Erstmals drei Frauen als Juryvorsitzende bei den German Stevie Awards

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Jan 11, 2019 @ 11:43 AM

In zwei Wochen ist es soweit. Die Jury der 5. German Stevie Awards nimmt seine Arbeit auf. Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es vier Fachgremien, die sich alle Bewerbungen genauestens anschauen und prüfen, wo die größten Innovationen stecken. Diese werden zum Abschluss auch die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Preisträger ermitteln. Jedem dieser vier Fachgremien steht ein Juryvorsitzender vor. Erstmalig sind in diesem Jahr die Frauen hier in der Mehrzahl. 

„Es ist uns gelungen, herausragende Frauen für den Juryvorsitz der German Stevie Awards 2019 zu gewinnen“, freut sich Michael Gallagher, Präsident und Gründer der Stevie Awards. Und so werden neben einem Top-Manager erstmals drei Top-Managerinnen Vorsitzende einer Jury beim umfassenden deutschen Wirtschaftspreises sein. 

Juryvorsitzende Margrit SchumacherViel Erfahrung in Sachen German Stevie Awards bringt Margrit Schumacher mit, die Juryvorsitzende in der Kategorie „Unternehmenskommunikation, Marketing & Kreative“. Bereits zwei von ihr begleitete Kampagnen wurden mit dem Gold Stevie Award ausgezeichnet: 2017 die „Marketing-Kampagne des Jahres – Finanzprodukte & Finanzdienstleistungen und Finanz-Karten“ sowie 2018 die „Marketing-Kampagne des Jahres – Finanz-Karten“ - jeweils für den Kunden American Express.

Die Diplom-Betriebswirtin ist Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung und Consultant Director bei der Arts & Others Communication GmbH, die ihren Sitz in Bad Homburg hat, und seit 25 Jahren auf Kunden- und Agenturseite im Marketing tätig. Arts & Others ist eine inhabergeführte Agentur mit rund 30 Mitarbeitern, die Kunden aus der Finanzbranche und anderen Bereichen betreut, etwa American Express, Fresenius, Invesco, Mainova und die R+V Versicherung.

Margrit Schumachers Schwerpunkt liegt in der Beratung international tätiger Unternehmen und Marken sowie nationaler Kunden im B2B- und B2C-Bereich. Ihr Markenzeichen sind integrierte Kampagnen, die Online-Kommunikation mit Medienarbeit, Dialogmarketing, POS und Event verbinden. Zu den von ihr verantworteten Projekten gehören beispielsweise der Launch der American Express Centurion Card in den DACH-Märkten, der Aufbau einer E-Learning Akademie sowie komplexe Projekte vorrangig in den Bereichen Kommunikation, Dialog, PR, Bewegtbild und Event. 

Juryvorsitzende Carolin BuchardtDie Jury in der Kategorie „Unternehmen/Organisationen & Kundenservice/Support“ leitet Carolin Buchardt, CEO und Founder der CB Praxisberatung in Heidelberg. Die Diplom-Betriebswirtin war mit 28 Jahren die jüngste Geschäftsführerin in der Energieversorgung und erkannte schon sehr früh, dass man ein Unternehmen nicht nur über die Zahlen führen kann. Im Jahr 2008 machte sie sich mit der Unternehmensberatung „CB-Praxisberatung“ selbstständig. Seither begleitet und berät sie ihre Kunden bei der Gründung, bei Fragen rund um Qualitäts- und Changemanagement sowie den Bereich Human Resources. Ihre vielfältigen Coachingausbildungen und umfangreichen Erfahrungen kommen ihr dabei zu Gute. Als Qualitätsbeauftragte ist sie TÜV-zertifiziert.
Da es bei ihren Projekten immer häufiger Schnittstellen zum Arbeitsmarkt gab und aus ihrer Sicht alle althergebrachten Konzepte viel zu kurz greifen, gründete sie im August 2016 einen eigenen Bildungsträger. Das „CB-Institut“ hat zum Ziel, Unternehmen sowie Arbeitsuchende näher zusammenzubringen. 

Als beratende Expertin ist Carolin Buchardt bei verschiedenen Einrichtungen gelistet und durch zahlreiche Kontakte und Mitgliedschaften in einschlägigen Institutionen gut vernetzt. In der Datenbank der Spitzenfrauen Baden-Württemberg ist sie ebenfalls vertreten.

Juryvorsitzende der German Stevie Awards Julia MünsterVorsitzende der Jury in der Kategorie „HR & Management“ ist Julia Münster, Chief Human Resources Officer bei der diva-e Digital Value Excellence GmbH in München. Sie studierte Internationales Management an der Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft sowie an der ISC Paris - School of Management. Sie spricht neben Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch auch Chinesisch. Ausgezeichnet wurde ihre Arbeit im Personalbereich bereits beim rexx Recruiting Award, bei Great Place to Work, beim Candidate Experience Award, den Human Resources Excellence Awards und dem Personalwirtschaftspreis.

Bevor Julia Münster die Funktion des CHROs bei der diva-e antrat, war sie Personalleiterin bei der Netpioneer GmbH und verantwortlich für die organisatorische und strategische Integration in die diva-e Unternehmensgruppe.

Marc Oliver Link, Juryvorsitzender der German Stevie Awards 2019In der Wettbewerbskategorie „Neue Produkte & IT“ ist Marc-Oliver Link der Juryvorsitzende. Der Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) ist Head of Software Development bei der SCHUFA Holding AG in Wiesbaden, die als führender Informations- und Servicepartner für die kreditgebende Wirtschaft und Privatkunden über Daten zu 67,5 Millionen natürlichen Personen und 5,3 Millionen Unternehmen verfügt.

Marc-Oliver Link hat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung und der Implementierung innovativer Informationstechnologien und umfassende Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Softwareentwicklung, Webdesign und Online-Marketing. Link ist Experte für viele verschiedene Programmiersprachen, den Einsatz diverser Software-Engineering-Tools und für die erfolgreiche Durchführung von innovativen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten in der Gesundheits-, Finanz- und Medienbranche. Er konnte speziell im Gesundheitswesen sowie in Bereichen der Medienindustrie viele nationale und auch internationale Softwareprojekte (USA, Malaysia, Türkei, Saudi-Arabien, Polen, Schweden, Frankreich, Italien, u.v.m.) erfolgreich umsetzen.

Marc-Oliver Link studierte Ingenieurinformatik in der Fachrichtung Software Engineering an der University of Applied Sciences in Bingen und hat auch den Abschluss „Black-Belt for Leadership“ vom Malik Management Centrum in St. Gallen.

Insgesamt werden wieder über 50 Top-Führungskräfte aus ganz Deutschland Jurymitglieder bei den German Stevie Awards sein. Wer noch Interesse hat, sich aktiv an der Jury der German Stevie Awards 2019 zu beteiligen, kann sich jetzt noch unter bewerben. Die Juryarbeit startet am 28. Januar 2019.




Topics: German Stevie Awards, Jury, German Stevie Awards 2019, Juryvorsitzenden

Jetzt aber schnell … Das Ende der Teilnahmefrist an den German Stevie Awards 2019 ist in Sicht.

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Jan 11, 2019 @ 10:33 AM

Heute schon mal auf den Kalender geschaut? Welches Datum sehen Sie denn für heute? Und dann schauen Sie mal auf den 23. Januar 2019. Das ist ein Mittwoch - und vor allem aber der letzte Tag, an dem Sie Ihre Bewerbung für die 5. German Stevie Awards einreichen können. Und jetzt zählen Sie bitte die Tage zwischen heute und dem 23. Januar: So viel Zeit haben Sie noch, Ihre Bewerbungen zu perfektionieren …

Sollte Ihnen diese Zeitspanne sehr sportlich erscheinen, um Ihre Bewerbung(en) zu vollenden, hat Michael Gallagher, Präsident und Gründer der Stevie Awards, beruhigende und aufmunternde Worte für Sie: „Wir haben unzählige Beispiele dafür, dass es selbst in zehn Tagen gelingen kann, hervorragende und qualitativ hochwertige Bewerbungen zu erstellen, die die Jury überzeugen.“

German Stevie Awards Banner Teilnahmefrist 23. Januar 2019

Und noch eine gute Nachricht hat Gallagher: „Auch in diesem Jahr verzichten die Stevie Awards wieder darauf, allgemeine Teilnahmegebühren für die Teilnahme an den German Stevie Awards 2019 zu verlangen. Das ist nicht bei allen Wirtschaftspreisen so …“

Das heißt: Wer an den German Stevie Awards 2019 teilnimmt, darf unentgeltlich unbegrenzt viele Bewerbungen in beliebig vielen Kategorien einreichen. Sie zahlen erst, wenn Sie erfolgreich sind: Für jede Nominierung, die einen Gold, Silber oder Bronze Stevie Award gewinnt, wird eine Preisträgergebühr fällig.

Dafür erhalten die Gewinner aber auch eine Menge an Leistungen: Sie …

  • dürfen den Stevie-Preisträgerstatus für die Nominierung(en) am oder nach dem 7. März 2019 öffentlich beanspruchen,
  • werden in die am 7. März 2019 veröffentlichten offiziellen Preisträgerlisten aufgenommen,
  • dürfen die Preisträgerzeichen oder -logos der German Stevie Awards 2019 verwenden,
  • erhalten eine personalisierte Gold, Silber oder Bronze Stevie Award-Trophäe,
  • haben Zugang zu sämtlichen Kommentaren der Jury in Bezug auf alle Ihre Bewerbungen,
  • dürfen Tickets für die Preisverleihung am 3. Mai 2019 in München kaufen
  • und bekommen dort die Awards auf der Bühne überreicht.

Übrigens: Die Preisverleihung wird live gestreamt und auch auf Video aufgezeichnet und auf dem Stevie Awards YouTube Kanal veröffentlicht. So erhalten die Stevie-Gewinner alleine durch die Übertragung deutschlandweite Aufmerksamkeit. 

Aber auch wenn Sie keinen Stevie Award gewinnen sollten, lohnt sich eine Teilnahme an den Awards. Denn wenn Sie eine Bewerbung erstellen, dann entwickeln Sie bereits überzeugende Erfolgsgeschichten und die können Sie auch an anderen Stellen Ihres Marketings einsetzen. Denken Sie doch einmal intensiv über Ihre Mitarbeiter und deren Leistungen intensiv nach, werfen Sie einen ganz eigenen Blick auf Ihr Unternehmen, schärfen Sie Ihr Profil und stärken Sie durch die Teilnahme an den Awards Ihre Beziehung zu und zwischen Ihren Mitarbeitern. Denn durch die Bewerbung zeigen Sie, dass Sie die Leistungen der Kollegen sehen und anerkennen …

Zusätzlich profitieren Sie durch die qualifizierte Rückmeldung der Jury. Als Teilnehmer haben Sie Zugriff auf alle Anmerkungen der Jury zu Ihren Bewerbungen. Diese Anmerkungen geben Ihnen Aufschluss über die Stärken und Schwächen Ihrer Bewerbung und/oder Ihres Unternehmens.

Die Jury, die schließlich die Sieger ermittelt, ist wie immer hochkarätig besetzt. Sie besteht aus über 50 Experten aus ganz Deutschland. Die Übersicht der Juryvorsitzenden in diesem Jahr finden Sie hier. 

Die Jurymitglieder dürfen sich auf viele Bewerbungen freuen. Denn die Bewerber dürfen aus über 100 Kategorien auswählen, die in die Bereiche Management Awards, Company of the Year Awards in 34 Branchengruppen, Public Relation Awards, Kundenservice Awards, Human Resources Awards, Informationstechnologie Awards, Marketing Awards, Neue Produkte Awards, Support Awards und Awards für Websites, Videos, Apps, Live-Events und Jahresberichte /Publikationen unterteilt sind. 

Noch dauert es ein wenig, bis die Jurys in Aktion treten. Bis zum 7. März 2019 herrscht dann Hochspannung. Denn erst an diesem Tag werden die Gewinner öffentlich bekanntgegeben.

Entspannt geht es hingegen ganz sicher bei der feierlichen Preisverleihung am 3. Mai 2019 im luxuriösen Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski in München zu, wo die Gewinner ihre Trophäen auf der großen Bühne überreicht bekommen.

Und wer jetzt noch Lust hat, zum illustren Kreis der Sieger bei den 5. German Stevie Awards zu gehören, der sollte sich beeilen. Denn der Blick auf den Kalender lügt nicht …

Die Teilnahmeunterlagen und alle Informationen zum Award finden Sie unter

Topics: German Stevie Awards, deutschland, Teilnahmefrist, Wirtschaftspreis, German Stevie Awards 2019

Stevie Awards Announce Winners in the 4th Annual German Stevie Awards

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 08, 2018 @ 10:00 AM

The organizers of the Stevie Awards announced the winners in the 2018 German Stevie® Awards. The big winner overall with a total of ten Gold Stevies is Crowdconsultants 360 GmbH from Berlin.

With ten gold, one silver, and one bronze Stevie Award, Crowdconsultants 360 GmbH is the most awarded organization of the German Stevie Awards this year. The Berlin-based company can look forward to Gold Stevie Awards for most innovative company, startup of the year, and more.

German stevie 2016 3-2.jpg50 executives from all over Germany were named as a part of the expert judging panel who determined the Stevie Award winners. They have reviewed over 400 nominations, selected the most innovative solutions, organizations, and individuals, and finally crowned the winners of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards.

Agenda Informationssysteme GmbH & Co. KG from Rosenheim and the Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA from Heidenheim each won five Gold Stevie Awards. Michael Gallagher, founder and president of the Stevie Awards, congratulates all winners on their achievements. "We are looking forward to a great award ceremony in Berlin", he says, and is proud that it takes place at the Hotel Adlon. On 27 April 2018, the winners will receive their trophies at a festive award ceremony.

All winners of the Golden, Silver and Bronze Stevie Awards are listed on the homepage of the German Stevie Awards.

Anyone wishing to be one of the winners of the German Stevie Awards next year can request an entry kit on the awards website in order to be informed in good time about deadlines and participation documents:

Topics: German Stevie Awards, company of the year, top business awards

Stevie Awards Issue Call for Entries for the 2018 German Stevie Awards

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Oct 05, 2017 @ 10:53 AM

The 4th annual German Stevie Awards is now accepting entries. Companies and organizations from all industries can now enter nominations free of charge for their best projects and achievements, to compete for the coveted Stevie Awards trophies.

Early-bird entrants will benefit from a reduced winners fee until December 6, 2017.

Since the founding of the International Business Awards in 2003, the Stevie Awards have become firmly established in the global economic world. Since 2014, the German Stevie Awards have been offering companies operating in the German market a competition platform for national benchmarking.

German Stevies April 2017 3.jpgThe special feature of the Stevie Awards: “They are not just another industry award for the big players,” says Michael Gallagher, president and founder of the Stevie Awards. “Certainly, many of the world’s largest and best known companies are among our winners. But most winners of the Stevie Awards are small and medium-sized companies that are still growing and are still building their brands.”

The entrants may choose from a great variety of categories, such as awards for entire companies and organizations, that honor the achievements of for profit and non-profit organizations, large and small, private and public. New at the German Stevie Awards in this year are the categories “Entrepreneur of the Year” in 34 industries as well as the title “Solo Entrepreneur of the Year”.

The entry kit and a complete overview of the categories and subcategories are available at

There are many other categories to recognize achievement in every major business function, including product development, marketing, customer service, human resources, public relations, technology, and more.  Michael Gallagher adds: “Many categories of the German Stevie Awards also honor great achievements in the field of business-related media and publications.” This includes awards for live events, annual reports and publications, app development, videos and websites.

This year, participating organizations can expect a slightly different way to submit nominations. For the first time, the German Stevie Awards will waive the general entry fees and replace them with a special winners fee. This means that entrants can submit unlimited nominations in unlimited categories free of charge. Instead of paying an entry fee for each submitted entry, entrants will only pay a winners fee per successful nomination.  Each nomination that wins a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award will be assessed a winners fee of 400 euros. Companies submitting their nominations through the first entry deadline, December 6, 2017 will benefit from a reduced winners fee of 375 euros per winning nomination.

“We have decided to take this step to encourage more organizations to participate in the German Stevie Awards,” said Michael Gallagher. “With the new model, companies will only be charged if their nomination is recognized as a winner by the jury”

The payment of the winners fee will unlock the right to publicly claim Stevie-winner status and the winner will be listed in the official winners list. There are more benefits, including access to all judges’ comments about all of their entries and the right to receive their award on stage at the awards ceremony.

If entrants miss the December 6 entry deadline, they will still be able to submit their nominations through January 24, 2018.

Several juries of leading German business executives will determine the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners.

On April 27, 2018, the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners will be celebrated and honored with their Stevies at a festive awards ceremony in Berlin. New this year: Each award winner will receive a trophy according to his level in Gold, Silver or Bronze. (In the past, only the Gold Stevie winner automatically received a trophy.)

A complete list of all 2017 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available here. For high-resolution photos of the Stevie Award trophy or the German Stevie Awards logo, visit We are happy to provide you with more press photos from previous winners and awards shows on request.

Learn more about the German Stevie Awards 2018 at

Topics: German Stevie Awards, entrepreneur awards, best entrepreneur, german business awards

Former Tank Factory in Germany Becomes an Event Space Unlike Any Other

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Fri, Sep 29, 2017 @ 03:34 PM

Picture a group of young entrepreneurs with a creative vision and combine that with a huge, empty former tank factory. That’s right: a factory hall of 5.000 square meters, with a ceiling height of up to forty feet– a gigantic hangar that used to house the production lines for war machines until it closed down a good two decades ago.

A big, empty hall, located conveniently close to the city center of Mainz, Germany, which, in turn, is just around the corner from Frankfurt. Local entrepreneurs Ralph Heinrich and Dr. Hanns Christian von Stockhausen were intrigued, while also saddened, by the city’s decision in early 2015 to end the place’s 17-year tenure as a makeshift theatre venue. The local government had used the hall for cultural events since the shutdown of the tank factory in the mid-1990’s.

The vision

Halle 45.jpgThat was when the idea was born to revive the venue, formerly dubbed ‘Phoenix-Halle’, and transform it into ‘Halle 45’: a one-of-a-kind event hall and meeting place at the intersection of art, culture and entertainment.

The goal was to create a venue unlike any other, innovative and modern, versatile in size and functionality. Ralph Heinrich and Dr. Hanns Christian von Stockhausen founded Halle 45 GmbH in May 2015 and turned their vision into reality.

“The worst crime is faking it”

The story of Halle 45 GmbH, the ambitious, hard-working start-up from Mainz, Germany, is a unique one, and so is its motto: “The worst crime is faking it”, coined by grunge pioneer Kurt Cobain. Since its inception in 2015, the event management company, now a team of twelve full-time employees, has successfully hosted a huge variety of events at the venue, from concerts and art exhibitions, over indoor cinema, food and craft beer festivals, to industrial fairs and corporate events.

From the very start, the company also committed itself to opening the venue’s doors to non-profits and artists free of charge. Thus, the former tank factory has also hosted events like a “welcome celebration” for refugees and charity concerts.

The road to success

Charitable projects aside, the founding of Halle 45 GmbH depended on investors and needed to see profits. In the business of acquiring corporate clients, the start-up had to come up with a solid sales strategy.

The starting conditions were phenomenal: Halle 45 is the second biggest venue of its kind in the metropolitan Rhine-Main region, comprising the cities of Mainz, Frankfurt and Wiesbaden and a combined total of nearly 6 million inhabitants – an economically thriving area. The city of Frankfurt is known for its trade fairs and its growing financial district, while Frankfurt Airport is a major international air traffic hub – one of Europe’s biggest.

Another big plus: Halle 45’s innovative, versatile concept features the option to partition the space into several, individually sized venues. Add state-of-the-art technical equipment, the site’s superior amenities and professional event management – an unbeatable recipe for success.

However, in order to garner your target audience’s attention, you need traction and media attention. That’s where the Stevie® Award really helped Halle 45 GmbH to turn a page in its young history.

Ever since winning the Bronze Stevie Award at the 2017 German Stevie Awards in Hamburg, the start-up’s social network contact rate has hit untold highs. Since winning the Stevie Award, Halle 45 GmbH has also picked up other awards, among them the Mainz Business Prize. Within a period of merely two years, Halle 45 GmbH has established itself as a major venue in the Rhine-Main region – not only for cultural, but for corporate events as well.

halle 45 2.jpg

Topics: PR awards, German Stevie Awards, german business awards, Startup of the Year, startup awards

A Hole in One

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Aug 08, 2017 @ 05:20 PM

Fauth Gundlach & Hübl wins the Gold Stevie Award at the 2017 German Stevie Awards in the category “Communications or PR Campaign / PR Program of the Year – Low Budget (under €10,000).”

Fauth Gundlach & Hübl is an owner-operated communications agency based in Wiesbaden, Germany. The sport of golf is firmly established in the Hessian capital, and that might be one of the reasons why the agency was given the lead in regional media relations work for the Final Four of the German Golf League (DGL).

German-Stevies-Fauth.gifIt is much more likely, however, that Fauth Gundlach & Hübl impressed its customer, Deutsche Golf Sport GmbH, a subsidiary of the German Golf Association (DGV), with its core competency. Managing Director Lars Hübl explains: “We identify the subject matter and create suitable content for it, so that our customers can effectively communicate to their specific target groups. We provide consultation, bring ideas to life and implement them, and offer continuous support for communication-related questions. In doing so, we cover six competency fields: public relations, social media, content marketing, sponsoring communication, CSR communication and brand communication.” Among Fauth Gundlach & Hübl’s customers are international companies from various industries, companies from the Rhein-Main region and sports organizations.

In the public eye, golf in Germany continues to eke out an existence as a niche sport. The German Golf Association (DGV) represents 847 member clubs and facilities, with over 643,000 registered amateur golfers. With the KRAMSKI German Golf League presented by Audi (DGL), the association has had an attractive team competition system since 2013. Each year teams from the men’s and women’s top national league compete in a five-day Final Four tournament at a neutral golf course for the title “German Team Champion.”

The assignment for Fauth Gundlach & Hübl: use the Final Four 2016, in order to generate broader media coverage of the league. Lars Hübl: “In order to be able to generate broader media coverage, we had to considerably increase the basis of the media channels to be reached. Therefore, in addition to the classical golf media, our approach was to reach out to the sports desks of the regional and local media concerning the locations of the golf clubs that had qualified for the Final Four 2016.” To make the topic more interesting, the agency offered the editorial offices personalized stories about the respective teams. In addition, the editorial offices received written topic suggestions and were subsequently contacted by telephone.

“We have clearly achieved the goal of expanding the media coverage of the DGL’s Final Four with the campaign. Altogether more than 100 clippings – for example print, online and radio – were achieved in regional and local media,” summarizes Hübl. “Despite the low budget, Fauth Gundlach & Hübl has helped to increase the media coverage of the Final Four tournament by working with regional media outlets. The regional references and the storytelling approach have contributed significantly to the media success. At the same time, we have established contacts that can be used for coverage of future golf events. The basic approach can be used over and over again, even for changing participants and venues.”

As a reward for the project “Hole-in-one: regional media relations for the Final Four of the German Golf League,” the company won a Gold Stevie in the category “Communications or PR Campaign / PR Program of the Year – Low Budget (under €10,000).” The Gold Stevie Award arrived just in time for the agency’s 10th anniversary. What began in 2007 has grown within ten years into a motivated and harmonious team of 12 employees.

More on the Internet: 

See Managing Director Lars Hübl in an interview after the German Stevie Awards ceremony in Hamburg:

Read the gold-winning application from Fauth Gundlach & Hübl here.

Topics: marketing awards, PR awards, German Stevie Awards, communication awards, best pr agency

An Algorithm Can Save Your Credit

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Aug 03, 2017 @ 10:05 AM

In Germany, creditworthiness for end-customer transactions are worth 350 billion EUR per year. However, credit information is often incorrect, incomplete and in generally unhelpful. This leads to poor conditions for the consumer due to contract rejections. Bonify wants to fix this by offering consumers free credit checks and better transparency using a unique algorithm that helps match users with financial institutions that actually benefit them. This technique helped Bonify win the Silver Stevie® Award in the Technology Startup of the Year category in the 2017 German Stevie Awards.

Dusting off Bad Credit

Ultimately, Bonify wants to educate their customers about the ills of bad credit. Elisa Thiem, content contributor at Bonify, speaks to the growing issues of bad credit and the lack of tools available in Germany.

bonify.jpg“Surprisingly, few people know what credit means at all, when it’s relevant and what impact it has on everyday decisions. With our lively international team of 33 people, the financial world will be revolutionized. We not only offer free credit checks and clarify your credit ratings, but also exciting financial management tools to optimize your finances.”

An Algorithm Saved My Life

The way Bonify assesses someone’s options is by calculating their electricity, gas and DSL usage, then the “savings calculator” allows users to find the lowest and most convenient fares to use instead. Elisa says this makes adjustments a lot easier, “especially in the field of loans, it’s exciting to finally get registered users matched with tailored credit options and individualized offers.”

Bonify’s long-term goal is to integrate all consumer products where credit plays a role (insurance, mobile phone contracts, etc.) so everyone can easily understand the best options available to them.

Rewards for You, Rewards for Us

Bonify is grateful for opportunities that help them in their fight for transparency, and award recognition is no exception. The team is well aware of other companies who've been growing in their respective markets and who believe they belong in that league as well. Elisa relays the positive attention cast on their team and how they feel.

“We were looking forward to the technology startup of the year for the German Stevie Silver Award and are still very proud! We feel great joy and pride for all employees, customers, investors and friends. Excellent customer response and confidence are a great confirmation from the positive feedback so far.”

Not Changing is the Biggest Risk

The increasing digitalization of industry and business models provide opportunities in the field of risk and credit ratings for companies and customers. Bonify is always looking for new ways to streamline credit check processes. Elisa shares their enthusiasm in the wake of their success.

“We want to and have helped many people learn more about the topic of credit and how to improve it. From numerous personal conversations in customer service, we get a lot of interesting cases and are always glad to help. A personal credit history of our former employee, Philipp Hommelsheim, was rejected as a BKA official with a good salary and positive payment history due to its poor credit rating from DriveNow.”

Protecting Your Data

The positive customer responses, the constant support of friends and investors and the motivation and enthusiasm of their employees are encouraging. However, customer information is their top priority and a major reason why the company has been growing at such a rapid rate. Elisa wants to highlight their focus on this important matter.

“Bonify is working hard to continue improving even further so that topics such as creditworthiness and financial optimization or borrowing are communicated openly and transparently. We focus on data protection. We are aware that your data is sensitive, which is never passed on to third parties without being asked.”

Since the user is already prequalified based on the individual credit and financial situation for loans, manual processes for banks are shortened and more accurate. Bonify acknowledges that not everyone is aware of their credit decisions. With a free credit check and their financial optimization tools, individuals can look forward to their credit scores improving with the right information and tools.

Topics: most innovative company, German Stevie Awards, company of the year, Startup of the Year, best startups

2017 German Stevie Award Winners Celebrated at Gala Banquet

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Apr 03, 2017 @ 06:07 PM

Entry Fees Waived for 2018 German Stevie Awards; Weber Shandwick Wins the Grand Stevie Award

The third annual German Stevie Awards were celebrated at the Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten in Hamburg on Friday, March 31. President and Founder of the Stevie Awards, Michael Gallagher, handed out the gold, silver and bronze Stevie Awards to winners from across Germany. Highly-ranking representatives from more than 50 winners received their awards on stage.

German Stevies 2017.jpgIn their third year, the German Stevie Awards have already established a leading role in Germany. They are part of the Stevie Awards programs, which are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards, conferring recognition for achievement in the workplace in programs such as The International Business Awards for more than a decade.  All organizations in Germany were eligible to submit nominations.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Grand Stevie Award to the communications agency Weber Shandwick Germany. The PR agency, headquartered in Munich, Berlin, and Frankfurt has won German Stevie Awards for three consecutive years. This year they won two Gold, two Silver, and one Bronze Stevie Award. Because of these successes, Weber Shandwick earned the most points out of any other organization and recieved the Grand Stevie Award, the top honor.

Winners were selected in variety award categories, ranging from best companies of the year to best customer service and HR solutions, to new products and marketing campaigns. There were many categories for creative minds such as best videos, company-related e-books, and apps or websites. "The quality of the nominations this year was just outstanding," said Michael Gallagher. He was delighted to meet many of the winners in Hamburg at the awards gala.

At the end of the award ceremony, some exciting news about the German Stevie Awards 2018 was announced. The big surprise: This coming year, the 4th annual German Stevie Awards will not have any entry fees. "We want to give all companies the opportunity to participate in the German Stevie Awards," explains Michael Gallagher. "This is why we are completely waiving the entry fees for the 4th German Stevie Awards." The award ceremony will then take place on April 13, 2018 in Berlin. Nominations for the 2018 German Stevie Awards starts on September 6, 2017. Request your entry kit for 2018 here.

Topics: company awards, German Stevie Awards, Grand Stevie Award

Featuring a Technology Startup Stevie Award Winner

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Dec 29, 2016 @ 12:17 PM

An interview with Ralf Heim the Co-CEO at Fincite GmbH

Fincite GmbH of Frankfurt, Germany won two Stevie Awards in the 2016 German Stevie Awards. Fincite GmbH won the Gold Stevie Award for Technology Startup of the Year, and a Bronze Stevie for Management Team of the Year.  2017 The German Stevie Awards are accepting entries through January 27.  Review the entry kit to begin your nominations.

What does Fincite GmbH do?

Financial Advice today is often confounding and not made for the benefit of the customer. Technology can change this. We can make investments smarter by giving customers easy access to sophisticated analytics. We help banks, asset managers and insurers offer this technology to their customers.

Fincite.jpgWhat is your role as the Co-CEO?

As Co-CEO I’m responsible for growing the business. This covers marketing, business development, partnerships and recruiting.

What is the organizational vision?

Our mission is to engineer the future of finance. We see that technology will replace large parts in Financial Advice, Retail & Institutional Asset Management and even funds. Our aim is to grow and become the #1 Digital Asset Management company in Europe.

What sets your company apart in this category?

It’s the unique approach of our Digital Investment Management Software: We built a complete modular system that can easily connect to all private customers’ financial assets, analyze the status quo and make recommendations. Banks can build upon our software their own frontend and thus keep customer relationship while still providing most modern analytics and account integration capabilities.

What was it like for your company to win the Stevie award?

It was a great honor for us to win this award, especially in the category, Technology Start-Up of the Year because from the outset we wanted to focus on innovative products and organic growth. The nomination for Management Team of the Year indicates to my partners & I that we’re on the right path in how we conduct our business.

How has the win affected your business?

The direct effect is hard to tell, but I think the award is great feedback for us and it was acknowledged by our partners and clients.

What results have been gained since you've won this award?

The size of our workforce has nearly doubled since April and the cash flow is still positive without external financing.

What inspires you to continue your work?

We’re inspired by our mission to change the world of finance and the good feedback we get from our partners, clients, employees and also the press.

What do you expect to change in your industry in the future?

We believe that Finance can be nearly 100% digitized. As a result, digital services will largely replace large branches and offices. We are intrigued by the thought of working on this more efficient next generation of Finance.

Learn more about Fincite GmbH

Fincite 2.png

From left to right - Ralf Heim (co-CEO), Friedhelm Schmitt ( co-CEO), Stefan Post (CTO).

Topics: it awards, tech awards, German Stevie Awards

Who's Coming to the German Stevie Awards on Friday?

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Tue, Apr 05, 2016 @ 12:43 PM

The second edition of the German Stevie® Awards will culminate with a gala awards dinner this Friday, April 8 at the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski in Munich.  More than 140 executives from across Germany will gather for the presentations, which will be streamed live via Livestream starting at 7:15 pm / 19:15 local time (1:15 pm ET).  The presentations will be preceded by a red-carpet show on the Stevie Awards' Periscope at 6:00 pm / 18:00 local time (12:00 pm ET).

16766251279_14b99e416d_m.jpgThe German Stevie Awards are open to all organizations operating in Germany.  The 2016 edition recognized achievements since the beginning of July 2014.  The Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie winners were announced on February 24.  Nominations were accepted in categories honoring achievement in every aspect of work life, from management and marketing to new products, customer service, websites, and public relations.

Nominations for the 2017 edition of the GSAs will open in August 2016.  Join the mailing list to receive the entry kit as soon as it's available.

Here is the list of organizations that are currently scheduled to attend the event on Friday:

5Analytics  Köngen Baden-Württemberg
Adello Technologies Karlsruhe BW
ARI Fleet Germany GmbH Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg
artegic AG Bonn Nordrhein Westfalen
Arxan Technologies Bethesda MD USA
Bankhaus August Lenz München Bayern
Bettenhaus Uwe Heintzen Oldenburg Niedersachsen
BWI Leistungsverbund Meckenheim Nordrhein-Westfalen
CCC Berlin
COMBITEL GmbH München Bayern
consus clinic management GmbH Freiburg im Breisgau Baden Württemberg
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e. V. Berlin
Deutsche Post DHL Group Bonn
Ernst & Young
Familotel Ebbinghof Schmallenberg Nordrheinwestfalen
Faurecia Automotive GmbH Stadthagen Niedersachsen
Fauth & Gundlach GmbH Wiesbaden Hessen
Fincite GmbH Frankfurt
fischerAppelt relations GmbH Köln
Flughafen München GmbH München Bayern
Frau im Business  Kempten Bayern
Havana Orange GmbH München Bayern
imgZine  Amsterdam The Netherlands
intelliAd Media GmbH München Bayern
Inventorum GmbH Berlin
Inxmail GmbH Freiburg Baden-Württemberg
Ketchum Pleon GmbH Düsseldorf NRW
King & Mayr GmbH & Co.KG Geilenkirchen NRW
Kübler Group - Fritz Kübler GmbH   Villingen-Schwenningen  Baden-Württemberg
mobilcom-debitel GmbH Erfurt Thüringen
MSC Software München
Neoskop GmbH Hannover Niedersachsen
New JazzRadio GmbH  Berlin
Nexthink Frankfurt
Novartis Consumer Health GmbH / Edelman.ergo Frankfurt
NUMBER26 Berlin GmbH  Bonn
regio iT GmbH Sitz: Aachen NRW/D
RheinBrücke IT Consulting GmbH Köln NRW
Sixt SE Pullach Bayern
Sky Deutschland Unterföhring Bayern
Spreadshirt Leipzig Sachsen
TA Triumph-Adler GmbH  Hamburg
thyssenkrupp Elevator AG Essen Nordrhein-Westfalen
Versicherungskammer Bayern und CreaLog München Bayern
Vodafone GmbH  Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
Weber Shandwick  München Bayern
Westend. Public Relations GmbH Leipzig Sachsen
ZEICHENSAELE Mönchengladbach NRW
ZF Friedrichshafen AG Friedrichshafen Baden-Württemberg
ZIEHL-ABEGG SE Künzelsau Baden-Württemberg
Ziehm Imaging GmbH Nürnberg Bayern

Teilnahmeunterlagen  anfordern


Topics: German Stevie Awards