Großartige Arbeitgeber und HR-Experten im Fokus

Posted by Jule Kern on Tue, Apr 06, 2021 @ 09:42 AM

Die Stevie® Awards haben die diesjährigen Stevie® Awards for Great Employers eröffnet. Arbeitgeber und HR-Experten sind dazu eingeladen, Nominierungen für die sechste jährliche Preisverleihung einzureichen.


Die Stevie Awards haben die Ausschreibung für die sechste jährliche Verleihung der Stevie® Awards for Great Employers veröffentlicht, mit denen die weltweit besten Arbeitgeber und die Personalteams, Fachleute, Lieferanten sowie neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen ausgezeichnet werden, die dazu beitragen, großartige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern.

Alle Personen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentliche und private, gewinnorientierte und gemeinnützige, große und kleine - können Nominierungen für die Stevie Awards for Great Employers einreichen.

Wann ist der Einsendeschluss für Nominierungen?


Der Einsendeschluss für Frühbucher mit reduzierten Teilnahmegebühren ist der 28. April. Der endgültige Einsendeschluss ist der 2. Juni, jedoch werden verspätete Einsendungen bis zum 13. Juli gegen Zahlung einer Verspätungsgebühr angenommen.

Details zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter

Eine internationale Jury aus mehr als 50 Führungskräften wird die Gewinner der Awards ermitteln. Die Finalisten werden am 19. August bekannt gegeben. Die Gewinner der Stevie Awards in Gold, Silber und Bronze werden am 1. Oktober bei einer Galaveranstaltung im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas bekannt gegeben und ausgezeichnet.

Es erwarten Sie unter anderem diese Kategorien:

Die Stevie Awards for Great Employers würdigen Leistungen in vielen Facetten der Arbeitswelt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen

Was gibt es Neues in diesem Jahr?

Im Jahr 2021 gibt es viele neue Kategorien für HR-Leistungen, darunter Erfolge bei der Verwaltung einer dezentralen Belegschaft, Erfolge in der Entwicklung von Führungskräften für ethnische Minderheiten und für die Beste Transformationsstrategie. Außerdem gibt es zwei neue Kategorien für Lösungen und Implementierungen: Remote Workforce Management Lösung - Neue oder neue Version und Implementation.

Für 14 der 16 HR-Einzelauszeichnungen entstehen den Teilnehmenden keine Teilnahmegebühren.

Die Gewinner in den 31 branchenspezifischen "Employer of the Year"-Kategorien werden durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus öffentlichen Abstimmungen und professionellen Bewertungen ermittelt. Die öffentliche Abstimmung findet vom 19. Juli bis 9. August statt.


Diese großartigen Arbeitgeber aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum wurden im letzten Jahr geehrt

Die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE aus Köln wurde im letzten Jahr mit zwei Gold und zwei Bronze Stevies ausgezeichnet. Eines der mit Gold gekürten Projekte war die Elternzeit-App – wir helfen den Müttern und Vätern in unserem Unternehmen, sich auf die schönste Zeit ihres Lebens zu konzentrieren.

Die Elternzeit-App ist eine digitale HR-App-Lösung für Telekom Mitarbeiter, die ein Kind erwarten, sich bereits im Mutterschutz oder in Elternzeit befinden oder Elternzeit beantragen möchten.

Die App verkürzt die Bearbeitungszeit für Vorgänge rund um Schwangerschaft, Mutterschutz und Elternzeit. Anstatt Anträge per Hand auszufüllen, per Post zu verschicken und auf eine Rückmeldung ohne Transparenz über den Auftragsstatus zu warten, können diese Dinge per App erledigt werden. Durch die Anzeige der möglichen Schritte haben werdende Eltern einen Überblick über den Status der abgegebenen Dokumente, ihre To-Do's und Termine. Die persönlichen Daten, Zugehörigkeiten im Unternehmen und Informationen zur Führungskraft sind hinterlegt. Private Kontakte, wie E-Mail-Adresse und Telefonnummer, können gepflegt werden. Auf diese Weise werden die Mitarbeiter über eventuelle Änderungen während der Elternzeit auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Darüber hinaus gibt es die Funktion "In Kontakt bleiben", mit der sich Eltern innerhalb des Unternehmens austauschen, Fragen beantworten und mit dem Unternehmen in Kontakt bleiben können.


Weitere Gewinner aus dem deutschsprachigen Europa sind Dentsply Sirona (Bensheim), DHL Supply Chain (Bonn), DP DHL (Bonn) und Swiss Re (Zürich).

Weitere Informationen zum aktuellen Wettbewerb finden Sie unter






Topics: Stevie Awards for Great Employers, Buisness awards, employee of the year

Shaking Up Marketing Solutions

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Mar 31, 2021 @ 03:23 PM
  • Seismic is an industry leader in sales and marketing solutions that empowers customers and drives growth 
  • Their customer service department is dedicated to helping customers achieve goals by providing them with advisors and strategists
  • The Seismic Community hosts thousands of Seismic customers who share knowledge and expertise with like-minded individuals 

About Seismic

Seismic is an industry-leading sales enablement and marketing orchestration solution, aligning go-to-market teams while empowering them to deliver engaging buyer experiences that drive growth. Seismic is headquartered in San Diego, California, with 13 other offices across the United States, Europe and Australia.

Seismic’s Stellar Customer Service

Seismic’s Customer Service Department mission is to delight customers and build long-term partnerships that enable transformation and success of buyer engagements. Seismic aims to achieve this through its broad portfolio of offerings and programs across customer success management, consulting, education, and support. From the inside out, Seismic is an organization dedicated to protecting and growing customer success. 

Each Seismic customer journey starts with an introduction to their customer success manager who will serve as their advisor and central enablement strategist. Seismic’s global CSM team maintains a deep industry and product knowledge, guiding each customer through the phases of their journey from onboarding through maturation and growth. This year, the team built a set of playbooks that guide customers through the journey, and they implemented a new platform tool integrated into business workflows to provide 360-degree views of customer health. 

In addition to world-class support and consulting offerings, Seismic customers receive ongoing actionable, personalized insights through reviews of their individualized success snapshot. This tool presents key information in a user-friendly format, focusing on critical statistics against industry benchmarks to measure success. 

Compared to their industry, Seismic also boasts top-tier community and customer education programs. Seismic Community, an internal message board and online community, allows users to share expertise and crowdsource ideas. With thousands of users, the community is full of active customers swapping knowledge. Seismic also maintains a growing online learning and knowledge portal, Seismic University, which is known for excellence in customer education. 

Seismic won the Silver Stevie for Customer Service Department Categories - Customer Service Department of the Year – Computer Software - 100 or More Employees in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service®. 

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Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Revolutionizing the Caregiving World

Posted by Hailey Roos on Thu, Mar 25, 2021 @ 10:45 AM
  • Aloe Care Health’s 21st century solution to elder care makes independent living safer, more connected, and more collaborative. 
  • The technology provides 24/7 voice-activated access to friends, family, professional care teams, and emergency personnel

About Aloe Care Health 

Aloe Care Health has developed the world’s most advanced voice-activated medical alert and communication service for elder care to address critical voids for caregivers in supporting older adults: care collaboration, communication, and safety.

Aloe Care’s comprehensive, 21st century solution for elder care makes independent living for older adults safer, and makes caregiving teams more connected and collaborative. Many Americans feel it’s a priority to age in their homes while having connections to friends, family, and professional support. Aloe Care solves many of these challenges by making elders’ homes safer and better connected to essential personnel. 

In January 2020, Aloe Care Health launched the first comprehensive digital assistant for elder care. In response to the deadly pandemic, the company fast-tracked production of Essentials, responding to heightened demand for ways to keep elders safer and more connected to family and professional care teams while still living independently. 

The centerpiece of Essentials is a proprietary, 4G cellular smart hub that goes in the home of the older adult. It provides 24/7 voice-activated access to emergency response centers and serves as a comprehensive solution for remote caregiving, including built-in sensors to monitor air quality and activity patterns, a mobile app that gives remote caregivers at-a-glance assurance that the elder person is safe, care collaboration for multiple caregivers, and a wearable Care Button that alerts the emergency call center if needed. 

Aloe Care’s Recent Developments

Aloe Care recently announced its Mobile Companion: a 4G LTE device with GPS that gives older adults access to emergency services anytime and anywhere outside of the home with a push of a button. The device is fully integrated with the Aloe Care app, ensuring that remote caregivers and professional response teams can easily locate and assist older adults. 

Aloe Care’s technology empowers caregivers to better support their elders and gives older adults peace of mind in knowing they are supported and can contact their network at any time. 

Aloe Care Health won the Silver Stevie for Customer Service & Call Center Awards Achievement Categories - Best Use of Technology in Customer Service - Telecommunications Industries in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service®. 

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Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Call for Entries Issued for the 2021 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 25, 2021 @ 10:42 AM

The Stevie Awards has issued the call for entries for the sixth annual Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, which honor the world’s best companies to work for and the human resources teams, professionals, suppliers, and new products and services that help to create and drive great places to work.

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit, and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is April 28. The final entry deadline is June 2, but late entries will be accepted through July 13 with payment of a late fee. Entry details are available at


An international judging panel of more than 50 executives will determine the Stevie Award winners. Finalists will be announced on August 19. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be revealed and presented their awards at a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on October 1, conditions permitting.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new categories in 2021 for HR achievements including Achievement in Managing a Remote Workforce, Achievement in Leadership Development for Racial/Ethnic Minorities, and Best Transformation Strategy. Two new categories for Solutions and Implementations include Remote Workforce Management Solution - New or New-Version and Implementation. Fourteen of the 16 HR Individual categories do not require payment of entry fees.

Winners in the 31 industry-specific Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blend of public votes and professional ratings. Public voting will take place from July 19 - August 9.

Stevie Award winners in 2020 included Aflac (USA), AstraZeneca (Russia), Cathay United Bank (Taiwan), DHL Supply Chain U.K. and Ireland, Globe Telecom Inc. (Philippines), HUGO BOSS Textile Ind. Ltd., (Turkey), IBM (USA), McDonald’s (Poland), Opet (Turkey), Toyota Turkey, Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions (USA), Wingstop Restaurants (USA), and many more.

Interested in entering the 2021 Stevie Awards for Great Employers?

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Topics: great employers

📣 Calling All Early Birds! Women|Future Conference & Success Series Webinar Bundle Deal

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Mar 15, 2021 @ 01:51 PM
Early-bird tickets for the 2021 Women|Future Conference are now available. The Stevie® Awards is gifting all conference attendees who purchase their tickets by the end of today, March 15, a special bundle deal to both the conference and the upcoming Success Series Webinars.

On March 8, International Women's Day, early-bird tickets went on sale for the 2021 Women|Future Conference, an annual event hosted by the Stevie Awards that encourages engaging connections, professional and personal development, and health and financial wellness through keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. This year's fourth annual Women|Future Conference will be five days of virtual learning from November 1-5, 2021.
If you purchase your Women|Future Conference ticket before Monday, March 15 at 11:59 pm ET, in addition to full access to the conference, you will get one free registration to the upcoming Stevie Awards Success Webinar Series March 22-25 (Details below).
Register for the 2021 Women|Future Conference
WFC21-EB_6-Bundle Social-1

About The Stevie Awards Success Series Webinars

The Stevie Awards Success Series is a four-part informational webinar series for organizations of all shapes and sizes to learn about effective corporate storytelling, how to leverage awards to prove credibility to clients and leads and get a behind-the-scenes look at judging. Attendees will hear from Stevie Award winners, judges & industry experts from Cisco, Ford Otosan, IBM, Microsoft, and more. Each webinar will be live-streamed from 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET. The webinar replays (on-demand) and presentations will be available through the end of 2021.

The Success Series Sessions, pictured below, include:

  • How to Excel at Corporate Storytelling 
  • Award-Winning Tips and Q&A from Stevie Awards Judges
  • What Does it Take to Win a Stevie Award?
  • Leveraging Your Award for Future Success

Learn more about the Stevie Awards Success series by visiting


What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Whether you're a female entrepreneur, small business owner, executive, or employee, the Women|Future Conference welcomes movers and shakers like you, looking to Cultivate Your Tomorrow. With panel discussions, a must-see keynote, invaluable networking opportunities, case studies from Stevie Award winners, and a Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition, there will be sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action!

The 2021 Women|Future Conference agenda will be released this summer. View the 2020 Agenda and highlights from the 2020 Women|Future Conference to see what attendees experienced at our third annual event. This year's attendees can look forward to hearing sessions on following topics: 

  • Infusing diversity, inclusion and equity in an organization’s business
  • Growing your business through social media, branding, and marketing
  • Overcoming and disrupting the imposter syndrome
  • The power of female leadership in professional and personal life
  • Standing out in a crowd for small business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Financial wellness, investing and managing your relationship with money

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Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Call for Entries Issued for The 2021 International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Mar 10, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

The Stevie Awards have opened entries for The 18th Annual International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, which attracts nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations and territories each year.

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is 13 April. The final entry deadline is 12 May, but late entries will be accepted through 16 June with payment of a late fee. Entry details are available at


Juries featuring more than 150 executives around the world will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners. Winners be announced on 12 August, and celebrated at a gala banquet in Paris, France on 23 October, conditions permitting.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The International Business Awards for 2021:

  • There are no entry fees for nominations in the Company of the Year categories and other select categories.
  • The Best of the IBA awards have been revised.  Fewer Grand Stevie Award trophies will be conferred. 

Stevie Award winners in the 2020 IBAs included Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Slovakia), Ernst & Young (USA), IBM (USA), Facebook India Online Services (India), (Australia), Ooredoo Group (Qatar), REMAP (Canada), Türkiye İş Bankası (Turkey), Thai Life Insurance (Thailand), Telecommunication Services Limited (Hong Kong), LLYC (Spain), Warner Media (USA), and many more.

Interested in entering The 2021 International Business Awards?

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Topics: marketing awards, PR awards, International Awards

Winners Announced in 2021 People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Mar 10, 2021 @ 09:47 AM

Winners of the 2021 People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service, a worldwide public vote, were announced today. Voting was conducted from February 1 through March 5, with the highest number of votes deciding the winners in 11 industry categories. More than 44,000 votes were cast this year.

All organizations honored in the Customer Service Department of the Year categories of this year’s Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service were eligible to be included in voting for the people’s choice awards. The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, now in their 15th year, are the world’s top honors for customer service, contact center, business development, and sales professionals.

SASCS 2018 peoples choice

More than 2,300 nominations from organizations of all sizes, in virtually every industry, in 51 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Finalists were determined by the average scores of more than 160 professionals worldwide in nine specialized judging committees and were announced last month.

This year’s people’s choice winners, who will each receive the coveted crystal People’s Choice Stevie Award, are:

Airlines, Distribution & Transportation: Suddath
All Other Industries: MTM
Computer Services: Linode
Computer Software < 100 Employees: Timely
Computer Software > 100 Employees: Carbonite (an Opentext Company)
Financial Services < 100 Employees: Wells Fargo Merchant Services - Account Management
Financial Services > 100 Employees: PREMIER Bankcard
Healthcare & Pharma: Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Public Services & Education: OmniUpdate + Destiny Solutions
Retail: Wayfair
Telecommunications: AireSpring

Nicknamed the Stevie® from the Greek word “crowned,” Stevie Award winners will be celebrated at a virtual awards ceremony on April 14. .Tickets for the event are now on sale. More than 500 Stevie Award winners and their guests from around the world are expected to attend.

How to Empower Agents to Deliver Stellar Customer Service

Posted by Elea Andrea Almazora on Wed, Feb 24, 2021 @ 12:39 PM

Customer service is one of the most important departments a business could have. Good quality service gives you the chance to increase customer satisfaction and customer retention. That would mean an increase in revenue as happy, loyal customers tend to spend more and become company advocates. Yet, many companies fail to support and empower staff in customer service departments.

Customers demand a lot from customer service teams. They require fast response times with query responses in under an hour. They expect the best quality service and pleasant customer experiences. Behind-the-scenes work like data protection is also crucial. This diverse workload can be challenging for customer service teams, and it shows. 

According to Quality Assurance Training Connection (QATC) there is a very high turnover rate in the profession—up to 30-45 percent across call centers. This high rate of turnover impacts a business heavily. You could see turnover costs of up to $15k to replace some front-facing staff. By empowering your customer service team, you will lower the rate of turnover in a key department. Having a happy, efficient customer service team leads to happy customers and higher profit.

Here we outline some ways you can empower your customer service agents.

Encourage Employee Wellbeing

Customer service can be a taxing endeavor. Your agents spend the day dealing with customers that are calling for one reason: to fix a problem. It is a challenge to fix the variety of issues customers face. Add some unpleasant interactions to the mix and you can imagine the mental fortitude required to avoid burnout. This is why it is crucial that a business sees its customer service team as more than a resource.

It is well known that happy employees make happy customers. Make efforts to encourage employees and allow them to feel supported by the business. Designate team members that can flag the concerns team members are feeling.  Provide spaces for staff to vent after difficult customer interactions. Your agents will be appreciative and perform better when empowered with good mental health.

Promote wellbeing to ensure good mental health

Manage Employee Workload

Offer schedules that promote good challenges but are not overbearing. A customer service team will achieve results if its workload is managed effectively. You need to set goals that are in line with your agents’ capacity. Use effective performance management tools to help delegated staff get the most out of your customer service teams. 

Managing the workload will enable customer service agents to avoid burnout. When there is too much work on any given person, it is easy for them to succumb to the pressure. Keep an eye on capacity levels, agent schedules, company goals, and agent feedback. Doing this will improve factors influencing customer expectations as customer service agents will be able to deliver better quality work.

Consider Employee Feedback

Customer service agents engage with customers on a daily basis. This means they know the problems customers face with products or with their experience of the business. Agents are a valuable source of feedback because they will have a wide view of the customer’s needs. Your inbound contact center is a great place to gather information and get your finger on the pulse.

Provide an environment where agents can discuss and offer insights into the interactions they face. Let them know their opinions are valued and feedback will be considered. This can be as easy as providing suggestion boxes. You could use your conference calling provider to conduct team review meetings. This way customer service agents can brainstorm on what they see.

By taking suggestions, you could uncover hidden gems that improve key processes, like your communication strategy or your onboarding process. In showing employees that their opinions are valued, you encourage them to be proactive in further developing the business. Empower them to take ownership of their work. This will lead to your business having a stronger offering.

Collect employee feedback and improve your service

Align Company and Employee Goals

We often provide services to customers so that we can help them reach their goals. In the same way, a business needs staff that believes in its mission. Help customer service agents understand the role they play in achieving your mission. Having agents actively incorporated into your mission makes it easier to set up effective performance management strategies and tactics.

It is a win-win situation when your goals align well with the goals of your agents. Find areas where these overlap. For example, you could offer sponsorship opportunities for training and development. With committed customer service teams that know their purpose, it is easier for your business to offer better customer experiences. Agents will want to achieve targets for their own reasons and everyone will benefit.

Incorporate the Best Automated Tools

If you consider today’s 50 leading SaaS companies, you can imagine the volume and quality of work their customer service teams deliver. Today, most of the customer experience is delivered by tools that enable the customer to achieve goals on their own. In using automated tools, your company offers a consistently positive customer experience and streamlines the work customer service agents have to do. 

By incorporating the best tools, you can greatly improve the effectiveness of your customer support team. For example, your call centers could benefit from tools that route calls when a customer uses your vanity number. This way they will answer calls related to their task and the customer spends little time reaching the right person. With the right tools, your customer service team will be more efficient.

Reward Good Work

Customer service departments often have challenging goals and targets to achieve. You want to ensure that agents can consistently deliver the highest quality work efficiently. Today, most agents are working off-site and you need to keep those remote employees motivated. Incentivize good work by offering rewards to your agents.

Like customers, agents want to feel appreciated and valued by the company. Offer bonuses at the end of the year. You can also show appreciation without offering something financial. Why not offer award opportunities, or openly praise your agents when they succeed in reaching targets? According to Psychology Today, 13% of staff will work harder when feeling encouraged and recognized for their efforts.

Final Thoughts

By creating an environment that promotes employee engagement, you will be able to deliver stellar customer service. Provide the necessary support for agents to feel empowered and valued as members of the business. These suggestions are challenging but you will reap the rewards. By supporting customer service agents, you can deliver better customer experiences and boost satisfaction.

RingCentral won the Gold Stevie Award for Award for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Planning & Practice in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. 


Elea Andrea Almazora- RingCentral US

Elea is the SEO Content Optimization manager for RingCentral, a global leader in unified communications and VoIP conferencing phone provider. She has more than a decade's worth of experience in on-page optimization, editorial production, and digital publishing. She spends her free time learning new things. 

Top-Tier Tourism

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Feb 23, 2021 @ 03:54 PM
  • Alexandra Paxinos has multiple areas of interest in tourism, marketing, and policy
  • Her work with TheSouth Australian Tourism Commission elevates tourism and events in Australia and helps areas impacted by crises

About Alexandra Paxinos 

AlexiAlexandra (Alexi) Paxinos is a marketing manager, Asia specialist, partnerships strategist, professional development advocate, and policy advisor. From the age of 9, Alexi has been the sole caregiver of her mother following an accident that left her paraplegic. At 10 years old, she performed for Pope John Paul II with the Australian Youth Choir in Italy and has since gone on to host the current Prime Minister of Singapore, and meet with the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, after being nominated as a Young Community Leader of South Australia by Carers SA. Alexi’s first promotion came at age 14 when she became Corporal in the Australian Air Force Cadets, before graduating high school at 16 and purchasing her first investment property at 19. Her first international influencer campaign won four international awards including the Silver Award for ‘Best Influencer Strategy’ in the 2016 Marketing Magazine Hong Kong PR Awards; a position second only to Procter & Gamble, and 'Social Media Influencer of the Year' at the 2016 Mumbrella Awards Singapore. Her work has been published in globally distributed magazines, on bus-wraps in Hong Kong, across train stations and live-streams in China, and on live-feeds in South Korea.

Alexi is the Senior Marketing Executive of The South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC), a state tourism organization focused on marketing South Australia to national and international audiences, and bringing new and exciting events, conferences, and festivals to South Australia. 

In February 2020, Alexi was promoted to Senior Marketing Executive, North Asia, and simultaneously Marketing Manager, Hong Kong at the South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) – her fourth promotion in four years at the organization. In July, Alexi was appointed to the Board of Directors–and in September, Chair of Events Committee–for Spence Club Inc, a networking not-for-profit aimed at developing and retaining female talent in South Australia. In August, Alexi was seconded, in addition to her two marketing roles, as Government Affairs Advisor where she leads policy initiatives and responses on behalf of the SATC. She was also promoted to Vice Chair of Young Australian Tourism Export Council of South Australia (YATEC SA), after becoming a general committee member in January. Alexi has managed this while crisis-managing SATC activities in Hong Kong due to the anti-extradition protests, South Australian bushfires, and global COVID-19 pandemic.

Alexandra Paxinos won two Bronze Stevie Awards for Female Employee of the Year - Government or Non-Profit and Woman of the Year - Government or Non-Profit in The 2020 Stevie Awards for Women in Business®.

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Global Marketing Company Teams Up with International Football Team to Score Sponsorship Goals

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Feb 17, 2021 @ 03:48 PM
  • E-commerce company capitalizes on global network of distributors to improve lives, worldwide
  • Shared skills of sports and business help distributors and customers benefit from QNET’s empowering wellness strategies
  • QNET partners with Manchester City Football Club to obtain key sponsorship and international reach

About QNET

QNET is an e-commerce direct selling company based in Hong Kong. They offer a wide range of health, wellness, beauty, and lifestyle products to customers worldwide. QNET’s platform makes it easy for customers to build a borderless business promoting their exclusive products, enhancing their lifestyles, and becoming entrepreneurs. 

Performance-Driven Partnership 

QNET’s borderless commitment extends to global communities, focusing on how best to support their needs through the works of QNET’s foundation and various sponsorship programs. QNET has elected to champion sports as a platform largely because of the commonalities between business and sports, both of which require the same qualities including teamwork, open-mindedness, coachability, drive, and hunger for success. 

There’s nothing like sports to bring people and cultures together, uniting the masses in a singular language of passion. QNET is a direct selling company that spans across regions, extends itself beyond borders, and speaks to millions of impassioned distributors from across the world in one single language of growth, success, and overcoming all existing limitations. Because of that global makeup, the company resonates profoundly with the DNA of sports, and nothing expresses this belief better than their partnership with the Manchester City Football Club (MCFC). 

QNET’s marketing strategy depends largely on their deep understanding of their audience—their global network of distributors—and matching their key message with their interests via engaging content. Video recordings with players, trophy tours, and MCFC players/representatives’ appearance at their annual global QNET convention are some of the key assets obtained, which consequently help QNET and their distributors achieve some of their key sponsorship objectives. 

Some of QNET’s key projects include: 

  • Global media presence with 30 social media channels, eight blogs in seven languages, PR interventions across the world, etc. 
  • MCFC Football and Language School in which children from developing countries participate in the opportunity of a lifetime with the chance to be chosen to undergo football and English language training in Manchester City
  • Social media competitions to maximize QNET’s reach through hundreds of thousands of fans and customers around the world
  • Viewing parties organized for leaders and distributors in select countries
  • Partnering with Furkan Yaman, Turkish soccer player, who has over three million YouTube followers

QNET won the Bronze Stevie for Innovation in Sponsorships in The 2020 Asia-Pacific Awards®. 

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Topics: sponsorship, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards