การเปิดรับสมัครประกวดรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค ครั้งที่ 10

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 04:53 AM


รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดได้มีการเปิดรับสมัครรางวัลในสาขารางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค ปี 2023 (ครั้งที่ 10) เป็นโปรแกรมจัดประกวดรางวัลสำหรับนวัตกรรมเกี่ยวกับธุรกิจในแถบภาคพื้นเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค

วันสุดท้ายของการรับสมัครรอบแรกคือวันที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน 2022 และวันสุดท้ายของการสมัครรอบสุดท้ายคือวันที่ 17 มกราคม 2023 เราอนุญาตให้มียื่นสมัครล่าช้าได้ไม่เกินวันที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ แต่ต้องเสียค่าธรรมเนียมกรณีการสมัครล่าช้าด้วย ท่านสามารถตรวจสอบข้อมูลทั้งหมดได้ที่เวปไซต์ http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.

สำหรับประเทศที่สามารถเข้าร่วมการประกวดรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดภาคพื้นเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคมีทั้งสิ้น 29 ประเทศ ทั้งเล็กและใหญ่ สำหรับองค์กรแสวงหาและไม่แสวงหาผลกำไร, องค์กรรัฐและเอกชน

การประกวดรางวัลนี้จะมุ่งไปที่รูปแบบนวัติกรรมทั้งหมด และเป็นนวัตกรรมที่ประสบความความสำเร็จในสถานปฏิบัติงาน การลงทะเบียนจะได้รับการยอมรับเป็นภาษาอังกฤษในกลุ่มประเภทรางวัลต่อไปนี้:


กลุ่มหมวดหมู่ใหม่สำหรับปี 2023 จะตระหนักถึงนวัตกรรมความเป็นผู้นำทางความคิดในด้านกลยุทธ์ การพัฒนา และการดำเนินการตั้งแต่ต้นเดือนกรกฎาคม 2020

นอกเหนือจากหมวดหมู่ใหม่จำนวนหนึ่งแล้ว ยังมีการเพิ่มองค์ประกอบการลงคะแนนเสียงสาธารณะอีกด้วย รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดในหมวดหมู่บริษัท/องค์กร จะถูกตัดสินจากคะแนนโหวตสาธารณะและการให้คะแนนของผู้ตัดสินที่เป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญของเรา

จะมีการประกาศผู้ชนะรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคในวันที่ 29 มีนาคม ผู้ชนะจะได้รับการเลี้ยงฉลองและแสดงรางวัล ในงานเลี้ยงฉลองประกาศรางวัล ในวันที่ 27 พฤษภาคม ณกรุงฮานอยประเทศเวียดนาม


องค์กรในภูมิภาคเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคที่เป็นผู้ได้รับรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเมื่อ 5 ปีที่แล้ว มีดังนี้ ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR, Freelancer.com, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, ฯลฯ

ถ้วยรางวัลสตีวีอวร์ดได้จัดทำขึ้นโดยบริษัทที่ผลิตรางวัลให้กับรางวัลเอมมี่(Emmy) และรางวัลระดับนานาชาติอื่นๆ และถือเป็นหนึ่งในรางวัลที่มีผู้ที่ปราถนาจะได้รับมากที่สุดรางวัลหนึ่งของโลก ชื่อสตีวีมาจากคำว่าสตีเวนในภาษากรีกที่แปลว่า “การสวมมงกุฎ”

รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดแยกเป็น 8 สาขาคือ รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค, รางวัลเยอรมันสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดตะวันออกกลางและแอฟริกาเหนืออเมริกันสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลธุรกิจอเมริกา , รางวัลธุรกิจนานาชาติ , รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับสตรีในวงการธุรกิจ, สตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับนายจ้างดีเด่นและรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับการขายและการบริการลูกค้าดีเด่น โดยในแต่ละปีจะมีผู้สนใจเข้าร่วมประกวดรางวัลรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดมากกว่า 12,000 ท่านจากทั่วทุกองค์กรใน 70 กว่าประเทศ รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดยอมรับในศักยภาพอันโดดเด่นจากการทำงานในสถานปฏิบัติงานทั่วโลก ไม่ว่าในองค์กรเล็กหรือใหญ่ รวมไปถึงบุคคลผู้สนับสนุนอยู่เบื้องหลัง ท่านสามารถดูข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดได้เพิ่มเติมที่เวปไซต์ www.StevieAwards.com.

-Stevie® American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® เป็นเครื่องหมายการค้าที่ถูกจดทะเบียนไว้แล้วของรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ด Stevie Awards, Inc.

-นิตยสาร adobo และ PR Newswire Asia เป็นผู้สนับสนุนและพาร์ทเนอร์ของรางวัลเอเชีย-แปซิฟิก สตีวีอวอร์ด

คุณสนใจที่จะเข้าร่วมงานรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค หรือไม่?

Request the entry kit


Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค

2023 (제10회) 아시아-태평양 스티비®상 출품작 모집

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 04:40 AM

아시아-태평양 전 지역에 걸쳐 비즈니스계의 '혁신'을 시상하는 유일한 비즈니스 대상


스티비 어워즈는 아시아-태평양 전 지역에 걸쳐 비즈니스계의 '혁신'을 시상하는 유일한 비즈니스 대상 프로그램, 2023 (10회 연례) 아시아-태평양 스티비상(10th Annual Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards)의 출품작 모집을 발표했다.

출품료가 할인되는 조기출품 마감일은 1122일이다. 일반 마감일은 2023117일이며, 이 때 이후에는 215일까지 지체료와 함께 출품작을 제출할 수 있다. 출품 관련 상세 정보는 웹사이트(http://Asia.StevieAwards.com)에서 볼 수 있다.

아시아-태평양 스티비상은 대규모와 소규모, 영리와 비영리, 공공과 민간에 상관 없이, 아태지역 29개국에 있는 모든 조직들에 열려 있다.

이 상은 어떤 일터에서 성취되었든, 모든 형태의 혁신을 시상하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 출품작들은 영어로 출품할 수 있으며, 출품이 가능한 카테고리에는 경영 부문, 고객 서비스 부문, 기술 부문, 기업/조직 부문, 기업 커뮤니케이션 & PR 부문, 마케팅 부문, 비디오 부문, 성취 부문, 소셜 미디어 부문, 신제품 부문, HR 부문, 웹사이트 부문, 이벤트 부문, 출판물 부문 등이 있다.

2023년 새 카테고리는, 2020년 7 1일 이후의 사고 리더십 전략, 개발 실행 혁신을 인정하는 사고 리더 부문이다.

새로운 카테고리에 더하여, 대중 투표 부분이 추가되었다. 기업/조직 부문의 스티비상 수상자는 일반 대중의 투표와 전문 심사위원의 평가를 독특하게 조합하여 결정된다.

아태 전 지역의 수많은 전문가들이 심사 과정에 참가해 수상자들을 결정하는데, 결과는 329일에 발표되며, 수상자들은 2023527일 베트남 하노이에서 열리는 시상식에서 축하받게 된다.

지난 5년간 아시아-태평양 스티비상을 수상한 아태 지역 최고의 혁신 조직들에는 구글(Google), 글로브 텔레콤(Globe Telecom), 나스닥(Nasdaq), DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, 메가월드(Megaworld Corporation), VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, 비에텔(Viettel), 상하이 디즈니 리조트(Shanghai Disney Resort), 시스코 시스템즈(Cisco Systems), 싱텔(Singtel), 쉘 필리핀 개발(Shell Philippines Exploration B.V.), 씨젠의료재단, ABS-CBN Corporation, MSL 중국(MSL China), IBM, 에스엠 수퍼몰(SM Supermalls), HP Inc., 우레두(Ooredoo), 이벤츠에어(EventsAIR), KB국민카드, KT, 타타 컨설턴시 서비스(Tata Consultancy Services), 텔콤 인도네시아(Telkom Indonesia), 페트로키미아 그레시크(PT Petrokimia Gresik), 프리랜서닷컴(Freelancer.com), 하나금융그룹, 한국전력공사, 홍콩관광청(Hong Kong Tourism Board), 후지 텔레비전 네트워크(Fuji Television Network, Inc.) 등이 있다.

스티비상 트로피는 애미상을 비롯 여러 국제적인 비즈니스 상의 트로피를 제작한 곳에서 만든 것으로 세계에서 가장 갖고 싶어하는 상 중의 하나이다. 상명인 스티비(Stevie)는 그리스어로 왕관(Crowned)’을 의미한다.

스티비 어워즈에 대하여

스티비 어워즈는 아시아-태평양 스티비상(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards), 국제 비즈니스 대상(The International Business Awards®), 여성 기업인 스티비 대상(Stevie Awards for Women in Business), 영업 고객서비스 스티비 대상(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service), 미국 비즈니스 대상(The American Business Awards®), 독일 스티비상(German Stevie Awards), 위대한회사 스티비상(Stevie Awards for Great Employers), 그리고 중동 북아프리카 스티비상(Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards)8개 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 스티비상에는 매년 70여 국가에서 1 2천 이상의 조직이 출품한다. 모든 형태와 규모의 조직 및 그 조직을 이끄는 사람들의 명예를 기리는 스티비 어워즈는 전세계 기업들이 창출해낸 뛰어난 성과들을 인정하는 일을 하고 있다. 스티비상에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.StevieAwards.com에서 볼 수 있다.

- Stevie®, American Business Awards®, International Business Awards®는 스티비 어워즈( Stevie Awards, Inc)의 등록된 트레이드마크다.

- adobo magazine과 PR Newswire Asia 2023 아시아-태평양 스티비상의 공식 파트너사다.

2023 아시아-태평양 스티비상에 대해 궁금하신가요?

Request the entry kit


Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 스티비 어워즈, 아시아-태평양 스티비상


Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 04:32 AM

アジア太平洋全地域のビジネス界の 「革新」を表彰する唯一のビジネス賞


「The Stevie Awards」はアジア太平洋全地域のビジネス界の 「革新」を表彰する唯一のビジネス賞である2022年(第9回)スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞のエントリー受付の開始を発表しました。






スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞の受賞者は2023年3月29日に発表されます。受賞者に対しては、 ベトナム・ハノイにて2023年5月27日、授賞式で行われる。


過去5年間にスティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞を受賞したアジア太平洋地域最高の革新的な企業と組織は、ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR, Freelancer.com, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettelなどです。



スティ賞は、スティー・アジアパシフィック賞(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)際ビジネス(The International Business Awards®)、スティ女性賞(Stevie Awards for Women in Business)、スティー・ルス&カスタマビス賞(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service)、アメリカンビジネス賞(The American Business Awards®)、スティー・ドイツ賞(German Stevie Awards)、優秀な経営者のためのスティ(Stevie Awards for Great Employers) スティービー中東・北アフリカ賞 (The Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards)の8つのプログラムを運していますスティービー賞には毎年70を超える国から12,000以上の組織がエントリーしています。あらゆる形態や規模の組織とその組織をリードする人々を称えるスティービー賞は、世界中の企業の優れた業績を表彰しています。スティービー賞の詳細については www.StevieAwards.comをご覧ください。

- Stevie®、American Business Awards®、International Business Awards®は、スティービーアワード(Stevie Awards, Inc)の登録されたトレードマークである。

- 2023スティー・アジアパシフィック賞のスポンサーおよびパートナーには、adobo magazineやPR Newswire Asiaが含まれます。

- スティの日本における業務は、PA社の松井が担当しております。お気軽にご相談ください。 issei@panda.sc


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Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞, スティービー賞


Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 04:25 AM





征稿早鸟报名截止日期为2022年11月22日,最终报名需在2023年1月17日前提交申请;若错过最终截止日期,延迟报名需交纳相关费用后,延迟申请截止日期为 2月15日。详细报名内容请查看:http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.


该奖项旨在向所有形态和规模的组织及引领该组织的人们赋予名誉,表彰亚太地区企业创造的卓越成果。 以下奖项类别组将接受英文参赛作品:






在过去的5年间,ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR, Freelancer.com, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel等亚太地区最具创新性的组织获得了亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖。史蒂夫奖的奖杯由制作艾美奖和其他国际知名奖项的公司负责制作,是世界上最受认可得儿商业的奖项之一。「Stevie史蒂夫」的名字取自「Stephen斯蒂芬」, 派生于希腊语「加冕」一词。



史蒂夫®奖共有八大奖项,包括亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖(The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)、德国史蒂夫奖(The German Stevie Awards)、美国商业奖(The American Business Awards®)、国际商业奖(The International Business Awards®)、史蒂夫女性企业家奖(The Stevie Awards for Women in Business)、史蒂夫优秀雇主奖(The Stevie Awards for Great Employers) 、以及史蒂夫销售与客户服务奖(The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service)以及新设的中东和北非史蒂夫奖(The Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards)。


进一步了解史蒂夫奖,请点击 www.StevieAwards.com


- Stevie®, American Business Awards®, International Business Awards®是史蒂夫大奖(Stevie Awards, Inc)的注册商标。

- adobo magazine和PR Newswire Asia是2023亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖的正式合作伙伴。




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Topics: stevie awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖

Call for Entries Issued for 10th Annual Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Oct 24, 2022 @ 12:09 AM

The only business awards to recognize innovation in business throughout the entire region


We have issued the call for entries for the 2023 (10th annual) Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the only business awards program to recognize innovation in business throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. 

The early-bird entry deadline, with discounted entry fees, is November 22, 2022. The entry deadline is January 17, 2023, but late entries will be accepted through February 15 with the payment of a late fee. Complete entry details are available at http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are open to all organizations in the 29 nations of the Asia-Pacific region: large and small, for-profit and non-profit, public and private.

The awards focus on recognizing innovation in all its forms, wherever it is achieved in the workplace. Entries will be accepted in English in the following awards category groups:

A new category group for 2023 will recognize Thought Leadership innovation in strategy, development, and execution since the beginning of July 2020.

In addition to a number of new categories, a public voting component has been added. Winners in the Company/Organization categories will now be determined by a unique blending of the scores of the professional judges and the votes of the general public.

Asia-Pacific Stevie Award winners will be announced on March 29. Winners will be celebrated and presented their awards during an awards banquet on May 27 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Scores of professionals from throughout the region will participate in the judging process to determine the Stevie winners.

Some of the Asia-Pacific region’s most innovative organizations have won Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards in the past five years including ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR, Freelancer.com, Fuji Television Network, Inc., Google, Globe Telecom, Hana Financial Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KB Kookmin Card, KT, Megaworld Corporation, MSL China, Nasdaq, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seegene Medical Foundation, Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shanghai Disney Resort, Singtel, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, and more.

The Stevie Award is among the world's most coveted prizes. The name Stevie is taken from the name Stephen, which is derived from the Greek for "crowned."

About the Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at www.StevieAwards.com.

- Stevie®, American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® are registered trademarks of Stevie Awards, Inc.

- Sponsors and partners of the 2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards include adobo magazine and PR Newswire Asia.

Interested in entering the 2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards?

Request the entry kit


Topics: business awards, stevie awards, innovation awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

The 2022 International Business Awards® Ceremony Recap

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 19, 2022 @ 04:21 PM

More than 280 Stevie® Award winners and their guests attended The 19th annual International Business Awards® gala in London, England on Saturday, October 15 at the InterContinental London Park Lane Hotel. For those unable to attend, the ceremony was livestreamed to more than 2,000 viewers. 

52433380470_e32fd30a54_kYou can still watch the full ceremony and view/download photos from the event online.

High-achieving organizations and professionals from 67 nations were named as Stevie Award winners this year from a pool of more than 3,700 applicants.
A complete list of all 2022 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at StevieAwards.com/IBA.

What You Missed
To kick-off festivities, gala attendees first enjoyed a formal reception at the hotel to network and forge new business relationships with other Stevie-winning professionals and leaders. Professionals from more than 27 nations around the world were able to join us this year.

Following the reception, dinner was served in the main ballroom for attendees and their guests. World-renowned emcee Simon Relph began the ceremony at 7:00 pm GMT +1 and kept the evening lighthearted and fun as we honored the 2022 winners. 

As each individual or organization received their award, guests learned about the winners’ professional, and often personal, journeys during their acceptance remarks.

Winner HighlightsScreen Shot 2022-10-19 at 2.29.50 PM
Stevie-winner ASCIRA Global was one of the first companies to go on stage to accept their Stevie awards. Dr. John Sachtouras, Founder and CEO of online education and direct marketing platform ASCIRA, won the Gold Stevie Award for Chairman of the Year. 

Belynda Lee, Chief Operating Officer of ASCIRA, won a Silver Stevie Award for Woman of the Year. ASCIRA is a subscription-based company that offers personal development programs through a variety of online digital products. It aims to create a global, social lifestyle community and provide users the most diversified knowledge available.

Another winner, Empire Eagle Food Company, is the leading bubble tea manufacturer and supplier in Taiwan, exporting bubble tea materials to over 50 countries. Empire Eagle won a Gold Stevie Award for Company of the Year in Food & Beverage, and a Gold Stevie Award in Business-to-Business Products. They also won the People’s Choice Stevie Award for Favorite Companies - Food and Beverage.

Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 2.30.00 PMMindy Jen of Empire Eagle Food Company in Taiwan surprised the crowd when she came back to the stage for a second time to accept the Stevie Award for her second company, BOBA ChiC! BOBA ChiC is a newer global distributor of innovative tea and milk powder drinks, using tea leaves grown on their own farm in the high mountains of Central Taiwan. It won the Bronze Stevie Award in Business-to-Business Products.

The youngest Stevie-winning professionals in attendance were from the Young Hospitality Summit in Switzerland. The Young Hospitality Summit was founded in 2010 by five students who shared the vision of fostering innovation in the industry through insightful discussions between thought leaders and hospitality students. Today, The Young Hospitality Summit has become the largest student-run summit in the world. Young Hospitality Summit won the Bronze Stevie Award for Conferences & Meetings in the Summit category.

Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 2.30.09 PMAlso in attendance at the gala in London was a representative from DHL Express Mexico. DHL Express is the leading international courier service that specializes in providing comprehensive door-to-door logistics. DHL is a long time Stevie Award-winner, submitting nominations from many of their offices around the globe. DHL Express Mexico also accepted Stevie Awards on behalf of DHL Caribbean. DHL Express Switzerland was also in attendance.

DHL Express Mexico won two Silver and four Bronze Stevie Awards in categories including Support Team of the Year and Customer Service Department of the Year. 
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Cecilia Ortega, Quality Assurance & Customer Experience Professional at DHL Express Mexico won a Silver Stevie Award for Woman of the Year. Luis Saturno Chiu, Vice President, Customer Experience, won a Bronze Stevie for Executive of the Year in Transportation.

Grand Stevie Winners and Closing
Nominees in the 2022 IBAs were not able to apply for Grand Stevie Awards directly. Winners were determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the IBAs with a Gold Stevie win counting for three points, a Silver Stevie win for two points, and a Bronze Stevie win for 1.5 points, as well as having the highest average score in selected categories.

Two Grand Stevie Award winners were in attendance the night of the gala: Halkbank of Turkey and LLYC of Spain.
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Halkbank won eight Gold, 11 Silver, and 13 
Bronze Stevie Awards, resulting in the Grand StevieAward for Organization of the Year. Pioneering the evolution of the Turkish banking sector for 84 years, Halkbank develops products and services in finance with an expertise in small and medium enterprises.

LLYC won eight Gold, seven Silver, and five Bronze Stevie Awards in categories including Company of the Year in Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations, Communications or PR Campaign of the Year, and Public Relations Agency of the Year. These wins resulted in the Grand Stevie Award for Most Honored Public Relations Agency for the fourth consecutive year.

Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 3.31.37 PMLLYC is a global communications and public affairs consulting firm that helps clients make strategic decisions within the disruptive and uncertain context in which we live, while taking into account their reputational impact. 

The last presentation of the evening concluded at 9:30 pm. Stevie-award organizers arranged for winners’ trophies and medals to be boxed up for transport. 

Most attendees ventured out to take advantage of London’s many attractions, continuing to celebrate their business accomplishments and form new alliances with fellow attendees.

Acceptance speeches and interview clips will be available on the Stevie Awards Youtube channel next week. 

Watch the full ceremony here. 
View and download photos from the event here.

Topics: International business awards

Who's Coming to The International Business Awards® on Saturday?

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Tue, Oct 11, 2022 @ 11:00 AM

This coming Saturday, October 15 we'll stage the awards banquet of The 19th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's premier business awards program, at the InterContinental London Park Lane Hotel in London, England.

LondonStevie® Award winners in the 2022 IBAs were announced in August.  (Entries for the 2023 edition of the IBAs will open in February.)

Close to 300 executives from around the world will attend this Saturday's IBA event.  Here is a list of the organizations that will be represented (as of October 11):

8x8, Campbell, CA USA
-99 design studio, Istanbul, Turkey
Acıbadem Healthcare Group, Istanbul, Turkey
AD Ports Group, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Adani Skill Development Centre, Ahmedabad, India
ADM Electricity Distribution, Denizli, Turkey
ADQ, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
AgeSA, Istanbul, Turkey
Ajman's Municipality & Planning Department, United Arab Emirates
Alabama Power, Birmingham, AL USA
Align Technology, Tempe, AZ USA
Alliance Traffic Systems, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Anexa BPO, Mexico City, Mexico
AS Watson, Milan, Italy
ASCIRA Global, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Aselsan A.Ş., Ankara, Turkey
Astera Software, Westlake Village, CA USA
ATOS Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
Banco Popular Dominicano, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Better2Know, Kirkby Lonsdale, United Kingdom
Black Platinum Gold B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
BOBA CHiC, Taichung, Taiwan
Bristol Global Mobility, Phoenix, AZ USA
Cactus Communications Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India
CARBO, Houston, TX USA
CarrefourSA, Sarıyer, Turkey
CodeTwo, Jelenia Góra, Poland
DHL Express, Muttenz, Switzerland
DHL Express Mexico, Mexico City
Divina Law Offices, Makati City, Philippines
Dolphin International, Los Angeles, CA USA
Dubai Municipality, United Arab Emirates
Eastvantage Business Solutions Inc., Taguig City, Philippines
EES Shipping, Cockburn Central, WA Australia
Emirates International Endurance Village, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Empire Eagle Food Co., Ltd., Taichung City, Taiwan
Ensana, Prague, Czech Republic
Ernst & Young, New York, NY USA
Esas Sosyal, Istanbul, Turkey
Etihad Rail, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Events DC, Washington, DC USA
Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs, Warwaw, Poland
GDRFA, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Golden Agri-Resources Ltd., Singapore
Graham Shapiro Design, Nantwich, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Halkbank, Istanbul, Turkey
HCL Technologies, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Horatio, New York, NY USA
IBM Institute for Business Value, Merion Station, PA USA
IBM, Armonk, NY USA
Icertis, Bellevue, WA USA
Informa Middle East, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
ING Business Shared Services Bratislava, Slovakia
Itl AG, Munich, Bavaria Germany
Jonckers Translation & Engineering, Brussels, Belgium
Karsan Automotive, Istanbul, Turkey
Kordsa Teknik Tekstil A.S., Istanbul, Turkey
Kyndryl, New York, NY USA
Law Creative, Harpenden, United Kingdom
Limage Media Group, Vancouver, BC Canada
LLYC, Madrid, Spain
Lytx, Seattle, WA USA
Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council, Kuala Lumpur
MDI Ventures, Jakarta, Indonesia
Megaphone Marketing, Cremorne, Victoria Australia
MGI Tech Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, China
Microhealth, LLC, Vienna, VA USA
Ministry of Health and Prevention, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ministry Of State For Federal National Council Affairs, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Ministry of Treasury and Finance, General Directorate of Information Technologies, Ankara, Turkey
NewWork Success GmbH, Urbar, Germany
Noguchi & Peters Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
NTT Data Business Solutions (UK&I), London, United Kingdom
NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
Octopus Energy, London, United Kingdom
OfficePartners360, Ridgefield, CT USA
PMFTC Inc., Taguig City, Philippines
Pru Life UK, Taguig, Philippines
PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk, South Jakarta
QNET, Hong Kong, China
Real Property Ventures, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Refex Group, Chennai, India
Revomed (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Nonthaburi
SAP SE, Walldorf, BW Germany
Sealand - A Maersk Company, Miramar, FL USA
Sharif Group BSC, Hidd, Bahrain
sheIQ Life Pty Ltd, Belgrade, Serbia
SOCAR Turkey, Istanbul
Solarwinds, Austin, TX USA
SSS Strawberries, Oakwood, QLD Australia
Standigm Inc., Cambridge, MA USA
Strategic Public Relations Group, Hong Kong, China
Sullivan & Stanley, London, United Kingdom
Suretrack Management Consultancy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tata Consultancy Services Limited, London, United Kingdom
TELUS Smart Security & Automation, Vancouver, BC Canada
TM Forum, London, United Kingdom
TÜPRAS, Istanbul, Turkey
UFODRIVE, Capellen, Luxembourg
verbaneum GmbH, Nuernberg, Bavaria Germany
Viettel, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Wiser Tech, Izmir, Turkey
Young Hoteliers Summit, Lausanne, Switzerland
ZER, Istanbul, Turkey
Ziraat Participation Bank, Istanbul, Turkey

Learn more about The International Business Awards at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA

Topics: International business awards

Five Women Entrepreneurs to Compete in “Shark Tank”-Inspired Pitch Competition

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Oct 07, 2022 @ 03:35 PM

The Women|Future Conference has selected five women-owned businesses to compete in the Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition this year. Registered attendees can watch the competition live on November 9 at 12:00 PM ET.

This “Shark Tank”-style pitch competition provides a platform for a select group of women-owned businesses to compete for a chance to win funding support for their businesses and initiatives, and provides the opportunity for international exposure to hundreds of attendees.

Over 200 applicants applied for entry, but only five finalists were selected by the Women|Future Conference leadership team to present their pitches, face questioning, have their pitch evaluated by a panel of judges, and win funding! The winner of the competition will be announced at the conference November 10 at 2:25 PM.

The 2022 Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition finalists are:

Equability is an online clothing modification service for individuals with disabilities. It was launched in 2020 after their research had identified lack of adaptive clothing as a barrier to social and professional participation. Equability gives people the ability to conveniently modify clothes to suit their style and lifestyle.
WFC Pitch Finalists logos

Good Mood Treats
Good Mood Treats specializes in curating baked goods that uplift customers’ mood by infusing them with healthy ingredients. Each treat box includes a positive affirmation in hopes of combating issues with mental health and providing a good mood boost. Their mission is to spread love, positivity, and mental health awareness through their treats.

The Village App
Born out of necessity during the COVID pandemic, The Village App seeks to redefine how people use technology and create a modern-day equivalent of a healthy, happy village community. The app encourages collective coordination, enabling users to connect with others in their community who are offering or seeking neighborly assistance and connection.

Tiny Fish Co.
Tiny Fish Co. aims to inspire the canned fish industry by sharing products that are sustainable, flavorful, and tell the fish’s story from water to tin. Their focus is on the tiny fish from the Pacific Northwest and encouraging consumers to create environmentally conscious eating habits.

XpertPatient LLC
XpertPatient was founded to help people new to a cancer diagnosis feel empowered through personalized education and support. With all education developed from authoritative sources such as the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines, XpertPatient has been purposely designed by nurses, doctors, and patients to help individuals with cancer achieve the best treatment results possible, clinically and financially.

The Pitch Competition will be hosted by Emmy Award-winning broadcaster Sharon Delaney McCloud, a TEDx Speaker, a Certified Executive CDE, Adjunct Professor, agency owner, and a cancer survivor. With over 30 years of experience on local and national stages and online, Sharon’s goal is to help people make an impact by understanding and embracing the power of storytelling in business to move hearts and minds, and to drive better results in their business.

Sharon is a fierce advocate for women in business and develops programs designed to elevate their career trajectory. Featured in Thrive Global, Enterprising Women, Sheryl Sandburg’s Option B platform, and co-author of Keep Going, Memoirs of Strength, Courage & Perseverance, Sharon shows people how they can inspire, influence, and ignite change. Her diverse client list includes Cisco, Lenovo, Eaton, 7-Eleven, Duke University, UNC Health, Florida State University, SAS, Biogen, Merz, and many others. Meet the Pitch Competition Finalists

Pitch Competition Format and Judging Criteria

The format of the pitch competition is inspired by ABC's critically acclaimed, entrepreneurial-themed TV show, Shark Tank. Each finalist will present a live, three-minute virtual pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market.

A panel of four judges will evaluate each pitch using a five-point scoring rubric provided by the Women|Future Conference. The judging rubric takes into account criteria such as leadership capabilities, innovativeness, competitive advantage, maturity of the technology or product, business model, prospects, growth, response to the live questions, and preparedness for the competition.

The judges of the 2022 Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition are:

  • Kim Roxie, Founder, LAMIK WFC22 JudgesBeauty, and first-place winner in the 2021 Pitch Competition
  • Heather Cox, President, Certify My Company
  • Sree Kanuri, Senior Product Manager, DELL Technologies
  • Shubhi Nigam, Product Lead, Carta Inc.

Pitch coaching and mentorship is being provided to our finalists prior to the pitch competition by Dusty Welsh, Executive Director and Lead Program Instructor at the Sister Sprout studio, which offers business and nonprofit development frameworks to guide women founders through each step of the startup process. With over 15 years of experience, Dusty Welsh provides startup founders from around the world with a 3-step magic formula for wowing judges, impressing audiences, and delivering a killer startup story. 

Funding for the Pitch Competition Winners

At the close of the competition, the winner will receive a prize package of $5,000 cash prize to grow their business, as well as a certification ($4200 value) from Certify My Company.

If you are interested in joining us as a sponsor, judge, or participant in the 2023 Pitch Competition, sign up for event updates to get notified when entries open for next year.

Sponsor the Pitch Competition and Support Women-Owned Businesses

Sponsorship Posts (2)

Sponsorships are still being accepted! Sponsorship offers visibility among a demographic of women business owners, executives, and professionals.

We love working with organizations that are aligned with our mission of supporting women in business. The Pitch Competition is funded entirely through the generosity of our sponsors. Available sponsorship packages can be requested at the Sponsorship and Advertising Page.

What Else to Expect at the 2022 Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of ambitious women in business will gather virtually for the fifth annual Women|Future Conference taking place from November 8-10, 2022, with pre-conference sessions on November 7.

Hosted by the Stevie® Awards, the world's premier business awards, the Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference for women around the globe. 

We are pleased to highlight Opening Keynote speaker Rashmi Verma, Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion at HUGO BOSS, one of the leading companies in the premium segment of the global apparel market, employing 13,800 individuals representing 112 nationalities. The Opening Keynote will take place Tuesday, November 8, at 12:00 pm ET, followed by a live Q&A with attendees.

Conference sessions are designed for ambitious, career-driven professionals to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections. View the Full Agenda here.

Sessions fall into seven main tracks:5-3

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Future of Work
  • Leadership
  • Marketing
  • Personal Development
  • Technology

The 2022 agenda includes over 80 women CEOs, founders, small business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, and executives who will share their expertise. Conference speakers are from small businesses as well as Fortune 500 organizations including Accenture, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, T-Mobile, and others.

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may register for the Women|Future Conference at a discounted rate of $39 (with proof of a valid current student ID). Sessions are recorded and available for replay through 2022 for your convenience.Register Now👍 Get Social With the Women|Future Conference 


Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Director of Communications

Topics: WomenFuture Conference

Die Reise eines Gründers: Wie Michael Gallagher die Stevie Awards vor 20 Jahren von Grund auf aufgebaut hat

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Fri, Oct 07, 2022 @ 03:00 AM

Heutzutage sind die Stevie® Awards weithin als die wichtigsten Wirtschaftspreise der Welt bekannt, aber der Weg hierhin verlief nicht ohne Risiken, Herausforderungen, klare Ziele, Entschlossenheit und ein engagiertes Team.

Michael Gallagher gründete die Stevie Awards im Jahr 2002, um die Leistungen und positiven Beiträge von Organisationen und Fachkräften auf der ganzen Welt zu würdigen und öffentlich bekannt zu machen. Jahr für Jahr werden Tausende von Nominierungen in einer Vielzahl von Kategorien für acht Stevie Awards-Programme eingereicht. Alle Organisationen - öffentliche und private, gewinnorientierte und gemeinnützige, große und kleine - können Nominierungen einreichen. Einsendungen, die Leistungen im Bereich Pruduktinnovationen, Vordenker-Rolle, kreative Marketingkampagnen, hervorragender Kundenservice, unternehmerische Tätigkeiten und seit kurzem auch die Reaktion auf COVID-19 umfassen, werden von unserer angesehenen Jury geprüft.

Zu den früheren nennenswerten Stevie Award-Gewinnern gehören Aflac, Apple, Chipotle, Bank of America, Ford Motor Company, IBM, ING, PayPal, Procter & Gamble, Roche Group, Samsung, und Verizon, unter vielen anderen. In kürzester Zeit wurde die Stevie-Trophäe mit einer Kristallpyramide als Spitze zu einem der begehrtesten Preise in der Wirtschaftswelt. 48052353451_03d746386b_o-1

In den folgenden Interviewantworten erzählt Michael Gallagher von seinem persönlichen Hintergrund und seinen Erfahrungen, die das Fundament und die Grundwerte der Stevie Awards geprägt haben.

Wie und warum sind Sie auf die Idee gekommen, die Stevie Awards zu gründen?

Nachdem ich seit meinem 16. Lebensjahr für andere Leute gearbeitet hatte, befand ich mich an einem Punkt in meinem Leben, an dem ich etwas anderes tun musste. In den 80er Jahren genoss ich es, sechs Jahre lang für eine Firma namens The New York Festivals, die Preise für Video, Werbung, Radio, Fernsehen und andere Medien vergab, zu arbeiten und dachte: Das hat mir Spaß gemacht, aber die Welt braucht keine weiteren Filmfestivals. Aber warum gibt es keine "Oscars" für die Wirtschaft?

Was war Ihre bisherige Geschäftserfahrung und welchen Hintergrund hatten Sie, bevor Sie die Stevie Awards gegründet haben?

Nachdem ich sechs Jahre lang für The New York Festivals gearbeitet hatte, zog ich nach Washington D.C. und arbeitete sieben Jahre lang in der Messe- und Konferenzbranche und anschließend bis 2001 in der Dot-Com-Welt in verschiedenen Marketing- und Vertriebsfunktionen.

Was waren einige Ihrer Ziele für die Stevie Awards, als Sie die Organisation ins Leben riefen? Haben sie sich seitdem verwirklicht und/oder verändert?

Ich wollte, dass sie als die "Oscars der Wirtschaft" bekannt werden, und bis zu einem gewissen Grad haben wir das auch erreicht, aber natürlich sind wir noch nicht so bekannt wie die Academy Awards.

Was waren die größten Herausforderungen, mit denen Sie konfrontiert wurden, als Sie die Stevie Awards ins Leben riefen?

Für jedes neue Unternehmen ist das erste Jahr ist immer das schwierigste. Jeder Prozess, jedes Verfahren und jedes System muss zum ersten Mal erdacht, entworfen und umgesetzt werden. Das Geld war knapp, also mussten wir für das Meiste um jeden Cent kämpfen. Aber der Vorteil daran, dass man fast alles selbst machen muss, ist, dass man lernt, wie man so ziemlich alles macht.

Wie definieren Sie Erfolg bei den Stevie Awards?

Ein gut besetzter Wettbewerb, der von einer ausreichenden Anzahl erfahrener Fachleute geprüft und bewertet wird, was zu einem vielfältigen Gewinnerpool führt und eine gut besuchte Preisverleihung ohne größere Probleme ermöglicht.

Was ist etwas, das alle Stevie Award-Gewinner gemeinsam haben?

Das Bestreben, dass ihre Leistungen von einem größeren Publikum als nur ihren Kollegen gewürdigt werden.

Was bedeuten die Stevie Awards für Sie?

47195435251_7f7abaff05_o (1)-1Ich versuche, nicht zu sehr in der Vergangenheit zu schwelgen. Ich denke, ich bin sehr zukunftsorientiert. Ich betrachte die Stevie Awards als eine Bewegung und nicht als ein Unternehmen oder eine Organisation. Eine Bewegung hin zu einer breiteren öffentlichen Anerkennung der Leistungen von Menschen am Arbeitsplatz, jenseits der schlagzeilenträchtigen Milliardäre, die einen Großteil der Berichterstattung über die Wirtschaft beherrschen. In einigen Ländern und Regionen haben wir dies bereits weitgehend erreicht, in anderen kaum. Wir haben also noch einiges zu tun.

Was hat Sie in den letzten 20 Jahren bei den Stevie Awards am meisten überrascht?

Dass ich es immer noch tue und jeden Tag genieße.

Wie sieht Ihre Rolle heute aus, verglichen mit der Zeit, als Sie die Stevie Awards 2002 ins Leben riefen?

Ich muss nicht mehr alles wie in den ersten Jahren selber machen - juhu! Wir haben jetzt ein gutes Team und ich sorge mich nicht mehr wie früher um jede Kleinigkeit.

Welche Awards-Programme versprechen das größte Wachstum für die Zukunft?

Awards-Programme wachsen in der Regel in den ersten Jahren langsam, dann in den Jahren fünf bis zehn schnell und danach schrittweise jedes Jahr. Alle acht unserer Programme sind mehr oder weniger nach diesem Muster verlaufen. Ich kann nicht sagen, welches unserer bestehenden Programme am stärksten wachsen wird. Vielleicht werden es die sein, die wir noch nicht gestartet haben.

Was hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren bei den Stevie Awards am meisten verändert?

In den ersten Jahren herrschte große Skepsis, ob ich es schaffen würde, und ob ich es danach auch noch am Laufen halten könnte. Diesen Punkt haben wir jetzt weit hinter uns gelassen. Ich glaube nicht, dass es heute noch viele gibt, die daran zweifeln, dass die Stevie Awards ernst zu nehmen sind und Bestand haben werden.

Was glauben Sie, wie die nächsten 20 Jahre der Stevie Awards aussehen werden?

Größere Akzeptanz und Wachstum in Gebieten, die die Stevie Awards noch nicht wirklich akzeptiert haben, wie Mittel- und Südamerika, Japan und andere Länder. Und alle drei bis fünf Jahre ein neuer Stevie-Award-Wettbewerb in irgendeiner Form.



Konnten wir Ihr Interesse an den Stevie Awards wecken? Derzeit läuft die erste Anmeldephase der German Stevie Awards, für Unternehmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, also aus Belgien, Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Österreich und der Schweiz.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter https://stevieawards.com/GSA.

Teilnahmeunterlagen anfordern





Topics: German Stevie Awards

Stevie-Winning Next Generation eSigning Platform

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 05, 2022 @ 10:34 PM

Stevie-winner Annature has exploded onto the world stage with its next-generation eSigning platform. Gone is the single-use digital signing solution – in its place is a platform transforming the future for eSigning, Know Your Customer/Anti Money Laundering, global ID Verification and Payments.

Annature is headed by Amreeta Abbott, an award-winning entrepreneur behind the development of the ground-breaking cloud-based document suite for accountants, NowInfinity. Amreeta completed a successful sale of NowInfinity for $25 million in 2020. 

Annature headshot
As the first lines of code were being written in early 2020, she set Annature on a mission to transform the traditional and insecure electronic signature offering she predicted wouldn't last in a digital business world.

Today Annature has achieved ISO 27001 certification as a technology company that operates an integrated digital signature, identity verification and payment platform facilitating global transactions with organizations of all sizes.

Built on blockchain technology, heavily featured and noted for an exceptional low-friction experience. And as a business principle, considerably more value-centric compared to overseas providers.


eSigning accelerated during Covid lockdowns when it became physically impossible to get people into offices to put pen to paper. Business was transformed forever. In just months global organizations accelerated the digitisation of their customer and supply chain interactions and their internal operations by what management consultants McKinsey estimated was three to four years. Annature had already positioned itself to respond to that with agility and strength.

The company formally launched in August 2020. From the start, integrating with any major existing digital document system and incorporating a global ID, payment, billing and invoicing verification powered by global giant Stripe into its workflow solutions.

Annature planned the development timeline accurately knowing that Stripe's powerful ID and Payment API's were easy to embed into the Annature e-signing process as an integral part of the user flow. Enabling Annature to provide the holistic contract execution experience required by many fintech, insurance and other companies.

Annature delivers a cryptographically verifiable database and audit trail for all digital signatures. Establishing a tamper-proof digital certificate for critical compliance information. Laying the basis for any client to embed Stripe into their payment, collection and ID verification solutions.


  • Process 5,000 Australian Government JobKeeper applications to keep people employed on one night in March - as proof of use and scalability 
  • Joined the Xero connected app marketplace
  • Annature replaced global competitor, DocuSign for the Real Estate Institute of Victoria 
  • Core eSigning Partner with FYIdocs for Xero accounting firms
  • Signed fastest-growing legal firm in Asia Pacific, LegalVision, Illumin8; partnership with APS Reckon, and more.

2020 was a massive build year. Client integrations of the customized platform performed seamlessly by an Australian-based team determined to ensure there were no technical surprises.

Qantas Business Rewards Exclusive Partnership

Annature is the only Australian eSigning company chosen to partner with iconic aviation brand, Qantas Airlines and showcased in the global airline's Back to Business campaign for COVID-impacted Australian businesses. Annature's eligible clients now earn Business Points on every document they eSign.

Commitment to eSigning for the Future

The focus will be on secure acceptance and signing documents online, exploring the ability to take payments and incorporate bio-metrics.

With the accelerating shift towards digital onboarding forecasters estimate the global market for Identity Verification will grow by more than 20 per cent in five years, with four billion digital identity verification checks conducted annually. 

Annature provides the highest level of security assurance with its ISO 27001 certification - the world’s highest level of information security management. Our digital signature technology is compliant with all major eSign laws and regulations including the ETA 1999, ESIGN ACT 2000, EUTA, GDPR Compliance and eIDAS.

Annature's Accomplishments Since Submitting their Stevie-Winning Nomination

Since winning their Stevie Award, Amreeta Abbott has not eased up in her tireless pursuit of methods to solve the business frustrations that dominated her early life as an accountant. 

Now the Australian Federal and key State governments have recognized the technological innovation and ease of customer use that has been the hallmark of her work for several decades.
Having designed a secure-for-the-digital age product and achieving ISO 27001 certification in Australia, Annature has recently completed the audit process required to maintain that accreditation for its secure data management.
Amreeta has been leading the company into surpassing all expectation with its offering of verified ID and payments capacity using Stripe ID and Stripe Payments technology – customer usage of the Stripe Payment technology on its platform has grown 6 times.
Because of its ability to help clients meet government regulatory mandates for digital signing and ID verification, Annature has expanded its customer base with firms in the legal industry, and mortgage and lending platforms in real estate.
One recent new partner is the Auckland, New Zealand company Margin Gains, disappointed with an overseas provider’s incapacity to migrate thousands of clients to meet regulatory and privacy demands and delighted with Annature’s ability to achieve the task within weeks, with no technological hitches.
Amreeta has marked a jump in revenue from the forecast 300% to 500%, 10 times growth in customers paying by Stripe Payments, and an astonishing four times growth in the first quarter alone in envelopes signed with Annature.
The future looks very bright indeed.
Since the submission Annature’s outstanding capacity to deliver has been met by soaring interest from both Government and the business community.
The Annature platform has now been implemented by Australian Federal and State Governments secured new cloud-first customers in the legal industry and expanded its footprint with several national real-estate brands onboarding Annature for eSigning.
Annature is now the sole provider of verified ID and payment operations for one Australian State Government’s vast procurement tendering system. Annature has also recently completed the audit process required to maintain that accreditation for its secure data management.
Annature meets individual international country requirements for eSigning and identity verification around the world.
Among these new international partners is the Auckland, New Zealand based firm of Margin Gains. Margin Gains was attracted by Annature’s new ID verification product for migrating existing and new customers - and its ability to meet government KYC and AML regulatory requirements. It has also lauded Annature’s famed responsiveness to inquiries and exceptional technical performance of the platform.
Customer usage of Stripe Payments technology on the platform has grown 6 times. Of the businesses that trial Annature, 1 in 3 sign on for a paid subscription within the 7-day Free Trial Period, giving them a benchmarked 33% conversion rate.
Annature won the Gold Stevie Award for Most Innovative Startup of the Year - Business Product Industries and the Silver Stevie Award for Award for Innovative Management in Business Product & Service Industries - Up to 100 Employees in the 2022 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.
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