Liebe und Leidenschaft für Hunde - Stevie® Gewinner Ziemer&Falke

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Fri, Aug 05, 2022 @ 03:00 AM

Als eines der führenden Schulungszentren hat sich Ziemer & Falke auf die professionelle Aus- und Weiterbildung von Hundetrainern spezialisiert. Ziemer & Falke ist in Deutschland an 15 Standorten vertreten und bereitet pro Jahr mehrere Hundert Auszubildende mit Herz und Leidenschaft, Kompetenz und jeder Menge Erfahrung auf eine behördliche Zertifizierung vor.


Bei den German Stevie® Awards 2022 wurde Ziemer&Falke in den Kategorien Unternehmen des Jahres - Dienstleistungen für Privatpersonen, Bestes neues Produkt oder Dienstleistung - Bildung - Virtuelle Lernlösungen, sowie Vorbildlichster Arbeitgeber mit einem Gold Stevie® ausgezeichnet. Auch in den Kategorien Wertvollste Reaktion eines Unternehmens und Innovativste Neugestaltung des Arbeitsplatzes konnte sich das Unternehmen Stevie Awards verdienen.


Ausschlaggebend für die Gründung des Familienunternehmens Ziemer & Falke im Jahr 2012 war ein ganz wichtiger Grund – die Leidenschaft für Hunde. Diese Leidenschaft kann auch von Hindernissen wie der Corona-Pandemie nicht ausgebremst werden. Ziemer & Falke ist es gelungen, das Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebot an den jeweiligen Bedarf anzupassen, dabei technische Möglichkeiten zu nutzen und auf äußere Umstände adäquat zu reagieren. Statt die Pandemie und damit einhergehende Lockdowns als Hindernis zu sehen, hat man die Chance genutzt, die digitalen Angebote auszuweiten.

Durch die Umstellung der Ausbildung in den digitalen Bereich werden seit 2020 sowohl die theoretischen als auch die praktischen Lerneinheiten online angeboten. Kursteilnehmer:innen wurde die Möglichkeit geboten, vom Präsenz- in einen vielschichtigen Onlineunterricht zu wechseln, der beispielsweise Trainingsvideos und Online-Workshops umfasst, sowie die Möglichkeit bietet, Hausaufgaben zu filmen und einzusenden, um von Tutoren ein Feedback zur geleisteten Arbeit und nützliche Verbesserungsvorschläge zu erhalten. Dieser Onlineunterricht  ist nicht nur zu Zeiten der Pandemie eine Bereicherung. Die Ausbildung ist dadurch sehr flexibel und lässt sich optimal in den Alltag integrieren, Anreise- und Übernachtungskosten entfallen. Neben der Ausbildung zum Hundetrainer, für den in Deutschland eine Zertifizierung zum Nachweis der Sachkunde entsprechend des Tierschutzgesetzes nötig ist, bietet man zahlreiche Aus- und Weiterbildungen, z. B. auf den Gebieten Verhaltensberatung, Tierheilkunde, Ernährungsberatung oder im Bereich des Coachings.  

Im ersten Pandemie-Jahr haben sich 200 Teilnehmer für die rein onlinebasierte Ausbildung entschieden, eine Zahl, die sich im darauffolgenden Jahr verdreifacht hat und somit ein zukunftssicheres Modell aufzeigt, durch welches auch Kurzarbeit oder sogar Entlassungen während der Pandemie verhindern werden konnten.


Fotocredit Bildmaterial: Fotografie Anna Auerbach

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Topics: German Stevie Awards, europäischer Wirtschaftspreis, GSA22, Hundetrainer, Hundeführerschein

Stevie Winner is Dedicated to Water Conservation in the Utility Industry

Posted by Grace Payne on Wed, Aug 03, 2022 @ 04:10 PM


Stevie Award-winner Jenni Steele is the Vice President of Marketing at Niagara Corp., a manufacturer of water conservation products and the leader in high-performance, water-saving toilets. Niagara has revolutionized the utility industry with a reputation as the premier resource for conservation. In three years, Jenni has restructured her team efficiently in order to launch several product lines and automate marketing activities while strengthening client services and events. Jenni is dedicated to Niagara’s conservation mission and is valued by her team for her guidance. As climate change and record droughts present a strain on the water supply, it is more essential than ever to bring solutions and messaging to the marketplace.

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In order to carry out Niagara’s goals, the team launched a new suite of products with the intention of making powerful water-efficient technology and products that are available to residential and commercial facilities to save the world’s water and the owner’s money through utility bills. These new products were also designed specifically with features and benefits for builders, remodelers, and plumbing professionals. Jenni listened closely to these building professionals who install, repair and specify toilets to learn what details are important to them when installing. 

Additionally, Jenni spent more than a year teamed up with executive leadership to help build a new wholesale program. Their goal was to launch the product lineup filled with the features that pros want and to sell them exclusively to the wholesale channel. Through Niagara’s new program, the company is committed to providing attractive products and services to wholesale distributors, plumbers, and trade partners in the industry.

Since earning her Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Products, Jenni has been able to restructure the marketing department, successfully launched several new product lines, enhanced overall client services, modernized digital integration, and automated marketing activities, all while also strengthening Niagara’s event marketing and online retailing. She also helped Niagara earn a national water conservation award from the EPA.


In addition, Jenni played a lead role in spearheading the launch of over 100 new toilet SKUs across four product suites. The line of new products was designed to help wholesalers serve the needs of their plumbing professional clients by offering fixtures with advanced technology and high performance for those looking for a wide variety of water-efficient products. She also created a campaign strategy that included virtual media meetings with Niagara’s executive team. Over the twelve meetings that were held, Steele and Niagara’s leadership demonstrated and shared critical aspects of Niagara’s four new full product lines, designed specifically with features for building, remodeling, and plumbing professionals. The campaign resulted in more than 53 million impressions to an audience of builders, contractors, plumbers, and facility managers. Jenni continues to be an invaluable resource to her team and Niagara as a whole through her dedication to sustainability.

Jenni Steele won the Bronze Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Products –11 to 2,500 Employees.

Are you interested in submitting a nomination in the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

The Women|Future Conference Announces Call for Entries to Business Pitch Competition

Posted by Nina Moore on Wed, Aug 03, 2022 @ 02:16 PM

The Women|Future Conference is an annual learning and networking event for women professionals hosted by the Stevie® Awards. The 2022 conference will take place virtually from November 8-10, 2022.

Do you or someone you know run a women-owned business founded in November 2019 or later? All eligible individuals are invited to enter the third annual Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition. This is an opportunity for female founders to advertise their business, improve their communication and presentation skills, network with like-minded attendees, and compete for a cash prize. 

Interested applicants may enter by submitting an application by the October 3 entry deadline. There is no fee to enter. The competition will take place during the 2022 Women|Future Conference on Wednesday, November 9.

If you are a female founder navigating the startup phase of your business, looking for funding, or simply seeking exposure presenting in front of hundreds of women professionals around the world, consider entering the competition. 

PITCH COMP 2022 - square

Learn More and Enter the Pitch Competition

Pitch competition finalists will have opportunities to:

  • Learn how to craft the perfect pitch to investors and concisely and eloquently present their business model
  • Receive one-on-one mentoring about how to present their best pitch prior to the competition
  • Network with judges and fellow pitch competition competitors
  • Receive written and real-time feedback from judges and attendees
  • Attend the 2022 Women|Future Conference 

Attendees who watch the competition will learn how to pitch their own business, gain insight into the organizational structure of other women-owned businesses, vote for their favorite pitch, and connect with competitors and judges.

Pitch Competition Format

The initial pitch applications will be reviewed by the Women|Future Conference leadership team. Five finalists will be selected in mid-October and invited to participate in the virtual competition during the conference on November 9. The competition will be judged by a live panel of successful and established women entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors. 

The format of the competition is similar to ABC's 'Shark Tank' reality TV show where finalists present a timed virtual pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market before the judges and conference attendees. There will be one winner who will receive a monetary prize. The amount of prize money will be announced in October.

Sponsor the Pitch CompetitonSponsorship Women Future Conference

We love working with organizations that are aligned with our mission of supporting women in business. The Pitch Competition is funded entirely through the generosity of our sponsors. Sponsorship offers visibility among a demographic of women business owners, executives, and professionals. 

For more information on available sponsorship packages, please email or visit the conference Sponsorship and Advertising Page to request information.

Request Sponsorship Offerings

What to Expect at the 2022 Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of driven women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will virtually attend the fifth annual Women|Future Conference from November 8-10, 2022. The mission of the conference is to help women share insights about changes that will impact their businesses, their industries, their careers, and their lives. Attendees gain practical takeaways through panels and workshops in seven tracks that are useful for every industry:

  1. Entrepreneurship
  2. Future of Work
  3. Leadership
  4. Marketing
  5. Personal Development
  6. Technology
  7. Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The conference agenda features over 20 sessions hosted by diverse speakers from small businesses and global organizations such as Accenture, Cisco, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, SAP, T-Mobile, Wolters Kluwer, and others.

Women Future Conference

The sessions cover everything from how to gain traction through public relations, overcome the imposter syndrome, and think like an investor. Below is a partial list of sessions:

  • Building Your Community of Mentors​​​​​​​​
  • Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: How Diversity Creates Opportunity​​​​​​​​
  • FearLESS: Facing Adversity ​​​​​​​​
  • Find Your Voice: Insider Secrets from Seasoned Speakers
  • Legal Tips For Your Trade 
  • Generational Work Styles: Understanding the Old and the New​​​​​​​​
  • Silencing Self Doubt: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome​​​​​​​​
  • Strategic Storytelling: Advertising and PR Tactics for Your Business​​​​​​​​
  • The Next Generation of Tech​​​​​​​​
  • The Ever-changing World of Social Media
  • The Evolution of Connection: In-person vs Virtual Networking
  • The Snowball Effect: How Women-Led Businesses Create an Impact
  • Think Like an Investor: How to Get the Funding You Deserve​​​​​​​​
  • Turning Passion into Profit
  • …and more

View AgendaRegistration

Registration for the 2022 Women|Future Conference is open. Take advantage of these savings and reserve your virtual seat:

  • Bring the whole team to #WomenFuture22! Groups of three (3) or more who register together get 10% savings with our group discount
  • Student tickets are $39 with proof of a valid student ID
Register for the Conference

More About the Women|Future Conference

The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, and networking conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards. The conference encourages connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. From business professionals to inspiring entrepreneurs to executives, there are sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action.

👍 Get Social With the Women|Future Conference 



Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Director of Marketing & Communications


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Lisa Utzschneider Demonstrates Powerful Leadership in Digital Advertisement

Posted by Grace Payne on Fri, Jul 29, 2022 @ 09:00 AM


Lisa Utzschneider is the CEO of Integral Ad Science (IAS), a digital media company that works to ensure that ads are viewable by real people in safe and suitable environments. Lisa focuses her team to bring greater media quality and transparency to digital advertising and has been able to differentiate IAS as an independent, trusted partner for both buyers and sellers of digital advertising. IAS practices contextual targeting and supply path optimization in order to bring high quality products to their customers. 


Lisa helped set the company’s core values of “We Are One Team” and “We Are Customer Obsessed.” Under Lisa’s leadership, IAS has expanded its product innovation and data-driven insights, closed two key acquisitions, become a public company, and continued to foster a strong company culture. Since 2019, Lisa also guided the IAS team through two acquisitions on Admantx, expanding the company’s contextual offerings and making the Total Visibility product an IAS brand that brings greater transparency to programmatic buying and supply path optimization.  

Additionally, Lisa successfully led IAS through the pandemic, transitioning to a remote work environment while continuing to focus on overall business growth. To ensure transparency and collaboration, Lisa instituted regular live global Town Halls to provide important updates on wins and progress across IAS, while creating a forum to answer tough questions from employees. She also launched a Fitbit Challenge for IAS employees to step their way toward healthy habits while working from home. Lisa also addressed the Black Lives Matter protests head-on by mandating unconscious bias training, establishing an employee match program for social justice organization donations, and recognizing Juneteenth as a company holiday. She has also been a mentor and supporter of elevating more women to leadership positions across industries.

Since winning a gold Stevie® Award in the 2021 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business for Female Executive of the Year, Lisa has honed the company’s mission to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality for leading brands. The digital ad market is expected to reach $526 billion in global spending by 2024, and under Lisa’s leadership, IAS will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of digital media quality across high-growth segments including CTV, programmatic, social platforms, and international markets. The company also continues to lead in developing and collaborating on ad fraud and brand safety and suitability guidelines, as well as further industry standards. 


The company’s continued growth during Lisa’s tenure underscores her strong leadership and the value that IAS delivers as a digital media quality company, ensuring its customers, which include Verizon, L’Oreal, HP, Hulu, Nestle, Volkswagen, and Coke, make every ad impression count. As one of about 30 women to successfully lead her company through an IPO this past year, during one of the busiest IPO seasons on record, Lisa is also committed to paying it forward by continuing to support other female leaders across the technology industry and supporting diverse talent.


Lisa Utzschneider won a Gold Stevie Award in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business for Female Executive of the Year – Business Services –11 to 2,500 Employees.

Interested in submitting a nomination for the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

Get Your Entry Kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Rebecca Bendikov Works to Bring STEM Workshops to Classrooms Across South Australia

Posted by Grace Payne on Wed, Jul 27, 2022 @ 12:30 PM

Stevie Award-winner Rebecca Bendikov is the Head of Marketing at Lumination, an immersive technology company, where she works to inspire and educate teachers on how to incorporate emerging software and technology into the classroom through storytelling and building community. Doing so will in turn contribute to the development of students' abilities in an evolving technological landscape. Rebecca’s work represents her great passion for forming the “sparking the lightbulb moment” in young Australian women and girls when introducing them to careers in STEM.

Prior to her Stevie Award nomination, Rebecca’s job was to develop a marketing strategy for the Lumination Learning Labs built by Lumination. The Lab is a space where students engage with emerging technologies to solve real-world problems across all classroom subjects, covering topics like waste management, climate change, accessibility, and sustainability – all vital issues in today’s world. Rebecca developed the marketing collateral for the Lab, including a highly successful testimonial video, brochures, a website, as well as several Symposium events designed to bring school principals and decision makers into the space to foster brand awareness and develop networks with schools.

Rebecca took the Lumination Learning Lab from concept to reality. Due to Rebecca’s marketing work, the Labs are being incorporated by Lumination in all new government schools across South Australia.  Her achievements are significant as she was new to the industry and still managed to adapt effectively and encapsulate the learning outcomes to reach a broad variety of teachers across South Australia. Now, many students across South Australia are to benefit from being exposed to new technologies and experiences. Since earning her Stevie Award, Rebecca has continued her amazing work and taken the role of Head of Education Programs at Lumination, building a team supporting teachers as they integrate the use of immersive technology into their lesson plans. 

Rebecca Bendikov won the Silver Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in Asia, Australia or New Zealand.

Interested in submitting a nomination for the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Christine Tao is Helping to Train Future Business Leaders

Posted by Grace Payne on Fri, Jul 22, 2022 @ 09:30 AM


Christine Tao is the co-founder & CEO of Sounding Board, a Silicon Valley startup redefining how organizations develop their leaders. Her rapid career growth to executive management in the tech sectors of Silicon Valley became her inspiration for founding Sounding Board. As she began to manage larger teams and became responsible for revenue growth, it became clear that she needed a “sounding board” to coach her on the development of her leadership skills. After receiving valuable mentorship in leadership development, Christine was driven to make this coaching accessible to people at all levels. Traditionally, leadership coaching has only been available to C-Suite executives, but with the advent of Sounding Board’s most recent innovations, coaching has become available and affordable to all levels of an organization in order to rapidly scale and upskill employees at a critical time when companies are needing to escalate at a more rapid pace.

Copy of ABA22 peoples choice winners

Christine achieved significant milestones that led to the acceleration of growth at Sounding Board and set the company on course for strong valuation for the future. First, she developed and supported the engineering and product leadership to create Group Coaching, a new product offering that has rapidly attracted new business and expanded the spend of existing clients wanting a more impactful leadership coaching program for teams. Additionally, Christine built the board of directors and advisory board for Sounding Board to include influential leaders and investors in the learning and leadership development industry. This helped to prepare the company to start fundraising to bring the company past its start-up level.

Since earning a Silver Stevie® Award in the 2021 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business for Female Executive of the Year, Christine has scaled Sounding Board in revenue exponentially, surpassing budgeted expectations. She hired heads of engineering and finance, and built out a strong infrastructure to design new products launching in early 2022. Additionally, Sounding Board’s coach network scaled rapidly to meet and exceed the demand from enterprise clients around the world. 

Christine has also supported her team to transition from SMB-centric clients to Enterprise companies using Sounding Board’s services for their companies with 5,000+ employees. This development fueled revenue growth during the pandemic and completed a record of meeting or exceeding stated gross revenue goals. Additionally, she led the company’s efforts to create an innovative AI-enabled tech platform that is the first-to-market. This program is designed to coach leaders for measurable business impact. 

As a female co-founder of Asian descent, Christine has broken several glass ceilings in not only completing a Series A funding round at a rapid pace, but also being part of the only all-female-founded, female-led, and all-female board of directors within the leadership development industry.

Christine Tao won a Silver Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business: Business Services – 11-2500 Employees.

Interested in submitting a nomination for the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Stevie-Winner Jonckers Provides an AI, Cloud-Based Translation Service for Companies Around the Globe

Posted by Grace Payne on Thu, Jul 21, 2022 @ 09:32 AM


Jonckers Translation & Engineering was established in 1994 to provide innovative translation and localization solutions to international companies, such as Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, Marriott International, and Samsung.

In 2015, Stevie Award-winner Jonckers began to develop its own cloud-based, AI translation platform called WordsOnline, in order to reduce costs and translate large volumes within a small time frame. WordsOnline now combines machine translation with Jonckers’ own expert linguistic community. Their fusion of AI and human translation offers the speed of technology alongside the attention to detail of the human eye. In 2021, Jonckers then launched two innovative services via the WordsOnline platform: ‘Translate Now’ and a translation subscription service. ‘Translate Now’ is an instant ordering service that allows customers to upload the documents that need translating and pay directly online. The translation subscription service allows customers to set up a recurring monthly or yearly subscription based on the volume of words translated each month.jonkerslogoOver the past two years, Jonckers has developed innovative workflows and solutions to help one of their clients provide top-rate customer service across several languages. They assist this client, an insurance agency, by translating their customer assistant portal queries and translating documents required for travel insurance claims. Customer assistant portals require 24/7 support, and the user submitting a query must receive an accurate response in their source language, using the terminology they used in their request. Jonckers overcame these challenges by making use of their AI-powered translation platform, WordsOnline. By ensuring there are linguists working in all time zones around the world, the insurance agency client can provide 24/7 coverage for their customer portal in all required languages. Making use of WordsOnline means their average reply rate for queries is 30 minutes.

Translation and localization are ultimately about facilitating good communication and Jonckers works to provide an excellent service to customers by coming up with original, creative solutions, that in turn improve their customer service by making it accessible to more users around the world. 


Since winning their Gold Stevie Award for Award for Innovation in Customer Service, Jonckers has announced the development of a connector between WordsOnline, and the popular web content management system, Tridion Sites, to facilitate the management of multilingual websites. Tridion users just need to click a button from their interface to send content for translating directly into WordsOnline. The connector allows Tridion users to cut down on turnaround time and project management, thereby reducing costs and time-to-market for their customers. WordsOnline works out five times faster than the traditional translation process followed in the industry, and Jonckers continues to support their clients through efficient translation processes. 

Jonckers Translation & Engineering S.A. won a Gold Stevie Award for Award for Innovation in Customer Service - All Other Industries at the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Sales and Customer Service.

Interested in the 2023 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service?

Request the Entry Kit 

Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Das Programm der 2022 Women|Future Conference ist da

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Jul 20, 2022 @ 03:00 AM

Haben Sie die Neuigkeiten schon gehört? Das Programm der Women|Future Conference 2022 ist online! Wir haben ein inspirierendes Programm mit über 70 weiblichen CEOs, Gründerinnen, Kleinunternehmerinnen, Coaches und Führungskräften zusammengestellt. Die 5. jährliche Women|Future Conference wird vom 8. bis 10. November 2022 virtuell abgehalten.

Die Women|Future Conference feiert Frauen in der Wirtschaft, in der beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung und im Fortschritt. Das Programm diesen Jahres umfasst mehr als 20 Sitzungen, die in sieben Bereiche fallen: Diversität, Gleichstellung & Inklusion, Unternehmergeist, Zukunft der Arbeit, Führung, Marketing, persönliche Entwicklung und Technologie.

Die Sitzungen sind für ehrgeizige, karriereorientierte Fachfrauen gedacht, die lernen und sich darüber austauschen möchten, was in ihren Unternehmen funktioniert, die Herausforderungen, mit denen sie gemeinsam konfrontiert sind, bewältigen und sinnvolle Kontakte knüpfen möchten.

Die Referentinnen kommen sowohl aus kleinen Unternehmen als auch aus Fortune-500-Organisationen, darunter Accenture, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, T-Mobile. Wir laden Sie dazu ein, die Rednerliste und die Tagesordnung zu studieren, um sich einen Überblick über die stattfindenden Sitzungen zu verschaffen, einschließlich der Vor-Konferenz-Sitzungen am 7. November.

Speakers Women Future Conference

Den Auftakt der Konferenz bildet am Montag, den 7. November um 11 Uhr Eastern Standard Time die erste von drei Vor-Konferenz-Sitzungen "Find Your Voice: Insider Secrets from Seasoned Speakers" (Finden Sie Ihre Stimme: Insider-Geheimnisse von erfahrenen Rednerinnen), gefolgt von einem Technologie-Panel um 12 Uhr "The Ever-changing World of Social Media" (Die sich ständig verändernde Welt der sozialen Medien).  Am 8. November hören die Teilnehmer die Eröffnungssitzung "Building Your Community of Mentors" (Aufbau einer Mentoren-Gemeinschaft), in der Ressourcen für den Aufbau eines Mentoring-Fahrplans vorgestellt werden - sowohl für Mentoren als auch für Mentees.  Die zweite Sitzung des ersten Tages ist die mit Spannung erwartete Eröffnungs-Keynote über die Zukunft der Arbeit für Frauen (Sprecherin wird in Kürze bekanntgegeben), gefolgt von einer Mischung aus Panels und Workshops in jedem unserer sieben Sitzungstracks. Zwischen den einzelnen Sitzungen sind jeweils 30- und 5-Minuten-Blöcke für Networking vorgesehen, und am 9. November gibt es eine 15-minütige geführte Yoga-Mediationspause. Studieren Sie das vollständige Programm.

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Was sie auf der Women|Future Conference 2022 erwartet

Die Teilnehmerinnen können erwarten, dass sie wertvolle Einblicke in Herausforderungen und Veränderungen erhalten, die sich auf ihre Branche, ihre Karriere und ihr persönliches Leben auswirken.

Die Sitzungen befassen sich mit Themen wie Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Überwindung des Impostersyndroms und Denken wie ein Investor. Untenstehend finden Sie einen Teil der diesjährigen Sitzungen.

  • Building Your Community of Mentors​​​​​​​​ (Aufbau einer Gemeinschaft von Mentoren)
  • Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: How Diversity Creates Opportunity​​​​​​​​ (Kultivierung eines integrativen Arbeitsplatzes: Wie Vielfalt Chancen schafft)
  • FearLESS: Facing Adversity ​​​​​​​​(Furchtlos: Widrigkeiten bewältigen)
  • Generational Work Styles: Understanding the Old and the New​​​​​​​​ (Arbeitsstile der Generationen: Das Alte und das Neue verstehen)
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses​​​​​​​​ (Pitch-Wettbewerb im Stil von "Shark Tank" für neu gegründete Unternehmen geführt von Frauen)
  • Silencing Self Doubt: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome​​​​​​​​ (Selbstzweifel zum Schweigen bringen: Das Impostersyndrom überwinden)
  • Strategic Storytelling: Advertising and PR Tactics for Your Business​​​​​​​​ (Strategisches Geschichtenerzählen: Werbung und PR-Taktiken für Ihr Unternehmen)
  • The Balancing Act: Self-Care and a Sustainable Work Life (Der Balanceakt: Selbstfürsorge und ein nachhaltiges Arbeitsleben)
  • The Next Generation of Tech​​​​​​​​ (Die nächste Generation der Technologie)
  • The Ever-changing World of Social Media (Die sich ständig verändernde Welt der sozialen Medien)
  • The Evolution of Connection: In-person vs Virtual Networking (Die Evolution der Beziehungen: Persönliches gegen virtuelles Networking)
  • The Snowball Effect: How Women-Led Businesses Create an Impact (Der Schneeballeffekt: Wie von Frauen geführte Unternehmen eine Wirkung erzielen)
  • Think Like an Investor: How to Get the Funding You Deserve​​​​​​​​ (Denken Sie wie ein Investor: Wie Sie die Förderung erhalten, die Sie verdienen)
  • Turning Passion into Profit (Leidenschaft in Profit verwandeln)
  • ...and many more

Vollständiges Programm ansehen


Die Anmeldung für die Women|Future Conference 2022 ist derzeit offen. Nutzen sie dieses Angebot und reservieren Sie ihren virtuellen Platz!

  • Bringen Sie das ganze Team zur #WomenFuture22. Gruppen von drei (3) oder mehr Personen, die sich gemeinsam anmelden, erhalten 10 % Ermäßigung mit unserem Gruppenrabatt.  
  • Studententickets, mit Nachweis eines gültigen Studentenausweises, kosten $39.

Für die Konferenz anmelden

Mehr über die 2022 Women|Future Conference 2022

Die Women|Future Conference ist eine Konferenz zur beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung, zum Lernen und zum Knüpfen von Kontakten, die von den Stevie® Awards, den weltweit führenden Wirtschaftspreisen, veranstaltet wird. Jahr für Jahr nehmen engagierte Frauen aus aller Welt an der Konferenz teil, um sich inspirieren zu lassen, ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu stärken und sich über Veränderungen auszutauschen, die ihre Branche, ihre Karriere und ihr Leben beeinflussen.

Die 5. jährliche Women|Future Conference ist eine dreitägige virtuelle Veranstaltung vom 8. bis 10. November für Frauen in der Wirtschaft und Unternehmerinnen. Die Konferenz fördert Kontakte, die berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung sowie die geistige Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden durch motivierende Keynotes, Bildungsveranstaltungen und Networking. Von aufstrebenden Geschäftsfrauen über inspirierende Unternehmerinnen bis hin zu Führungskräften gibt es Vorträge für Frauen in allen Lebensphasen, die den Blick öffnen und zum Handeln anregen.

👍 Die sozialen Links der Women|Future Conference 



Konferenzanmeldung und Sponsoringmöglichkeiten
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Konferenz-Marketing und PR
Nina Moore, Director of Marketing & Communications


Topics: women awards, German Stevie Awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

The 2022 Women|Future Conference Agenda Launched

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Jul 18, 2022 @ 11:21 AM

Did you hear the news? The 2022 Women|Future Conference agenda is live! We've got an inspiring lineup of 70+ women CEOs, founders, small business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, and executives. The 5th annual Women|Future Conference will be held virtually from November 8-10, 2022.

The Women|Future Conference celebrates women in business, professional and personal development, and progress. This year's agenda contains 20+ sessions that fall within seven tracks: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Entrepreneurship, Future of Work, Leadership, Marketing, Personal Development, and Technology.

The sessions are designed for ambitious, career-driven professionals to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections.

Conference speakers are from small businesses as well as Fortune 500 organizations including Accenture, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, T-Mobile, and others. We invite you to explore the speaker lineup and browse the agenda to see the sessions occurring each day, including pre-conference sessions on November 7.

Speakers Women Future Conference

Kicking off the conference on Monday, November 7 at 11:00 am EST is our first of three pre-conference sessions, "Find Your Voice: Insider Secrets from Seasoned Speakers," followed by a technology panel at 12:00 pm, "The Ever-changing World of Social Media."  On November 8, attendees will hear the opening leadership session, "Building Your Community of Mentors," which will provide resources on how to build your mentorship roadmap- whether as a mentor or mentee.  The second session of day one is the anticipated opening keynote about the future of work for women (speaker coming soon!) followed by a mix of panels and workshops in each of our seven session tracks. There are designated 30-minute and 5-minute blocks between sessions each day for networking, as well as a 15-minute guided yoga mediation break on November 9. Explore the full agenda.

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What to Expect at the 2022 Women|Future Conference

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights about challenges and changes that impact their industry, their career, and their personal lives.

The sessions cover everything from how to gain traction through public relations, overcome the imposter syndrome, and think like an investor. Below is a partial list of some of this year's sessions. 

  • Building Your Community of Mentors​​​​​​​​
  • Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: How Diversity Creates Opportunity​​​​​​​​
  • FearLESS: Facing Adversity ​​​​​​​​
  • Generational Work Styles: Understanding the Old and the New​​​​​​​​
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses​​​​​​​​
  • Silencing Self Doubt: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome​​​​​​​​
  • Strategic Storytelling: Advertising and PR Tactics for Your Business​​​​​​​​
  • The Balancing Act: Self-Care and a Sustainable Work Life
  • The Next Generation of Tech​​​​​​​​
  • The Ever-changing World of Social Media
  • The Evolution of Connection: In-person vs Virtual Networking
  • The Snowball Effect: How Women-Led Businesses Create an Impact
  • Think Like an Investor: How to Get the Funding You Deserve​​​​​​​​
  • Turning Passion into Profit
  • ...and many more

View Agenda


Registration for the 2022 Women|Future Conference is currently open. Take advantage of these savings and reserve your virtual seat!

  • Bring the whole team to #WomenFuture22. Groups of three (3) or more who register together get 10% savings with our group discount. 
  • Student tickets are $39, with proof of a valid student ID.

Register for the Conference

More About the 2022 Women|Future Conference

The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, and networking conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards, the world’s premier business awards. Driven women worldwide attend the conference year after year to be inspired, build resilience, and share insights into changes that impact their industries, their careers, and their lives.

The 5th annual Women|Future Conference is a three-day virtual event happening November 8-10 for women in business and entrepreneurs. The conference encourages connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. From aspiring business professionals to inspiring entrepreneurs to executives, there are sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action.

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Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Director of Marketing & Communications


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Zoe Simmons Advocates for Individuals with Disabilities Through Her Journalism

Posted by Grace Payne on Fri, Jul 15, 2022 @ 09:12 AM


Stevie Award-winner Zoe Simmons is a journalist, copywriter, editor, and author based in Australia who writes with the goal of making a difference in the world. Zoe has published her work hundreds of times in major publications such as New York Post,, and Daily Mail. She specializes in capturing audiences through the raw power of storytelling, tackling challenging topics in a way that connects with readers. Recently, she has been working on her first book on her town's survival in the Black Summer Bushfires, a cause for which she has also raised over $15,000. Additionally, Zoe has published pieces including personal stories, guides, and features, all containing an element of activism on bushfire recovery, mental health, disability, and more.zoe simmons

In 2016, Zoe started her freelance writing business. She built her business part-time while working as a social media assistant at the Daily Mail and a communications assistant at Forensicare. She then transitioned to full-time business ownership as a copywriter and editor in July 2021. Now, she works to help businesses find the perfect words to engage their audiences. As a chronic pain and mental health advocate, she still regularly writes and shares stories to combat the stigma of disability. Specifically, she has worked with organizations like Women With Disabilities Australia, Reach Out, SANE, Endometriosis Australia, and more, creating content that makes a difference in the lives of disabled people.

It’s not about the finances for Zoe, but the impact of her words. Since advocacy is integral to her business, her stories are more to her than just works, but a sign that she is helping someone in their hour of need. She chooses to run her copywriting business in a way that sets her apart from others, accommodating employees and clients who deal with daily health struggles.

zoe logo

Since winning her Silver Stevie Award, Zoe has appeared on a number of podcasts, where she has spoken about her commitment to advocating for chronic pain and mental illness acceptance. Additionally, she presented at the 2021 National Young Writers Festival in Australia, including the panel on Journalism and Trauma: Keeping Safe in an Unsafe World. Zoe has also been continuing to develop her journalism workshop, where she shares the impacts of journalism, how stories stick with readers, and practical advice on how to best support ourselves and others through the storytelling process.

Zoe Simmons won the Silver Stevie Award in the 2021 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business for Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year.

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business