Stevie Winner Owns Extensive Network and Infrastructure in Hong Kong and Overseas

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Jul 30, 2018 @ 06:37 AM

Stevie-Award winner HGC Global Communications Limited (HGC) is a leading Hong Kong and international fixed-line operator. The company owns an extensive network and infrastructure in Hong Kong and overseas and provides various kinds of services such as telecom infrastructure service to other operators and is a service provider to corporations and households.

Andrew_201710The company provides full-fledged telecom data center services, ICT solutions and broadband services for local, overseas, corporate and mass markets. This telecom company proved their successes in the industry with three Stevie Awards in the 2018 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. They won the Gold Stevie for Innovation in Technology Management, the Silver Stevie for Innovation in Branded Entertainment, and the Bronze Stevie for Innovation in Media.

HGC owns and operates an extensive fiber-optic network; four cross-border telecom routes integrated into tier-one telecom operators in mainland China and connects with hundreds of world class international telecom operators. The company is committed to further investing and enriching its current infrastructure and, in parallel, adding on top the latest technologies and developing its infrastructure services and solutions. 

Throughout the years, HGC has established a leading position in the local and international fixed network industry. HGC is positioned as the carrier’s carrier solution provider, and corporate ICT solution provider.

When you combine all HGC’s capabilities — international carrier, integrated systems, complex telecom and digital delivery experience, and closeness to emerging markets — you begin to understand why HGC is emerging quickly in the competitive market. For instance, HGC is known for the ability to deliver complex and customized solutions, like pulling fiber and solution into places that many operators regard as challenging and complicated. Curiously, it’s these hard-to-do things HGC plans to replicate. At HGC, the goal is to maximize global business opportunities of every customer with the delivery of advanced fixed-line network technologies and unrivaled total telecom solutions.

Topics: business awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Stevie Winner

홍콩 및 해외에 광범위 네트워크 및 인프라를 보유한 스티비상 수상자

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Jul 30, 2018 @ 06:36 AM

스티비상 수상자인 HGC 글로벌 커뮤니케이션즈 (HGC) 는 홍콩 및 국제 유선통신을 선도하는 업체입니다. 이 회사는 기업 및 일반 가정을 대상으로 서비스를 제공하는 기업으로써, 홍콩 및 해외에 광범위한 네트워크를 소유하고 있으며 다른 통신업체들에게 전기통신 인프라 서비스 등의 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

Andrew_201710이들은 지역, 해외, 기업, 대중시장을 대상으로 전면적 통신 데이터 센터 서비스와 ICT 솔루션, 광대역 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 통신 기업은 2018 아시아-태평양 스티비 어워즈에서 세 개의 스티비상을 수상하며 업계에서의 성공을 입증했습니다. HGC는 기술관리 혁신 부문에서 스티비 금상, 브랜드 엔터테인먼트 혁신 부문에서 스티비 은상, 미디어 혁신 부문에서 스티비 동상을 수상하였습니다.

HGC는 광범위한 광섬유 네트워크를 소유하고 운영합니다. 4개의 국가간 전기통신 루트는 중국 본토의 1차 통신업체에 통합되어 수백개의 세계 정상급 국제 통신업체들을 연결합니다. 이들은 현재의 인프라에 더욱 투자하고 이를 강화하는데 최선을 다 하고 있으며, 동시에 더욱 최신의 기술을 추가하고 인프라 서비스와 솔루션을 개발하고자 노력하고 있습니다.

HGC는 수 년 동안 국내외 고정 네트워크 업계에서 최고의 위치를 유지해 왔습니다. 이 기업은 통신업체의 캐리어 솔루션 제공업체이자 기업 ICT 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다.

국제적 통신업체, 통합 시스템, 복합 통신 및 디지털 제공 경험, 신흥 시장과의 친밀성 등, HGC의 모든 능력들을 결합해 보면 HGC가 경쟁시장에서 왜 이렇게 빠르게 성장하고 있는지 이해 할 수 있을 겁니다. 예를 들어 많은 기업들이 어렵고 복잡한 것이라 간주하는 곳에 광섬유를 가져와 해결책을 제시하는 것처럼, HGC는 복합적이면서 맞춤화된 솔루션 제공 능력으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 흥미롭게도 이렇게 실행하기 어려운 것들을 HGC가 복제할 계획입니다. HGC의 목표는 발전된 유선통신 네트워크 기술과 대적할 상대가 없는 토탈 텔레콤 솔루션을 제공하여 모든 고객의 글로벌 비즈니스 기회를 극대화 하는 것입니다.

Topics: The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, Stevie Winner, 스티비상 수상자


Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Jul 30, 2018 @ 06:30 AM






Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞, スティービー賞, Stevie Winner, スティービー賞受賞者


Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Jul 30, 2018 @ 06:23 AM

史蒂夫®奖获奖者HGC Global Communications Limited (HGC)是一家领先的香港和国际固定电话运营商。该公司以企业和普通家庭为对象提供服务,在香港和海外拥有广泛的网络和基础设施,为其他运营商提供电信基础设施服务等各种服务。



多年来,HGC在国内外固定网络行业保持了领先地位。 HGC是通信企业的运营商解决方案提供商,为企业提供ICT解决方案。

如果您结合所有HGC的功能 - 国际通信运营商、集成系统、复杂的电信和数字交付体验以及与新兴市场的紧密性 - 您就会开始了解为什么HGC在竞争激烈的市场中会迅速崛起。例如,HGC以提供复杂和定制解决方案的能力而闻名,在许多运营商认为复杂的地方引入光纤,提供解决方案。有趣的是,HGC计划复制这些难以执行的事情。HGC的目标是通过提供先进的固定网络技术和披靡无敌的整体电信解决方案,将所有客户的全球商机最大化。

Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖, Stevie Winner

위대한회사스티비상 연장된 출품 마감일 8월 9일

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Jul 30, 2018 @ 05:42 AM

세계 최고의 직장에 영예를 수여하는 3 대회 출품 가능

위대한회사 스티비®을 주최하는 스티비®어워즈에서는 3번째 대회의 출품 마감일을 8월 9일로 연장한다고 발표했다. 이 상은 세계에서 가장 일하기 좋은 기업들, 훌륭한 직장을 창조하고 이끌도록 도운 HR팀, 전문가, HR 성취, 신제품 및 서비스, 공급자들에 명예를 수여한다.

SAGE 2017 new

스티비 어워즈의 마이클 갤러허 회장은 "저희는 마감일 연장에 대한 많은 개별적 요청을 받았고, 모두를 위해 마감일을 연장하기로 결정했습니다." 원래 최종 마감일은 7월 18일이었다. 갤러허 회장은 8월 9일까지 제출되는 출품작에 대해 추가 지체료가 없을 것이라고 강조했고, 늦은 출품작은 심사 과정에서 어떤 불이익도 없을 것이라고 했다. 모든 조직들은 출품작을 준비하고 제출할 수 있는 3주를 추가적으로 확보하게 되었다.   

전 세계의 개인과 조직들이 소속 기업의 상장 여부, 영리 추구 여부, 규모에 관계없이 위대한회사스티비상에 출품할 수 있다. 2018 대상은 2017년 초 이후의 성과들을 치하한다. 자세한 정보는 홈페이지(에서 확인할 수 있다.

35개 산업에서의 '올해의 고용주' 부문 수상자들은 공개 투표와 전문가 평가 점수의 독창적 조합에 의해 선정된다. 공개 투표는 7 23일에 시작된다.

위대한회사 스티비상은 직장에서 일어나는 다양한 측면에서의 성취를 시상한다. 주요 카테고리는 다음과 같다.

  • 올해의 고용주상
  • HR 성취상
  • HR 개인상
  • HR팀상
  • 솔루션 공급사상
  • 50개 이상의 신제품 및 서비스 카테고리

세계 곳곳의 100명에 가까운 전문가들로 구성된 심사위원단이 이 스티비상 수상자를 결정한다. 본선진출작은 8 15일에 발표된다. , , 동 스티비 수상자들은 뉴욕에서 9 21일에 열리는 시상식에서 발표되고 상이 수여된다.

Topics: hr awards, The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Stevie Awards for Great Employers, 위대한회사스티비상, great employers

Stevie Award Winner Fosters Business Growth Around the World

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Jul 25, 2018 @ 10:00 AM

If opportunity doesn't knock, why not build a door? Entrepreneurs are always at risk of stagnation during the start-up phase. Advantage|ForbesBooks, a business-growth company based in Charleston, South Carolina, United States, is focused on helping entrepreneurs overcome that hurdle. The company uses stories, passion, and knowledge of top thought leaders to help business professionals succeed in their endeavors.

Advantage|ForbesBooks has helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs, CEOs, and professionals in 40 U.S. states and 13 countries with a wealth of resources to help those customers begin their journey. These accomplishments helped them win the 2018 Bronze Stevie® Award for Customer Service Success in the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

ForbesbooksCommitment to Their Community

Becoming an authority in a given field is a new way professionals can grow their businesses. Advantage takes a seven-pillar marketing approach. This deconstructs the idea of authority marketing and helps their members thrive and take advantage of opportunities in the new media landscape. Ben Coppel is the member experience manager at Advantage, and he provides world-class service to all their members through constant interaction and check-ins.

“We spend a considerable amount of time investing in a world-class service experience across all departments in our company,” Coppel states. “This achievement helps validate those efforts and reflects our ongoing commitment to our members.”
Founded in July 2005, Advantage consists of a full-time staff of 68 team members and all enjoy full-service support.

A Dedicated Team

Every Advantage team member understands the importance of great service and appreciates the programs the company employs to look after its members.

“The things we’ve built are integrated into our process, so they get done every time,” says Coppel. “They also act as an extension of our team and demonstrate who we are as a company, and this makes them unique and special. The success of our members is essential to the success of the company. If not for them, we wouldn't be in business.”

The company received local and national placement in New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Inc., Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Bloomberg, and Wall Street Journal. As a company, they’ve been honored as a “Best Place to Work” winner (2013, 2014, 2015) in South Carolina, United States, and they are a five-time consecutive Inc. 5000 list winner (fastest-growing private companies in America).
Better You, Better Us

Goal setting, reinforcement, and a focus on professional development comprise the DNA of Advantage. To assist goal setting, they go off-site as an entire company three times a year for a day of strategic planning.

“We set and agree on our company priorities and then craft individual priorities that align with the goal,” says Coppel. “We have scoreboards in our office that track progress, and we review where things stand each week in our company-wide, all-hands huddle.”

High importance is also placed on individual professional development. The company gives each person a $1,000 budget that he or she can use to continue growing as a professional.

Events, webinars, podcasts, certifications, and books are all fair game. The expectation is that all employees spend 120 hours each year making themselves better.

“When our employees grow as professionals, they deliver greater value to the company, which makes the company better,” says Coppel. “Better you, better us.”

Topics: customer service awards, stevie awards for sales and customer service, customer service success, top customer service

A Kitchen on Wheels Proved to Be the Ultimate Recipe for Success

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jul 19, 2018 @ 10:14 AM

There’s tailgating, and then there’s tailgating.

Meet MAXimus. He’s a 72-foot tractor-trailer outfitted with an elaborate kitchen, self-leveling stage, three giant screens, and multiple high-definition cameras. All this combines to create the ultimate go-anywhere culinary experience.

MAX (short for “mobile activation x-perience”) drew huge crowds at several culinary festivals, and it even became a favored playground for the likes of Food Network host Jeff Mauro. Chef Gordon Ramsay saw MAX as the perfect sidekick for his show 24 Hours to Hell and Back, which debuted this summer on Fox, the popular US network TV channel.

Innovative groupTo the experiential marketing firm that created MAX, he means even more than that; he’s the future. The U.S.-based Innovative Group (IG) developed the colossal cooking rig as part of its effort to push the envelope and to develop new revenue streams.

With offices in Miami, Florida, United States, the company specializes in providing immersive marketing experiences, and they have close to two decades of experience doing so. The team developed a virtual reality program for Universal Studios locations, and they helped American Express engage audiences in Las Vegas by hiring a local illusionist to use its credit card in a physics-defying display. Its solutions have appeared everywhere from Super Bowl LI in Houston, Texas, United States, to the Major League Baseball All-Star Game last year in Miami.

“We create experiences by specializing in immersive, experiential marketing programs. These fuel and even change perceptions about a brand—all while fostering lasting relationships at every opportunity,” says Jared Shattuck, the agency’s Chief Operating Officer for Sales & Marketing. “Couple that with a passion for bringing communities together in distinctively customized and uniquely engaging ways, and you’ve got a recipe for the fantastical.”

The company, now with 87 employees, prizes outside-the-box thinking as part of its DNA. Its management team, however, wanted to take this a step further and encouraged employees to create an entirely new offering capable of shaking up the industry.

The result was three unique mobile assets the company can rent out to marketers for events and even TV programs. In addition to MAX, the team dreamed up DRAFT (the “dynamic restaurant aboard fire truck”). This features two huge Southern Pride smokers, a flattop grill, and 12 beer taps.

Rounding out the fleet is GameDay Traditions (GDT), a hospitality platform that gives event and festival guests the VIP treatment with its homey atmosphere and luxurious amenities.

“Rather than rely on traditional means of advertising and marketing, companies are always looking for the next way to create memorable experiences,” Shattuck says. “For this reason, we are always looking for ways to help our clients stand out in a sea of competitors, and that is why we created our very own exclusive assets.”

The bold investment proved to be a huge success. IG evolved from a service-only agency to a company with $2 million in rentable assets—a category that continues to grow. It also helped the company, founded in 2000, earn a Gold Stevie Award for Business Development Achievement of the Year in the 2018 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

Shattuck says the IG staff members discovered the Stevies while Googling prestigious award opportunities where they could submit the game-changing program. Dunbar sees the company leveraging this new accolade as a powerful marketing tool.

“It means we can let our current and future clients know what separates us from the other boutique agencies out there,” Shattuck says. “We are the proud recipient of a Gold Stevie Award, and that's what makes us different.”

Topics: innovation awards, sales awards, stevie awards for sales and customer service, business development

The 2018 Stevie Awards for Great Employers Final Deadline Extended through August 9

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jul 19, 2018 @ 09:30 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, announced today that the final entry deadline for the third annual competition has been extended to Thursday, August 9. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers honors the world’s best companies to work for and the HR teams and professionals, HR achievements, new products and services and suppliers that help to create and drive great workplaces.

SAGE 2017 new
“We’ve received so many requests for individual deadline extensions that we’ve decided to extend the deadline for everyone,” said Stevie Awards president Michael Gallagher. The original final deadline was July 18. Gallagher emphasizes that no additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through August 9, and late entries will not be penalized in the judging process. All organizations now have three more weeks to prepare and submit their entries.


All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The 2018 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2017. Entry details are available at

Stevie Award winners in the 35 Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blending of the ratings of professionals and the votes of the general public. Public voting will open on July 23.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers will recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Employer of the Year
  • HR Achievements
  • HR Individual Awards
  • HR Team Categories
  • Solution Provider Awards
  • More than 50 New Product & Service Categories

Close to 100 professionals worldwide, working on a number of juries, will determine the Stevie Award winners. Finalists will be announced on August 15. Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced at a gala event in New York City on September 21.

Topics: hr awards, new product awards, best new product or service, best new products, great employers, employer of the year

Wedding Cake Delivery Device Prevents Three Tier Tumbles

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jul 12, 2018 @ 09:18 AM

A wedding cake is that rare culinary creation that customers remember for years to come. Naturally, bakers pour their hearts into every delicious detail, whether it’s a pattern of elaborate swirls or elegant, sugary flowers.

Then, of course, they have to transport their handiwork to the reception. That’s where things can get scary. Each unexpected stop or dip in the road has the potential to turn a masterpiece into mush.

Juli Chapin knows this as well as anyone. In the late 1980s, she started a bakery specializing in wedding cakes in the Northeast region of the United States, and she sympathizes with bakers who have to deal with this precarious transport situation. Traditionally, people like her would put each cake tier into a cardboard box and stack the tiers, one on top of the other, at the venue.

cakesafe“It’s extremely nerve-racking and limits the designs you can create since the majority of the decoration needs to be applied to the stacked cake,” she says. “Bakers have even shut down their wedding cake businesses due to the high stress involved in transportation and the risk of being sued by a bride if something happens to the cake in delivery.”

An Invention Is Born

In Chapin’s case, it helped being married to an engineer who had a knack for solving tricky problems around the house. Upon hearing about her transit issues, her husband, Scott, came up with a clever solution: a rigid container with a stainless steel dowel that ran through the center of the cake to keep it nice and secure. Thanks to a double-walled exterior, it also protected the contents from rain, wind, and scorching summer heat.

For a long time, the couple simply saw it as a convenient solution to their own business problem. The results, however, were so good (in 20 years, Chapin never had a cake damaged on its way to a reception) that they started wondering if the contraption had a broader appeal.

In 2009, the Rhode Island couple started marketing the device to bakeries around the country as the “CakeSafe.” From the start, it was clear they had struck a chord with a lot of bakeries when showing off their invention.

Chapin recalls the early days, when Scott worked around the clock at their home to keep up with demand.

“He’d run his CNC table all night long making products for orders that needed to be shipped the next day,” she says. “He'd hear the machine stop, pause the movie he was watching, and go downstairs to set up the next run on the table.”

Despite the hard work, Chapin says it’s been satisfying to help people in the same situation she was once in.

“Bakers now deliver to mountaintop venues in the snow, down gravel roads with potholes, and on congested highways, all with no stress at all.”

One baker told the couple that she slammed on her brakes on the way to an event, causing her CakeSafe to flip over in the car. She expected to see a pile of crumbs inside but instead found the dessert perfectly intact.

“We've received many phone calls from bakers crying tears of joy because they were able to reopen their wedding cake businesses or grow their businesses because they no longer had any fear of delivery,” says Chapin, who eventually scaled back her own bakery to focus on CakeSafe.

Stevie Award Is Icing on the Cake

Since starting the business nearly a decade ago, Scott hasn’t stopped innovating. The company now offers CakeSafe in a variety of sizes; a safe for cupcakes; spray booths for airbrushing desserts; and a host of other baking implements.

“Scott genuinely loves inventing products to help bakers and to make their lives easier,” Chapin says of her husband, who recently won a Silver Stevie® Award for Product Developer of the Year in The 2018 American Business Awards® . “He never turns down a custom order and is constantly inventing new product lines.”

The company’s reputation within the industry belies its small staff, which only recently moved out of the Chapins’ home into a separate location.

“Whenever customers call the office and Scott or I pick up the phone, they tend to clam up,” she says. “They might say, ‘I never expected to get to talk to you. I'm talking to a celebrity!’ Little do they know, we are only a team of six.”

To this day, the company handcrafts all CakeSafe products, but it’s all a labor of love.

“All the employees have such a passion for their jobs,” she notes. “Scott is a big reason for that.”

It’s gratifying, Chapin notes, for her spouse—and the business he started—to get the extra attention.

“Scott is a brilliant and caring man who deserves to be recognized for his outstanding achievements in the bakery product field,” she says proudly. “Winning a Stevie further legitimizes the company so customers can rest assured their products are coming from a reputable source.”

Topics: American business awards, new product awards, best new products

The Stevie Awards Issues Call for Entries in 15th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Jul 09, 2018 @ 09:30 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has issued the call for entries for its 2018 (15th annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at

The awards are produced by the creators of the prestigious American Business Awards® and International Business Awards®.

Women in Biz 18 3The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor the achievements of working women in more than 90 categories, including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Mentor or Coach of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Achievement in Equal Pay, Women Helping Women, Employee of the Year, Woman-Owned or -Run Company of the Year and Innovator of the Year. All female entrepreneurs, executives, employees and the organizations they run, worldwide, are eligible to be nominated.

The final entry deadline is August 22, but late entries will be accepted through September 28 with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced on October 4, and the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie winners will be revealed at a gala awards dinner at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel in New York on November 16, 2018.    

Most categories require the payment of an entry fee for the submission of a nomination, but several categories require no fee, including most of those honoring women in the non-profit and governmental sectors, Female Employee of the Year and the Startup of the Year categories.

Marty Stanley, President of Dynamic Dialog and a 2017 Silver Stevie winner, said of her win: “Winning a Stevie Award is really fabulous because 18 years ago I left the corporate world to start out on my own, and I wanted to start coaching. People would ask me “Can you really make a living doing that?” so receiving the Stevie Award for Executive Coaching and Coach of the Year is testament to my personal success. The Stevie Awards raise the bar for every industry so women can keep making a difference in all organizations.”

Other winners of the 2017 Stevie Awards for Women in Business included, among others: 

  • Amy Tiller, Co-Founder and President of Growth, Inspired Results, Portland OR, USA
  • Inga Hlin Palsdottir, Director of Visit Iceland and Creative industries, Promote Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Marsha Couch, CFO, Creating Lodging Solutions, Lexington KY, USA
  • Kerry Small, Head of Customer Service Operations, Vodafone PLC Group Enterprise, Newbury, United Kingdom
  • June Howards, SVP Financial Services and Chief Accounting Officer, Aflac, Columbus, GA USA
  • Galileo Research and Strategy Consultancy, New York, NY USA
  • Simple Mills, Chicago, IL USA
  • Tavuu Welfare Associate, Karachi, Pakistan
  • She Prosperity, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Sari Bari Private Limited, Kolkata, India
  • Microsoft, Redmond, WA USA
  • Travelzoo, New York, NY USA

The 2017 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflected a diverse group of large and small organizations around the globe. The 2018 Stevie Awards for Women in Business will be judged by more than 200 leading professionals around the world, and nominees will have access to all of the judges’ comments and suggestions about their nominations: an invaluable resource.

Topics: marketing awards, stevie awards for women in business, Female Entrepreneur of the Year, female entrepreneurs, women entrepreneur awards, women helping women