The Women|Future Conference Announces Call for Entries to Business Pitch Competition

Posted by Nina Moore on Wed, Aug 03, 2022 @ 02:16 PM

The Women|Future Conference is an annual learning and networking event for women professionals hosted by the Stevie® Awards. The 2022 conference will take place virtually from November 8-10, 2022.

Do you or someone you know run a women-owned business founded in November 2019 or later? All eligible individuals are invited to enter the third annual Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition. This is an opportunity for female founders to advertise their business, improve their communication and presentation skills, network with like-minded attendees, and compete for a cash prize. 

Interested applicants may enter by submitting an application by the October 3 entry deadline. There is no fee to enter. The competition will take place during the 2022 Women|Future Conference on Wednesday, November 9.

If you are a female founder navigating the startup phase of your business, looking for funding, or simply seeking exposure presenting in front of hundreds of women professionals around the world, consider entering the competition. 

PITCH COMP 2022 - square

Learn More and Enter the Pitch Competition

Pitch competition finalists will have opportunities to:

  • Learn how to craft the perfect pitch to investors and concisely and eloquently present their business model
  • Receive one-on-one mentoring about how to present their best pitch prior to the competition
  • Network with judges and fellow pitch competition competitors
  • Receive written and real-time feedback from judges and attendees
  • Attend the 2022 Women|Future Conference 

Attendees who watch the competition will learn how to pitch their own business, gain insight into the organizational structure of other women-owned businesses, vote for their favorite pitch, and connect with competitors and judges.

Pitch Competition Format

The initial pitch applications will be reviewed by the Women|Future Conference leadership team. Five finalists will be selected in mid-October and invited to participate in the virtual competition during the conference on November 9. The competition will be judged by a live panel of successful and established women entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors. 

The format of the competition is similar to ABC's 'Shark Tank' reality TV show where finalists present a timed virtual pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market before the judges and conference attendees. There will be one winner who will receive a monetary prize. The amount of prize money will be announced in October.

Sponsor the Pitch CompetitonSponsorship Women Future Conference

We love working with organizations that are aligned with our mission of supporting women in business. The Pitch Competition is funded entirely through the generosity of our sponsors. Sponsorship offers visibility among a demographic of women business owners, executives, and professionals. 

For more information on available sponsorship packages, please email or visit the conference Sponsorship and Advertising Page to request information.

Request Sponsorship Offerings

What to Expect at the 2022 Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of driven women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will virtually attend the fifth annual Women|Future Conference from November 8-10, 2022. The mission of the conference is to help women share insights about changes that will impact their businesses, their industries, their careers, and their lives. Attendees gain practical takeaways through panels and workshops in seven tracks that are useful for every industry:

  1. Entrepreneurship
  2. Future of Work
  3. Leadership
  4. Marketing
  5. Personal Development
  6. Technology
  7. Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The conference agenda features over 20 sessions hosted by diverse speakers from small businesses and global organizations such as Accenture, Cisco, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, SAP, T-Mobile, Wolters Kluwer, and others.

Women Future Conference

The sessions cover everything from how to gain traction through public relations, overcome the imposter syndrome, and think like an investor. Below is a partial list of sessions:

  • Building Your Community of Mentors​​​​​​​​
  • Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: How Diversity Creates Opportunity​​​​​​​​
  • FearLESS: Facing Adversity ​​​​​​​​
  • Find Your Voice: Insider Secrets from Seasoned Speakers
  • Legal Tips For Your Trade 
  • Generational Work Styles: Understanding the Old and the New​​​​​​​​
  • Silencing Self Doubt: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome​​​​​​​​
  • Strategic Storytelling: Advertising and PR Tactics for Your Business​​​​​​​​
  • The Next Generation of Tech​​​​​​​​
  • The Ever-changing World of Social Media
  • The Evolution of Connection: In-person vs Virtual Networking
  • The Snowball Effect: How Women-Led Businesses Create an Impact
  • Think Like an Investor: How to Get the Funding You Deserve​​​​​​​​
  • Turning Passion into Profit
  • …and more

View AgendaRegistration

Registration for the 2022 Women|Future Conference is open. Take advantage of these savings and reserve your virtual seat:

  • Bring the whole team to #WomenFuture22! Groups of three (3) or more who register together get 10% savings with our group discount
  • Student tickets are $39 with proof of a valid student ID
Register for the Conference

More About the Women|Future Conference

The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, and networking conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards. The conference encourages connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. From business professionals to inspiring entrepreneurs to executives, there are sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action.

👍 Get Social With the Women|Future Conference 



Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Director of Marketing & Communications


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Das Programm der 2022 Women|Future Conference ist da

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Jul 20, 2022 @ 03:00 AM

Haben Sie die Neuigkeiten schon gehört? Das Programm der Women|Future Conference 2022 ist online! Wir haben ein inspirierendes Programm mit über 70 weiblichen CEOs, Gründerinnen, Kleinunternehmerinnen, Coaches und Führungskräften zusammengestellt. Die 5. jährliche Women|Future Conference wird vom 8. bis 10. November 2022 virtuell abgehalten.

Die Women|Future Conference feiert Frauen in der Wirtschaft, in der beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung und im Fortschritt. Das Programm diesen Jahres umfasst mehr als 20 Sitzungen, die in sieben Bereiche fallen: Diversität, Gleichstellung & Inklusion, Unternehmergeist, Zukunft der Arbeit, Führung, Marketing, persönliche Entwicklung und Technologie.

Die Sitzungen sind für ehrgeizige, karriereorientierte Fachfrauen gedacht, die lernen und sich darüber austauschen möchten, was in ihren Unternehmen funktioniert, die Herausforderungen, mit denen sie gemeinsam konfrontiert sind, bewältigen und sinnvolle Kontakte knüpfen möchten.

Die Referentinnen kommen sowohl aus kleinen Unternehmen als auch aus Fortune-500-Organisationen, darunter Accenture, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, T-Mobile. Wir laden Sie dazu ein, die Rednerliste und die Tagesordnung zu studieren, um sich einen Überblick über die stattfindenden Sitzungen zu verschaffen, einschließlich der Vor-Konferenz-Sitzungen am 7. November.

Speakers Women Future Conference

Den Auftakt der Konferenz bildet am Montag, den 7. November um 11 Uhr Eastern Standard Time die erste von drei Vor-Konferenz-Sitzungen "Find Your Voice: Insider Secrets from Seasoned Speakers" (Finden Sie Ihre Stimme: Insider-Geheimnisse von erfahrenen Rednerinnen), gefolgt von einem Technologie-Panel um 12 Uhr "The Ever-changing World of Social Media" (Die sich ständig verändernde Welt der sozialen Medien).  Am 8. November hören die Teilnehmer die Eröffnungssitzung "Building Your Community of Mentors" (Aufbau einer Mentoren-Gemeinschaft), in der Ressourcen für den Aufbau eines Mentoring-Fahrplans vorgestellt werden - sowohl für Mentoren als auch für Mentees.  Die zweite Sitzung des ersten Tages ist die mit Spannung erwartete Eröffnungs-Keynote über die Zukunft der Arbeit für Frauen (Sprecherin wird in Kürze bekanntgegeben), gefolgt von einer Mischung aus Panels und Workshops in jedem unserer sieben Sitzungstracks. Zwischen den einzelnen Sitzungen sind jeweils 30- und 5-Minuten-Blöcke für Networking vorgesehen, und am 9. November gibt es eine 15-minütige geführte Yoga-Mediationspause. Studieren Sie das vollständige Programm.

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Was sie auf der Women|Future Conference 2022 erwartet

Die Teilnehmerinnen können erwarten, dass sie wertvolle Einblicke in Herausforderungen und Veränderungen erhalten, die sich auf ihre Branche, ihre Karriere und ihr persönliches Leben auswirken.

Die Sitzungen befassen sich mit Themen wie Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Überwindung des Impostersyndroms und Denken wie ein Investor. Untenstehend finden Sie einen Teil der diesjährigen Sitzungen.

  • Building Your Community of Mentors​​​​​​​​ (Aufbau einer Gemeinschaft von Mentoren)
  • Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: How Diversity Creates Opportunity​​​​​​​​ (Kultivierung eines integrativen Arbeitsplatzes: Wie Vielfalt Chancen schafft)
  • FearLESS: Facing Adversity ​​​​​​​​(Furchtlos: Widrigkeiten bewältigen)
  • Generational Work Styles: Understanding the Old and the New​​​​​​​​ (Arbeitsstile der Generationen: Das Alte und das Neue verstehen)
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses​​​​​​​​ (Pitch-Wettbewerb im Stil von "Shark Tank" für neu gegründete Unternehmen geführt von Frauen)
  • Silencing Self Doubt: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome​​​​​​​​ (Selbstzweifel zum Schweigen bringen: Das Impostersyndrom überwinden)
  • Strategic Storytelling: Advertising and PR Tactics for Your Business​​​​​​​​ (Strategisches Geschichtenerzählen: Werbung und PR-Taktiken für Ihr Unternehmen)
  • The Balancing Act: Self-Care and a Sustainable Work Life (Der Balanceakt: Selbstfürsorge und ein nachhaltiges Arbeitsleben)
  • The Next Generation of Tech​​​​​​​​ (Die nächste Generation der Technologie)
  • The Ever-changing World of Social Media (Die sich ständig verändernde Welt der sozialen Medien)
  • The Evolution of Connection: In-person vs Virtual Networking (Die Evolution der Beziehungen: Persönliches gegen virtuelles Networking)
  • The Snowball Effect: How Women-Led Businesses Create an Impact (Der Schneeballeffekt: Wie von Frauen geführte Unternehmen eine Wirkung erzielen)
  • Think Like an Investor: How to Get the Funding You Deserve​​​​​​​​ (Denken Sie wie ein Investor: Wie Sie die Förderung erhalten, die Sie verdienen)
  • Turning Passion into Profit (Leidenschaft in Profit verwandeln)
  • ...and many more

Vollständiges Programm ansehen


Die Anmeldung für die Women|Future Conference 2022 ist derzeit offen. Nutzen sie dieses Angebot und reservieren Sie ihren virtuellen Platz!

  • Bringen Sie das ganze Team zur #WomenFuture22. Gruppen von drei (3) oder mehr Personen, die sich gemeinsam anmelden, erhalten 10 % Ermäßigung mit unserem Gruppenrabatt.  
  • Studententickets, mit Nachweis eines gültigen Studentenausweises, kosten $39.

Für die Konferenz anmelden

Mehr über die 2022 Women|Future Conference 2022

Die Women|Future Conference ist eine Konferenz zur beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung, zum Lernen und zum Knüpfen von Kontakten, die von den Stevie® Awards, den weltweit führenden Wirtschaftspreisen, veranstaltet wird. Jahr für Jahr nehmen engagierte Frauen aus aller Welt an der Konferenz teil, um sich inspirieren zu lassen, ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu stärken und sich über Veränderungen auszutauschen, die ihre Branche, ihre Karriere und ihr Leben beeinflussen.

Die 5. jährliche Women|Future Conference ist eine dreitägige virtuelle Veranstaltung vom 8. bis 10. November für Frauen in der Wirtschaft und Unternehmerinnen. Die Konferenz fördert Kontakte, die berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung sowie die geistige Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden durch motivierende Keynotes, Bildungsveranstaltungen und Networking. Von aufstrebenden Geschäftsfrauen über inspirierende Unternehmerinnen bis hin zu Führungskräften gibt es Vorträge für Frauen in allen Lebensphasen, die den Blick öffnen und zum Handeln anregen.

👍 Die sozialen Links der Women|Future Conference 



Konferenzanmeldung und Sponsoringmöglichkeiten
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Konferenz-Marketing und PR
Nina Moore, Director of Marketing & Communications


Topics: women awards, German Stevie Awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

The 2022 Women|Future Conference Agenda Launched

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Jul 18, 2022 @ 11:21 AM

Did you hear the news? The 2022 Women|Future Conference agenda is live! We've got an inspiring lineup of 70+ women CEOs, founders, small business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, and executives. The 5th annual Women|Future Conference will be held virtually from November 8-10, 2022.

The Women|Future Conference celebrates women in business, professional and personal development, and progress. This year's agenda contains 20+ sessions that fall within seven tracks: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Entrepreneurship, Future of Work, Leadership, Marketing, Personal Development, and Technology.

The sessions are designed for ambitious, career-driven professionals to learn and share what’s working in their organizations, troubleshoot the challenges they collectively face, and make meaningful connections.

Conference speakers are from small businesses as well as Fortune 500 organizations including Accenture, Goldman Sachs, Hilton, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nestle, T-Mobile, and others. We invite you to explore the speaker lineup and browse the agenda to see the sessions occurring each day, including pre-conference sessions on November 7.

Speakers Women Future Conference

Kicking off the conference on Monday, November 7 at 11:00 am EST is our first of three pre-conference sessions, "Find Your Voice: Insider Secrets from Seasoned Speakers," followed by a technology panel at 12:00 pm, "The Ever-changing World of Social Media."  On November 8, attendees will hear the opening leadership session, "Building Your Community of Mentors," which will provide resources on how to build your mentorship roadmap- whether as a mentor or mentee.  The second session of day one is the anticipated opening keynote about the future of work for women (speaker coming soon!) followed by a mix of panels and workshops in each of our seven session tracks. There are designated 30-minute and 5-minute blocks between sessions each day for networking, as well as a 15-minute guided yoga mediation break on November 9. Explore the full agenda.

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What to Expect at the 2022 Women|Future Conference

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights about challenges and changes that impact their industry, their career, and their personal lives.

The sessions cover everything from how to gain traction through public relations, overcome the imposter syndrome, and think like an investor. Below is a partial list of some of this year's sessions. 

  • Building Your Community of Mentors​​​​​​​​
  • Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: How Diversity Creates Opportunity​​​​​​​​
  • FearLESS: Facing Adversity ​​​​​​​​
  • Generational Work Styles: Understanding the Old and the New​​​​​​​​
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses​​​​​​​​
  • Silencing Self Doubt: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome​​​​​​​​
  • Strategic Storytelling: Advertising and PR Tactics for Your Business​​​​​​​​
  • The Balancing Act: Self-Care and a Sustainable Work Life
  • The Next Generation of Tech​​​​​​​​
  • The Ever-changing World of Social Media
  • The Evolution of Connection: In-person vs Virtual Networking
  • The Snowball Effect: How Women-Led Businesses Create an Impact
  • Think Like an Investor: How to Get the Funding You Deserve​​​​​​​​
  • Turning Passion into Profit
  • ...and many more

View Agenda


Registration for the 2022 Women|Future Conference is currently open. Take advantage of these savings and reserve your virtual seat!

  • Bring the whole team to #WomenFuture22. Groups of three (3) or more who register together get 10% savings with our group discount. 
  • Student tickets are $39, with proof of a valid student ID.

Register for the Conference

More About the 2022 Women|Future Conference

The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, and networking conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards, the world’s premier business awards. Driven women worldwide attend the conference year after year to be inspired, build resilience, and share insights into changes that impact their industries, their careers, and their lives.

The 5th annual Women|Future Conference is a three-day virtual event happening November 8-10 for women in business and entrepreneurs. The conference encourages connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. From aspiring business professionals to inspiring entrepreneurs to executives, there are sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action.

👍 Get Social With the Women|Future Conference 



Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Director of Marketing & Communications


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Last Chance to Register for the 2021 Virtual Women|Future Conference

Posted by Nina Moore on Fri, Oct 29, 2021 @ 03:17 PM
We're just days away until the official kick-off of the 2021 Women|Future Conference (November 1-5, virtual). Take full advantage of all that the conference has to offer – including 40+ sessions, interactive live workshops, speed networking, and mentorship matching. Not registered yet? There’s still time! Online registration is available through November 1. 

The 4th annual Women|Future Conference begins on November 1 at 11:00 am ET with the opening keynote, "Embracing Diversity & Empowering the Next Generation"​ by Sandy Carter, Vice President of Public Sector Partners & Programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS). The Women|Future Conference is designed for career-driven women looking to be inspired, build resilience, and prepare for changes ahead. The five-day agenda is packed with 40+ sessions hosted by women CEOs, Founders, Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners from global organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys, Pinterest, Ralph Lauren, SAP, Talkspace, and others.

Attendees will gain practical, actionable takeaways to implement in their professional and personal lives. Session topics include financial wellness, lead generation, entrepreneurship success, how to blend storytelling and strategy to grow your business, imposter syndrome, work-life balance, mentorship, workplace diversity, speaking engagements as a business growth strategy, and more.

Women Future Conference TestimonialWomen Future Conference Testimonial

One of the best things about the virtual conference platform is the networking; attendees make lasting connections as business partners, mentors, and friends long after the conference is over. See for yourself what past attendees had to say about their experience! View Testimonials from Past Attendees.

Following Sandy Carter's keynote on November 1 are two breakout sessions, "The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women" and "Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships" at 11:45 am ET. Other sessions on day one are "Leading Authentically in Male-Dominated Industries” and "The Smart Woman's Guide to Financial Success." Throughout the week, there will be one hour and 15-minute blocks in between sessions designated for networking, mentorship, yoga, meditation, or style consultations to break up the days.

New Session Alert! Fireside Chat with the Vice President of Frito-Lay 

Women Future Conference Session

The Vice President of Marketing at Frito-Lay North America, Ciara Dilley, will be closing out the first day of the Women|Future Conference in a fireside chat with Neera Chaudhary, President, North America at Ketchum. Their chat is titled, "How One Female-Founded Pita Chip Brand Had Helped Thousands of Other Female Entrepreneurs Success," and will take place live on November 1 at 4:15 pm ET.

As a female-founded brand, Stacy’s Pita Chips has always upheld a commitment to help other female entrepreneurs succeed. In this session, Ciara Dilley, VP of marketing at Frito- Lay North America, will discuss the Stacy’s Rise Project, an annual initiative that accomplishes just that – and then some. Neera Chaudhary, President of North America, Ketchum, will moderate the session. 

The fireside chat will explore the evolution of this initiative – from the early days of ideation to the thousands of female founders it has helped via mentorship, grants, networking opportunities, and much more. Ciara will also discuss how she’s engrained purpose into the core of the brands she leads and why she believes the economic empowerment of women is the single most powerful contribution we can make to advance female equality.

What Else to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards. The Women|Future Conference & Event Manager, Ruslana Milikhiker, remarked on the transformation since the first annual Women|Future Conference in 2018;

“The first conference took place four years ago to complement The Stevie® Awards for Women in Business program. Now it has evolved to serve women on a larger scale. Our conference tagline Cultivate Your Tomorrow was added in 2020. We chose this phrase because the Women|Future Conference encourages women to not only embrace their tomorrow, but to tackle career, personal, and life goals. The conference goes beyond the changing business landscape and focuses on current issues we all face as working women juggling a busy schedule and doing it all.”

Nina Moore, the Marketing Manager of the Women|Future Conference, commented on the decision to make this year’s conference virtual;

“We successfully pivoted from in-person to virtual for the first time in 2020. Encouraged by glowing testimonials from past attendees and the flexibility of virtual, we are doing the same in 2021. Virtual events are accessible, affordable, and deliver just as much value and networking opportunities to people around the world, especially those unable to travel. This forward-thinking conference does just that and more!”

Below is a partial list of 2021 Women|Future Conference panels, sessions, and workshops:

  • Creating a Rockstar LinkedIn® Profile
  • Giving Voice To Women's Voices: How Podcasting Can Benefit Female Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurship – Success Stories Fireside Chat
  • How to Embrace Women Super Powers in the World of Tech
  • Leadership Tips from 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business Winners​
  • Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships
  • Personal Development Training: Abundance 360 - Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Protecting Your Business and Intellectual Assets
  • The Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • The Power of Purpose: Organizations that Give Back
  • Top Five Lead Generation Strategies for 2022
  • Why Diverse Teams Drive Better Outcomes
  • Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition Finalists Presentations
View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

A Message from our Sponsor RFG Advisory

On November 4, eight women-owned businesses founded in November 2018 or later will pitch their product/service before a panel of judges for a chance to win funding during the 2021 Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition.

The Pitch Competition is sponsored by RFG Advisory, an innovator in the wealth management industry. The President of RFG Advisory, Shannon Spotswood, is one of four judges who will evaluate each pitch. Shannon is an Entrepreneur, Business Owner, and 25-year industry veteran in financial services with an outstanding reputation built on leadership roles in investment banking, hedge fund management, and business development.

Only 2.3% of venture funding went to female-led businesses in 2020 according to Harvard Business Review. RFG Advisory is on a mission to change that, supporting one female-led business at a time!

Asia-Pacific Segment of the Women|Future Conference

Women Future Conference APACThis is the first year the Women|Future Conference is hosting sessions exclusively by female leaders in the Asia-Pacific region, bringing together the APAC women’s community with the Stevie Awards international audience.

These sessions focus on the advancements of female executives from the Asia-Pacific region who are championing the power of leadership and management in traditionally male-dominated industries such as financial technology, banking, insurance, and e-commerce. The Asia-Pacific conference agenda aims to further broaden and develop the fintech industry in Asia with the help of these female leaders.

Asia-Pacific Digital Infrastructure Sessions Include:

    • Building the New Digital Infrastructure
    • The Future is Female: Building the New Generation of Financially Literate Women
    • Leadership Tips from Stevie Awards for Women in Business Winners
    • Women in E-commerce and Mobility: Creating the Asian E-commerce and Mobility Highway
    • Women Leading Legacy Industries: Edutech, Proptech, and Insurtech
    • Women in Fintech: Reshaping the Industry and Bridging the Gap

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may register for the Women|Future Conference at a discounted rate of $49 (with proof of a valid current student ID). Sessions are recorded and available for replay through 2022 for your convenience.

Register for the Conference


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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference, 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business, women's conference 2021, women leadership, women in leadership

Eight Women-Owned Businesses to Compete for Funding in Pitch Competition

Posted by Nina Moore on Fri, Oct 15, 2021 @ 11:32 AM
Eight women-owned businesses founded in November 2018 or later have been selected to compete in the 2021 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition for a chance to win funding! 💸 For the second year in a row, the Women|Future Conference is hosting this 'Shark Tank' style pitch competition for female business owners and entrepreneurs.

The 2021 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition will be hosted live on Thursday, November 4 at 4:30 pm EST during the virtual conference. A total of 94 women-owned businesses entered the competition, and eight finalists were selected by the Women|Future Conference leadership team to present their pitches, face questioning, and get their businesses evaluated by a panel of judges.

The pitch competition finalists are:

    1. a|dash
    2. Aroma Textiles Lab
    3. FetchaDate
    4. INSP!RED Product Development Group
    5. KUL MOCKS
    6. LAMIK Beauty
    7. Project Passport
    8. Tranquility by Design

Pitch Competition Format and Judging Criteria

The format of the pitch competition will be similar to ABC's critically-acclaimed entrepreneurial-themed TV show, Shark Tank. Each finalist will present a live, four-minute virtual pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market. A panel of four judges will evaluate each pitch using a five-point scoring rubric provided by the Women|Future Conference. The judging rubric takes into account criteria such as leadership capabilities, innovativeness, competitive advantage, maturity of the technology or product, business model, prospects, growth, response to the live questions, and preparedness for the competition. 

The judges of the 2021 Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition are:

    1. Apoorva Chintala, CEO, Co-Founder, Clocr* 
    2. Heather Cox, President, Certify My Company
    3. Helen Greiner, CEO, Tertill
    4. Shannon Spotswood, President, RFG Advisory

      *2020 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition winner


View Pitch Competition Finalists and Judges

The 2nd annual Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition will be hosted by Quinn Conyers, a Speaking Strategist for Entrepreneurs, Emcee, and Pitch Competition Host. Quinn has over 16 years of virtual and in-person speaking, event hosting, and training experience. Quinn is the author of two books, and made it to the second round of Shark Tank auditions four times! She's been featured on the Entrepreneurs Elevator Pitch TV show as well Essence, Black Enterprise, Vision and Purpose, and Empowering Women to Speak Out Magazines.

LinkedIn Live Example Layout (1280 x 720 px) (2)

Funding for the Pitch Competition Winners

At the close of the competition, there will be three winners, each of which will receive funding (amounts listed below) to grow their business. The first-place winner will also receive a bonus prize of a free certification ($4200 value) from Certify My Company. The Pitch Competition is funded through the generosity of our sponsor, RFG Advisory.

  • First place Prize: $5,000
  • Second place Prize: $2,500
  • Third place Prize: $1,000

If you are interested in joining us as a sponsor, judge, or participant in the 2022 Pitch Competition, sign up for event updates to get notified when entries open for next year.

What Else to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of ambitious women in business will gather virtually at the fourth annual Women|Future Conference November 1-5, 2021. The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards for women around the globe.

With over 40 sessions, interactive workshops, and a motivational keynote by Sandy Carter, Vice President of Public Sector Partners and Programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS), this is an event for career-driven women looking to be inspired, build resilience, and prepare for changes ahead. The five-day agenda features female CEOs, Founders, Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners around the world.

The Conference Agenda

Session topics range from mental health to financial wellness, landing speaking engagements as a business growth strategy, lead generation, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, technology, and workplace diversity. The 140+ Speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of women from global organizations such as Facebook, HCL, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, Ralph Lauren, Salesforce, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others. Below is a partial list of 2021 Women|Future Conference panels, sessions, and workshops:

  • Entrepreneurship – Success Stories Fireside Chat
  • Financial Planning -The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success
  • How to Embrace Women Super Powers in the World of Tech
  • Leadership Tips from 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business Winners
  • Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships
  • Personal Development Training: Abundance 360 - Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Protecting Your Business and Intellectual Assets
  • The Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women
  • Top Five Lead Generation Strategies for 2022
  • Why Diverse Teams Drive Better Outcomes
  • Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition Finalists Presentations

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

Asia-Pacific Segment of the Women|Future Conference

This is the first year the conference is hosting sessions exclusively by female leaders in the Asia-Pacific region, bringing together the APAC women’s community with the Stevie Awards international audience. These sessions focus on the advancements of female executives from the Asia-Pacific region who are championing the power of leadership and management in traditionally male-dominated industries such as financial technology, banking, insurance, and e-commerce. The Asia-Pacific conference agenda aims to further broaden and develop the fintech industry in Asia with the help of these female leaders.

APAC Digital Infrastructure Sessions Include:

    • Building the New Digital Infrastructure
    • The Future is Female: Building the New Generation of Financially Literate Women
    • Leadership Tips from Stevie Awards for Women in Business Winners
    • Women in E-commerce and Mobility: Creating the Asian E-commerce and Mobility Highway
    • Women Leading Legacy Industries: Edutech, Proptech, and Insurtech
    • Women in Fintech: Reshaping the Industry and Bridging the Gap


Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may register for the Women|Future Conference at a discounted rate of $49 (with proof of a valid current student ID).

Sessions are recorded and available for replay through 2022 for your convenience.

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, womens awards, stevies for women, Women Future Conference, women's conference 2021

Women|Future Conference Keynote Announced: Embracing Diversity & Empowering the Next Generation

Posted by Nina Moore on Wed, Sep 08, 2021 @ 12:49 PM

This just in! We are excited to announce our opening Keynote Speaker for the 2021 Women|Future Conference; Sandy Carter, Vice President of Public Sector Partners and Programs, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

We have some truly incredible speakers this year who are leading the industry in everything from Finance to Influencer Marketing, Social Media, Lead Generation, and Public Relations, but in today's blog, we highlight our anticipated Opening Keynote Speaker, Sandy Carter of Amazon Web Services.

To say that Sandy is a woman who wears many hats would be an understatement. Sandy has earned dozens of impressive accolades for her work spanning from Cloud Computing to thought leadership, to her positive influence on girls in technology. Sandy's responsibilities at AWS include evolving partner models to intensify partner innovation, AWS cloud adoption, and the creation of mission-critical cloud solutions with partners across the public sector. In addition to driving next-generation partnering at AWS, Sandy has also been a Founder and CEO of a startup, and in her last role at IBM, she ran the Cloud and AI/ML Ecosystem on behalf of the IBM corporation.

Sandy is the Chairman of the Board of Girls in Tech, Chairwoman for WIoTCoE, and an adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley. As if that wasn't enough, Sandy is also the author of the book, Extreme Innovation: Three Superpowers for Purpose and Profit. 

Keynote Women Future Conference

Sandy's list of achievements include:
  • Federal 100 Award Winner
  • 2020 Stevie Award Winner for Woman of the Year – Technology
  • Women in Tech: Top 50 Influencers
  • CRN Women of the Channel 2021 Power 100
  • 2021 Cloud Girls Rising Inaugural Visionary Award
  • Top 50 Influencers
  • Top 150 Global Cloud Thought Leaders and Next Generation Leaders of 2021
  • Top 40 Cloud Computing Influencers on Twitter
  • Top 50 Digital Influencers
  • Awards Magazine Top 50 Women of Influence
  • Top 15 IoT Premier League
  • Lifetime Achievement Winner, 'Excellence in Cloud Achievement'
  • AI Innovator Nominee of the Year
  • Top 10 AI Influencers 2019
  • Verdicts ten of the most influential people in artificial intelligence on Twitter during Q4 2020
  • Top 10 Cloud Computing Influencer

In her Women|Future Conference Keynote, "Embracing Diversity & Empowering the Next Generation," Sandy will share her experiences as a pioneering woman in tech, discuss how embracing diversity drives innovation, and highlight the importance of empowering the next generation of women leaders. She will provide insight into her expansive career and inspiration to all of the women of the future — YOU!

Our closing Keynote Speaker will be announced later this month.

What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Speakers Women Future Conference

Hundreds of ambitious women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will be tuning in to the fourth annual Women|Future Conference November 1-5, 2021. The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards.

The five-day agenda features over 40 sessions, interactive workshops, and a motivational keynote. Topics range from mental health to financial wellness, lead generation, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, and workplace diversity. The 140+ Speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of women from global organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, Ralph Lauren, Salesforce, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others. Below is a partial list of conference panels, sessions, and workshops:

  • Entrepreneurship – Success Stories Fireside Chat
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • Marketing Tactics to Future Proof Your Business & Your Career
  • Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships
  • Personal Development Training: Abundance 360 - Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Real Life First Impressions: Rethinking How To Do Business
  • The Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women
  • Top Secrets from World-Class Speakers on How to Use Presentations to Grow Your Business
  • Why Diverse Teams Drive Better Outcomes
  • The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may attend the Women|Future Conference for a discounted rate of $49 (with proof of a valid current student ID).

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference, Women Future Conference 2020, women's conference 2021, women leadership, women in leadership, women in leadership conference

Pitch Your Women-Owned Business at the Women|Future Conference

Posted by Nina Moore on Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

All women-owned businesses founded in November 2018 or later are invited to enter the 2021 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition for a chance to win funding! 💸 For the second year in a row, the Women|Future Conference is hosting this 'Shark Tank' style pitch competition for female business owners and entrepreneurs.

Ten selected finalists will be required to present a four-minute virtual pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market. Submissions will be reviewed by the Women|Future Conference team and final pitches will be evaluated by a panel of judges during the conference on Thursday, November 4. There will be three winners, each of which will receive a monetary prize.*

If you are a female founder navigating the startup phase of your business, looking for funding, or simply seeking exposure presenting in front of hundreds of women professionals around the world, consider entering the Pitch Competition. The deadline to enter is September 24. 

Pitch Competition Women Owned 

The Pitch Competition is funded entirely through the generosity of our sponsors. If your organization is interested in sponsoring, email or visit our Sponsorship and Advertising Page to request information. We love working with organizations that are aligned with our mission of supporting women in business!

*A monetary prize will be sent in the form of a check to the first, second, and third place winners. The amount of prize money will be determined by the Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition Sponsorship money raised.

Learn More and Enter the Pitch Competition

Our 2nd annual Pitch Competition will be hosted by Quinn Conyers, a Speaking Strategist for Entrepreneurs, Emcee, and Pitch Competition Host. Quinn has over 16 years of virtual and in-person speaking, event hosting, and training experience. Quinn is the author of 2 books, and made it to the second round of Shark Tank auditions four times! She's been featured on the Entrepreneurs Elevator Pitch TV show as well Essence, Black Enterprise, Vision and Purpose, and Empowering Women to Speak Out Magazines.


What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of ambitious women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will be tuning in to the fourth annual Women|Future Conference November 1-5, 2021. The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards.

The five-day agenda features over 40 sessions, interactive workshops, and a motivational keynote. Topics range from mental health to financial wellness, lead generation, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, and workplace diversity. The 110+ Speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of women from global organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, Ralph Lauren, Salesforce, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others. Below is a partial list of conference panels, sessions, and workshops:

  • Entrepreneurship – Success Stories Fireside Chat
  • Financial Planning -The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • How to Deliver a Presentation that Stands Out: On and Off the Screen
  • Marketing Tactics to Future Proof Your Business & Your Career
  • Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships
  • Personal Development Training: Abundance 360 - Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Real Life First Impressions: Rethinking How To Do Business
  • The Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women
  • Why Diverse Teams Drive Better Outcomes

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda


Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may attend the Women|Future Conference for a discounted rate of $49 (with proof of a valid current student ID).

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities at the Women|Future Conference

Posted by Nina Moore on Wed, Jul 28, 2021 @ 11:00 AM
Get your brand exposed to a growing community of ambitious women professionals and thought-leaders by being a Sponsor at the 2021 Women|Future Conference. Founded by the Stevie® Awards, the Women|Future Conference is an annual event that encourages engaging connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and financial wellness through keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. 
The 2021 Women|Future Conference (November 1-5, virtual) is looking for brands to partner with as a Sponsor, Advertiser, or Media Partner. We are looking for brands that resonate with the forward-thinking business professionals who attend the Women|Future Conference; 40% of attendees in 2020 were female founders and CEOs, 25% of women held Vice President or Director-level positions, and the remaining 35% of attendees were managers, employees, or students. 
 Sponsorship Women Future Conference
Hundreds of women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will be tuning in to this year's event. Past Sponsors and Media Partners included Enterprising Women Magazine, Hydrow, SHE Media, and the US Department of State. Attendees that participated in 2020 worked for and held leadership roles at  AT&T, Amazon, Cisco, Deloitte, Girl Scouts of the USA, Girls Who Code, HCL, John Hancock, Microsoft, PayPal, and Roku. 
If you'd like to get your name in front of an audience of ambitious, career-driven women professionals, this is a good fit for you. We love working with organizations that support women, and we'd love to help you with your goals.
Click the button below to view our Sponsorship brochure which outlines the benefits and costs of being a Sponsor. If interested in this opportunity, email
Request Sponsorship Offerings

What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Our fourth annual event celebrates women in business, professional and personal development, and progress. Here's what attendees can look forward to:

  • Five days of virtual learning and networking from November 1-5, 2021
  • Future of work - preparing for the changing business landscape
  • Work-life balance and burnout discussions
  • Workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion as a change management initiative
  • Personal Development Training: Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Entrepreneurship success stories - fireside chat with successful female founders
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • Marketing tactics to future proof your business and your career
  • Confidence Code: Embrace Your Uniqueness
    Mentorship Matchmaking with other attendees
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses
  • 1:1 Networking: our online platform/mobile app will have AI matchmaking capabilities to match you to different attendees, sponsors, sessions
  • Stevie® Awards for Women in Business winners will present case studies on their cutting edge work

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

2021 Conference Updates

Sign up for our mailing list to get notified about important conference announcements. Whether you're a female entrepreneur, small business owner, executive, or employee, the Women|Future Conference welcomes movers and shakers like you, looking to Cultivate Your Tomorrow.

Sign Up for 2021 Conference Updates

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Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

The 2021 Women|Future Conference Agenda Launched

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Jul 19, 2021 @ 02:30 PM

This just in—the 2021 Women|Future Conference agenda has launched with an incredible lineup of speakers leading thought-provoking conversations for the ambitious, career-driven woman. The Women|Future Conference will be held virtually over five days, with 40+ sessions, panels, and interactive workshops led by inspiring female leaders around the world.

The fourth annual Women|Future Conference celebrates women in business, professional and personal development, and progress. Attendees will explore a variety of topics including mental health and financial wellness, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, and preparing for the changing business landscape. With panel discussions, invaluable networking opportunities, and a woman-owned business pitch competition, this is an event you won't want to miss!

Kicking off the conference on Monday, November 1 at 11:00 am EST will be the opening keynote about the future of work for women (speaker coming soon!) followed by breakout sessions and workshops, starting with "The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women" at 11:45 am. Other sessions on day one are "Women Leading in a Male-Dominated Industry" and "Financial Planning- The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success." The full agenda can be viewed here. The 100+ speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of female CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, and executives leading organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others.


View the Agenda

Over the course of the week, there will be 1-hour and 15-minute blocks in between sessions designated for networking, mentorship, yoga, meditation, or mini-style consultations to break up the days. New for 2021, attendees can schedule one-on-one mini-style consultations with Monica Barnett, Founder & Chief Image Curator of Blueprint for Style, a wardrobe styling and personal branding company based in Washington, DC. Across Ms. Barnett’s distinguished career, she has partnered with major corporations such as Marriott International, NBC Universal, Comcast, Georgetown University’s Schools of Business and Law, and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management to fine-tune their employees’ style and brand.

What to Expect at the 2021Women|Future Conference

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights about challenges and changes that impact their industry, their career, their personal lives. Below is a partial list of some of this year's sessions. 

  • Career Reinvention in Mid-Career Crisis
  • Confidence Code: Embrace Your Uniqueness
  • Entrepreneurship - Success Stories Fireside Chat with female founders
  • Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • How to Deliver Presentations that Stand Out: On and Off the Screen
  • Lessons from Women STEAM Leaders
  • LinkedIn Logic: Leveraging Your Professional Connections
  • Managing Crisis: Becoming a Resilient Leader
  • Marketing and Lead Generation Strategies to Future Proof Your Business and Your Career
  • Personal Development Training: Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses
  • The Power of Purpose: Organizations that Give Back
  • Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Change Management Initiative
  • ...and many more

Stay tuned for our Keynote announcement and featured speakers. This already world-class lineup will continue to grow!

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Take advantage of the $49 student special and save 10% when groups of three (3) or more register together.

Register for the Conference

About the 2021 Women|Future Conference

The 4th annual Women|Future Conference is a five-day virtual event happening November 1-5, 2021 for women in business and entrepreneurs. The conference encourages connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and financial wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. From aspiring business professionals to inspiring entrepreneurs to executives, there are sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action. The Women|Future Conference is hosted by the Stevie® Awards, the world's premier business awards.

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Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

The Women|Future Conference Announces 2021 Advisory Board Members

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, May 17, 2021 @ 03:00 PM

The 2021 Women|Future Conference (November 1-5) is gearing up to deliver a five-day virtual event filled with education and networking opportunities to better position women and their organizations in today's ever-changing world. 

Each year, the Women|Future Conference hand-selects a group of women based on their career experience and valued insights to serve on its Advisory Board. These eleven women, along with the Women|Future Conference staff, are reviewing over 1,000 speaker submissions received to build the 2021 program. Click the image or button below to read more about each of these remarkable women on the Advisory Board. 

WFC-Advisory-Board-Announcement-Social2 (1)

Meet  Advisory Board Members
The 2021 Advisory Board is made up of a diverse group of leaders, influencers, and changemakers from around the globe. Advisory Board members discuss and evaluate the content that will be on the agenda to help attendees Cultivate Their Tomorrow. We are pleased to announce our amazing group of Advisory Board members: 
  • Kanica Allagh, Director of Strategic Finance and Corporate Operations at Capsule
  • Lauren Conaway, Founder & CEO of InnovateHer KC
  • Mary Cravets, Founder of Simply Get Clients
  • Rupa Dash, Co-Founder & CEO of World Woman Foundation
  • Charanya Kannan, Head of Global Customer Insights and Market Research Strategy at PayPal
  • Laurie Maxson, Intrinsic Leadership Coach, Your Essential Insights
  • Amanda Obidike, Strategy Lead & Executive Director of STEMi Makers Africa & Calal Global
  • Heidi Solomon-Orlick, Founder & CEO of GirlzWhoSell, LLC
  • Carol Vera, Strategic Communications Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Suzanne Willian, Co-Founder of The Co-Co, a women-focused co-working and co-learning community
  • Tiffany Zhang, Founder of Wall Street Girls
This year's program will focus on a wide range of topics from the female perspective, including workplace diversity, lessons learned through the pandemic, advice from successful entrepreneurs and business owners, self-improvement, and emerging trends ahead. The conference sessions are designed to deliver meaningful conversations, takeaways, and offer attendees the option to meet one-on-one or chat with relevant women in their fields. In July, the Women|Future Conference will announce the 2021 agenda, speakers, and new features of the conference including mentorship matching. View the 2020 Agenda and highlights from the 2020 Women|Future Conference to see what attendees experienced at our third annual event.
Here's what attendees can expect to learn about and experience this November:
  • Infusing diversity, inclusion, and equity in an organization’s business
  • Growing your business through social media, branding, and marketing
  • Overcoming and disrupting the imposter syndrome
  • The power of female leadership in professional and personal life
  • Standing out in a crowd for small business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Financial wellness, investing, and managing your relationship with
  • Mentorship matching feature for attendees interested in mentoring or being a mentee
  • “Shark Tank”- Style Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition
  • 1:1 Networking: our online platform/mobile app will have AI matchmaking capabilities to match you to different attendees, sponsors, sessions
Call for Speakers Deadline Extended
The call for speakers deadline has been extended from the original May 14 deadline to May 21 at 11:59 pm EST. If you or someone you know was considering applying to speak at the 2021 Women|Future Conference but missed the deadline last week, apply to speak here.

More About The Women|Future Conference

The fourth annual Women|Future Conference hosted by the Stevie® Awards encourages engaging connections, professional and personal development, and health and financial wellness. lt will focus on a wide range of topics from the female perspective, including workplace diversity, lessons learned through the pandemic, advice from successful entrepreneurs and business owners, self-improvement, and emerging trends ahead.

Whether you're a female entrepreneur, small business owner, executive, or employee, the Women|Future Conference welcomes movers and shakers like you, looking to Cultivate Your Tomorrow. With 30+ panel discussions, a must-see keynote, invaluable networking opportunities, case studies from Stevie Award winners, and a Women-Owned Business Pitch Competition, there will be sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action!

Register for the 2021 Women|Future Conference
Registration Promotions 
  • Save 10% when groups of three (3) or more register together
  • $49 Student tickets. (with proof of valid current student ID when registering)

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Keep your eyes on our social media pages for updates on this exciting experience.







Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

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