Winners Announced in 2023 People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Products

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, May 31, 2023 @ 11:00 AM

Winners to be Recognized at Awards Ceremony on June 13

Planet DDS received the most votes in the 2023 People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite New Products, an annual feature of The American Business Awards®, the U.S.A.’s top business awards program, which are now in their 21st year.

The worldwide public vote was conducted in April and May, with the highest number of votes deciding the winners in a variety of product categories. More than 41,000 votes were cast. To win, a category’s leading vote-getter had to have received at least 100 votes.

The winners of the crystal People’s Choice Stevie Awards will be recognized during the ABA’s awards ceremony on June 13, along with the winners of the Grand, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevies announced this Spring.

ABA23 Winners Announced - Rectangle (1)

All new products and services nominated in the new product awards categories of this year’s American Business Awards were eligible to be included in voting for the people’s choice awards.

The winners of the 2023 People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Products are:

  • AI/ Machine Learning Solution: Evisort's Generative AI for Contracts
  • Cloud Application/Service: Ernst & Young's Global Tax Platform
  • Cloud Infrastructure: Anjuna
  • Cloud Platform: Synchronoss Personal Cloud
  • Compliance Solution: CoreStack's SecOps
  • Computer Hardware & Peripherals: Webex Events, Webex Events Onsite Check-in and Badge Printing
  • Consumer Products & Services: LifeVantage's TrueScience Liquid Collagen
  • Content Management Solution: Quark Software's Quark Publishing Platform (QPP) NextGen
  • Content Products & Services: First American Data and Analytics' CovenantGuard
  • Corp. Learning/Workforce Development Solution: Startek's Agent AI Platform
  • Customer Data Platform: BlueConic's Customer Data Platform
  • DevOps Solution: BairesDev
  • Digital Process Automation Solution: Align Technology's iTero Proposal Builder
  • Education Products/Services – Other: PowerSchool's Unified K-12 Solutions
  • Electronic Commerce Solution: Newfold Digital's Online Store Builder
  • Emerging Technology: Unite Us Social Connector
  • Event Management Solution: Webex Events
  • Financial Management Solution: EBizCharge
  • Financial Services: Liberty Bankers Insurance Group's On-the-Spot (OTS) 2
  • FinTech Solution: EBizCharge
  • Health & Pharmaceutical Product: Radicle Science's Proof-as-a-Service
  • Healthcare Technology Solution: Planet DDS
  • Legal Solution: Evisort's Generative AI for Legal
  • Mathematics Instructional Solution: Savvas Learning Company's enVision K-12 series © 2024
  • Mobile On-Demand Application: London Computer Systems rmResident
  • Network Security Solution: Windstream Enterprise's SASE
  • No Code/Low Code Platform: Cigniti Technologies iNSta
  • Payments Solution: EBizCharge
  • Platform as a Service: Plivo's 10DLC
  • Professional Learning Solution for Education: Stride Inc's Promising Practices
  • Service Management Solution: Ernst & Young's Tax Smart Delivery
  • Solution for Special Needs Students: CentralReach's LiftEd
  • Supply Chain Management Solution: Ware2Go
  • Transportation: Soapy Joe's Car Wash's Magic Joe
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence in EdTech: Praxis AI's Augmented Intelligence (A/I) Mentor Pria
  • Virtual Learning Solution: MedCerts Intro to Human Anatomy Course App

Sponsors of The 2023 American Business Awards include HCLTech, Melissa Sones Consulting, and SoftPro.

Powerhouses of Change:'s Award-Winning Women Revolutionizing the Software Industry

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, May 30, 2023 @ 11:26 AM

Multiple Stevie® Award-winner is a global company that creates enterprise applications, business intelligence solutions, and integration solutions across many industries, with proven expertise in retail, banking, fintech, and healthcare.

Their mission is to continuously mind customers’ business through outstanding services. They help clients establish roadmaps for their technological path or products and provide comprehensive implementation resources in terms of solutions and people.

Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 9.55.35 AMTheir dedicated engineers are proficient in delivering end-to-end software services with a focus on business analysis, architecture, development, integration, maintenance, and support. has created a sustainable intrapreneurial environment where people can expand both their professional and personal perspectives.

The Women Leading Change and Growth
In the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, took home a Silver Stevie Award for Fastest Growing Company of the Year. When asked what winning the award meant to her, Chief Executive Officer Lucia Stoicescu commented:

“Software is what we know how to build. But ultimately, we wanted to foster an environment in which people can become the best version of themselves. The moment you choose to compromise regarding the best version of yourself, you give away the power. And we want to empower people.

This award is motivation to continue, dream bigger, work harder to build upon the trust our people put in our community, and deliver upon that trust. In a fast-growing company, you need a systematic approach to growth that involves a transformation mindset and team growth.”

With decades of experience working in the technology sector (mainly retail, fintech, telecom, and MedTech), Lucia’s expertise is in driving and managing business growth, technology transformation, sourcing, operations, finance, HR, and regulatory compliance for international customers.

Two additional women on the team were recognized in the 2022 awards program: Mona Hristachi, Co-Chief Operating Officer, won a Silver Stevie for Woman of the Year in Business Services; and Roxana Staneiu, Chief People Officer, won a Silver Stevie for Female Employee of the Year in Business.

Woman of the Year in Business Services, Mona Hristachi
Before she was Co-COO of, Mona started her journey in 2014 working in background screening, then gained experience in various business roles like sales representative, analyst, key account manager, and project manager:Picture1

“There are many skills that I had the chance to develop in time. Still, one of the skills I got the context to explore more evolved around identifying and understanding needs. How do you ask the right questions to understand the real need to be able to provide support, and where is the case to come up with the right solutions?

Through servant leadership, you can better understand how you can help a colleague or a partner, and that’s something that I resonate with.”

Mona remarked that she was already happy to be nominated for the award and was pleasantly surprised at winning:

“For the past 8 years, my professional journey has been within the team, exploring different roles and having a continuous learning experience. Receiving the award means that the excellent work we are doing at is recognized.

It’s important to continue to create a community where each one contributes with their expertise and skills and learns from others while building software engineering platforms and products."

Female Employee of the Year in Business, Roxana Staneiu
Certified as a NeuroMindfulness Coach Practitioner, Roxana is a people-oriented leader whose mission is to inspire, coach, and lead teams to drive innovation and create added value.

Specifically, she helps people nourish their potential in dynamic and challenging environments, facilitates authentic experiences, and provides clear vision in fast-paced situations. “People are the epicenter of everything I do,” she explained, “be it organizational culture or key account management, my role is deeply influenced by the passion I have for building authentic connections.”

Roxana Staneiu 1When asked if it was challenging being a woman in a predominantly male-dominated industry like software development, Roxana commented:

“Over the last decade, women constantly prove that they can code, they can come up with innovative solutions, can be in top management positions, can run businesses, they can be visionary leaders.

I feel we don’t need to prove ourselves anymore and it’s high time to be recognized for the value we all can bring. I’m aware there are still some old socially desirable standards that are imposed on women, but I feel we came a long way, and every time we put our focus on results, passion, hard work, ideas, and innovations, not on gender or stereotypes, we all make another step towards a better society.” 

Since Winning Their Stevie Awards has since been recognized in Romania for its unique benefit called minditNomad. Through minditNomad, they have their own minditNomad homes located throughout Romania, in the mountains and at the seaside, where employees can work from or have a vacation with their friends and family without having to worry about accommodation costs, not having Internet, or not having the right equipment. They believe in working from anywhere and that a change of scenery is essential from time to time. 

Irina Arsene, Founder, was also awarded the first-ever "Inspiring Woman of the Year" Award at the 2023 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Gala!

In addition to these achievements, has also been officially certified as a Great Place to Work® with 97% of their employees answering "yes" when asked, "Taking everything into account, do you consider a great place to work?" has also managed to continue with 40% year-over-year growth in 2022 and more than 250 employees. They plan to reach the 1000-people milestone by the end of 2025. won a Silver Stevie Award for Fastest-Growing Company of the Year. Mona Hristachi, Co-COO, won a Silver Stevie for Woman of the Year in Business Services; and Roxana Staneiu, Chief People Officer, won a Silver Stevie Award for Female Employee of the Year in Business in the 2022 Stevie Awards for Women in Business. 

Interesting in entering the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in Business? 

Submit a Nomination 

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Intelligente All-In-One-Software revolutioniert die Baubranche

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Tue, May 23, 2023 @ 03:00 AM

Auch in der Baubranche wird die Digitalisierung im Projektmanagement immer wichtiger. Als einer der führenden Anbieter einer passenden All-In-One-Lösung hat sich die XBuild GmbH aus dem österreichischen Innsbruck an die Spitze dieser Entwicklung gestellt, die sich übergreifend für Bauherren, Planer, Architekten, aber auch allen anderen in der Baubranche tätigen Unternehmer eignet. Deswegen wurde das Team um die beiden Gründer David Abfalterer und Tobias Rieser dieses Jahr aus einem starken Bewerberfeld mit ihrer Immobilien- oder Baumanagement-Lösung  für den Grand Stevie Award für die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung ausgewählt.


Statt auf viele kleine Insellösungen zu setzen, wie sie von Mitbewerbern im Bereich der Bauplanungssoftware angeboten werden, bündelt XBuild alle Bereiche in einer übersichtlichen, effizienten und zeitsparenden Oberfläche. Dabei zielt XBuild auf den tatsächlichen Workflow sämtlicher, im Bereich Bauwesen agierender Unternehmensgruppen ab. Statt teurer und ineffizienter Einzellösungen, die durch ihre Preisgestaltung zudem in keinem zufriedenstellenden Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis stehen, erhält der Bauherr eine ausgereifte und günstige Komplettlösung. Darüber hinaus ist für die Benutzung der Anwendung keinerlei Installation nötig - es kann sofort mit der Planung eines neuen Projektes begonnen werden. 

Von Anfang an wurden bei der Entwicklung des Systems die Überlegungen zum Thema Digitalisierung im Workflow verschiedenster Baufirmen berücksichtigt. Das Ergebnis dieser Bemühungen ermöglicht eine Dokumentation des kompletten Projekts, das sich so problemlos in seiner Gesamtheit abbilden lässt. 

Das Ergebnis ist: Seit im Jahr 2021 die erste Pilotversion von XBuild gestartet wurde, hat sie sich am Markt nicht nur durchgesetzt, sondern konnte einen geradezu explosionsartige Verbreitung erreichen. Über 2.000 Nutzer vertrauen mittlerweile in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz auf den in diesem Bereich einzigartigen Funktionsumfang, den XBuild bietet. Denn egal ob es um administrative Aufgaben wie die Verwaltung von Rechten und externen Zugängen oder um die tatsächliche Ausführung der Bauprojekten von der Skizze bis zur Schlüsselübergabe geht: Mit seinem präzisen Tracking von Aktivitäten durch Verläufe, Berichte sowie einem integrierten Ticket-System steht bei XBuild immer das passende Tool zur Verfügung. Innerhalb der Software können so automatisiert Protokolle erstellt, Tickets verteilt und Arbeitsaufträge koordiniert werden. Dadurch kann jedes Projekt von Anfang bis Ende in einer einheitlichen, zentral zugänglichen Umgebung verwaltet und durchgeführt werden. Dabei ist sowohl eine firmenübergreifende Vernetzung und Cloud-Integration vorhanden, als auch eine individuelle Anpassbarkeit an die eigenen Bedürfnisse gegeben: Alle Projektbeteiligten sind über die Anwendung miteinander verbunden, und zwar firmenübergreifend. Dies reduziert die Fehleranfälligkeit durch Misskommunikation auf ein Minimum, die verschiedenen Subprozesse, wie sie in der Baubranche üblich sind, können effektiv koordiniert werden.

Es ist also kaum verwunderlich, dass jede Woche neue Nutzer dieses Multiprojekt-Managementtool hinzukommen, welches sämtliche Subprozesse mit den dazugehörigen Abhängigkeit koordinieren kann und so auch Projektbeteiligte zusammenführt, die außerhalb der verschiedenen Teilaspekte nicht zusammen arbeiten. Diese geben durchweg ein positives Feedback zu Usability und den erreichten Ergebnissen.



Mit dem in XBuild integrierten außergewöhnlichen Funktionsumfang ist es dem jungen Start-Up gelungen, die am besten bewertete von über 400 Nominierungen zu erreichen und somit bei den German Stevie® Awards 2023 nicht nur einen Gold Stevie® in der Kategorie Business Technology Solution – Immobilien- oder Baumanagement-Lösungen, sondern auch den begehrten Grand Stevie Award für die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung zu gewinnen, eine der höchsten Auszeichnungen, die die German Stevie Awards zu bieten haben. 

Haben Sie mit Ihrer Organisation auch Großartiges geleistet? Dann melden Sie sich jetzt für unseren Newsletter an, um immer über die Fristen der German Stevie® Awards 2024 auf dem Laufenden gehalten zu werden!

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Xbuild.



Topics: German Stevie Awards, europäischer Wirtschaftspreis, GSA23

DHL Global Forwarding, Freight Takes Home Multiple Gold, Silver, Bronze Stevie Awards Honoring Achievement, Employee Incentives

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, May 19, 2023 @ 02:36 PM

DHL Global FF square awards graphicDHL Global Forwarding, Freight has been named the winner of two Gold, two Silver, and three Bronze Stevie® Awards in the seventh annual Stevie® Awards for Great Employers. In six categories, ranging from diversity and inclusion to employee engagement and workplace health & wellbeing, DHL Global Forwarding, Freight impressed the jury with its commitment to its employees. The certification attests to DHL's achievement in implementing HR best practices, fostering a positive work environment, and encouraging its employees' personal and professional development.

Executive Vice President of Human Resources at DHL Global Forwarding & Freight, Harm Otten, said: “I am proud to announce that DHL Global Forwarding, Freight won seven 2022 Stevie Awards for Great Employers in six different categories. A big thank you to all our colleagues and their teams who have contributed to this amazing achievement, and above all, congratulations!”

In the Achievement in Leadership Development for Women category, DHL Global Forwarding, Freight won the Gold Stevie Award with its "Shift Up A Gear" program. As part of this program, the air, ocean and overland transportation freight specialist, together with other Deutsche Post DHL Group divisions, has identified female employees from around the world who have the potential to progress to Director or higher level. Through the program, the company aims to achieve at least 30% women at these higher levels by 2025. 

Another Gold Stevie Award went to DHL Global Forwarding Middle East & Africa in the "Reward & Recognition Strategy" category. They proactively recognized and acknowledged their employees' talent, success, and contribution to the company through two highly anticipated initiatives: “MEA Got Talent” and the Employee of the Year Conference. The jury commended the company for developing a creative, systematic approach to recognizing and rewarding talent that supports employer brand strengthening and talent retrofitting.

Part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group (DPDHL), DHL Global Forwarding has been the expert in freight forwarding since 1815. Their air, ocean, and overland freight forwarding services include standardized transport as well as multimodal and sector-specific solutions, together with individualized industrial projects.

DPDHL is one the world’s largest employers, with a workforce of some 590,000 employees. In five divisions and 220 countries and territories, people are busy working in more than 1,000 different occupations.

DPDHL continues to offer attractive working conditions to some 590,000 employees into 2023 – as confirmed by the recent certifications from the Top Employers Institute. A total of 125 country organizations in 70 countries achieved Top Employer certification. For the first time, the Deutsche Post DHL Group as a whole was awarded Top Employer status in Europe. As in the year before, DHL Express and DHL Global Forwarding, Freight achieved Top Employer Global status, placing them among the best employers in the world.

DHL Global Forwarding, Freight won two Gold, two Silver, and three Bronze Stevie Awards in the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers in categories including Achievement in Leadership Development for Women, Best Reward & Recognition Strategy; and Achievement in Workplace Health & Wellbeing. 

Interested in entering the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers?  

Request the Entry Kit

Topics: great employers

Medical Communications Agency HCG Uses Employee Value Proposition as Key Driver for Success

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, May 17, 2023 @ 09:39 AM

HCG spotlight SquareHealthcare Consultancy Group (HCG) is a global leader in medical communications, comprising eight interconnected agencies with distinct personalities and complementary skills.

Incorporated in 1987, their agencies craft scientific evidence into medical stories that shape decisions and drive medicine. They aim to accelerate the understanding and acceptance of pharmaceutical clients’ medicines, getting the medicines closer to the patients who need them.

In their 30+ years of experience, they have helped bring transformational medicines to billions of patients worldwide in areas such as COVID-19, oncology, and CAR-T therapy. 

Their company culture is designed to generate a “thought arena,” driving future thinking, collaboration, and communication excellence. Since 1987, the company has grown to 900+ in global staff, now supporting over 70 pharma and biotech companies.

Employee Value Proposition
The HCG employee value proposition is “Come for the work. Stay for the culture. Have an impact.” With the advent of what many call “The Great Resignation,”  2021 presented a new challenge: How to become an agency everyone wants to work for? 

HCG engaged their staff consultants to gather insights that could translate into actionable change to strengthen the employee value proposition:

Come for the work — Placing talent at the heart of their business strategy meant overhauling their website to host a new talent campaign “The Wonderland of Medical Communications,” which reintroduces their fusion working model and highlights all available resources. 

Stay for the culture — HCG sought to create more value for existing employees by developing The Employee Engagement Council; building talent retention programs like the Personal Discovery program; and creating innovation initiatives like SWARM profilers to uncover the “inner innovator” in all employees.

They strengthened their commitment to Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI), driven by a DEI Council through education initiatives like the DEI University, which includes three training modules and discussion points on inclusive mindset, unconscious bias, and antiracism; sponsorship programs: an initiative to elevate 25 midlevel diverse employees through intentional mentorship and action planning; and partnerships with five DEI- certified recruitment firms.

Have an impact — They continue to empower staff through industry-leading “Collective Intelligence” thought leadership initiatives. They recently started the HCG Disparities and Inequities Council to ensure a more equitable distribution of healthcare. They also restarted the Work with a Purpose initiative, allowing staff to directly engage with patients who have had access to transformational medicines.

Since Winning Their Stevie Awards
HCG continues to foster a healthy work culture through the expansion of successful employee-focused initiatives and the introduction of new or refreshed programs.

With their talent campaign “The Wonderland of Medical Communications,” HCG increased their global footprint that now spans the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Australia.

Since submission, a brand-new companywide intranet, consciously designed and organized to align with the three distinct categories determined by the employee value proposition was launched. The intranet, entitled “StartHere,” houses over 900 assets that are fully available to all staff. Planned expansion upon StartHere is planned to focus on the connectivity of staff.

HCG has built a now annual workshop, known as FUTURUM, is a forward-looking think-tank initiative, bringing together the collective intelligence of HCG leadership expertise to research, prioritize, and take action against key trends in the coming year spanning pharma, medicine, technology, and society, which impact HCG and medical communications.

In addition to the SWARM Innovation Profiler, which aids individuals in gaining insight into their own strengths as an innovator, they have deployed the SWARM Innovation Culture Assessment. This assessment measures the degree to which your organization supports the eight innovation talents in its people and the maturity of your innovation system. 

They also re-introduced HCG’s LEAD (Learn, Engage, Act, Develop) program, which provides a forum for emerging leaders to interact with and learn from current leaders across the broader HCG organization, gain valuable insight from those leaders and guest speakers, engage in addressing relevant HCG challenges, and create connections with colleagues from across all the HCG companies. The program was held in person and allowed attendees to dedicate two full days to their development.

Healthcare Consultancy Group won a Bronze Stevie Award for Employer of the Year – Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations in the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers.

Interested in entering the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers?

Learn More and Request the Entry Kit


Topics: International business awards

Adani Group Provides World-Class Skills Development & Training to Youth of India

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Wed, May 17, 2023 @ 09:19 AM

Stevie-winner Adani Group is an Indian multinational conglomerate headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, founded by Shri Gautam Adani in 1988.

Adani envisions training the youth of India and making them capable enough to earn their daily bread with self-respect and pride, resulting in the establishment of their Gold Stevie® Award-winning Adani Skill Development Centre (ASDC).

The ASDC was registered on May 16, 2016, as a section 8 not-for-profit company to focus on skill development activities to contribute toward nation-building by bridging the skill gap demand & supply, in line with the Government of India’s Skill India Mission.

Adani Skill Development Center 
ASDC started its operations pan-India in 2016 with the project “SAKSHAM,” which has reached more than 100,000 beneficiaries. The program helps to teach parents, communities, and employers about gender equality, equal opportunities, and economic empowerment for females, as gender equality is embedded in all the courses. 

“SAKSHAM” means “capable” and is an ideology of the ASDC to enable the youth of India to become more capable of achieving their goals by becoming skilled professionals. This ideology has no borders and boundaries. SAKSHAM is working to bring world-class skills development training to India through partnerships with various corporations and other organizations.

The environment is designed to encourage young girls and boys to take up training and employment opportunities to build a well-trained, skilled workforce. ASDC aims to help India's youth achieve their goals by turning them into skilled professionals.

It is an initiative to provide disadvantaged youth, especially those who have been deprived of mainstream education, with essential life and market-oriented vocational skills. This not only helps them to access decent employment but also gives them the independence to be themselves.

Project Impact and Expansion
Thus far, the program has impacted over 100,000 young adults by equipping them with livelihood skills, thereby making ASDC the fastest-growing skill development company in India. Interestingly, 60% of the total trained youth are females.

ASDC has since launched additional programs, including:

  • Special Project for FISHERMEN community in Kutch district of Gujarat state, which provides assured placement in nearby industry after training to the highly isolated community of the area.
  • Special Project for Prisoners of Jail in Gujarat State, which provides basic digital literacy training to soon-to-be-released prisoners to help them integrate into the digital world after release.
  • Training offerings for technological advancement in Welding, Crane Operation, Electrical Wiring & Heavy Motor Vehicle programs by introducing Mixed reality (Augmented + Virtual) -based simulator training.
  • Four new training centers in India created the presence of Saksham in 11 states, enabling an overall annual training capacity of 30,000+.

ASDC is one of the biggest non-government-funded training partners in India to provide training in employable skill domains and providing livelihood opportunities to the upskilled youth of the Nation. 

They have now started to offer diplomas, postgraduate diplomas, and certificate programs affiliated with State Government recognized universities in skill development. They also provide experience-based learning opportunities through On Job Training (OJT), Exposure Visits, and Project work in almost all the courses to ensure that the Skill Gap is appropriately addressed. 

Adani Skill Development Centre won a Gold Stevie Award for Organization of the Year among Medium-sized Non-Profit or Government Organizations in The 2022 International Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2023 International Business Awards?

Request the Entry Kit

Topics: International business awards

Twenty Outstanding Tech Executives Named Finalists for the HCLTech Supercharging Progress Awards

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, May 15, 2023 @ 09:00 AM

Twenty outstanding technology executives from across the United States have been named Finalists in four HCLTech Supercharging Progress categories in The 21st Annual American Business Awards®, the top honors for achievement in the workplace in the USA.

A jury of technology professionals from around the world will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie® Award placements from among the Finalists. The placements will be revealed during The American Business Awards’ banquet at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on Tuesday, June 13.

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The Finalists are:

Excellence in Transforming Business
Fiserv Inc., Brookfield, Wisconsin: Samir Ghuge, Head Strategy & Planning, Office of COO
Marriott International, Memphis, Tennessee: Naveen Manga, CTO
Papa Johns, Louisville, Kentucky: Yasaswi Pulavarti, VP, Digital Transformation and Engineering
Tenet Healthcare, Dallas, Texas: Paola Arbour, CIO
Verizon, Irving, Texas: Senthil Muthusamy, VP
WestRock Fulfillment Company, Duluth, Georgia: Joseph Hinkle, Vice President

Leadership in Next Gen Technology
Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Linda Siksna, SVP
Legend Biotech, Somerset, New Jersey: Dadong Li, Head of Information Technology
Sonoco Products Company, Hartsville, South Carolina: Andrea White, CIO
Verizon, New York, New York: Praveen Atreya, VP

Leading Through Uncertainty
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, Durham, North Carolina: Jo Abernathy, Chief Information Officer
Disney Parks Experience and Products, Orlando, Florida: Gail Evans, EVP-Chief Digital & Technology Officer
Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan: Sucheta Walimbe, Global Head Infrastructure
Keurig Dr Pepper Inc., Boston, Massachusetts: John A. Gigerich, CIO
Stanley Black & Decker, Hartford, Connecticut: Stephen Desiderio, VP Global IT Operation

New Normal Digital Transformer
GlaxoSmithKline, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Agam Upadhyay, SVP & Chief Technology Officer
Portland General Electric, Portland, Oregon: John Kochavatr, CIO and VP, Customer & Digital Solutions
IHG, Atlanta, Georgia: Alvin Smith, Vice President Global Infrastructure Architecture
The Walt Disney Company, Seattle, Washington: Diane Jurgens, Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer
True Value, Chicago, Illinois: John Armbrecht, CTO & CIO

HCLTech is a long-time sponsor of The American Business Awards. HCLTech is a global technology company, home to more than 225,900 people across 60 countries, delivering industry-leading capabilities centered around digital, engineering and cloud, powered by a broad portfolio of technology services and products. We work with clients across all major verticals, providing industry solutions for Financial Services, Manufacturing, Life Sciences and Healthcare, Technology and Services, Telecom and Media, Retail and CPG, and Public Services. Consolidated revenues as of 12 months ending March 2023 totaled $12.6 billion. To learn how we can supercharge progress for you, visit

Stevie Awards President Maggie Miller commented on the Finalists: “We’re privileged to have HCLTech continue as a sponsor of the ABAs and to have so many accomplished technology executives as Finalists for Stevie Awards. All of them will be recognized as Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie winners, and we look forward to welcoming them on stage to receive their due recognition on June 13.”

The American Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace, from customer service and marketing to management, new product development, and technology. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners in other categories in the ABAs were announced in April. The full list of those winners is featured at

Sponsors of The 2023 American Business Awards include HCLTech, Melissa Sones Consulting, and SoftPro.

Topics: American business awards

Grand Stevie Award Winners Announced in 2023 American Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, May 09, 2023 @ 09:00 AM

AT&T Wins Organization of the Year for the Second Year in a Row

The Stevie® Awards announced today the Grand Stevie Award winners in The 21st Annual American Business Awards® competition. Winners will be honored during the ABAs’ awards banquet on June 13, 2023 in New York City. Registration for the event is now open.

All organizations operating in the U.S.A. - large and small, public and private, for-profit and non-profit - are eligible to submit nominations to the ABAs in a wide range of categories, honoring achievement in every aspect of work life, from customer service and management to public relations and product development.

ABA23 Winners Announced - Rectangle

This year more than 3,700 nominations were considered in the judging process by more than 240 professionals, whose average ratings determined the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners announced earlier this month. For a complete list of the 2023 Stevie Award winners, visit

The Best of the ABA Awards are best-of-competition prizes awarded to the organizations that submit the best body of work to the competition, in their own name or in the names of one or more clients, or have the highest-rated nomination in the competition. Grand Stevie Awards cannot be applied for directly.

2023 Grand Stevie winners in The American Business Awards are as follows:

Highest-rated New Product or Service of the Year: There is a tie this year for this Grand Stevie Award, with both nominations receiving average scores from the judges of 9.0/10.  Both are in the competition’s categories that recognize excellence in education-related products and services:

  • The Chief Information Security Officer Business Simulation, nominated by Advantexe Learning Solutions, West Conshohocken, PA, also won a Gold Stevie for Best Game-based Curriculum Solution
  • Kiddopia, Wilmington, DE, a subscription-based early learning app for kids ages 2-7, also won Gold for Best PreK / Early Childhood Learning Solution 

Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year: With a perfect score from the judges of 10.0/10.0, the “Ask The Question - Suicide Awareness PSA Campaign,” submitted by Avera Health, an integrated health system based in Sioux Falls, SD, also won Gold for Communications or PR Campaign of the Year – Healthcare in the competition’s public relations categories.

Most Honored Marketing Agency of the Year: FG|PG, Huntington, CA is one of the largest WBENC-certified woman-owned marketing experience creative and production agencies in the country.  The agency earned 27 award points for nine Gold Stevie Awards in the competition’s event categories, all for the immersive experience event it created for Marvel SNAP, a partnership among Bytedance, Marvel, and Nuverse.

Most Honored Public Relations Agency: Lumina Communications, with offices in New York and Silicon Valley, earned 27.5 award points for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie wins for nominations submitted on behalf of clients Aryaka, Cowbell Cyber, DoControl, Gluware Inc., Keysight Technologies, Salt Security, SlashNext, Solvo, and Whatfix.

Organization of the Year: For the second year in a row the winner is AT&T, Dallas, TX, which earned 39 points for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevies earned primarily by AT&T Business Multimedia Solutions. As the first truly modern media company, AT&T has been changing the way people live, work and play for the past 145 years. AT&T also won Grand Stevie Awards in the ABAs from 2013-2016. This award is determined by the total number of awards won in the ABAs, with a Gold Stevie win counting for 3 points, a Silver Stevie for 2 points, and a Bronze Stevie counting for 1.5.  

Sponsors of The 2023 American Business Awards include HCLTech, Melissa Sones Consulting, and SoftPro.

Topics: American business awards

HIVE by Income, An Innovative Insurtech Offering, Drives Digital Business Transformation in Insurance

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Mon, May 08, 2023 @ 10:13 AM

HIVE by Income (HIVE), an Insurance-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform by one of Singapore’s leading composite insurers, Income Insurance, enables insurers and digital platforms to launch innovative embedded insurance propositions with speed and agility. 

IncomeStevieAwardsFinal@3x@3xWith pre-built InsurTech integrations and seamless customer journeys, HIVE brings innovative product offerings to new segments of digital-first customer segments across the region, empowering greater financial well-being for all.

Recently, HIVE collaborated with Vietnam's leading housekeeping service,, and third largest non-life insurer, Post and Telecommunication Joint Stock Corporation (PTI), to launch a pay-as-you-earn microinsurance product that addresses the needs of vulnerable gig economy workers - domestic helpers.

Empowering Lives Through Stackable Microinsurance: Protecting The Underserved, One Policy At A Time is a mobile app that connects domestic workers with customers for on-demand housekeeping services. Known as the “Uber for maids,” its objective is to provide regular jobs and skills upgrading necessary for these women to earn a higher income and improve their lives and social status.

HIVE launched “JupViec Care” with the gig platform and PTI to provide a pay-as-you-earn personal accident microinsurance product that is embedded into every successful job completed. Designed to be simple and flexible even for tech illiterates, premiums are adjustable starting from as low as S$0.12. These domestic helpers can stay protected against death and disability, with a sum assured of up to SGD6K.

“Helpers are at high risk of getting injured while working such as climbing as they are cleaning. In the event of injuries, treatments would mean a financial loss which could take away their humble income. JupViec Care cleverly fits as a perfect solution, by allowing the helpers to purchase insurance with an amazingly small, affordable amount and making coverage stackable, giving them extra confidence and protection as they carry out their shifts.” —Mr. Phan Minh, Founder & CEO of

The availability of this innovative microinsurance model allows informal gig economy workers access to relevant financial services, putting them on a path toward greater financial security and social mobility. HIVE's approach to financial inclusion prioritizes customer-centric partnerships and allows for flexibility and customization to address the specific needs of different communities.

HIVE InsurTech offerings, which are compatible with any insurance core system and adaptable to multiple customer channels, allow new embedded insurance propositions to be launched in as short as 3 months. HIVE integrated with PTI and JupViec wallet within 3 months to serve the needs of the domestic helper segment.

Together with like-minded partners, HIVE aspires to transform the insurance industry and create a fairer and more sustainable economy, embedding insurance into our lifestyle activities, one activity at a time.

HIVE By Income won a Gold Stevie Award for Innovation in Business-to-Business Services in the 2023 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. 

View the full list of 2023 winners.

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Gold Stevie-Winner Pharmavite’s Employee Wellness Program Offers Comprehensive Mental, Physical, Financial Support

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Tue, May 02, 2023 @ 11:12 AM

Over 50 years ago, the founders of Pharmavite sought to improve health and wellness by focusing on complete nutrition through essential nutrients and minerals. Since that day, they have been a leader in the health and wellness industry, earning the trust of consumers, healthcare professionals, and retailers. NEW Pharmavite Logo

Pharmavite’s purpose is to bring the gift of health to life. As a pioneer in the health and wellness industry and makers of Nature Made® vitamins—the leading national vitamin and supplement broad-line brand that’s ranked the #1 Pharmacist Recommended vitamin and supplement brand—this purpose starts with its employees.

Their employee wellness program, PharmaFit, brings their company's purpose to life by offering a holistic approach to support employees’ health and well-being. This program earned them a Gold Stevie Award for Achievement in Workplace Health & Well-being in the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers. This was Pharmavite’s fifth HR-related award in 2022.

The PharmaFit Employee Wellness Program
Pharmavite offers wellness challenges and onsite activities including massage, yoga, vaccine clinics, nutrition & financial wellness education, and meditation. They also partner with Virgin Pulse, a digital platform to support workplace culture change and provide easy access to wellness resources. 

The PharmaFit Program is grounded in its unique wellness strategy. The program launched in 2017 and has grown to a strategic company-wide wellness program with 95% employee enrollment, a full-time Manager of Wellness, an innovative digital platform, and a generous medical premium reduction.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, Pharmavite redesigned its wellness program to also be delivered virtually and to offer bi-weekly themed wellness guides; monthly wellness challenges to promote engagement on a variety of topics and keep employees connected; virtual yoga and meditation (still offered today), and webinars focused on stress, anxiety, and burnout in partnership with the company’s EAP.

As mental wellness needs grew, the company curated special programs to support employees and families. Yearly, they sent “self-care” wellness gifts to each employee to remind them of mental health support along with wellness items to promote good sleep and relaxation. When they returned to the office in 2022, an EAP therapist was on site to help employees adjust.

Drive-through flu shot clinics opened in the Fall of 2020 with outdoor COVID-19 vaccine clinics at all Pharmavite locations for employees and family members; booster shot clinics continue to be offered.

Pharmavite also broadened its wellness benefits to support the changing needs of employees, including:

  • Free digital memberships to ClassPass@Home and Peloton with discounts on bikes and treadmills so employees could stay active in the safety of their own homes
  • to support caregivers
  • Free tutoring for the children of employees
  • Zoom fitness classes for kids at home, giving parents a much-needed break 
  • Lyra Health to provide free emotional support for employees and families
  • Onsite wellness rooms including a Peloton bike and space for yoga and meditation 

In Pharmavite’s 2020 employee engagement survey, 72% of employees responded favorably to “I feel supported with Pharmavite-provided programs, tools, and resources to help me effectively manage my health and well-being during the pandemic.” In the 2021 survey, 81% responded favorably to “I feel my benefits are competitive,” which is 16% higher than external benchmarks.

Pharmavite won a Gold Stevie Award for Achievement in Workplace Health & Wellbeing in the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers.

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Topics: great employers