Stevie®奖调整第17届国际商业奖(International Business Awards®)时间表

Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Apr 22, 2020 @ 04:08 AM


国际商业奖®(International Business Awards®,以下简称 IBA)的主办方Stevie®奖,今天宣布,由于新冠肺炎疫情,2020年(第17)的参赛时间表已被修改。

国际商业奖®被广泛认为是全球首屈一指商业奖项, 2019年吸引了来自70多个国家/地区的组织的4000多个项目参与。

Stevie Awards 总裁Maggie Gallagher表示:“我们认为有必要将报名截止日期推迟一些,以便让受到新冠肺炎疫情影响的组织有更多时间来准备和提交提名。”


调整后的 2020年 IBA时间表的更改如下:

  • 报名截止日期原定为5月13日,改期为6月24日;
  • 延迟报名截止日期(依然接受报名,但需支付滞纳金),从6月17日推迟到7月28日;
  • 由全球250多名专业人员组成的评审团将在6月下旬开始评审,并将持续到8月31日;
  • 最初定于8月11日宣布金、银和铜史蒂夫奖的获奖者,现在改为9月9日宣布。

IBA schedule change




  • 类别,以表彰在业务周转、财务、营收和科技等领域中的独特业务成就。
  • 简化了公司/组织、企业传播与公共关系、市场营销以及新产品和产品管理类别组中的提交要求。


史蒂夫®奖共有八大奖项,包括-太平洋史蒂夫(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)、史蒂夫(German Stevie Awards)、业奖(American Business Awards®)、国际业奖(The International Business Awards®)、史蒂夫女性企(Stevie Awards for Women in Business)、史蒂夫秀雇主(Stevie Awards for Great Employers) 、以及史蒂夫务奖(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service)以及新设的中东史蒂夫奖(Middle East Stevie Awards)。



Topics: International business awards, The Stevie Awards, 国际商业大奖, The International Business Awards, 国际商务大奖, 史蒂夫奖, 国际商业奖

Stevie® Awards Revises 17th International Business Awards® Schedule

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Apr 15, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

Deadlines Extended to Provide More Time to Submit Nominations Amid COVID-19 Slowdown

The Stevie® Awards, organizers of The International Business Awards®, announced today that the remaining schedule for the 2020 (17th annual) edition of the awards has been revised because of the  COVID-19 pandemic.

The International Business Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards competition.  In 2019 the competition attracted more than 4,000 nominations from organizations in more than 70 nations.

“We assessed that it’s necessary to push the entry deadlines out a bit to provide more time to prepare and submit nominations to organizations that are effected by the pandemic,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher.


Changes to the 2020 IBA calendar are as follows:

  • The entry deadline, originally scheduled for 13 May, is rescheduled to 24 June
  • The late entry deadline, through which nominations are accepted with payment of a late fee, is pushed to 28 July from 17 June
  • Judging by the juries of more than 250 professionals around the world now will begin in late June and continue through 31 August
  • The announcement of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners, originally slated for 11 August, will now be made on 9 September.

IBA schedule change

The 17th IBA awards gala, at which the Stevie winners will be celebrated, is still scheduled to be held in Paris, France on 24 October.

The 2020 IBAs will recognize achievements since the beginning of 2019 of organizations, teams, and individuals in a wide variety of categories.  Entry details are available at

Gallagher emphasized that the IBAs feature more than 40 categories that don’t require the payment of entry fees, including all 35 of the Company/Organization of the Year categories, and that there are many new and revised features of the IBAs for 2020, including:

  • Nine new categories to recognize singular business achievements in areas such as business turnaround, finance, revenue generation, and science and technology, among others.
  • The simplification of submission requirements in the Company/Organization, Corporate Communications & Public Relations, Marketing, and New Product & Product Management category groups.

Topics: marketing awards, International business awards, international business

How Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Is Changing the Way the World Moves

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Fri, Apr 10, 2020 @ 03:45 PM

Stevie-winner Cubic Transporation Systems has capitalized on the need for transportation services to create a service that allows travelers to plan effectively and stay on the move.

In the next decade, research suggests that fewer than 25 percent of Americans will own private cars. Instead, people will be making smarter choices inspired by environmental or budgetary concerns. Car sharing and taxicab-style options, such as Uber, are becoming even more popular. Travelers are also using traffic management apps to plan and to pay for their journeys on public transport to help ensure delay-free commuting. The future of transportation in cities is expected to change radically in the future, and mobility as a service (MaaS) has a large part to play in that.


What Is Mobility as a Service (MaaS)? 

Mobility as a service, or transport as a service, places the consumer firmly at the center of the travel experience. MaaS provides an on-demand, mobile-friendly platform for commuters. It seamlessly integrates a combination of transport methods, from bike sharing to taxis to short-term car leasing. From travel planning to end payment, the consumer can organize an entire trip via the MaaS platform. By simply subscribing to an app such as NextBus, you will have real-time passenger information at your fingertips. 

Cubic_logoWhether you want to access an electric scooter to whiz around your city or you want to find the best route to your next business meeting, there is a specific MaaS app to get you there. Your journey will be faster, easier, and more affordable than if you’d used traditional transport methods. 

Cities that buy into MaaS, or what is sometimes called smart mobility, aim to reduce traffic congestion and to make getting around more efficient. 

Benefits of Mobility as a Service

The benefits of MaaS are numerous. Both end users and transport authorities note the following as reasons for its success:

  • An Intelligent Service: The personalized service MaaS provides is undoubtedly a huge plus. An app can build a relationship between consumer and provider by using past journey information and data gleaned from a user’s profile, meaning apps can continually refine travel suggestions and maintain all-important customer focus.
  • Secure Payment: With a variety of payment methods, users can pay for their trips without the hassle of carrying cash for each transport method used. Using a smartphone, smartwatch, or subscription service, travelers can plan the trips that best meets their needs—without worrying about payment. 
  • Simple Route Planning: When using multiple transportation methods, the ability to plan a journey in real time is invaluable. MaaS apps allow the consumer to get from one place to another by any method that suits his or her previously logged preferences, and the apps can also map a route that avoids congestion. 

With the continued interest of city transport planners and planning solution end users, the global conversation regarding MaaS has become more intense. Cubic Transportation Systems, from San Diego, California, USA, is comprised of innovators who, with their Trafficware, NextBus, and other proprietary systems, are collaborating with cities from Vancouver, Canada, to Sydney, Australia, to keep travelers moving. 

The United Nations estimates that by 2050 more than half the world’s population will be living in urban areas, compared to only one-third in 1970. With this massive change in global living habits, planners need to deploy intelligent solutions, such as MaaS, to ensure transport continues to flow. 

Because of their industry-leading MaaS travel solutions, Cubic Transportation Systems was named the winner of four Stevie® Awards at The 2019 International Business Awards®. Cubic received awards in the following categories: Gold in the Big Data Solution category; Two Silvers in Integrated Mobile Experience and Travel; and Bronze in Best New Product or Service of the Year – Transportation.

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Topics: International business awards, The International Business Awards, new products and services, 2019 International Business Awards, mobility as a service

A Handyman’s Perspective On Building an Award Winning Business

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Sun, Apr 05, 2020 @ 09:16 PM

Stevie-winner Chíc Creations Heaven started out as a two-person operation that has since expanded to two locations. Read about Daniel and Rebecca's story of growth and success.

Think about the success stories you love. Maybe one of your heroes or heroines overcame great adversity to be a successful athlete, or maybe that person became a doctor and now serves those suffering across the world. Maybe he or she wrote a song that changed your life. Everyone and everything has a story, and the most inspiring tales tend to be those of victory, where an individual or group rises up and conquers with integrity. In many cases, these heroes and heroines receive recognition for their work, whether that’s media coverage, a title, a medal, a trophy, or another award.


Daniel Foster and his wife, Rebecca, built their business, Chíc Creations Heaven—Gardening, Handyman, Joinery, Decorating, from scratch. Daniel went from having no work to operating two branches that serve Bridlington, England, and Yorkshire, England. He projects opening two more branches in the next 18 months. Receiving their due recognition, Chíc Creations Heaven recently won a Gold Stevie® Award in the Startup of the Year - Consumer Services Industries category at The 2019 International Business Awards®.

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Unemployed & Depressed to Business Owner

Daniel was unemployed and living in a seaside town with waning seasonal business. Tourists just were not coming to the area as much, and Daniel eventually started to fall into depression. In the meantime, he did odd jobs for his landlord to earn extra income, which used the labor and trade skills he had acquired throughout his life. 

“This gave me the confidence boost to seek more work in this area,” explains Daniel.

Daniel had worked previously in sales, and he began to use social media to launch Chíc Creations Heaven. He also focused on doing reputable work at an affordable price. If Daniel couldn’t complete the job himself, he hired another tradesman to complete it, paying a good wage.

“A happy worker is a productive one,” says Daniel.

The company has even generated temporary employment opportunities for seasonal workers. 

For businesses or individuals looking to emulate this model, here are five takeaways:

  • Don’t discredit any of your life or work experiences.
Daniel had worked many jobs before he discovered his niche. All those experiences worked together to form an entrepreneurial success story.
  • Being resourceful is essential to achieving business success.
When Daniel didn’t have the skills or time to meet a customer’s request, he found someone who did, and he paid that person well.
  • Even in this tech-focused economy, practical solutions at affordable costs are still pillars for success.
This business model isn’t a fancy app driven by artificial intelligence. It is a straightforward model of a person helping people with their property needs, and it is thriving.
  • Social media is a driving force for budding entrepreneurs.
Daniel launched his entire business with the help of social media. Networking and word of mouth helped the business grow. 
  • Paying people fairly helps build a strong reputation and helps grow a business.
If you pay people competitively, you are more likely to keep the right employees. Not only will you build employee loyalty, but you will also build customer loyalty, which can earn you repeat business. 

Two-Person Operation Opens Two Locations in One Year

Daniel and his wife, Rebecca, started this business. Daniel focused on operations, while his wife worked on marketing and graphics and took charge of the accounts. They currently manage a team of six, as well as two branches servicing North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, Humberside, and West Yorkshire (all in England). They passed their annual business goal of over £10,000 in one month, and they earned a profit of nearly £30,000 in the first year alone. 

They increased growth and had a particularly significant breakthrough after successfully putting up PROMESH security for a local beloved nonprofit, the Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary rescues and rehabilitates approximately 4,000 wild animals a year from anywhere in the United Kingdom and transports them back to their natural habitats. The nonprofit just celebrated 10 years.

“We gained a lot of business where they are located after that job was complete,” Daniel shared. 

Here are five more takeaways for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  • There is no shame in starting small. 
Sometimes the vision exceeds what the current situation is. When people haven’t fully achieved their visions yet, they can get discouraged. Even the biggest corporations started small, though. The Fosters went from having several clients to opening two branches in one year. 
  • Trial and error is part of growing.
There is always a learning curve when operating a business, meeting client needs, and regulating costs. This can be particularly tricky when labor and time are variable and higher cost. Daniel noted how learning to quote for work was a difficult process.
  • Perseverance is key.
People make mistakes. That’s part of business. It’s part of life. Keep at it. Learn from your mistakes, and keep going. 
  • Referrals help grow your business.
A lot of Daniel’s business, and some of his biggest growth, came from referrals after servicing the local nonprofit. It was a tipping point, of sorts, for his company. 
  • Doing the right thing counts.
Integrity goes a long way. For Daniel, this means paying employees and contractors fairly, offering work for seasonal employees, fixing homes for the elderly at a reduced rate, and working responsibly with community nonprofits. 

Winning Awards Is Good for Business 

Awards like the Stevie® Awards offer a standard and a metric for success that current and prospective clients, partners, and businesses in other verticals understand. After a successful first year, Daniel wanted to know where his business stood in the world. He searched and found the Stevie® Awards and submitted the application. As a result, Chíc Creations Heaven is now a Gold Stevie® Award winner.

The win strengthened this company’s brand locally, nationally, and internationally. It also instilled a deeper confidence in the Fosters and inspired them to pursue greater success as entrepreneurs. The Fosters’ goal is for Chíc Creations Heaven—Gardening, Handyman, Joinery, Decorating to become a national company in England and a major employer that offers great wages, benefits, and training to those who want to further their trade skills.

Topics: International business awards, The International Business Awards, Startup of the Year, 2019 International Business Awards

Jetzt bewerben: International Business Awards 2020

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Apr 03, 2020 @ 06:12 AM

Die 17. International Business Awards® sind eröffnet. Ab sofort können Beiträge für den weltweit renommierten Wirtschaftspreis für Unternehmungsleistungen, der jährlich verliehen wird, eingereicht werden. Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - ob öffentlich oder privat, gewinnorientiert oder gemeinnützig, groß oder klein - dürfen ihre Empfehlungen für die International Business Awards® 2020 einreichen.


Die International Business Awards zeichnen herausragende Leistungen in allen Unternehmensbereichen aus, z.B. im Management, in der Kundenbetreuung oder im Marketing. Auch Produktneuheiten und Websites werden unter anderem prämiert. Neu hinzugekommen ist der Bereich geschäftliche Erfolge. Zu den Preisträgern gehören verschiedene Unternehmen und Führungskräfte aus aller Welt. Jedes Jahr gehen Nominierungen von Organisationen aus über 70 Nationen ein. Spezialisierte Jurygremien mit über 150 Fachjuroren ermitteln die Preisträger der Stevie Awards. Die Ergebnisse der Jurys werden am 11. August bekanntgegeben. Den Gewinnern werden die begehrten Stevie Awards Trophäen am 24. Oktober bei einem Gala-Bankett in Paris überreicht.

Für die Einreichungsphase gelten folgende Abgabefristen: Die erste Frist mit ermäßigten Teilnahmegebühren ist der 8. April. Die reguläre Teilnahmefrist endet am 13. Mai. Spätere Nominierungen werden noch bis einschließlich 17. Juni mit einer Nachgebühr akzeptiert.

Alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Teilnahmebedingungen und zu den Beiträgen finden Teilnehmer unter


Den Teilnehmern der International Business Awards stehen verschiedene Kategorien zur Verfügung – etwa die Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, die speziell die Leistungen von Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten würdigen. Oder die Company of the Year Awards die Unternehmen des Jahres auszeichnen.

Die Stevie Awards haben für 2020 die Kategorien überarbeitet und einige Neuerungen eingeführt. Hinzugekommen sind neun neue Kategorien, um einzigartige geschäftliche Erfolge anzuerkennen, unter anderem in Bereichen wie Geschäftsumstellung, Finanzen, Umsatzgenerierung sowie Wissenschaft und Technologie.

Viele weitere Kategorien zeichnen besondere Leistungen in allen wichtigen Unternehmensfunktionen aus, unter anderem im Marketing mit den Marketing Awards, im Management mit den Management Awards, in der Kundenbetreuung mit den Customer Service Awards , in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit mit den Public Relations Awards  und in der IT mit den  Information Technology Awards. Leistungen im Bereich Produktentwicklung werden mit den New Product Awards ausgezeichnet und für den Personalbereich sind es die Human Resources Awards.

Eine große Auswahl an Kategorien würdigen auch herausragende Leistungen im Bereich der unternehmensbezogenen Medien und Publikationen. Beispiele hierfür sind die Awards für Website Awards, Awards für Smartphone und Tablet Apps sowie weitere Medien Awards

Eine vollständige Übersicht über die Kategorien findet man unter 

Die Stevie Awards haben für die International Business Awards® 2020 die Anforderungen für die Einreichungen verändert. Sie wurden in folgenden Kategorien vereinfacht: Company/Organization Awards, Corporate Communications & Public Relations Awards, Marketing Awards, and New Product & Product Management Awards. Statt des üblichen Essays, beantworten die Teilnehmer nun gezielt fünf Fragen zu ihren Leistungen. Als Alternative kann auch ein maximal fünfminütiges Video eingereicht warden, in dem diese Fragen beantwortet warden.

Für Nominierungen in den Kategorien Company of the Year" und in weiteren ausgewählten Kategorien fallen keine Teilnahmegebühren mehr an. Beiträge können in schriftlicher Form oder als maximal fünfminütiges Video eingereicht werden.

Zu den Preisträgern der International Business Awards 2019 zählen unter anderem ASDA’A BCW (United Arab Emirates), Cisco Systems, Inc. (USA), DHL Express (worldwide), Dubai Health Authority (United Arab Emirates), IBM (USA), Megaworld Foundation (Philippines), Meli Studio (Australia), NBCUniversal (USA), Switching-Time (China), Tata Consultancy Services (United Kingdom),  Vodafone Turkey Foundation (Turkey).

Topics: International business awards, 2020 International Business Awards

Rethinking Corporate Video

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Fri, Mar 27, 2020 @ 11:49 AM

Stevie-winner KÖNIGSKLASSE#1 is a video production team that travels to their clients' locations to produce corporate videos in order to make business leaders more comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

Video marketing is a vital tool in your brand promotion toolbox, and it’s becoming more essential to ROI every day. In 2019, it is no longer sustainable to avoid video content because you’re scared of the medium or you don’t think you have the resources to create something watchable. Success means hopping on board and understanding why video is one of the most profitable and versatile digital marketing tools around.


Videos Increase Conversions

According to Forrester’s research into digital marketing, if you add a product video to your landing page, it is possible to double your conversion rate. Similarly, if you embed an informational video about your service, you are more likely to see sales of that service. 

Hiring a great video production team is an investment worth making, as they can help you create an engaging video that showcases your company. Although it is possible to create a corporate video with online tools, poorly produced content can turn off customers. To ensure your video is giving you the best possible return on investment, focus on top-quality content presented in a slick way.

Know, Like, and Trust

Many businesspeople use the “know, like, and trust” mantra, but building trust truly helps your audience engage with your company. If you’re using video to provide potential customers with useful, interesting information, you are creating a valuable relationship. Whether you’re using your video content on your company website or getting it in front of your audience via your social media channels, you need to concentrate on trust, not just traffic. 

As Martin Grosse of KÖNIGSKLASSE#1 notes, “the corporate video market will shift within the process of digital transformation … to revolutionize the thinking of how a corporate video should look and how it should be consumed.”

KÖNIGSKLASSE#1_logoStevie-winner KÖNIGSKLASSE#1, which is located in Munich, Germany, makes a point of traveling to a company’s location in order to make business-to-business (B2B) corporate videos. This allows the C-suite of the business to be comfortable in front of the camera, which lets them shine.

Engagement with Content

LinkedIn is the social media channel of choice for engaging CEOs and decision-makers. Video is an integral part of getting in front of your audience and capturing their attention, and video plays automatically in your LinkedIn feed, which also helps to increase engagement. Additionally, LinkedIn is the perfect platform to showcase your company’s authenticity, allowing your C-suite to demonstrate the human side of the business. 

One pitfall of video content marketing is that B2B corporate videos can look very similar. That’s why you need to present your content in a way that keeps people watching. In addition to showing your brand’s accessibility, keep in mind how your audience is likely to be viewing your video. According to Insivia, mobile views are on the rise as more and more people check their social media platforms on the go. Google reveals that people who use smartphones are 1.4 times more likely to feel a sense of personal connection to video content they watch on a mobile device.

The key to a successful video marketing campaign is creating entertaining content that people are likely to share. To do this, it’s important to demonstrate value to your audience and keep them engaged in your message. 

In recognition of its innovative approach to video marketing commitment, KÖNIGSKLASSE#1 earned a Silver Stevie® Award in the Company of the Year - Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations - Small category at The 2019 International Business Awards®.

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Topics: International business awards, company of the year, corporate video, 2019 International Business Awards

Call for Entries Issued for The 2020 International Business Awards®

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Tue, Mar 17, 2020 @ 12:49 PM

Seventeenth Annual Stevie® Awards Program to Be Presented This Fall in Paris

The Stevie Awards has opened entries for The 17th Annual International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, which attracts nominations from organizations in more than 70 nations and territories each year.


All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is 8 April. The final entry deadline is 13 May, but late entries will be accepted through 17 June with payment of a late fee. Entry details are available at

Interested in entering The 2020 International Business Awards®?

Request the entry kit

Juries featuring more than 150 executives will determine the Stevie Award winners. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced on 11 August. Stevie Award winners will be presented their awards at a gala banquet in Paris, France on 24 October.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The IBAs for 2020:

  • Nine new categories to recognize singular business achievements in areas such as business turnaround, finance, revenue generation, and science and technology, among others.
  • The submission requirements have been simplified for 2020 in the following categories: Company/Organization Awards, Corporate Communications & Public Relations Awards, Marketing Awards, and New Product & Product Management Awards.
  • There are no entry fees for nominations in the Company of the Year categories and other select categories.
  • Entries may be submitted as a written essay or a five-minute maximum video essay.

Stevie Award winners in the 2019 IBAs included ASDA’A BCW (United Arab Emirates), Cisco Systems, Inc. (USA), DHL Express (worldwide), Dubai Health Authority (United Arab Emirates), IBM (USA), LLORENTE & CUENCA (Spain), Megaworld Foundation (Philippines), Meli Studio (Australia), NBCUniversal (USA), PT Petrokimia Gresik (Indonesia), Seoul Metropolitan Government (South Korea), Switching-Time (China), Tata Consultancy Services (United Kingdom),  Vodafone Turkey Foundation (Turkey), and many more.

Topics: International business awards, IBAs, The International Business Awards, 2020 International Business Awards

Capabilities & Shortfalls of Today’s Automation

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Jan 22, 2020 @ 02:38 PM

Professionals in IT operations often resolve issues by automating scripting or coding.

Why use automation?

Throughout the past two decades, technological innovations and information delivery systems have spurred unprecedented growth. The continued evolution of tech, as well as human ingenuity, present organizations across the retail, manufacturing, telecom, banking, and financial services sectors with an array of ever-expanding scenarios and challenges. As just a few examples, being connected continues to become cheaper, and device ownership is skyrocketing.


Data volumes are soaring, and billions of new connected data sources are anticipated within a few years. We are quickly approaching exabyte volumes and are surging toward zettabytes, and the growth of mobile connectivity continues to surpass fixed lines. Security is, as always, a major issue, along with regulatory complexity.

These automations, however, often only work within a monolithic and extremely predictive environment. If one thing changes in that environment, it typically results in the automation failing within the system. Once this happens, an IT professional must begin the troubleshooting process, which might take anywhere from five to thirty minutes to complete. This increases a company’s internal costs and bogs down IT resources.

Are Humans and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Destined to Work Together?

IT has revolutionized businesses across global industries. The way IT operates in most enterprises, however, is still very people-centric, which means the industry is prime for robotic or runbook automation initiatives. Having a fairly straightforward goal of achieving direct cost savings, these automations can reduce the manual effort spent on repetitive activities.

Robotic process automation (RPA) is great for a predictive environment, but it’s not necessarily designed for an ever-changing landscape. It lacks, therefore, the agility to successfully handle many scenarios. To see better results, the automation efforts need to be cognitive and intelligent.

While script-based automation yields quick, small wins, most organizations soon realize the accelerating pace of business-related changes, the increasing complexity of technology and operations, and rising technology-based operational risks far outmatch traditional automation capabilities. There is a critical need, therefore, for an intelligent system that can keep up with technology churn, understand business processes, and be customized to an industry domain and business model.

Many companies praise automation like it’s already the backbone of their business platforms, but human intervention within that automation is still largely necessary. Companies like Digitate try to be aware of this (currently) inescapable reality by working with top brands in virtually every industry. By continuing to improve their product capabilities, service delivery, and customer support, they can build a community of dedicated users who are excited about sharing their stories with them.

DigitateDigitate™ leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to manage IT and business operations. Their product, ignio™, enables better decision-making and ultimately solves IT operations challenges.

Other companies that also leverage machine learning and AI to manage IT and business operations are still working on developing an overarching process that can understand system needs across dynamic situations from different sectors. This is a daunting task, though, and something no one has been able to achieve—yet.

Digitate recently won a Silver Stevie® Award in the Software Defined Infrastructure category at the 2019 International Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The International Business Awards this year? They open for entries on February 4, 2020. 


Topics: International business awards, it awards, information technology awards, International Awards, top business awards, automation

3 Reasons Why You Won't Win Any Business Awards in 2020

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Jan 02, 2020 @ 10:26 AM

It's that time of year when most companies are firming up their PR and marketing budgets and plans for 2020.  Many organizations are budgeting and planning to enter any number of business awards competitions in the new year, because they know that awards are cost-effective tools for a variety of purposes, with brand building and employee relations chief among them.

ABA_trophy_displayBut here are the three reasons why you and your organization won't win a single award in 2020 - plus the #1 reason it won't matter a whit even if you do.

1. You Don't Enter

On occasion when we suggest to someone that they should nominate their organization in one of the Stevie® Awards competitions, their response is: We don't believe in nominating ourselves for awards.  We plan to do such great work that awards will just be given to us.

Really? we want to reply. Which award are you hoping will make a beeline to your door?  A Nobel Prize? A MacArthur Genius Award?  Get real. 

Hope is not a strategy. If you don't believe that winning awards can help to burnish your organization's reputation, provide a low-cost reward to your employees for their good work, and provide one more incentive to your executives and workers to excel, we could persuade you otherwise, but at least that's your opinion.  But if you do believe that winning awards can offer these benefits, why on earth wouldn't you plan to pursue them?

Sure, it can take hours to prepare entries, and entry fees for a few awards programs can run to several thousand dollars, but the work and the cost are minor compared to the benefits of winning - and leveraging - a prestigious award.

2. You Aren't Smart About Picking Your Competitions

While we think our Stevie Awards competitions are the best there are, we acknowledge there are many awards programs worthy of your attention around the world for corporate awards, PR awards, marketing awards, IT awards, web awards, HR awards, and so on.  Picking those that are right for you and your organization is important.  And picking the categories within those competitions is also key.

When someone calls the Stevie Awards to inquire about whether their organization might be a fit for one of our competitions, we ask them two questions: one, what do you want to be recognized for?  And two, is it important to you in which category you might be honored?  Their answer to the first question is important, because that will tell us which competition, and which category(s), will be a fit for them.  The answer to the second question is also pivotal, because that will tell us whether we should recommend only the most popular (i.e. "prestigious") categories or can recommend secondary categories to them as well.

3. You Don't Tell Your Story Well

It's our experience that most organizations aren't very good at formally summarizing and articulating their achievements in an engaging way.  Storytelling is a vital part of corporate - and career - success.

When someone says to us, I'm not sure we're ready to enter the Stevie Awards, I don't know that we've achieved enough yet, we ask them to give us their elevator speech, their one-minute summary of what they do and what they've achieved.  Without fail their elevator speech is captivating.  It seems that most people have honed their ability to put into a few words the essence of their organization's capabilities and achievements.  But few people can translate that pride and excitement into a longer document that's well written, well structured, and supported with examples, work samples, and the like. 

Until the day when we can transmit our thoughts to one another via telepathy, the written word will continue to be the way to communicate data-intensive information.  So if you can't write well, you don't stand much chance of winning many if any awards.  If you don't write well, hire or contract with someone who does to write your awards entries for you.

Even if you do enter the right categories in the right competitions, and prepare and write your entries extremely well, and win a raft of prestigious awards, they won't mean a thing if you don't translate those wins into meaningful tools, by

* Publicizing your wins to the media and stakeholders
* Congratulating and celebrating your employees for their recognition
* Using the resources provided by awards organizers, such as winners' logos, to create a long-term association between your products and your brand and their mark of excellence. 

Our suggestion?  Get the new year off to a good start by getting and reviewing the entry kits for the Stevie Awards competitions, and consider nominating your organization's achievements in one or more of them.

Get a Stevies Entry Kit


Topics: International business awards

Network Security Just Got Easier for SMBs, Schools, and Nonprofits

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Tue, Dec 31, 2019 @ 03:39 PM

Online security is a massive concern for businesses because it's vital to be able to store and to access sensitive data safely. There are myriad security products and services out there, but it's crucial to choose a trustworthy network security solution. The cybersecurity needs of small to medium businesses, schools, and charities (all of which generally have limited tech support) can be complicated. When it comes to finding the most appropriate security solution for an organization operating within a limited budget, the prospect can be a challenge.


Stevie®-winner Untangle is an innovative cybersecurity company that was founded in 2003 in San Diego, California, United States. It focuses on providing creative network security solutions. The company ethos is built around four central principles: loyalty, excellence, agility, and determination, or “LEAD,” as they’re referred to. By focusing on listening to both customers and staff, Untangle can develop user-friendly ways for smaller companies to protect their data. They do so through easy-to-use products and great follow-up care and support.

Community Minded

untangle_logoAs a company with a social conscience, Untangle is continually on the lookout for ways they can positively impact their communities. This is why they offer Nonprofit Complete. Identical to NG Firewall Complete, Nonprofit Complete is provided to qualifying not-for-profit institutions at a reduced price, and it includes all available updates. Charities, schools, and religious organizations are as vulnerable to cybersecurity breaches as any other institution, and it can be hard for those nonprofits to protect themselves.

Cerebral Palsy of North Jersey (CPNJ), based in New Jersey, United States, recently got in touch with Untangle because they desperately needed an update to their web protection, which was relying on basic firewalls only. CPNJ needed Internet security protection for a large number of locations, including two schools, three adult training centers, fourteen group homes, a twenty-four-unit apartment complex, and an administrative office. Their IT director needed to ensure the children were protected from accidentally accessing inappropriate websites but couldn't find an easy-to-install system that was suitable for their needs.

As a nonprofit, CPNJ needed to balance budget issues with a security solution that was easy to deploy and easy to manage. The charity also needed to solve the problem of filtering inappropriate content for the schools while also allowing the marketing and administrative teams access to a wider range of websites and applications, such as social media pages.

Katie Bochenski, the director of information technology at Cerebral Palsy New Jersey, now has complete visibility and can easily keep an eye out for any problems. CPNJ was pleased they could get the Internet security they needed with a support team on hand to advise, all at an accessible price.

Personalized Service

Untangle prides itself on delivering top-quality enterprise-level protection to every client. This protection is also tailored to clients’ specific needs. For example, Untangle was recently able to help its client Bridger Valley Electric Association in Mountain View, Wyoming, United States, securely connect twelve remote locations. The main challenge was to implement regular vulnerability assessments while proactively blocking and protecting the network from threats. Untangle was able to set up real-time compliance reporting and install layer 7 app filtering to block undesirable websites and apps. The client was looking to securely allow third-party access to the network, so Untangle worked with them to create detailed policies that control and monitor outside access.

Dirk Morris, founder and CPO of Untangle, sees the position of the company in the cybersecurity market very clearly.

“Untangle is one of the only network security solution providers worldwide focused on offering SMBs a dedicated solution that fits their needs and budget restraints. We specifically innovate and create products designed for businesses with limited IT resources, ensuring their networks stay secure, no matter who is connecting where.”

International Award Winning

The company’s passion for accessible Internet security has made them a multi-award winner, most recently receiving several Stevie Awards. As a winner of a Gold Stevie Award in the Network Security Solution category at The 2019 International Business Awards® and a Gold Stevie in the Network Security Solution category at The 2019 American Business Awards®, their commitment to providing a world-class product is clear. The company’s Silver Award in Customer Service Department of the Year at The 2019 American Business Awards also showcases their continued drive to provide an excellent customer experience.

Interested in winning a Stevie Award in 2020?

Request the entry kit here.

Topics: The American Business Awards, International business awards, new product award, The International Business Awards