Final Entry Deadline Extended in The 18th International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jun 17, 2021 @ 10:29 AM

By popular demand the final entry deadline of The 2021 (18th Annual) International Business Awards® has been extended through Friday, July 16, it was announced today by the Stevie® Awards, the organizers. The original final entry deadline was June 16.

The International Business Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards competition. In 2020 the competition attracted more than 3,800 nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations.

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IBA Extended - Social R2

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. Entry details are available at

“We determined it would be helpful to IBA entrants to provide more time to prepare and submit nominations. Organizations now have an extra month to submit their entries,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher Miller. “No additional late fees will be charged for nominations submitted through the extended deadline, and late entries will not be penalized in any way in the judging process.”

Juries featuring more than 150 executives will determine the 2021 Stevie Award winners. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award honorees will be announced on August 16. Conditions permitting, The International Business Awards gala ceremony will be held on October 23 in Paris, France.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The International Business Awards for 2021:

Topics: International business awards

Letzte Chance zur Einreichung von Nominierungen bei den International Business Awards®

Posted by Jule Kern on Sun, Jun 06, 2021 @ 04:43 AM

Die finale Teilnahmefrist der 18. jährlichen The International Business Awards rückt näher. Der weltweit führende Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftsauszeichnungen, der jedes Jahr Nominierungen von Organisationen aus mehr als 70 Ländern und Territorien anzieht, nimmt noch bis zum 16. Juni Nominierungen an.


Für alle, die sich und ihr Unternehmen für einen der begehrten Awards nominieren möchten, ist noch bis zum 16. Juni Zeit, Projekte und Leistungen in mehr als 400 Kategorien einzureichen. Informationen und Details zur Einreichung finden Sie unter

Wer darf teilnehmen?

Alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentlich und privat, gewinnorientiert und gemeinnützig, groß und klein - können Nominierungen für die International Business Awards einreichen. 

Die Jury, bestehend aus mehr als 150 Führungskräften aus aller Welt ermittelt die Gold, Silber und Bronze Gewinner der Stevie Awards. Die Gewinner werden am 12. August bekannt gegeben und am 23. Oktober bei einem Gala-Bankett in Paris, Frankreich, gefeiert, sofern die Bedingungen dies zulassen.

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen

Spannende Kategorien

Die International Business Awards würdigen Leistungen in allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

People's Choice IBA 2016

Was erwartet uns Neues in diesem Jahr?

Der Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahmeberechtigung wurde verlängert. Dieser erstreckt sich nun vom 1. Januar 2019 bis zum 16. Juni 2021, den letzten Tag, an dem Beiträge angenommen werden. Nominierungen sollten sich auf Errungenschaften, Leistungen und Projekte während dieses Zeitraums beziehen. Videos, Publikationen, Veranstaltungen und andere Medien, die seit diesem Datum veröffentlicht wurden, können eingereicht werden.  Für App- und Website-Beiträge gibt es keinen Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahmeberechtigung - es spielt keine Rolle, wann sie erstmals veröffentlicht wurden.

Nominierungen, die bei den International Business Awards® 2020 mit einem Gold-, Silber- oder Bronze-Stevie Award ausgezeichnet wurden, können bei den IBAs 2021 erneut nominiert werden, sofern sie in anderen Kategorien eingereicht werden als in denen, in denen sie 2020 gewonnen haben.

"Wir sind begeistert zu sehen, was so viele Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in einem der härtesten Jahre unseres Lebens erreichen konnten. Durch die Strapazen hindurch sehen die Juroren Innovation und Mitgefühl für Mitarbeitende und Kunden bei den Stevie Awards-Teilnehmern. Wir haben den Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahme an den Stevie Awards-Nominierungen auf das Jahr 2019 ausgeweitet, um den Unternehmen ein breiteres Spektrum für die Leistungen zu bieten, für die sie ausgezeichnet werden können", sagte die Präsidentin der Stevie Awards, Maggie Gallagher Miller.


Tipps & Tricks zu Teilnahme

Die Stevie Awards bieten Video-Ressourcen darüber an, warum und wie man an den International Business Awards 2021 teilnehmen kann:

Stevie Award Gewinner der IBAs 2020 waren unter anderem die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Deutschland), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (Indien), (Australien), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Kanada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Türkei), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spanien), Warner Media (USA) und viele mehr.

Eine Liste aller 2020 Gewinner finden Sie hier. 

Topics: International business awards, Stevies, IBAs

Der Einsendeschluss für die International Business Awards® 2021 rückt näher

Posted by Jule Kern on Tue, May 04, 2021 @ 06:33 AM

Nun heißt es Endspurt für die Nominierungsphase der 18. jährlichen The International Business Awards, dem weltweit führenden Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftsauszeichnungen, der jedes Jahr Nominierungen von Organisationen aus mehr als 70 Ländern und Territorien anzieht.


Für alle, die sich und ihr Unternehmen für einen der begehrten Awards nominieren möchten, ist noch bis zum 12. Mai Zeit, Projekte und Leistungen in mehr als 400 Kategorien einzureichen.

Nachzügler haben noch bis zum 16. Juni Zeit, ihre Nominierungen nachzureichen. Informationen und Details zur Einreichung finden Sie unter

Wer darf teilnehmen?

Teilnehmen können alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentlich und privat, gewinnorientiert und gemeinnützig, groß und klein - können Nominierungen für die International Business Awards einreichen. 

Die Jury, bestehend aus mehr als 150 Führungskräften aus aller Welt ermitteln die Gold, Silber und Bronze Gewinner der Stevie Awards. Die Gewinner werden am 12. August bekannt gegeben und am 23. Oktober bei einem Gala-Bankett in Paris, Frankreich, gefeiert, sofern die Bedingungen dies zulassen.


Die International Business Awards würdigen Leistungen in allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

How to...

Die Stevie Awards bieten Video-Ressourcen darüber an, warum und wie man an den International Business Awards 2021 teilnehmen kann:

"Wir sind begeistert zu sehen, was so viele Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in einem der härtesten Jahre unseres Lebens erreichen konnten. Durch die Strapazen hindurch sehen die Juroren Innovation und Mitgefühl für Mitarbeiter und Kunden bei den Stevie Awards-Teilnehmern. Wir haben den Zeitrahmen für die Teilnahme an den Stevie Awards-Nominierungen auf das Jahr 2019 ausgeweitet, um den Unternehmen ein breiteres Spektrum für die Leistungen zu bieten, für die sie ausgezeichnet werden können", sagte die Präsidentin der Stevie Awards, Maggie Gallagher.

Stevie Award Gewinner der IBAs 2020 waren unter anderem die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Deutschland), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (Indien), (Australien), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Kanada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Türkei), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spanien), Warner Media (USA) und viele mehr.


Topics: International business awards, IBAs

Entry Deadline Approaching in The 2021 International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Apr 29, 2021 @ 11:32 AM

The entry deadline is fast approaching in The 18th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's premier business awards competition, which attracts nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations and territories each year.

Submit nominations in more than 400 business awards categories through 12 May to avoid late fees.

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. Late entries will be accepted through 16 June. Entry details are available at


Juries featuring more than 150 executives around the world will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners. Winners will be announced on 12 August, and celebrated at a gala banquet in Paris, France on 23 October, conditions permitting.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Management Awards for Executive of the Year in 35 industries, Chairman of the Year, Maverick of the Year, Woman of the Year, and more.
  • COVID-19 Response Awards have no entry fees through the 12 May deadline. After that, there is a $55 late fee.
  • Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in 35 industry categories and Founding Team of the Year in four industry groups.
  • Company of the Year Awards in 35 industry categories and broken down by company size, as well as Startup of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, Fastest Growing Company of the Year, and more.
  • Customer Service Awards for Customer Service Department of the Year, Customer Service Team of the Year, and Customer Service Executive of the Year.
  • Human Resources Awards for Human Resources Department of the Year, Human Resources Team of the Year, and Human Resources Executive of the Year.
  • Information Technology Awards for IT Department of the Year, IT Team of the Year, IT Executive of the Year, and more.
  • Marketing Awards for Marketing Department, Team, and Executive of the Year as well as 50 Marketing Campaign categories.
  • New Product Awards for Product Management, Business Technology Solutions, Content & Content Technology Solutions, Education & Education Technology Solutions, and more.
  • Public Relations Awards for Agencies, Departments, Teams, Individuals, and Innovation, as well as for PR Campaigns and Programs.
  • Web Site, App, Event, Video and other media awards

The Stevie Awards has video resources on why and how to enter The 2021 International Business Awards:

“We are excited to see what so many businesses across the globe were able to achieve during one of the toughest years in our lifetimes. Through the hardships, judges are seeing innovation and compassion for employees and customers from Stevie Awards entrants. We have expanded the time frame for eligibility for Stevie Awards nominations to include 2019 to give organizations a broader scope of work to be recognized for” said Stevie Awards President, Maggie Gallagher.

Stevie Award winners in the 2020 IBAs included Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Slovakia), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (India), (Australia), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Canada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Turkey), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spain), Warner Media (USA), and many more.

Interested in entering The International Business Awards?

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Topics: International business awards

Stevie Awards Partners to Create Thought Leadership Categories

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Apr 08, 2021 @ 11:14 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizers of the world’s premier business awards programs, announced today that Thought Leadership Leverage (TLL), a consultancy that helps individual experts and organizations take their ideas to scale through thought leadership, will sponsor its awards programs.

TLL will work with the Stevie Awards team to create and promote categories related to thought leadership in its eight national and international awards programs. The first fruit of the partnership is a new category in The 18th International Business Awards® for communications or public relations campaigns that create or further the thought leadership credentials or reputation of an individual or organization. TLL will next help create a number of categories for the 18th Stevie Awards for Women in Business, which will begin accepting nominations in May.

Thought leadership rectangle

“We are very pleased that Thought Leadership Leverage has agreed to partner with the Stevie Awards to create new categories in our competitions as recognition of achievement in thought leadership that did not exist in any of our programs thus far,” said Maggie Gallagher, Stevie Awards president. “We think the addition of thought leadership-related categories will serve to bring attention to worthy achievements in thought leadership generation, exposition, and promotion.”

TLL CEO and founder Peter Winick thinks the partnership with the Stevies will be a win for his firm’s clients. “There is no prominent international awards program to recognize individual and team achievement in organizational thought leadership – certainly nothing of the prominence of the Stevie Awards. The Stevies will help us to bring a new level of recognition to the achievements of our clients and other organizations and individuals.”

Thought Leadership Leverage specializes in taking ideas to scale through thought leadership--creating impact and generating revenue for individuals and organizations. Over the past two decades, their clients have included New York Times best-selling business book authors, Thinkers 50 recipients, and Heads of Thought Leadership at some of the world's most respected organizations. CEO, Peter Winick, and COO, Bill Sherman, co-host the podcast "Leveraging Thought Leadership"—which has been recognized as one of the top podcasts that explores the business of thought leadership. Learn more at

Topics: International business awards

Better Leaders Create Better Businesses

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Jan 26, 2021 @ 10:28 AM
  • Cirrus consults with clients around the globe to create powerful behavioral and organizational change 
  • Company-wide performance is boosted by positive leaders and positive culture
  • During the pandemic, Cirrus implemented virtual learning to consistently lead leaders despite global uncertainty

About Cirrus

Cirrus is a talent and engagement consultancy that blends expertise in leadership, talent and engagement to assess, engage and develop people across organizations– creating powerful behavioral change that has a positive impact on performance. With offices in the UK and Australia, Cirrus has worked in partnership with over 200 international client organizations across 60 countries in 25 languages since it was founded in 2010.

Cirrus’ philosophy is that better leaders create better businesses and better lives. Their mission is to create powerful adjustments that boost performance and change culture. Cirrus’ core values (Connected, Courageous, and Creative) bring their goals to life. They consistently deliver success and innovation within their sector, including: 

  • 200,000 leaders transformed across 200 organizations
  • 11 industry awards in the past three years alone
  • Publication of CEO Dr. Simon Hayward’s thought-leading business books, Connected Leadership (2016) and The Agile Leader (2018)
  • Asia-Pacific operation since 2014
  • Employing more than 65 global team members and 200+ associates in the past 10 years

Cirrus’ COVID-19 Response

When the pandemic lockdown began, Cirrus’ face-to-face learning (58% of their business) stopped immediately. While competitors were downsizing, furloughing en-masse, and struggling to survive, Cirrus chose to be ambitious instead. While keeping employees safe and engaged, and keeping customers satisfied, Cirrus reinvented the business by focusing on the virtual delivery of learning. Clients who attended Cirrus’ new virtual learning are giving an average satisfaction score of 4.1 - a substantial achievement given that Cirrus’ service was previously focused on classroom delivery. They have secured business with both new and existing clients. 

Cirrus’ business has grown year-on-year despite the sector being decimated by COVID-19. Their research and connections within the industry suggest they are the only major player to have achieved and maintained such growth. 

Cirrus won a Gold Stevie for Company / Organization Categories - Company of the Year - Business or Professional Services and a Bronze Stevie for COVID-19 Response Categories - Most Valuable Corporate Response in The 2020 International Business Awards®. 

Interested in The 2021 International Business Awards?

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Topics: International business awards

Stevie-winning Virtual Phone System for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Posted by Hailey Roos on Mon, Nov 16, 2020 @ 05:18 PM
  • MightyCall’s cloud-based phone system provides VoIP services to thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs across North America
  • The Contact Book Plus feature allows users to create contact lists and take notes on specific contact interactions for reference at any time

About MightyCall

MightyCall is a cloud-based virtual phone system, making it possible for solo entrepreneurs and even the smallest businesses to stay connected anywhere and anytime. MightyCall is a VoIP provider that started as part of the Infratel corporate group which ran the early version of the software for call centers. As VoIP took off in the greater business world, the technology was repackaged in a more manageable version accessible to small businesses. Ever since, MightyCall has consistently been building its user base, now serving more than 4,500 small businesses across North America. 

Since the beginning of 2019, MightyCall has made leaps and bounds in the quality of its service. More importantly, however, they’ve done so without a price hike, meaning their customers are getting more value for their money than ever before. The company has made the typical array of improvements that come with time, such as improved functionality of existing features, better call coverage and connections, and UI redesigns to continually take customer feedback into account. 

What is most revolutionary is MightyCall’s Contact Book Plus feature, which single handedly pulls a simple VoIP system in line with mini-CRMs, offering solopreneurs and small business owners an organizational tool at a much lower rate than they would normally have to pay. The Contact Book Plus lets customers create contacts and contact lists within the system, and it lets them take notes for each contact and each individual communication with each contact. 

The Contact Book Plus is significant in that this option hardly exists in the VoIP sphere. Expensive, high-functioning CRMs have featured VoIP features for years, but VoIP has not embraced CRM elements. Through committing to this route, MightyCall has distinguished itself as both a trailblazer and a champion for small businesses, who all too frequently have to pay for a CRM they cannot truly afford or juggle low-priced options that lack centralization. By creating a simple and affordable mini-CRM type system, even solopreneurs will now have an option that centralizes their business communications. 

MightyCall won the Gold Stevie for Company of the Year - Telecommunications - Small in The 2020 International Business Awards®. 

Interested in the 2021 International Business Awards? 

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Topics: International business awards, telecommunications

The Rebirth of Burkina Faso’s Women’s Football Team

Posted by Hailey Roos on Mon, Nov 09, 2020 @ 10:01 PM
  • Burkina Faso’s football teams provide sports, leisure, and education to children and adults
  • The women’s football team was removed due to lack of material and funding, and Jaleo jumped in to help rebuild the women’s team
  • Jaleo helped coordinate the complete and successful renewal of the women’s team 

About Jaleo! Sports & Human Events 

Jaleo is an event planning agency working around the globe. 

In Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, the Santos FC football club provides the city with sports, leisure, and education. However, due to the lack of material, logistics, and human resources, the Burkinabe club decided to remove all the women’s teams. When the situation reached the ears of Jaleo through their association with Burkinabe of Barcelona, Jaleo took it upon themselves to find a football club to help recover the women’s teams of Santos FC. 

After intense meetings between the two Burkinabe clubs, Jaleo organized a football tournament with FC Martinenc, the women’s football team. In March of 2019, Jaleo collected sports equipment and financial funds to send to the team with the goal of rebuilding the women’s team and providing them with essentials. 

Jaleo’s efforts resulted in:

  • ½ ton of material sent to Burkina Faso
  • 2,250+ raised by crowdfunding
  • Valuable mass media appearances
  • Barcelona City Council assistance
  • Promotion of the event through the Catalan Football Federation

Jaleo! Sports & Human Events won a Silver Stevie for Company / Organization Categories - Company of the Year - Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations - Small and a Bronze Stevie for Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories - Communications Professional of the Year in The 2020 International Business Awards®. 

Interested in The 2021 International Business Awards? 

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Topics: International business awards

Stevie-Winner Named as Guinness Book of World Record Holder

Posted by Hailey Roos on Mon, Nov 02, 2020 @ 04:32 PM
  • Animation studio works to produce licensed products and content to consumers worldwide  
  • Animaccord’s Masha and the Bear series boasts record-breaking success with over 39 language dubs, broadcasted in over 150 countries, and billions of YouTube views

About Animaccord

Animaccord is an international Media & Licensing company and studio that delivers the best animation across the world. They represent the exceptional attributes of their animated brands in partnerships with the global media and consumer goods companies to broadcast the content on leading TV and Digital channels and bring licensed products to retail shelves worldwide. Animaccord specializes in worldwide distribution of content, consumer products rights, and brand management. 

First established in 2008, Animaccord was the studio behind the animated series Masha and the Bear, created by Russian director Oleg Kuzovkov. The CG-animated series follows the adventures of a little mischievous girl, Masha, and her friend Bear. The cartoon gained worldwide popularity, has been dubbed in 39 languages, broadcasted in more than 150 countries by global media majors including Netflix, Google, Nick Jr., Sony, and Televisa. The series’ massive success paved the way for Animaccord to initiate considerable licensing activity. 

Since setting up as a licensing company, Animaccord has established itself as a hugely successful brand with more than 300 global partners including Fererro, Danone, Simba Dickie Group, Crayola, Clementoni, Penguin Random House, Hachette, and other market leaders. Animaccord manages one of the world’s largest children’s content networks on YouTube with more than 120 million subscribers and 43 YouTube Creator Awards, including 4 Diamond Play Buttons. 

As of 2019, Masha and the Bear episode “Recipe for Disaster” was included in the Guinness World Record Book as the most-watched cartoon on YouTube. With more than 4 billion views, the episode ranks in YouTube’s top 5 most viewed videos of all time. Animaccord is currently producing other seasons of Masha and the Bear as well as launching new projects and brand engagement activities such as promotions and live shows to bolster the property across all markets. 

Animaccord won a Bronze Stevie for Company / Organization Categories - Company of the Year - Media & Entertainment in The 2020 International Business Awards®. 

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Topics: International business awards, media awards

Caring for the Azerbaijan Community

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Oct 28, 2020 @ 12:42 PM
  • - Telecommunications leader hosts millions of subscribers worldwide and pilots new network capabilities in Azerbaijan
  • - Azercell Telecom is an industry expert and the biggest investor in the country focused not only on company growth but individual/societal needs
  • - Azercell’s COVID-19 response helped individuals from all walks of life stay safe during the pandemic

About Azercell Telecom

Azercell Telecom is the leader of the mobile communication industry, the largest taxpayer, and the biggest investor of the non-oil sector in Azerbaijan. Over 4.5 million subscribers worldwide choose Azercell services.

Azercell was the first to pilot 5G network in the country and South Caucasia regions. As a pioneer in the industry, Azercell introduced a number of innovations in Azerbaijan, including GSM technology, advanced payment systems, mobile internet services, 24/7 call center service, and online customer care. 

Azercell’s 4G network covers nearly 60 regions of the country and is top-rated in mobile operators of Azerbaijan. They are the only company in the country to be awarded the Gold Certificate of International “Investors in People” Standard. 

Azercell’s COVID-19 Response

When the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, Azercell uploaded 50 AZN to the balance of active roaming subscribers who were in countries with limited transportation in order to provide them with uninterrupted communications with their families and relatives. They also added 50 AZN to the balance of over 600 medical workers. In addition, calls to the State Agency were waived of charges for all Azercell subscribers. A 5GB internet package was presented to more than 25,000 teachers and staff who were forced to work online during the pandemic. Nearly 600 students of the Azerbaijan Technical University were provided with discounted internet packages. 

They donated 2 million manats to fund the Support Fight Against Coronavirus. Azercell’s preventative measures included caring for vulnerable people in society by giving nearly 6,000 product baskets to low-income families. During the month of Ramadan, 4,000 low-income families received food aid. Hundreds of Azercell employees joined the blood donation campaign to help children suffering from thalassemia, hemophilia, and other inherited blood diseases. The Children’s Hotline provided thousands of children with necessary psychological, legal, and social assistance during this time. 

Prioritizing subscribers’ health, Azercell has organized various campaigns to keep people safe at home while spending time productively. They offered 50% discounts for language-learning applications and free mobile internet music applications. 

Azercell Telecom won a Gold Stevie for Company of the Year - Telecommunications, a Bronze Stevie for Most Innovative Company of the Year, and a Bronze Stevie for COVID-19 Response Categories - Most Valuable Corporate Response in The 2020 International Business Awards®. 

Interested in The 2021 International Business Awards? 

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Topics: International business awards