Wir haben tolle Neuigkeiten! Die Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service verlängern die Teilnahmefrist 2022

Posted by Jule Kern on Thu, Jan 20, 2022 @ 08:00 AM

Noch bis zum 2. Februar können Nominierungen für die beliebten Awards von Organisationen im Bereich Vertrieb und Kundenservice eingereicht werden. 


Auf vielfachen Wunsch haben die Stevie® Awards den Einsendeschluss für die 16. jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service auf Mittwoch, den 2. Februar, verlängert. Der ursprüngliche Einsendeschluss war der 12. Januar. 

Experten im Kundenservice sind hier richtig 

Nominiert werden können Abteilungen, Teams und Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt, die in den Bereichen Kundenservice, Contact Center, Geschäftsentwicklung und Vertrieb tätig sind. Neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Lösungsanbieter, die von diesen Fachleuten genutzt werden, sind ebenfalls zugelassen. Die Auszeichnungen für das Jahr 2022 werden für Leistungen seit dem 1. Juli 2019 vergeben.


Die Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger werden am 28. Februar 2022 bekannt gegeben, und die Gewinnenden der Stevie® Awards in Gold, Silber und Bronze werden am 11. Mai bei einer virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt.

Der Wettbewerb 2022 wird von mehr als 150 Fachleuten aus aller Welt bewertet.

Die Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service werden in mehr als 150 Kategorien für Vertrieb, Kundenservice,Geschäftsentwicklung, neue Produkte und Lösungsanbieter verliehen. Die Teilnehmende können eine beliebige Anzahl von Nominierungen für eine beliebige Anzahl von Kategorien einreichen.

Was erwartet Sie neues? 

Neu in diesem Jahr ist, dass die Einreichungsbedingungen für alle Kategorien erweitert wurden, so dass die Nominierungen die Leistungen der letzten zwei Jahre statt eines Jahres umfassen können.

Es gibt viele neue Kategorien für das Jahr 2022, darunter Vertriebsingenieur*in des Jahres, Vertriebsunterstützer*in des Jahres, Virtueller und Pre-Sales-Profi des Jahres, Remote-Vertriebsinnovation des Jahres, Arbeitgeber*in des Jahres im Vertrieb und eine völlig neue Sektion von Kategorien zur Anerkennung von Thought Leadership-Leistungen in den Bereichen Geschäftsentwicklung, Kundenservice und Vertrieb. Eine vollständige Auflistung der Kategorien finden Sie hier.

Ethik im Verkauf

Die Stevie Awards freuen sich außerdem, den von Sales Partnerships gesponserten Ethics in Sales Award zu verleihen. Für diese Kategorie wird keine Teilnahmegebühr erhoben. Mit diesem Preis werden Unternehmen für ihre vorbildlichen Praktiken und Leistungen ausgezeichnet, die die höchsten ethischen Standards in der Vertriebsbranche aufweisen. Die Teilnehmenden können konkrete Beispiele, Fallstudien, Praktiken usw. einreichen, die verdeutlichen, warum das nominierte Unternehmen als hervorragendes Beispiel für Best Practices im Vertrieb angesehen werden sollte. Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf den Aktivitäten im Jahr 2021.

Hier erhalten Sie Ihre Teilnahmeunterlagen

Präsidentin der Stevie® Awards, Maggie Miller, erklärt: "Jedes Jahr sind unsere Juroren beeindruckter von den Einreichungen für die Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Wir ermutigen jede Organisation, die für ihre Leistungen seit dem Juli 2019 anerkannt werden möchte, die Teilnahmeunterlagen anzufordern, um zu sehen, welche Kategorien diese Erfolge am besten hervorheben würden." 

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Zu den Gewinnenden der Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service 2021 aus Europa gehörten Cabify (Spanien), ClickMeeting Ltd (Polen), Citation & ValueLabs (UK), Competence Call Center (Österreich), Learning Pool (UK), Mitto (Schweiz), Modis Bulgaria (Bulgarien), Pekao Direct (Polen), Reward Gateway (Bulgarien), Telefónica (Spanien), Turkcell Technology (Türkei) und Veeam Software (Schweiz).

Eine Liste der Gewinnenden 2021 finden Sie hier


Topics: The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, Sales & Customer Service, SASCS22

Last Chance to Enter 2020 Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service is January 9

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Wed, Dec 18, 2019 @ 01:12 PM

Top Sales Awards and Customer Service Awards Winners to Be Recognized in Las Vegas


The final entry deadline is rapidly approaching for the 14th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service on January 9, 2020. These are the world’s premier awards for sales and customer service professionals, teams, and organizations.

Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Review the Entry Kit Here

After all nominations have been submitted, finalists will be notified on January 15 and winners will be announced at a gala awards banquet at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada on February 28.

Eligible nominees include departments, teams, and professionals from around the world who work in customer service, contact center, business development, and sales. New products and services and solution providers used by those professionals are also eligible. The 2020 awards will recognize achievements since July 1, 2018.

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service feature more than 150 sales awards, customer service awards, business development awards, new product awards, and solution provider awards categories. Entrants may submit any number of nominations to any number of categories.

New this year, nominees may submit a video of up to five minutes in length instead of the 650-word essay describing their achievements since July 1, 2018.

New categories for 2020 include Customer Service Training Professional of the Year, Customer Service Training Team of the Year – External, Customer Service Training Team of the Year – Internal, Best Customer Engagement Initiative, Customer Service Training or Coaching Program of the Year, Sales Enablement Program of the Year, Sales Incentive Program of the Year, and White Paper or Research Paper of the Year.

2020 will see the return of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service, a popular feature of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service in which the general public may vote for their favorite providers of customer service, from among all finalist nominations in the Customer Service Department of the Year categories.

Winners of the 2019 edition of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service included Allstate, American Airlines, Birevim, Cvent, DP DHL, Deliveroo, Dubai Police, HomeServe USA, IBM, iHeartMedia, Inc., Michael Kors, Oi, Salary.com, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SolarWinds, Texas Instruments, VIZIO, Zappos, and more.

The 2020 competition will be judged by more than 150 professionals around the world.

Topics: stevie awards for sales and customer service, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, 2020 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Sales Partnerships to Sponsor Ethics in Sales Award at Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Wed, Nov 13, 2019 @ 03:37 PM

Nominations are open for honors to be presented in Las Vegas on February 28

Nominations for the 2020 (14th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, considered the world’s top honors for customer service, business development, and sales professionals, will be accepted through January 9 at StevieAwards.com/Sales. Late fees will apply for nominations, but no entry fees or late fees will apply for nominations to a new category to recognize ethical sales practices, sponsored by Sales Partnerships.


The Sales Partnerships Award for Ethics in Sales will recognize outstanding examples of ethical sales practices since July 1, 2018. As in all other categories in the competition, nominees may submit a written essay or case study of up to 650 words describing their ethical sales practices and achievements or a video of up to five minutes in length, illustrating the same.

Sales Partnerships, Inc., which provides turnkey, outsourced selling solutions, is a sponsor of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service program for the fourth consecutive year. Founder and CEO Fred Kessler says, “The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service has grown to be the premier honor for sales professionals worldwide, and it’s proven to be an outstanding platform on which Sales Partnerships can interact with sales leaders in a wide variety of industries. When we were approached about sponsoring an award for ethics in sales, we immediately accepted. The Sales Partnerships’ Award for Ethics in Sales recognizes companies who, like us, understand that being the best performing sales force also means having an uncompromising focus on selling ethically.”

Interested in entering the 2020 Stevie Award for Sales & Customer Service?

Request the entry kit

Maggie Gallagher, president of the Stevie Awards, is looking forward to having the longtime Stevie Awards sponsor present this award. “We are thrilled that Sales Partnerships has decided to recognize those not only who succeed in sales at their organization, but who do so in a particularly ethical manner. The judges are eager to read through these Ethics in Sales nominations.”

Finalists in this and all other categories, based on the ratings of more than 150 professionals around the world in the judging process, will be announced on January 16. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award placements from among the finalists will be revealed at a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Friday, February 28.

Complete details on the competition, including how to participate, are available at www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Topics: customer service awards, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, sales awards, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Entry Deadline for 14th Annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service Approaching

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Thu, Oct 31, 2019 @ 09:00 AM

Top Sales Awards and Customer Service Awards Deadline November 13

The Stevie Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, is accepting entries for the 2020 (14th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

SASCS2020_entry deadline

All customer service, contact center, business development and sales departments, teams and professionals worldwide are eligible to be nominated, in addition to new products and services and solution providers used by those professionals. The 2020 awards will recognize achievements since July 1, 2018.

The entry deadline is November 13, but late entries will be accepted through January 10, 2019 with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced in mid-January, and the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award placements revealed during a gala awards banquet on February 28 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Interested in entering the 2020 Stevie Award for Sales & Customer Service?

Request the entry kit

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service feature more than 150 sales awards, customer service awards, business development awards, new product awards and solution provider awards categories. Entrants may submit any number of nominations to any number of categories.

New categories for the 2020 competition include Sales Enablement Program of the Year, Sales Incentive Program of the Year, White Paper or Research Report of the Year, Customer Service Training Professional of the Year, Customer Service Training Team of the Year – External or Internal, Best Customer Engagement Initiative, and Customer Service Training or Coaching Program of the Year.

2020 will see the return of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service, a popular feature of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service in which the general public may vote for their favorite providers of customer service, from among all finalist nominations in the Customer Service Department of the Year categories.

Winners of the 2019 edition of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service included 1-800-Flowers.com, Bank of America, Birevim, BNY Mellon's Albridge, ClassicCars.com, Comcast, Dell Technologies, GoDaddy, HomeServe USA, SolarWinds, Southwest Airlines, Vivint Solar, VIZIO, Inc., and Wolters Kluwer's ELM Solutions.

The 2020 competition will be judged by more than 150 professionals around the world.

Topics: customer service awards, sales awards, stevie awards for sales and customer service, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Kundenservice- und Vertriebs-Champions gesucht!

Posted by Catrin Beu on Sun, Aug 04, 2019 @ 01:50 PM

Startschuss für die Stevie® Awards for Sales and Customer Service 2020  

Preisträgerin der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Zum 14. Mal rufen die Stevie® Awards zu dem jährlich ausgelobten Wirtschaftspreis für Kundenservice und Vertrieb auf. Ab sofort können Abteilungen, Teams und Fachkräfte aus den Bereichen Kundenservice, Kontaktzentrum, Unternehmens-entwicklung und Vertrieb weltweit ihre Nominierungen einreichen. Auch externe Lösungsanbieter dürfen sich mit ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen bewerben.

Den Teilnehmern stehen über 150 Kategorien für Awards im Bereich Verkauf, Kundenservice, Unternehmensentwicklung, Produkte und Lösungsanbieter zur Verfügung und sie können beliebig viele Nominierungen in beliebig vielen Kategorien einreichen.

Neu in diesem Jahr sind

Die größte Neuerung in diesem Jahr ist, dass anstelle des Essays zur Beschreibung der erbrachten Leistung auch ein bis zu fünf Minuten langes Video eingereicht werden kann. Dabei gilt, dass die nominierten Leistungen seit dem 1. Juli 2018 erbracht worden sein müssen.

Für die Awards gibt es drei Teilnahmefristen. Teilnehmer, die ihre Nominierungen bis zum 16. Oktober 2019 einreichen, profitieren dabei von reduzierten Teilnahmegebühren. Die reguläre Teilnahmefrist endet am 13. November 2019, verspätete Anmeldungen werden jedoch noch bis zum 9. Januar 2020 mit einer Nachgebühr entgegengenommen.

Die Finalisten werden Mitte Januar bekanntgegeben. Die Gold, Silber und Bronze Stevie Award Platzierungen erfahren die Preisträger im Rahmen eines Galadinners am 28. Februar 2020 im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Im vergangenen Jahr waren über 2.700 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aus 45 Nationen und jeder Branche und Größe bei den Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service eingegangen. Aus Deutschland hatten der Software-Riese SAP SE aus Walldorf und der Berliner Chauffeur & Limousinen Service Blacklane die international besetzte Jury überzeugt. Deutsche Post DHL gewann zahlreiche Gold, Silver und Bronze Stevie Awards für seine internationalen Aktivitäten und gewann das sechste Jahr in Folge den Grand Stevie Award als die meist geschätzte Organisation des Jahres.

Mehr über die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service 2020 erfahren Sie im Videointerview mit Michael Gallagher: 

Topics: The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service, Wirtschaftspreis für Vertrieb und Kundenservice

How to Price Your Product to Sell: Tips From a Sales Awards Sponsor

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Fri, Feb 07, 2014 @ 10:09 AM

Julie Thomas is CEO of ValueSelling Associates in Rancho Santa Fe, California, USA, a sponsor of the 2014 Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, the world's top customer service awards and sales awardsValueSelling has associates around the globe, and recently appointed a new associate in China, so Julie is excited by the customer service awards category in the new Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.  (Get your entry kit for this program here.)  Julie recently shared with us some insight on determining the right price of a product or service.

Julie ThomasDuring the objection-handling module of our ValueSelling sales training course, we ask participants: “What is the most common objection?” Nine times out of ten, the objection they get from the customer is: “Your price is too high,” or “You’re too expensive.”

The price objection is guaranteed to come up during most sales cycles. In the current economic environment, no one wants to pay more than necessary for any product or service.  In addition, buyers are more educated than ever before. Choices are plentiful. No one wants to overpay or be taken advantage of. With that said, we don’t need to lower prices to win the business … nor do we need to be afraid of discussing the cost of the products or services we sell.

Price objections are raised because the salesperson hasn’t yet demonstrated enough value for the prospect to feel comfortable in making a purchase.

Price and value are vastly different concepts, however. Price is what is paid for an item at a given time. It’s a short-term conversation. Value is an investment made in exchange for future benefits. Value is a long-term concept.

Does your product or service convey value?
Start by asking yourself these seemingly simple questions:

-What makes your company valuable to a customer?

-What is your unique selling proposition?

-Why should the prospect care?

Often a prospect gets the same pitch from both you and your competitors. Whether it’s great service, 24-hour availability, leading-edge technology, or more than 500 happy clients, they’ve heard it all. The truth is that it doesn’t matter what you think is valuable. What matters is what the customer perceives is valuable.

Once you identify what is valuable to your customer, it will be much easier to lead the prospect toward a buying decision.

Most sales professionals don’t spend nearly enough time to uncover the real value they offer the prospect. Still others don’t know how to articulate the value in a way that presses the customer’s emotional hot buttons.

Get the customer’s perspective
What’s the best way to pinpoint and promote real value? Get the customer perspective. Discover how your customer uses your product or service. Interview them by phone or in person, and find out:

-What do they like about your product or service?

-How does it make their life easier?

-How could your product or service be improved?

-How do they use your product or service?

-What causes them to use your product or service?

-How does it impact their customers?

This gives you a ripe opportunity to listen and be open to what the customer has to say. Even if the comments are less than positive, sometimes the mere fact that you’re listening helps to create a bond with the customer that is long lasting.

Become your own customer 

Believe it or not, some companies don’t even use their own products or services! First-hand experience gives you true empathy for the customer. You wouldn’t buy a car without reading the reviews, visiting various car dealerships, or taking a few for a test drive, would you? Often your product or service requires a much larger investment. So don’t just rely on information from marketing materials to fuel your sales presentations. Shop around, “test drive” the other products and services, and do a side-by-side comparison with the competition.

By being your own customer, you’ll quickly discover what’s so great about your product or service, and you’ll be able to articulate the value proposition more effectively.

Deliver value to your customer
Given that customers are faced with a vast array of decisions, opportunities, and alternatives all competing for limited funds, value matters more than ever before. Your job throughout the sales cycle is to determine the customer’s motivation for buying your product or service, and then articulate that value in such a compelling way that the customer feels comfortable making the decision to buy from you.

When it comes to decision criteria, these are the crucial measurements the customer weighs:

-Is the price worth the investment?

-Is the risk worth the reward?

-Is the effort worth the impact?

Value is in the eye of the customer
Make the effort to gain the customer perspective, passionately articulate your value, and then deliver value over and over again. Doing so will help you reduce the perceived risk, increase the positive impact you deliver, and speed the sales cycle.

For more information and insights on sales and selling, visit the Value Selling Blog.

About Julie Thomas:

Julie Thomas, President and CEO of ValueSelling Associates, is a noted speaker, author, and consultant. In a career spanning more than 24 years, she credits her mastery of the ValueSelling Framework® for her own meteoric rise through the ranks of sales, sales management, and corporate leadership positions.

Julie began her career at Gartner Group. In 1999, she became Vice President of Gartner’s Sales Training for the Americas, which included successfully managing the training of new hires in the ValueSelling process.  In 2003, Julie acquired ValueSelling Associates with the support of ValueSelling CEO and co-founder Lloyd Sappington. Since then, Julie has led the company to become an industry leader in competency- and process-based training for escalating sales performance.

Julie is a sought-after speaker at industry events such as the Selling Power Sales Leadership Conferences. She is a guest lecturer at both Babson University and the University of Michigan. In addition, Julie is on the advisory board of the eWomenNetwork Foundation Advisory Council and is heavily involved in her local public schools as well as the San Diego Children’s Hospital Auxiliary.

She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

About ValueSelling Associates

ValueSelling Associates, based in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., is the creator of the ValueSelling Framework®, the sales methodology preferred by sales executives around the globe. Since 1991, ValueSelling Associates has helped FORTUNE 1000 business-to-business sales organizations compete and win in markets crowded with seemingly similar products and services. ValueSelling Associates has maintained its position as a leader in the industry by continually evolving to meet the new challenges sales forces face. Clients turn to the experts at ValueSelling Associates for classroom training, online training, and consulting services that yield immediate impact, repeatable strategies, and sustainable results. For more information, visit www.valueselling.com.

Topics: customer service awards, business awards, stevie awards, sales awards, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

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