How Swing Education Is Rethinking Substitute Teacher Recruitment

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Dec 12, 2023 @ 11:51 AM

22 spotlight Square-Dec-12-2023-04-49-01-0608-PMStevie-winner Swing Education is an online staffing marketplace that connects substitute teachers with schools.

Founded in 2015 by former K-12 educators and administrators, Swing makes it easier for schools and districts to find reliable, qualified substitute teachers when they need them most.

With over 500,000 absence days filled to date, Swing is dedicated to improving the experience of finding substitute teachers, becoming a substitute, and keeping student learning on track. Swing serves more than 2,800 partner schools across California, Arizona, Illinois, Texas, New Jersey, New York, and Washington D.C.

Understanding Both Sides in Substitute Teaching
Substitute teaching jobs are tough to recruit for, manage, and fill. One complication is that quite often a teacher's absence isn’t discovered until that morning when schools scramble to post an opening. This uncontrollable and unavoidable reality, coupled with the dramatic shortage of substitutes who are qualified and ready to go, is a significant problem.

On the other side of this coin—considering this problem from the substitute teacher’s perspective—are the challenges the substitute teacher faces. Substitutes may only find out at 7:00 am that there is a job opening; they may know very little about the school or the class or perhaps have never been a substitute in that particular school. They worry about how long it will take to get paid or how long the commitment will last.

The process of how to fill short-term or even long-term teacher absences with substitute teachers has barely changed in 50+ years—even the modern communication modes of emails, text messages, and robo-phone calls are not any more effective at solving the problem in the angst-driven and uncertain process of finding substitute teachers.

How it Works
The basics of how Swing works are as follows: Schools post a request in the Swing community that instantly notifies hundreds of substitutes that have been pre-approved and screened by Swing. Substitutes register for the job and the school accepts, or “assigns,” the substitute. The schools do not need to recruit or manage their own substitute pool, although Swing can easily work alongside existing substitute programs.

Swing handles the recruitment of substitutes in the region of its partners and manages the payroll so that substitutes do not need to wait weeks or months for payment from the district as contractors. The school’s platform tracks data so that it is easy to see which substitutes are a good fit, discover new substitutes, and track successful placements.

Swing brings a 21st-century solution to a 20th-century problem. Swing leverages social communities and technology to not only improve communication but also put power back into the hands of substitutes and the schools that need them. Instead of scrambling to find anyone who will answer the phone—or, for the substitute, being completely in the dark about if there is only one opening today or 10—now both stakeholders have power: schools have the power to match the best person for a particular need, and substitutes have the power to pick the best job for their day or week ahead.

Since being founded in 2018, Swing has 2,800 school partners and 4,000 substitutes in the community and has filled 500,000 absences for teachers.

Swing Education won a Silver Stevie® Award for Best Human Capital Management or Talent Management Solution in The 2023 American Business Awards®.

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Werden sie Jurymitglied der German Stevie® Awards 2024

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Tue, Dec 12, 2023 @ 03:00 AM

Wir laden Geschäftsleute, Vordenker, Unternehmer, Innovatoren und andere Personen aus aller Welt ein, sich als Juroren für die  German Stevie® Awards 2024 zu bewerben.

Die Auswahl oder Nominierung als Jurymitglied ist eine ehren- und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe. Sie spiegelt nicht nur das Fachwissen einer Person in einem bestimmten Beruf wider, sondern zeigt auch, dass diese Person über hohe ethische Standards verfügt, in ihrer Geschäftswelt anerkannt ist und Vertrauen genießt. Qualifizierte Bewerber werden in Juryausschüsse für Marketing, Unternehmertum, neue Produkte, Technologie, Vordenkerrolle und vieles mehr berufen.

Jedes Jahr nehmen mehr als 1.000 Fachleute an der Bewertung der Stevie Awards teil. Die Durchschnittsnoten der Juroren bestimmen die Gewinner in jeder Stevie Awards-Kategorie. Da dies eine entscheidende Komponente der Stevie Awards-Wettbewerbe ist, achten wir sehr darauf, die Integrität des Juryprozesses zu wahren. Das Jurorenteam stellt sicher, dass die Jurymitglieder Experten und Fachleute in ihrer Branche sind, und führt regelmäßige Kontrollen und Überprüfungen des gesamten Prozesses durch. Das Juryteam steht neuen Jurymitgliedern als Ratgeber zur Verfügung und veranstaltet Sitzungen, um die korrekten Jury-Protokolle zu erläutern.

Vorteile für Stevie Awards-Juroren

Als Jurymitglied erfahren Sie, wie andere Organisationen oder Einzelpersonen Erfolge erzielen und Herausforderungen bewältigen. Im Folgenden finden Sie die exklusiven Vorteile einer Jurymitgliedschaft bei den Stevie Awards:

  • Anerkennung - Während des Beurteilungsprozesses werden die Jurymitglieder auf der Stevie Awards-Website und im Stevie Awards-Blog gewürdigt und erhalten eine Urkunde in Papierform und im PDF-Format, die gerahmt werden kann.
  • Profil - Sich als Jurymitglied zu qualifizieren, ist eine Ehre und ein Privileg. Die Erwähnung dieses Amtes kann Ihrem beruflichen Profil hinzugefügt werden.
  • Self-Development & Awareness - Die Juroren lernen bei der Bewertung der Beiträge Strategien, Taktiken und bewährte Verfahren anderer Branchenvertreter kennen und haben so die einmalige Gelegenheit, neue Markttrends sofort zu erkennen.
  • Verleihungszeremonie - Alle Jurymitglieder sind herzlich eingeladen, an der Preisverleihung teilzunehmen, die am Ende eines jeden Wettbewerbs stattfindet. Genießen Sie einen spektakulären Abend, an dem Sie mit den Preisträgern und anderen Jurymitgliedern Kontakte knüpfen können.
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Angehende Juroren sollten darauf achten, dass ihr LinkedIn-Profil auf dem neuesten Stand ist, Ihre aktuelle Erfahrung widerspiegelt und einen Wettbewerbsvorteil darstellt.


Judge-Testimonials-Farzan-InstaDie einzelnen Kriterien unterscheiden sich je nach Kategorie, aber der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Gesamtqualität des Beitrags: Sowohl einer Bewertung der Behaupteten im Bezug auf Innovation, Integrität, Effektivität, Kreativität, Wachstum usw., die in dem Beitrag gemacht werden, im Verhältnis zur Erfahrung der Jury und ihrer Kenntnis der Branche des Teilnehmers, als auch die Qualität des Beitrags selbst.

Die Juroren legen Wert auf gut geschriebene Beiträge, die: (1) viele Fakten, Zahlen und konkrete Ergebnisse enthalten; (2) nahe an der Wortgrenze für die jeweilige Kategorie liegen (d. h. nicht als zu kurz empfunden werden); und (3) durch Anhänge unterstützt werden, z. B. Links zu einer Unternehmenswebseite, Presseausschnitte, Arbeitsbeispiele usw.

Wir empfehlen angehenden Juroren, die Teilnahmeunterlagen anzufordern, damit sie sich mit den Kriterien und Einreichungsanforderungen vertraut machen können.

Nominierungen, die mit dem Goldenen Stevie ausgezeichnet wurden, sind auf der Website der Stevie Awards verlinkt. Dies ist ein gutes Hilfsmittel für angehende Juroren, um zu erfahren, wie eine hoch bewertete Stevie-Nominierung aussieht. 


Alle Einsendungen werden zunächst von Stevie Awards-Mitarbeitern geprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass die Teilnahmebedingungen erfüllt sind, dass die Einsendungen ordnungsgemäß formatiert sind, um zur Bewertung weitergeleitet zu werden, und dass die Einsendungen in den passenden Kategorien eingereicht wurden.

Alle Juroren erhalten schriftliche Anweisungen zur Bewertung der Beiträge. Die Juroren werden gebeten, die in den einzelnen Beiträgen dargestellten Leistungen zu bewerten, und zwar auf der Grundlage a) ihrer eigenen Erfahrung und b) ihres Verständnisses der Leistung von Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen in der Branche des Nominierten in dem Zeitraum, für den die Teilnahmeberechtigung gilt, unter Berücksichtigung der Wirtschaftslage im Allgemeinen und der Branche des Nominierten im Besonderen. 

Bei Einsendungen in kreativen Medienkategorien werden die Juroren gebeten, die eingereichte Kurzbeschreibung zu den Kommunikationszielen zu lesen und die eingereichten Medien (Website, Video, Live-Event usw.) auf der Grundlage von Originalität, Kreativität und Produktionswert zu prüfen und zu bewerten, wie gut die Medien ihrer Meinung nach die angegebenen Kommunikationsziele erfüllen.

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Topics: German Stevie Awards, Jury, German Stevie Awards 2024

Multiple Stevie® Award Winner Vodafone Oman Looks Beyond Traditional Telecommunications Services

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Dec 07, 2023 @ 09:28 AM

Stevie-winner Vodafone Oman was established through a strategic partnership between the Oman Future Telecommunication Company and Vodafone Group, one of the largest providers of mobile, fixed, broadband, and digital TV services.

Vodafone Group is a British multinational telecommunications company. With its registered office and global headquarters in Newbury, Berkshire, England, it predominantly operates services in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.

In 2021, the company obtained a Class I License to establish and operate public mobile telecommunications services in the Sultanate of Oman, becoming the third telecom operator in the local market.vodafone Oman logoMy Vodafone in Oman
The My Vodafone app has been downloaded by over 2 million people across Oman. Through the app, customers can onboard themselves virtually in less than two minutes, including plan and number selection, identity verification using advanced AI and facial recognition capabilities, payment, and eSIM (and physical SIM delivery or pick-up). They also enable customers to replace their SIMs remotely, providing SIM-to-eSIM replacement within seconds.

Vodafone offers a monthly subscription model wherein customers can enable the auto-payment feature so that the user's account is charged on the plan’s renewal date without any human intervention to ensure uninterrupted service. Customers are given the ability to set an amount to be withdrawn automatically once a minimum threshold is reached.

They have also developed a feature called "Everything Is Okay (EIO)" which allows customers to check their account against any technical, financial, and network issues. Customers are presented with an issue and a way to resolve it, covering payments and renewals, account status, network, and device and SIM management.

Existing customers can digitally add up to 10 numbers under their main account in less than a minute using My Vodafone, including number selection, plan selection, payment, and SIM activation.

vodafone body imageApp Improvement & Service Expansion
To localize an international brand, Vodafone had to bring on a team of agencies that brought local insights with technological prowess.

The Vodafone Academy was an integrative program between the different agencies and Vodafone Oman that aims to build a circular talent economy that nurtures young Omani talents. The program was centered around three key pillars of marketing: media, content/creative, and social media. The program spanned six months and ultimately awarded two graduates full-time placements at the end of the program.

With fewer resources and less time in the market, it leveraged its agencies’ local and international expertise to develop a team that deepened its relationship with not only its partners but also the wider Omani community.

The app has enabled Vodafone to collect a huge amount of data points, which helps them make constant improvements to both the services and customer service.

Vodafone’s AI-enabled networks automatically detect and even pre-empt problems and threats via data analysis and create tickets for dispatch to the network operation center, saving significant time for affected customers and enhancing their experience.

Telecom operators have previously focused on selling services, i.e., voice and data. The My Vodafone app aims to offer more than that, providing other services in line with the Government of Oman’s digital ambitions: parking booking within Muscat and Nizwa in collaboration with local partners, with notifications when a reservation is about to expire; and high school grades in collaboration the Sultanate’s Ministry of Education, when students enter their seat ID to receive their grade automatically.

Entering Oman as a digital-first service, Vodafone said the speed of transformation that the pandemic brought to the world was an enabler for a winning launch and a solid foundation for the brand.

Vodafone Oman won a Bronze Stevie and three Gold Stevie Awards for Innovation in Cross-Media Marketing, Most Innovative Startup of the Year in Services, Most Innovative Advertising or Marketing Team of the Year, and for Innovation in Brand Development in the 2023 Middle East & North Africa Stevie® Awards.

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Unleashing Wellness: The Scenthound Approach to Dog Care

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Dec 06, 2023 @ 12:40 PM

22 spotlight Square-4Stevie-winner Scenthound is a wellness-focused dog care franchise offering membership-based services for affordable and accessible routine care to keep dogs clean and healthy.

They use the latest tools and technology while implementing their own proprietary S.C.E.N.T. Check™ protocol (Skin, Coat, Ears, Nails, and Teeth), which offers a detailed assessment of each dog’s external health.

After many years in the pet care business, the founders spotted a gaping hole in the industry and a massively underserved market. Most dogs were not getting proper care due to many misconceptions about grooming. Scenthound is a membership-based, dog-wellness concept aiming to revolutionize the way people think about and access routine care for dogs.

Differentiated from traditional dog grooming that focuses on breed-specific styling, Scenthound provides a unique approach with its focus on routine and preventive care for dogs in five core areas: Skin, Coat, Ears, Nails, and Teeth (S.C.E.N.T.). Their Basic Hygiene service meets the essential care needs of every dog and allows them to capture the entire market of dogs, not just the 10% of popular breeds that need haircuts.

They also launched the Scenthound mobile app, which allows customers to book appointments, review their dog's monthly wellness check, and more. As part of the new app, they also announced a partnership with AskVet, a virtual vet service that allows members to chat with a vet 24/7.

Scenthound has established a subsidiary company, Scenthound Services, to focus on product development and innovation, offering a shampoo line to provide formulas that meet the hygiene needs of dogs.

In addition, they developed and implemented an Operations Performance Checklist, an audit tool to measure the impact of foundational departmental processes, cleanliness and maintenance of facilities, and team engagement. This helps them identify areas of opportunity and what to prioritize in future efforts.

Scenthound is establishing itself as the preeminent solution for routine and preventive dog care, perfectly positioned to take advantage of growing pet spending nationwide and emerging at the right time to foster rapid growth.

Scenthound won a Gold Stevie® Award for Fastest Growing Company of the Year - Up to 100 Employees in The 2023 American Business Awards®.

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Red Access: Revolutionizing Web Security for the Hybrid Workplace

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Dec 01, 2023 @ 01:16 PM

22 spotlight Square-19-Dec-01-2023-06-13-30-9871-PMStevie-winner Red Access secures the hybrid workplace with its agentless browsing security platform, introducing a nondisruptive way to protect devices and browsing sessions in and outside of the office.

Over the past decade, and recently accelerated by the rise of remote and hybrid work, enterprise IT has been transformed by the growing trend of “browserization,” where the browser has emerged as the modern worker’s primary gateway to the digital world.

While a variety of security products aimed at addressing these risks have emerged in recent years, they’ve thus far proven incomplete and rife with trade-offs.

The proliferation of web apps and devices, and the adoption of digital platforms in the workplace have fundamentally changed the steps enterprises must take to protect their employees, assets, and devices against today’s browser-based cyber threats. Hence a new approach to browsing security is required.

Founded by leading experts from the Israeli Cyber Community in 2021, Red Access helps companies secure all the browsing activities of their employees on any browser, web app, device, and cloud service, enabling a better user experience and easy management without hampering productivity and without the need to install a browser or an extension.

Co-Founders, Dor Zvi (CEO) and Tal Dery (CTO) both bring extensive knowledge in threat detection and response, malware analysis, and information security, having served many years in the Israel Defense Forces technology units followed by senior research and development positions at leading tech companies.

Their unique approach addresses hybrid work security by redefining browsing security, enabling zero-day protection, seamless user experience, and agnostic security to all web applications, browsers, devices, etc.

The platform provides a fully SaaS-based agentless solution, which does not require an agent installation or a new browser adoption, so users can work from their own devices and use the applications they are accustomed to working with.

Red Access represents the next stage of evolution in secure browsing, working toward a new gold standard of frictionless and agnostic browsing security—the secure web session.

Red Access won a Bronze Stevie Award for Best Tech Startup of the Year - Software in The 2023 American Business Awards®.

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Integrating MicroGrid's Conversational AI to Streamline Healthcare Communications

Posted by Zachary Myers on Thu, Nov 30, 2023 @ 03:44 PM

23 spotlight Square-3Stevie-winner MicroGrid is a healthcare technology company that specializes in developing conversational artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Their core offering, MicroGrid Intelligent Connect (MIC), enhances patient experiences by enabling personalized care through AI technology.

The comprehensive omnichannel platform uses various foundational AI technologies and front-end software to enable healthcare professionals to offer personalized care and exceptional customer experiences to patients.

Since its inception, MicroGrid has implemented its MIC in multiple geographies worldwide and partnered with Google Cloud within the first quarter of operation. Working closely alongside Google, MicroGrid has advanced significantly thanks to its state-of-the-art Contact Center Artificial Intelligence (CCAI) technology, which has transformed patient experiences and is constantly enhancing.

The Impact of MicroGrid’s AI Technology
MicroGrid's Proof of Concept (PoC) for CCAI-led Drug Adherence and Service Feedback has had a significant effect. They improved the recognition rates of short and very short-spoken phrases to over 92%, also enhancing recognition of low-volume speech.

Moreover, they enhanced the ability to detect spoken words in noisy environments, leading to more accurate transcription and making conversations with AI feel more free-flowing and realistic, with Virtual Customer Agents becoming more humanlike. In addition to MIC, MicroGrid has built a full-scale Digital Health suite on Salesforce, which seamlessly integrates with MIC, unlocking its full potential in the field of conversational AI. 

MIC's conversational AI capabilities are transactional and voice-enabled, empowering it to handle complex conversations with multiple questions and commands in a single interaction. This allows MIC to manage intricate tasks such as appointment scheduling, consent collection, and feedback on adherence and services, all without requiring the presence of contact center agents.
microgrid mic
Furthermore, MIC is fully connected with the MedDRA Medical Dictionary, enabling it to identify and report Adverse Events to the client's pharmacovigilance team for further action.

From Prototype to Project: MicroGrid's Progress
One of their most promising initiatives still in development is MICNxt, a suite of independent tools delivered through a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. These tools seamlessly integrate with external software systems, offering a simplified, code-free platform for crafting comprehensive enterprise solutions. This accessible approach empowers developers, making what used to be a time-consuming development process more efficient, with the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and significantly enhance the patient experience.

Since January 2023, they have not only acquired two key pharma accounts but have also developed a chatbot prototype for capturing Informed Consent Forms (ICF) in clinical trials aimed at assisting the onboarding process for novel cancer treatments. This promising prototype is currently in the process of evolving into a full-fledged project.

In addition to their work on ICF capture, they've also crafted a comprehensive PoC for case management through Salesforce, aimed at providing substantial support to major pharmaceutical companies.

MicroGrid Technologies Private Limited won a Gold Stevie Award for Excellence in Innovation in Health Care Industries - Up to 20 Employees in the 2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards.

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Educational Mentoring Service ElevateRA Provides Proactive Support and Mental Health Resources for Adolescents

Posted by Zachary Myers on Thu, Nov 30, 2023 @ 03:34 PM

23 spotlight SquareIn a landscape where the global adolescent mental health crisis looms, Stevie-winner ElevateRA stands as an educational venture seeking preventative measures.

Founded by Ramita Anand, a trained teacher with a Science and Special Educational Needs specialization, ElevateRA is designed to educate and support pre-adolescent girls on crucial life skills.

Passionate about helping girls’ well-being, ElevateRA originated to work in conjunction with the conventional approaches in education to equip young people with the skills of confidence, empathy, resilience, emotional intelligence, and kindness that will serve them throughout their lives. Ramita works with families and their daughters, but also with schools to implement the lesson plans designed to promote these skills.

ElevateRA's program, comprising eight mentoring sessions, is crafted to address diverse issues, ranging from social anxieties to concerns about school performance. Rather than imposing solutions, the program equips girls with tools and resources to develop their unique strategies for navigating these complex challenges.

Cultivating "5 Superpowers" for Resilience
ElevateRA places a significant emphasis on fostering resilience and well-being by cultivating those life skills that they frame as the "5 Superpowers": Confidence, Resilience, Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, and Kindness. These attributes are not just buzzwords, but integral elements woven into the fabric of the program.

Girls enrolled in ElevateRA are not only taught about these superpowers but are actively encouraged to embody and apply them in their lives. The program goes beyond theoretical concepts, employing engaging activities, Supergirl motifs, and vibrant imagery to make the learning experience both enjoyable and impactful. By celebrating each girl's unique differences, ElevateRA strives to build a sense of self-belief that extends beyond the program, influencing their overall personal growth.
elevateRA Group
ElevateRA's commitment to empowering girls extends beyond theoretical frameworks. The program equips girls with practical tools and strategies to confront and overcome adversity. The keepsake workbooks are designed as more than mere instructional materials, they serve as personal journals for recording emotions and platforms for immersive role-playing exercises. These tools aren't just about providing solutions but encouraging a proactive approach to problem-solving.

By incorporating real-life case studies of young women who have triumphed over adversity, ElevateRA instills a sense of hope and possibility, reinforcing the idea that challenges can be surmounted with the right mindset.

Leaving a Global Impact
Despite the challenges of starting a business during the COVID-19 pandemic, ElevateRA exemplifies resilience. Adapting to school closures, the team altered lesson and workshop plans, transitioning to online delivery creatively.

The Elevate Podcast, hosted by Ramita, was launched to engage a new audience, featuring conversations with thought leaders on empowering girls during adolescence. The podcast, now in its seventh season, enjoys a global reach and a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts.

In addition, in February of 2022, Ramita authored Girl Elevated: 5 Steps to Empower Girls in Early Adolescence to Be Their Best, a book now used in schools and conferences internationally, educating parents and teachers on empowering girls as they navigate adolescence.

Testimonials and feedback from parents and teachers highlight the care and passion invested by Ramita in her work with each pupil. Over the last two years, Ramita has collaborated with school groups and individual students across various countries, implementing her learning framework in classrooms and individual sessions, aiding girls in overcoming adversity and fostering a positive mindset.

ElevateRA won a Gold Stevie Award for Most Innovative Startup of the Year - Consumer Service Industries in the 2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards.

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Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Empowering Minds: Big Data Minds MENA's Journey in Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, Nov 29, 2023 @ 12:24 PM

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 10.26.19 AMStevie-winner Big Data Minds MENA is a community platform that aims to close learning gaps and create networks for knowledge sharing in the domain of big data and other related emerging technology.

The platform can be used with big data, data engineering, data science, data management, digital transformation, industry 4.0, internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) training programs to disseminate more knowledge and training to the MENA region. They have launched several technological initiatives in Jordan and the MENA region to empower women and children.

Big Data Minds MENA was founded in 2020 by Dr. Zaher Al-Sai as a community-based organization of big data and data science in the Middle East. Dr. Zaher Ali Al-Sai has a BS degree in computer science and an MBA (Hons.) in e-government Technology. She completed her PhD in Computer Science in the field of Big Data and Software Engineering. She is currently an assistant professor of Big Data at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan.

As a female-founded organization, Big Data Minds MENA has shifted the direction of the IT organizations in Jordan to empower women in data science, AI, and emerging technologies. Big Data Minds’ first initiative was empowering women in data science by founding the Arabian Women in Data Science initiative in the MENA region and organizing many events and workshops in data science and AI, which has impacted over 5,000 women. The company volunteers to teach and empower more than 50,000 of community members, including women, teenagers, children, and students, in technology and data science.

In 2021 and 2022 Big Data Minds MENA organized the largest virtual women in data science (WiDS) Jordan workshops and data-thons in the Middle East with more than 800 attendees. WiDS Jordan is an independent event organized by Big Data Minds and the WiDS Ambassador in Jordan to coincide with the annual Women in Data Science Worldwide Conference held at Stanford University and an estimated 150+ locations worldwide.

Expanding their reach, Big Data Minds MENA is now also teaching children (8-16) years through the launch of "Kids in Data Science and AI" initiative," or "KiDS,” to empower and teach children the skills of data science and AI, including skills related to problem-solving, math, and computer coding. KiDS provides various activities for children in public schools and villages.

Big Data Minds is a visionary community that continuously seeks innovation to maintain its initiatives as a community-based organization in technology and data science. Big Data Minds is inspiring and educating community members worldwide, regardless of gender, and supporting women in the field of data science.

Big Data Minds MENA won three Gold Stevie Awards for Innovation in Technology Development - Non-Profit; for Best Thought Leadership Campaign of the Year; and for Best Innovative Achievement in Science or Technology in the 2023 Middle East & North Africa Stevie® Awards.

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Topics: Middle East Stevie Awards

From Enterprise Insights to Steady Growth: Rootstock Software's Manufacturing Solutions

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, Nov 28, 2023 @ 10:16 AM

22 spotlight Square-18Stevie-winner Rootstock Software develops and implements Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software, which provides manufacturers with precise control over their key operational areas, such as inventory, order management, engineering, production planning, and financial management.

Rootstock offers the only Manufacturing Cloud ERP on the Salesforce Platform. As such, it has become the ERP solution of choice for those already using Salesforce or those planning to. By using Rootstock and Salesforce Sales Cloud together, manufacturers gain 360° visibility of their customers, supply chain, and production. They also gain the advantage of a common data platform, which eliminates the cumbersome process of data reconciliation. With everyone across the enterprise sharing a unified data set, manufacturing leaders can confidently rely on their business metrics to make decisions.

Together, Salesforce and Rootstock Software have evolved as powerful forces, closely partnered in the manufacturing industry. Salesforce delivers Manufacturing Cloud. With it, manufacturers have in-depth Sales and Service capabilities at the business level, but they also need operational capabilities. This is where Rootstock Software shines.

Manufacturing Cloud ERP Solution
Rootstock continually develops new capabilities to make manufacturers more efficient, profitable, and sustainable. A primary example was the launch of its Digital Supplier Collaboration capabilities to help manufacturers cope with supply chain disruptions. Central to this product update was the new supplier request-for-quote feature, which enables manufacturers to foster more resilient supply chains.

Facing continued market volatility, manufacturers need to be able to receive timely digital signals, so they can oversee their "plan-source-make-deliver" cycles. Rootstock provides such insights, enabling manufacturers to manage their supply chains, as well as source and collaborate with suppliers—all from within the Rootstock Manufacturing ERP solution. In essence, manufacturers have greater visibility to mitigate disruptions as they emerge.

Toward this end, manufacturers can collaborate more closely with suppliers to address global supply chain risks and coordinate strategies such as near-shoring. The way this process was handled in the past—using spreadsheets and email—is now modernized and brought into the digital age, so manufacturers stay agile.
Rootstock software -rectangle
Since Winning a Stevie Award
Since taking home their Stevie, Rootstock has made the following key announcements:

On May 2, 2023, Rootstock Software announced the launch of Enterprise Insights, their new analytics solution, with its Spring ’23 release, designed to provide manufacturers with a complete view of their business so they can chart a course toward profitability, efficiency, and value throughout their operations.

On May 17, 2023, Rootstock Software released its inaugural 2023 State of Manufacturing Technology Survey, which looked at what 508 manufacturing professionals who are director-level and above view as key challenges and technology priorities for their organizations. The findings reveal that despite inflation and other economic concerns, more than three-quarters of manufacturers (75.2%) have plans to boost their software spending over the next 12 months, with more than one-third (37.8%) planning on double-digit increases. Cloud ERP is a key strategic focus for this software investment, with two-thirds of respondents planning to upgrade their legacy ERP solutions.

On October 31, 2023, Rootstock Software announced the appointment of Robert Rostamizadeh to the newly formed position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO). In this role, Rostamizadeh will set the technological direction of the company, leading product development and software engineering. With over 15 years of experience in software engineering leadership, Rostamizadeh plans to institute a more agile development methodology with the goal to enhance product quality, increase transparency, and more efficiently deliver value to customers.

On November 2, 2023, Rootstock Software announced its vision for “The Manufacturing Signal Chain.” The Signal Chain strategy was conceived in partnership with manufacturers who need real-time digital signals across their organizations, coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, to make better decisions that drive growth in an ongoing volatile market.

Manufacturers have always aimed to use streams of data to make business decisions—from sales, inventory, finance, and more. However, they utilize hundreds of enterprise systems and point solutions, so they often fall victim to adding more data to existing infrastructure without any overarching connection. Information becomes trapped in disjointed systems, data silos, and manual processes—failing to provide rapid, actionable insights. After recognizing this challenge, Rootstock established a Signal Chain approach that enables manufacturers to harness the power of their data within the context of today’s ever-changing supply and demand conditions.

Rootstock Software won a Gold Stevie Award for Best Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution in The 2023 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards

Gewinnerinnen der 20. jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Women in Business bekannt gegeben

Posted by Catrin Beu on Tue, Nov 21, 2023 @ 06:52 AM

Unternehmerinnen und weibliche Fach- und Führungskräfte aus Deutschland, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz in New York geehrt

Die Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, die weltweit höchste Auszeichnung für Unternehmerinnen, Führungskräfte, Angestellte und die von ihnen geleiteten Organisationen, haben bei einer Preisverleihungsgala in New York City die Gewinnerinnen für 2023 bekannt gegeben.

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Die Stevie Awards for Women in Business sind ein internationaler Wettbewerb, der von den Schöpfern der renommierten International Business Awards® und American Business Awards® veranstaltet wird. Der Stevie Award gilt weithin als der weltweit wichtigste Wirtschaftspreis.

Die Finalistinnen für den diesjährigen Wettbewerb wurden bereits im September bekannt gegeben wurden. Mit Spannung wurden nun die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Platzierungen am 10. November bei einer Galaveranstaltung im New Yorker Marriot Marquis Hotel erwartet. Mehr als 400 nominierte berufstätige Frauen und ihre Gäste nahmen an den Präsentationen teil, die auch als Livestream übertragen wurden.

In diesem Jahr wurden mehr als 1.600 Nominierungen von Organisationen und Einzelpersonen aus 26 Ländern eingereicht. Die Gewinnerinnen wurden für ihre Leistungen in über 100 Kategorien geehrt, darunter „Executive of the Year”, „Entrepreneur of the Year”, „Most Innovative Company of the Year”, „Startup of the Year” und „Women-Run Workplace of the Year”. Über 200 Geschäftsleute, in sieben spezialisierten Jurys, ermittelten die Gewinnerinnen der Stevie Awards in Gold, Silber und Bronze.

Die Gewinnerinnen der Stevie Awards 2023 in Gold, Silber und Bronze spiegeln eine vielfältige Gruppe von großen und kleinen Unternehmen aus der ganzen Welt wider. Sechs Unternehmen aus Deutschland, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz wurden in einer oder mehreren Kategorien zu Stevie Award-Gewinnerinnen ernannt:

  • Rashmi Verma, Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion bei Hugo Boss (Metzingen, Deutschland) wurde für Ihre Leistungen im Bereich Diversität und Inklusion als „Maverick of the Year“ mit dem Gold Stevie Award ausgezeichnet.
  • Die SAP SE mit Sitz in Walldorf (Deutschland) erhielt für ihr SAP Business Women's Network einen Silber Stevie Awards.
  • Ebenfalls einen Silber Stevie Award erhielt Medela Cares mit Sitz in Baar in der Schweiz für ihre Leistungen im Bereich der sozialen Verantwortung von Unternehmen für Frauen.
  • Gleich dreimal mit dem Bronze Stevie Award wurde Daniela Kerkhoff-Günther, Vice President Talent Attraction, Talent Management & Engagement bei DHL Global Forwarding in Bonn (Deutschland) für ihre Leistungen in den Bereichen Achievement in Diversity & Inclusion, Achievement in Equal Pay und Achievement in Women-related Corporate Social Responsibility ausgezeichnet.
  • Für ihre vordenkerischen Leistungen wurde Dr. Nadja Hatzijordanou, CEO der FactoryPal GmbH in Berlin (Deutschland) als „Female Thought Leader of the Year - Business Services“ mit einem Bronze Stevie ausgezeichnet.
  • EdHeroes Network mit Sitz in Triesen, Liechtenstein, erhielt einen Bronze Stevie Awards als Unternehmen des Jahres im Bereich der Non-Profit Organisationen.  
Die Grand Stevie Award-Trophäen wurden an fünf Organisationen verliehen, die im eigenen Namen oder im Namen eines oder mehrerer Kunden die besten Beiträge zum Wettbewerb eingereicht hatten. Für diese Auszeichnungen kann man sich nicht direkt bewerben. Die Gewinnerinnen des Grand Stevie Award wurden anhand der Gesamtzahl der im Wettbewerb gewonnenen Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Awards ermittelt, wobei ein Gold-Stevie-Gewinn mit 3 Punkten, ein Silber-Stevie mit 2 Punkten und ein Bronze-Stevie mit 1,5 Punkten gewertet wird. Die Gewinnerinnen des Grand Stevie Award 2023 sind in absteigender Reihenfolge nach Punkten wie folgt aufgelistet:
  • IBM, weltweit, mit 37 Punkten für 4 Gold-, 5 Silber- und 10 Bronze-Stevie-Award-Gewinne
  • Green Door Co, Sydney, New South Wales, mit 23 Punkten für 3 Gold-, 3 Silber- und 4 Bronze-Stevie-Award-Gewinne für sich selbst und mehrere ihrer Kunden
  • Purpol Marketing Ltd, Chippenham, Vereinigtes Königreich, mit 18,5 Punkten für 2 Gold-, 4 Silber- und 3 Bronze-Stevie-Award-Gewinne für sich selbst und ihre Kunden
  • Everise, Florida, Vereinigte Staaten, mit 17 Punkten für 3 Gold- und 4 Silber-Stevie-Awards
  • Women's Biz Global, Queensland, Australien, mit 11,5 Punkten für 1 Gold-, 2 Silber- und 3 Bronze-Stevie-Awards

Unter finden Sie eine vollständige Liste der Stevie-Gewinnerinnen nach Kategorien.

Die Stevie Awards for Women in Business werden durch die siebte jährliche Women|Future Conference ergänzt, eine eintägige virtuelle Netzwerk- und Lernveranstaltung am 23. Juli 2024 für Unternehmerinnen, Kleinunternehmerinnen und Branchenführerinnen. Nähere Informationen und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung finden Sie in Kürze unter

Topics: stevie awards for women in business