Verlängerte Teilnahmefrist bei den ersten German Stevie Awards

Posted by Catrin Beu on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 @ 11:59 AM

Auf Grund der regen Nachfrage verlängern die Organisatoren der German Stevie Awards die Teilnahmefrist bis zum 11. Februar 2015. „Eigentlich sollte der Einsendeschluss gestern enden“, erklärt Michael Gallagher, Präsident und Gründer der Stevie Awards. „Doch auf vielfachen Wunschhaben wir die Teilnahmefrist für alle Kategorien der German Stevie Awards verlängert. Jetzt haben die Interessenten noch rund neun Wochen Zeit, um die Teilnahmeunterlagen anzufordern, ihre Bewerbungen aufzubereiten und einzureichen.“  

Stolze Stevie Award Gewinnerinen

Teilnahmeberechtigt sind Unternehmen, die in Deutschland tätig sind: jeder Größe, gemeinnützig oder gewinnorientiert sowie privat oder öffentlich. Auch Einzelpersonen dürfen sich bewerben. Die Teilnahme erfordert in den meisten Kategorien eine Beschreibung der Unternehmensleistungen in Bezug auf die gewählte Kategorie. „Wichtig ist hier: authentisch bleiben!“, rät Gallagher. „Darüber hinaus können die Teilnehmer zusätzliche Unterlagen wie Weblinks, Videos, Presseberichte und andere Referenzen auf unseren Server hochladen, damit die Jury einen umfassenderen Eindruck von dem Unternehmen und seinen Erfolgen erhält.“ 

Ab dem 16. Februar bewertet eine Jury aus Wirtschaftsexperten die Bewerbungen und ermittelt mittels eines Punkteverfahrens die Gewinner der Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Awards in den jeweiligen Kategorien. Ab dem 23. Februar werden dann die Gewinner bekannt gegeben. 

Die feierliche Preisverleihung findet am 27. März in Berlin statt.  

Weitere Informationen über die Teilnahme finden Sie unter 



Topics: German Stevie Awards, deutschland, Teilnahmefrist, Verlängerung, Kategorien

How a Stevie Award Winner Thinks Globally and Acts Locally in Germany

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Dec 02, 2014 @ 05:56 PM

F&H Porter Novelli in Munich Germany won a Silver Stevie® Award and two Bronze Stevie® Awards in the Communications Awards, IR Awards, and Public Relations Awards categories of The 2014 International Business Awards.

F&HFreiherr Helmut von Fircks, CEO of F&H Porter Novelli, is a regular judge for the International Business Awards. We talked to him about what winning a Stevie® Award means to him, and for his view on the upcoming German Stevie Awards.


On winning a Stevie® Award, Helmut von Fircks had this to say: “Winning an award is a big honor both for the client and for the account team. And it not only motivates the dedicated team, the whole agency also benefits from a real boost to morale.”

Raising Awareness
We asked Helmut for his thoughts on the new German Stevie® Awards.  “Having a German Stevie Awards program will attract even more German businesses to attend and be part of this wonderful awards program,” he commented. “Having a German Stevie Awards is recognition of the importance of the German market and its role in the communications world. It will raise the awareness of the Stevie Awards tremendously.”

Think Global-Act Local
For companies already operating, or considering expanding into the German market, Helmut offers the following advice: “We suggest companies adopt the rule: Think global–act local. Even though we are part of the EU, Germans expect a tailor-made personal approach. So a campaign that might work in the U.K. does not necessarily work here in Germany.”

A Bright Future
Helmut is optimistic about the future. “Communications is an evolving industry, always at the heart of future trends and innovation,” he told us. “Learning something new every day keeps us excited and motivated for future challenges.”

About Freiherr Helmut von Fircks:
Helmut von Fircks founded the F & H agency whilst studying economics. Even though he started his career in advertising, he soon discovered the power of public relations within the communications mix. He has built a team of creative strategists who love consulting for large global organizations as well as medium-sized businesses. His heart beats communications, especially in challenging situations, and he is a proven crisis-communications specialist.

In his private life this father of four enjoys long walks with his Labrador Lady Mercey.

About F&H Porter Novelli:
F&H Porter Novelli was founded in 1980 and currently employs 60 people in its Munich office. The agency is exclusive German brand partner of Porter Novelli. F&H is amongst the top 20 PR agencies in Germany. The full service agency offers all parameters within a modern communication mix from PR to advertising. F&H Porter Novelli is a strategic communications consultancy supporting com- panies, organizations, institutions, and people in a variety of communications needs. Areas of expertise include traditional and social media public relations, crisis, special situations and long-term stakeholder communications. F&H offers international communications consulting from creative strategists. Bold and pas- sionate, the F&H team develops successful high quality solutions. More information via

Topics: communications awards, International business awards, PR awards, German Stevie Awards, public relations awards, ir awards, Busines Awards

Stevie Awards Sponsorship Opportunities for 2015 Are Published

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Dec 01, 2014 @ 02:41 PM
The Stevie Awards, the world's premier business awards programs, have just published a brochure about 2015 sponsorship opportunities.


The brochure outlines the opportunities associated with our six awards programs in 2015, including the newest program - the German Stevie Awards.

Among the benefits that are available through Stevie Awards sponsorships are:

• The ability to submit an unlimited number of entries to the sponsored program without having to pay entry fees. This benefit can be extended to sponsors’ clients as well

• The right to name and confer one or more honorary Stevie Awards upon your customers

• A full-page ad in the official program of the event

• Up to 100,000 banner ad impressions on the sponsored program’s web site and in the weekly Stevie Awards Update e-newsletter

• Tickets for the sponsored awards banquet

• At least 10 minutes of stage time to present awards at the sponsored event

• Logo identification in all photographs and video clips of the sponsored event

• Hospitality and display privileges, before, during, and/or after the sponsored event

• Editorial coverage, in the form of an interview or profile, in the Stevie Awards blog and e-newsletter

We welcome the opportunity to customize sponsorship benefits to suit your needs.  Contact Stevie Awards president Michael Gallagher for details.

Topics: business awards, International business awards, American business awards, German Stevie Awards, sponsorship, sponsors

Warum Sie an Marketing-Awards teilnehmen sollten

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Nov 28, 2014 @ 02:09 PM

Marketing-Awards sind ein wichtiges Medium, um die eigene Kreativität, die Arbeit der Marketing-Abteilung oder der Agentur bekannt zu machen. Sie sind ein attraktives Mittel zur weiteren Kundenakquise, verdeutlichen sie doch die Wirkung der eigenen Arbeit.

Stolze Gewinnerin der Stevie Awards 2014

Im Mittelpunkt von Marketing-Kampagnen stehen meistens Marken, Produkte oder bestimmte Dienstleistungen. Je professioneller eine Marketing-Kampagne durchgeführt wird, desto leichter und „müheloser“ erscheinen ihre Endprodukte wie Anzeigen, Videos und Events. Die Köpfe und die viele Arbeit dahinter, bleiben meist unsichtbar.

Mit den Marketing-Awards sensibilisieren die German Stevie Awards die deutsche Unternehmenswelt für das enorme kreative Potenzial in den Agenturen und Unternehmen.

Mit einer Marketing-Auszeichnung im Gepäck lässt es sich wesentlich einfacher im Markt bemerkbar zu machen und für potenzielle Kunden sichtbar werden. Marketing-Awards als Akquisetool haben manchem Preisträger schon die eine oder andere Tür geöffnet.

In den Zeiten des vielzitierten demografischen Wandels und Fachkräftemangels in Deutschland, spielt das Employer Branding, sprich das Herausarbeiten der Arbeitgebermarke, im Recruitingprozess eine wichtige Rolle. Mit einer Auszeichnung im Bereich Marketing überzeugen Unternehmen und Agenturen talentierte Nachwuchskräfte von der Kreativität ihrer Unternehmens und steigern damit die eigene Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber.
Diese Möglichkeiten sollten sich Marketingtreibende nicht entgehen lassen.

So nehmen Sie an den Marketing-Awards teil

Um in der Kategorie Marketing der German Stevie Awards teilzunehmen, können Sie sich entweder mit einer Marketing-Kampagne oder mit den Mitarbeitern des Marketings bewerben.

Erfahren Sie hier mehr über die verschiedenen Kategorien der Marketing-Awards und mit welchen Projekten und Leistungen Sie teilnehmen können.

Topics: marketing awards, German Stevie Awards, Marketing-Kampagne, Marketing-Abteilung, Marketing, Agentur, Kreativität

A Stevie Winner in Berlin Welcomes the German Stevie Awards

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 22, 2014 @ 03:33 PM

optivo in Berlin, Germany won two Stevie® Awards in The 2014 International Business Awards: its Customer Care Team won a Bronze Stevie in the Customer Service Awards categories; and its optivo® broadmailMarketing Automation Solution won in the New Product Awards categories.

optivoWe asked Harald Oberhofer, Director of Corporate Communications at optivo, for his thoughts about the new German Stevie Awards. (Get your German Stevie Awards entry kit here.)

Herzlich willkommen, as we say in Germany,” was his response. “We regularly participate in the international edition of the Stevies and our company and innovations have received several awards. We are therefore really happy that the Stevie Awards have now launched a competition specifically for the German market.”

“German companies are acting more and more internationally,” Harald added. “The German Stevie Awards might help to deepen our global mindset. At the same time, I think it’s great that German business achievements are going to be recognized through these new Awards, and that German innovations and product highlights will get the visibility they deserve.”

Delivering Added Value

We asked Harald if he had any advice for companies thinking of doing business in Germany.

“The starting point has to be a valid business model–and that applies to Germany companies, too.” Harald told us. “In Germany, careful and thorough planning is of great importance. Plans and concepts should be developed very thoroughly, with a special eye on the details. There is a great demand in Germany for professionalism and for delivering added value. And, of course, reliability is a must.”

Industry News

Harald also gave us some tips on a few of the apps and blogs that he finds most useful in the workplace.

“optivo is one of the largest email marketing and omnichannel specialists in Europe,” he told us. “We have our own German language blog at, which provides a lot of useful industry news information. For other industry news, I can also recommend and  However, if you need a cab in Germany, the MyTaxi app is essential!”

Looking Ahead

We asked Harald what he most enjoyed about his work at optivo. “optivo is the technology leader in its industry and right now we are expanding internationally, which is exciting for the entire company as well as for me,” he told us.  “Moreover, my colleagues in our Berlin office are cool and dedicated, as are the people working in our offices around Europe. In short, to work at optivo is fun and rewarding.”

optivo® broadmail

optivo’s main product is optivo® broadmail, which enables optivo clients to send out permission-based and professional newsletters as well as email marketing campaigns. optivo® broadmail is an internationally applicable solution for all business sectors and industries. The user interface is available in English, German, Polish, Dutch, and Turkish. The software includes more than 300 functions and can be used via all relevant web browsers. Its customers can send out up to 25,000,000 emails per hour. Furthermore, it is continuously being updated and developed. New functionalities are provided regularly and made available free of charge to optivo’s customers.

Customer Care Team

The optivo customer care team helps with advice and assistance in all matters concerning the use of optivo® broadmail. Online marketing specialists create customer templates for a consistent corporate design and give international support regarding the use of the online broadcasting system as well as email and omnichannel marketing in general. The staff is multinational and supports customers in various European languages.

optivo offers workshops on email marketing strategies, customer training, and academies. Its customers receive regularly updated documentation, technical white papers, video tutorials, and newsletters. Through its blog, optivo offers in-depth information on relevant topics concerning email and omnichannel marketing to all interested parties. Customers can also subscribe to a newsletter series that offersuseful tips on email marketing over the course of one year, and they can attend free webinars on special topics which are held on a regular basis.

About Harald Oberhofer

Harald Oberhofer is Director of Corporate Communication at optivo. He has 14 years of experience in PR and Marketing in the online sector. Harald joined optivo in 2007 in order to set up the Marketing Department. His current responsibilities are the management and coordination of international and corporate PR and marketing communications activities. Prior to optivo, Harald worked for Zanox and IBM, among others.

About optivo

optivo is one of Europe's leading email and omnichannel marketing service providers, delivering efficient, professional and secure email marketing solutions from one single source. Since the foundation of optivo in 2001, all of its operations have focused on efficient direct marketing. More than 1,000 companies from various industries rely on its services, including many top names; such as Best Western Hotels, Bosch Power Tools, Die Zeit, InnoGames, Henkel, and QVC.  For more information go to

Topics: business awards, stevie awards, German Stevie Awards, IBAs, optivo, german business awards