Die Stevie® Awards for Women in Business 2020 präsentieren die stolzen Gewinnerinnen

Posted by Jule Kern on Tue, Nov 24, 2020 @ 11:43 AM

Drei Unternehmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum wurden für ihre Förderung von Frauen und die Leistungen ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen ausgezeichnet

SASCS entry deadline november

Frauen im Rampenlicht: am 2. Oktober 2020 wurden die Preisträgerinnen der Stevie Awards for Women in Business bekannt gegeben. Der weltweit wichtigste Wirtschaftspreis für Unternehmerinnen, weibliche Führungskräfte und Angestellte sowie die von ihnen geführten Organisationen ehrt bereits zum 17. Mal die herausragenden Leistungen von Frauen in der Wirtschaft. Mehr als 1.500 Nominierungen von Organisationen und Einzelpersonen aus der ganzen Welt wurden in diesem Jahr in Kategorien wie COVID-19 Response, Unternehmerin des Jahres, Weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres, Innovativstes Unternehmen des Jahres und Startup des Jahres eingereicht. Die stolzen Gewinnerinnen werden am 9. Dezember im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt.

Diese Unternehmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum wurden bei den Stevie Awards for Women in Business für ihre herausragenden Leistungen geehrt

Gleich vier goldene Stevie Awards gewann DHL Global Forwarding aus Bonn. Für die Inititative „Women at DHL Forwarding“ in den Media Awards Categories wurde das Unternehmen für die vorbildliche Förderung von Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz ausgezeichnet.

"Die Entwicklung von talentierten Mitarbeiterinnen bei DHL Global Forwarding ist für uns alle von zentraler Bedeutung. Unser Ziel ist es, noch mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen zu bringen, und unsere Initiative 'Women at SAWIB Responsive (11)DHL Global Forwarding' dient dabei als wichtiger Treiber", so Tim Scharwath, CEO DHL Global Forwarding, Freight. "Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit sind Grundwerte unserer Organisation. Wir wollen weiterhin großartige Arbeitsplätze schaffen, wo jeder willkommen ist."

Eva Mattheeussen, Leiterin der Personalabteilung bei DHL Global Forwarding, Mittlerer Osten und Afrika und globale Projektleiterin von 'Women at DHL Global Forwarding', erhielt den Gold Stevie Award in der Kategorie 'weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres - Business Services - mehr als 2.500 Mitarbeiter'. "Ich bin sehr stolz auf das, was wir mit diesem Projekt bisher erreicht haben. Dies geht weit über den Aufbau einer starken Gemeinschaft von Frauen hinaus. Das Projekt konzentriert sich auch darauf, Unterstützer und Förderer zu aktivieren, die es braucht, um gemeinsam aktiv am Aufbau eines gleichberechtigten Arbeitsumfeldes zu arbeiten.", so Eva Mattheeussen

In den Achievement Categories wurde die Initiative zusätzlich in den Kategorien 'Verdienste um die Förderung und Entwicklung von Frauen' und 'Verdienste im Personalwesen' ausgezeichnet. DHL Global Forwardings Initiative zielt darauf ab, eine Kultur der Chancengleichheit zu fördern, in dem flexible Arbeitsmodelle, Transparenz und Karriereförderung gelebt werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurden eigens ein neues Talentmanagementprogramm sowie Mentoring- und Netzwerkinitiativen eingeführt. Die "Women at DGF Virtual Learning Series", die während des gesamten Jahres 2020 einmal pro Monat stattfand, wurde als "Event des Jahres" geehrt. Die Veranstaltungsreihe richtete sich bewusst an alle Mitarbeiter und behandelte Themen wie etwa die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung bei DHL Global Forwarding.

Mit einem silbernen Stevie Award in den COVID-19 Response Categories wurde Marina Reinders aus dem Unternehmen ZIB – Zurück in den Beruf als Deutschlands hervorragendste Zweigstellenleiterin einer Bildungseinrichtung ausgezeichnet.

Maria Reinders hatte die Folgen der Pandemie früh eingeschätzt: die Gefahr, die für Langzeitarbeitslose und gerade Entlassene entstünde, wenn Bildungseinrichtungen schließen und sie ihre Ansprechpartner und Bezugspersonen verlieren würden. Selbstlos entschied sich Frau Reinders, auch ohne Bezahlung zu helfen. Rechtzeitig konnte sie alles Wichtige koordinieren, noch bevor die Arbeitsämter für die Öffentlichkeit geschlossen wurden. Sie fand eine Lösung, Arbeitssuchende weiter zu coachen, sie zu ermutigen und durch die Krise zu begleiten.

Gerald Hüsch, Geschäftsführer von ZIB hatte die Nominierung als Überraschung eingereicht, um die Leistungen von Frau Reinders zu honorieren. "Es gehören viele Disziplinen dazu Außergewöhnliches zu leisten. Frau Reinders überragt jede Einzelne davon. Sie ist schnell, überlegt, umsetzungsstark, gewinnt die Menschen, schätzt und hebt ihre Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen empor. Ist unermüdlich, voller Leidenschaft und Hilfsbereitschaft. Klar und stark sagt sie: „Kriegen wir hin.“ - ihr gelebtes Credo.  Sie geht voran und ist sich für nichts zu schade. Findet immer die Stelle, andere zu überraschen und Lösungen zu präsentieren. Ihre Erfolge sind die positiven Nebeneffekte ihrer Art zu sein und andere zu führen. Sie verdient diese Auszeichung vollumfänglich.  Sie würde jedoch sagen: „Ich verdiene diese Auszeichnung nicht - wir verdienen sie. Wir als Team!“, so Herr Hüsch.

Die Industrie und Handelskammer Berlin wurde für ihre crossmediale COVID-19-Kampagne in den Kategorien zur Reaktion auf COVID-19 für die PR-Kampagne des Jahres mit einem bronzenen Stevie Award ausgezeichnet.

Innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach Ausrufung der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland hatte Claudia Engfeld, Pressesprecherin der IHK Berlin, einen täglichen Krisen-Newsletter gestartet, um die 320.000 Mitgliedsfirmen der Kammer über alle Aspekte der Pandemie zu informieren. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem FM-Radiosender JazzRadio Berlin erreichte er innerhalb weniger Tage fast eine Million Menschen in der deutschen Hauptstadt. Ein Schlüssel zu der einzigartigen crossmedialen Kampagne war Claudia Engfelds Hintergrund als leitende Journalistin bei den nationalen Fernsehsendern, Sat 1 und dem ZDF. Als sie JazzRadio Berlin darum bat, ihren täglichen Newsletter als Quellenmaterial zu verwenden, bot der Sender an, diesen zu versenden. Die Programmdirektorin von JazzRadio, Dr. Lyria Messahel, erklärte: "Der Newsletter der Kammer war maßgebend und sehr gut beurteilt. Er gab den Leuten genau die wichtigen Informationen, die sie brauchten, wenn sie sie brauchten. Es war wirklich hochkarätiger Journalismus. Claudia Engfeld hat kein großes Team, auf das sie zurückgreifen kann. Es besteht aus ihr und einer Assistentin. Sie hat bemerkenswerte Arbeit geleistet und dies von Mitte März bis Ende Mai fortgesetzt. Sie hat meiner Meinung nach sicherlich zu Deutschlands beeindruckender COVID-19-Statistik beigetragen.

Eine vollständige Liste aller Preisträgerinnen finden Sie hier.

Women|Future Conference – die Macherinnen von Morgen

Im Vorfeld der Preisverleihung fand am 12. und 13. November eine zweitägige Konferenz für berufstätige Frauen, die Women|Future Conference statt. Die virtuelle Konferenz für Frauen förderte durch motivierende Keynotes, Bildungssitzungen und Networking engagierte Beziehungen, berufliche und WomenFutureConference_Logo_2020FullColorpersönliche Entwicklung sowie Gesundheit und finanzielles Wohlbefinden. Von aufstrebenden Geschäftsfrauen über inspirierende Unternehmerinnen bis hin zu Führungskräften - auf dieser Veranstaltung waren die Macherinnen von morgen vertreten! Weibliche CEOs, Gründerinnen, Kleinunternehmerinnen, Unternehmerinnen und Führungskräfte, darunter Senior Management und Direktoren von AT&T Business, Girl Scouts of the USA, Amazon, Deloitte, Microsoft, Roku, PayPal, Cisco, HCL und viele mehr standen auf der Agenda der Women|Future Conference. Mit Podiumsdiskussionen, zahlreichen Networking-Möglichkeiten, Fallstudien von Stevie®-Preisträgerinnen und einem Pitch-Wettbewerb für junge, von Frauen geführte Unternehmen befasste sich die Women|Future Conference mit den drängendsten Geschäftsfragen von morgen. 

Die Bewerbungsphase der 18.Stevie Awards for Women in Business beginnt im Mai 2021. Auf der Awards-Webseite können Sie sich bereits jetzt auf die Mailingliste der Teilnahmeunterlagen setzen lassen. 

Und bis dahin haben Sie die Möglichkeit an weiteren spannenden Stevie Award Programmen, wie etwa den German Stevie Awards 2021 teilzunehmen. 

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women in Business

Highlights from the 2020 Women|Future Conference

Posted by Nina Moore on Fri, Nov 20, 2020 @ 05:45 PM

From November 12-13, over 320 attendees tuned in virtually from around the world to learn and be inspired at the 2020 Women|Future Conference. The third annual Women|Future Conference was originally planned as an in-person event in Las Vegas, but this year's pivot to virtual did not stop attendees from making engaging connections and having forward-thinking discussions. Attendees gained powerful insights to help them in their professional and personal lives through sessions ranging from entrepreneurship to financial planning, diversity in the workplace, health and wellness, overcoming the imposter syndrome, and social media marketing.

The 2020 Women|Future Conference was made up of 108 transformative speakers from multiple industries and fields of thought. Speakers ranged from female founders, CEOs, small business owners, and executives of Fortune 500 companies including AT&T Business, Amazon, Deloitte, Cisco, Microsoft, Roku, HCL and PayPal. The conference sessions and workshops encouraged women in all stages of life to not only embrace their tomorrow, but to walk away with lessons that motivate them to tackle career, personal, and life goals. Here’s what Women|Future Conference attendees took away from the conference:

"I have attended a lot of virtual conferences and this is the best conference out there. I took away a lot of good information and met fabulous ladies who delivered support, encouragement, talent and inspiration." - Shirin Alhroob, University of North Carolina

"Exciting, engaging, informative, and inspiring! What a show!" - April Traughber, Director of Learning & Development TTEC

"Taking part in the 2020 Women|Future Conference was an absolute honor. Hearing like-minded women share success stories, trials and insight on their stories was extremely inspiring. I can’t wait for 2021!" - Catina D’Achille Account Executivtrwqve, Park Place Payments

"I loved the mix of topics at the Conference. It was inspiring to be surrounded with knowledgeable women who have overcome trauma and other life events and rise to success. Everyone was very approachable and it was a great platform for networking. Would definitely recommend to other."  - Georgia Homsany, Founder of Daily Dose Wellness

"What a truly inspirational event! I felt engaged and empowered. I highly recommend attending this event to anyone who is interested in learning to be their best self". - Mirela Marceta, Development Coordinator, YWCA Hamilton

There were three days of pre-conference sessions held November 9-11 leading up to the main event. Each pre-conference session was centered around a theme corresponding to that day of the week; Motivational Monday, GratiTuesday, and Women-Owned Business Wednesday.

The top attended pre-conference session was on Tuesday, November 10 titled, "Disrupt the Imposter Syndrome; Let the Real You Shine Through!" Panelists of this session discussed their own “imposter moments” and explored how our inner critic comes out as a result of comparison syndrome. They explained that when we compare ourselves to others, we tend to compare our worst to someone else’s best.

Imposter“We see others in a more larger-than state, and see ourselves as less-than by human nature,” explained panelist Dee C. Marshall, CEO of Diverse and Engaged. “How we can resolve this? One way is to know that we all have unique gifts and talents that no one else can do. Remember, if someone appears to be farther along than you, it is not that they are better than you, it is that we have different skillsets.”

“We also compare ourselves to our future and past selves,” added Jen Coken, Executive Coach, Speaker and Author. “I don’t think we can ever overcome it, I think we can create a new neuropathway the moment you are able to catch the old neuropathway. If you want to show up being joyful, there’s no formula for that- being joyful could mean I do some laughter yoga, skip down the street like a nut job and people think I’m crazy, or it could mean I smile at people. There are so many different things you can do, and once you identify a new practice to stay above the line, the stronger you get.”

Day One- Women|Future Conference

The conference kicked off on Thursday, November 12 with the opening keynote, "Today's Leadership, Tomorrow's Future" by Anne Chow, CEO of AT&T Business. Anne delivered an inspiring message about leading with compassion and mindfulness of our current environment, as well as unconscious bias in the workplace. She framed her discussion around the “7+C's” of great leadership, which she says are key for today and critical for our future.


When explaining two of the C’s, character and competence, Anne explained “One of the things I have found in my experience is that organizations and people within those organizations often make the mistake of assuming that if you have character, you have competence, or if you are competent, you have character, but this is absolutely not true. You need both character and competence as a foundation for trust.” She referenced the Stephen Covey book, The Speed of Trust, which explores this interaction as well as a personal anecdote to illustrate her point; even though her brother, an OB-GYN, has the "utmost character," he was not the appropriate person to see for her shoulder injury. When discussing the C of color, Anne stated,

“Great leaders surround themselves with people who are not like them, but are actually very different than themselves...the data shows that diverse teams generate better results.”

“We want to create cultures where everybody feels that they belong as their authentic self...diversity is asking somebody to the party, inclusion is asking them to dance, and for me, belonging is about bringing your own dance to the party and teaching others your dance while you learn theirs.”

Anne Chow closed her keynote with a live Q&A session from the audience. Other sessions on day one of the Women|Future Conference included:

  • How to Be Resilient Through a Crisis
  • Women Driving the Future of Tech- How AI, VR, and Robotics will be the Norm
  • Health and Wellness 2020 & Beyond
  • Stevie Awards for Women in Business Case Studies
  • Passion to Profit
  • Journalistic Approach to Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
  • Balancing Motherhood + Business for “Mompreneurs” and Working Moms
  • Finding Your Voice for Young Women
  • The Power of Female Leadership
  • Sustainability: Waste is a Design Flaw
  • Women and Money: Investing 101
  • How to Make Your Small Business Stand Out in the Crowd

Day Two- Women|Future Conference

The second day of sessions began with another popular session that addressed individual mindset about money and the many things that impact our ability to be financially successful. The panelists on “Financial Wellness: Your Relationship with Money” explored what it means to have true financial freedom and provided tips on how to track, choose, and invest where your money goes. The panelists shared resources about investing and saving, and explained how money can be an emotionally charged topic for women more so than for men. Additional day two Women|Future Conference sessions included:

  • Create Joy in Your Career on Your Own Terms
  • Business Chemistry: Using Science to Improve the Art of Relationships
  • Getting Creative with Client Engagements
  • Tips and Tricks: How to Get Funding for Your Business
  • Building Your Dream Network for Introverts
  • Conquer Crisis. Train Like a Triathalete. Body + Mind + Business
  • Growth Through Social Media
  • Bold Identity Branding to Build Your Business Post-Covid
  • Creating Memorable Content
  • E-Commerce and Online Business in Today’s Changing Climate

    View the full 2020 Women|Future Conference Agenda


Pictured above, from right, are Judith Batty, Interim CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA and Kelly Parisi, Communications Officer of Girl Scouts of the USA. During their Women|Future Conference Session, "Building the Next Generation of Women Leaders Who Make a Positive Impact in the World," Judith shared some impressive statistics about the roughly 59 million Girl Scout alumnae and the impact they have had on the world.

“53% of female entrepreneurs and business owners in the US were Girl Scouts,” stated Batty. “Girl Scout alums are more likely than other women to have a business degree. The majority of women serving in Congress were also Girl Scouts. If you look at the sciences, the majority of female astronauts were Girl Scouts as well. We create leaders.”

One of our closing sessions of the day was the “Shark Tank”-Style Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition which featured ten finalists whose businesses were founded in November 2017 or later competing for a chance to win funding.  A panel of judges and attendees watched 3-minute pitches from each finalist, then voted for their favorite.  Our five judges included female founders and CEOs of successful, established women-owned businesses. The Pitch Competition finalists answered questions from the judges about their business model, target audience, and operations strategy.

Untitled design (4) The winner of the pitch competition was Clocr Inc., an innovative estate planning tool that helps create a power of attorney to legally pass on digital assets and online accounts. In second place was Sam and Lance ethical marketplace gift boxes, and in third place was Nutricraft Cookware.

Virtual Networking and Red Carpet

While pivoting to a virtual conference had its own challenges, we replicated as many in-person experiences our community loves including networking, hands-on workshops, and red carpet moments. The conference platform, Swapcard, and its Artificial Intelligence matchmaking capabilities allowed for attendees to interact outside of conference sessions. Swapcard recommends relevant attendees, sponsors, sessions, and workshops based on shared interests.

Another fun feature in the platform was the ability to take a red carpet photo from home. Click here to view the red carpet photos. If you attended this year’s virtual event and have additional behind the scenes photos you'd like to share with us, please email them to Nina@stevieawards.com and we will feature them on our social media pages.

Swapcard WFC pics

2021 Conference Updates

We look forward to an even bigger and more exciting event next year at the fourth annual Women|Future Conference, which will be a hybrid virtual and in-person event held November 5-6, 2021 presented in conjunction with the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Sign up for our mailing list to get notified when early-bird tickets launch for the 2021 Women|Future Conference, the call for speakers opens, and other updates about this forward-thinking event for women!

Sign Up for 2021 Conference Updates

Special Thanks to our 2020 Sponsors and Partners

We are proud to partner with the following publications and organizations that give a voice to women entrepreneurs and leaders. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the 2021 Women|Future Conference, sign up here to get notified when they are released.

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Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager



Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Launching Today: Women|Future Conference Virtual Bookshelf & Speaker Resources

Posted by Nina Moore on Fri, Nov 06, 2020 @ 03:34 PM

The Women|Future Conference is today launching the Speaker Resources Webpage, an evolving virtual hub of books, videos, podcasts, online workshops, and more which have been published by 2020 Women|Future Conference speakers.

With speakers from multiple industries and fields of thought, we wanted to create a place outside of the conference platform where the public could access resources written and created by our inspiring speakers. Just like our conference sessions, topics on the Speaker Resources Webpage range from career advice to self-help, finance, branding, diversity & inclusion, entrepreneurship, and human resources.

We hope you enjoy these free and invaluable resources. Please feel free to use and share them however you choose; the mission of the Women|Future Conference is about supporting and learning from other women in business, and this resource list does just that!
View Speaker Resources


The Women|Future Conference is made up of 100+ transformative women speakers from around the world including notable CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, and Executives from AT&T Business, Amazon, Girl Scouts of the USA, Deloitte, Cisco, Microsoft, Roku, HCL, PayPal, and more. The conference brings together women professionals from all industries for 2 days of inspiration and learning from November 12-13, 2020. 

Pre-conference sessions kick off this Monday, November 9, 2020. Current registrants have already started building their event schedules, filling out their profiles on the virtual platform, and connecting with attendees and speakers who share similar interests. It's not too late to join them and register! 

Save 10% when you register three or more people together. Students can attend the Women|Future Conference at half-price ($49 compared to the general admission ticket price of $99).

Register for the Conference

Thank you to our Sponsors, Advertisers and Partners

We are proud to partner with the following publications and organizations that give a voice to women entrepreneurs and leaders.

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager



Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager



Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition Finalists and Pre-Conference Sessions Announced

Posted by Nina Moore on Tue, Oct 27, 2020 @ 02:00 PM

There are less than three weeks left until the 2020 Women|Future Conference, happening virtually November 12-13. Below are a few recent announcements and updates to the agenda, which now consists of 108 speakers and 35 sessions!

1. Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition Finalists Announced

New for 2020, the Women|Future Conference launched a 'Shark Tank'-style Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition for organizations run by women and founded in November 2017 or later. 70+ incredible businesses applied, and 10 finalists were selected to compete for a chance to win funding for their business. A mix of industries make up the list of finalists including food and wellness products, e-learning, computer software solutions, online media, and clothing with a cause. The finalists and their websites can be viewed here.Women Future Conference

2. Three Days of Pre-Conference Sessions Added to the Agenda

Our conference is packed with content, inspiration, motivation and global networking. Three additional days of pre-conference sessions were recently added to the agenda, each of which is focused on a theme corresponding to that day of the week; Motivational Monday, GratitTuesday, and Women-Owned Business Wednesday! The schedule is in Eastern Standard Time.

November 9, Motivational Monday

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm Overcoming Personal Adversity

November 10, GratiTuesday

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm Disrupt the Imposter Syndrome; Let the Real You Shine Through!

3:30 pm- 4:30 pm Competent but Not Confident: Scientifically Why So Many Women Limit Their Own Potential - and Everyone Else’s

November 11, Women-Owned Business Wednesday

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm Your Next Act: The Move From Corporate to Entrepreneurship

3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Challenging Stigmas and Changing Lives: Everything You Need To Know About CBD

4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Successful & Sustainable: Triple Bottom Line Businesses

3. Our Keynote speaker is Anne Chow, CEO of AT&T Business

Anne Chow, Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business, is the keynote speaker for the 2020 Women|Future Conference. She and her organization of over 30,000 employees are responsible for serving nearly 3 million business customers in upwards of 200 countries and territories around the world. Anne will kick off the conference on Thursday, November 12 at 8:00 am, EST. Her session is titled “Today’s Leadership, Tomorrow’s Future.” She will discuss how Covid-19 is changing life as we know it - how we work, how we live, and how we communicate, as well as leadership lessons from 2020 and her view of leading into the future.WFC_Social_IG Anne-2

4. Our Featured Speaker is Judith Batty, Interim CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA

August 17, 2020, Judith Batty made history by becoming the first black CEO in the organization's more than 100-year legacy!  Her conference session, "Building the Next Generation of Women Leaders Who Make a Positive Impact in the World," will be about building a socially responsible business. It takes place on day 2 of the conference, November 13,  from 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm EST. 
Judith is a former Girl Scout and served on the National Board since 2014. She also served as the Girl Scout's International Commissioner, and was a member of the first class of Girl Delegates to the National Convention in 1976. Judith is currently co-chair of the governance committee on the board of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. She was a pacesetter and role model during her 28 years as an executive and senior attorney at Exxon Mobil Corporation.
Judith will be speaking with Ana De Almeida Amaral, recipient of the highest Girl Scout honor for advocating against institutional racism in education through the creation of an Ethnic Studies Program and professional development seminars for educators throughout the country. Ana serves as a national media representative for Girl Scouts USA and the Gold Award.
WFC_Social_IG Judith -1

Register for the Conference

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Save 10% when you register three or more people together. Students can attend the Women|Future Conference at half-price ($49 compared to the general admission ticket price of $99).

Thank you to our Sponsors, Advertisers and Partners

We are proud to partner with the following publications and organizations that give a voice to women entrepreneurs and leaders. If you know an organization that aligns with the Women|Future Conference mission of supporting women, let them know about our event! To request info on sponsoring, fill out this form.

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager



Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager



Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Pitch your Women-Owned Business! Announcing The Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition

Posted by Nina Moore on Thu, Sep 10, 2020 @ 02:00 PM

Do you or someone you know own a women-run business founded in November 2017 or later? Enter the 2020 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition for a chance to win funding! 💸 The Women|Future Conference has added this competition as a new feature to the two-day virtual event happening November 12-13, 2020. It is an opportunity for women-owned businesses and female entrepreneurs who are navigating the startup phase of their business endeavors to receive funding -- think of it as a 'Shark Tank' for female business owners. 

If selected, finalists will be asked to record a three-minute pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market. Submissions will be reviewed by the Women|Future Conference team and final pitches will be judged by a panel of female venture capitalists and conference attendees during our virtual event on November 13, 2020. There will be three winners, each of which will receive a monetary prize.

Pitch Your Business

There are still sponsorship opportunities available which go toward funding the pitch competition. If your organization is interested in sponsoring, email Ruslana@stevieawards.com or visit our sponsorship and advertising page to request information.


The Women|Future Conference agenda features virtual sessions, panels, and workshops that address today’s trending topics and current issues in areas such as technology, sustainability, career and financial planning, diversity in the workplace, leadership, crisis management, and more. The conference is made up of 100 transformative women speakers from around the world including notable CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, and executives from AT&T Business, Amazon, Girl Scouts of the USA, Deloitte, HCL, Cisco, Microsoft, Roku, PayPal and more. View the speaker lineup.

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

WFC_Social_Student Pricing Available TW FB

In the spirit of back to school season, we recently announced that students can attend the Women|Future Conference at half-price (that's just $49 compared to the regular ticket price of $99!) Many Women|Future Conference speakers will discuss topics relevant to young women who have just entered the workforce, or are thinking about their future careers.

If you know a student who is an aspiring business owner, or would love to hear from female entrepreneurs, founders, and executives in diverse industries, let her know about this incredible opportunity! Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Save 10% when you register three or more people together.

Register for the Conference

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager



Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager



Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Announcing 2020 Women|Future Conference Keynote Speaker & Top Sessions

Posted by Nina Moore on Thu, Aug 27, 2020 @ 12:11 PM

We are excited to announce the 2020 Women|Future Conference opening Keynote Speaker - Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business, Anne Chow!

Anne will kick off our conference on Thursday, November 12 at 8:00 am, EST. Her session is titled “Today’s Leadership, Tomorrow’s Future.” She will discuss how COVID-19 is changing life as we know it - how we work, how we live, and how we communicate. As leaders we must be mindful of our current environment, which is now marked by a global pandemic, economic recession, and social injustices, but we must also simultaneously drive forward and build a better tomorrow. Anne will be discussing leadership lessons from 2020 and her view of leading into the future.

With decades in the industry, Anne has led many global organizations through major transformations, developing and executing innovative growth strategies while building role model relationships. She's passionate about education, diversity and inclusion, advancing women in technology and cultivating next generation leaders.

Anne was appointed Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business in September 2019. She and her organization of over 30,000 employees are responsible for serving nearly 3 million business customers in upwards of 200 countries and territories around the world. She is the first woman to hold this position and first woman of color CEO in AT&T’s history!

WFC_Social_TW FB AnneAnne is speaking among 100 talented, transformative women leaders from around the world. The Women|Future Conference agenda features virtual sessions, panels, and workshops that address today’s trending topics and current issues in areas such as technology, sustainability, career and financial planning, diversity in the workplace, leadership, crisis management, and much more. Our speakers are a diverse mix of female CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, and Senior Management and Directors from Amazon, Cisco, Deloitte, Microsoft, Girl Scouts of the USA, HCL, Roku, PayPal and more. View the full speaker lineup.

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

Women|Future Conference Sessions Include:

  • Business Chemistry! Using Science to Improve the Art of Relationships Workshop by Deloitte
  • Overcoming Personal Adversity
  • Conquer Crisis. Train Like a Triathlete. Body + Mind + Business
  • Balancing Motherhood + Business: for "Mompreneurs" and Working Moms
  • Financial Wellness: Your Relationship with Money
  • Diversity & Inclusion: The Importance in Your Workplace
  • Building Your Dream Network for Introverts
  • Competent but Not Confident: Scientifically Why So Many Women Limit Their Own Potential - and Everyone Else’s
  • Redefining Success in the New Normal: Knowing What You Want, Why You Deserve it, and How to Get it
  • Disrupt the Imposter Syndrome; Let the Real You Shine Through!
  • Women Driving the Future of Tech: How AI, VR, and Robotics Will Be the Norm
  • Create Joy in Your Career on Your Own Terms
      ...and many more

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Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Navigating a Crisis: 6 Ways the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business Winners are Innovating in Response to COVID-19

Posted by Nina Moore on Fri, Apr 24, 2020 @ 03:47 PM

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the ways we think about our routine habits and work environments, among other lifestyle practices. For businesses large and small around the world, the importance of putting people over profits has heightened. The mission of the Stevie Awards is to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of organizations and working professionals worldwide.

We’d like to recognize some of the ways that Stevie Awards for Women in Business winners and 2019 Women|Future Conference attendees have pivoted their services, products and strategies to help individuals, businesses and communities impacted by the virus.

While thousands of Stevie Award winners are doing incredible work in their fields during this time, here are six that make the top of our list:

1. Arco + Associates, St. Louis, MO


Andrea Arco is the founder and CEO of Arco + Associates, LLC, a marketing communications firm based in St. Louis, MO that serves clients nationwide. Her company is a 2019 Silver Stevie® Award for Women in Business winner in the Women-Run Workplace of the Year category. Andrea also served as a panelist during the 2019 Women|Future Conference Panel – “The Significance and Simplification of Being Strategic.” Since March 2020, the Arco team has been offering an incredible value of free 30-minute virtual consultations to any business executives and owners looking for strategic marketing advice during this time. The sessions cover everything from messaging to clients, talking through fears, remote working strategies, bounce back marketing strategies, and more. Learn more about the Arco + Associates COVID-19 response here.


2. ScriptDrop, Columbus, OH 

 scriptdrop logo

ScriptDrop is a nationwide prescription delivery startup. The company’s president Amanda Way is a Silver Stevie® winner for the Women in Business Awards category Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Services. ScriptDrop has recently switched from solely a business-to-business model to a consumer-facing one. Its prescription delivery service is making a difference in the lives of all patients who are sheltering at home without a way of getting required medications by enabling pharmacies to deliver directly to customers’ homes. ScriptDrop Founder Nicholas Potts explained this shift during this April 21st  interview with Fortune: “The coronavirus pandemic has meant a sevenfold increase in order volumes—and the execution of a multiyear business plan in just six weeks.” Learn more.


3. Jeunesse Global, Lake Mary, FL

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Jeunesse Global is a global direct selling company with a mission to impact the world by helping people look and feel young, while empowering each other to unleash their potential. The company’s exclusive skin care and nutritional products are available in more than 145 countries around the world. Jeunesse Founder and Chief Operations Officer Wendy Lewis is a Gold Stevie winner for Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Products. Jeunesse has added new products to its Youth Enhancement skincare line in response to COVID-19. The newest addition is the AlōClnz Hand Sanitizer single use packets. Jeunesse also recently donated $500,000 USD to COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. Learn more.


4. Income Access (a Paysafe Company), Montreal, Quebec (Headquartered)

  income access

Income Access is an affiliate software provider, digital marketing agency and affiliate network that serves the iGaming, lottery and forex industries. The company received a 2019 Bronze Stevie Award for Women in Business in the Women-Run Workplace of the Year category. During the COVID-19 outbreak, Income Access key leaders have been hosting webinars about how to create a contingency plan and maintain affiliate marketing business during trying times. Income Access SVP and General Manager, Tara Wilson recently spoke on the April 22, 2020 free webinar Business as Unusual. Making Remote Work 'Work'  about keeping teams productive and connected from a distance. Tara Wilson was a Moderator on the 2019 Women|Future Conference panel “The Art of Inclusion: How to Craft Your Company's Diversity Mosaic” and is currently serving on the 2020 Women|Future Conference Advisory Board.

In addition, Paysafe has been providing solutions for small business that want to pivot their model to include an online scheduling or order ahead service using POS systems. For businesses not currently operating a sophisticated POS system, Paysafe works with their payment services provider to launch lightweight solutions such as Clover Go or Clover Flex.


5. TriageLogic Group, Jacksonville, FL


Triagelogic is a URAC-accredited physician-led company that offers leading-edge solutions for patient care management including emergency healthcare solutions that can be implemented quickly for remote monitoring. Dr. Charu Raheja is the co-founder and CEO of the TriageLogic. She and her team are working tirelessly to help as many healthcare organizations as possible during this crisis. TriageLogic is offering free COVID-19 Protocols to doctor’s offices and hospitals to efficiently triage those who may have been exposed or who are concerned about the virus. The company CTO spoke on live TV network News4Jax to explain the do's and don'ts of wearing a protective face mask. If you need help setting up a #COVID-19 hotline, contact info@triagelogic.com or call (855) 734-4463.

TriageLogic Group and Dr. Charu Raheja are 2018 Stevie® Awards For Women in Business winners. TriageLogic is a Silver Stevie® Award winner in the Company/Organization Awards category, and Charu is a Gold Stevie® Award winner in the Individual Awards category for Women in Business. Dr. Charu Raheja was a breakout session speaker at the 2019 Women|Future Conference; her session was titled “Finding Your True Self and Meaningful Support at Work.”


6. Noonday Collection, Austin, TX


Noonday Collection designs and sells jewelry and accessories made by Artisans in some of the world's most vulnerable communities. The company partners with Artisan Businesses through fair trade, empowering them to grow sustainably and to create dignified jobs for people who need them. Noonday announced on April 21, 2020  that they are partnering with @nokidhungry to help end childhood hunger. In a time when schools have closed their doors, kids in need have missed millions of school meals that their families rely on. They are also running contests on social media to nominate healthcare workers to receive healthcare packages and work appropriate Noonday accessories. Noonday Founder and Co-CEO Jessica Honegger is a 2019 Gold Stevie® Awards for Women in Business winner in the category Female Entrepreneur of the Year- Business Products.


About the Stevie Awards for Women in Business

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business are the world’s premier business awards for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run. All organizations and individuals worldwide are eligible to submit entries to the competition. The awards feature categories to recognize achievement in many facets of work life, including:

  • Entrepreneur Awards
  • Executive Awards
  • Achievement Awards
  • Management Team Awards
  • Company of the Year Awards
  • Communications & Marketing Awards
  • PR Awards
  • Media Awards
  • New Product & Service Awards
  • Website & App Awards
  • And More

More than 200 professionals around the world will participate in the judging process, and entrants have access to all of the judges’ comments and suggestions about their entries; an invaluable resource! Finalists are announced in early October 2020, and the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie winners will be revealed during the Las Vegas award ceremony on November 13, in conjunction with the 2020 Women|Future Conference.


Interested in nominating your business in the 2020 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Request the Entry Kit


About the Women|Future Conference

This two-day conference for women encourages engaging connections, professional and personal development, and health and financial wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. The mission of the Women|Future Conference is to help women share insights about the changes that will impact their businesses, their industries, their careers, and their lives.

Speakers and topics address the latest innovations and impending change in areas such as technology, sustainability, career planning, social media, government regulation, access to capital, and more. With panel discussions, a must-see keynote, plenty of networking opportunities, case studies from Stevie® winners, and a showcase of young women-owned businesses, this is an event you don’t want to miss! Learn more.


Registration is open for the 2020 Women|Future Conference, November 12-13 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business, women awards, women in business awards, Women in Business, 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business, Women Future Conference, Women Future Conference 2020, WomenFuture Conference

Highlights from the 2019 Women|Future Conference

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Fri, Nov 22, 2019 @ 04:29 PM

Women from around the world gathered for a two-day women's conference in New York City

WFC19 - Case Studies

The second-annual Women|Future Conference wrapped last week at the Marriott Marquis in New York City and brought women professionals from various industries together for two days of structured networking, panels, and case studies before the 16th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business ceremony. 

Click here to view photos and find out what you missed at the 2019 Women|Future Conference.

“I wasn’t born with the gift of foresight but I would tell you that all of you are Futurists too. Each and everyone one of you try to predict the future, for your personal life and for your company strategy.” 

The conference kicked off with Keynote Address by Sheryl Connelly, Futurist at Ford Motor Company: Confessions of a Corporate Futurist: Coming Trends That Will Revolutionize Your Business. 

Sheryl shared her background, choosing a degree in finance to be financially secure when she really wanted to study art, then going on to law school and never ended up practicing law. She started at an entry level job at Ford, even with a law degree, and was able to work her way up to the unique job of “Futurist.” She then shared what insights made her career goals come true and how she is able to help Ford predict what trends are coming next, and how we can too.

WFC19 - Sheryl Connelly

See what WomenFuture Conference attendees took away from the conference.

This conference empowers you to be your best self, to be in a space with like minded individuals, and to discover best practices being used around the world for different, relevant topics. I would happily recommend this to any person wanting to improve themselves and learn in the process. - Jessica Ney, Income Access

Women in business are creating an extraordinary impact on the world and the Future Women conference is an incredible opportunity to meet leading-edge game-changers and to discover what you could be achieving in your own role. - Lauren Clemett - Audacious Agency 

“Be strategic. Lead easier. Because you’re always leading.”

One of the first panels on Day One was The Significance and Simplification of Being Strategic, moderated by Erin Joy, CEO of Black Dress Circle. The panelists included Debra Kunz, Founder of the Center for Deliberate Growth, Julie Ockerby, CEO of Meli Studio Australia, Chessa Eskandanian-Yee, CEO & Co-Founder of LeaderEQ, and Andrea Arco-Mastromichalis, CEO and Founder of Arco + Associates. Each speaker offered their approach to thinking more strategically in the workplace. Tips about prioritizing, anticipating problems, and simplifying the steps to get from point A to B were brought to light, which encouraged some thought-provoking questions at the end of the session.

“61% of women look at the gender diversity of a leadership team when deciding where to work.”

After a lunch break that featured tables for structured networking sessions with other goal-oriented professional women discussing issues in today’s business environment, the day continued with The Art of Inclusion: How to Craft Your Company’s Diversity Mosaic. Tara Wilson, SVP and General Manager of Income Access, A Paysafe Group, moderated the panel. Joining her were speakers Ashley Brundage, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion at PNC, Tonia Morris, HR Executive of The Generational Connector, Ashira Prossack, Founder and CEO of The Generational Factor, and Vanessa Subramaniam, Manager of Sales and Support for TourRadar. Their session revolved around the comparisons between different generations in the workplace, the advantages of age diversity, and how to embrace diversity and develop a generational inclusive workforce.

WFC19 - Art of Inclusion

“A paradox of opportunity & unintended consequences.”

Day one of the conference wrapped with the panel, How AI Is Transforming Industries, led by Brigitta Rubin, Chief Innovation Officer of Dragonfish, Inc. Attendees learned how AI will affect our everyday lives, the world of business, and job prospects. Speakers Jagathi Gururajan, Director of the Financial Services Advisory for PwC, Shimona Chadha, Associate Vice President of Marketing for HCL, and Louvere Walker-Hannon, Application Engineer for Mathworks, Inc. provided their expertise and advice regarding how marketers can unlock the potential of AI and adapt to discover new opportunities.

“When it comes to creating a future that’s gender-equal…there are things our society needs to do. There are things our country needs to do.”

The second day of sessions began with a morning Keynote by Selena Rezvani, Author of Pushback. In her talk, The Future of Work Is Female, she discussed creating a future that is gender equal. Attendees learned about the clues that reveal a company’s culture and how they could be proactive in advocating for a “women-forward culture.” Rezvani provided examples of gender bias within companies like Nike and suggested how women can strengthen their participation in decisions that affect them.

WFC19 - Selena Rezvani

Rezvani’s Keynote was followed shortly by several breakout sessions, which covered topics such as The Power of Influence, Customer Experience, Building Communities, and Cross-Cultural Communication. 

“I wanted to help impact people’s lives the way mine was impacted.”

The conference concluded with a closing panel of three case studies conducted by Sherry Smith, VP, Media, Mobile & Marketing, of Clarity PR. Each case study featured a finalist from the 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business. The awards honoring women in the workplace was to be held later that evening. Finalists and speakers included Gail Becker, Founder and CEO of CAULIPOWER, Alex Coren, Co-Founder & CINO of Wambi, and Rosemary Lokhorst, Executive Director and Producer of The Digging Deep Project. Each of them gave attendees a microscopic view of how these women leaders started their companies and grew to influence the larger community.

The Women|Future Conference was a jam-packed two days of networking with incredible insight from just a fraction of leading women in the professional sphere. We look forward to an even bigger and more exciting event next year during the third annual conference, which will be held November 12-13, 2020 in Las Vegas presented in conjunction with the Stevie Awards for Women in Business. For more information visit www.womenfutureconference.com 

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Topics: Women in Business, Women Future Conference 2019, Women Future Conference

Finalists Announced in the 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Thu, Oct 03, 2019 @ 09:00 AM

World’s Top Honors for Women Professionals to Be Presented in New York on November 15, with Second Edition of Women|Future Conference

Finalists were announced today in the 16th annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the world’s top honors for women entrepreneurs, executives, employees and the organizations they run.

women in biz 21

This year’s Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award placements from among the Finalists will be announced at an awards dinner at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on Friday, November 15. More than 600 women and their guests from around the world are expected to attend the presentations, which will be broadcast live on Livestream.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business event will be complemented by the two-day educational and networking event, the Women|Future Conference, also at the Marriott Marquis Hotel on November 14-15.  Tickets for both the conference and the awards dinner are now on sale.

More than 1,500 entries were submitted this year by organizations and individuals in 25 nations, for consideration in more than 90 categories including Executive of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Startup of the Year, Women Helping Women and Women-Run Workplace of the Year.  

Among the many extraordinary organizations and women who have been recognized as Finalists, the following organizations stand out as those with five or more Finalist nominations: 8X8 to Educate, Tallai, QLD, Australia; B Floral, New York, NY, USA; DHL Express, worldwide; Glass of Learning, Toronto, ON, Canada; Harman International, Stamford, CT, USA; Jeunesse Global, Lake Mary, FL, USA; Oceans 2 Earth Volunteers, Kenmore East, QLD, Australia; Sleepm Global, Inc., Markham, ON, Canada; Tavuun Welfare Association, Karachi, Pakistan; and Turkish Airlines, Istanbul, Turkey.

Nominations were submitted by organizations in Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Kuwait, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Visit http://www.StevieAwards.com/Women for a complete list of Finalists by category.

Finalists were determined by the average scores of more than 150 professionals around the world, organized in seven juries.

HCL America is a sponsor of the 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Interested in receiving a Stevie Award in 2020?

Request the entry kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women in Business, 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Judging Committee Chairs Announced for the 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Mon, Aug 12, 2019 @ 05:00 PM

The seven judging committee chairs for the 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business have been announced. Judging will take place from August 26 - September 30. 

Nominations are still being accepted through August 21 and late entries will be accepted through September 18.


Individual/Entrepreneur Categories:
Natasha Bansgopaul, COO and Co-Founder
DarcMatter, NY, NY
19 WIB ENTR Chair Bangsopaul-1Natasha Bansgopaul is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of the FinTech Platform, DarcMatter. She is a part of the founding team of both DarcMatter and Konstellation, and co-founded and launched Konstellation, DarcMatter’s blockchain consulting and development division, to leverage blockchain technology to continue to accelerate further efficiencies in the asset management marketplace. Natasha was recognized as Female Entrepreneur of the Year and Female Executive of the Year-Business Service up to 2,500 Employees in the 2018 Stevie Awards for Women in Business. In addition to her various awards and accolades, she is also a distinguished international keynote speaker, presenting at financial services, FinTech, and blockchain conferences throughout Asia and the United States.

Natasha’s last corporate role was at PepsiCo, which provided significant experience in
developing global billion-dollar brands through new product innovation, comprehensive
go-to-market and social media marketing strategies, and consumer insights research.
Her breakthrough and cross-functional collaboration project wins earned her various
awards and accolades, including the company’s “Crushed Can” award for increasing the brand’s market share versus competition. As Natasha created PepsiCo’s first Innovation Incubation department, she began to work with startups and explore impactful venture deals for the CPG conglomerate, strengthening her interest in startup technology. She holds an MBA in Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Leadership from The Pennsylvania State University, and was the university’s 2010 Bunton-Waller Scholar.

On being appointed Chair of this committee, Natasha told us: “I am honored to chair the
2019 Individual/Entrepreneur Awards Judging Committee. The Stevie Awards are
globally recognized as a prestigious organization known to have a rigorous review and
vetting process for the award’s applicants. I look forward to leading the group of
accomplished and distinguished women reviewing applications for selection of the 2019
honorees, and sharing more about their accomplishments via the Stevie Awards.”
Individual/Executive Categories:
Lori VanDyke, Director Client Engagement  
Access One, Chicago, IL
19 WIB EXEC Chair VandykeLori has been in the customer service industry for over 20 years, with an emphasis in telecommunications and technology-based industry for the past 14 years. She worked
at US Cellular for eight years and during that time worked within various departments, including the Quality Assurance department, which monitored the interactions with customers to coaching and leading the front line customer service and technical support teams.
Lori has worked at Access One for the past six years and currently focuses on overseeing the front line for Access One. Additional duties are creating the onboarding plans for new employees and consistent training for career development for team members. In addition, she assists with training customers with Access One’s call center application service and to go on site to assist with onboarding.
Company/Organization Categories:
Angela Hughes, CEO
The Welsh Air Ambulance Charitable Trust, Llanelli, Wales, United Kingdom
19 WIB CO Chair HughesAngela Hughes was the first employee of the Wales Air Ambulance Charity (WAAC) in 2002. She was previously Finance Director and then European HR and Quality
Manager in the construction and technology industry. As a cancer survivor, at the age of 34, Angela embarked on a new career in fundraising using the transferable business
skills of finance, quality and HR. There was no business plan, no office, no staff, and limited funds. In 2019 WAAC now has 4 offices, 4 airbases, 18 shops, a café, and a heliport. This busy heliport in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, was a pioneering opportunity for WAAC to take on a new venture to generate funds for the lifesaving cause.
WAAC is the largest air ambulance charity in the UK. Through a creative, community-
focused strategy, Angela has led the charity in raising more than £101 million to keep
the 4 air ambulances flying for Wales. This has transformed pre-hospital care in Wales.
’The Welsh Model’ is becoming a familiar term as organisations worldwide engage with
WAAC to replicate its model, including the USA, New Zealand and Ireland. Angela has
been recognised nationally and internationally through winning 17 awards, including 2
lifetime achievements, 4 Silver, and a Gold Stevie Award. Angela states “Although I do
not normally seek recognition for my role, these awards have been poignant moments
to reflect on how far we’ve come and they drive me to be the best I can, serving Wales,
saving lives.”

Angela’s recommendation for applicants to this year’s Women in Business Awards is as
follows: “The Stevie Awards have several categories applicable across the world to all
organisations. By selecting the category carefully you can create a niche and generate
good news stories that make you stand out from your competitors. If you exploit the
short-term and long-term benefits of winning a Stevie Award, then all the credibility of
your accomplishments can contribute to improved competitiveness or increased support for non-profits such as ours.”
New Product and Service Categories:
Natalia Michael, Founder
No Nasties Kids & Roar Success, Peregian Springs, QLD, Australia
19 WIB NP Chair Michael-1Natalia Michael is a multi-award-winning Australian entrepreneur. She is the owner of No Nasties Kids and SLiCK KiDS natural children's brands, and the co-owner of Roar Success, a platform for women in business. No Nasties Kids and SLiCK KiDS products are sold across the globe with distribution and licensee partners in nine countries and growing.

Communications & Marketing Categories:
Hai Yen Le, General Director
Newday Media JSC, Hanoi, Vietnam
Hai Yen Le_edit-1Hai Yen Le, General Director of Newday Media JSC, is the Leader of Hanoi Young
Women Entrepreneurs Club (HYWE), Vice-chairwoman of Vietnam Media &Tourism Club, and Vice-chairwoman of Hanoi Network of Women Entrepreneurs. After 4 years working in PR at FPT, the largest corporation in technology & science in Vietnam, she started her own business in event management at the age of 27. Within 8 years, from a small business with only 1 employee and $1,000 of operating capital, Newday Media JSC has grown to become an expert in the field with 37 full-time employees and a turnover of over $1 million per annum. The company has a healthy growth rate of 20% every year and has created and directed many successful national festivals working with a number of established businesses and organisations.

Newday Media JSC under Hai Yen’s direction has received multiple certificates and
accolades from local governments and clients and the business goes from strength to
strength. In addition to running her own company Hai Yen believes it’s important to
share her knowledge and experience and is now a senior member of Business Network

Hai Yen was born and raised in Hanoi. Finishing her studies at Hanoi College of Art,
she obtained a degree in Music & Culture Management from the University of Culture Studies.

Media Categories:
Natalie Runyon, Director, Enterprise Content
Thomson Reuters, New York, New York, United States
19 WIB MEDIA Chair RunyonNatalie Runyon has over 20 years of experience working and volunteering for multinational corporations, non profits, and the US Government–Thomson Reuters, Goldman Sachs, and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Currently, she is the director of enterprise content for talent, inclusion, and culture within the brand marketing function of Thomson Reuters. Before her current role, she ran the strategy and operations team supporting key account programs within the Legal business. Before that, she ran global security in the Americas for 3 years. As a volunteer leader, she has led strategic leadership and change initiatives on the global and local levels for business resource groups at Thomson Reuters.

Natalie is a conference speaker and an author of articles for the Legal Executive
Institute , The Glass Hammer , Security magazine , and CSO Online . Natalie was
named one of top 20 under 40 in Security Director News in 2013. She also serves on
the board of She Should Run , a non partisan nonprofit focused on building the pipeline
of women to run for elected public office in the US; and the board of Middle Church , a
faith institution in the East Village dedicated to nurturing souls, advocating for social
justice, and standing up for those within marginalized communities.

She earned her MBA from The George Washington University and her BS Degree in
International Trade and Finance from Louisiana State University. She completed an
Organization Development & Leadership certificate from NYU in April 2016 and is a Certified Leadership Coach and Certified Protection Professional. She currently resides in New York City with her husband and two sons.

Achievement Categories:
Vicky Marrack,  Co-Founder & CFO
Tangible Words, Ottawa, Canada  
19 WIB ACHIEVE Chair MarrackVicky is Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer of Tangible Words, a Sales & Marketing Growth Agency. Under Vicky's leadership, the company has grown into a 10-person agency. Tangible Words helps organizations who need to grow their revenue by $1 million or more by increasing customer lifetime value, getting net new profitable leads, and building repeatable, predictable sales processes.  

Vicky's determination to help her staff achieve greatness for their clients while living their best life led to Tangible Words winning the Gold Stevie Award for Achievement in Promoting Work-Life Balance in 2018. In the same year, and in recognition of the results Tangible Words gets for their clients, Tangible Words also won The Hubspot Integrations Innovation Award and a Gold Quill Award of Merit for Communication Management.

On being asked to Chair this year’s Achievement Awards Committee, Vicky told us:
“These Awards are an important recognition for women all over the world. It was a
highlight of our company’s year winning a Gold Stevie Award for Achievement in the
2018 Women in Business Awards. I am very happy to contribute in 2019 as a participant in recognizing the achievements of other women in business.”

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, Women in Business, 2019 Stevie Awards for Women in Business