First Early-bird Entry Deadline Tomorrow for 2013 American Business Awards

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Nov 15, 2012 @ 11:06 AM

Tomorrow, Friday, November 16, is the first early-bird deadline for The 2013 American Business Awards, the premier business awards competition in the U.S.A. (Entry fees are discounted by as much as 25% for entries submitted this week, request your entry kit here.)

All individuals and organizations in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. The ABAs feature categories to recognize achievement in every facet of worklife, including:

See the full list of business awards categories.

If you can't make tomorrow's deadline, December 12, 2012 is the second early-bird entry deadline. March 27, 2013 is the entry deadline and April 24, 2013 is the last day that late entries will be accepted with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced on May 8, 2013. Entry details are available at

Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through April 24, 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published.

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about how to participate in The 2013 American Business Awards.

Topics: customer service awards, hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, PR awards, American business awards, it awards

3 Benefits to Entering The Stevie® Awards

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Nov 14, 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Chris Robinson, Managing Director of Boost Marketing, a UK-based international business awards entry consultancy, uses research to argue that simply entering the Stevie® Awards, the world's premier business awards program, can provide such substantial benefits that literally everyone who goes to the trouble of putting together a well-researched award submission is a winner. Here Chris discusses his findings.

Chris Robinson, Boost MarketingIf I were to ask you: “Who benefits the most from entering the Stevie Awards?” you would be justified in answering: “The winners, of course.” You might even think it a ridiculous question.

Is it a ridiculous question, though?  In my job at Boost Marketing, I help companies enter awards, and I often hear the line: “I only want to enter if I’m going to win.” I find this a frustrating sentiment, because it is based on a flawed assumption: that the only people who benefit from The Stevie Awards are the winners.

Crafting a strong award submission requires a substantial amount of research, evidence gathering, and writing. Furthermore, attending an awards presentation consumes even more time and budget. So how can you possibly justify all this when there is a significant likelihood you may not actually win?

An obvious answer is that even a small chance of winning a prestigious award is a chance worth taking. But this again assumes that only winners benefit. So are there other benefits—benefits you can enjoy even if you fail to win?

To answer this question, my company surveyed some awards finalists before the winners were announced (to ensure people were still open-minded). We were delighted that, when prompted, 70% of them could name specific benefits that they experienced by simply entering the awards.

The benefits people listed were extremely varied, but three of them were clear winners in terms of popularity:

  1. The submission process improved evaluation (the measuring of a company or organization’s success to provide evidence in its award entry);
  2. It demonstrated the company or organization’s commitment to excellence; and
  3. It motivated employees.

Improved Evaluation
The most popular benefit, that of improved evaluation, might seem odd to those who have not recently taken a shot at winning an award. To help illustrate this, I would like to share a story.

One recent Stevie Award winner, whose business had been established for over a decade, had always resisted running a customer survey because she feared the customers would use it as a stick to beat her. Eventually, she ran a survey in order to prove to the awards judges just how customer-focused her business was. When she finally saw the scores and comments, she became quite emotional: The survey showed that her customers had an extraordinary affection for her and her business.

Without that quick and inexpensive survey, the business owner would never have known just how much her customers appreciated her business, nor would her business have won the award without the confirmed approval ratings. In other words, she was a winner before she actually won the Stevie Award.

The simple process of putting your business and its achievements under the microscope for an award submission can be extremely beneficial. Measuring a company’s outstanding achievements can give employees pride in their work, increase internal credibility, and boost confidence and morale. Employees can discover whether their perception of what they do, day in and day out, bears up under scrutiny.

This process requires courage, but it can be worthwhile if used properly. Lessons learned can lead businesses to raise the bar and make further improvements.

Commitment to Excellence
CEOs will often use awards as key performance indicators. I have seen this in a broad range of industries including automotive, banking, insurance, and training.  Is this just an exercise in Public Relations? Well, maybe a little, but the main reason why CEOs tout these awards is because they want their businesses—and the departments in them—to aim for more than just best practice.  They want their employees to focus on being the best.

These days there is a big difference between simply achieving best practice and being the best in an industry.  It’s the difference between being the leader, and being in the pack trying to catch up. CEOs know that a credible award like a Stevie is a true measure of success.

The Positive Effect of Competition
When one department wins an award, other departments see the attention and praise heaped upon their colleagues and want similar recognition. This has an extremely positive effect. 

People also soon realize that you cannot win an award simply by writing a great entry. Judges are too smart for this. It is not good enough just to sound outstandingAwards are for those who actually are outstanding. A badly written, badly evidenced award submission prevents the judges from learning just how good a company really is.

Awards are rather like Olympic medals in that they discourage people from settling for best practice and encourage them to raise their game and to leave their competition in the dust.

Motivation goes to the very heart of why The Stevie Awards are so important. Look more closely at the crystal pyramid held aloft by the 16” tall, 24-karat gold-plated Stevie Award trophy and you will discover another reason to enter these awards: The pyramid represents the Hierarchy of Needs, developed in the 1960s by psychologist Abraham Maslow, who observed that after basic needs are met, human beings seek the esteem of their peers.

Maslow was referring to individuals, but the principle applies just as well to teams, departments, and whole businesses. This is why The Stevie Awards recognize all of these categories in their business competitions.

Do you need to win an award to gain recognition from your peers? Of course not.  But to have a peer tell you or your team: “I am so impressed by you that I want to enter you into an international awards program,” and to follow that up by writing a glowing award submission, will have a positive effect on the self esteem and motivation of your employees, win or lose.

Whether you are confident about entering one of The Stevie Awards competitions or not, understand that while winning one of these handsome trophies is enormously beneficial, so too is the process that you have to go through just to put together an entry. It will focus and sharpen the awareness of what you are doing right; it will provide a catalyst for continuing improvement and motivation; and it will help satisfy that basic business and human need: appreciation and respect.

The Stevie Awards are now conferring Silver and Bronze Awards in addition to the main Gold Stevie Award, meaning that you are three times more likely to be a winner.

About Chris Robinson:
Chris Robinson is Managing Director of Boost Marketing, the world’s first award-entry consultancy, which now has a team of 15 award-entry consultants based around the world. Since the company was founded in 2006, Boost Marketing consultants have helped over 200 businesses win over 400 awards.

Topics: business awards, International business awards, American business awards, stevie awards for women in business, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, boost marketing, chris robinson

3 Reasons to Check Out the Full-text of the 2012 ABA Gold Stevie® Award-winning Entries

Posted by Liz Dean on Mon, Oct 29, 2012 @ 03:54 PM

We're pleased to share that the full-text of the Gold Stevie® Award-winning entries in The 2012 American Business Awards, the premier business awards competition in the U.S.A., is now available on the ABA website.  (Entries for The 2013 American Business Awards are now being accepted. Request your entry kit here and submit by the November 16 early-bird deadline for discounted entry fees.)

Three reasons to check out the full-text of the 2012 Gold Stevie Award-winning entries include:The Stevie Awards

  1. Read inspiring successful business stories.  
    Learn how other companies and individuals are achieving success and confronting challenges.

  2. Review past winners' entries to help you make the most out of your submissions.
    The full-text of business award winning entries are great models for how you should write your entries. The ABAs have a range of categories to recognize achievements in all facets of the workplace; types of business awards categories include: app awards, company / organization awards, customer service awards, HR awards, IT awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, PR awards, and website awards.

  3. Get an inside look of successful companies and individuals from across the country.
    All individuals and organizations in the U.S. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. Find out how these award winning companies are achieving success.

Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about entries submitted in 2012.

Topics: customer service awards, hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, PR awards, American business awards, it awards

2013 American Business Awards Entry Kit Now Available

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Oct 24, 2012 @ 09:38 AM

The entry kit for The 2013 (11th annual) American Business Awards, the premier business awards competition in the U.S.A., is now available. Request your entry kit here.

All individuals and organizations in the U.S. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. The ABAs feature categories to recognize achievement in every facet of worklife, including:

See the full list of business awards categories.

Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through April 24, 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published.

November 16, 2012 is the first early-bird entry deadline and December 12, 2012 is the second early-bird entry deadline. March 27, 2013 is the entry deadline and April 24, 2013 is the last day that late entries will be accepted with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced on May 8, 2013. Entry details are available at

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about how to participate in The 2013 American Business Awards.

Topics: customer service awards, hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, PR awards, American business awards, it awards

Watch Video of The 2012 American Business Awards September 17th Gala

Posted by Liz Dean on Tue, Oct 02, 2012 @ 04:17 PM

We are pleased to share that video clips from The 2012 American Business Awards' new product awards and technology awards banquet are now available to view on YouTube. Recognized as the premier business awards program in the U.S.A., the second of two 2012 American Business Awards galas was held on September 17 at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco.

Watch the September 17th American Business Awards presentations here.

Stevie Awards TrophyMore than 250 entrepreneurs, executives, and their guests from around the country attended the September 17th gala. Our American Business Awards video clips from September 17 showcase business award acceptance speeches made by individuals and organizations from around the country, including:

AT&T, MWW Group, Winner of the Gold Stevie® Award for Best Travel App
Remi Zajac, Director of AT&T Labs, gives a modest speech thanking his app team for their dedication.

Brainshark, Inc, Winner of the Gold Stevie® Award for Best Mobile On Demand App
Joan Babinski, Vice President of Marketing, humbly dedicates the award to all Stevie Award finalists.

EMKAY Inc., Winner of the Gold Stevie® Award for Best Training Site
Chris Tepas, Executive Vice President, accepts the award on behalf of his leadership team and reminds the audience that it takes several departments to launch a successful website.

Janine Popick of VerticalResponse, Winner of the Gold Stevie® Award for Executive of the Year -  Internet/New Media
Janine's speech recognizes her staff and reminds the audience about the team effort behind all individual awards.

SecureAuth, Winner of the People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Software - Security Solution
Craig Lund, CEO, graciously accepts the award and thanks his product developer and customers for their support.

Want to see more from the September 17th  celebration? Watch all acceptance speeches and view photos from the event.

Topics: business awards, American business awards, technology awards, new product awards, YouTube


Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Sep 26, 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Top Overall Award Winners in The 2012 American Business Awards Are Named

Fairfax, VA, September 26, 2012 – The Stevie® Awards have announced the winners of the Best of the ABA Awards in The 2012 American Business Awards, the U.S.A’s premier business awards competition. This new addition to the ABAs' repertory of awards includes five best-of-competition prizes that are awarded to the organizations that submitted the best body of work to the competition, in their own name or in the names of one or more clients. 

The American Business Awards honors an all-inclusive spectrum of American business people and organizations -- from non-profits, emerging start-ups, major public companies and government agencies, to corner-office executives, product developers, marketers and web development teams.

Nominees in The 2012 American Business Awards were not able to apply for the Best of the ABA Awards directly.  Winners were determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the ABAs, with a Gold Stevie Award win counting for 3 points, each Silver Stevie Award for 2 points, and each Bronze Stevie win counting for 1.5 points. LifeLock, Organization of the Year

The winners of the Best of the ABA Awards this year are:

Organization of the Year: LifeLock, Tempe, AZ.  With 61 total points, LifeLock is the most honored organization in the 2012 ABAs.

Public Relations Agency of the Year: MWW, East Rutherford, NJ.  MWW offices across the U.S.A. won a total of 32 points for nominations in their own name or in the names of their clients.

Marketing Agency of the Year: Slack and Company, Chicago, ILSlack earned 16 points, tops among all marketing services agencies in this year's ABAs.

Interactive Services Agency of the Year: BGT Partners, Miami, FL.  With 11.5 points, BGT Partners is the most honored of this year's field of interactive agency contestants.

Top 10: After the winners of the above prizes, the following organizations earned the most award points in the 2012 ABAs:

1. Quality Systems, Inc., Irvine, CA (49.5 points)
2. John Hancock, Boston, MA (36)
3. Nutricap Labs, Farmingdale, NY (32.5)
4. PetRays Veterinary Telemedicine Consultants, The Woodlands, TX (32.5)
5. VerticalResponse, San Francisco, CA (30)
6. iolo technologies, Los Angeles, CA (25)
7. Accenture, Chicago, IL (22)
8. Achievers, San Francisco, CA (10)
9. DRC, Reston, VA (18)
10. American Institute of CPAs, Durham, NC (16)

Best of the ABA winners have been granted the exclusive right to use a unique Best of the 2012 ABAs logo.

More than 3,000 entries were submitted to The 2012 American Business Awards and more than 270 executives nationwide participated in judging to determine this year’s Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners, who were honored during ceremonies in June in New York and September in San Francisco.

For a complete list of The 2012 American Business Awards winners in all categories visit:

Entries for the 2013 edition of The American Business Awards will be accepted starting this October 22.

About the Stevie® Awards

Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about the Stevie Awards at, and follow the Stevie Awards on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube

Sponsors and partners of The 2012 American Business Awards include American Support, Business TalkRadio Network, CallidusCloud, Citrix Online, Dynamic Research Corporation, iolo technologies, John Hancock Funds, LifeLock, PetRays, Primus Telecommunications Group, SoftPro, and VerticalResponse.


Topics: American business awards, ABAs, Best of the ABAs, The Stevie Awards, Organization of the Year, PR Agency of the Year, Marketing Agency of the Year, Interactive Services Agency of the Year

10th Annual American Business Awards Announces Winners in New Product and Technology Categories

Posted by Liz Dean on Tue, Sep 18, 2012 @ 09:05 AM

Apple, Cisco, PayPal, VerticalResponse Among Winners of Gold Stevie Awards

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 18, 2012 – The 10th Annual American Business AwardsSM announced Stevie® Award winners last night at its first event to focus on outstanding new products and services and on achievements in technology industries.The Stevie Awards

For the first time, The American Business Awards were presented at two awards ceremonies this year.  The first ceremony took place in New York City on June 18 and honored winners in categories such as customer service, human resources, corporate communications, live events, publications, and selected categories for company/organization, management and marketing.  Winners in all new product and technology-related categories were announced at a new event in San Francisco last night.

The American Business Awards honors an all-inclusive spectrum of American business people and organizations -- from non-profits, emerging start-ups, major public companies and government agencies, to corner-office executives, product developers, marketers and web development teams.

More than 250 executives attended last night’s awards banquet at San Francisco’s Julia Morgan Ballroom.  Stevie Awards were conferred in three levels of distinction: Gold, Silver and Bronze.

Notable Gold Stevie Award Winners announced last night include:

  • ­New Telecommunications Product of the Year: ADTRAN’s Virtual Wireless LAN (vWLAN®) Solution
  • ­Company of the Year - Computer Hardware: Apple Inc.
  • ­New Cloud Application/Service of the Year: Carbonite Business and Business Premier
  • ­Best Online Press Room: Cisco's Technology News Site
  • ­Computer Software Website of the Year: HubSpot’s Marketing Grader
  • ­Company of the Year - Internet/New Media: IAC/InterActiveCorp
  • ­Tech Innovation of the Year: Life Technologies’ Ion Torrent semiconductor sequencing technology
  • ­Tech Innovator of the Year: David Marcus, President, PayPal, Inc.
  • ­Executive of the Year - Computer Services: Steven T. Plochocki, CEO, Quality Systems, Inc.
  • ­Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year - Up to 2,500 Employees: FireEye, Inc. and Unity Technologies, Inc.
  • ­Fastest Growing Tech Company of the Year - Up to 2,500 Employees: YouSendIt

VerticalResponse won three Gold Stevie Awards, more than any other organization last night. Winners of two Gold Stevie Awards are Acquity Group, Brainshark, Inc., Citrix, DRC, FireEye, Inc., LifeLock, Qualcomm Incorporated, Terralever, and ZAGG Inc. 

The ABA’s 2012 Difference Maker Award, an honorary Stevie Award, was presented to LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

Winners of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Products, which were determined by more than 98,000 votes in July and August, were announced last week and presented their crystal People’s Choice Stevie Awards last night.

More than 3,000 entries were submitted to The 2012 American Business Awards and more than 270 executives nationwide participated in judging to determine this year’s Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners. 

For a complete list of The 2012 American Business Awards winners announced last night visit:

Next week the Stevie Awards will announce its Best of the ABA prizes, which will be awarded to the organizations with the best overall showing across all categories in The 2012 American Business Awards.

About the Stevie® Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about the Stevie Awards at, and follow the Stevie Awards on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube

Sponsors and partners of The 2012 American Business Awards include American Support, Business TalkRadio Network, CallidusCloud, Citrix Online, Dynamic Research Corporation, iolo technologies, John Hancock Funds, LifeLock, PetRays, Primus Telecommunications Group, SoftPro, and VerticalResponse.

Topics: business awards, American business awards, stevie awards, ABAs, stevie winners


Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Sep 12, 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Awards to Be Presented at Gala Ceremony on September 17 in San Francisco

Fairfax, VA – September 12, 2012 – More than 98,000 votes were cast in the 2012 People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite New Products, part of The 10th Annual American Business Awards, the U.S.A.’s top business awards program. 

People's Choice Stevie AwardsThe nationwide public vote was conducted this summer, with the highest number of votes deciding the winners in 30 categories.  Among the winners, which will each receive the coveted crystal People's Choice Stevie Award at a gala ceremony in San Francisco on September 17, are:

-      Favorite Smartphone: Apple iPhone 4S

-      Favorite Business-to-Business Product: Humana Integrated Proposal System

-      Favorite Collaboration/Social Software: Mindjet Connect

-      Favorite Financial Service: FreeMonee

-      Favorite Media/Entertainment Product or Service: appsbar

The complete list of People’s Choice Stevie Award winners is available at

Nicknamed the Stevie® for the Greek word “crowned,” the awards will be presented to winners at The American Business Awards’ new product and tech awards banquet on Monday, September 17 at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco.  Tickets for the event are now on sale.  More than 200 nominees and their guests are expected to attend.

All organizations honored in the new product awards categories of this year’s American Business Awards were eligible to be included in voting for the people’s choice awards.

About the Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about The Stevie Awards at

Sponsors and partners of The 2012 American Business Awards include American Support, Business TalkRadio Network, Callidus Software, Citrix Online, Dynamic Research Corporation, iolo technologies, John Hancock Funds, LifeLock, PetRays, Primus Telecommunications Group, SoftPro, and VerticalResponse.

Topics: American business awards, stevie awards, ABAs, product of the year, new product awards, iPhone 4S, Mindjet Connect, FreeMonee, appsbar, Humana Integrated Proposal System


Posted by Liz Dean on Mon, Aug 13, 2012 @ 01:00 AM

Honor Recognizes LinkedIn Co-founder’s Entrepreneurial Leadership

The Stevie® Awards today announced that Reid Hoffman, Executive Chairman of LinkedIn Corporation and a Partner at Greylock Partners, will be honored with its 2012 Difference Maker award at The 10th Annual American Business Awards new product and tech awards banquet on September 17 at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco.Reid Hoffman

Hoffman will be just the second recipient of this honorary Stevie Award, which will be presented in recognition of his role in shaping social networking and entrepreneurship in the U.S.A.  DefJam Recordings founder and entertainment industry leader Russell Simmons received the ABA’s Difference Maker award in 2011.

“Reid Hoffman embodies the entrepreneurial spirit in America,” said Stevie Awards President Michael Gallagher.  “In addition to being an influential entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Reid devotes his energies to philanthropic and educational initiatives that work to inspire a new generation of startups in the U.S.A. and worldwide.  We’re honored to be able to recognize his achievements with an honorary Stevie Award.”

In 2003, Hoffman co-founded LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking service, in his living room.  LinkedIn has more than 175 million members in 200 countries and territories around the world.  He led LinkedIn through its first four years and to profitability as CEO and Chairman. 

Hoffman joined Greylock Partners in 2009 and currently serves on the boards of Airbnb, Edmodo, Mozilla (Firefox), Shopkick, Swipely, Wrapp, and Zynga and has co-led investments in, Groupon, and Viki.  He also leads the Greylock Discovery Fund, which invests in seed stage entrepreneurs and companies. 

He believes strongly in the ability for entrepreneurship and technology to improve the world.  Hoffman serves on the boards of,,, and  He also co-authored the best-selling book The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career

Widely recognized as the premier business awards program in the U.S.A, The American Business Awards honor organizations and individuals in a wide variety of categories -- from management and public relations to technology, human resources, new products and more.

The ABA’s September 17 banquet in San Francisco will feature the announcement of 2012 Stevie Award winners in categories for new products and services and achievements in technology industries.  Awards in other categories were announced in New York on June 18.

For more information about The American Business Awards or for press credentials to cover the September 17 ceremony, please contact Liz Dean at 703-547-8389 or by email at

About The Stevie® Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about the Stevie Awards at

Sponsors and partners of The 2012 American Business Awards include American Support, Business TalkRadio Network, CallidusCloud, Citrix Online, Dynamic Research Corporation, iolo technologies, John Hancock Funds, LifeLock, PetRays, Primus Telecommunications Group, SoftPro, and VerticalResponse.

Topics: business awards, American business awards, ABAs, Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn

2013 Schedules Announced for American Business Awards and International Business Awards

Posted by Liz Dean on Fri, Aug 10, 2012 @ 10:16 AM

The Stevie® Awards have announced the schedules for the 2013 editions of The American Business Awards, the USA’s premier business awards program, and The International Business Awards, the world's top business awards competition.

The Stevie AwardsThe 11th Annual American Business Awards will open to all organizations and individuals in the U.S.A. on October 10, 2012. The first early bird entry deadline will be November 14, and the second early-bird deadline will be December 12. The final deadline will be March 27, 2013. See the full 2013 ABA calendar here.

The 10th Annual International Business Awards will open to all organizations and individuals worldwide in January. The early-bird deadline will be April 10, and the final deadline will be May 15. See the full 2013 IBA calendar here.  

Want to be the first to receive the 2013 entry kits? Join the ABA mailing list and the IBA mailing list and we'll send you the entry kits as soon as they become available.

Topics: business awards, International business awards, American business awards, stevie awards, IBA calendar, ABA calendar