도널드 덕의 현대적 변신

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Dec 31, 2020 @ 12:32 AM
  • 밀레니얼 세대를 대상으로 한 마케팅 이후 기하급수적 수익을 내고 있는 클래식 디즈니 캐릭터
  • 현대적이면서 몰입형의 쌍방향 체험이 가능한 도널드 덕 박물관 설계를 위해 Sage​ ​House와 디즈니 협력
  • 소셜 미디어 인플루언서와 영 어덜트의 관심을 이끌어 낼 수 있도록 유명 그래피티 아티스트가 Sage House, 디즈니와 협력


Sage House


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스티비상을 수상한 Sage House는 상하이와 홍콩에 기반을 둔 통합 마케팅 업체입니다. 이들은 디즈니의 첫 번째 중국 파트너가 되어 세계 최초의 도널드 덕 퍼펙트 뮤지엄(Donald Duck Perfect Museum) 설계를 허가 받았습니다. 디즈니차이나는 캐릭터의 성격을 이용해 소셜 미디어에서 트렌드를 형성하여 마케팅 캠페인에 호기심과 유머를 불러 일으킬 수 있는 방법에 대한 사례 연구로서 퍼펙트 뮤지엄 컨셉을 이용하였습니다.


노스텔지어 마케팅

2019년은 사랑받는 디즈니 캐릭터 도널드 덕의 탄생 85주년이었습니다. Sage House는 도널드 덕을 자기 자신의 박물관 큐레이터로 설정하여, 그가 조연으로서의 전통적인 역할을 벗어나 중앙 무대로 진출할 기회를 주었습니다. 이를 위해서는 일반적인 도널드 덕 팬과 더 젊고 수익성 있는 밀레니얼 세대 소비자 집단간의 격차를 해소해야 했습니다. 팝아트와 재미있는 대화형 마케팅 사용을 통해 고전적인 디즈니차이나에게 영 어덜트 시장에 대한 특별한 기회를 만들어 주었습니다.


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퍼펙트 뮤지엄의 세트 디자인은 25개의 상호적인 구역에 팝 아트와 몰입적 요소들을 이용하여 만들어졌습니다. 어떤 세트는 구석에 놓인 대걸레, 지저분한 페인트 자국 등을 배치하여 미완성인 것처럼 디자인 되었는데, 이는 도널드 덕의 급하고 참을성 없는 성격을 반영한 것입니다. 가장 인기있는 도널드 네온 조명 장치와 명예의 전당 장식 세트에서 많은 소셜 미디어 인플루언서들이 관심을 보였고, 여기에서 수 많은 소셜 미디어 컨텐츠와 트렌드가 형성되었습니다. 참석자들은 3D 안경을 이용하여 도널드의 헐리우드 명예의 거리를 따라 걷고 그의 발자국을 볼 수 있었습니다.


donald duck


Sage House는 노출 빈도를 늘리고 밀레니얼 세대 팬을 끌어들이기 위해, 이전에 펜디, 포르쉐, 미국 나이키와 함께 작업을 진행했던 로스앤젤레스의 그래피티 아티스트 조슈아 비데스(Joshua Vides)와 협업하였습니다. 그는 소비자 참여와 사진 촬영 기회를 위한 몰입형 체험을 제작하였으며, VIP 및 팬을 위해 한정판 아티스트 컬래버레이션 피규어를 제작하여 매출을 높였습니다.


이러한 독특한 체험을 통해 4개 쇼핑몰에서 300만명을 훨씬 웃도는 방문객을 확보하였으며, 전체 방문 유동인구 150% 및 매출 180% 증가라는 성과를 거두었습니다.


Sage House2020 아시아-태평양 스티비상에서 올해의 최고 혁신 광고 또는 마케팅 전문가 부문 스티비 은상, 브랜디드 엔터테인먼트 마케팅 혁신 부문 스티비 동상을 수상했습니다.


2021 아시아-태평양 스티비상 출품에 대해 궁금하신가요?


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Topics: The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, 아태스티비상


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Dec 31, 2020 @ 12:14 AM
  • ミレニアル世代を対象としたマーケティング以降、急激に収益を上げているクラシックなディズニーキャラクター
  • 現代的で没入型のインタラクティブな体験が可能なドナルドダック博物館設計のために、Sage Houseとディズニーが協力
  • ソーシャルメディア・インフルエンサーとヤングアダルトの関心を引き出すことができるように、有名グラフィティアーティストがSage House及びディズニーと協力


Sage House

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スティービー賞を受賞したSage House、上海と香港に拠点を置く統合マーケティング企業です。同社はディズニーの最初の中国でのパートナーとなり、世界初のドナルドダック・パーフェクトミュージアム(Donald Duck Perfect Museum)の設計を許可されました。ディズニーチャイナは、キャラクターの性格を利用してソーシャルメディアでトレンドを形成し、マーケティングキャンペーンに好奇心とユーモアを呼び起こすことができる方法に対する事例研究として、パーフェクトミュージアムのコンセプトを利用しました。




2019、愛されるディズニーキャラクターのドナルドダック誕生85周年でした。Sage Houseは、ドナルドダックを自分自身の博物館のキュレーターに設定し、助演としての伝統的な役割を抜け出して、中央舞台に進出する機会を与えました。そのためには、一般的なドナルドダックファンと、より若く収益性のあるミレニアル世代の消費者集団間のギャップを解消しなければなりません。ポップアートと楽しい対話型マーケティングを使用して、古典的なディズニーチャイナにヤングアダルト市場に対する特別な機会を作りました。


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donald duck


Sage House、露出頻度を増やして、ミレニアル世代のファンを引き込むために、以前、フェンディ、ポルシェ、米国ナイキと一緒に作業を進めた経験を持つロサンゼルスのグラフィティアーティスト ジョシュア・ビデス(Joshua Vides)とコラボレーションしました。彼は、消費者の参加と写真撮影の機会のための没入型体験を制作し、VIPとファンのために限定版アーティスト・コラボレーションフィギュアを制作して売上を伸ばしました。




Sage House2020スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞の今年最も革新的だった広告及びマーケティング専門家部門で銀賞を受賞し、ブランデッド・エンターテイメントマーケティング革新部門で銅賞を受賞しました。



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Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞, スティービー賞


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Dec 31, 2020 @ 12:00 AM
  • 以千禧年一代为对象进行营销后获得几何级数收益的经典迪士尼角色
  • Sage House与迪士尼合作设计具有现代感和沉浸式互动体验的唐老鸭博物馆
  • 著名涂鸦艺术家与Sage House、迪士尼合作,旨在引起社交媒体InfluencerYoung Audet关注

关于 Sage House

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史蒂夫奖得主Sage House 是一家总部位于上海和香港的综合营销公司,该机构是迪士尼在中国的合作伙伴,被授权设计世界上第一个唐老鸭完美博物馆。迪士尼中国利用卡通人物性格在社交媒体上形成潮流,研究在营销活动中引发好奇心和幽默的方法,并利用了完美博物馆的概念。


2019年是备受喜爱的迪士尼卡通角色唐老鸭诞生85周年。Sage House将唐老鸭概念化为自己博物馆的策展人,使它摆脱传统的配角角色,有机会登上中央舞台。为此,必须弥合普通唐老鸭粉丝和更年轻、更有收益性的千禧年一代消费者集团的差距。Sage House通过使用流行艺术和有趣的互动式营销,为经典的迪士尼中国在年轻人的市场中创造了独特的机会。


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donald duck


为了增加曝光率并吸引千禧一代的粉丝,Sage House与洛杉矶的涂鸦艺术家Joshua Vides合作,后者曾与芬迪,保时捷和耐克美国公司合作。Vides为吸引消费者的参与和提供拍照机会,创造了身临其境的体验。还为VIP和粉丝推出了限量版艺术家合作雕像,以促进销售。




Sage House 在2020年-太平洋史蒂夫®中,获得了年度最佳创新营销或广告专业人士的银奖,并获得了营销-品牌娱乐创新部门的铜奖。



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Topics: The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖

2021 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상 출품 마감, 1월 13일

Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 07:09 AM

2021년 (제15회) 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상 최종 출품 마감일이 2021년 1월 13일로 빠르게 다가오고 있다. 이는 세계 최고의 비즈니스 대상 프로그램들을 주관하는 스티비 어워즈(Stevie® Awards) 운영하는 영업과 고객서비스 프로페셔널, 팀, 조직을 위한 세계 최고의 상이다. 출품요강과 대상 관련 상세 내용은 홈페이지(http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales)에서 볼 수 있다.

세계 모든 고객 서비스, 컨택 센터, 비즈니스 개발 영업 부서, 전문가뿐만 아니라, 전문가들이 이용하는 신제품, 서비스 솔루션 공급업체 모두 수상 후보로 출품할 있다. 2021 대상 2019 7 1 이후의 업적을 기준으로 수상자를 결정한다.


수상자 발표 일정은 온라인 시상식을 위해 수정되었다. , , 동 스티비상 수상자는 1 27일 공표된다. 수상자들은 4 14일에 열리는 온라인 시상식에서 축하 받게 된다.

“제15회 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상의 모든 수상자들과 그들의 손님들이 안전하게 이 분야에서의 성공들을 축하하기 위해 2021년에 온라인으로 시상식을 주최하게 되어 저희는 기쁘게 생각합니다. 저희는 출품 자격을 2019 7 1일 이후의 성취로 바꿔서, 올해 어떤 기준 또는 기대를 이끌어내지 못했어도 1 13일까지 모두가 출품작을 제출하기를 장려하고 있습니다. 이것은 코로나-19 사태 이전의 데이터로 출품작을 제출할 수 있다는 의미입니다." 스티비 어워즈의 매기 갤러허 대표는 말했다.

영업 고객 서비스 스티비대 150 이상의  영업상,  고객 서비스상,  비즈니스 개발상,  신제품상   솔루션 공급업체상 등 여러 부문에 걸쳐 다양한 상을 시상한다. 참가들은 다양한 카테고리에 제한 없이 출품작을 제출할 있다.

2020년의 새 카테고리는 다음과 같다.

  • 올해의 고객 서비스 교육 전문가
  • 올해의 고객 서비스 교육 - 외부
  • 올해의 고객 서비스 교육 - 내부
  • 최고 교육 연계 개발
  • 올해의 고객 서비스 교육 또는 코칭 프로그램
  • 올해의 영업 가능화 프로그램
  • 올해의 영업 인센티브 프로그램
  • 올해의 백서 또는 연구보고서

2020 영업 고객 서비스 스티비대 수상자에는 American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. 등이 있다.

2021년 대상은 전 세계 150여 전문가들에 의해 심사가 이루어진다.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, 스티비상, 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상


Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 07:00 AM



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スティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞にはセールス賞カスタマーサービス賞ビジネス開発賞新製品賞ソリューションプロバイダなど150以上のカテゴリーで様々な賞を授与しています。参加企業は以下のようなカテゴリーに制限なく応募することができます。 参加者は、様々なカテゴリーに数の制限なくエントリーを提出することができます。

• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育専門家
• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育チーム - 外部
• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育チーム - 内部
• 最優秀顧客エンゲージメント・イニシアチブ
• 今年のカスタマーサービス教育・コーチングプログラム
• 今年のセールスイネーブルメント・プログラム
• 今年のセールスインセンティブ・プログラム
• 今年の白書または研究報告書

2020年のスティー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞受賞者は American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. などです。


Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, スティービー賞, スティービー・セールス&カスタマー・サービス賞


Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 06:53 AM

第15届经营及顾客服务史蒂夫®奖的截止日期为2021年1月13日,时间所剩不多。 这是为经营和顾客服务专家、团队和组织设立的世界最高奖项。参展纲要及对象相关具体内容详见主页(http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales)




“我们很高兴能够在2021年举办第15届年度史蒂夫销售和客户服务奖网络颁奖,以庆祝所有获奖者在这些领域的成功,同时保证获奖者和大家邀请的客人能够安全地参加颁奖典礼。我们的参展资格改成了表彰201971日以后的成就,所以即使大家今年没有达到某些标准或期望,我们也鼓励大家在113日为止提交参展作品。这意味着大家可以提交新冠肺炎事件以前的数据资料”,史蒂夫大奖的主席Maggie Gallagher说。


  • 年度最佳客户服务培训专家
  • 年度最佳客户服务培训团队–外部
  • 年度最佳客户服务培训团队–内部
  • 最佳客户参与计划
  • 年度客户服务培训或辅导计划
  • 年度销售支持计划
  • 年度销售奖励计划
  • 年度白皮书或研究报告

2020销售及客户服务史蒂夫®奖的获奖作品包括 American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc.等。


Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 经营及顾客服务史蒂夫奖

Kesempatan Terakhir Untuk Mengikuti Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan Tahun 2021 adalah 13 Januari

Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Dec 30, 2020 @ 06:34 AM

Hari terakhir untuk mengikuti Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan tahunan ke-15 semakin dekat tanggal 13 Januari 2021. Ini adalah penghargaan utama dunia untuk profesional penjualan, layanan pelanggan, tim dan organisasi/perusahaan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan entri kit dapat dilihat di http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Para calon nominasi yang memenuhi syarat termasuk departemen, tim, dan profesional dari seluruh dunia yang bekerja di layanan pelanggan, contact center, pengembangan bisnis dan penjualan. Produk dan layanan baru serta penyedia solusi yang digunakan oleh para profesional tersebut juga memenuhi syarat. Pada tahun 2021, para pemenang akan ditentukan berdasarkan kinerjanya setelah 1 Juli 2019.

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Jadwal pengumuman pemenang telah diubah menjadi seremoni penghargaan virtual. Para pemenang penghargaan emas, perak dan perunggu akan diumumkan kepada publik pada tanggal 27 Januari. Para pemenang akan dirayakan dengan jamuan penghargaan virtual pada tanggal 14 April.

“Kami sangat senang dapat menjadi tuan rumah Penghargaan Stevie Tahunan ke 15 untuk Penjualan & Layanan Pelanggan secara virtual pada 2021 untuk merayakan keberahasilan di bidang ini namun tetap menjaga keamanan semua para pemenang dan para tamu mereka. Kami mendorong semua orang untuk mengirimkan nominasi mereka selambat-lambatnya 13 Januari – meskipun tahun ini tidak membuahkan tolak ukur atau ekspektasi tertentu, kami mendorong kembali ke kriteria entri hingga 1 Juli 2019. Artinya Anda dapat mengirimkan nominasi dengan data dari sebelum merebaknya Covid 19,” kata Maggie Galagher, presiden Stevie Awards.

Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan mencakup lebih dari 150 kategori, termasuk penghargaan penjualan, penghargaan layanan pelanggan, penghargaan pengembang bisnis, penghargaan produk baru, penghargaan vendor solusi dan lain-lain. Peserta dapat mengajukan sejumlah nominasi ke sejumlah kategori.

Kategori baru untuk tahun 2020 meliputi:

  • Pelatihan Profesional Layanan Pelanggan Tahun Ini
  • Team Pelatihan Layanan Pelanggan Tahun Ini– Eksternal
  • Team Pelatihan Layanan Pelanggan Tahun Ini– Internal
  • Inisiatif Keterlibatan Pelanggan Terbaik
  • Pelatihan Layanan Pelanggan atau Program Pembinaan Tahun Ini
  • Program Pemberdayaan Penjualan Tahun Ini
  • Program Insentif Penjualan Tahun Ini
  • Buku Putih atau Makalah Riset Terbaik Tahun Ini.

Para pemenang edisi Penghargaan Stevie untuk Layanan Penjualan & Pelanggan tahun 2020 diantaranya American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc., dan lainnya.

Kompetisi tahun 2021 akan dinilai oleh lebih dari 150 profesional di seluruh dunia.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, Penghargaan Stevie

Helping Young Girls Succeed in STEM

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Dec 29, 2020 @ 11:29 AM
  • STEMi Makers Africa is a NGO that helps provide young women with technology skills and experience
  • Founder Amanda Obedike was part of the Barack Obama Young African Leadership Initiative and continues to work with underrepresented communities to boost their potential in STEM

STEMi Makers Africa

STEMi Makers Africa is a Non-Governmental Organization that addresses the leaky unemployment pipeline and under-representation of women and girls in STEM by equipping them with STEM emerging tools, real-world problem skills that they need to use to excel in STEM lucrative fields and become more experienced for Africa's workforce. The future growth and development of Africa depends on an aligned system that enables young Africans to be technology problem-solvers and self-reliant innovators.

STEMi Makers Africa has built a diverse community and impacted nearly 10,000 people across 17 sub-saharan countries in Africa. They are building a STEM Ecosystem (called Africa By Us, For Us) of a diverse talent pool of young people in African countries to provide a sustainable boost to economic growth and prepare them for the jobs of the future. 

This led STEMi Makers Africa into an ongoing partnership with IBM, Red Hat, and the U.S. Department of State to cultivate a STEM Workforce by training educators across underrepresented communities with project-based learning tools and provide key resources to teachers to help them understand STEM pathways and modern classroom courses.  

About Amanda Obidike

Amanda Obidike is a Certified Professional in STEM by the Open University in the United Kingdom. As the founder of STEMi Makers Africa, Amanda provides leadership and strategic management and oversees the design and implementation of sustainable projects. 

Forbes Science named Amanda as the Nigerian changing the culture fabric for young girls to embrace STEM. She serves as a Mentor in the Cherie Blair Foundation, the 1 Million Women in Tech, the Global Thinkers for Women, and the New York Academy of Sciences where she lends her voice and knowledge and serves as a role model to girls in Africa. In 2018, Amanda served as a regional lead at the Barack Obama Young African Leadership Initiative, and in 2019, Amanda was an awardee of the Public Affairs Section of the USA Consulate General for her work in marginalized communities. 

Amanda Obidike of STEMi Makers Africa won the Gold Stevie for Female Innovator of the Year, the Silver Stevie for Female Executive of the Year, and the Silver Stevie for Organization of the Year, all for Government or Non-Profit in the 2020 Stevie Awards for Women in Business®. 

Interested in entering the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

Request the Entry Kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Three Reasons You Won't Win Any Business Awards in 2021

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Dec 23, 2020 @ 10:42 AM

We're almost rid of 2020 -- one of the toughest years on record for organizations of all types. Nothing this year has gone as planned.  Many of the goals set early in the year have shriveled in the dust.  Many of the year's achievements sprang anew from necessity and ingenuity.

Usually around this time of year organizations finalize their PR and marketing budgets for the following year.  Many organizations are budgeting and planning to enter any number of business awards competitions in the new year, because they know that awards are cost-effective tools for a variety of purposes, with brand building and employee relations chief among them.

Now is the perfect time to deep dive and reflect on what you and your organization have achieved in 2020, despite the obstacles.   Stories of success despite the odds and hurdles are just the kind that often impress Stevie Awards judges.

But here are the three reasons why you and your organization won't win a single award in 2021 - plus the #1 reason it won't matter a whit even if you do.

1. You Don't Enter
On occasion when we suggest to someone that they should nominate their organization in one of the Stevie Awards competitions, their response is: We don't believe in nominating ourselves for awards.  We plan to do such great work that awards will just be given to us.

Really? we want to reply. Which award are you hoping will make a beeline to your door?  A Nobel Prize? A MacArthur Genius Award?  Get real. 

Hope is not a strategy. If you don't believe that winning awards can help to burnish your organization's reputation, provide a low-cost reward to your employees for their good work, and provide one more incentive to your executives and workers to excel, we could persuade you otherwise, but at least that's your opinion.  But if you do believe that winning awards can offer these benefits, why on earth wouldn't you plan to pursue them?

Sure, it can take hours to prepare entries, and entry fees for a few awards programs can run to several thousand dollars, but the work and the cost are minor compared to the benefits of winning - and leveraging - a prestigious award.


2. You Aren't Smart About Picking Your Competitions
While we think our Stevie Awards competitions are the best there are, we acknowledge there are many awards programs worthy of your attention around the world for corporate awards, PR awards, marketing awards, IT awards, web awards, HR awards, and so on.  Picking those that are right for you and your organization is important.  And picking the categories within those competitions is also key.

When someone calls the Stevie Awards to enquire about whether their organization might be a fit for one of our competitions, we ask them two questions: one, what do you want to be recognized for?  And two, is it important to you in which category you might be honored?  Their answer to the first question is important, because that will tell us which competition, and which category(s), will be a fit for them.  The answer to the second question is also pivotal, because that will tell us whether we should recommend only the most popular (i.e. "prestigious") categories or can recommend secondary categories to them as well.

3. You Don't Tell Your Story Well
It's our experience that most organizations aren't very good at formally summarizing and articulating their achievements in an engaging way.  Storytelling is a vital part of corporate - and career - success.

When someone says to us, I'm not sure we're ready to enter the Stevie Awards, I don't know that we've achieved enough yet, we ask them to give us their elevator speech, their one-minute summary of what they do and what they've achieved.  Without fail their elevator speech is captivating.  It seems that most people have honed their ability to put into a few words the essence of their capabilities and achievements.  But few people can translate that pride and excitement into a longer document that's well written, well structured, and supported with examples, work samples, and the like. 

Until the day when we can transmit our thoughts to one another via telepathy, the written word will continue to be the way to communicate data-intensive information.  So if you can't write well, you don't stand much chance of winning many if any awards.  If you don't write well, hire or contract with someone who does to write your awards entries for you.

Even if you do enter the right categories in the right competitions, and prepare and write your entries extremely well, and win a raft of prestigious awards, they won't mean a thing if you don't translate those wins into meaningful tools, by

* Publicizing your wins to the media and stakeholders
* Congratulating and celebrating your employees for their recognition
* Using the resources provided by awards organizers, such as winners' logos, to create a long-term association between your products and your brand and their mark of excellence. 

The first step to participating in any of the eight Stevie Awards programs in 2021 is to request the entry kits for one or more of them.  Start here

Request Your Entry Kit Here's to all of us for getting through this horrid year, and here's wishing you and yours a happy and safe holiday season and a healthy and properous New Year!

Topics: business awards

Final Entry Deadline in 2021 Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service is January 13

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Dec 16, 2020 @ 03:11 PM

The entry deadline is rapidly approaching for the 15th annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service on Wednesday, January 13. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Eligible nominees include departments, teams, and professionals from around the world who work in customer service, contact center, business development, and sales. New products and services and solution providers used by those professionals are also eligible. The 2021 awards will recognize achievements since July 1, 2019.


The winner announcement schedule has been modified to serve a virtual awards ceremony. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced publicly on January 27. Winners will be celebrated a virtual awards banquet on April 14.

“We are thrilled to be able to host the 15th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service virtually in 2021 to celebrate successes in these fields yet keep all Stevie winners and their guests safe. We encourage everyone to submit their nominations by January 13 – even if this year did not lead to certain benchmarks or expectations, we have pushed back to entry criteria to July 1, 2019. This means that you can submit nominations with data from before Covid-19 struck,” said Maggie Gallagher, President of the Stevie Awards.

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service feature more than 150 sales awards, customer service awards, business development awards, new product awards, and solution provider awards categories. Entrants may submit any number of nominations to any number of categories.

New categories for 2020 include:

  • Customer Service Training Professional of the Year
  • Customer Service Training Team of the Year – External
  • Customer Service Training Team of the Year – Internal
  • Best Customer Engagement Initiative
  • Customer Service Training or Coaching Program of the Year
  • Sales Enablement Program of the Year
  • Sales Incentive Program of the Year
  • White Paper or Research Paper of the Year.

Winners of the 2020 edition of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service included American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc., and more.

The 2021 competition will be judged by more than 150 professionals around the world.

Interested in entering the 15th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service?

Request the entry kit


Topics: stevie awards for sales and customer service