Expanding Educational Opportunities with New Heights Educational Group

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Dec 29, 2021 @ 12:36 PM
  • New Heights Educational Group offers a range of emotional support services for children and adults
  • NHEG has expanded its outreach by over 90,000 people during the pandemic in 2020 and has continued to grow globally
  • All of NHEG’s volunteers are dedicated to the cause and are committed to providing the highest quality educational services for children and adults with differing abilities 

About New Heights Educational Group

New Heights Educational Group (NHEG) promotes literacy for children and adults by offering a range of educational support services, including assisting families in the selection of schools; organization of educational activities; and acquisition of materials. NHEG promotes a healthy learning environment and enrichment programs for families of preschool and school-age children, including children with special needs.

NHEG was founded in 2006 by Pamela Clark. Pamela discovered that families need to cooperate in educating children with learning difficulties such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, autism, and neurological disorders. 

New Heights Educational Group has grown its online reach during 2020 by over 90,000 people. Pamela Clark leads a team of over 90 volunteers that research advancements, provide training to teachers for different learning styles, and is experienced in successful online learning. The organization replaced its $45 per week cost for tutoring services to $45 per month during the pandemic. NHEG’s online courses, informational services, and tutoring now reach more than 350,000 students across the nation.

NHEG’s largest following is for the free courses. They have expanded an online reading ambassador program where athletes read stories to students online. This past year, many new courses were added, including a Chinese and Music course, as well as a low-cost Chemistry course. Everyone that works with NHEG is a volunteer and works hard to create real change and bring resources and educational opportunities to all individuals. 

Volunteer Spotlight

Julia Landy began volunteering with NHEG in July 2020. She has worked as a graphic designer, video editor, and new media creator. At only 16 years old, her talents outshine her age, and she has created media and advertisements for NHEG’s newest reading programs, updated course logos, annual cards, and more - totaling over 40 assignments. Julia’s work is essential to NHEG’s continued growth.

Marina Klimi began volunteering with NHEG in August 2013. She creates the bimonthly NHEG EDGuide, which is packed with information in educational topics. Marina creates the covers for each magazine and organizes massive amounts of information to share with the public while also being a team leader. Marina works hard to inform and educate the public on the happenings and opportunities that New Heights Educational Group offers on a regular basis. Her dedication and skills help NHEG expand around the world and has benefited the American nonprofit.  

New Heights Educational Group won the Gold Stevie Award for COVID-19 Response Categories - Educational Hero of the Year, as well as three Bronze Stevie Awards for Support Staffer of the Year; Marketer of the Year; and Product Developer of the Year in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

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Two Stevie Wins for the Contribution of Dr. Lisa Langer: Bringing Stress Relief to Individuals in the Healthcare Community during Covid-19

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 20, 2021 @ 09:15 AM

It’s not every day that a truly major category in The International Business Awards® for 2021 – “Most Valuable Service” in the highly competitive COVID-19 Response categories - has a winner that is a solo entrepreneur and/or practitioner.

After all, you’d expect these “big,” competitive wins to go to bigger companies with lots of resources to combat COVID-19 including novel ways to care for their many employees during these unusually trying times.

Yet, Lisa Langer, Ph.D., solo entrepreneur, and practitioner pulled out that win just as she did yet another one after that – a silver win in the Stevie Awards for Women In Business, also for 2021 – in the category of Most Innovative Woman of the Year – Healthcare. By way of these wins, Dr. Langer inadvertently becomes a perfect role model for so many solo entrepreneurs who also do innovative work and who need that extra push to take a risk and dive into big-time Stevie categories.

lisa langer banner

During the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control warned of Covid-19's “side effects,” among them feelings of fear, sadness and worry as well as difficulty concentrating and sleeping.

Lisa langerEnter Lisa Langer, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist specializing in life-stress reduction, who, during Covid-19, became the “go-to” person for thousands of individuals in the “healthcare community” – from doctors and nurses to technicians and administrators - who were seeking just that.

Back in 2012, Langer had created a health and wellness center called PRACTICE Mind Body Soul Company, in Roslyn, New York. A disrupter, she did so before “wellness” - including meditation and/or yoga - went mainstream. The center was acquired in 2016 by Northwell Health System, the largest healthcare system in New York, where Dr. Langer
is based, as their first-ever Center for Wellness and Integrative Medicine.

During the pandemic, the many healthcare workers who know Dr. Langer – and many just getting the word - sought her out on Zoom. Sometimes 500-to-a-call, five days a week, they sought her out for the relief they needed as they maintained stiff upper lips on the front lines, no matter their exposure to Covid-19 – or deepfelt concerns about loved ones as well.

In the healthcare community, Lisa Langer was their life raft.

Dr. Langer is trained in MBSR, the “mindfulness stress reduction” technique that is considered among the best by those in the know, which, during Covid, included many healthcare workers based in New York.  

Lisa langer bookTo support this work, Dr. Langer wrote a book, introduced during Covid and titled “Deeper Into Mindfulness”, which, yes, was purchased by her following in large numbers. Read the all-five-star Amazon reviews and you’ll see words like “anchor” in “difficult times.”

To reach a wider audience beyond Zoom and to give those on these calls what they needed to practice stress-relief when they were off Zoom, Dr. Langer included QR codes, which, once scanned, showcase videos of Dr. Langer as if she were leading you in meditation right there in your living room. Or, on a short, much-needed break from frontline work.

As one Women In Business judge put it: “Use of QR codes within the book for video links … are truly innovative ideas that helped further increase her reach during the pandemic period and bridge the gap with clients.”

In addition to the Stevie Awards, Dr. Langer’s book was honored as well. In the fall of 2021, it won a Living Now Award, a leading book award in the publishing arena of books that inspire us and improve our quality of life. Dr. Langer won bronze in the category of Relaxation/Mindfulness.

Not ones to normally feature segments on meditation, major media across the U.S. called on Dr. Langer during Covid including many TV stations - from ABC in Scranton, Pennsylvania to CBS in New York, Tampa, West Palm Beach, Cedar Rapids and El Paso in addition to a morning show in Burbank - unheard of in a relatively short period of time even for some celebrities. That desperate were they, the major media, to tell their audiences of millions about meditation and to share its benefits.

Because that’s what we all needed.

And received from Lisa Langer during Covid-19.

For more on the work of Dr. Langer, visit lisalangerphd.com; purchase her book 'Deeper into Mindfulness: Next Steps to Sustain Your Meditation Practice and Find Inner Peace' on Amazon. 

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