2022 (제9회) 아시아-태평양 스티비®상 출품작 모집

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 02, 2021 @ 02:15 AM

스티비 어워즈는 아시아-태평양 전 지역에 걸쳐 비즈니스계의 '혁신'을 시상하는 유일한 비즈니스 대상 프로그램, 2022 (제9회 연례) 아시아-태평양 스티비상(9th Annual Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards)의 출품작 모집을 발표했다.


출품료가 할인되는 조기출품 마감일은 11월 23일이다. 일반 마감일은 1월 19일이며, 이 때 이후에는 3월 2일까지 지체료와 함께 출품작을 제출할 수 있다. 출품 관련 상세 정보는 웹사이트(http://Asia.StevieAwards.com)에서 볼 수 있다.

아시아-태평양 스티비상은 대규모와 소규모, 영리와 비영리, 공공과 민간에 상관 없이, 아태지역 29개국에 있는 모든 조직들에 열려 있다.

이 상은 어떤 일터에서 성취되었든, 모든 형태의 혁신을 시상하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 출품작들은 8개의 언어(한국어, 말레이어, 영어, 인도네시아어, 일본어, 중국어, 태국어, 베트남어)로 출품할 수 있으며, 출품이 가능한 카테고리에는 경영 부문, 고객 서비스 부문, 기술 부문, 기업/조직 부문, 기업 커뮤니케이션 & PR 부문, 마케팅 부문, 비디오 부문, 성취 부문, 신제품 부문, HR 부문, 웹사이트 부문, 이벤트 부문, 출판물 부문, 코로나19대응 부문 등이 있다.

2022년 새 카테고리는, 2019년 7월 1일 이후의 소셜미디어 콘텐츠 생성, 조정, 관리 및 마케팅의 혁신을 인정하는 소셜 미디어 부문이다.

아태 전 지역의 수많은 전문가들이 심사 과정에 참가해 수상자들을 결정하는데, 결과는 4월 17일에 발표되며, 수상자들은 2022년 5월 27일 시상식에서 축하 받게 된다. 코로나 19 때문에 시상연회를 개최하기 못할 경우, 대신 온라인 시상식으로 진행된다.

지난 5년간 아시아-태평양 스티비상을 수상한 아태 지역 최고의 혁신 조직들에는 구글(Google), 그레이트이글홀딩스(Great Eagle Holdings), 글로브 텔레콤(Globe Telecom), DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, 비에텔(Viettel), 시스코 시스템즈(Cisco Systems), 싱가포르 전력(Singapore Power), ABS-CBN Corporation, MSL그룹 중국(MSLGROUP China), 아이비엠(IBM), 에스엠 수퍼몰(SM Supermalls), 에이치엘씨그룹(HLC Group), HP Inc., 우레두(Ooredoo), 이벤츠에어(EventsAIR), KEB 하나은행, KEPCO, KT, 타타 컨설턴시 서비스(Tata Consultancy Services), 텔콤 인도네시아(Telkom Indonesia), 페트로키미아 그레시크(PT Petrokimia Gresik), 프리랜서닷컴(Freelancer.com), 한국전력공사, 홍콩관광청(Hong Kong Tourism Board) 등이 있다.

스티비상 트로피는 애미상을 비롯 여러 국제적인 비즈니스 상의 트로피를 제작한 곳에서 만든 것으로 세계에서 가장 갖고 싶어하는 상 중의 하나이다. 상명인 스티비(Stevie)는 그리스어로 ‘왕관(Crowned)’을 의미한다.

스티비 어워즈에 대하여

스티비 어워즈는 아시아-태평양 스티비상(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards), 국제 비즈니스 대상(The International Business Awards®), 여성 기업인 스티비 대상(Stevie Awards for Women in Business), 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비 대상(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service), 미국 비즈니스 대상(The American Business Awards®), 독일 스티비상(German Stevie Awards), 위대한회사 스티비상(Stevie Awards for Great Employers), 그리고 중동 및 북아프리카 스티비상(Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards)의 8개 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 스티비상에는 매년 70여 국가에서 1만 2천 이상의 조직이 출품한다. 모든 형태와 규모의 조직 및 그 조직을 이끄는 사람들의 명예를 기리는 스티비 어워즈는 전세계 기업들이 창출해낸 뛰어난 성과들을 인정하는 일을 하고 있다. 스티비상에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.StevieAwards.com에서 볼 수 있다.

- Stevie®, American Business Awards®, International Business Awards®는 스티비 어워즈( Stevie Awards, Inc)의 등록된 트레이드마크입니다.

- adobo magazine과 PR Newswire Asia는 2022 아시아-태평양 스티비상의 공식 파트너사입니다.


Topics: The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, 아태스티비상


Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 02, 2021 @ 02:00 AM











2022年的新类别组是表彰自201971日起在社交媒体内容创建和审核、管理和营销方面的创新的社交媒体类别。亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖得主于2022 年4月17日公布,获奖者由来自整个亚太地区的专业人士一同评审选出。获奖者将在2022527日的颁奖典礼上接受祝贺。如果因新冠肺炎疫情而无法举行颁奖宴会,则将以线上颁奖的方式进行。



在过去的5年间,ABS-CBN CorporationCisco SystemsDHL Asia Pacific Shared ServicesEventsAIRFreelancer.comGoogleGreat Eagle HoldingsGlobe TelecomHLC GroupHong Kong Tourism BoardHP Inc.IBMKEB HANA BankKEPCOKTMSLGROUP ChinaOoredooPT Petrokimia GresikSingapore PowerSM SupermallsTata Consultancy ServicesTelkom IndonesiaVNPT Vinaphone CorporationViettel等亚太地区最具创新性的组织获得了亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖。史蒂夫奖的奖杯由制作艾美奖和其他国际知名奖项的公司负责制作,是世界上最受认可得儿商业的奖项之一。「Stevie史蒂夫」的名字取自「Stephen斯蒂芬」, 派生于希腊语「加冕」一词。



史蒂夫®奖共有八大奖项,包括亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖(The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)德国史蒂夫奖(The German Stevie Awards)美国商业奖(The American Business Awards®)、国际商业奖(The International Business Awards®)、史蒂夫女性企业家奖(The Stevie Awards for Women in Business)史蒂夫优秀雇主奖(The Stevie Awards for Great Employers) 、以及史蒂夫销售与客户服务奖(The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service)以及新设的中东和北非史蒂夫奖(The Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards)。


进一步了解史蒂夫奖,请点击 www.StevieAwards.com


- Stevie®, American Business Awards®, International Business Awards®是史蒂夫大奖(Stevie Awards, Inc)的注册商标。

- adobo magazine和PR Newswire Asia是2022亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖的正式合作伙伴。


Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖

การเปิดรับสมัครประกวดรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค ครั้งที่ 9

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 02, 2021 @ 01:30 AM

รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดได้มีการเปิดรับสมัครรางวัลในสาขารางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค ปี 2022 (ครั้งที่ 9) เป็นโปรแกรมจัดประกวดรางวัลสำหรับนวัตกรรมเกี่ยวกับธุรกิจในแถบภาคพื้นเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค


วันสุดท้ายของการรับสมัครรอบแรกคือวันที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน 2021 และวันสุดท้ายของการสมัครรอบสุดท้ายคือวันที่ 19 มกราคม 2022 เราอนุญาตให้มียื่นสมัครล่าช้าได้ไม่เกินวันที่ 2 มีนาคม แต่ต้องเสียค่าธรรมเนียมกรณีการสมัครล่าช้าด้วย ท่านสามารถตรวจสอบข้อมูลทั้งหมดได้ที่เวปไซต์ http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.

สำหรับประเทศที่สามารถเข้าร่วมการประกวดรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดภาคพื้นเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคมีทั้งสิ้น 29 ประเทศ ทั้งเล็กและใหญ่ สำหรับองค์กรแสวงหาและไม่แสวงหาผลกำไร, องค์กรรัฐและเอกชน

การประกวดรางวัลนี้จะมุ่งไปที่รูปแบบนวัติกรรมทั้งหมด และเป็นนวัตกรรมที่ประสบความความสำเร็จในสถานปฏิบัติงาน การรับสมัครสามารถที่จะสมัครเป็นภาษาต่างๆได้ทั้งสิ้น 8 ภาษา ดังต่อไปนี้ จีน, อังกฤษ, อินโดนีเซีย,ญี่ปุ่น, เกาหลี, มาเลเซีย, ไทย และเวียดนาม โดยรางวัลจะแยกเป็นสาขาดังนี้


หมวดหมู่ใหม่สำหรับปี 2022 จะยอมรับนวัตกรรมเกี่ยวกับโซเชียลมีเดียในการสร้างคอนเทนต์ รวมถึงการกลั่นกรอง การจัดการและการตลาด ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 กรกฎาคม 2019

จะมีการประกาศผู้ชนะรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคในวันที่ 17 เมษายน ผู้ชนะจะได้รับการเลี้ยงฉลองและแสดงรางวัล ในงานเลี้ยงฉลองประกาศรางวัล ในวันที่ 27 พฤษภาคม แต่เนื่องจากสถานการณ์ Covid -19 จึงไม่สามารถจัดงานเลี้ยงฉลองได้ จึงจะจัดเป็นแบบงานเลี้ยงประกาศรางวัลเสมือนจริงแทน


องค์กรในภูมิภาคเอเชีย-แปซิฟิคที่เป็นผู้ได้รับรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเมื่อ 5 ปีที่แล้ว มีดังนี้ ABS-CBN Corporation, ซิสโก้ ซิสเต็ม (Cisco Systems), DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, บริษัทอีเวนส์แอร์ (EventsAIR), ฟรีแลนเซอร์ดอทคอม (Freelancer.com), กูเกิ้ล (Google), เกรทอีเกิ้ลโฮลดิ้งส์ (Great Eagle Holdings), โกล๊บเทเลคอม (Globe Telecom), เอชแอลซีกรุ๊ป (HLC Group), Hong Kong Tourism Board, การท่องเที่ยวฮ่องกง, เอชพี (HP Inc.), ธนาคาร KEB HANA, เคปโค (KEPCO), เคที (KT), เอ็มเอสแอลกรุ๊ปไชน่า (MSLGROUP China), อูเรดู (Ooredoo), พีทีเพโทกีเมีย เกรซิก (PT Petrokimia Gresik), สิงค์โปร์พาวเวอร์ (Singapore Power), เอสเอ็มซุปเปอร์มอล (SM Supermalls), Tata Consultancy Services, เทลคอม อินโดนีเซีย (Telkom Indonesia), กลุ่มVNPT วีนาโฟน, เวียทเทล (Viettel), ฯลฯ

ถ้วยรางวัลสตีวีอวร์ดได้จัดทำขึ้นโดยบริษัทที่ผลิตรางวัลให้กับรางวัลเอมมี่(Emmy) และรางวัลระดับนานาชาติอื่นๆ และถือเป็นหนึ่งในรางวัลที่มีผู้ที่ปราถนาจะได้รับมากที่สุดรางวัลหนึ่งของโลก ชื่อสตีวีมาจากคำว่าสตีเวนในภาษากรีกที่แปลว่า “การสวมมงกุฎ”

รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดแยกเป็น 8 สาขาคือ รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค, รางวัลเยอรมันสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดตะวันออกกลางและแอฟริกาเหนืออเมริกันสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลธุรกิจอเมริกา , รางวัลธุรกิจนานาชาติ , รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับสตรีในวงการธุรกิจ, สตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับนายจ้างดีเด่นและรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดสำหรับการขายและการบริการลูกค้าดีเด่น โดยในแต่ละปีจะมีผู้สนใจเข้าร่วมประกวดรางวัลรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดมากกว่า 12,000 ท่านจากทั่วทุกองค์กรใน 70 กว่าประเทศ รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดยอมรับในศักยภาพอันโดดเด่นจากการทำงานในสถานปฏิบัติงานทั่วโลก ไม่ว่าในองค์กรเล็กหรือใหญ่ รวมไปถึงบุคคลผู้สนับสนุนอยู่เบื้องหลัง ท่านสามารถดูข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดได้เพิ่มเติมที่เวปไซต์ www.StevieAwards.com.

-Stevie® American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® เป็นเครื่องหมายการค้าที่ถูกจดทะเบียนไว้แล้วของรางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ด Stevie Awards, Inc.

-นิตยสาร adobo และ PR Newswire Asia เป็นผู้สนับสนุนและพาร์ทเนอร์ของรางวัลเอเชีย-แปซิฟิก สตีวีอวอร์ด

Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ด, รางวัลสตีวีอวอร์ดเอเชีย-แปซิฟิค


Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 02, 2021 @ 01:15 AM

アジア太平洋全地域のビジネス界の 「革新」を表彰する唯一のビジネス賞

「The Stevie Awards」はアジア太平洋全地域のビジネス界の 「革新」を表彰する唯一のビジネス賞である2022年(第9回)スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞のエントリー受付の開始を発表しました。









過去5年間にスティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞を受賞したアジア太平洋地域最高の革新的な企業と組織は、ABS-CBN Corporation、シスコシステムズ(Cisco Systems)、DHL Asia Pacific Shared ServicesEventsAIR、フリーランサードットコム(Freelancer.com)、グーグル(Google)、グレート・イーグル・ホールディングス(Great Eagle Holdings)、グローブ・テレコム(Globe Telecom)、HLCグループ(HLC Group)、香港政府観光局(Hong Kong Tourism Board)HP、KEB HANA銀行、KEPCO、KT、MSLグループ中国(MSLGROUP China)、オーレドー(Ooredoo)、ペトロキミアグレシック(PT Petrokimia Gresik)、シンガポール・パワー(Singapore Power)SMスーパーモール(SM Supermalls)、Tata Consultancy Services、テルコム・インドネシア(Telkom Indonesia)VNPT VinaphoneViettelなどです。



スティ賞は、スティー・アジアパシフィック賞(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)際ビジネス(The International Business Awards®)、スティ女性賞(Stevie Awards for Women in Business)、スティー・ルス&カスタマビス賞(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service)、アメリカンビジネス賞(The American Business Awards®)、スティー・ドイツ賞(German Stevie Awards)、優秀な経営者のためのスティ(Stevie Awards for Great Employers) スティービー中東・北アフリカ賞 (The Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards)の8つのプログラムを運していますスティービー賞には毎年70を超える国から12,000以上の組織がエントリーしています。あらゆる形態や規模の組織とその組織をリードする人々を称えるスティービー賞は、世界中の企業の優れた業績を表彰しています。スティービー賞の詳細については www.StevieAwards.comをご覧ください。

- Stevie®、American Business Awards®、International Business Awards®は、スティービーアワード(Stevie Awards, Inc)の登録されたトレードマークである。

- 2022スティー・アジアパシフィック賞のスポンサーおよびパートナーには、adobo magazineやPR Newswire Asiaが含まれます。

Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞, スティービー賞

Penerimaan Entri Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik Tahunan ke-9

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 02, 2021 @ 12:15 AM

Satu-satunya penghargaan bisnis yang mengakui inovasi dalam bisnis di seluruh wilayah

Stevie® Awards adalah satu-satunya program penghargaan inovasi bisnis di semua wilayah Asia-Pasifik, telah mengumumkan penerimaan entri untuk Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik Tahun 2022 (tahunan ke-9).


Batas akhir entri awal, dengan potongan biaya entri, adalah 23 November 2021. Batas akhir final entri adalah 19 Januari 2022, tentapi entri yang terlambat dapat diterima sampai dengan 2 March dengan dikenakan biaya keterlambatan. Informasi lengkap terkait entri dapat dilihat di http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.

Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik terbuka untuk semua organisasi/perusahaan di 29 negara kawasan Asia-Pasifik, besar atau kecil, laba atau nirlaba, publik atau swasta.

Penghargaan ini berfokus pada inovasi dalam segala bentuknya, tidak peduli dimanapun tempat kerjanya. Entri dapat disampaikan dalam 8 bahasa-China, Inggris, Indonesia, Jepang, Korea, Melayu, Thailand dan Vietnam - dalam kategori berikut:

…dan banyak lagi

Kelompok kategori baru untuk tahun 2022 akan menghargai inovasi Media Sosial dalam pembuatan dan moderasi konten, manajemen dan pemasaran sejak 1 Juli 2019.

Para pemenang Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik akan diumumkan pada tanggal 17 April. Para pemenang akan dirayakan dan dipergelarkan kemenangannya selama jamuan penghargaan pada tanggal 27 Mei. Dalam acara tersebut, bila tidak dapat diadakan perjamuan dikarenakan COVID-19, akan diadakan seremoni penghargaan virtual sebagai gantinya.

Sejumlah profesional dari seluruh wilayah akan berpartisipasi dalam proses penjurian untuk menentukan para pemenang Stevie.

Beberapa organisasi/perusahaan dengan inovasi terbaik di kawasan Asia-Pasifik yang telah menerima Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards selama lima tahun terakhir ini adalah termasuk ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, DHL Asia Pacific Shared Services, EventsAIR, Freelancer.com, Google, Great Eagle Holdings, Globe Telecom, HLC Group, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HP Inc., IBM, KEB HANA Bank, KEPCO, KT, MSLGROUP China, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Singapore Power, SM Supermalls, Tata Consultancy Services, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, dan banyak lagi.

Piala Stevie Award, yang dibuat ditempat dimana Penghargaan Emmy dan penghargaan internasional lainnya juga dibuat, adalah salah satu piala yang paling didambakan. Nama Stevie diambil dari nama Stephen, yang diambil dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti 'dinobatkan'.

About the Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards diberikan untuk delapan program: Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik, Penghargaan Stevie Jerman, Penghargaan Stevie Timur Tengah & Afrika Utara, Penghargaan Bisnis Amerika, Penghargaan Bisnis Internasional, Penghargaan Stevie untuk Para Perempuan dalam Bisnis, Penghargaan Stevie untak Para Majikan Hebat dan Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan. Kompetisi Stevie Awards menerima lebih dari 12,000 nominasi setiap tahun dari organisasi/perusahaan di lebih dari 70 negara. Menghargai semua jenis dan ukuran organisasi/perusahaan serta orang-orang dibaliknya, Stevies mengakui kinerja luar biasa di tempat kerja di seluruh dunia. Perihal lebih detail tentang Stevie Awards dapat dilihat di www.StevieAwards.com.

- Stevie®, American Business Awards® dan International Business Awards® adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari Stevie Awards, Inc.

- Sponsor dan mitra dari Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik tahun 2022 termasuk majalah adobo dan PR Newswire Asia. 

Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Penghargaan Stevie Asia-Pasifik, Penghargaan Stevie

How to Successfully Manage a Hybrid Workforce

Posted by Severine Hierso on Wed, Jul 14, 2021 @ 11:14 AM

It’s been a year of extremes. Trading bustling office spaces for home offices, colleagues for cats and children, and entering into the world of online meeting spaces, managing your workforce has most likely had some changes. Some of these look likely to stick around, challenging and reshaping how we view work and productivity, requiring new, imaginative ways of managing your team. The current buzzwords are ‘hybrid working’, but what exactly is hybrid working and how can you manage it successfully?

What is hybrid working?

A hybrid is a mix of two different things – in this case, the mix of in-office working and online remote working. This has benefits as well as challenges, so it is worth spending some time preparing and setting structures in place to accommodate for it. This might be a daunting undertaking, but we’re here to make sure your hybrid workforce runs as smoothly as possible.




You might have already started running through all the difficulties facing a hybrid workforce and absolutely, there will be challenges. However, by acknowledging them early on, you can strengthen your hybrid workforce, anticipating and avoiding issues later on. Some challenges to be aware of upfront might be:

  • Difficulty collaborating across the workforce
  • Suitability of different work environments to different people
  • Avoiding prejudice or assumptions about either workplace
  • Ensuring security and privacy online
  • Flexibility required


However, just because hybrid working faces some challenges, doesn’t mean it is without its benefits. These can add to your company’s appeal as an employer, whilst boosting the morale and loyalty within current employees. Depending on your company and the people you work with, the benefits can outweigh the challenges. These include:

  • Wider inclusivity and diversity of employees, particularly those with disabilities, chronic illness and other circumstances that make commuting difficult
  • Larger hiring area 
  • Reduced costs on office spaces
  • Greater flexibility in working hours
  • Workplaces more suited to employees 

What are you waiting for? Turn your team into a successful hybrid workforce quickly and easily with our guidance.

Key ways to manage hybrid workforces

Check-in with the individuals

A company is nothing without the employees, whatever role they take. So, the better you look after your employees, the more productive your company. This can be through one-to-ones or team meetings, any way to gauge how they are doing. Making use of the best RPA tools when scheduling check-ins can save time and ensure this is an automatic part of your week.

For hybrid workforces, communication between you and your team needs to be taken to the next level. Don’t assume that because someone has been working from home for the past year, that is their preference. Likewise, members of the team who have been in the offices may not thrive in that environment constantly. Having conversations clears up ambiguity and prevents issues from arising.


Make sure everyone is fully equipped

Not everyone in your workforce will have the same access to the equipment they need to work their best. While in office spaces, it is apparent if someone requires additional equipment to improve their workspace and they can easily join an IT helpdesk ticketing system when facing technical issues. This can be challenging when managing a hybrid workforce.

One way to check everyone is properly equipped is by listing the resources, equipment and technologies that would be available to them in the office. This includes laptops, second screens, and extends to less obvious things, like paper to print on, high internet speeds and a technical support team on call. Using this list, discuss with your employees what they need, and how the company can provide additional support for those both in the offices and working remotely.

Look for signs of burnout

This year has taken its toll on all of us, and your workers may be in different circumstances to where they were a year ago, six months ago, or even last month. Happy and healthy employees are more productive, creative and innovative, so it is worth watching over your team and finding ways to help them. Encouraging the whole team to do this for one another starts building community and can be more perceptive to individuals.

Working remotely doesn’t eliminate burnout, and can often be just as stressful as working in an office. The concerns of each person might differ, but they should be taken just as seriously. Showing a real interest in your team member’s well-being is a great quality in a manager and can provide early solutions to issues before they become problematic.


Create a regular team schedule

With a hybrid workforce, it can be hard to keep track of everyone and where they are at. Private cloud computing can help to some extent, but ensuring regular meetings as a whole team and in smaller task forces can help with organization and keeping tabs on everyone. This is key for clear and consistent communication across the office and remote workers.

Having a team schedule also gives advanced warning to workers regarding when they are needed in calls – perfect for those factoring in school runs, doctors visits, or additional demands on their time. This may apply to workers both remote and in-office, improving the working experience for the whole team.

Share resources

Having a shared drive and applications for instant messaging helps to accelerate projects and communication, especially between those in office and remote. Although emails are still necessary, they take longer to receive responses from and are not always suitable for sending files. By sharing resources and documents instantly, there is no delay between employees working together, regardless of their proximity to each other.

This is useful when searching for documents, not knowing who created or had them saved. Rather than asking everyone to look, anyone within the team can access the shared drive and find past documents without hassle. Using voice recognition software can further speed up this process, using AI to search through shared drives.


Work hard, play hard

This year has been tough on everyone and adapting to hybrid working can put a strain on some. Take time as a team to have fun together, both remote and office workers. Use one of the myriads of online team-building exercises, have designated coffee breaks including remote workers, or find events where the whole team would be comfortable getting involved.

Having a strong team relies on the relationships between team members. So, although these activities might not seem directly productive, they can diminish division between office and remote workers, building up community spirit within your workforce.

Be flexible

Hybrid working gives employees additional flexibility to improve their work/life balance. Whether in flexible working hours, part or full-time remote working, or flexibility to take your dog to the vet, this improves the wellbeing of employees and gives them ownership over their work. 

Although you might anticipate needing flexibility with remote workers, it is equally needed for those returning to offices, or who never left. Being aware of this can prevent assumptions of what office working or remote working is, and allows each individual to have the same opportunities available.


Prepare for change

We have adapted to a lot of change recently, becoming familiar with new rules and regulations and managing our teams through very different methods. This should act as a reminder to prepare for change and things not playing out how you anticipate. This could extend to the purposes of offices and meeting rooms changing, as well as ensuring you have business continuity planning software and procedures in place.

Be aware that the needs and preferences of your workforce might also change. Working remotely might be ideal for a parent during the school term, but during holidays working in the office may be better. Similarly, keen office workers might find themselves needing to work remotely while looking after vulnerable family members. Being open and ready for change makes conversations with employees around changing their work environment a lot easier, ensuring they can always work in a place suited to them.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as it works

Hybrid workforces are a new and constantly improving aspect of companies, meaning there is no one way to perfectly manage your new hybrid team. What works for you depends on your workforce and the individuals within it. There are plenty of new developments to share the workload across your team, from dialler software, to synchronized calendars. In testing the ropes, mistakes and difficulties will happen, but don’t let this put you off. You’re in good company with many other businesses also making the move to hybrid working. 

RingCentral won the Award for Innovation in Human Resources in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

Severine Hierso

Severine Hierso is EMEA Senior Product Marketing Manager for RingCentral Office, the leader in cloud communications solutions and ACD systems. She is passionate about creating value, differentiation and messaging, ensuring a better experience for customers and partners.

She has gained extensive international Product Marketing, Market Research, Sales Enablement and Business development experience across SaaS, Telecommunications, Video Conferencing and Technology sectors
within companies such as Sony, Cisco, Cogeco Peer 1 and Dimension Data/NTT.

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Grand Stevie Winners Announced In 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Jun 07, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, announced the winners of six Grand Stevie Award trophies in its eighth annual Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are the only awards to recognize innovation in the workplace throughout the entire 29-nation Asia-Pacific region. All organizations in the region are eligible to submit nominations to the competition.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in the various categories were announced on 5 May. Those awards were determined by the average scores of more than 100 executives worldwide acting as judges in March and April. Winners will be celebrated during a virtual awards ceremony on Wednesday, 14 July at 2:00 pm KST. Tickets for the event are now on sale.

APSA Grand Winners

The 2021 Grand Stevie® Award for Most Honored Organization of the Year goes to Telkom Indonesia, with 89 award points. This is the sixth time Telkom Indonesia has earned a Grand Stevie Award in the Asia-Pacific Stevies.  This award could not be applied for directly. The award is determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the competition, with a Gold Stevie win counting for 3 points, a Silver Stevie for 2 points, and a Bronze Stevie counting for 1.5.

Grand Stevie Awards are also presented to the highest-scoring nomination from each of the four nations that submitted the most nominations to the competition:

Australia: The nomination of VivoPower International PLC’s organizational turnaround by Arowana (North Sydney), which won a Gold Stevie for Innovative Achievement in Organization Recovery.

China: The nomination by CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited, Hong Kong, of AR Remote Hand - an AR-based operations and maintenance solution to transform customer experience. The nomination won a Gold Stevie Award for Innovation in Technology Development.

Indonesia:  Telkom Indonesia’s nomination of their collaboration with other state-owned companies on the National Vaccine Distribution System (NVDS), winner of a Gold Stevie Award for Most Valuable Service During COVID-19.

Philippines: There is a tie for the highest-scoring nomination from the Philippines, which is second only to China in the number of nominations submitted. Both of the following nominations will receive Grand Stevie Awards:

  • Prime Metro BMD Corporation(Pasay City), winner of a Gold Stevie Award for Most Valuable Corporate Response During COVID-19, for their role in the rapid construction of medical facilities at the outset of the pandemic.
  • SM Supermalls / SM City Clark(Angeles City), for their release of SM Buddy, a virtual shopping assistant developed during the pandemic, which tied Prime Metro BMD’s nomination for the Gold Stevie for Most Valuable Corporate Response During COVID-19.

The 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards have recognized organizations in 20 nations including Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China including Hong Kong and Macao, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam. More than 900 nominations about innovative achievements in the 29-nation of the APAC region were considered by the judges this year.

“So many of the nominations we received this year address how organizations and people have met the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, so it makes sense that a majority of our 2021 Grand Stevie Awards will go to nominations that recognize those efforts,” said Maggie Gallagher, President of the Stevie Awards. “We commend all of this year’s Stevie Award winners for their achievements, and we look forward to celebrating them on 14 July.”

Details about the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and the 14 July awards ceremony, and the list of Stevie Award winners, are available at http://Asia.Stevieawards.com.

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Winners in 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, May 12, 2021 @ 02:00 AM

Winners in the eighth annual Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards, the only awards program to recognize innovation in business throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region, have been announced. The list of Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners is available at http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.

The Stevie Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards, conferring recognition for achievement in the workplace over the past 19 years in programs such as The International Business Awards® and The American Business Awards®. The name Stevie is derived from the Greek word for “crowned.”

The 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards have recognized organizations in 20 nations including Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China including Hong Kong and Macao, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam. More than 900 nominations about innovative achievements in the 29-nation APAC region were considered by the judges this year in categories such as Award for Excellence in Innovation in Products & Services, Award for Innovative Management, and Award for Innovation in Corporate Websites, among many others.

APSA winners 2021 3

Among the top overall winners are Telkom Indonesia (Indonesia) with 15 Gold, 16 Silver, and eight Bronze Stevie Awards, and Tata Consultancy Services (India) with five Gold and one Silver Stevie wins.

Winners of two or more Gold Stevie Awards include Arowana (Australia), Brand Head (Beijing) Consulting Limited Liability Company (China), Cisco Systems (India), Cisco Systems Singapore (Singapore), Elegant Media (Australia), Freelancer.com (Australia), George P Johnson China (China), HYYH - EQUO International (Vietnam), KT (South Korea), Lead8 (Hong Kong, China), Link Asset Management Limited (Hong Kong, China), NESTLÉ India (India), OCBC NISP (Indonesia), Presidential Communications Operations Office (Philippines), Purifas™ (Australia), Sino Group (Hong Kong, China), SM Supermalls (Philippines), STEM Punks (Australia), TTEC Holdings, Inc. (USA), USANA Health Sciences (USA), vivo Philippines (Philippines), VNPT VinaPhone (Vietnam), Wolters Kluwer CCH (Australia), and Yiyang Communications (China).

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners were determined by the average scores of more than 100 executives around the world acting as judges in March and April.

“The eighth edition of the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards attracted many remarkable nominations,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher. “The organizations that won this year have demonstrated that they have continued to innovate and succeed despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and we applaud them for their perseverance and creativity. We look forward to celebrating many of this year’s winners during our virtual awards ceremony on 14 July.”

Details about the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and the 14 July awards ceremony, and the list of Stevie Award winners, are available at http://Asia.Stevieawards.com.

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Global Support for Historic Journey Across Eurasia

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Apr 27, 2021 @ 03:58 PM
  • Klareco’s blended approach to complex communication provides consistently positive media appearances 
  • Nearly 70 years after the first historic global trek, the Last Overland was successfully completed with guidance from Klareco Communications
  • Klareco’s strategies helped the Last Overland reach over 350 million people worldwide via various media outlets in 26 countries and 14 languages

About Klareco Communications

Klareco is a public relations and corporate communications agency. Their team of strategic advisors uses an integrated communications approach, blending the skillsets of a range of specialists. Their areas of expertise include corporate and financial communications, investor relations, capital market transactions, crisis, and emergency advisory and activation, regulatory and stakeholder engagement, and government communications. These specialists combine their skills to help bring clarity to complex situations. 

The Last Overland

The Last Overland is a 16,000-km journey from Singapore to London in “Oxford” the Land Rover, a re-creation of the historic First Overland expedition of 1955. One of the original team member’s grandsons, Nat George, would be flying the flag for his grandfather Tim Slessor on the journey, driving in his grandfather’s tire tracks. Klareco Communications helped to build a compelling story around the re-creation of the journey, leveraging the family’s personal experience and extraordinary determination, as well as the magnetic appeal of such a historic car. This allowed them to capture both mainstream and motoring audiences through special interest, mainstream, and social media, as well as regional, national, and global media publications. 

Members of the Klareco team provided on-the-round PR support while using the back of “Oxford”, the Land Rover, as their official office on the road through Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Myanmar. Not only was this a brilliant opportunity to be fully immersed in the experience, but it also gave the team firsthand insight into what was actually happening and how to communicate it with the right tone, messaging, and proof points. Along the way, the agency provided strategic communications advice, media relations and event support, coordination and liaison with sponsors and partners, and acted as a point of contact for Southeast Asia and international media. The support continued remotely once the Southeast Asia leg was complete and the agency team headed home. 

By the time Oxford arrived in London in mid-December 2019, the campaign had achieved unprecedented results: at least 250 pieces of coverage across more than 197 media platforms, including local news dailies, motoring publications, radio, Land Rover interest magazines, blogs, and interest group pages. Coverage included 14 languages across 26 countries and regions including Singapore, Southeast Asia, China, UK, U.S., European countries, Eastern Europe, and India, in both print and digital media. The expedition organizers estimate that the reach of this news coverage totals at least 365 million people around the world.

It is not every day that an agency has the opportunity to turn a concept into a pan-Southeast Asia campaign that captures imagination across the world. But this is exactly what Klareco did with the Last Overland. The organizers estimate a social media reach of three million and an audience of more than 350 million globally: not bad for a campaign fueled not by money, but by shared values, enthusiasm, and a spirit of adventure.

Klareco Communications won the Silver Stevie for Innovation in Public Affairs Communications in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Awards®. 

Interested in entering the 2021 Asia-Pacific Awards? 

Request the entry kit

Topics: public relations award, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Global Marketing Company Teams Up with International Football Team to Score Sponsorship Goals

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Feb 17, 2021 @ 03:48 PM
  • E-commerce company capitalizes on global network of distributors to improve lives, worldwide
  • Shared skills of sports and business help distributors and customers benefit from QNET’s empowering wellness strategies
  • QNET partners with Manchester City Football Club to obtain key sponsorship and international reach

About QNET

QNET is an e-commerce direct selling company based in Hong Kong. They offer a wide range of health, wellness, beauty, and lifestyle products to customers worldwide. QNET’s platform makes it easy for customers to build a borderless business promoting their exclusive products, enhancing their lifestyles, and becoming entrepreneurs. 

Performance-Driven Partnership 

QNET’s borderless commitment extends to global communities, focusing on how best to support their needs through the works of QNET’s foundation and various sponsorship programs. QNET has elected to champion sports as a platform largely because of the commonalities between business and sports, both of which require the same qualities including teamwork, open-mindedness, coachability, drive, and hunger for success. 

There’s nothing like sports to bring people and cultures together, uniting the masses in a singular language of passion. QNET is a direct selling company that spans across regions, extends itself beyond borders, and speaks to millions of impassioned distributors from across the world in one single language of growth, success, and overcoming all existing limitations. Because of that global makeup, the company resonates profoundly with the DNA of sports, and nothing expresses this belief better than their partnership with the Manchester City Football Club (MCFC). 

QNET’s marketing strategy depends largely on their deep understanding of their audience—their global network of distributors—and matching their key message with their interests via engaging content. Video recordings with players, trophy tours, and MCFC players/representatives’ appearance at their annual global QNET convention are some of the key assets obtained, which consequently help QNET and their distributors achieve some of their key sponsorship objectives. 

Some of QNET’s key projects include: 

  • Global media presence with 30 social media channels, eight blogs in seven languages, PR interventions across the world, etc. 
  • MCFC Football and Language School in which children from developing countries participate in the opportunity of a lifetime with the chance to be chosen to undergo football and English language training in Manchester City
  • Social media competitions to maximize QNET’s reach through hundreds of thousands of fans and customers around the world
  • Viewing parties organized for leaders and distributors in select countries
  • Partnering with Furkan Yaman, Turkish soccer player, who has over three million YouTube followers

QNET won the Bronze Stevie for Innovation in Sponsorships in The 2020 Asia-Pacific Awards®. 

Interested in entering The 2021 Asia-Pacific Awards? 

Request the entry kit

Topics: sponsorship, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards