Collaborative Professional Growth with Quartz Network

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Jan 04, 2022 @ 04:18 PM
  • Quartz Network promotes professional growth through simplified solution-finding, peer-led education, and collaboration
  • B2B solutions saw unprecedented demand during COVID, and many businesses were left empty-handed when partnerships and deals fell through 
  • Quartz Network revamped the B2B process to better serve the mutual interests of executives and sponsors across the globe

About Quartz Network 

Quartz Network is an exclusive community of executives designed to support professional growth through simplified solution finding, peer-led education, and collaboration. With access to the best enterprise solutions providers in every major vertical, Quartz Network arms C-suite executives and senior-level decision makers with the tools and connections to serve their organization’s needs. 

Quartz’s COVID-19 Response 

The coronavirus pandemic created an unprecedented uptick in demand for B2B solutions in various industries. Demand for tech solutions surged in 2020, and as companies increasingly began to rely on B2B software to run their businesses, the sales process became more complex. Senior executives and managers were forced to allocate time and resources to navigate meetings and other administrative tasks as a result of the new work-life structures. Many executives were left feeling powerless and confused, and the B2B vendor partnerships were viewed as complex and difficult which led many to abandon deals and not find the right solution for their enterprise’s needs. 

Quartz Network members and sponsors saw demands and forms get lost in the shuffle. “The current B2B buying process is broken, and the pandemic has only exacerbated this issue as businesses have struggled to sustain operations through such a catastrophic change,” says Toby Harris, CEO of Quartz Network. "Over-saturated digital markets have made it hard for senior executives and managers to connect with the right solutions providers and allow the necessary time to navigate the complex buying process. Quartz Network is revolutionizing executive buying by handling vetting, scheduling and other administrative tasks decision-makers don't have time for, all on one virtual platform with the most elite executive members in the world. As virtual meetings continue to be part of the new status quo, we are excited to serve the mutual interests of executives and sponsors across the globe."

Available on the Quartz Network platform is the Q/N Executive Library, a repository of hundreds of timely presentations from senior-level executives who want to share their expertise, including leaders from Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Zoom, and hundreds more. In addition, the platform provides direct access to Q/N Events, the traditional cross-vertical, industry-focused events hosted three times a year for senior managers and executives across organizations. 

Since revamping the business model, Quartz has rehired 100% of its furloughed staff and increased the original employee headcount by over 250%. 

Quartz Network won the Bronze Stevie Award for Achievement in Organization Recovery in the 2021 International Business Awards®. 

Interested in The 2022 International Business Awards? 

Request Your Entry Kit

Topics: International business awards, quartz network, business to business, b2b, professional network, organization recovery

Winners of 2021 People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 06, 2021 @ 12:33 PM

Winners were announced today in the 2021 People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies, an annual feature of The International Business Awards®, the world’s only international, all-encompassing business awards program, which is in its 18th year.

The worldwide public vote was conducted from mid-August through 1 October, with the highest number of votes deciding the winners in a variety of industries. More than 86,000 votes were cast. All Stevie Award winners in the Company/Organization of the Year categories in this year’s International Business Awards were eligible to be included in the public vote.

Peoples choice iba

Winners of the crystal People’s Choice Stevie Awards will be honored during the IBAs’ virtual awards ceremony on Wednesday, 8 December. Registration for the event is now open. The winners of peer-adjudicated Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Awards, selected from more than 3,700 nominations received from organizations in more than 65 nations, will also be recognized during the ceremony.

The winners of the 2021 People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies are: 

  • Advertising, Marketing & PR: DDB Group Philippines
  • Aerospace & Defense: Modest Tree, Canada
  • Apparel, Beauty & Fashion: Georgio's Bottega, USABanking: Ziraat Participation Bank, Turkey
  • Business or Professional Services: Everise, Singapore
  • Computer Services: Rimini Street, Inc., USA
  • Consumer Products - Durable: Christie & Christie Pty Ltd, Australia
  • Consumer Products - Non-Durable: Makers Nutrition, USA
  • Consumer Services: Makers Nutrition, USA
  • Diversified Services: Backwoods Promotions Inc., Canada
  • Energy: Bahrain National Gas Company (B.S.C.)
  • Financial Services: Avalara, USA
  • Food & Beverage: Empire Eagle Food Co., Ltd, Taiwan
  • Government, Non-Profit: Megaworld Foundation, Inc., Philippines
  • Health, Pharmaceuticals: CCL Life Sciences, Pakistan
  • Hospitality & Leisure: Kindersley Hospitality Endeavors, Canada
  • Insurance: Thai Life Insurance, Thailand
  • Manufacturing, Materials, Construction: Makati Development Corporation (MDC), Philippines
  • Other Industries: Drop Stop®, USA
  • Real Estate: Filinvest Alabang, Inc, Philippines
  • Retail: Rhima, Australia
  • Software: Applause, USA
  • Telecommunications: Indosat Ooredoo, Indonesia
  • Transportation: Geotab, Canada
  • Utilities: Yesilirmak Electric Distribution Company, Turkey

Entries for The 19th (2022) International Business Awards will be accepted starting in February.

More information is available at

Topics: International business awards, people's choice awards, top business awards

Gewinnende des Grand Stevie® Award bei den 18. International Business Awards® bekannt gegeben

Posted by Jule Kern on Fri, Aug 27, 2021 @ 07:08 AM

Die Stevie® Awards, die Organisatoren der weltweit führenden Wirtschaftsauszeichnungsprogramme, haben die Gewinner von sechs Grand ("best in show") Stevie Award-Trophäen bei den 18. jährlichen International Business Awards® 2021, dem weltweit führenden, allumfassenden Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftsauszeichnungen, bekannt gegeben.

Die Nominierten der IBAs 2021 konnten sich nicht direkt für die Grand Stevie Awards bewerben. Die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner wurden anhand eines Punktesystems ermittelt, das auf der Gesamtzahl der bei den IBAs gewonnenen Auszeichnungen basierte, wobei ein Gold-Stevie-Gewinn mit drei Punkten, ein Silber-Stevie-Gewinn mit zwei Punkten und ein Bronze-Stevie-Gewinn mit 1,5 Punkten gewertet wurde, sowie durch die höchste Durchschnittspunktzahl in ausgewählten Kategorien.

IBA21 grand winners announced

Die diesjährigen Gewinnenden der Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Awards der International Business Awards wurden am 16. August bekannt gegeben. Sie und die heute bekannt gegebenen Gewinner der Grand Stevies werden am 8. Dezember im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung ausgezeichnet.

Gewinnende der Grand Stevie Awards 2021 sind:

Nominierung für die am höchsten bewertete Reaktion auf COVID-19: Telkom Indonesia, ein staatliches Unternehmen für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie und ein Telekommunikationsnetz in Jakarta, gewann den Grand Stevie für seine Nominierung "NVDS to Ensure Vaccine Authenticity Traceability, Quality and Accountability" (NVDS zur Sicherstellung der Rückverfolgbarkeit, Qualität und Rechenschaftspflicht von Impfstoffen) und damit den Gold Stevie für die wertvollste neue Dienstleistung während der COVID-19. Die Nominierung, die von der Jury eine Durchschnittsnote von 9,11 von 10 möglichen Punkten erhielt, beschreibt die Bemühungen der Organisation, ein nationales Impfstoffverteilungsprogramm für Indonesien zu schaffen, und die Ergebnisse dieser Bemühungen. Telkom Indonesia ist kein Unbekannter im "Best of"-Kreis der Stevie Awards: Dies ist der elfte Grand Stevie Award, den das Unternehmen seit 2015 bei einem oder mehreren Stevie Awards-Programmen gewonnen hat.

Bestbewertetes neues Produkt oder Dienstleistung: Google, das multinationale Technologieunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Mountain View, Kalifornien (USA), hat seinen ersten Grand Stevie Award für Google Maps Live View gewonnen. Die mit dem Gold Stevie Award ausgezeichnete Nominierung in der Kategorie "Best Emerging Technology" erhielt von der Jury eine Durchschnittsnote von 9,44 von 10 Punkten.

Am besten bewertete Nominierung des Jahres: LLYC, das globale Kommunikations- und Public Affairs-Beratungsunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Madrid, Spanien, gewann den Grand Stevie für die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung im gesamten IBA-Wettbewerb 2021 (9,67 / 10) für "The Last Straw" - Gewinner des Gold Stevie Award für die Marketingkampagne des Jahres - Restaurants, für McDonald's.

Ausgezeichnete Marketing-Agentur: Business Awards Consulting aus Istanbul, Türkei, das sich auf die Recherche und das Verfassen von Nominierungen für Preiswettbewerbe für seine Kunden spezialisiert hat, erhält den Grand Stevie Award für die meistausgezeichnete Marketingagentur mit 120,5 Punkten, die für Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Gewinne im Namen von Kunden wie BURSALI, HALKBANK, Mayen, OPET, Sabanci Holding, TISK und Zer Central Services and Trade A.S. vergeben werden.

Meistausgezeichnete Public Relations-Agentur: LLYC ist das erste Unternehmen, das im selben Jahr zwei Grand Stevie Awards im selben Programm gewonnen hat. Zusätzlich zu ihrem Sieg für die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung des Jahres sammelte die Agentur 77 Award-Punkte für ihre Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie Awards für sich selbst und für Kunden wie Deoleo, EY, Multópticas und TOUS, um nur einige zu nennen. Die Agentur hat seit 2013 acht Grand Stevies in Stevie Award-Wettbewerben gewonnen.

Organisation des Jahres: Ayala Land Inc. aus Makati City ist auf den Philippinen der führende Bauträger für nachhaltige Immobilien und bietet eine vielfältige Mischung aus Wohn-, Einzelhandels-, Büro-, Hotel- und Freizeitprojekten. Das Unternehmen erhielt 69 Punkte für seine Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie Awards für Nominierungen, die in seinem eigenen Namen eingereicht wurden, und wird daher die Grand Stevie Award-Trophäe für die Organisation des Jahres erhalten.

"Diese sechs Grand-Stevie-Preisträger*innen sind sinnbildlich für die Breite und Qualität der Nominierungen, die wir bei den IBAs 2021 begrüßen durften", sagte Maggie Gallagher Miller, Präsidentin der Stevie Awards. "COVID-19 stellt die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen in vielen Teilen der Welt weiterhin auf die Probe, aber diese Herausforderungen wurden von unseren Stevie-Award-Gewinner*innen 2021 auf vielfältige Weise gemeistert und überwunden. Wir freuen uns darauf, sie während unserer virtuellen Preisverleihung am 8. Dezember zu ehren und zu feiern."

Die International Business Awards bieten eine Vielzahl von Kategorien, mit denen Leistungen in allen Bereichen des Arbeitslebens gewürdigt werden, darunter Management-Auszeichnungen, Auszeichnungen für neue Produkte, Marketing-Auszeichnungen, PR-Auszeichnungen, Auszeichnungen für den Kundenservice, Auszeichnungen für Websites und vieles mehr.

Die Platzierungen für die Stevie Awards in Gold, Silber und Bronze bei den IBAs 2021 wurden durch die Durchschnittsnoten von mehr als 260 Fachleuten weltweit in einem dreimonatigen Beurteilungsprozess ermittelt. Die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner wurden aus mehr als 3.700 Nominierungen ausgewählt, die von Organisationen aus 65 Ländern eingereicht wurden.

Das Nominierungsverfahren für die IBAs 2022 wird im Februar eröffnet. Weitere Informationen über die International Business Awards, einschließlich einer vollständigen Liste aller Stevie-Award-Gewinnenden des Wettbewerbs 2021, finden Sie unter 

Topics: International business awards

Grand Stevie® Award Winners Announced in The 18th International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 25, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizers of the world’s premier business awards programs, have announced the winners of six Grand (“best in show”) Stevie Award trophies in The 2021 (18th Annual) International Business Awards®, the world’s leading omnibus business awards competition.

Nominees in the 2021 IBAs were not able to apply for Grand Stevie Awards directly. Winners were determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the IBAs with a Gold Stevie win counting for three points, a Silver Stevie win for two points, and a Bronze Stevie win for 1.5 points, as well as having the highest average score in selected categories.

IBA21 grand winners announced

This year’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in The International Business Awards were announced on 16 August. They and the winners of the Grand Stevies announced today will be recognized during a virtual awards ceremony on 8 December.

Winners of the 2021 Grand Stevie Awards are:

Highest-rated COVID-19 Response Nomination: Telkom Indonesia, a state-owned information and communications technology enterprise and telecommunications network in Jakarta, won the Grand Stevie for their nomination "NVDS to Ensure Vaccine Authenticity Traceability, Quality and Accountability,” winner of the Gold Stevie for Most Valuable New Service During COVID-19. The nomination, which received an average score from the judges of 9.11 out of a possible 10, outlines the organization’s efforts to create a national vaccine distribution program for Indonesia, and the results of those efforts. Telkom Indonesia is no stranger to the “best of” circle at Stevie Awards programs: this is the 11th Grand Stevie Award won by the organization in one or more Stevie Awards programs since 2015.

Highest-rated New Product or Service: Google, the multinational technology company headquartered in Mountain View, California USA, has won its first-ever Grand Stevie Award, for Google Maps Live View. The Gold Stevie-winning nomination for Best Emerging Technology received an average score of 9.44 out of 10 from the judges.

Highest-rated Nomination of the Year: LLYC, the global communications and public affairs consulting firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain, won the Grand Stevie for the highest-rated nomination in the entire 2021 IBA competition (9.67 / 10), for “The Last Straw” – winner of the Gold Stevie Award for Marketing Campaign of the Year – Restaurants, for McDonald’s.

Most Honored Marketing Agency: Business Awards Consulting of Istanbul, Turkey, which specializes in researching and writing awards-competition nominations for its clients, earns the Grand Stevie Award for Most Honored Marketing Agency with 120.5 points, earned for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie wins on behalf of clients including BURSALI, HALKBANK, Mayen, OPET, Sabanci Holding, TISK, and Zer Central Services and Trade A.S.

Most Honored Public Relations Agency: LLYC is the first company to ever win two Grand Stevie Awards in the same program in the same year. In addition to their win for Highest-rated Nomination of the Year, the agency accumulated 77 award points for their Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards on behalf of themselves and clients including Deoleo, EY, Multópticas, and TOUS, among others. The agency has won eight Grand Stevies in Stevie Award competitions since 2013.

Organization of the Year: Ayala Land Inc. of Makati City is the Philippines’ leading developer of sustainable estates, offering a diverse mix of properties such as residential, retail, office, hotels, and leisure developments. They earned 69 points for their Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards for nominations submitted in their own name, and thus will receive the Grand Stevie Award trophy for Organization of the Year.

“These six best-of-show Grand Stevie winners are emblematic of the breadth and quality of nominations we welcomed to the IBAs in 2021,” said Maggie Gallagher Miller, president of the Stevie Awards. “COVID-19 continues to test economic conditions in many parts of the world, but those challenges have been met and overcome in myriad ways by our 2021 Stevie Award winners. We look forward to honoring and celebrating them during our virtual awards ceremony on 8 December.”

The International Business Awards feature a wide variety of categories to recognize achievement in every facet of work-life, including management awards, new product awards, marketing awards, PR awards, customer service awards, website awards, and more.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award placements in the 2021 IBAs were determined by the average scores of more than 260 professionals worldwide in the three-month judging process. Winners were selected from more than 3,700 nominations submitted by organizations in 65 nations.

The nomination process for the 2022 IBAs will open in February. For more information about The International Business Awards, including a complete list of all Stevie Award winners in the 2021 competition, visit

Topics: International business awards

Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in 18th Annual International Business Awards® from Across the Globe

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 16, 2021 @ 10:53 AM

High-achieving organizations and executives around the world have been recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The 18th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's only international, all-encompassing business awards program.

Winners were selected from more than 3,700 nominations submitted by organizations in 65 nations.

A complete list of all 2021 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at

See the Full List of Stevie Winners


More than 260 executives worldwide participated on 11 juries to determine the Stevie winners.

The top winner of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevies overall is Ayala Land of Makati City, Philippines with 34. Other winners of multiple Stevie Awards are LLYC (33), IBM (23), Viettel Group (22), HALKBANK (20), DHL Express Worldwide (16), Masks4Missions (16), Telkom Indonesia (15), Yapi Kredi (13), Wolters Kluwer (13), Jeunesse Global (11), Tata Consultancy Services (11), Dubai Municipality (10), Zer Central Services and Trade (10), Zimat Consultores (10), AXA Sigorta (9), Google (8), Ooredoo Group (8), Sberbank of Russia (8), Isbank (7), MTR Corporation Limited (7), Thai Life Insurance (7), pH7 Communications (7), Sleepm Global, Inc. (7), Ulled Asociadios C.R.P. S.A. (7), Uniomedia Communications (7), and VNPT VinaPhone Corporation (7).

LLYC, a global communications and public affairs consulting firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain won 14 Gold Stevie Awards, more than any other organization in the competition.

All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in the IBAs, and can submit entries in a wide range of categories for achievement in management, marketing, public relations, customer service, human resources, new products and services, technology, web sites, apps, events, and more. 

The awards will be presented during a virtual awards ceremony on December 8, 2021.

Topics: International business awards

Nutricraft provides safer alternatives to traditional stainless steel cookware

Posted by Hailey Roos on Thu, Jul 22, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

About Nutricraft

Nutricraft is a provider of safe, non-toxic, and health-conscious high-quality cookware. Their goal is to provide non-toxic cookware to keep the original food nutrients intact and educate people on safe cooking and proper nutrition that will have a lasting impact on consumers’ health and nutrition. After launching Nutricraft in the Australian market nearly three years ago, they have had massive success globally. 


Nutricraft uses unique 316Ti Titanium Stainless Steel on the interior of their cookware, which makes the product 20x more resistant to corrosion and pitting than any other stainless steel brand. This durable, hypoallergenic, non-porous, and non-reactive cooking surface creates the best possible cooking experience, allowing users to cook with less to no oil, as the minimum moisture cooking method maximizes nutrition. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nutricraft pioneered the “Try Before You Buy” program so people could experience the cookware firsthand and see how Nutricraft can benefit them. They are the only cookware brand offering this program. With instructional videos, Nutricraft teaches consumers how to use their cookware. 

In addition, during the pandemic, Nutricraft transitioned its business to online marketing, and sales continued to grow as more people spent their time at home cooking. 

As Nutricraft hit more and more business milestones, they started the Nutricraft Livelihood Program, which helps uplift people from poverty and make a positive impact on lives.  

After the huge success of the ‘Try Before You Buy’ program, Nutricraft has rolled out a  global campaign for Reseller’s Program.  It offers business opportunities for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to earn extra income, start their own business, or sell cookware products in their stores or shops.  


Nutricraft has envisioned a trusted brand that does not only care about health and wellness but also helps in income generation and livelihood support.  Through Reseller’s Program, everyone has an equal chance to reach their financial goal while enjoying the lifelong benefits of safe, smart, and healthy cooking.

Nutricraft won the Gold Stevie for Company / Organization Categories - Startup of the Year - Consumer Products Industries in the 2020 International Business Awards® and Bronze in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards for Excellence in Corporate Innovation. 

Interested in The 2022 International Business Awards? 

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Topics: International business awards, asia pacific awards

Final Entry Deadline Extended in The 18th International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jun 17, 2021 @ 10:29 AM

By popular demand the final entry deadline of The 2021 (18th Annual) International Business Awards® has been extended through Friday, July 16, it was announced today by the Stevie® Awards, the organizers. The original final entry deadline was June 16.

The International Business Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards competition. In 2020 the competition attracted more than 3,800 nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations.

Request Your Entry Kit

IBA Extended - Social R2

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. Entry details are available at

“We determined it would be helpful to IBA entrants to provide more time to prepare and submit nominations. Organizations now have an extra month to submit their entries,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher Miller. “No additional late fees will be charged for nominations submitted through the extended deadline, and late entries will not be penalized in any way in the judging process.”

Juries featuring more than 150 executives will determine the 2021 Stevie Award winners. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award honorees will be announced on August 16. Conditions permitting, The International Business Awards gala ceremony will be held on October 23 in Paris, France.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The International Business Awards for 2021:

Topics: International business awards

Letzte Chance zur Einreichung von Nominierungen bei den International Business Awards®

Posted by Jule Kern on Sun, Jun 06, 2021 @ 04:43 AM

Die finale Teilnahmefrist der 18. jährlichen The International Business Awards rückt näher. Der weltweit führende Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftsauszeichnungen, der jedes Jahr Nominierungen von Organisationen aus mehr als 70 Ländern und Territorien anzieht, nimmt noch bis zum 16. Juni Nominierungen an.


Für alle, die sich und ihr Unternehmen für einen der begehrten Awards nominieren möchten, ist noch bis zum 16. Juni Zeit, Projekte und Leistungen in mehr als 400 Kategorien einzureichen. Informationen und Details zur Einreichung finden Sie unter

Wer darf teilnehmen?

Alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentlich und privat, gewinnorientiert und gemeinnützig, groß und klein - können Nominierungen für die International Business Awards einreichen. 

Die Jury, bestehend aus mehr als 150 Führungskräften aus aller Welt ermittelt die Gold, Silber und Bronze Gewinner der Stevie Awards. Die Gewinner werden am 12. August bekannt gegeben und am 23. Oktober bei einem Gala-Bankett in Paris, Frankreich, gefeiert, sofern die Bedingungen dies zulassen.

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen

Spannende Kategorien

Die International Business Awards würdigen Leistungen in allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

People's Choice IBA 2016

Was erwartet uns Neues in diesem Jahr?

Der Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahmeberechtigung wurde verlängert. Dieser erstreckt sich nun vom 1. Januar 2019 bis zum 16. Juni 2021, den letzten Tag, an dem Beiträge angenommen werden. Nominierungen sollten sich auf Errungenschaften, Leistungen und Projekte während dieses Zeitraums beziehen. Videos, Publikationen, Veranstaltungen und andere Medien, die seit diesem Datum veröffentlicht wurden, können eingereicht werden.  Für App- und Website-Beiträge gibt es keinen Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahmeberechtigung - es spielt keine Rolle, wann sie erstmals veröffentlicht wurden.

Nominierungen, die bei den International Business Awards® 2020 mit einem Gold-, Silber- oder Bronze-Stevie Award ausgezeichnet wurden, können bei den IBAs 2021 erneut nominiert werden, sofern sie in anderen Kategorien eingereicht werden als in denen, in denen sie 2020 gewonnen haben.

"Wir sind begeistert zu sehen, was so viele Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in einem der härtesten Jahre unseres Lebens erreichen konnten. Durch die Strapazen hindurch sehen die Juroren Innovation und Mitgefühl für Mitarbeitende und Kunden bei den Stevie Awards-Teilnehmern. Wir haben den Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahme an den Stevie Awards-Nominierungen auf das Jahr 2019 ausgeweitet, um den Unternehmen ein breiteres Spektrum für die Leistungen zu bieten, für die sie ausgezeichnet werden können", sagte die Präsidentin der Stevie Awards, Maggie Gallagher Miller.


Tipps & Tricks zu Teilnahme

Die Stevie Awards bieten Video-Ressourcen darüber an, warum und wie man an den International Business Awards 2021 teilnehmen kann:

Stevie Award Gewinner der IBAs 2020 waren unter anderem die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Deutschland), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (Indien), (Australien), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Kanada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Türkei), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spanien), Warner Media (USA) und viele mehr.

Eine Liste aller 2020 Gewinner finden Sie hier. 

Topics: International business awards, Stevies, IBAs

Der Einsendeschluss für die International Business Awards® 2021 rückt näher

Posted by Jule Kern on Tue, May 04, 2021 @ 06:33 AM

Nun heißt es Endspurt für die Nominierungsphase der 18. jährlichen The International Business Awards, dem weltweit führenden Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftsauszeichnungen, der jedes Jahr Nominierungen von Organisationen aus mehr als 70 Ländern und Territorien anzieht.


Für alle, die sich und ihr Unternehmen für einen der begehrten Awards nominieren möchten, ist noch bis zum 12. Mai Zeit, Projekte und Leistungen in mehr als 400 Kategorien einzureichen.

Nachzügler haben noch bis zum 16. Juni Zeit, ihre Nominierungen nachzureichen. Informationen und Details zur Einreichung finden Sie unter

Wer darf teilnehmen?

Teilnehmen können alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentlich und privat, gewinnorientiert und gemeinnützig, groß und klein - können Nominierungen für die International Business Awards einreichen. 

Die Jury, bestehend aus mehr als 150 Führungskräften aus aller Welt ermitteln die Gold, Silber und Bronze Gewinner der Stevie Awards. Die Gewinner werden am 12. August bekannt gegeben und am 23. Oktober bei einem Gala-Bankett in Paris, Frankreich, gefeiert, sofern die Bedingungen dies zulassen.


Die International Business Awards würdigen Leistungen in allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

How to...

Die Stevie Awards bieten Video-Ressourcen darüber an, warum und wie man an den International Business Awards 2021 teilnehmen kann:

"Wir sind begeistert zu sehen, was so viele Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in einem der härtesten Jahre unseres Lebens erreichen konnten. Durch die Strapazen hindurch sehen die Juroren Innovation und Mitgefühl für Mitarbeiter und Kunden bei den Stevie Awards-Teilnehmern. Wir haben den Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahme an den Stevie Awards-Nominierungen auf das Jahr 2019 ausgeweitet, um den Unternehmen ein breiteres Spektrum für die Leistungen zu bieten, für die sie ausgezeichnet werden können", sagte die Präsidentin der Stevie Awards, Maggie Gallagher.

Stevie Award Gewinner der IBAs 2020 waren unter anderem die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Deutschland), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (Indien), (Australien), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Kanada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Türkei), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spanien), Warner Media (USA) und viele mehr.


Topics: International business awards, IBAs

Entry Deadline Approaching in The 2021 International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Apr 29, 2021 @ 11:32 AM

The entry deadline is fast approaching in The 18th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's premier business awards competition, which attracts nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations and territories each year.

Submit nominations in more than 400 business awards categories through 12 May to avoid late fees.

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. Late entries will be accepted through 16 June. Entry details are available at


Juries featuring more than 150 executives around the world will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners. Winners will be announced on 12 August, and celebrated at a gala banquet in Paris, France on 23 October, conditions permitting.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Management Awards for Executive of the Year in 35 industries, Chairman of the Year, Maverick of the Year, Woman of the Year, and more.
  • COVID-19 Response Awards have no entry fees through the 12 May deadline. After that, there is a $55 late fee.
  • Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in 35 industry categories and Founding Team of the Year in four industry groups.
  • Company of the Year Awards in 35 industry categories and broken down by company size, as well as Startup of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, Fastest Growing Company of the Year, and more.
  • Customer Service Awards for Customer Service Department of the Year, Customer Service Team of the Year, and Customer Service Executive of the Year.
  • Human Resources Awards for Human Resources Department of the Year, Human Resources Team of the Year, and Human Resources Executive of the Year.
  • Information Technology Awards for IT Department of the Year, IT Team of the Year, IT Executive of the Year, and more.
  • Marketing Awards for Marketing Department, Team, and Executive of the Year as well as 50 Marketing Campaign categories.
  • New Product Awards for Product Management, Business Technology Solutions, Content & Content Technology Solutions, Education & Education Technology Solutions, and more.
  • Public Relations Awards for Agencies, Departments, Teams, Individuals, and Innovation, as well as for PR Campaigns and Programs.
  • Web Site, App, Event, Video and other media awards

The Stevie Awards has video resources on why and how to enter The 2021 International Business Awards:

“We are excited to see what so many businesses across the globe were able to achieve during one of the toughest years in our lifetimes. Through the hardships, judges are seeing innovation and compassion for employees and customers from Stevie Awards entrants. We have expanded the time frame for eligibility for Stevie Awards nominations to include 2019 to give organizations a broader scope of work to be recognized for” said Stevie Awards President, Maggie Gallagher.

Stevie Award winners in the 2020 IBAs included Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Slovakia), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (India), (Australia), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Canada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Turkey), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spain), Warner Media (USA), and many more.

Interested in entering The International Business Awards?

Request the entry kit

Topics: International business awards