Last Chance to Register for the 7th Annual Women|Future Conference

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Jul 09, 2024 @ 12:55 PM

There's still time to register for the 7th annual Women|Future Conference, hosted by the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business!

This year’s conference will take place virtually on July 23, 2024. Sign up by visiting our registration page.

The mission of the 7th annual Women|Future Conference, hosted by the Stevie® Awards, is to foster connections and professional and personal development through insightful sessions, workshops, and networking. If you’re a small business owner, executive, entrepreneur, or considering starting a business, #WomenFuture24 is an event you won’t want to miss.

#WomenFuture24 Keynote Speaker and Agenda Details
We are excited to have Heather Hoytink, President, South Division PepsiCo Beverages North America, as our Keynote speaker for the 2024 Women|Future Conference.

5-Jul-09-2024-04-32-53-2957-PMHeather is the President of PBNA South Division, leading a beverage portfolio that has grown to nearly $5.5B since she stepped into the role in 2022. As the company’s first woman named division president, Heather is responsible for end-to-end P&L ownership and manages all cross-functional activity inclusive of commercial, go-to-market, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. Heather was honored with a Gold Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business.

Heather will be joined by ForbesWomen Contributor Vickie Chachere, to engage in an intimate fireside chat, delving into the profound impact of influence and relationships on one’s path to career success.

Virtual sessions are tailored to ambitious professionals looking to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections.

2-Jul-09-2024-04-32-54-1231-PMYou can expect discussions about everything from how to utilize mentorship as a path to professional and personal development, gain traction through public relations, and how technology affects human behavior. You’ll learn practical takeaways from sessions on marketing strategies, business ownership, and more. Sessions include:

Building a Trusted Brand: Authenticity in a Time of Public Scrutiny and Hot News Cycles

In this session hosted by Trust Relations CEO & Founder April White, panelists Rachel Griffin (Co-Founder of PlayWise Partners), Ronjini Joshua (Owner & President of The Silver Telegram) and Marissa Nance (CEO & Founder of Native Tongue Communications) will share advice for brand leaders to decide when to take a public stance on issues in the press, and how to ensure that when they decide to do so, they can back up their claims.
Unlocking Awards Success: The Power of Stevie Awards in Building Credibility and Business Growth

This panel discussion will delve into how organizations can utilize Stevie Awards to enhance their credibility, leverage their achievements to drive business growth, and effectively integrate award recognition into their overall strategic approach.

Breaking Barriers, Building Empires and Elevating Women: Driving Change in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Business3-Jul-09-2024-04-32-53-7765-PM

This session explores women’s journeys and experiences through the world of leadership and entrepreneurship, highlighting how passion-driven initiatives are breaking glass ceilings and revolutionizing business industries.

Leveraging AI Technology and Navigating the Social Media Landscape: Strategies for Business Growth & Success

In this dynamic panel discussion, we bring together a powerhouse of women who are at the forefront of innovation and technology. Join this session to delve into the realm of artificial intelligence and its transformative potential for businesses, led by a diverse panel comprising an AI tech startup Founder, Product Leader, AI Strategist, and SVP of Growth for Fortune 500 client brands. 


The 21st Stevie Awards for Women in Business
In 2018, the first annual Women|Future Conference was presented by the Stevie Awards to complement the highly successful Stevie® Awards for Women in Business program, the world’s top honors for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run. Many 2024 speakers are past and current Stevie Award winners who have earned recognition in one (or many) of our nine Stevie Awards programs.

Individuals and organizations can still submit nominations for the 2024 (21st annual) Stevie® Awards for Women in Business. The final entry deadline is July 24, but late entries will be accepted through August 21 with payment of a late fee. Request the Entry Kit Now.

Finalists will be announced in September, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie-winner placements of the Finalists revealed during a gala awards dinner in New York City on Friday, November 8.

Register for the Conference


Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women Future Conference

Lernen Sie unsere Hauptrednerin für die Women|Future 2024 kennen: Heather Hoytink von PepsiCo

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Thu, Jul 04, 2024 @ 07:42 AM

Jetzt als freiberufliche Journalistin und Kommunikationsberaterin nutzt sie ihr umfassendes Wissen über globale Herausforderungen, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und öffentliche Politik, um ansprechende und wirkungsvolle Inhalte für verschiedene Zielgruppen zu erstellen. Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung zeichnet sie sich im Schreiben und Redenschreiben aus und liefert klare und überzeugende Botschaften, die informieren und inspirieren. Wir freuen uns, die Hauptrednerin der Women|Future Conference 2024, Heather Hoytink, Präsidentin, South Division PepsiCo Beverages North America, ankündigen zu können.

Als Gewinnerin eines Gold Stevie Award als Female Executive of the Year bei den Stevie® Awards for Women in Business 2023, ist Heather, anknüpfend an unsere Tradition, prädestiniert dafür, die Konferenz als Hauptrednerin zu gestalten.

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Heather ist Präsidentin der PBNA South Division und leitet ein Getränkeportfolio, das seit ihrem Amtsantritt im Jahr 2022 auf fast 5,5 Milliarden US-Dollar angewachsen ist. Als erste Frau im Unternehmen, die zur Präsidentin des Geschäftsbereichs ernannt wurde, ist Heather für die gesamte Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung verantwortlich und leitet alle funktionsübergreifenden Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Handel, Markteinführung, Produktion, Betrieb und Marketing. 

Heathers Keynote, "Igniting Your Influence", wird die Eröffnungssitzung der #WomenFuture24 am 23. Juli um 10:00 Uhr ET (16:00 Uhr CEST) sein.

Im Jahr 2024 wurde sie vom Orlando Business Journal als "Woman Who Means Business" geehrt, und im vergangenen Jahr wurde sie vom Florida Trend Magazine zu einer der 500 einflussreichsten Wirtschaftsführer:innen Floridas gewählt. Zu ihren weiteren jüngsten Errungenschaften gehören unter Anderem die Auszeichnung "Orlando Magazine's 2023 Woman of the Year" und die Auszeichnung "Profiles in Diversity Journal's 2023 Woman Worth Watching in Leadership". Während ihrer fast 20-jährigen Karriere bei PepsiCo hatte Heather in allen vier Getränkedivisionen Führungspositionen im Vertrieb und im operativen Geschäft mit zunehmender Verantwortung inne.

Von 2017 bis 2019 war Heather als Senior Vice President of Foodservice Sales tätig. In dieser Zeit erzielte sie ein Rekordwachstum der Einnahmen über zehn Jahre und baute die erste E-Commerce-Bestellplattform, PepsiCo Partners, auf, die 30.000 Kunden erreichte. Als Verfechterin von Diversitäts-, Inklusions- und Mitarbeiterengagement-Initiativen setzt Heather weiterhin auf ihre persönlichen Werte. Mit dem "Returnship"-Programm ihres Teams in Zusammenarbeit mit der gemeinnützigen Organisation Path Forward hilft sie Frauen, die nach einer Auszeit für die Pflege von Angehörigen wieder ins Berufsleben zurückkehren möchten. Sie leitete die Einführung des internen Programms von PepsiCo, "One Smile at a Time", das Mitarbeiter:innen zu ehrenamtliche Veranstaltungen in ihren Gemeinden ermutigt und für diese rekrutiert.

Heather wird zusammen mit der ForbesWomen-Mitarbeiterin Vickie Chachere ein intimes Kamingespräch führen, in dem es um die tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen von Einfluss und Beziehungen auf den Karriereerfolg geht.

Zuvor war Vickie als leitende Redakteurin von Florida Trend tätig, einem preisgekrönten Magazin für Wirtschaft und öffentliche Angelegenheiten. Davor leitete sie die Kommunikationsabteilung der University of South Florida Research & Innovation und hob deren Leistungen als führende öffentliche Forschungsuniversität hervor. Als Journalistin arbeitete sie unter anderem als Aufsichtskorrespondentin für Associated Press sowie als Reporterin und Redakteurin für die Tampa Tribune. Sie widmet sich der Erforschung und Erläuterung der komplexen Themen, die unsere Welt prägen.

Jetzt, als freiberufliche Journalistin und Kommunikationsberaterin, nutzt sie ihr umfassendes Wissen über globale Herausforderungen, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und öffentliche Politik, um ansprechende und wirkungsvolle Inhalte für verschiedene Zielgruppen zu erstellen. Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung zeichnet sie sich im Schreiben und Redenschreiben aus und liefert klare und überzeugende Botschaften, die informieren und inspirieren.

Die diesjährige Konferenz wird virtuell am 23. Juli 2024 stattfinden. Melden Sie sich an, indem Sie unsere Registrierungsseite besuchen.

WFC24 RegisterZiel der 7. jährlichen Women|Future Conference, die von den Stevie® Awards veranstaltet wird, ist es, durch aufschlussreiche Vorträge, Workshops und Networking Kontakte zu knüpfen und die berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung zu fördern.

Wenn Sie Inhaberin eines Kleinunternehmens, Führungskraft oder Unternehmerin sind oder die Gründung eines Unternehmens in Erwägung ziehen, sollten Sie die Veranstaltung #WomenFuture24 nicht verpassen.

Die Sitzungen sind auf ehrgeizige Fachleute zugeschnitten, die lernen und sich darüber austauschen möchten, was in ihren Organisationen funktioniert, die Herausforderungen, denen sie gemeinsam gegenüberstehen, lösen und wertvolle Kontakte knüpfen möchten.

Sie können Diskussionen über alles erwarten, von der Nutzung von Mentorship als Weg zur beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung, über das Gewinnen von Aufmerksamkeit durch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bis hin zu den Auswirkungen von Technologie auf das menschliche Verhalten.

Sie werden aus den Sitzungen praktische Erkenntnisse über Marketingstrategien, Unternehmensführung und vieles mehr mitnehmen können. Die Themen der Sitzungen umfassen:

  • Aufbau einer vertrauenswürdigen Marke: Authentizität in einer Zeit öffentlicher Kontrolle und angesagter Nachrichtenzyklen
  • Den Erfolg von Auszeichnungen nutzbar machen: Die Macht der Stevie Awards beim Aufbau von Glaubwürdigkeit und Unternehmenswachstum
  • Barrieren brechen, Imperien aufbauen und Frauen fördern: Den Wandel in Führung, Unternehmertum und Wirtschaft vorantreiben
  • Nutzung von KI-Technologie und Navigation in der Social-Media-Landschaft: Strategien für Unternehmenswachstum und -erfolg

Frauen aus den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, Australien, Asien und Europa nehmen Jahr für Jahr an der Konferenz teil, um sich inspirieren zu lassen, ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu stärken und sich über Veränderungen auszutauschen, die sich auf ihre Branche, ihre Karriere und ihr Leben auswirken. 

Die Women|Future Conference ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, Kontakte in der Branche zu knüpfen, sich über Herausforderungen auszutauschen und gemeinsam mit Frauen wie Ihnen nach Lösungen zu suchen. In jeder Sitzung können Sie sich in der Gesellschaft der Gründerin einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, einer Unternehmerin, einer Publizistin und eines weiblichen CEOs wiederfinden.

Sehen Sie sich die vollständige Agenda und die Redner jetzt online an.

Registrieren Sie sich, um von den Besten zu lernen und sich unserer wachsenden Gemeinschaft ehrgeiziger Frauen in der Wirtschaft anzuschließen!

Um mehr über die Rednerinnen der Women|Future Conference zu erfahren und das vollständige Programm einzusehen, besuchen Sie

Für Partnerschafts-, Presse- und Medienanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an (Englisch)

Topics: German Stevie Awards, Women Future Conference's Stevie Award-Winning HR Leaders and Enterprise Solutions

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Mon, Jul 01, 2024 @ 09:25 AM

Swiss-based custom software product engineering company has operations in Romania and customers in DACH and the US. To date, their team of 250+ IT specialists has delivered 140+ complex enterprise solutions, with proven expertise in software and product engineering, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, data analytics, and integration services.

Having won multiple Stevie® Awards over the years, is skilled at delivering custom solutions for industries like retail, banking, fintech, and healthcare. They focus on understanding and meeting their clients' unique needs, providing excellent service every step of the way.

Partnering with means getting expert guidance through the complexities of modern technology. Whether it's creating tech advancement roadmaps or enhancing product offerings, they support clients at every stage. Their clients include businesses seeking to leverage technology for a competitive edge and streamline their operations. and team members won five awards in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers, including Achievement in Benefits Design and Administration; Employer of the Year - Computer Software; Human Resources Professional of the Year; Human Resources Executive of the Year; and Rising HR Star of the Year.

Rising HR Star of the YearRoxana Staneiu - Rising HR Star of the Year
People Director Roxana Staneiu won a Gold Stevie Award for Rising HR Star of the Year. This award category recognizes the achievements of human resources professionals under the age of 30.

On winning the award, Staneiu commented:

This recognition holds a special place in my heart. It’s genuine proof that we are on the right path and that our collective dedication, authenticity, and passion for lifelong learning are reshaping and innovating industry practices. 

She explained how they foster a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization:

We support people in embracing a growth mindset, encouraging curiosity, lifelong learning, and trying out new things without the fear of failure “Fail fast. Fail better.” Our approach encompasses multilateral development, bringing together training programs, mentorship opportunities, and a culture of giving feedback on the spot feedback while nurturing psychological safety inside teams.

Learning is a never-ending journey, and we are happy to be next to our people to empower and guide them every step of the way.

She says their focus remains on becoming better every day, innovating, and fostering a place of trust in which they can co-create together with their partners. They are committed to further enhancing their people’s growth initiatives, leveraging cutting-edge technology to drive impactful change and innovation, such as AI-driven learning.

Human Resources Professional of the Year
People & Culture Specialist Estera Fodorean won a Silver Stevie for HR Professional of the Year. When asked what this recognition meant to her and her team, she explained:

Estera Fodorean - Human Resources Professional of the YearFor years, navigating the professional landscape, I've encountered societal norms that often dictated a rigid definition of professionalism. These norms implied that real professionals should appear as very serious figures with little to no laughing or jokes, avoid forming deep bonds with colleagues, hide their emotions, and keep personal challenges hidden. It felt completely unnatural, and I was determined to stick to my authentic style of a people-person.

Winning a Stevie award for professionalism signifies the transcendence of these outdated beliefs for me and my team. It's a testament to our commitment to authenticity, fostering genuine connections, and embracing both the challenges and joys of our work environment while maintaining quality in everything that we do.

Looking ahead, Fodorean says that her commitment remains focused on continuous learning and contributing to her team, community, and all those around her.

They will continue to "inspire and encourage each other, provide opportunities for professional development, encourage mentorship and knowledge sharing, and celebrate the achievements and milestones of team members." and team members won a Gold Stevie, two Silver Stevies, and two Bronze Stevie Awards in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers.

Interested in entering the 2024 program?

Request Your Entry Kit

Topics: great employers

Final Entry Deadline Extended to July 24 in First Annual Stevie® Awards for Technology Excellence

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Jul 01, 2024 @ 08:45 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizers of the world’s premier business awards, have announced a final deadline extension in the newest Stevie Awards program, the Stevie® Awards for Technology Excellence. 

The original final entry deadline was June 28, but entries will now be accepted through July 24. Entries through the extended final entry deadline will not be penalized in any way. Entry details are available at

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This new Stevie Awards program celebrates the remarkable accomplishments of individuals, teams, and organizations shaping the future of technology across all industry sectors.

Individuals and organizations worldwide are eligible to enter - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. The program will recognize the world’s best technology professionals, organizations, achievements, products, and services since the beginning of 2022. 

Michael Gallagher, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Stevie Awards, expressed enthusiasm about the newest Stevie Awards competition and extending the final entry deadline:

"After many requests, we have decided to extend the final entry deadline through July 24 to give individuals and organizations more time to prepare their nominations. We are excited for technology innovators to be recognized for their work in 2024.”

The program features more than 250 categories across 20 technology-industry groupings, with a broader set of categories for Information Technology. Category groupings include:

Each year, Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations from organizations of all types and sizes in more than 70 nations. Past Stevie Award winners include Cisco Systems, Inc., DP DHL, EY Global Services Limited, HCLTech, IBM Corporation, LLYC, Proctor & Gamble, Samsung, Toyota, Verizon, Viettel Group, and many others.

Juries featuring more than 100 executives worldwide will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners. Winners will be publicly announced on August 7 and celebrated at a joint awards gala with the ninth annual Stevie® Awards for Great Employers on September 16 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York City.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence

The Stevie® Awards for Great Employers Final Entry Deadline Extended to July 19

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jun 27, 2024 @ 08:30 AM

Ninth Annual Awards Honoring World's Best Workplaces and HR Professionals Continues to Accept Nominations

SAGE24 Deadline Ext

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, announced today that the final entry deadline for the ninth annual competition has been extended to Friday, July 19. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers honor the world's best companies to work for and the HR teams and professionals, HR achievements, new products and services, and suppliers that help to create and drive great workplaces.

"After many requests for individual deadline extensions, we have decided to extend the deadline for everyone," said Stevie Awards President Maggie Miller. The original final deadline was June 26. Miller emphasizes that no additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through July 19, and late entries will not be penalized in the judging process.

All organizations now have three more weeks to prepare and submit their entries. All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The 2024 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2022. Entry details are available at

Categories have been added to and removed from the 2024 competition. Five new HR Achievement Awards categories have been added: Achievement in Career Mobility, Achievement in Flexible and Hybrid Work Models, Achievement in Employer Branding, Achievement in Generative AI, and Achievement in Organizational Culture. The only category group that's been eliminated this year is the COVID-19 Response categories, which were added in 2021 to recognize work related to the pandemic.

Fourteen of the 16 HR Individual categories do not require payment of entry fees, including Human Resources Executive of the Year, HR Rising Star of the Year, Employee Relations Professional of the Year, Onboarding Professional of the Year, Recruiting or Talent Acquisition Professional of the Year, and others.

Winners in the 31 industry-specific Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blend of public votes and professional ratings. Public voting will take place from June 28 to July 25.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

More than 100 professionals worldwide, working on several juries, will determine the Stevie Award winners. Winners in the 2024 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards will be announced on August 1 and celebrated during a gala banquet in conjunction with the Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence ceremony on September 16 in New York City.

About HiBob

A multi-year sponsor of the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, HiBob is a modern HR Platform designed for modern business. HiBob is sponsoring a set of categories for HiBob customers including Best Use of Bob for Creating a Winning Global Company Culture, Best Use of Bob for Supporting DEI&B, Best Use of Bob for Impacting the Employee Lifecycle, and Best Use of Bob for Workforce Planning and/or Hiring.

Topics: great employers

Meet Our Keynote Speaker for Women|Future 2024: Heather Hoytink of PepsiCo

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Jun 25, 2024 @ 08:00 AM

We are excited to announce the keynote speaker for the 2024 Women|Future Conference, Heather Hoytink, President, South Division PepsiCo Beverages North America.

Keeping with our tradition of past Stevie® Award winners keynoting the conference, Heather was honored with a Gold Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business.

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Heather is the President of PBNA South Division, leading a beverage portfolio that has grown to nearly $5.5B since she stepped into the role in 2022. As the company’s first woman named division president, Heather is responsible for end-to-end P&L ownership and manages all cross-functional activity inclusive of commercial, go-to-market, manufacturing, operations, and marketing. 

Heather's Keynote, "Igniting Your Influence," will be the opening session of #WomenFuture24, at 10:00 am ET on July 23.

In 2024, she was honored as a 2024 “Woman Who Means Business” by the Orlando Business Journal, and last year she was selected as one of Florida’s 500 most influential business leaders by Florida Trend Magazine. Her other recent accolades include Orlando Magazine’s 2023 Woman of the Year, Profiles in Diversity Journal’s 2023 Woman Worth Watching in Leadership, and during her nearly 20-year career at PepsiCo, Heather has served in sales and operating leadership roles of increasing responsibility across all four beverage divisions.

From 2017 to 2019, Heather served as Senior Vice President of Foodservice Sales, during which she delivered record 10-year revenue growth and scaled the first e-commerce online ordering platform, PepsiCo Partners, to 30,000 customers. As a champion of diversity, inclusion and employee engagement initiatives, Heather has continued to tap into her personal values through her team’s “Returnship” program with non-profit Path Forward, aiming to help women professionals return to the workforce after taking time off for caregiving. She led the rollout of PepsiCo’s internal program, “One Smile at a Time,” which encourages and recruits employees for volunteer events in their communities.

Heather will be joined by ForbesWomen Contributor, Vickie Chachere, to engage in an intimate fireside chat, delving into the profound impact of influence and relationships on one's path to career success.

Vickie previously served as the executive editor of Florida Trend, an award-winning business and public affairs magazine. Before that, she led communications for the University of South Florida Research & Innovation, highlighting its achievements as a leading public research university. Her journalism background includes roles as a supervisory correspondent for the Associated Press and a reporter and editorial writer for the Tampa Tribune. She is dedicated to exploring and explaining the complex issues that shape our world. 

Now a freelance journalist and communications consultant, she uses her extensive knowledge of global challenges, economic development, and public policy to create engaging and impactful content for various audiences. With over 30 years of experience, she excels in writing and speechwriting, delivering clear and compelling messages that inform and inspire.

This year’s conference will take place virtually on July 23, 2024. Sign up by visiting our registration page.

WFC24 RegisterThe mission of the 7th annual Women|Future Conference, hosted by the Stevie® Awards, is to foster connections and professional and personal development through insightful sessions, workshops, and networking.

If you’re a small business owner, executive, entrepreneur, or considering starting a business, #WomenFuture24 is an event you won’t want to miss.

Sessions are tailored to ambitious professionals looking to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections.

You can expect discussions about everything from how to utilize mentorship as a path to professional and personal development, gain traction through public relations, and how technology affects human behavior.

You will learn practical takeaways from sessions on marketing strategies, business ownership, and more. Session Topics include:

  • Building a Trusted Brand: Authenticity in a Time of Public Scrutiny and Hot News Cycles
  • Unlocking Awards Success: The Power of Stevie Awards in Building Credibility and Business Growth
  • Breaking Barriers, Building Empires and Elevating Women: Driving Change in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Business
  • Leveraging AI Technology and Navigating the Social Media Landscape: Strategies for Business Growth & Success

Women from cities across the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, and Europe attend the conference year after year to be inspired, build resilience, and share insights into changes that impact their industries, their careers, and their lives. 

The Women|Future Conference is a great opportunity to build industry connections, share challenges, and brainstorm solutions alongside women like you. In any given session, you may find yourself in the company of the Founder of a non-profit, an Entrepreneur, a Publicist, and a CEO.

View the Full Agenda and Speakers online now.

Register to Learn from the Best and Join Our Growing Community of Ambitious Women in Business!

To learn more about the Women|Future Conference speakers and view the full agenda, visit

For partnership, press, and media inquiries, contact

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women Future Conference

Multiple Stevie-winner Drives Change With Future-Minded Women

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Jun 21, 2024 @ 09:46 AM

NegruStevie-winner is a Swiss-based custom software product engineering company with operations in Romania and customers in DACH and the US.

To date, their team of 250+ IT specialists has delivered 140+ complex enterprise solutions, with proven expertise in software and product engineering, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, data analytics, and integration services.

With multiple Stevie® Award wins for consecutive years, they stand out in their ability to cater to a wide range of industries, including retail, banking, fintech, food tech, healthcare, pharma, hospitality, publishing, and real estate. Their core mission revolves around being the partner of choice for data and product engineering to drive business growth and deliver an impact within your organization.

At, they cover the entire development cycle from business research, consulting, and architecture to post-implementation testing and maintenance. Whether it's establishing roadmaps for technological advancement or enhancing product offerings, they provide comprehensive support to clients at every stage of their journey.

They continue their growth process, relying on continuous learning, a particularly important element for, which translates into projects from various industries, new technologies, the scaling of existing projects through processes that allow partners competitive advantages.

Leading Women in IT
With a team of dedicated engineers proficient in end-to-end software services, offers expertise in business analysis, architecture, development, integration, maintenance, and support.

Beyond delivering technical solutions, they foster an intrapreneurial environment where individuals can thrive both professionally and personally. This approach not only ensures the success of their projects but also cultivates a culture of innovation and collaboration within the organization. won multiple Stevie Awards in the 2023 edition of the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, including a Silver Stevie for Fastest Growing Company of the Year. Anamaria Bumbar, Head of Customer Success at, won a Bronze Stevie for Female Executive of the Year.

Anamaria Bumbar - BRONZE STEVIE® AWARD at the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in BusinessAnamaria commented on her win:

"Winning the Bronze Stevie® Award in the Female Executive of the Year category was a pleasant surprise for both me and my team. It's certainly encouraging to see our efforts acknowledged in such a manner.

This recognition serves as a gentle reminder that the good work we put in each day doesn't go unnoticed. We're grateful for the honor and it motivates us to keep pushing forward with our goals."

Anamaria has worked with "from the very beginning," embracing different roles with passion, such as Scrum Master, Project Manager, People Manager, and Key Account Manager. She now successfully manages an operational team of over 220 people. Over the past 8 years, Anamaria has successfully contributed to numerous international projects, delivering more than 70 projects successfully with her dedicated teams.

Anamaria explained the importance of cultivating an environment where learning is embraced:

"We believe in the power of curiosity and encourage our team members to explore new ideas and approaches. This involves providing ample opportunities for professional development, whether it's through workshops, training sessions, or mentorship programs.

By fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration, we create an atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to contribute and grow." operates by promoting the principles of holocracy, eschewing traditional hierarchy for self-organizing teams. This innovative approach distributes responsibility and decision-making throughout the organization, fostering inclusivity and innovation.

CEO of Lucia Stoicescu explained how they encourage continuous learning in the workplace:
Lucia Stoicescu (1)
"We promote a learning environment through professional development opportunities, participation in industry events, and internal knowledge-sharing sessions. By nurturing curiosity and innovation within our team, we encourage our community to grow, contribute fresh ideas, and drive our progress in the rapidly evolving tech landscape."

She commented that their focus remains on delivering high-impact AI-driven solutions to meet clients' unique challenges and strategic goals. By expanding into new markets and deepening their industry expertise, they are committed to driving sustainable growth for both the company and its clients. won a Silver Stevie Award for Fastest Growing Company of the Year, and's Head of Customer Success Anamaria Bumbar won a Bronze Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year – Business Products – 11 to 2,500 Employees - Computer Software in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

Interested in entering the 2024 program?

Request the Entry Kit


Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Highlights From The 22nd Annual American Business Awards® Ceremony

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Jun 14, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

More than 450 Stevie® Award winners, their guests, and Stevie judges gathered for The 22nd annual American Business Awards® at a gala on Tuesday, June 11 at the Marriott Marquis in New York City.

For those unable to attend, the ceremony was streamed live on Vimeo. You can watch the full ceremony replay on our site and our YouTube channel.

More than 3,700 nominations were submitted to the 2024 competition by organizations and individuals. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in the various categories were announced in April, as selected by the ratings of more than 300 professionals worldwide. Winners of five Grand ("best of show") trophies were announced in May, while winners of People's Choice Stevie Awards, chosen in a worldwide public vote, were announced later in May.

The American Business Awards recognize achievement in the workplace in a wide variety of categories and have come to be recognized as the premier business awards program in the United States.

View and download photos from the event here.


How the Awards Were Presented
To start the evening, gala attendees first enjoyed a formal reception in the lounge outside of the ballroom, providing an excellent opportunity to network and establish new business connections with other Stevie-winning professionals and leaders. This was followed by a dinner and the awards presentations.

During the presentations, each organization was introduced individually. A short video produced by the Stevie Awards showcased the winning organization, followed by the winners' acceptance speech on stage. After receiving their award(s), winners were invited to the red carpet area outside the event room for interviews, where they were asked two questions:

  • "What does winning a Stevie Award mean for your organization?"
  • "How will winning a Stevie Award help your organization?"

Acceptance speeches and interview clips will be available on the Stevie Awards YouTube channel.


Winner Highlights
All organizations operating in the USA–large and small, public and private, for-profit and non-profit–were eligible to submit nominations to the ABAs in a wide range of categories. This year, we witnessed a surge of nominations in categories like Product Innovation, Innovation of the Year across diverse industries, and Technology Categories, mirroring the influence of new and emerging technologies shaping our nation.

One of first winners honored on stage was Boost Payment Solutions of New York, NY. A global leader in B2B payments, Boost Payment Solutions seamlessly serves the needs of today's commercial trading partners, eliminating friction and delivering process efficiency, payment security, data insights, and revenue optimization.

Boost Founder and CEO Dean M. Leavitt was there to take home a Gold Stevie for Best Financial Services Entrepreneur, and the company itself earned two additional Gold Stevies and a Bronze Stevie Award for Achievement in Finance, Company of the Year, and Most Innovative Company of the Year, respectively.

Attending from Rochester, NY, Kodak was also among the first organizations honored. Internationally recognized, Kodak manufactures industry-leading hardware, software, and services for commercial print, packaging, publishing, manufacturing, and entertainment. They earned a Gold Stevie Award for Best Business Technology Pivot for their Inkjet Print Technology.

Also celebrated that evening was RED @ Vanguard, the in-house agency at Vanguard, a Grand Stevie Award winner for Most Honored Marketing Agency of the Year. The Grand Stevie Awards are best-of-competition prizes awarded to only a handful of organizations that submit the best body of work to the competition, in their own name or in the names of one or more clients, or have the highest-rated nomination in the competition. The Grand Stevie Award trophy cannot be applied for directly.

Based in Malvern, Pennsylvania, RED @ Vanguard specializes in creative and strategic marketing solutions to support Personal Investor Marketing at Vanguard. The agency earned 14 points for three Gold, one Silver, and two Bronze Stevie Award-winning nominations.

Organizations at the ceremony that won three or more Gold Stevie Awards include:
Advanced Drainage Systems (Columbus, OH), Cisco (San Jose, CA), Hilton Software (Coral Springs, FL), IBM (Armonk, NY), Logical Position (Lake Oswego, OR), and The Stories and Wisdom Company (Seattle, WA). 

Other winning organizations that were in attendance include:, Inc., (Jericho, NY); American Bar Association, (Chicago, IL); DHL Supply Chain (Westerville, OH); eBay Inc. (Draper, UT); Fidelity Investments (Jersey City, NJ); Kaiser Permanente (Oakland, CA); Liberty Bankers Insurance Group  (Dallas, TX); Lockheed Martin (Bethesda, MD); (Las Vegas, NV); Shawarma Press Franchising (Irving, TX); Toshiba America Business Solutions (Lake Forest, CA), and many others. See full list of winning organizations in attendance.

Watch the full ceremony here. 

Sponsors of The 2024 American Business Awards include Melissa Sones Consulting and SoftPro.

The 2025 American Business Awards
Entries for the 2025 edition of the American Business Awards will be accepted starting this October. Join the mailing list for the entry kit and it will be emailed to you then. Learn more about The American Business Awards at

Topics: American business awards

Einsendeschluss für die 21. jährlichen International Business Awards® verlängert

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Thu, Jun 13, 2024 @ 09:00 AM

Nominations will now be accepted through 17 July

Die Stevie® Awards, Veranstalter der The International Business Awards®, gaben heute bekannt, dass die Frist für die Einreichung von Bewerbungen für die 21. jährliche Ausgabe der Awards bis zum 17. Juli 2024 verlängert wurde. Der ursprüngliche Einsendeschluss war der 12. Juni.

Die International Business Awards gelten weithin als der weltweit wichtigste Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftspreise und ziehen jedes Jahr Nominierungen von Organisationen aus über 70 Ländern und Gebieten an.

Alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentliche und private, gewinnorientierte und gemeinnützige, große und kleine - können Nominierungen für die International Business Awards® einreichen. Einzelheiten zur Teilnahme finden Sie unter

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„Die verlängerte Einreichungsfrist gibt den Organisationen mehr Zeit, ihre Nominierungen vorzubereiten und einzureichen“, sagte die Präsidentin der Stevie Awards, Maggie Miller.

Jurys bestehend aus mehr als 300 Führungskräften aus aller Welt werden die Gewinner der Stevie Awards in Gold, Silber und Bronze ermitteln. Die Gewinner werden am 14. August bekannt gegeben und am Freitag, den 11. Oktober, bei einem Gala-Bankett im InterContinental Istanbul, Türkei, gefeiert. Die Trophäen und Medaillen des Grand, Gold, Silber, Bronze und People's Choice Stevie Award werden den Gewinnern auf der Bühne in Istanbul überreicht. Eintrittskarten für das Preisbankett sind ab dem 14. August erhältlich, wenn die Gewinner bekannt gegeben werden.

“Wir freuen uns sehr, dass das diesjährige Bankett der International Business Awards in Istanbul, Türkei, stattfinden wird", fügte Miller hinzu. “Wir erwarten über 300 Führungskräfte aus mehr als 20 Ländern zur Preisverleihung".

Mit den International Business Awards werden Leistungen in allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt ausgezeichnet. Die Kategorien umfassen:

Es gibt einige neue und überarbeitete Features der International Business Awards für 2024:

  • Es gibt eine Vielzahl neuer Technologielösungs-Kategorien für künstliche Intelligenz und Lösungen für maschinelles Lernen, die in Unterkategorien für Finanzlösungen, generative Lösungen (Audio, Grafik, Text, Video), Lösungen für das Gesundheitswesen und andere Lösungen unterteilt sind. Weitere neue Technologiekategorien gibt es für Cybersicherheit, Digital Asset Management, Digital Employee Experience und Wissenszentrum/Hilfeseiten
  • Es gibt viele neue Event-Kategorien für Cause & Green Events, darunter Corporate Social Responsibility Experience, Spenden und Freiwilligenarbeit der Mitarbeiter, inklusive Events und andere Markenerlebnisse/Events nach Typ, darunter Gamified Experience, Pop-Up Experience und Immersive Experience. 

Zu den Stevie-Award-Gewinnern bei den IBAs 2023 gehören: Barmer (Deutschland),  Celonis (Deutschland), CodeTwo (Polen), Coutts (Vereinigtes Königreich), DHL Express (Schweiz), Edvantis (Deutschland), Halkbank (Türkei), Hase & Igel GmbH (Deutschland), ImmuniWeb (Schweiz), JazzRadio Berlin (Deutschland), Körber Digital GmbH (Deutschland), LLYC (Spanien), NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH (Deutschland), Philip Morris International (Schweiz),  Prosegur Cash Services Germany GmbH (Deutschland), RamBase (Norwegen), Retresco GmbH (Deutschland), TimeXtender (Dänemark), Trevolution Group (Malta), Turkish Aerospace (Türkei), Vistatec Ltd (Irland), GmbH (Deutschland) und viele weitere.

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Topics: German Stevie Awards, Internationalen Business Awards

Final Entry Deadline Extended in The 21st Annual International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jun 13, 2024 @ 09:00 AM

Nominations will now be accepted through 17 July

The Stevie® Awards, organizers of The International Business Awards®, announced today that the final entry deadline in the 2024 (21st annual) edition of the awards has been extended through 17 July by popular demand. The original final entry deadline was 12 June.

The International Business Awards are widely recognized as the world's premier business awards competition, attracting nominations from organizations in over 70 nations and territories each year.

All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. Entry details are available at

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“The extended entry period will give organizations additional time to prepare and submit their nominations," said Stevie Awards President Maggie Miller. 

Juries featuring more than 300 executives worldwide will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners. Winners will be announced on 14 August and celebrated at a gala banquet in Istanbul, Turkey, at the InterContinental Istanbul on Friday, 11 October. Grand, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and People's Choice Stevie Award trophies and medallions will be presented to winners on stage in Istanbul. Tickets for the awards banquet will be available starting 14 August, when winners are announced.

“We are thrilled to announce that this year’s International Business Awards banquet will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, added Miller. We anticipate over 300 executives from more than 20 nations to attend the awards ceremony.”

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The International Business Awards for 2024:

  • There are a variety of new Technology Solution Categories for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions, split into subcategories for Financial, Generative (audio, graphics, text, video), Healthcare, and other solutions. There are additional new technology categories for Cybersecurity, Digital Asset Management, Digital Employee Experience, and Knowledge Center/Help Sites. 
  • There are many new Event Categories for Cause & Green Events including CSR Experience, Employee Giving & Volunteerism, Inclusive Events, and other Brand Experiences/Events by type including Gamified Experience, Pop-Up Experience, and Immersive Experience. 

Stevie Award winners in the 2023 IBAs included Ayala Land Inc. (Philippines), Anexa BPO (Mexico), Empire Eagle Food (Taiwan), EY Global Services Limited (USA), IBM Corporation (Worldwide), LLYC (Spain), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), TalkLife (United Kingdom), Turkish Aerospace (Turkey), HALKBANK (Turkey), The Dubai Digital Authority (United Arab Emirates), Viettel Group (Vietnam), and many more. 

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Topics: International business awards