Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in 20th Annual International Business Awards® from Across the Globe

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 14, 2023 @ 09:00 AM

3,700 Nominations Were Submitted from Organizations in 61 Nations

High-achieving organizations and executives around the world have been recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The 20th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's only international, all-encompassing business awards program.

Winners were selected from more than 3,700 nominations submitted by organizations in 61 nations.

A complete list of all 2023 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at

IBA23 Winners Announced - Rectangle

More than 230 executives worldwide participated on 11 juries to determine the Stevie winners.

The top winner of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards is IBM of Armonk, NY USA with 21. Other winners of multiple Stevie Awards include HALKBANK, Istanbul, Turkey (20), Viettel Group, Hanoi, Vietnam (17), Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (17), Ayala Land, Inc., Makati City, Philippines (16), DHL Express, worldwide (14), A.S. Watson Group, Hong Kong (12), Tata Consultancy Services, worldwide (11), LLYC, Madrid, Spain (10), OPET, Istanbul, Turkey (10), HeyMo® The Experience Design Company, Istanbul, Turkey (9), Uniomedia Communications, Budapest, Hungary (9), AD Ports Group, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (8), FPT Software, Hanoi, Vietnam (8), Akbank T.A.Ş, Istanbul, Turkey (7), Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA USA (7), Maersk, Montreal, Canada (7), Everise, Plantation, FL USA (6), Ernst & Young, worldwide (6), Globe Telecom Inc., Taguig City, Philippines (6), Green Door Co, Sydney, Australia (6), nupco, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (6), Philip Morris International, Lausanne, Switzerland (6), TriNet, Dublin, CA USA (6), WNS, Mumbai, India (6), ZER, Istanbul, Turkey (6), Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Canada (5), Cathay United Bank, Taipei, Taiwan (5), Enerjisa Üretim, Istanbul, Turkey (5), Lounge Group, Budapest, Hungary (5), PJ Lhuillier, Inc. | Makati City, Philippines (5), Purpol Marketing, Chippenham, Wiltshire (5), Megaworld Foundation, Inc., Taguig City, Philippines (5), Zimat Consultores, Mexico City, Mexico (5).

Halkbank, pioneering the development of the Turkish banking sector for 83 years, has won eight Gold Stevie Awards, more than any other organization.

All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in the IBAs, and may submit nominations in a wide range of categories for achievement in management, marketing, public relations, customer service, human resources, new products and services, technology, web sites, apps, events, and more. 

The awards will be presented during a gala event in Rome, Italy on October 13, 2023.

Learn More About The International Business Awards Winners 

Topics: International business awards

Vorsprung im Wettbewerb: KI-gestützte Big Data Analyse

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Thu, Aug 10, 2023 @ 03:39 AM

Das Start-Up HASE & IGEL aus dem niedersächsischen Oldenburg hat sich auf die KI-gestützte Analyse von Big Data aus Unternehmen, Markt & Gesellschaft spezialisiert. Mit innovativen Software-as-a-Service Lösungen und Analyseservices unterstützt HASE & IGEL Unternehmen bei einer vorausschauenden, effizienten Marktbearbeitung. 


Bereits letztes Jahr konnte sich HASE & IGEL bei den Stevies durchsetzen und nicht nur den begehrten Gold Stevie® im Bereich "Innovativstes Technologieunternehmen des Jahres bis zu 100 Mitarbeitende" abräumen, sondern auch Gold für drei seiner Software-Lösungen. Aber statt sich auf diesem Erfolg auszuruhen, hat das Team um den Gründer und Marketing-Experten Jan Schoenmakers seine innovativen Ziele weiter verfolgt und so bei den German Stevie® Awards 2023 gleich fünf Gold Stevies® gewinnen können: Neben dem erneuten Preis für das innovativste Technologieunternehmen bis 100 Mitarbeiter waren dieses Mal auch die Kategorien "Beste Business Technology Solution: Big Data", "Beste Business Technology Solution: Marketing & PR", "Beste Business Technology Solution: Lead Generation" und "Beste Content Lösung zur Inhaltsanalyse" dabei. 


Diese Fülle von Preisen beweist, dass HASE & IGEL mittlerweile zu einem der erfolgreichsten Unternehmen im Bereich der KI-gestützten Datenanalyse von Big Data zählt, und das nicht nur in Deutschland: Damit auch Kunden in anderen Ländern von ihrer Expertise profitieren können, wurde erfolgreich die Internationalisierung des Geschäfts vorangetrieben. Dies - aber auch der anhaltende Erfolg im Inland - führten dazu, dass weitere mittelständische wie große Unternehmen auf HASE & IGEL aufmerksam wurden.

Zugleich wurde aber auch eine konsequente Weiterentwicklung der vorhandenen Tools beschleunigt - aufwändige, innovative Software-as-a-Service Lösungen, mit denen man im Dschungel der Datenanalyse bestens gewappnet ist. Die Anwendungen reichen von Nachfrageprognosen über Media Mix Modelling, Stakeholder Mapping, Lead Scouting bis hin zu Marketing- und Vertriebscontrolling und Risikomanagement. Daten aus den verschiedenen Systemen in den Unternehmen (Analytics, CRM, ERP etc.), Verhaltensdaten aus digitalen Touchpoints in Märkten (Content, Suchmaschinen, Smartphone-Standorte, Werbung, Surfverhalten etc.) sowie Umweltdaten (Bevölkerung, Infrastruktur, Wetter, Verkehr etc.) lassen sich auf diese Weise KI-gestützt zusammenführen und analysieren, um schnell und effizient signifikante Zusammenhänge und sich abzeichnende Trends erkennen und ausnutzen zu können.

Mussten diese Daten früher manuell und mit viel zeitlichem und personellem Aufwand in Marktforschung-, Marketing- und Strategieberatungs-Prozesse umgesetzt werden, übernimmt dies nun die Software, die diese Arbeiten KI-gestützt automatisiert und Entscheidungsvorlagen unterbreitet. Dadurch werden häufige Hürden wie die fehlenden Kompetenzen in Data Science und Entwicklung sowie eine ohnehin bereits ausgelastete Belegschaft umgangen - welche die Umstellung auf datengetriebene Entscheidungen behindern und einen Wettbewerbsnachteil für Unternehmen darstellten. Genau hier setzen die durch HASE & IGEL bereitgestellten Lösungen an, die es Unternehmen aller Größenkategorien ermöglichen, einfach, schnell und sicher in den Bereich der softwaregestützten Datenanalyse einzutreten. Dabei wurde die verwendete Methodik, die KI und sämtliche Anwendungen von HASE & IGEL selber in-house entwickelt - zu 100% in Deutschland, ganz ohne Fremdfinanzierung oder Förderung durch den Staat, der indes seit gut einem Jahr ein Projekt für die Neuentwicklung von KI im Bereich der Bekämpfung von Schmuggel und Fälschungen fördert, das auf HASE & IGEL Technologie aufbaut. 


Seit 2022 wurden die bisherigen, standardisierten Softwarelösungen von HASE & IGEL, die auf typische Fälle in Marketing und Vertrieb ausgerichtet waren, konsequent zu einem Microservice-Baukasten umgebaut, denn viele der bereits vorhandenen Funktionen können auch in anderen Bereichen wichtige Dienste leisten. So lässt sich sehr schnell und kosteneffizient für jeden Kunden und jeden neuen Use Case eine individuelle Anwendung gestalten, ohne dabei das Rad neu erfinden zu müssen. Zugleich profitiert man von den Skaleneffekten und der Interoperabilität einer einheitlichen Plattform. Mit diesem Ansatz konnten binnen kürzester Zeit auch in M&A-Prozessen, bei der Suche nach Lieferanten, Firmenbewertungen, Arbeitsmarktprognosen und in der Bekämpfung von Wirtschaftskriminalität, sowie im Gesundheitswesen innovative Lösungen bereitgestellt werden.

Das System von HASE & IGEL ist in vielerlei Hinsicht einzigartig: Es löst den Benutzer aus der Abhängigkeit von alten, teil starren und nicht integrierbaren Systemen, die zudem häufig nur statische, beschreibende Dashboards ausgaben und keine Interaktion oder Prognose zuließen. Um früher Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen zu verbinden, erforderte es erheblicher IT- und Data-Kompetenz sowie eines überproportional hohen Entwicklungsaufwands, um die dahinter stehenden komplexen Prozesse abzubilden und daraus Handlungsempfehlungen zu generieren. Zudem waren die eigenen Daten meist auch noch in untereinander nicht kompatiblen, geschlossenen Systemen gefangen. 

Die Microservice-Architektur von HASE & IGEL bietet hingegen Unternehmen die Option, statt der vorkonfigurierten Produkte, die man ausschließlich im Paket kaufen konnte, nur diejenigen Bausteine zu erwerben, die sie tatsächlich benötigen. Diese "plug & play" Logik für Services, die Entscheidungsvorlagen produzieren, ohne vom Anwender besondere Kenntnisse zu verlangen, bringt eine neue Qualität in den Markt und öffnet die Potenziale von Big Data & KI für viele Unternehmen, denen ein Einstieg in dieses Thema bisher nicht möglich war.

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über HASE & IGEL.

 "Als innovations- und entwicklungsgetriebenes Unternehmen ist für uns Feedback zu unseren Produkten unglaublich wichtig. Das überwältigend positive Urteil der internationalen Jury der German Stevie Awards ist für uns eine unglaublich schöne Bestätigung - und die detaillierten Bewertungsnotizen nehmen wir auch in der Weiterentwicklung von Produkten und Marketing sehr ernst. Besonders geehrt fühlen wir uns, dass wir einige Awards bereits das zweite Jahr in Folge mit nach Hause nehmen durften - und dass dazu jener für das innovativste Technologieunternehmen bis 100 Mitarbeiter gehört. Sich als junges, noch kleines Unternehmen in einem so starken Wettbewerbsumfeld durchzusetzen macht uns stolz!" - Jan Schoenmakers, Geschäftsführer 

Haben Sie mit Ihrer Organisation auch Großartiges geleistet? Dann melden Sie sich jetzt für unseren Newsletter an, um immer über die Fristen der German Stevie® Awards 2024 auf dem Laufenden gehalten zu werden!




Topics: German Stevie Awards, europäischer Wirtschaftspreis, GSA23

Finalists in 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 07, 2023 @ 10:10 AM

Finalists in the 2023 (eighth annual) Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, an international competition, were announced today. The awards recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.    

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Among the organizations with the most Finalist nominations are Bank of America (21), TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) (19), IBM (16), Kordsa Teknik Tekstil A.Ş- (13), Enerjisa Enerji and Enerjisa Uretim (12), Cathay United Bank (11), Tech Mahindra Ltd. (11), GoHealth (10), DHL Global Forwarding (9), Dimes Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (9), Akbank T.A.S. (8), Globe Telecom, Inc. (8), Peak on Air (7), Ayala Land Inc. (6), Doğuş Holding (6), Everise (6), PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (6), East West Bank (5), Helpware (5), Innova (5), (5), and PeopleTec, Inc. (5).

For a full list of finalists by category, visit

All finalists will ultimately be named Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie Award winners. The placements will be revealed during a gala event on Monday, September 18 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. Tickets are now on sale. The presentations will be broadcast live via Livestream.

More than 1,000 nominations from organizations from 28 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 125 professionals worldwide, acting as judges. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  •         Employer of the Year Awards
  •         HR Achievement Awards
  •         HR Individual Awards
  •         HR Team Categories
  •         Solution Provider Awards
  •         Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media Awards
  •         Thought Leadership Categories
  •         COVID-19 Response Awards

Stevie Award placements in the 31 Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blending of the ratings of professionals and the votes of the general public. More than 107,000 votes were cast by members of the public for their favorite employer this year.
The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes several of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

A sponsor of the 8th annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers is HiBob.

Topics: great employers

​Highlights From the 2023 Women|Future Conference

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Fri, Aug 04, 2023 @ 02:23 PM

2023 WFC Media Kit (1080 × 1920 px)-3-1The sixth annual Women|Future Conference, held virtually from August 1-2, brought together over 650 ambitious, forward-thinking women across industries and career stages to connect and discuss key issues that impact their industries, careers, and lives.

A professional development, learning, and networking event, the Women|Future Conference brings together a community of women small business owners, executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals interested in starting a business. Attendees tuned in from cities across the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, and Europe.

The 2023 conference agenda featured two days of panels, workshops, and breakout sessions hosted by over 30 world-class speakers, including CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and small business consultants from The Audacious Agency, MENTOR New York, Jennings Social Media & MarTech, and others. 

Speakers also included seasoned leaders from global organizations like Microsoft's Corporate Vice President - Global Industry Marketing; SAP's Chief Marketing & Solutions Officer; and the Founder and CEO of Fempire, the #1 global coaching brand for women business owners.

Top Attended Sessions From #WomenFuture23
Throughout the two-day conference, attendees participated in sessions about business networking, work-life balance, wealth attraction, overcoming adversity, mentorship, and more. Below are the top conference sessions attended:

  • Turning Passion Into Profit as an Entrepreneur
  • From Wages to Wealth: Making the Shift from Employee to Entrepreneur
  • Taking the Leap: How to Transfer Your Skills from One Role to the Next
  • Should I Enter the Stevie Awards? Learn How Leaders Leverage Awards to Boost their Business and build Credibility

On Day 1 of #WomenFuture 23 in the session “Funding Female Futures: Navigating the Investment Landscape and Bootstrapping Success” two female entrepreneur and funding experts, Marnie LeFevre, Founder & CEO of Fempire, and Mez Gallifuoco, Founder & CEO of The Mad Ones, delved into the realities of the investment landscape for women and shared valuable insights on identifying the right investors and business opportunities. 
With her international coaching brand Fempire, Marnie has made it her mission to inspire women to step up and lead with courage, confidence, and from the feminine. Mez is an award-winning technology entrepreneur and strategist for some of the world’s most innovative companies including QBE, AMEX, Virgin Australia, and several startups in Sydney and New York.

Early in the discussion, Mez relayed that men in business are often asked, “What will you do with success?” while women are more likely to be asked, “How will you overcome all these challenges?” Women are sometimes viewed as already disadvantaged in the business space, in some sectors more than others. Even if you have a brilliant idea and are fully committed to making it work, it can be quite intimidating when it comes to getting your vision off the ground, she said,  especially when it comes to learning about and gaining funding, and then growing it.

Before trying to go directly to investors and trying to push a business plan at them, both Mez and Marnie recommend aiming for casual and helpful conversations with investors first. Instead of calling to abruptly ask someone to review your data and plan, just ask them for coffee. Have a conversation about what you’re trying to achieve, what insights they may have, and try to create a connection. 

“Start asking questions—gain advice. Use them as a mentor, and even if they're not prepared to invest in your business, at least you can gain a whole lot of insight. It's about building a relationship before sticking out your hand,” noted Mez.

She emphasized that who the founders are and who your team members are (and how adept or skilled they are) is even more important than your business plan or statistics. When it comes to finally making the pitch for funding, Mez related her own challenges of walking into very intense and critical business meetings. “They barely look at the idea, to be honest. They only really look at, what is the team? do they know what they’re doing….and we’re interested in the founder.” 

Both Mez and Marne agreed that having a well-connected founder—or, even better, multiple founders—who have similar business values can go a long way in securing the relationship and funding. Marne commented: “We're looking for whether we can get along with you, whether we believe in you, whether we think you've got what it takes, whether you have the grit that it takes.”

Day 2 of the conference opened with an instructional session on “How to Write a Winning Stevie Award Nomination given by Denise O’Leary, MBE. Denise is a 21-time Stevie Award winner and relayed her extensive experience on how she has repeatedly created winning Stevie Award entries. Her company, Purpol Marketing, specializes in marketing strategy development and bid management for public sector contracts across various industries. 

Denise answered many common questions she gets from clients across industries on finding and applying for awards, including:

  • Why should you enter awards?
  • Where do you find awards to enter?
  • How to find the right awards for your business
  • What data do you need to consider? 

Denise explained that, based on your specific industry or field, you should build an award target list and track when your targeted awards are open for nominations and what they will require. For example, even the Stevie Awards has eight distinct programs, and, depending on your field, one or a variety of them will get you a different level of exposure to a specific audience, geographic region, or market. Note the deadlines you need to hit and the networking or marketing opportunities they offer. 
She detailed the full Stevie application journey and even provided hints on what judges really want to see. “Play to your individual strengths in your nomination,” she emphasized. “How do you offer better value? How can you explain what you’re doing and make your strengths clear? Prove what you do with tangible evidence.” She covered how to examine your own organization and objectives and then how to tell your personal and business story as well as what types of data should be included with your entry. 

Regarding gathering evidence before writing your Stevie Awards nomination, Denise said, “It’s really important to gather evidence about your business success before writing your nomination. 

  • Read all instructions to make sure you’re eligible.” She also advised doing the following: 
  • If you’re doing a video, review their specific rules on formatting, length, language, etc.
  • Include key performance indicators (KPIs) or other materials in the supporting materials section of the entry submission, like customer testimonials, photos, case studies, etc.
  • Include a folder of press coverage to share, if available. 

“Think about what the judges would like to see. Think about their process,” she noted. “If you need to proofread your nomination more than once a day to make sure it’s perfect, you should. Explain in simple terms what your business does so it’s clear to any judge why you should win a Stevie Award.”

She said you will want to keep track of progress, store, and revisit old nominations you’ve written. In addition, after entering Stevie Awards competitions, all entrants can access the judge’s comments. This feedback can serve as an invaluable asset for guidance on areas the judges were impressed with and how entry nominations can be improved in the future.

In an educational panel discussion, "Make Your Mark: How to Build a Network with Trusted Mentors" that took place on Day 2, speakers explored how to build social capital and a network you can count on.10

Brenda Jimenez, CEO of MENTOR New York, led this panel, and other speakers included Alana Beard, four-time WNBA Champion and President of the 318 Foundation and Founder of Transition Play; Dr. Elizabeth Santiago, author, educator, designer, and leader; and Cicy George, Senior, Organizational Capability at Macy’s. These panelists have made their marks in different industries with an interesting story of how they’ve each become supporters of each other in ways that led to career successes.

Panelists initiated the conversation by examining the concept of social capital—the connections built and nurtured over time that may have beneficial professional implications—and how women specifically can work toward building this capital. For women especially, they agreed, it can be hard simply to ask for help and be vulnerable with a mentor. 

Alana commented: "I encourage [those she mentors] to be to be as vulnerable as possible in these moments because there's no way for people to really understand who you are and what you're going through and what your desires are if you don't speak about them.”

Elizabeth added another perspective, noting that getting comfortable relaying your needs and challenges not only helps you find the help and support you need but also enables you to validate and encourage others with your own experiences once you come out on the other side:

“For me, this is where storytelling comes in. As I look back at my life and my career and all the things that have happened and led me to where I am….there are so many people involved, so many stories, so many ways that I've asked for help over the years that I often share those experiences or share an anecdote about something and usually that helps someone else.”

They explained that self-reflection and conscious awareness of your strengths and, even more so, your weaknesses will help to solidify a sense of confidence and self-worth. The sooner you do the inner work and get past the common feeling of imposter syndrome, the faster you and others will see your potential. In a perfect example of how to be authentic and vulnerable with your peers, Cicy shared part of her personal journey with self-worth and acceptance:

“I've only recently gotten more comfortable with feeling like I am enough, and I feel like I have a hidden greatness that I have yet to unleash. That's just a realization I feel I've come into just now in my early 40s. It's taken me a long time to get here — even just to admit in a global forum that I'm in my early 40s—and I'm just learning some of these lessons now that I wish I had learned earlier on in my life and my career.” 

Special Thanks to Our 2023 Sponsors and Partners​
We are proud to partner with publications, media outlets, and organizations that share our mission of supporting women in business:

  • Enterprising Women Magazine
  • ImageShield
  • Investably LLC
  • MBE Magazine
  • Professional Woman’s Magazine
  • Trust Relations 

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 Women|Future Conference, sign up here to get notified of the 2023 prospectus release.

Last Chance WFC23-1


Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women Future Conference, WomenFuture Conference

Nikki Walker: Championing Diversity and Inclusion in the Software Industry

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Aug 03, 2023 @ 03:42 PM

Stevie-winner Domo, Inc. is a cloud-based platform designed to provide direct, simplified, real-time access to business data for decision-makers across the company with minimal IT involvement.

Domo’s business management platform turns data into insights and gives customers the context they need for faster, better-informed decisions. Traditional reporting methods often result in backlog, but Domo automates those processes by connecting to data in real time.

22 spotlight Square-9-4Domo’s low-code data app platform goes beyond traditional business intelligence and analytics to enable anyone to create data apps to power any action in their business, right where work gets done. With Domo’s fully integrated, cloud-native platform, critical business processes can now be optimized in days instead of months or more.

Female Employee of the Year in Business, Nikki Walker
Nikki Walker is the Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at Domo, where she works with a team of professionals to elevate and amplify Domo’s mission and values in the workplace and in the community. She does so by creating and driving programs and initiatives focused on diversity and inclusion, workplace equity and belonging, and community engagement.

Nikki leads Domo’s newly formed DEI leadership council, which represents multiple voices from around the organization to bring a more contextual application of DEI best practices and outcomes across the entire business. In addition to helping advance a culture of belonging, Nikki also focuses on creating employment pipelines and supporting student leadership programs that help build and nurture a more diverse pool of qualified talent for the tech industry.

Prior to her current role, Nikki was Director of Community Engagement wherein she created and managed programs for Domo that aligned with community partners. In addition, she runs the Domo for Good initiative, a social good program designed to leverage the Domo platform in collaboration with nonprofits, bringing the power of data to help solve society’s most pressing issues.

She has also partnered with the Multicultural Subcommittee of the COVID-19 Community Task Force's digital equity team to address the racial injustices facing the Black community.

Nikki currently serves on the board of directors for Encircle, The Road Home, and The Children’s Center, as well as the Utah Tech Leads PAC, the Foundation Board, and the President’s Cabinet of Salt Lake Community College. Nikki is also a member of The KUED Advisory Board and is an active member of the NAACP, the Utah Black Chamber, and the Junior League of Salt Lake City.

As a professional communicator and a strong advocate of leaving a place better than it was, Nikki has set out to educate the public on becoming more accepting of Black lives. Serving the community is Nikki’s passion, and she's dedicated to spreading the importance of diversity and inclusion at every level of community, business, and government through both her personal and professional endeavors.

Domo’s commitment to multiplying impact extends to its local community through donations of time, funding, and expertise to help build and foster the next generation of tech talent and leadership.

Domo’s Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Nikki Walker won a Bronze Stevie® Award for Female Employee of the Year - Business in the 2022 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Interested in entering the 2023 Stevie Awards for Women in Business? 

Request the Entry Kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Regalix AI-based Training Platform for Sales Reps Aids in Employee Success, ROI

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Aug 03, 2023 @ 02:11 PM

2-2Regalix is a global leader partnering with companies on revenue operations, customer experience, and thought leadership. They are a growth-based enterprise that helps digital platforms drive growth from their mid-market and small/medium business (SMB) segments by handling the whole range of sales/growth lifecycle. 

For 10+ years across 16+ countries, Regalix has been driving revenue growth for digital platforms by selling their complex services to SMBs and assisting them in building their sales infrastructure, contributing to more than $10 billion in revenue for world-renowned brands.

They have helped over 150+ iconic Fortune 500 brands, including Google, Meta, Amazon, Apple, Cisco, and others, unlock opportunities and business possibilities at scale.

Highlighted Projects
For one client, Regalix enabled increased ad adoptions among its SMB markets and helped increase the business's revenue by 3.5X. They achieved this by implementing targeted marketing campaigns focused on the businesses' specific needs and pain points. 

This included creating tailored ad packages that offer more cost-effective solutions for smaller budgets and providing education and resources to the advertisers on the benefits of utilizing ads. Ultimately, the brand increased its overall revenue by 81% within two years, while the total cost of generating this revenue remained the same.

For another client from the F&B sector, they helped increase merchant adoption by 95%. They significantly increased the client's success in pre-sales activities by implementing targeted marketing campaigns that effectively reached their target audience.

Additionally, they streamlined the merchant signup process. In post-sales activities, they focused on providing onboarding support. Overall, these strategies increased the client’s merchant base with a conversion ratio of 51%, increased revenue by 88%, and improved customer satisfaction.

Ingredients to Success
Regalix’s secret to achieving success on a much higher level when compared to its competitors is due to its in-house AI-based platform designed to help train and assist sales reps in all aspects of call management, from initial training to ongoing skill development.

The platform streamlines the sales process and allows for end-to-end lifecycle management, resulting in a faster ramp-up time for new reps, a higher ROI, and an overall improvement in sales performance.

One of the key features of the platform is its comprehensive training modules. These modules cover all aspects of the sales call process, from basic selling techniques to advanced strategies for closing deals. The interactive and engaging modules make it easy for sales reps to learn and retain the information.

The platform offers AI-based pitch intelligence and a coaching feature. The coaching feature allows reps to boost their confidence with virtual pitch practice. This helps reps to improve their skills and techniques on the fly. In addition to training and coaching, the platform also helps to refine sales reps' skills. It tracks key performance metrics such as call duration, conversion rates, and win/loss ratios which managers can use to assess progress.

This AI-based platform provides a powerful toolset to help train and assist our sales reps, ensuring they have the necessary skills to succeed and providing feedback and guidance to help them improve their performance.

Regalix won a Bronze Stevie® Award for Account Management Team of the Year in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

Interested in entering the 2024 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Request the Entry Kit

Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

E-commerce Findability: Searchspring’s Agile Solution for Online Retail

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Aug 03, 2023 @ 01:34 PM

22 spotlight Square-9-3Stevie-winner Searchspring is an agile site search, merchandising, and product recommendation solution taking e-commerce findability to the next level. Searchspring enables brands to get the right product, to the right person, at the right time.

Searchspring was founded in 2007 in Colorado Springs with a vision of creating a platform that would provide state-of-the-art site search and merchandising to online retailers. It was soon discovered there was a huge demand for this technology due to gaps in native e-commerce platforms.

At its core, Searchspring is dedicated to helping brands deliver the ultimate shopper experience through its search, merchandising, and personalization platform. To accomplish this mission, the company has prioritized the success of its clients and growing a team that fully supports and understands the needs of merchants.

Since its early days, Searchspring created separate customer support and customer success teams designed to address clients’ technical and strategic needs, respectively. The support team works on the technical complexities of the solution. The success team provides strategic guidance on how to deliver the right product to the right person at the right time. Together, the teams collaborate and ensure they provide best-in-class service, serving nearly 1,500 brands in the past 15 years.

Searchspring’s teams are motivated by serving clients’ strategic needs first, rather than the bottom line. When clients see that Searchspring’s customer support team has no underlying motives to sell more solutions, clients have greater trust in Searchspring’s solutions and the company overall. 

Searchspring’s team is also trained to approach each client uniquely. While many other teams take a cookie-cutter approach for all clients, Searchspring’s team treats each client’s site individually. SearchSpring
Another key factor to Searchspring’s success is bringing good people to the company. Searchspring knows that to provide the best customer experience to brands, the company needs to hire the right people for its clients. Searchspring does this by hiring slowly, which ensures it builds a team that has both retail and e-commerce experience, as well as diverse skill sets. Searchspring’s team members truly understand the shopping journey, which enables them to help clients create the best e-commerce experience for customers like.

Since Winning a Stevie
Recently, Searchspring has experienced exponential growth by investing in its product, process, and team. In 2022, Searchspring signed over 250 new customers and secured an investment from PSG, a leading growth equity firm.

To maximize the reach and success of its product portfolio, Searchspring expanded its leadership team to include a new chief customer officer, chief technology officer, and senior vice president of global sales.

In response to the company’s steadfast pursuit of customer satisfaction, Searchspring was recognized by several award programs since submitting for the Stevie® Awards, including San Antonio Business Journal’s Business of the Year.

Searchspring won a Bronze Stevie Award for Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year - Technology Industries in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

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STEM Punks Provides Award-winning STEM Education Globally

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Aug 03, 2023 @ 10:56 AM

Stevie-winner STEM Punks’ mission is to “Inspire Tomorrow's Innovators” to create 21st-century learners through a mindset of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. All programs are curriculum aligned and linked with industry to give children career prospects and pathways. 

After researching trends in overseas education, a gap in the market for quality STEM education for children in Australia led Fiona Holmstrom and Michael Holmstrom to co-found STEM Punks (out of their suburban garage) almost five years ago.STEM Punks headshot

At the time, STEM wasn’t part of the national curriculum. They saw the need for quality STEM education for children, providing them with learning outcomes aligned to the national curriculum, not just for entertainment value.

Their mission is to bring STEM education to less fortunate communities, focusing on remote areas and predominantly primary and high schools. Random parties historically service it, providing sporadic STEM education programs through external providers, with an inadequate focus on long-term upskilling teachers and remote support. 

STEM Punks provides leading, award-winning educational programs that support teachers and students to learn about STEM and be skilled for the jobs of the future. 

Scaling STEM Punks Nationally
What started as market testing with the local community had such a rapid uptake from parents and teachers that the business scaled up nationally. Since then, they have inspired and educated over 150,000 young people.

Last year, in a move to bring STEM education to a wider audience, STEM Punks TV was created. It's a world-first streaming platform dedicated to STEM education. The OTT (over-the-top) platform is available on iOS, Android, and Web, and provides leading STEM education to enable equity and equality in STEM education for children across the globe.

They have also formed a new global collaboration between the not-for-profit LING Project (Literacy In Northern Ghana) in Ghana to build literacy for females in the region and help schools and communities access tools, training, and support.

Tackling Stereotypes Around STEM
A particular passion of Fiona’s, getting girls into STEM in and after school in their careers builds a sustainable global female STEM network for integration of students, female leaders, and industry mentors, inspiring a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs. 

Studies show that by educating girls in lower socioeconomic demographics, their families and communities also prosper, with a flow-on effect boosting the economies of smaller towns around the world. When these girls finish school and start their own companies, they help grow the nation’s economy as part of the business ecosystem. If we don’t invest in girls, the ripple effect is alarming, impacting well-being and the economy.
stemp punks team
Fiona tackles the stereotypes around STEM, creating visibility around a wide range of careers. She interviews women in STEM all over the world, not just focusing on conventional jobs, but the whole gamut of STEM careers. She challenges the mainstream mindset around learning for the benefit of students. There's a core belief in society that learning must demand self-discipline from learners.

Since Winning Their Stevie® Awards 
Over the past 18 months, STEM Punks have innovated by introducing a world-first streaming platform for STEM Education, STEM Punks TV.

They have also launched space education programs across the world, resulting in a Guinness World Record for the largest STEM lesson in Dubai in 2022. They are expanding their ed-tech program with the recent opening of an office in Austin, Texas.

STEM Punks won a Gold Stevie Award for Most Innovative Company of the Year - 10 or Less Employees and Co-founder Fiona Holmstrom won a Bronze Stevie Award in Women Helping Women - Social Change in the Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

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Music Software Leader Output Adapts Support Teams to Music Industry Evolution

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Jul 27, 2023 @ 01:02 PM

Stevie-winner Output is a global leader in music creation, inspiring people at all levels—from newcomers to professionals. Output develops innovative software and gear for musicians, compo22 spotlight Square-9-2sers, producers, and sound designers across all genres.

Launched in 2013, Output’s software is used by hitmakers such as Kendrick Lamar, Bjork, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, and Drake, to name a few. It has also been used to create musical scores for films and shows such as Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, and more.

The Output Customer Support team lives and breathes music. They describe themselves as a group of professional musicians who decided that they wanted to work with and help other musicians be creative. The Support team originally started in 2016 with a two-person team taking requests via email. Slowly that evolved into using a traditional support ticketing system.

Shifts in the Global Music Industry
By 2020 during the height of the pandemic, their flagship product Arcade hit an all-time high for users. In addition to Arcade, they were having record sales in plugins/instruments and for their studio hardware line of products.

The team needed to scale even more, as they saw upwards of 50k support tickets per year. With long wait times and inefficient procedures, making a change was necessary. At the end of 2021, they brought on a seasoned Customer Service Manager. With fresh leadership onboard, they then made immediate changes to daily operations, such as internal meeting management and incorporating SMS and social media channels for users.

The past three years brought on massive changes to the world and the music industry. Musicians started creating their own home studios, and recording at home was more popular than ever. Companies like Output had to scale and quickly. When they assessed their Customer Support, they determined the need to find better strategies, looking to achieve faster response times and improve their knowledge base and overall customer satisfaction.

Working on three areas essentially had a domino effect. By improving the customer knowledge base, users are able to easily find the troubleshooting steps they need without even contacting support. But if they need to contact support, getting back to them as quickly as possible is extremely important—if they are waiting for a solution that means they are not working or creating. By improving their first-response time from 30+ hours to 5 hours, users were able to get back to work quicker and increased the overall satisfaction rate.

They also enhanced processes for their internal team by creating career paths for each support team member. Many reps are able to split their time between Support and other teams (e.g., QA, Edu, Product) eventually leading to a promotion and/or more responsibilities. In the past two years, five members of the support team have been promoted to Senior Support Rep or are leading a project outside of support.

Since earning their Stevie® Award, Output has continued to improve on their user promise of "keeping you in session," by improving first-response times, adding new options to contact Support, and overall improvements in products. They are now exploring ways to add more self-service options for users and are incorporating AI into workflows.

Output won a Silver Stevie Award for Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year - Technology Industries - Software in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

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From Principal Dancer to Arts Educator: Sara Ordway's Dedication to Arts Education

Posted by Amanda Del Signore on Thu, Jul 27, 2023 @ 12:21 PM

sara ordwayAs a principal dancer, Stevie-winner Sara Ordway captivated audiences across the nation, but her true passion has always been art education. In 2018, she founded the Ordway Conservatory of Classical Ballet, and it immediately became a place where students could feel seen, heard, and respected. 

Sara understands how to get children out of their shells and help them recognize the amazing things they are capable of as dancers and as people. Her students have been recognized in the dance world at international competitions and in the local community. 

One of Sara's greatest skills is creating entertaining performances. The greatest example is her show, “An Interactive Nutcracker”—a Nutcracker performance unlike any other where audience children get a chance to go on stage, see the production up close, and feel what it's like to be onstage. 

Sara's life was changed by dance, and she is passionate about giving that to as many children and adults as possible. She teaches her students and staff that the way you treat others matters—that is the magic, not perfect technique.

Ballet During a Global Pandemic
During the beginning of the pandemic, when Ordway Conservatory had to close its doors, students continued to thrive through Sara's leadership. Not a day of classes was missed in the transition to virtual learning.

ordway logo
Sara provided virtual events for the community like Teach Your Family to Dance Night, trivia night, craft night, a fashion show, virtual prom, and more. The overwhelming feedback at that time was that dance was what the kids looked forward to more than anything else—that it made them happy and gave them a sense of normalcy. 

When doors could reopen, Sara worked with a local park to move all performances to an amphitheater. Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, Sara worked to help students excel in and out of the studio. She started creating affirmations for her students and having them journal at the start and end of each class. This taught them about goal setting and gave them an opportunity to check in with themselves after being in quarantine for so long.

During the 2021-2022 school year, Sara's business skills began to shine. She created new programs including a mommy-and-me class and an adult ballet program. She also created new revenue streams through events such as a studio-wide movie night and parent's night off. 

At a time when performances around the world were being canceled, even by top-tier companies with endless resources, Ordway Conservatory continued to perform. Many dance studios did not survive the pandemic, but Ordway Conservatory thrived and continued to grow while entertaining the local community.

Expanding Programs for the Community
Sara is currently creating a preschool program with the hope that she can touch more lives with the many benefits of dance such as increased confidence, health and leadership skills, and improved brain function.

Most dance studios are satisfied with only providing a great dance education. Sara wants more for her students and her business. She continues to add classes that fill up, create events that increase revenue, and start new programs that will reach more of the community and change their lives for the better through dance. All while increasing revenue to be able to support the growth her business is seeing.

Sara continues to educate herself by attending classes and workshops on business, childhood development, and dance. She consistently goes above and beyond to enhance the customer journey in her business and to improve the workplace for her employees.

Artistic Director and Founder of Ordway Conservatory of Classical Ballet, Sara Ordway won a Bronze Stevie®Award for Best Female Entrepreneur in the 2022 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

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