
Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 07:00 AM



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スティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞にはセールス賞カスタマーサービス賞ビジネス開発賞新製品賞ソリューションプロバイダなど150以上のカテゴリーで様々な賞を授与しています。参加企業は以下のようなカテゴリーに制限なく応募することができます。 参加者は、様々なカテゴリーに数の制限なくエントリーを提出することができます。

• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育専門家
• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育チーム - 外部
• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育チーム - 内部
• 最優秀顧客エンゲージメント・イニシアチブ
• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育・コーチングプログラム
• 今年のセールスイネーブルメント・プログラム
• 今年のセールスインセンティブ・プログラム
• 今年の白書または研究報告書

2020年のスティー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞受賞者は American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. などです。


Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, スティービー賞, スティービー・セールス&カスタマー・サービス賞


Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 06:53 AM

第15届经营及顾客服务史蒂夫®奖的截止日期为2021年1月13日,时间所剩不多。 这是为经营和顾客服务专家、团队和组织设立的世界最高奖项。参展纲要及对象相关具体内容详见主页(http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales)




“我们很高兴能够在2021年举办第15届年度史蒂夫销售和客户服务奖网络颁奖,以庆祝所有获奖者在这些领域的成功,同时保证获奖者和大家邀请的客人能够安全地参加颁奖典礼。我们的参展资格改成了表彰201971日以后的成就,所以即使大家今年没有达到某些标准或期望,我们也鼓励大家在113日为止提交参展作品。这意味着大家可以提交新冠肺炎事件以前的数据资料”,史蒂夫大奖的主席Maggie Gallagher说。


  • 年度最佳客户服务培训专家
  • 年度最佳客户服务培训团队–外部
  • 年度最佳客户服务培训团队–内部
  • 最佳客户参与计划
  • 年度客户服务培训或辅导计划
  • 年度销售支持计划
  • 年度销售奖励计划
  • 年度白皮书或研究报告

2020销售及客户服务史蒂夫®奖的获奖作品包括 American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc.等。


Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 经营及顾客服务史蒂夫奖

Kesempatan Terakhir Untuk Mengikuti Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan Tahun 2021 adalah 13 Januari

Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 06:34 AM

Hari terakhir untuk mengikuti Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan tahunan ke-15 semakin dekat tanggal 13 Januari 2021. Ini adalah penghargaan utama dunia untuk profesional penjualan, layanan pelanggan, tim dan organisasi/perusahaan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan entri kit dapat dilihat di http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Para calon nominasi yang memenuhi syarat termasuk departemen, tim, dan profesional dari seluruh dunia yang bekerja di layanan pelanggan, contact center, pengembangan bisnis dan penjualan. Produk dan layanan baru serta penyedia solusi yang digunakan oleh para profesional tersebut juga memenuhi syarat. Pada tahun 2021, para pemenang akan ditentukan berdasarkan kinerjanya setelah 1 Juli 2019.

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Jadwal pengumuman pemenang telah diubah menjadi seremoni penghargaan virtual. Para pemenang penghargaan emas, perak dan perunggu akan diumumkan kepada publik pada tanggal 27 Januari. Para pemenang akan dirayakan dengan jamuan penghargaan virtual pada tanggal 14 April.

“Kami sangat senang dapat menjadi tuan rumah Penghargaan Stevie Tahunan ke 15 untuk Penjualan & Layanan Pelanggan secara virtual pada 2021 untuk merayakan keberahasilan di bidang ini namun tetap menjaga keamanan semua para pemenang dan para tamu mereka. Kami mendorong semua orang untuk mengirimkan nominasi mereka selambat-lambatnya 13 Januari – meskipun tahun ini tidak membuahkan tolak ukur atau ekspektasi tertentu, kami mendorong kembali ke kriteria entri hingga 1 Juli 2019. Artinya Anda dapat mengirimkan nominasi dengan data dari sebelum merebaknya Covid 19,” kata Maggie Galagher, presiden Stevie Awards.

Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan mencakup lebih dari 150 kategori, termasuk penghargaan penjualan, penghargaan layanan pelanggan, penghargaan pengembang bisnis, penghargaan produk baru, penghargaan vendor solusi dan lain-lain. Peserta dapat mengajukan sejumlah nominasi ke sejumlah kategori.

Kategori baru untuk tahun 2020 meliputi:

  • Pelatihan Profesional Layanan Pelanggan Tahun Ini
  • Team Pelatihan Layanan Pelanggan Tahun Ini– Eksternal
  • Team Pelatihan Layanan Pelanggan Tahun Ini– Internal
  • Inisiatif Keterlibatan Pelanggan Terbaik
  • Pelatihan Layanan Pelanggan atau Program Pembinaan Tahun Ini
  • Program Pemberdayaan Penjualan Tahun Ini
  • Program Insentif Penjualan Tahun Ini
  • Buku Putih atau Makalah Riset Terbaik Tahun Ini.

Para pemenang edisi Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan tahun 2020 diantaranya American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc., dan lainnya.

Kompetisi tahun 2021 akan dinilai oleh lebih dari 150 profesional di seluruh dunia.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, Penghargaan Stevie

Letzter Einsendeschluss für die Stevie® Awards 2021 for Sales & Customer Service rückt näher

Posted by Jule Kern on Wed, Dec 09, 2020 @ 03:01 AM

Der Einsendeschluss für die 15. jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service wurde bis Mittwoch, den 13. Januar 2021 verlängert. Dies sind die weltweit wichtigsten Auszeichnungen für Fachleute, Teams und Organisationen im Bereich Vertrieb und Kundenservice.

Teilnahmekits und vollständige Informationen über den Wettbewerb sind unter http://www.stevieawards.com/Sales erhältlich.

Zu den teilnahmeberechtigten Nominierten gehören Abteilungen, Teams und Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt, die in den Bereichen Kundenservice, Contact Center, Geschäftsentwicklung und Vertrieb tätig sind. Neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Lösungsanbieter, die von diesen Fachleuten genutzt werden, sind ebenfalls teilnahmeberechtigt. Mit der Auszeichnung 2021 werden Leistungen seit dem 1. Juli 2019 gewürdigt.


Einsendungen von Nominierungen können noch bis zum 13. Januar 2021 gegen Zahlung einer Verspätungsgebühr eingereicht werden. Die Finalisten werden dann Ende Januar bekannt gegeben, und die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Preisträger werden während einer virtuellen Preisverleihung am 14. April 2021 geehrt.

Die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service umfassen mehr als 150 Kategorien für:


Die Teilnehmer können beliebig viele Nominierungen in beliebig vielen Kategorien einreichen.

Neu in diesem Jahr sind die vereinfachten Einreichungsvoraussetzungen für alle Kategorien. Diese bieten nun die Möglichkeit, ein kurzes Video oder kurze Antworten auf mehrere gezielte Fragen einzureichen.

Zu den neuen Kategorien für das Jahr 2021 gehören sechs frei zu vergebende Kategorien für den Umgang mit COVID-19, mit denen herausragende Bemühungen von Fachleuten aus den Bereichen Geschäftsentwicklung, Kundendienst und Vertrieb anerkannt werden, die sich mit den Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf ihre Organisationen, Teamkollegen, Kunden und Gemeinden befassen.

Im Jahr 2021 wird es wieder die People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service geben, eine Beliebtheit der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, bei denen die Öffentlichkeit unter allen Nominierungen der Finalisten in den Kategorien der Kundendienstabteilung des Jahres für ihre bevorzugten Anbieter im Bereich Kundenservice abstimmen kann.



Zu den Gewinnern der Ausgabe 2020 der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service gehörten American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisc

o, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. Und andere.

Der Wettbewerb 2021 wird von mehr als 150 Fachleuten aus der ganzen Welt bewertet.

 Über die Stevie Awards

Die Stevie Awards werden im Rahmen von acht Programmen verliehen: die Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, die German Stevie Awards, die American Business Awards®, die International Business Awards®, die Stevie Awards for Great Employers, die Stevie Awards for Women in Business, die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service und die neuen Middle East Stevie Awards. Bei den Stevie Awards-Wettbewerben gehen jedes Jahr mehr als 12.000 Beiträge von Organisationen aus mehr als 70 Ländern ein. Die Stevies ehren Organisationen aller Arten und Größen, die Menschen, die hinter ihnen stehen und weltweit herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Stevie Awards unter http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Einsendeschluss für die Stevie® Awards 2021 for Sales & Customer Service rückt näher

Posted by Jule Kern on Wed, Nov 04, 2020 @ 09:18 AM

Der Einsendeschluss für die 15. jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service am Donnerstag, 12. November, rückt immer näher. Dies sind die weltweit wichtigsten Auszeichnungen für Fachleute, Teams und Organisationen im Bereich Vertrieb und Kundenservice.

Teilnahmekits und vollständige Informationen über den Wettbewerb sind unter http://www.stevieawards.com/Sales erhältlich.

Zu den teilnahmeberechtigten Nominierten gehören Abteilungen, Teams und Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt, die in den Bereichen Kundenservice, Contact Center, Geschäftsentwicklung und Vertrieb tätig sind. Neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Lösungsanbieter, die von diesen Fachleuten genutzt werden, sind ebenfalls teilnahmeberechtigt. Mit der Auszeichnung 2021 werden Leistungen seit dem 1. Juli 2019 gewürdigt.


Verspätete Einsendungen werden bis zum 13. Januar 2021 gegen Zahlung einer Verspätungsgebühr angenommen. Die Finalisten werden Mitte Januar bekannt gegeben, und die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Preisträger werden während eines Gala-Awards-Banketts am 5. März (sofern es die Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsbedingungen dies erlauben) im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas enthüllt.

Die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service umfassen mehr als 150 Kategorien für:

Die Teilnehmer können beliebig viele Nominierungen in beliebig vielen Kategorien einreichen.

Neu in diesem Jahr sind die vereinfachten Einreichungsvoraussetzungen für alle Kategorien. Diese bieten nun die Möglichkeit, ein kurzes Video oder kurze Antworten auf mehrere gezielte Fragen einzureichen.

Zu den neuen Kategorien für das Jahr 2021 gehören sechs frei zu vergebende Kategorien für den Umgang mit COVID-19, mit denen herausragende Bemühungen von Fachleuten aus den Bereichen Geschäftsentwicklung, Kundendienst und Vertrieb anerkannt werden, die sich mit den Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf ihre Organisationen, Teamkollegen, Kunden und Gemeinden befassen.

Im Jahr 2021 wird es wieder die People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service geben, eine Beliebtheit der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, bei denen die Öffentlichkeit unter allen Nominierungen der Finalisten in den Kategorien der Kundendienstabteilung des Jahres für ihre bevorzugten Anbieter im Bereich Kundenservice abstimmen kann.

Zu den Gewinnern der Ausgabe 2020 der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service gehörten American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. Und andere.

Der Wettbewerb 2021 wird von mehr als 150 Fachleuten aus der ganzen Welt bewertet.

 Über die Stevie Awards

Die Stevie Awards werden im Rahmen von acht Programmen verliehen: die Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, die German Stevie Awards, die American Business Awards®, die International Business Awards®, die Stevie Awards for Great Employers, die Stevie Awards for Women in Business, die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service und die neuen Middle East Stevie Awards. Bei den Stevie Awards-Wettbewerben gehen jedes Jahr mehr als 12.000 Beiträge von Organisationen aus mehr als 70 Ländern ein. Die Stevies ehren Organisationen aller Arten und Größen, die Menschen, die hinter ihnen stehen und weltweit herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Stevie Awards unter http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Winners Announced in 14th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Mar 02, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

Winners in the 14th annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, recognized as the world's top customer service awards and sales awards, were unveiled on Friday night at a gala ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada USA, attended by more than 570 executives from around the world.

The complete list of Stevie Winners by category is available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.


IBM, with 52 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award wins, was the most honored organization this year, earning the top Grand Stevie Award trophy. Other Grand Stevie Award winners, in descending order, include DP DHL, HomeServe USA, Sales Partnerships, Inc, Delta Vacations, Cinch Home Services, Dell Technologies, DenizBank Financial Service Group, WNS (Holdings) Limited, and Allianz Global Assistance.

IBM won 17 Gold Stevie Awards, the most in the 2020 competition. Other winners of three or more Stevie Awards include: American Airlines, Autosoft, Inc., BlueCat Networks, Inc., BNY Mellon’s Albridge, Buildium, Bounteous, Carbonite, Inc., Chorus.ai, Clarabridge, Concentrix, ConnectiCare, Constant Contact, CoverMyMeds, Covestic, Cvent, Inc., Druva, Enterprise Fleet Management, GoDaddy, Guidebook, Inc., HCL America, Inc., Industrial Security Integrators, Intuit, John Hancock Financial Services, Korea Representative, Lexmark, Loopio, Inc., Mailchimp, Merrill Corporation, Michael Kors, Mobile Labs, MRO Corp, NCR, Nextiva, Nuance Communications, Inc., OneWest Bank, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Pushpay, QNB Finansbank, RAIN Group, Rimini Street, SAP, SoftPro, SolarWinds, Spinnaker Support, StarHub Ltd, Sun Basket, Tani, The Audacious Agency, The Brooks Group, Tivity Health, Travelzoo, TTEC, Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O., UPMC Health Plan, ValueSelling Associates, Veeam, Verimatrix, VIZIO, Inc., VODAFONE TURKEY, VXI Global Solutions, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, Wheels, Inc., Willis Towers Watson, and xneelo.

The presentations were broadcast live via Livestream and are available to watch online.

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes eight of the world’s leading business award shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

More than 2,600 nominations from organizations in 48 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 180 professionals worldwide in seven specialized judging committees. Entries were considered in 106 categories for customer service and contact center achievements, including Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service, and Customer Service Department of the Year; 72 categories for sales and business development achievements, ranging from Senior Sales Executive of the Year to Sales Training or Business Development Executive of the Year to Sales Department of the Year; and categories to recognize new products and services and solution providers.

Entries for the 2021 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service will open this coming July. The entry kit may be requested at www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Topics: customer service awards, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, sales awards

Who's Coming to the Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service on Friday?

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Mon, Feb 24, 2020 @ 03:51 PM

The 14th annual edition of the Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, the world's top honors for achievement in customer service, business development, and sales, will be staged this Friday, February 28 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.  More than 600 executives from around the world will attend for the presentation of the Grand, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and People's Choice Stevie Awards.

46281030375_408e2402f8_wFinalists in the competition were announced in mid-January, but the Gold, Silver, and Bronze placements in each category will be revealed during Friday's presentations.  The results were determined by the ratings of more than 180 professionals worldwide on seven juries.

Winners of the People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service, determined by a worldwide public vote, were announced last week.

Entries for the 2021 (15th) edition of the awards will open in July.

Request the entry kit

Here is the list of organizations that will be represented at Friday's event.

A5 Solutions
Access One Inc
Alliance Data
Allianz Global Assistance
American Airlines
Anexa BPO
Arch Mortgage Insurance
Autodesk Construction Solutions
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe S.A.S.
BlueJeans Network
BNY Mellon's Albridge
Carbonite, Inc.
Care.com HomePay
Cinch Home Services, Inc.
Cisco Systems
Cogito Corporation
Command Alkon
Con Edison
Constant Contact
Consumer Reports
Contact Lens King Inc.
Cricket Wireless
DataCore Software
Dell Technologies
Delta Airlines
Delta Vacations
DenizBank Financial Service Group
DHL Express
DHL Express Mexico
Dorel Juvenile
Dynamic Enterprise Solutions
ECI Software Solutions
EFG Companies
Elevation Home Energy Solutions
Enterprise Fleet Management
Etech Global Services
FCM Travel Solutions
First Advantage
First American Database Solutions
Gainesville Health & Fitness
Grazitti Interactive
Guardian Protection Products, Inc.
Hanzo Archives
HCL Technologies
HomeServe USA
HUB International
Integrity Solutions
Intellis Labs
Janek Performance Group
JDA Software
John Hancock
Kira Systems
Kraft Heinz
Kristin Aduna
Learning Pool
Learning Tribes
MediaRadar, Inc.
Merrill Corporation
Michael Kors
MRO Corp
Multifamily Utility Company
Nestle USA
NIC, Inc.
Optima Tax Relief, LLC
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
OxBlue Corporation
Panera Bread
PJ Nisbet & Associates, Ltd
Purchasing Power, LLC
Purpol Marketing
Purpol Marketing Limited
QNB Finansbank
Quantum Workplace
RAIN Group
Revenue Storm
Ricoh USA, Inc
RxBenefits, Inc.
Sales Partnerships
SBI Cards and Payment Services Limited
SCAN Healthplan
SIMONA Boltaron
Sitel Group
SolarWinds MSP
Sun Basket
Support Services Group
Sydney and West Painting and Rope Access Pty Ltd
Tata Consultancy Services
The Crypsis Group
The Western & Southern Life Insurance Company
Tivity Health
Tyson Group
UPMC Health Plan
V Digital Services
Valley Forge Fabrics
ValueSelling Associates
Visualize, Inc.
Vodafone Turkey
VXI Global Solutions
Wells Fargo Treasury Management Client Delivery
Wheels Inc.
Willis Towers Watson
Wolters Kluwer's ELM Solutions
Wolverine Worldwide Contact Center
World Travel Holdings

Topics: customer service awards, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, sales awards

Winners Announced in 2020 People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Tue, Feb 18, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

101,000 Votes Determined Public’s Favorite Customer Service Providers Among Stevie Awards Finalists


Winners of the 2020 People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service, a worldwide public vote, were announced today. Voting was conducted from January 16 through February 14, with the highest number of votes deciding the winners in 11 industry categories. More than 101,000 votes were cast this year.

All organizations honored in the Customer Service Department of the Year categories of this year’s Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service were eligible to be included in voting for the people’s choice awards. The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, now in their 14th year, are the world’s top honors for customer service, contact center, business development, and sales professionals.

More than 2,600 nominations from organizations of all sizes, in virtually every industry, in 48 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Finalists were determined by the average scores of more than 180 professionals worldwide in seven specialized judging committees and were announced last month.

This year’s people’s choice winners, who will each receive the coveted crystal People’s Choice Stevie Award, are:

Airlines/Distribution/Transportation: DHL Express Bangladesh
Computer Hardware & Services: SiteGround Hosting Group
Consumer Products & Services: 4ocean
Financial Services - Up to 100 Employees: Wells Fargo Merchant Services - Account Management
Financial Services - 100 or More Employees: DenizBank
Healthcare & Pharma: UPMC Health Plan
All Other Industries: VIPKid Teacher Support Team
Public Services & Education: OmniUpdate
Software - Up to 100 Employees: Carbonite
Software - 100 or More Employees: Loopio Inc.
Telecommunications: AireSpring

Nicknamed the Stevie® from the Greek word “crowned,” the awards will be presented to winners at the 14th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service awards banquet on Friday, February 28 at Caesar’s Palace Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Tickets for the event are now on sale. More than 550 executives from around the world are expected to attend.  The presentations will be broadcast live via Livestream.

Sponsors of the 14th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service include HCL Technologies, Sales Partnerships, Inc., and ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Request an entry kit for the
2021 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

Request the entry kit

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, Sales & Customer Service, People’s Choice Stevie® Awards, 2020 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Finalists Announced in 14th Annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Thu, Jan 16, 2020 @ 11:15 AM

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Winners to Be Announced in Las Vegas on February 28


Finalists in the 14th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, an international competition recognizing excellence in disciplines that are crucial to business success, were announced today.

A diverse group of organizations and individuals around the world are among those recognized in the customer service awards, contact center awards, business development awards, and sales awards categories.

Organizations with five or more Finalist nominations include Achievers, Toronto, ON Canada; Allianz Global Assistance, Richmond, VA USA; Bounteous, Chicago, IL USA; Carbonite, Inc., Boston, MA USA; Cinch Home Services, Inc., Boca Raton, FL USA; Clarabridge, Reston, VA USA; Concentrix, Fremont, CA USA; CoverMyMeds, Columbus, OH USA; Cvent Inc, McLean, VA USA; Dell Technologies, worldwide; Delta Vacations, Minot, ND USA; DenizBank Financial Service Group, Istanbul, Turkey; DHL Express Vietnam, Hanoi; DHL Express, Johannesburg, South Africa; Druva, Sunnyvale, CA USA; GoDaddy, Scottsdale, AZ USA; HomeServe USA, Norwalk, CT USA; IBM, worldwide; John Hancock Financial Services, Boston, MA USA; Mailchimp, Atlanta, GA USA; NCR Corporation, Atlanta, GA USA; RAIN Group, Boston, MA USA; Sales Partnerships, Inc., Broomfield, CO USA; Spinnaker Support, Greenwood Village, CO USA; Sun Basket, San Jose, CA USA; TTEC, Englewood, CO USA; UPMC Health Plan, Pittsburgh, PA USA; VXI Global Solutions, Los Angeles, CA USA; Wells Fargo Treasury Management Client Delivery, San Francisco, CA USA; and WNS (Holdings) Limited, Mumbai, India.

Visit http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales for a full list of Finalists by category.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award placements from among the Finalists will be revealed during a gala banquet on Friday, February 28 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tickets are now on sale.

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes eight of the world’s leading business awards shows, including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®, and the Women|Future Conference.

More than 2,600 nominations from organizations of all sizes, in virtually every industry, in 48 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Finalists were determined by the average scores of more than 180 professionals worldwide in seven specialized judging committees. Entries were considered in more than 90 categories for customer service and contact center achievements, including Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service, and Customer Service Department of the Year; more than 60 categories for sales and business development achievements, ranging from Senior Sales Executive of the Year to Sales Training or Business Development Executive of the Year to Sales Department of the Year; and categories to recognize new products and services and solution providers.

Beginning today through February 14, the general public may vote for their favorite providers of customer service in the People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service. Voting is open at http://peopleschoice.stevieawards.com. Winners of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards in multiple industries will be determined in mid-February and honored at the awards gala in Las Vegas on February 28.

Request an entry kit for the
2021 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.

Request the entry kit

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, Sales & Customer Service, 2020 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Sales Partnerships to Sponsor Ethics in Sales Award at Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Wed, Nov 13, 2019 @ 03:37 PM

Nominations are open for honors to be presented in Las Vegas on February 28

Nominations for the 2020 (14th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, considered the world’s top honors for customer service, business development, and sales professionals, will be accepted through January 9 at StevieAwards.com/Sales. Late fees will apply for nominations, but no entry fees or late fees will apply for nominations to a new category to recognize ethical sales practices, sponsored by Sales Partnerships.


The Sales Partnerships Award for Ethics in Sales will recognize outstanding examples of ethical sales practices since July 1, 2018. As in all other categories in the competition, nominees may submit a written essay or case study of up to 650 words describing their ethical sales practices and achievements or a video of up to five minutes in length, illustrating the same.

Sales Partnerships, Inc., which provides turnkey, outsourced selling solutions, is a sponsor of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service program for the fourth consecutive year. Founder and CEO Fred Kessler says, “The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service has grown to be the premier honor for sales professionals worldwide, and it’s proven to be an outstanding platform on which Sales Partnerships can interact with sales leaders in a wide variety of industries. When we were approached about sponsoring an award for ethics in sales, we immediately accepted. The Sales Partnerships’ Award for Ethics in Sales recognizes companies who, like us, understand that being the best performing sales force also means having an uncompromising focus on selling ethically.”

Interested in entering the 2020 Stevie Award for Sales & Customer Service?

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Maggie Gallagher, president of the Stevie Awards, is looking forward to having the longtime Stevie Awards sponsor present this award. “We are thrilled that Sales Partnerships has decided to recognize those not only who succeed in sales at their organization, but who do so in a particularly ethical manner. The judges are eager to read through these Ethics in Sales nominations.”

Finalists in this and all other categories, based on the ratings of more than 150 professionals around the world in the judging process, will be announced on January 16. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award placements from among the finalists will be revealed at a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Friday, February 28.

Complete details on the competition, including how to participate, are available at www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Topics: customer service awards, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, sales awards, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service