Stevie Awards Winner and Judge Jessica Eaves Mathews Talks Winning, Judging, and Lawyering

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Nov 07, 2013 @ 01:54 PM

Jessica Eaves Mathews is CEO of Leverage a Lawyer LLC in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA and chaired the final judging committee for the Company/Organization categories of the 2013 Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the world's top honors for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run.  We talked to Jessica about judging, the law, and what motivates her day-to-day life.

Jessica Eaves Mathews was enthusiastic about the Stevies judging process.  “It was amazing to win several Stevie Awards last year, but an even greater honor to be asked to chair the final judging committee for the categories in which we were honored,” Jessica told us.

Jessica Eaves Mathews“It wasn’t until I did the judging this year that I realized how truly incredible it was that my company and I both won awards last year.  The caliber of companies and women who were Finalists in this year’s Women in Business Awards was staggering.  I found myself inspired to do more and make a bigger impact as a result of the work they are doing in the world.  What an accomplished, amazing group of women!”

Legal Advice

As the founder of Leverage a Lawyer, we couldn’t let Jessica go without asking for legal advice, specifically what working women should know about the law that could contribute to their success.

“I always say that addressing the legal foundation for your business makes a powerful and profound statement,” said Jessica.  “It is sending the message to the world that you are to be taken seriously, and it is honoring your hard work as a business owner or innovator.”

According to Jessica:  “Building a business without making sure your legal ducks are in a row is like building a house on sand.  It might looks nice for a while, but it isn’t sustainable.  Long-term and sustainable success requires attention to your legal foundation.  It is not something to be feared or avoided: it is something to embrace and celebrate.  Through Leverage a Lawyer and Leverage Legal Group, we have helped women business owners protect themselves and their companies for years, and we are very proud of that legacy.”

Winning Experience

Leverage A Lawyer was named New Company of the Year in the 2012 Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and Jessica won the Silver Stevie for Female Entrepreneur of the Year-Business Services.  “Winning these Stevie Awards has been an incredible experience,” commented Jessica.  “It immediately gave us a national and international platform, and credibility in the marketplace. I know it has enabled us to grow as a business and a brand in ways we could not have done without the recognition.”

Travel Tips

Jessica travels a lot on business and tells us that the two business apps she can’t live without when on the road are Evernote, an app that helps you to remember everything across all your computers and devices; and Tripit, an all-in-one travel organizer.

Motivation and Inspiration

Finally, we asked Jessica what makes her hit the ground running in the morning.  Her response: “I know my why.  I know why I do what I do and for whom I do it, namely my little girl.  I have spent a lot of time getting clarity on my calling and what I am meant to do on this planet.  When you know your purpose, it is easy to jump out of bed each morning.”

Jessica’s two passions early in life were to become either a professional singer or an actor, but now Jessica wouldn’t change a thing. She has ended up doing exactly what she wants to be doing because she made some radical changes a few years ago that enabled her to follow her heart and her passion for the law.

Jessica concluded:  “I surround myself with incredible colleagues and friends who also are living their purpose.  It has been said that you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and I take that seriously.  By being in daily contact with people whom I admire and who inspire me, I can find motivation even on tough days.”

About Jessica Eaves Mathews
Jessica Eaves Mathews is America’s Advocate for Women in Business®, an award-winning entrepreneur, intellectual property and business lawyer, best-selling author, sought-after speaker, and leading authority on helping women entrepreneurs and executives step into their power and create a brilliant business, career and life on their own terms.

Jessica has spent her legal career representing all types of businesses, from solopreneurs to Fortune 500 companies. Before launching her own firm, she was the head of litigation and compliance for Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft.   Jessica is the founder and CEO of Leverage Legal Group®, an intellectual property and business law firm.

Jessica is founder and CEO of several other companies, including Grace & Game® and Untoxicating Beauty®. She is an adjunct professor at University of New Mexico Law School, a member of the New Mexico Economic Development Council, co-founder and Chief Legal Officer for The Virtual Accelerator™, a virtual business accelerator for startups, and co-founder of Hautepreneurs™, the Premier Peer Network for New Mexico's Women Entrepreneurs.

About Leverage a Lawyer and Leverage Legal Group
Leverage Legal Group® is a global intellectual property and business law firm for the new economy. Jessica’s team of exceptional, experienced attorneys provides world-class, flat fee legal services, virtual general counsel and in-sourced legal services to companies of all sizes. The firm’s award-winning, entry-level program, Leverage-a-Lawyer®, provides budget-friendly, flat-fee legal services, information, and education for first-time business owners or start-ups who don’t yet have the budget for full-blown legal counsel.  For more information go to and

Topics: business awards, stevie awards, women awards, women in business awards, women executive awards, entrepreneur awards, jessica eaves mathews, leverage a lawyer

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