal Investor Marketing at Vanguard. The agency earned 14 points for three Gold, one Silver, and two Bronze Stevie Award-winning nominations.

Organizations at the ceremony that won three or more Gold Stevie Awards include:
Advanced Drainage Systems (Columbus, OH), Cisco (San Jose, CA), Hilton Software (Coral Springs, FL), IBM (Armonk, NY), Logical Position (Lake Oswego, OR), and The Stories and Wisdom Company (Seattle, WA). 

Other winning organizations that were in attendance include:, Inc., (Jericho, NY); American Bar Association, (Chicago, IL); DHL Supply Chain (Westerville, OH); eBay Inc. (Draper, UT); Fidelity Investments (Jersey City, NJ); Kaiser Permanente (Oakland, CA); Liberty Bankers Insurance Group  (Dallas, TX); Lockheed Martin (Bethesda, MD); (Las Vegas, NV); Shawarma Press Franchising (Irving, TX); Toshiba America Business Solutions (Lake Forest, CA), and many others. See full list of winning organizations in attendance.

Watch the full ceremony here. 

Sponsors of The 2024 American Business Awards include Melissa Sones Consulting and SoftPro.

The 2025 American Business Awards
Entries for the 2025 edition of the American Business Awards will be accepted starting this October. Join the mailing list for the entry kit and it will be emailed to you then. Learn more about The American Business Awards at

Topics: American business awards

Cultivating a Positive Workplace With a People-First HR Approach

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Jun 06, 2024 @ 09:52 AM

Talia DAquinoStevie-winner Talia D'Aquino, in her role as People Experience Specialist at Seer Medical, won a Bronze Stevie Award for Rising HR Star of the Year in the 2023 program of the Stevie® Awards for Great Employers.

Seer Medical is a healthcare company that specializes in neurological care and diagnostics. They provide comprehensive monitoring solutions for patients with neurological conditions such as epilepsy.

Rising HR Start of the Year
Talia's leadership skills were instrumental in building a productive and positive work culture at Seer Medical. Her people-first approach to work led to an increase in employee satisfaction, reduced staff turnover, and increased employee engagement. 

Her fellow employees described her as "supportive, encouraging, and approachable" and maintained that her efforts contributed to increasing morale and an increasingly supportive company culture. Talia's dedication to ensuring communication with the broader team was evident in her availability and approachability.

Talia undertook several HR-related initiatives and achieved outstanding results. One of her most notable achievements is the creation of Seer’s comprehensive onboarding system, which includes a welcome email, reference guide, department-specific inductions, a new starter hub, and a buddy system. This initiative improved employee retention and job satisfaction.

Talia also achieved success with the planning and project management of several internal company events, including a company blood drive and a charity walk for epilepsy, demonstrating her strong commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.

Talia’s approach to her role at Seer was underpinned by her “people-first” mindset. This is particularly evident when considering her commitment to fostering and upholding regular and thoughtful communication with her colleagues across all areas of the organization. During times of organizational change, which can be a difficult time for some employees, Talia offered support to several of her impacted colleagues on an individual basis and was able to inform them of the relevant external support resources available. In addition, Talia is a qualified mental health first aid officer and consistently uses this training to support her colleagues.

Since earning her Stevie Award, Talia has joined a new organization to help them transform their HR department and enable further team growth.

Talia D'Aquino won a Bronze Stevie Award for Rising HR Star of the Year in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers.

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Gold Stevie-winner Entek Elektrik's Approach to Talent Development

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Jun 06, 2024 @ 09:34 AM

23 spotlight Square-6Stevie-winner Entek Elektrik, a prominent player in the renewable energy sector, specializes in offering a wide array of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. The company focuses on various aspects of the energy sector, including power generation, transmission, and renewable energy integration.

In the realm of power generation, Entek Elektrik employs advanced technologies and engineering expertise to design and implement efficient and reliable power generation systems.

Furthermore, Entek Elektrik plays a vital role in power transmission projects, contributing to the stable and reliable supply of electricity to communities and industries. Through the deployment of cutting-edge infrastructure and grid management systems, the company enhances the efficiency and resilience of power networks.

Most Innovative Talent Management Program
Entek Elektrik has consistently ranked first among Koç Group Companies in the Employee Engagement Survey for three consecutive years, showcasing its commitment to fostering a positive work environment.

By focusing on critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills, Entek has empowered its employees to adapt to changing market dynamics and drive innovation within the organization. Through feedback sessions, mentoring programs, and development opportunities, individuals receive personalized support to enhance their capabilities and contribute to the company's overall success.

Additionally, the company has established partnerships with esteemed institutions such as Koç University, Harvard Business School, and Columbia Business School to provide high-quality training and development opportunities, underscoring its commitment to employee growth and value creation.

Furthermore, Entek Elektrik has prioritized employee skill development, evident in the significant improvement in critical thinking competencies among its work force. The average score in the Watson Glaser test increased from 28 out of 40 in 2017 to 33 by 2022, positioning its employees in the top 20% of the workforce in Turkey based on the test results. This focus on skill enhancement is reinforced through initiatives like the Talent Forward Program, aimed at promoting continuous learning and agility among employees.

Over the years, Entek Elektrik has achieved excellent progress in employee engagement. Their employee engagement score increased significantly from 62% in 2016 to 87.3% by 2021. The company has also witnessed growth in loyalty scores in the Career and Development category, rising from 48% in 2016 to 92% in 2021. Entek Elektrik continues to address the evolving challenges of the modern energy landscape with its expertise and commitment to excellence.

Entek Elektrik won a Gold Stevie Award for Most Innovative Talent Management Program in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers.

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Novavax Advances Vaccine Research While Empowering Employees

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Jun 06, 2024 @ 09:25 AM

Novavax logoStevie-winner Novavax is a biotechnology company dedicated to protecting global health through the discovery, development, and commercialization of innovative vaccines.

Since 1987, Novavax scientists have been refining the company’s protein-based platform, gaining valuable research experience on diseases like Ebola, Influenza, and RSV. Utilizing recombinant nanoparticle vaccine technology, they aim to revolutionize vaccine development by producing highly immunogenic and efficacious vaccines with an excellent safety profile. The company's pipeline includes candidates targeting a diverse array of infectious diseases, with several products progressing through clinical trials.

In 2020, Novavax announced positive Phase 3 results for its influenza vaccine candidate. When the pandemic began, Novavax quickly shifted resources to develop a vaccine. In 2022, Novavax received authorization for its protein-based COVID-19 vaccine, offering a more traditional option, similar to well-known vaccines for flu, hepatitis, and shingles. The vaccine is approved in over 40 countries and has been granted WHO Emergency Use Listing.

In early 2023, Novavax welcomed new CEO John Jacobs, who aligned the organization around three priorities: delivering an updated COVID vaccine for the upcoming vaccination season, ensuring the company is operating in line with the transition to endemic, and leveraging the drug pipeline and technology to deliver long-term growth and protect global health.

"SuperNova" Novavax Employees
Despite rapid growth, Novavax has never wavered from its focus on its employees, internally referred to as "Supernovas." As the company navigated growth amid intense COVID-19 timelines, Novavax bolstered leadership and employee communications. Novavax created several global initiatives to increase senior leader engagement and develop teams, with a specific focus on:

  • Continued growth informed and motivated through leader-led Global Forums covering company-wide business topics, and smaller “SuperNova Sessions” focused on function-level topics.
  • Providing opportunities for employees to stay connected with senior leaders, such as regular small group listening sessions called “Jam with John” with the new CEO, John Jacobs, to get to know employees on a personal level, understand their day-to-day experiences, and gather feedback on operations.Novavax team photo
  • Supporting ongoing leadership development through Leading@Novavax, a new leadership competency model to support the “every SuperNova is a leader” philosophy, providing access for every employee to work with a certified executive coach and an Executive Development program for the next generation of senior leaders.
  • Facilitating career growth, professional development, well-being, and relationship building through quarterly SuperNova Learning Series workshops, a Leadership Book Club, and multiple coaching and leadership development programs to prepare and promote a diverse set of leaders into higher levels of leadership at the company.

Through partnerships and ongoing research efforts, Novavax is dedicated to contributing to the prevention and control of infectious diseases on a global scale.

Novavax won a Silver Stevie Award for Pharmaceuticals Employer of the Year in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers.

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