Stevie Awards Search Now Powered by Google

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Jan 11, 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Powered by GoogleIn order to better serve our website visitors, The Stevie® Awards has updated and improved the search function on our websites.

Our newly added search function powered by Google provides:

  1. Easier access to information
    Now, searching on any one of our four awards program web sites - The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, and The Stevie Awards for Women in Business – will produce consolidated, fresh search results from all four sites.
  2. Consolidated search results
    With search results provided by Google, you’ll find what you’re looking for faster and in a format you’re accustomed to.

To access our search powered by Google, enter your keywords in the "Search Site" box at the top of any Stevie Awards webpage and hit enter.

Have you tried our new site search? Let us know what you think!  

Topics: International business awards, American business awards, stevie awards for women in business, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, Google

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