Grand Stevie Winners Announced in 2024 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Apr 22, 2024 @ 06:35 PM

Watsons honored as Organization of the Year

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, announced the winners of five Grand Stevie® Award trophies in the 11th annual Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards, the only awards program to recognize innovation in the workplace throughout the Asia-Pacific region. 

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in various categories were announced on 10 April. Those awards were determined by the average scores of more than 150 executives worldwide acting as judges. The 2024 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards have recognized organizations in 25 markets including Australia, Cambodia, mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Estonia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam. 

The Grand (“best of show”) Stevie Award trophy is awarded to only a handful of organizations in each of the nine Stevie Awards competitions. In the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, one Grand Stevie Award is presented to the most honored organization, and one each to the highest-scoring nomination from the four markets that submitted the most nominations.

APSA Winners Announced - Rectangle (1)

The 2024 Grand Stevie Award for Most Honored Organization of the Year goes to Watsons, headquartered in Hong Kong, with 72.5 award points. This award could not be applied for directly. The award is determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the competition, with a Gold Stevie win counting for 3 points, a Silver Stevie for 2 points, and a Bronze Stevie counting for 1.5.

The Grand Stevie Awards presented to the highest-scoring nomination from each of the four markets that submitted the most nominations to the competition are:

From Australia: Farmbot Monitoring Solutions, of Roseville, New South Wales, for their “Farmbot Pump Control – Innovating Water Management for Agriculture” nomination, a Gold Stevie Award winner for Innovation in Digital Transformation, with an average score of 9.00/10.

From China: Beijing apm, nominated by Brand Head, winner of a Gold Stevie for their nomination “A ‘healing’ mall other than a ‘shopping" mall’ for Innovation in Consumer Events (8.86/10).

From India: IntouchCX, Hyderabad, for their Most Innovative Customer Service Team nomination, a Gold Stevie winner in that category, average score 8.67.

From the Philippines: Shell companies in the Philippines (SciP), Taguig City, for their nomination “Empowering farmers, enriching communities: the transformative impact of Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc.,” which won a Gold Stevie for Innovation in Community Relations or Public Service Communications, with an average score of 9.33/10.

Winners in the 2024 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards will be celebrated during an awards banquet on 24 May at Shangri-La The Fort Hotel in Manila, Philippines. Tickets for the awards banquet are on sale now.

PR Newswire Asia is the official news release distribution partner of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

adobo magazine is the official Creative Media Partner of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

Topics: business awards, stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Grand Stevie Winner, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

3 Lessons Cancer Taught Me About Leadership and Life by Jeffrey Deckman

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Jun 28, 2023 @ 03:39 PM

Long before corporations were focusing on creating caring cultures—or even thinking about it—Jeffrey Deckman was at the forefront, educating CEOs and other senior leaders to give up the old “power and control” mindset and replace it with one that focuses upon leaders being high-level communicators, collaborators, and facilitators of their organization’s human capital.

Jeffrey Deckman has 45 years of management experience, 40 of which have been as a serial entrepreneur, having built two multi-million dollar companies in the technology sector before becoming a leading consultant on the next evolution of leadership.

He offers powerful and transformative coaching, consulting, and training programs based upon his award-winning Amazon best-selling book Developing the Conscious Leadership Mindset for the 21st Century.JDeckman photo

Deckman has won multiple Stevie® Awards for Best Business Book and Best E-Book in both The International Business Awards® and The American Business Awards®. He also has won Innovator of the Year in The International Business Awards.

Below is an inspiring blog that Jeffrey Deckman recently published and sent to his growing following of leaders and that is now re-published here with his permission. May you find it as inspiring as so many already have!


3 Lessons Cancer Taught Me About Leadership and Life

Today is the 79th anniversary of D-Day. It also marks the 7th anniversary of my final radiation treatment in my “battle” with stage 4 cancer.

Since that day, and my second chance at life, my life has been catapulted to a whole new level. I walked my daughter down the aisle. I have become a grandfather twice! I have seen both my sons buy homes, get engaged and blossom in their careers. I wrote my book that went on to win two national and two international Stevie awards, created a leadership process that won IBA’s bronze Innovator of the Year award. I also met and married the woman of my dreams who is my best friend and my unicorn!

Life is good. I am so very thankful to still be here.

The Beginning
During Thanksgiving of 2015 my daughter saw a marble-sized lump in my neck that I had been watching for a few weeks, hoping it would go away. She is a massage therapist, reiki practitioner and an energy healer. When she saw it, she intuitively knew, as she told me later, that I had cancer, and it was stage 4.

“What’s that lump, dad?” was the sentence that started a year-long journey that forever changed my life.

After the holidays, I put the ball in motion and by February my biopsy and PET scan revealed the diagnosis of stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma. Nice call Allison!

From that moment, I knew I was going to have to both learn and demonstrate a new level of self-control and leadership that was very different than the type required of me as a father and business owner over the previous 40 years.

While much of what I had learned through my career gave me a solid foundation from which to work, this powerful experience taught me even more. Below are three of the biggest lessons I learned.

  1. Develop a plan. Be creative. And choose your partners wisely.

Between February and my first day of treatments, April 18th of 2016, which fittingly was the same day as the Boston Marathon, I developed my treatment strategy. I chose an innovative approach involving both traditional and holistic protocols. I then assembled a team of healing partners which included traditional oncology professionals, holistic practitioners, and Dr. Jody Noe - a world renowned integrative oncologist and healer who was also a Cherokee medicine woman.

  1. Life doesn’t happen to me; life happens for me. Every experience is a gift.

After a long series of internal conversations and consciousness work, I came to understand that the primary force in the universe is creation and, what could be called, divine love. (If the primary force was destruction and hate the universe would never have been created in the first place and babies wouldn’t be born pure.)

Therefore, the source of anything which happens to me is a gift of love, not a punishment. With that realization, it became my job to find the gifts in the experience I was having. Seeking them would give me purpose. Finding purpose would give me courage. Embracing both would prevent me from falling into the depths of fear, which could have proven deadly.

  1. Every experience is a class.

Joy was an incredibly wise “earth angel” whom I met on my journey. Joy had already lost her husband and daughter to cancer. These experiences led her to immerse herself in the study of spiritual and natural path treatments. Joy’s sage advice was that I had to learn to love the cancer. Her reasoning was that anything other than love in my system was simply another form of cancer. And I already had enough of that in my body.

It seemed like an impossible challenge. But I trusted her wisdom. Over the next few days, I struggled trying to find a way to “love the cancer.” Then I found it.

With my new understanding that everything is a gift of love the question to answer was: If the universe was using cancer as a gift of love how would it show it to me?

The answer that came was that it would appear as a teacher about the value of life and the importance of love, itself. From that moment, I committed to learn as much as possible from this powerful teacher.

As I embraced this truth, every challenge, pain, frustration, and fear became a class on love designed to help me to grow in gratitude, appreciation, and determination. The classes were often very difficult, but the payoffs far exceeded the tuition they extracted.

To this day, every time I am challenged, frustrated or fearful I ask myself: “What class am I in?” The moment I pose that question my stress begins to lessen and a sense of curiosity, purpose, and empowerment appears. This gifts me with a mindset which allows me to make my decisions with a clear mind and an open heart, which is the best mindset to have when the stakes are incredibly high.

In addition, I’ve learned beautiful lessons about compassion, empathy, and gratitude that I would never have without the gift of the perspective I received through my cancer experience.

Finally, I learned that if I could find the love in the cancer experience, I could find it in any experience. To this day that is the gift that keeps giving.

To learn more life changing lessons the cancer experience gifted me with I invite you to watch this interview.


Topics: The Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards presented to two winners in the Korea Business Communication Awards

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Feb 23, 2023 @ 07:32 PM
Our Founder and Executive Chairman, Michael Gallagaher, was approached by Seok Bong Bae about working with him and the Korea Business Communicators Association (KBCA) to promote the Stevie Awards in Korea in May 2006. Mr. Bae visited with Mr. Gallagher in Washington, DC that month. Mr. Gallagher first visited Seoul in August that year – he remembers, it was very hot! Mr. Bae and the KBCA have been the representative of the Stevie Awards in Korea from then until now. Mr. Bae is president of the rep. of the Stevie Awards in Korea. 
The KBCA was established in 1988. Every year, they hold the Korea Business Communication Awards in Seoul and have a tradition of presenting each trophy of the two Stevie Awards, The International Business Awards (IBA) and the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards (APSA). The 2022 (32th annual) Korea Business Communication Awards was held at the Korea Press Center on November 30, 2022. This year, LX received an IBA trophy and CHUNJAE TEXT BOOK Co. Ltd received an APSA trophy. LX is a public organization that has been contributing to the protection of property rights for the Korean people and the development of the national cadastral system since 1977. CHUNJAE TEXT BOOK Co. Ltd is a publishing company expert in government-designated textbooks. 
대한민국 커뮤니케이션 대상에서 두 수상자에게 스티비상이 수여되다
스티비어워즈의 설립자인 마이클 갤러허 회장은 배석봉 현 스티비어워즈 한국대표로부터 한국사보협회와 함께 스티비어워즈를 한국에 소개하겠다는 제안을 2006년 5월에 받았다. 배 대표는 그 달 미국 워싱턴 DC에서 마이클 회장을 만났고, 마이클 회장은 그 해 8월 서울을 처음으로 방문했다. 그의 기억에 무척이나 더웠던 여름이었다. 그때부터 배 대표와 한국사보협회는 스티비어워즈의 한국대표부가 되었다.   
한국사보협회는 1988년 설립되었다. 매년 대한민국 커뮤니케이션 대상을 서울에서 개최하는데, 스티비어워즈의 두 대상 프로그램인 국제 비즈니스 대상(The International Business Awards)과 아시아-태평양 스티비상 (Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)의 트로피를 각각 하나씩 수상자에게 수여하는 전통이 있다. 올해로 32회를 맞이한 2022년 대상에서는 한국국토정보공사(LX)가 국제 비즈니스 대상 트로피를, (주)천재교과서가 아태 스티비상 트로피를 차지했다. 한국국토정보공사는 1977년 창설 이래 한국인들의 토지 권리를 보호하고 국가 토지대상 시스템의 발전에 공헌해온 공기관이다. (주)천재교과서는 정부 지정 교과서를 전문으로 하는 출판사이다. 
Mr. Michael Gallagher, Mr. Heungki Kim, president of KBCA, and KBCA staffs in Seoul in August 2006
Winners of the Stevie Awards in the 2022 (32th annual) Korea Business Communication Awards
2022 KBCA - Stevie Awards Winners.jpg

Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, 스티비상

Werden sie Jurymitglied der 2023 Stevie® Awards Programme

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Dec 21, 2022 @ 04:00 AM

Wir laden Geschäftsleute, Vordenker, Unternehmer, Innovatoren und andere Personen aus aller Welt ein, sich als Juroren für die folgenden Stevie® Awards-Programme 2023 zu bewerben: German Stevie® Awards, Middle East & North Africa Stevie® AwardsAsia-Pacific Stevie® Awards.

Die Auswahl oder Nominierung als Jurymitglied ist eine ehren- und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe. Sie spiegelt nicht nur das Fachwissen einer Person in einem bestimmten Beruf wider, sondern zeigt auch, dass diese Person über hohe ethische Standards verfügt und in ihrer Geschäftswelt anerkannt ist und Vertrauen genießt. Qualifizierte Bewerber werden in Juryausschüsse für Marketing, Unternehmertum, neue Produkte, Technologie, Vordenkerrolle und vieles mehr berufen.

Jedes Jahr nehmen mehr als 1.000 Fachleute an der Bewertung der Stevie Awards teil. Die Durchschnittsnoten der Juroren bestimmen die Gewinner in jeder Stevie Awards-Kategorie. Da dies eine entscheidende Komponente der Stevie Awards-Wettbewerbe ist, achten wir sehr darauf, die Integrität des Juryprozesses zu wahren. Das Jurorenteam stellt sicher, dass die Jurymitglieder Experten und Fachleute in ihrer Branche sind, und führt regelmäßige Kontrollen und Überprüfungen des gesamten Prozesses durch. Das Juryteam steht neuen Jurymitgliedern als Ratgeber zur Verfügung und veranstaltet Sitzungen, um die korrekten Jury-Protokolle zu erläutern.

Vorteile für Stevie Awards-Juroren

Als Jurymitglied erfahren Sie, wie andere Organisationen oder Einzelpersonen Erfolge erzielen und Herausforderungen bewältigen. Im Folgenden finden Sie die exklusiven Vorteile einer Jurymitgliedschaft bei den Stevie Awards:

  • Anerkennung - Während des Beurteilungsprozesses werden die Jurymitglieder auf der Stevie Awards-Website und im Stevie Awards-Blog gewürdigt und erhalten eine Urkunde in Papierform und im PDF-Format, die gerahmt werden kann.
  • Profil - Sich als Jurymitglied zu qualifizieren ist eine Ehre und ein Privileg. Die Erwähnung dieses Amtes kann Ihrem beruflichen Profil hinzugefügt werden.
  • Self-Development & Awareness - Die Juroren lernen bei der Bewertung der Beiträge Strategien, Taktiken und bewährte Verfahren anderer Branchenvertreter kennen und haben so die einmalige Gelegenheit, neue Markttrends sofort zu erkennen.
  • Verleihungszeremonie - Alle Jurymitglieder sind herzlich eingeladen, an der Preisverleihung teilzunehmen, die am Ende eines jeden Wettbewerbs stattfindet. Genießen Sie einen spektakulären Abend, an dem Sie mit den Preisträgern und anderen Jurymitgliedern Kontakte knüpfen können.
  • Einladungen zum Jurieren zukünftiger Wettbewerbe

Bevor Sie sich als Juror bewerben

Für die folgenden Stevie Awards-Wettbewerbe sind noch Jurorenstellen offen. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, als Juror zu fungieren, folgen sie einem der unten stehenden Links, um weitere Informationen zu den jeweiligen Wettbewerben zu erhalten:

Angehende Juroren sollten darauf achten, dass ihr LinkedIn-Profil auf dem neuesten Stand ist, Ihre aktuelle Erfahrung widerspiegelt und einen Wettbewerbsvorteil darstellt.


Judge-Testimonials-Farzan-InstaDie einzelnen Kriterien unterscheiden sich je nach Kategorie, aber der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Gesamtqualität des Beitrags: Sowohl einer Bewertung der Behaupteten im Bezug auf Innovation, Integrität, Effektivität, Kreativität, Wachstum usw., die in dem Beitrag gemacht werden, im Verhältnis zur Erfahrung der Jury und ihrer Kenntnis der Branche des Teilnehmers, als auch die Qualität des Beitrags selbst.

Die Juroren legen Wert auf gut geschriebene Beiträge, die: (1) viele Fakten, Zahlen und konkrete Ergebnisse enthalten; (2) nahe an der Wortgrenze für die jeweilige Kategorie liegen (d. h. nicht als zu kurz empfunden werden); und (3) durch Anhänge unterstützt werden, z. B. Links zu einer Unternehmenswebseite, Presseausschnitte, Arbeitsbeispiele usw.

Wir empfehlen angehenden Juroren, die Teilnahmeunterlagen für den Wettbewerb, für den sie Preisrichter sein möchten, anzufordern, damit sie sich mit den Kriterien und Einreichungsanforderungen vertraut machen können.

Nominierungen, die mit dem Goldenen Stevie ausgezeichnet wurden, sind auf der Website der Stevie Awards verlinkt. Dies ist ein gutes Hilfsmittel für angehende Juroren, um zu erfahren, wie eine hoch bewertete Stevie-Nominierung aussieht.


Alle Einsendungen werden zunächst von Stevie Awards-Mitarbeitern geprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass die Teilnahmebedingungen erfüllt sind, dass die Einsendungen ordnungsgemäß formatiert sind, um zur Bewertung weitergeleitet zu werden, und dass die Einsendungen in den entsprechenden Kategorien eingereicht wurden.

Alle Juroren erhalten schriftliche Anweisungen zur Bewertung der Beiträge. Die Juroren werden gebeten, die in den einzelnen Beiträgen dargestellten Leistungen zu bewerten, und zwar auf der Grundlage a) ihrer eigenen Erfahrung und b) ihres Verständnisses der Leistung von Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen in der Branche des Nominierten in dem Zeitraum, für den die Teilnahmeberechtigung gilt, unter Berücksichtigung der Wirtschaftslage im Allgemeinen und der Branche des Nominierten im Besonderen. 

Bei Einsendungen in kreativen Medienkategorien werden die Juroren gebeten, die eingereichte Kurzbeschreibung zu den Kommunikationszielen zu lesen und die eingereichten Medien (Website, Video, Live-Event usw.) auf der Grundlage von Originalität, Kreativität und Produktionswert zu prüfen und zu bewerten, wie gut die Medien ihrer Meinung nach die angegebenen Kommunikationsziele erfüllen.

Alle Bewertungen werden online innerhalb eines Zeitfensters von zwei bis drei Monaten vorgenommen. Die Juryphase für die Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, die German Stevie Awards, und die Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards ist eröffnet.

Bewerben Sie sich als Juror für die German Stevie Awards

Apply to Judge the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards

Apply to Judge the Asia-Pacfic Stevie Awards


Topics: German Stevie Awards, The Stevie Awards

Apply to Judge in the 2023 Stevie® Awards Programs

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Dec 14, 2022 @ 04:46 PM

We invite business professionals, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, and more from
around the world to apply to judge in the following 2023 Stevie® Awards programs: 
Middle East & North Africa Stevie® AwardsAsia-Pacific Stevie® AwardsGerman Stevie® Awards.

Being selected or nominated to become a jury committee member is an honorable and
ve position. It not only reflects one’s expertise in a certain profession, but also reflects that this person has high ethical standards and is well-recognized and trusted within their business community. Qualified applicants will be placed on judging committees for Marketing, Entrepreneurship, New Products, Technology, Thought Leadership, and much more.APSA-Judge-Testimonials-Gary-Insta

Each year, more than 1,000 professionals participate in Stevie Awards judging. The average scores from judges determine the winners in each Stevie Awards category. As this is a critical component of the Stevie Awards competitions, we take great care to maintain the integrity of the judging process. The judging team ensures that jury members are experts and professionals in their industry and conducts regular monitoring and auditing of the entire process. The judging team is available to guide new judges, and hosts meetings to explain proper judging protocols.

Benefits for Stevie Awards Judges
As a judge, you will learn how other organizations and individuals are achieving success and confronting challenges. Below are the exclusive benefits of being a judge at the Stevie Awards:

  • Recognition - During the judging process, jury members are recognized on the Stevie
    Awards website, Stevie Awards blog, and receive a hardcopy and PDF judge certificate suitable for framing.
  • Profile - Qualifying as a judge is an honor and a privilege. The mention of serving in this role can be added to your professional profile.
  • Self-Development & Awareness - Judges learn about strategies, tactics, and best practices of others in the industry as their review entries, giving them a unique opportunity to spot new market trends as they happen.
  • Award Ceremony - All jury members are welcome to attend the award ceremony, which takes place at the end of each competition. Enjoy a spectacular night socializing and networking with award winners and other judges.
  • Invitations to Judge Future Competitions

Before You Apply to Judge
Judging positions are open for the following Stevie Awards competitions. Those interested in serving as a judge should follow the below links for more information on each respective competition:

Prospective judges should make sure their LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and that it reflects your most current experience and demonstrates a competitive edge.

Judging  CriteriaJudge-Testimonials-Farzan-Insta
Individual criteria differ by category, but the emphasis is on the overall quality of the entry: the merits of the claims to innovation, integrity, effectiveness, creativity, growth, etc. claimed in the entry, relative to the judges' experience and their knowledge of the participant's industry, as well as the quality of the entry's content itself.

Judges tend to value well-written entries that: (1) are heavy in facts, figures, and concrete outcomes; (2) come close to the word-limit for their categories (i.e. that aren't perceived as being too short); and (3) are supported by attachments, such as a links to a corporate website, press clippings, work samples, etc.

We recommend that prospective judges request an entry kit to the competition for which you want to judge, so that you can familiarize yourself with the criteria and submission requirements.

Gold Stevie-winning nominations are linked on the Stevie Awards website. This is a good tool for prospective judges to learn what a top-rated Stevie nomination looks like.

Judging Process
All entries are first reviewed by Stevie Awards staff to ensure that eligibility requirements are met, that entries are formatted properly in order to go forward to be judged, and that entries have been submitted in appropriate categories.

All judges receive written instructions about how to score entries. Judges are asked to score the achievements portrayed in each entry based on: (a) their own experience; and (b) their understanding of how organizations and individuals in the nominee's industry performed in the eligibility timeframe, given the condition of the economy in general and the nominee's industry in particular. 

For entries in creative media categories, judges are asked to read the brief submitted about the entry’s communications objectives, and to review and score the submitted media (web site, video, live event, etc.) based on their originality, creativity, production values, and how well they believe the media meet the stated communications objectives.

All judging is done online, within a two-to-three-month window. Judging for the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, and the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards is open now.

Apply to Judge the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards

Apply to Judge the Asia-Pacfic Stevie Awards

Apply to Judge the German Stevie Awards


Topics: German Stevie Awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Middle East Stevie Awards

New Stevie Representatives in France and Greece

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Nov 09, 2022 @ 12:24 PM

We are pleased to welcome two new representatives to the Stevie® Awards team: Emre Gulecoglu, Founder of Digitallica, and Saynur Onen, Senior Consultant. 

Based in France and Greece, respectively, Saynur and Emre will serve as representatives for international Stevie Awards programs. Both Saynur and Emre are multiple award winners and have been working with international award organizations as participants, consultants, and judges for approximately 15 years. Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 10.30.57 AM

Saynur is an independent entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in learning, leadership development, talent management, succession planning, employee engagement, and performance systems. She has a proven track record in the transformation of organizations and cultures through analyzing business needs to provide innovative solutions that contribute to the overall strategic agenda. She operates her own consultancy firm in France.

Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 5.18.26 PMEmre
founded the digital learning company Digitallica in 2015. He has more than 20 years of experience in learning technologies and 8 years of experience in award consultancy. He has developed a wide business network through business ventures in Turkey and Greece, and also works with local and international companies, focusing on those in France, Greece, and Azerbaijan.

Stevie Awards President Maggie Miller said: “We are thrilled to have Saynur and Emre join the Stevie Awards team to help reach outstanding organizations in Greece and France. With their combined experience and business networks, we know they will spread the message on what winning a Stevie Award in 2023 can do for brand recognition, employee happiness, and more. We look forward to working together on our international competitions."

Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations, honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them. Stevie Awards representatives work across the globe to discover and help innovative companies and leaders enter the global arena and elevate their brand recognition.

We look forward to recognizing more innovative companies in France and Greece this year!

Sign up for the Stevie Awards Update Newsletter to get updates on awards competition openings, deadlines, winner listings, and ceremony event details. 

Topics: The Stevie Awards

Panggilan Penyertaan Anugerah Stevie® Asia Pasifik Tahunan Ke-10

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 05:30 AM

Panggilan Penyertaan Anugerah Stevie® Asia Pasifik Tahunan Kali Kesembilan


Anugerah Stevie® telah menerbitkan panggilan untuk penyertaan bagi Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik 2023 (tahunan ke-10), satu-satunya program anugerah perniagaan untuk mengiktiraf inovasi dalam perniagaan di seluruh rantau Asia Pasifik.

Tarikh akhir bagi penyertaan awal ialah pada 22hb November 2022. Tarikh akhir bagi penyertaan akhir ialah 17hb Januari, 2023. Walau bagaimanapun, penyertaan lewat akan diterima sehingga 15hb Februari dengan bayaran yuran kelewatan. Butiran lengkap mengenai penyertaan boleh didapati di

Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik adalah terbuka untuk semua organisasi di 29 buah negara di rantau Asia Pasifik: Besar dan kecil, untuk keuntungan atau bukan untuk keuntungan, awam dan swasta.

Anugerah ini menumpukan usaha untuk mengiktiraf inovasi dalam semua bentuk, walau di mana jua ia dicapai di tempat kerja. Permohonan boleh dihantar dalam bahasa Inggeris bagi kategori berikut:

Kategori baru untuk 2023 akan mengiktiraf Kepimpinan Pemikiran dalam strategi, pembangunan dan perlaksanaan sejak awal Julai 2020.

Tambahan untuk kategori baru, undian dari orang awam telah ditambah. Pemenang Anugerah Stevie dalam kategori Syarikat / Organisasi akan ditentukan oleh campuran unik undian masyarakat umum dan penilaian hakim profesional kami.

Para pemenang Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik akan diumumkan pada 29hb Mar. Pemenang akan diraikan dan disampaikan anugerah semasa majlis anugerah pada 27hb Mei di Hanoi, Vietnam.

Sekumpulan besar yang profesional dari serata rantau akan mengambil bahagian dalam proses penghakiman untuk menentukan para pemenang Stevie.

Beberapa organisasi yang paling inovatif di rantau Asia Pasifik telah memenangi Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik dalam lima tahun terakhir termasuk ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR,, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, dan banyak lagi.

Trofi Anugerah Stevie, dibuat oleh syarikat yang menghasilkan anugerah Emmy dan anugerah besar peringkat antarabangsa yang lain, ialah hadiah paling didambakan di seluruh dunia. Nama Stevie diambil daripada perkataan Stephen yang berasal daripada bahasa Greek yang bermaksud "yang dimahkotakan."


Perihal Anugerah Stevie
Anugerah Stevie diberikan dalam lapan buah program: Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik, Anugerah Stevie Jerman, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, Anugerah Stevie untuk Wanita dalam Perniagaan, Anugerah Stevie untuk Majikan Cemerlang dan Anugerah Stevie untuk Perkhidmatan Jualan & Pelanggan dan terbaru, Anugerah Stevie Timur Tengah Dan Afrika Utara. Pertandingan Anugerah Stevie menerima lebih 12,000 pencalonan setiap tahun daripada organisasi di lebih 70 buah negara. Pemberian penghargaan kepada semua jenis dan saiz organisasi dan insan-insan di belakangnya, anugerah Stevie mengiktiraf prestasi luar biasa di tempat kerja di seluruh dunia. Ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai Anugerah Stevie di

- Stevie®, Anugerah Perniagaan Amerika® dan Anugerah Perniagaan Antarabangsa® adalah tanda perdagangan berdaftar Stevie Awards, Inc.

- Penaja dan rakan kongsi Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik 2023 termasuklah majalah adobo dan PR Newswire Asia.

Adakah anda berminat untuk menyertai Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik 2023?

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Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Anugerah Stevie, Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik

Lời kêu gọi tham gia được phát hành cho Giải thưởng Stevie® Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương hàng năm lần thứ 10

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 05:22 AM


Hệ thống Giải thưởng Stevie® Awards đã gửi thư mời tham gia đề cử Giải thưởng Stevie® Awards Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2023 (giải thưởng thường niên lần thứ 10), giải thưởng duy nhất tôn vinh đổi mới sáng tạo trong hoạt động kinh doanh trong toàn khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương.

Thời hạn nộp đề cử sớm là 22/11/2022. Hạn cuối nộp đề cử là 17/1/2023, tuy nhiên Ban tổ chức vẫn chấp thuận nhận hồ sơ đến 15/2/2023 với phụ phí nộp muộn. Các bạn có thể xem thông tin chi tiết tại địa chỉ

Stevie® Awards Châu Á – Thái Bình Dương nhận hồ sơ đề cử từ 29 quốc gia khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương gồm có: các công ty/tổ chức lớn, nhỏ, hoạt động có thu hoặc phi lợi nhuận, công hay tư.

Các giải thưởng tập trung ghi nhận những đổi mới sáng tạo ở mọi khía cạnh tại nơi làm việc. Bài dự thi có thể viết bằng tiếng Anh và các hạng mục giải thưởng bao gồm:

…và giải thưởng khác

Hạng mục mới năm 2023 là hạng mục Lãnh đo Tư tưng nhằm ghi nhận sự đổi mới trong chiến lược, phát triển và thực hiện lãnh đạo tư duy tính từ sau ngày 01/07/2020. 

Ngoài các hạng mục mới, ban tổ chức cũng bổ sung thêm phần bỏ phiếu công khai. Các đề cử đoạt Giải thưởng Stevie trong hạng mục Công ty / Tổ chức sẽ được xác định bằng cách sử dụng kết hợp đặc biệt giữa phiếu bầu của công chúng và đánh giá của Ban Giám khảo chuyên môn.

Những người chiến thắng sẽ được công bố ngày 29/3/2023. Các công ty/tổ chức đoạt giải sẽ được vinh danh trong Lễ Trao giải ngày 27/5 ở Hà nội, Việt Nam.

Ban Giám khảo tham gia chấm điểm các đề cử là các chuyên gia hàng đầu trong khu vực.

Một số công ty/tổ chức ở khu vực châu Á-Thái Bình Dương đã giành được giải thưởng Stevie châu Á-Thái Bình Dương trong 5 năm qua bao gồm ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR,, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, và hơn thế nữa.

Cúp và huy chương của Stevie Award do công ty danh tiếng đã chế tác cho các giải thưởng như Emmy và các giải thưởng quốc tế nằm trong số những giải thưởng uy tín nhất thế giới. Tên gọi Stevie bắt nguồn từ Stephen, tiếng Hy Lạp có nghĩa là “đăng quang”.

Vài nét về Stevie® Awards

Giải thưởng Stevie Awards được trao tặng trong tám chương trình: Giải thưởng Stevie Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương, Giải thưởng Stevie của Đức, Giải thưởng Kinh doanh Hoa Kỳ, Giải thưởng Kinh doanh Quốc tế, Giải thưởng Stevie cho Phụ nữ trong Kinh doanh, Giải thưởng Stevie cho Nhà tuyển dụng xuất sắc, Giải thưởng Stevie cho Bán hàng & Dịch vụ khách hàng và chương trình mới là Giải thưởng Stevie khu vực Trung Đông & Bắc Phi. Cuộc thi Stevie Awards nhận được hơn 12.000 bài dự thi mỗi năm từ các tổ chức ở hơn 70 quốc gia. Tôn vinh các tổ chức thuộc mọi loại hình và quy mô và những người đứng sau họ, Stevies ghi nhận những thành tích xuất sắc tại nơi làm việc trên toàn thế giới. Tìm hiểu thêm về Giải thưởng Stevie tại

- Stevie®, American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® là các thương hiệu thuộc bản quyền của Stevie Awards, Inc.

- Các nhà tài trợ và đối tác của Stevie® Awards Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2023 bao gồm tạp chí adobo magazine và PR Newswire Asia.

Bạn có muốn tham gia Stevie® Awards Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương không?

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Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Stevie Awards Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương

Penerimaan Entri Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik Tahunan ke-10

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 05:01 AM

Satu-satunya penghargaan bisnis yang mengakui inovasi dalam bisnis di seluruh wilayah


Stevie® Awards adalah satu-satunya program penghargaan inovasi bisnis di semua wilayah Asia-Pasifik, telah mengumumkan penerimaan entri untuk Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik Tahun 2023 (tahunan ke-10).

Batas akhir entri awal, dengan potongan biaya entri, adalah 22 November 2022. Batas akhir final entri adalah 17 Januari 2023, tentapi entri yang terlambat dapat diterima sampai dengan 15 Februari dengan dikenakan biaya keterlambatan. Informasi lengkap terkait entri dapat dilihat di

Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik terbuka untuk semua organisasi/perusahaan di 29 negara kawasan Asia-Pasifik, besar atau kecil, laba atau nirlaba, publik atau swasta.

Penghargaan ini berfokus pada inovasi dalam segala bentuknya, tidak peduli dimanapun tempat kerjanya. Entri hanya akan diterima dalam bahasa Inggris dalam kelompok kategori penghargaan berikut:

…dan banyak lagi

Kelompok kategori baru untuk tahun 2023 akan mengakui inovasi Kepemimpinan Beropini dalam strategi, pengembangan, dan pelaksanaannya sejak awal Juni 2020.

Selain penambahan sejumlah kategori baru, telah ditambahkan juga komponen pemungutan suara publik. Para pemenang Penghargaan Stevie dalam Kategori Perusahaan/Organisasi akan ditentukan oleh perpaduan unik antara suara masyarakat umum dan peringkat dari juri profesional.

Para pemenang Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik akan diumumkan pada tanggal 29 Maret. Para pemenang akan dirayakan dan dipergelarkan kemenangannya selama jamuan penghargaan pada tanggal 27 Mei di Hanoi, Vietnam.

Sejumlah profesional dari seluruh wilayah akan berpartisipasi dalam proses penjurian untuk menentukan para pemenang Stevie.

Beberapa organisasi/perusahaan dengan inovasi terbaik di kawasan Asia-Pasifik yang telah menerima Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards selama lima tahun terakhir ini adalah termasuk ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR,, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, dan banyak lagi.

Piala Stevie Award, yang dibuat ditempat dimana Penghargaan Emmy dan penghargaan internasional lainnya juga dibuat, adalah salah satu piala yang paling didambakan. Nama Stevie diambil dari nama Stephen, yang diambil dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti 'dinobatkan'.

About the Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards diberikan untuk delapan program: Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik, Penghargaan Stevie Jerman, Penghargaan Stevie Timur Tengah & Afrika Utara, Penghargaan Bisnis Amerika, Penghargaan Bisnis Internasional, Penghargaan Stevie untuk Para Perempuan dalam Bisnis, Penghargaan Stevie untak Para Majikan Hebat dan Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan. Kompetisi Stevie Awards menerima lebih dari 12,000 nominasi setiap tahun dari organisasi/perusahaan di lebih dari 70 negara. Menghargai semua jenis dan ukuran organisasi/perusahaan serta orang-orang dibaliknya, Stevies mengakui kinerja luar biasa di tempat kerja di seluruh dunia. Perihal lebih detail tentang Stevie Awards dapat dilihat di

- Stevie®, American Business Awards® dan International Business Awards® adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari Stevie Awards, Inc.

- Sponsor dan mitra dari Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik tahun 2023 termasuk majalah adobo dan PR Newswire Asia. 

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik?

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Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik, Penghargaan Stevie

การเปิดรับสมัครประกวดรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค ครั้งที่ 10

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 04:53 AM


รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดได้มีการเปิดรับสมัครรางวัลในสาขารางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค ปี 2023 (ครั้งที่ 10) เป็นโปรแกรมจัดประกวดรางวัลสำหรับนวัตกรรมเกี่ยวกับธุรกิจในแถบภาคพื้นเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค

วันสุดท้ายของการรับสมัครรอบแรกคือวันที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน 2022 และวันสุดท้ายของการสมัครรอบสุดท้ายคือวันที่ 17 มกราคม 2023 เราอนุญาตให้มียื่นสมัครล่าช้าได้ไม่เกินวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ แต่ต้องเสียค่าธรรมเนียมกรณีการสมัครล่าช้าด้วย ท่านสามารถตรวจสอบข้อมูลทั้งหมดได้ที่เวปไซต์

สำหรับประเทศที่สามารถเข้าร่วมการประกวดรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดภาคพื้นเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคมีทั้งสิ้น 29 ประเทศ ทั้งเล็กและใหญ่ สำหรับองค์กรแสวงหาและไม่แสวงหาผลกำไร, องค์กรรัฐและเอกชน

การประกวดรางวัลนี้จะมุ่งไปที่รูปแบบนวัติกรรมทั้งหมด และเป็นนวัตกรรมที่ประสบความความสำเร็จในสถานปฏิบัติงาน การลงทะเบียนจะได้รับการยอมรับเป็นภาษาอังกฤษในกลุ่มประเภทรางวัลต่อไปนี้:


กลุ่มหมวดหมู่ใหม่สำหรับปี 2023 จะตระหนักถึงนวัตกรรมความเป็นผู้นำทางความคิดในด้านกลยุทธ์ การพัฒนา และการดำเนินการตั้งแต่ต้นเดือนกรกฎาคม 2020

นอกเหนือจากหมวดหมู่ใหม่จำนวนหนึ่งแล้ว ยังมีการเพิ่มองค์ประกอบการลงคะแนนเสียงสาธารณะอีกด้วย รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดในหมวดหมู่บริษัท/องค์กร จะถูกตัดสินจากคะแนนโหวตสาธารณะและการให้คะแนนของผู้ตัดสินที่เป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญของเรา

จะมีการประกาศผู้ชนะรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคในวันที่ 29 มีนาคม ผู้ชนะจะได้รับการเลี้ยงฉลองและแสดงรางวัล ในงานเลี้ยงฉลองประกาศรางวัล ในวันที่ 27 พฤษภาคม ณกรุงฮานอยประเทศเวียดนาม


องค์กรในภูมิภาคเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคที่เป็นผู้ได้รับรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเมื่อ 5 ปีที่แล้ว มีดังนี้ ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR,, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, ฯลฯ

ถ้วยรางวัลสตีวีอวร์ดได้จัดทำขึ้นโดยบริษัทที่ผลิตรางวัลให้กับรางวัลเอมมี่(Emmy) และรางวัลระดับนานาชาติอื่นๆ และถือเป็นหนึ่งในรางวัลที่มีผู้ที่ปราถนาจะได้รับมากที่สุดรางวัลหนึ่งของโลก ชื่อสตีวีมาจากคำว่าสตีเวนในภาษากรีกที่แปลว่า “การสวมมงกุฎ”

รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดแยกเป็น 8 สาขาคือ รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค, รางวัลเยอรมันสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดตะวันออกกลางและแอฟริกาเหนืออเมริกันสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลธุรกิจอเมริกา , รางวัลธุรกิจนานาชาติ , รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับสตรีในวงการธุรกิจ, สตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับนายจ้างดีเด่นและรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับการขายและการบริการลูกค้าดีเด่น โดยในแต่ละปีจะมีผู้สนใจเข้าร่วมประกวดรางวัลรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดมากกว่า 12,000 ท่านจากทั่วทุกองค์กรใน 70 กว่าประเทศ รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดยอมรับในศักยภาพอันโดดเด่นจากการทำงานในสถานปฏิบัติงานทั่วโลก ไม่ว่าในองค์กรเล็กหรือใหญ่ รวมไปถึงบุคคลผู้สนับสนุนอยู่เบื้องหลัง ท่านสามารถดูข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดได้เพิ่มเติมที่เวปไซต์

-Stevie® American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® เป็นเครื่องหมายการค้าที่ถูกจดทะเบียนไว้แล้วของรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ด Stevie Awards, Inc.

-นิตยสาร adobo และ PR Newswire Asia เป็นผู้สนับสนุนและพาร์ทเนอร์ของรางวัลเอเชีย-แปซิฟิก สตีวีอวอร์ด

คุณสนใจที่จะเข้าร่วมงานรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค หรือไม่?

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Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค

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