Schedule Revised for 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards

Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Feb 17, 2021 @ 07:38 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world's premier business awards programs, announced that they have revised the schedule for the 2021 (8th annual) Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The final entry deadline remains March 3, 2021. But now the judging process will extend through April 25. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced on May 3. Winners will be celebrated during a virtual awards ceremony on July 14, instead of the traditional awards banquet that had been planned for late May.


The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards is the only business awards program to recognize innovation throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. The competition is open to all organizations across 29 nations of the Asia-Pacific region: large and small, for-profit and non-profit, public and private.


The awards focus on recognizing innovation in all its forms, wherever it is achieved in the workplace. Entries are accepted in eight languages - Chinese, English, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Thai and Vietnamese - in the following category groups:

New category groups for 2021 include Achievement Categories to recognize singular, innovative achievements of various types throughout the workplace, and COVID-19 Response Categories created to honor the contributions of individuals, groups, and organizations that have worked valiantly over the past months to keep us safe, healthy, employed, and informed. 


Scores of professionals from throughout the region will participate in the judging process to determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners.

The Stevie Award trophies, made by the company that makes the Emmy and other major international awards, are among the world's most coveted prizes. The name Stevie is taken from the name Stephen, which is derived from the Greek for "crowned".

- Sponsors and partners of the 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards include adobo magazine and PR Newswire Asia.

Interested in entering the 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards?

Request the entry kit

Topics: business awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

How to Avoid And Resolve Common Customer Service Complaints

Posted by John Allen on Fri, Jan 29, 2021 @ 10:29 AM

The customer service department plays an integral role in the relationship between a brand and its customer. The customer advisor is tasked with assistance, whether that is answering a query or resolving a product complaint, requiring skill and sensitivity.

The handling of this interaction will impact the customer’s perception of the brand, yet often, organizations find poor customer service experiences affecting client retention and acquisition. Thus, it is important to cultivate customer relationships carefully.

A major way in which customer relationships are cultivated focuses on digital customer engagement: how businesses deliver customized experiences to customers, specifically. But whether your customer services are personalized or not, there are steps you can take to make the process smoother for customers and advisors.

Below are some ways to avoid and resolve common customer service complaints:

Training staff/agents

When we talk about customer satisfaction, the quality of interactions is a crucial factor.

Customer service involves a variety of emotions. Feelings of frustration or anger are particularly tricky to handle for the customer and call agent alike. Misreading a situation or failing to provide the right response can result in complaints and increased dissatisfaction levels. 

To fully solve customers’ issues, agents must be able to listen well, process complex information quickly, and exercise their critical thinking skills. Creativity and resourcefulness also play a part in problem resolution. 

Whilst reading emotions does require intuition, continuous training and support are imperative in call centers to ensure all agents are equipped with the right empathy skills. Training will help employees to understand the best language to use, to build up a rapport, and to best remedy upset customers. 

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Holding regular workshops further encourages collaboration and communication within the workforce, helping to create a positive environment where employees feel supported to share tips and past experiences. 

Happier employees will result in happier customers and vice versa. An engaged workforce is truly a reflection of the customer journey.

Additionally, it would be a big help for your agents if you can build a knowledge base that contains all the information they could need, be it about your products, services, or processes. This database should be accessible to all frontline call center reps, to easily provide the answers a customer may be looking for.

Training staff in project management apps such as the power dialer maximizes agent productivity and minimizes worries of idle time. 

Customer self-services 

More and more consumers now prefer to look for solutions to their issues on their own.

When customers need answers to quick questions, human intervention may actually be unnecessary. In these instances, self-service options are best. Hence, it is important to provide them with an online platform equipped with information resources such as FAQ pages, product manuals, how-to videos, and IVR menus. This way, you widen your customers’ options for resolving the issues they encounter.

With this option, you can also include short surveys for the customers so as to get their feedback on which areas to improve your services.

Anyone conducting a web search about you should be able to find the answers they’re looking for, but make sure to connect them to a customer care platform just in case.

Improved FCR rate

Spending hours on hold waiting to speak to an advisor has become a hallmark for the negative customer service experience.

Customers naturally like their issues resolved quickly. They are satisfied when their questions are sufficiently answered or issues promptly resolved on the first call. Happy customers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand, a factor that drives future purchases.

                            Source: Pixabay

First contact resolution (FCR) is a metric that is dangerous to ignore as it is a critical determinant of customer satisfaction in call centers. It is vital for the success of your call center.

By analyzing your call traffic, you can gain valuable insight into the volume of callers and peak call times, helping contact centers to timetable the right number of staff to deal with customers.

A smart IVR system makes the keypad selection process easier so that the caller can be quickly connected with the most suitable agent. This can also be programmed with automated messages so that customers receive a response whenever they call. Equally, an intuitive automatic call distributor (ACD) will make sure that incoming calls are sorted appropriately amongst the call agents.

Make use of your CRM tool 

One of the top complaints customers often cite is having to repeat their personal details multiple times and to different agents. 

By analyzing previous transactions that your contact center has handled, you can spot recurring patterns or trends among customer complaints. This lets you predict the problems that may emerge, letting you strategize beforehand on how to tackle them. 

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For this, you need to use your customer related management, or CRM software, that keeps customer information updated in real-time. This way, agents from different departments can add notes that will help the next employee serve the customer.

Collating the information will also equip your call agents with vital customer context so they can have more productive interactions, all whilst using inventory management software.

Provide omnichannel support

An omnichannel strategy is an approach stemming from the spread of various web-enabled devices. With many gadgets finding their way into the mainstream market, there are massive changes in people’s expectations when it comes to customer service. 

In this age, the brands that succeed are those that can leverage multiple customer touchpointssocial media, onboarding emails, live chat, and phone, without compromising speed and efficiency.

By deploying this digital customer support strategy, you get to catch more requests or queries. It empowers consumers with the ability to interact seamlessly with brands across multiple channels, enhancing customer experience competencies

Omnichannel customer service is fantastic for giving customers greater flexibility, with live chat and messaging services allowing customers to ask for advice at any time and on any platform. 

Maintain your voice channel

Voice interaction is still a must-have in customer service to ensure each individual has an enjoyable customer experience.

Customers still want the option to communicate with a human agent, particularly those who are trying to explain a complex query or are perhaps less familiar with digital channels. 

The voice channel conveys the customer’s tone and emotion better than a digital mode of communication hence allowing human advisors to provide more empathetic and instinctive responses.

                                  Source: Pixabay

Over time, as customers’ expectations change, the definition of customer service also evolves.

With customer service awards being held yearly, this should encourage brands to put their best foot forward.

John Allen - RingCentral US
John Allen, Director, Global SEO at RingCentral, a global UCaaS, VoIP and fax software provider. He has over 14 years of experience and an extensive background in building and optimizing digital marketing programs. He has written for websites such as Revenue River and Tapfiliate

RingCentral won a Gold Stevie Award for Award for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Planning & Practice in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

Interested in entering the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards this year?

Request the entry kit

Topics: Customer Service, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

도널드 덕의 현대적 변신

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Dec 31, 2020 @ 12:32 AM
  • 밀레니얼 세대를 대상으로 한 마케팅 이후 기하급수적 수익을 내고 있는 클래식 디즈니 캐릭터
  • 현대적이면서 몰입형의 쌍방향 체험이 가능한 도널드 덕 박물관 설계를 위해 Sage​ ​House와 디즈니 협력
  • 소셜 미디어 인플루언서와 영 어덜트의 관심을 이끌어 낼 수 있도록 유명 그래피티 아티스트가 Sage House, 디즈니와 협력


Sage House


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스티비상을 수상한 Sage House는 상하이와 홍콩에 기반을 둔 통합 마케팅 업체입니다. 이들은 디즈니의 첫 번째 중국 파트너가 되어 세계 최초의 도널드 덕 퍼펙트 뮤지엄(Donald Duck Perfect Museum) 설계를 허가 받았습니다. 디즈니차이나는 캐릭터의 성격을 이용해 소셜 미디어에서 트렌드를 형성하여 마케팅 캠페인에 호기심과 유머를 불러 일으킬 수 있는 방법에 대한 사례 연구로서 퍼펙트 뮤지엄 컨셉을 이용하였습니다.


노스텔지어 마케팅

2019년은 사랑받는 디즈니 캐릭터 도널드 덕의 탄생 85주년이었습니다. Sage House는 도널드 덕을 자기 자신의 박물관 큐레이터로 설정하여, 그가 조연으로서의 전통적인 역할을 벗어나 중앙 무대로 진출할 기회를 주었습니다. 이를 위해서는 일반적인 도널드 덕 팬과 더 젊고 수익성 있는 밀레니얼 세대 소비자 집단간의 격차를 해소해야 했습니다. 팝아트와 재미있는 대화형 마케팅 사용을 통해 고전적인 디즈니차이나에게 영 어덜트 시장에 대한 특별한 기회를 만들어 주었습니다.


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퍼펙트 뮤지엄의 세트 디자인은 25개의 상호적인 구역에 팝 아트와 몰입적 요소들을 이용하여 만들어졌습니다. 어떤 세트는 구석에 놓인 대걸레, 지저분한 페인트 자국 등을 배치하여 미완성인 것처럼 디자인 되었는데, 이는 도널드 덕의 급하고 참을성 없는 성격을 반영한 것입니다. 가장 인기있는 도널드 네온 조명 장치와 명예의 전당 장식 세트에서 많은 소셜 미디어 인플루언서들이 관심을 보였고, 여기에서 수 많은 소셜 미디어 컨텐츠와 트렌드가 형성되었습니다. 참석자들은 3D 안경을 이용하여 도널드의 헐리우드 명예의 거리를 따라 걷고 그의 발자국을 볼 수 있었습니다.


donald duck


Sage House는 노출 빈도를 늘리고 밀레니얼 세대 팬을 끌어들이기 위해, 이전에 펜디, 포르쉐, 미국 나이키와 함께 작업을 진행했던 로스앤젤레스의 그래피티 아티스트 조슈아 비데스(Joshua Vides)와 협업하였습니다. 그는 소비자 참여와 사진 촬영 기회를 위한 몰입형 체험을 제작하였으며, VIP 및 팬을 위해 한정판 아티스트 컬래버레이션 피규어를 제작하여 매출을 높였습니다.


이러한 독특한 체험을 통해 4개 쇼핑몰에서 300만명을 훨씬 웃도는 방문객을 확보하였으며, 전체 방문 유동인구 150% 및 매출 180% 증가라는 성과를 거두었습니다.


Sage House2020 아시아-태평양 스티비상에서 올해의 최고 혁신 광고 또는 마케팅 전문가 부문 스티비 은상, 브랜디드 엔터테인먼트 마케팅 혁신 부문 스티비 동상을 수상했습니다.


2021 아시아-태평양 스티비상 출품에 대해 궁금하신가요?


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Topics: The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, 아태스티비상


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Dec 31, 2020 @ 12:14 AM
  • ミレニアル世代を対象としたマーケティング以降、急激に収益を上げているクラシックなディズニーキャラクター
  • 現代的で没入型のインタラクティブな体験が可能なドナルドダック博物館設計のために、Sage Houseとディズニーが協力
  • ソーシャルメディア・インフルエンサーとヤングアダルトの関心を引き出すことができるように、有名グラフィティアーティストがSage House及びディズニーと協力


Sage House

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スティービー賞を受賞したSage House、上海と香港に拠点を置く統合マーケティング企業です。同社はディズニーの最初の中国でのパートナーとなり、世界初のドナルドダック・パーフェクトミュージアム(Donald Duck Perfect Museum)の設計を許可されました。ディズニーチャイナは、キャラクターの性格を利用してソーシャルメディアでトレンドを形成し、マーケティングキャンペーンに好奇心とユーモアを呼び起こすことができる方法に対する事例研究として、パーフェクトミュージアムのコンセプトを利用しました。




2019、愛されるディズニーキャラクターのドナルドダック誕生85周年でした。Sage Houseは、ドナルドダックを自分自身の博物館のキュレーターに設定し、助演としての伝統的な役割を抜け出して、中央舞台に進出する機会を与えました。そのためには、一般的なドナルドダックファンと、より若く収益性のあるミレニアル世代の消費者集団間のギャップを解消しなければなりません。ポップアートと楽しい対話型マーケティングを使用して、古典的なディズニーチャイナにヤングアダルト市場に対する特別な機会を作りました。


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donald duck


Sage House、露出頻度を増やして、ミレニアル世代のファンを引き込むために、以前、フェンディ、ポルシェ、米国ナイキと一緒に作業を進めた経験を持つロサンゼルスのグラフィティアーティスト ジョシュア・ビデス(Joshua Vides)とコラボレーションしました。彼は、消費者の参加と写真撮影の機会のための没入型体験を制作し、VIPとファンのために限定版アーティスト・コラボレーションフィギュアを制作して売上を伸ばしました。




Sage House2020スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞の今年最も革新的だった広告及びマーケティング専門家部門で銀賞を受賞し、ブランデッド・エンターテイメントマーケティング革新部門で銅賞を受賞しました。



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Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞, スティービー賞


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Dec 31, 2020 @ 12:00 AM
  • 以千禧年一代为对象进行营销后获得几何级数收益的经典迪士尼角色
  • Sage House与迪士尼合作设计具有现代感和沉浸式互动体验的唐老鸭博物馆
  • 著名涂鸦艺术家与Sage House、迪士尼合作,旨在引起社交媒体InfluencerYoung Audet关注

关于 Sage House

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史蒂夫奖得主Sage House 是一家总部位于上海和香港的综合营销公司,该机构是迪士尼在中国的合作伙伴,被授权设计世界上第一个唐老鸭完美博物馆。迪士尼中国利用卡通人物性格在社交媒体上形成潮流,研究在营销活动中引发好奇心和幽默的方法,并利用了完美博物馆的概念。


2019年是备受喜爱的迪士尼卡通角色唐老鸭诞生85周年。Sage House将唐老鸭概念化为自己博物馆的策展人,使它摆脱传统的配角角色,有机会登上中央舞台。为此,必须弥合普通唐老鸭粉丝和更年轻、更有收益性的千禧年一代消费者集团的差距。Sage House通过使用流行艺术和有趣的互动式营销,为经典的迪士尼中国在年轻人的市场中创造了独特的机会。


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donald duck


为了增加曝光率并吸引千禧一代的粉丝,Sage House与洛杉矶的涂鸦艺术家Joshua Vides合作,后者曾与芬迪,保时捷和耐克美国公司合作。Vides为吸引消费者的参与和提供拍照机会,创造了身临其境的体验。还为VIP和粉丝推出了限量版艺术家合作雕像,以促进销售。




Sage House 在2020年-太平洋史蒂夫®中,获得了年度最佳创新营销或广告专业人士的银奖,并获得了营销-品牌娱乐创新部门的铜奖。



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Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖

Donald Duck’s Modern Makeover

Posted by Hailey Roos on Mon, Nov 30, 2020 @ 11:32 AM
  • Classic Disney character sees exponential profits after being marketed for millennials
  • Sage House partnered with Disney to design a Donald Duck museum with a modern, immersive, interactive experience 
  • Popular graffiti artist teams up with Sage House and Disney to help attract social media influencers and young adults 

About Sage House

Stevie-winner Sage House is an integrated marketing agency based in Shanghai and Hong Kong. They became Disney’s first partner in China authorized to design the world’s first Donald Duck Perfect Museum. Disney China used the Perfect Museum concept as a case study on how to create social media buzz using a character’s personality to create curiosity and humor in marketing campaigns. 

Marketing Nostalgia

Beloved Disney character Donald Duck’s 85th anniversary was celebrated in 2019. Sage House conceptualized Donald Duck as the curator of his own museum, giving him an opportunity to be center stage and depart from his traditional role as a side character. To do this, they needed to bridge the gap between the typical Donald Duck audience and the younger, profitable millennial consumer demographic. The use of pop art and fun, interactive marketing created a distinct opportunity for classic Disney China in the young adults’ market. 

The Perfect Museum set design was created using pop art and immersive elements with 25 interactive zones. Some settings were designed to look incomplete—a mop in the corner, messy paint marks, etc.—to reflect Donald Duck’s short temper and impatient personality. One of the most popular settings featured a neon lights installation of Donald and a Hall of Fame centerpiece which attracted many social media influencers, thus generating a high amount of social media content and lots of buzz. Attendees were able to use 3D glasses to walk along Donald’s Hollywood Walk of Fame and see his footprints. 

To increase exposure and attract the millennial audience, Sage House collaborated with Los Angeles-based graffiti artist Joshua Vides, who has previously worked with Fendi, Porsche, and Nike US. Vides created an immersive experience for consumer engagements and photo opportunities. Limited edition artist collaboration figurines were created for VIPs and fans to boost sales. 

This unique experience brought in well over three million visitors across four shopping malls, increasing overall foot traffic by 150% and sales growth by 180%. 

Sage House won a Silver Stevie for Most Innovative Marketing or Advertising Professional of the Year and a Bronze Stevie for Innovation in Marketing - Branded Entertainment in The 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards®. 

Interested in entering The 2021 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards?

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Topics: innovation award, marketing award, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Nov 26, 2020 @ 01:01 AM
  • 采用基于AI技术的客户服务工具提高销售、营销和整体顾客满意度
  • Grazitti Interactive的SearchUnify平台简化了复杂的问题,并提供工具和个性化的搜索结果

search unify




Grazitti 产品的创立

Grazitti Interactive是数字创新领导者,在开发CRM、营销自动化、在线社区和分析等解决方案方面拥有丰富的经验。凭借超过十年的经验,帮助企业改善营销、销售和支持成果,Grazitti Interactive见证了企业为将信息提供给最终用户而苦苦挣扎的过程。SearchUnify旨在统一各种内容源,提供无缝的用户体验,并在一个广泛的平台中简化工具和要求。









APSA20_Silver_WinnerSearchUnify赢得了2020年亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫®中的客户服务-客户服务技术创新- 计算机行业的史蒂夫银奖,以及产品设计与开发- B2B产品及服务创新领域的史蒂夫银奖。



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Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Nov 26, 2020 @ 12:43 AM

- AI基盤技術が適用されたカスタマビスツルで、業、マケティング、全般的な顧客足度を向

- Grazitti InteractiveSearch Unifyプラットフォムは、複な問題を純化し、ツルとパソナライズされた索結果を提供


search unify






Grazitti Interactiveは、CRMやマーケティングオートメーション、オンラインコミュニティ、分析のためのソリューションの開発に関する豊富な経験を持つデジタルイノベーションリーダーです。企業がマーケティング、営業、サポートの成果を向上させることを可能にしてきた10年以上の経験の中で、Grazitti Interactiveは、エンドユーザーへの情報提供に苦労している企業を目にしてきました。Search Unifyは、様々なコンテンツソースを統合し、シームレスなユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供するために構築され、1つの広範なプラットフォームでツールと要件を簡素化します。


サポート分野のリーダーたちは、AIを多くの複雑な問題に対する可能な解決策として見ています。Search Unify上に構築されたAI基盤のアプリは、顧客を満足させるのに必要なツールを提供します。ワンストップソリューションであるSearch Unifyは、ケースデフレクションを増やしてケース解決を促進するのに役立ちます。ユーザーが最も関連性の高い回答をいち早く見つけられるように、コミュニティ管理者がユーザーの検索行動に基づいて賢明な推奨事項を表示することにより、セルフサービスの成功を促します。


Search Unifyの顧客は、次のように幾何級数的な成功率を経験しました。









APSA20_Silver_WinnerSearch Unify2020スティー・アジアパシフィック®で、カスタマビスカテゴリのイノベション(カスタマビスでのテクノロジの利用)部門と、企業向け製品&ビスイノベション部門でシルバー・スティ賞を受賞しました




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Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞, スティービー賞

SearchUnify의 스마트 서포트

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Nov 26, 2020 @ 12:28 AM

- AI 기반 기술이 적용된 고객 서비스 도구로 영업, 마케팅, 전반적인 고객 만족도 향상

- 복잡한 문제를 단순화하고 도구와 개인맞춤 검색 결과를 제공하는 Grazitti Interactive SearchUnify 플랫폼


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SearchUnify에 대하여

SearchUnifyGrazitti의 대표 상품입니다. 이 통합 코그너티브(인지) 검색 플랫폼은 정보 검색을 혁신화하고 인사이트 엔진을 강화하며 고객 응대 및 상담원 지원 챗봇과 같은 AI 기반 앱을 위한 강력한 플랫폼 구축에 기여합니다. 이러한 AI는 고객 지원 및 셀프서비스를 위해 관련성이 높은 개인 맞춤형 검색 결과를 강화합니다.


Grazitti의 제품 시작

Grazitti Interactive는 CRM, 마케팅 자동화, 온라인 커뮤니티, 분석을 위한 솔루션 개발에 대한 폭넓은 경험이 있는 디지털 혁신 리더입니다. 10년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 기업이 마케팅, 영업, 지원 결과를 개선 할 수 있도록 지원하는 Grazitti Interactive는 최종사용자에게 정보를 제공하기 위해 고군분투하는 기업들을 목격했습니다. SearchUnify는 다양한 컨텐츠 소스를 통합하고 원활한 사용자 체험을 제공하기 위해 구축되어, 하나의 광범위한 플랫폼에서 도구와 요구 사항을 단순화합니다.


지원분야 리더들은 AI를 여러가지 복잡한 문제에 대한 가능한 해결책으로 보고 있습니다. SearchUnify를 바탕으로 한 AI 기반 앱은 상담원이 고객을 만족시키는데 필요한 도구들을 제공합니다. 원스톱 솔루션인 SearchUnify는 케이스 디플렉션(case deflection)을 높이고 케이스 해결을 촉진하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 사용자가 가장 관련성 높은 답변을 빠르게 찾을 수 있도록, 커뮤니티 관리자가 사용자 검색 행동을 기반으로 한 현명한 권장사항을 표시해 줌으로써 셀프서비스 성공을 유도합니다.


SearchUnify의 고객들은 다음과 같이 기하급수적인 성공율을 경험했습니다.


월간 사이트 방문 12% 증가

검색 전환(conversion) 13% 증가

상담원 생산성 15% 증가

케이스 디플렉션(case deflection) 21% 증가

결과 없는 검색건 28% 감소

총 누적 검색 수 8백만 이상



SearchUnify2020 아시아-태평양 스티비상®에서 고객 서비스-고객 서비스 기술 혁신-컴퓨터 산업 부문 스티비 은상 및 제품 디자인 & 개발-B2B 제품 & 서비스 혁신 부문 스티비 은상을 수상하였습니다.


2021 아시아-태평양 스티비상 출품에 대해 궁금하신가요?


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Topics: The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, 아태스티비상

Coding Bootcamp Produces In-Demand Developers

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Nov 18, 2020 @ 04:45 PM
  • Filipino startup company helps beginner coders become well-versed in technology development
  • - Zuitt Coding Bootcamp’s curriculum teaches essential skills that often result in lifelong careers in technology 
  • - Despite the global pandemic, Zuitt provided scholarships and online education to help learners continue their training and find fulfilling jobs

About Zuitt 

Zuitt is the #1 Philippine-based startup offering web development coding bootcamps. 

Coding Bootcamp

Founder and CEO of Zuitt Coding Bootcamp, Tomohisa Kato, developed the company to help Filipinos develop their technology skills, as it was his personal mission to help them realize and maximize their potential. Zuitt Coding Bootcamp offers full-stack web development coding with a beginner-friendly curriculum to equip students with essential skills which help them land in-demand tech jobs. 

In its years of service, Zuitt has produced thousands of developers who have a vast array of coding skills. Bootcampers undergo rigid training with curriculum crafted by in-house developers and trainers. Embracing the company’s mission to be a lifelong partner, the learning does not stop after training is completed. Short courses are also provided to help bootcampers continuously improve their skills in all areas of the tech industry. 

One of the changes in the company in 2020 is the shift to fully online classes. This not only made a major impact to the students but also to the company's direction as a whole. This situation paved way for a new product for Pi-shaped Careers, or individuals who need to learn to code so they can understand developers, but don't necessarily need a career shift. The new normal opened another opportunity for Zuitt to everyone who has more time to learn new skills.

Zuitt’s COVID-19 Response 

During the pandemic, a number of bootcamp batches were put on hold, but that did not stop Tomohisa Kato from looking for ways to help bootcampers continue their training and find jobs. People who wished to continue their education were provided mobile internet scholarships and were able to rent PCs from Zuitt. The transition from lab-based instruction to online instruction was completely successful, as many bootcampers graduated and became employed developers. 

Zuitt won a Silver Stevie for Innovation in Technology Development - Other Service Industries in The 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards

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