Winners Announced for the 16th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Mon, Nov 18, 2019 @ 09:00 AM

World's Top Honors for Women Entrepreneurs, Executives, Employees, and the Organizations They Run Were Presented in New York


Shining a spotlight on women executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations run by women, winners in the 2019 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business were announced on Friday, November 15.

With more than 500 businesswomen and their guests in attendance, the awards were announced at a gala dinner at the New York Marriott Marquis. Nations represented at the event included Australia, Canada, Finland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the U.S.A., among others.

The presentations were broadcast live worldwide. Photos from the event are available here.

More than 1,500 nominations from organizations and individuals around the world were submitted to the awards this year for consideration in categories including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, and Startup of the Year, among others. More than 160 business professionals working in eight specialized judging committees determined the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners.

Grand Stevie Award trophies were presented to six organizations that submitted the best body of entries to the competition, in their own names or in the names of one or more clients. Winners were determined by the number of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards won in the competition. The Grand Stevie Award winners are:

  • The Audacious Agency, Coombabah, QLD, Australia (#1)
  • Melissa Sones Consulting, New York, NY, U.S.A. (#2)
  • DP DHL, worldwide (#3)
  • WDS Marketing & Public Relations, Overland Parks, KS, U.S.A. (#4)
  • Harman International, Stamford, CT, U.S.A. (#5 TIE)
  • Jeunesse Global, Lake Mary, FL, U.S.A. (#5 TIE)

The 2019 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflect a diverse group of large and small organizations from around the globe. Notable Gold Stevie Award winners in this year’s competition include:

  • Berna Tan, COO, Arvato CRM Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey — Female Executive of the Year in Europe, the Middle East & Africa
  • Brenda Dennis, Vice President, Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, U.S.A.— Female Executive of the Year – Business Products – More Than 2,500 Employees
  • Oanh Phuong, Regional Head of Customer Support, Asia Pacific and Japan, HP Inc., Singapore — Female Executive of the Year in Asia, Australia, or New Zealand
  • Carolyn Tisch Blodgett, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Brand Marketing Peloton, New York, NY, U.S.A. — Most Innovative Woman of the Year – Technology
  • Siti Choiriana, Consumer Service Director, PT. Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia — Female Executive of the Year – Consumer Services – More Than 2,500 Employees
  • Sarah Konowal, Co-Founder and CEO, Ripshot Enterprises, Toronto, ON, Canada — Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Canada
  • Ann DeAngelo, Associate Director, Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC), Fairway, KS, U.S.A. — Women Helping Women – Government or Non-Profit
  • Ritu Narayan, Founder and CEO, Zum, Redwood City, CA, U.S.A. — Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Services – 11 to 2,500 Employees
  • Rachael Ferguson, CEO/Podiatrist, Synxsole, Brisbane, QLD, Australia — Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Asia, Australia or New Zealand
  • National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), Washington, D.C., U.S.A. — Event of the Year
  • Solv by Concentrix, Belfast, United Kingdom — Best New Product or Service of the Year – Business Services; Most Innovative Company of the Year – More Than 10 Employees
  • Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, U.S.A. — Communications or PR Campaign of the Year – Multicultural

Organizations that won more than one Gold Stevie Award include CAULIPOWER, Dubai Health Authority, Harman International, INKAS® Armored Vehicle Manufacturing, Jeunesse Global, LabTwin, Oceans 2 Earth Volunteers, Pennsylvania’s Department of Banking and Securities, Solv by Concentrix, The Audacious Agency, and Turkish Airlines.

HCL Technologies, the multinational information technology service and consulting company, sponsored awards in six Red Ladder Women in Technology categories. Among other notable Stevie winners in those categories are

  • Jo Abernathy, Chief Information Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina — Leader in Operational Excellence
  • Rachel Barber, SVP & CTO, Gaming and Lottery, IGT — Transformational Sourcing Relations Leader
  • Kirsten Davies, SVP and Chief Information Security Advisor, Estee Lauder Companies Inc. — Leader in Operational Excellence
  • Kimberly Green-Kerr, Senior Vice President, Sprint Business, Sprint — Leader in Transforming Customer Engagement
  • Laura Miller, Chief Information Officer, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) — Leadership in NexGen Technology
  • Shalaka Prabhune, Head of Corporate IT, TiVo — Digital Transformer of the Year
  • Carol Rohl, Executive Director, Global Research IT, Merck & Co. Inc. — Excellence in Transforming Business

For a complete list of Stevie Award winners and more information, visit

The Stevie Awards staged the second edition of its Women|Future Conference in New York on November 14-15 in conjunction with the Stevie Awards for Women in Business. More than 150 women shared two days of programming highlighted by keynote speeches by Sheryl Connelly of the Ford Motor Company and Selena Rezvani of Be Leaderly.

Entries for the 2020 (17th) edition of the awards will open in May. The 2020 awards ceremony will be at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A. on Friday, November 13, with the Women|Future Conference sharing the same venue on November 12-13.

Entries for the 2020 edition of the Stevie Awards for Women in Business will open in May.

Request the entry kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, stevie awards, women awards, entrepreneur awards, stevies for women

Von Hanoi mit dem Rucksack an den Main – Xuan Tinh Herfort: Unternehmerin mit Herz

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Nov 15, 2019 @ 11:31 AM


Im Mai 2019 gewann Xuan Tinh Herfort, Geschäftsführerin und Gründerin des Reiseveranstalters Indochina Travels bei den German Stevie Awards den Gold Award in der Kategorie Unternehmerin des Jahres im Bereich Freizeit- und Gaststättengewerbe. Für ihr Unternehmen, einem auf geführte Rundreisen in Asien, mit Schwerpunkt auf die Region Indochina, spezialisierten Reiseveranstalter, gab es zusätzlich einen Bronze Stevie.  

Doch was brachte die erfolgreiche Unternehmerin mit vietnamesischen Wurzeln nach Frankfurt am Main und wie lautet ihr Erfolgsrezept in der vom Wandel gezeichneten Reisebranche?

„Liebe auf den ersten Blick“

Ihre erste Begegnung mit Deutschland hatte Xuan Tinh Herfort im Jahr 2002. Nach Abschluss ihres Wirtschaftsstudiums an der Universität von Hanoi und ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen packte die junge Vietnamesin ihren Rucksack für eine Europatour, in deren Verlauf sie auch in Deutschland Station machte. Es war „Liebe auf den ersten Blick“ wie sie noch heute glaubhaft unterstreicht. 

Das Land der Dichter und Denker hatte ihr seinerzeit so imponiert, dass sie sich – gerade nach Hanoi zurückgekehrt – um ein Stipendium des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit bewarb und schon wenig später die Zusage für ein 14-monatiges „Scholarship“ mit Stationen in München, Berlin und Frankfurt erhielt. 

Und ausgerechnet die Mainmetropole sollte sie gefangen halten. Hier gründete sie 2004 mit der Euvibus GmbH eine Consulting-Firma, die sich um den Wirtschaftsdialog zwischen deutschen und vietnamesischen Unternehmen kümmerte und im Auftrag der Regierung in Hanoi entsprechende Events auf deutschem Boden durchführte. Hierzu gehörte auch die Organisation der notwendigen Reisen, womit der Grundstein für das nächste Business-Konzept gelegt war: Indochina Travels. 

Seit 2008 erstellt und vertreibt Herfort von Frankfurts City aus Veranstalterreisen nach Südostasien und bringt so deutsche Urlauber in Kontakt mit ihrer Heimat. Inzwischen gehört der Veranstalter zu den führenden Anbietern in Deutschland, wenn es um Reisen nach Indochina geht.  

Reisebranche im Wandel

Der Reisemarkt ist von ständigen und teilweise rasanten Veränderungen geprägt. Um hier erfolgreich zu sein, müssen sich mittelständische Unternehmen wie Indochina Travels der Konkurrenz großer Online-Buchungsplattformen sowie den steigenden Ansprüchen der Reisenden stellen. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren hat Indochina Travels deshalb zahlreiche Innovationen entwickelt, um sowohl für Direktkunden aber auch im B2B-Bereich kundenfreundlicher zu werden.

„Das Verhalten und die Ansprüche der Reisenden verändern sich ständig und sind oft sehr heterogen. Wer heute beispielsweise einen Aktivurlaub in den Alpen bucht, unternimmt im kommenden Jahr vielleicht einen Luxusstrandurlaub in der Karibik,“ erklärt Herfort. Ein überaus wichtiger Trend sei jedoch die zunehmende Digitalisierung der Branche, der sich vor allem vor allem kleinere Reiseveranstalter stellen müssen, um im Wettbewerb mit den großen Veranstaltern bestehen zu können. „Diesen Trend sehen wir als Herausforderung aber auch als große Chance für unser Unternehmen und haben in den vergangenen zwei Jahren einige Anstrengungen unternommen. Dazu zählen unter anderem der Relaunch unserer Webseite und die Einführung eines Veranstaltersystems um den Buchungsprozess zu automatisieren und gerade im B2B-bereich kundenfreundlicher zu werden,“ führt Herfort aus.

Mit dem Relaunch des neuen Internetauftritts sei es gelungen, die vielfältigen Reiseangebote übersichtlich und attraktiv zu präsentieren und mit wenigen Klicks buchbar zu machen. So können Kunden die Verfügbarkeit und Preise der über 300 verschiedenen Rundreisen abrufen und in wenigen Schritten buchen. Die innovative Konzeption und Darstellung der Internetseite wurde im September 2018 vom Hessischen Website Award mit dem 2. Platz ausgezeichnet.

Authentische Reisen mit besonderem Service

„Uns ist sehr wichtig, dass die Reisen in einem besonders authentischen Rahmen ablaufen,“ sagt Herfort. Deshalb wähle das Unternehmen alle Unterkünfte persönlich aus und arbeite akribisch an den Reiserouten.

Unterstützt wird der Reiseveranstalter von Indochina Pearl, eine im Jahr 2010 eigens von Herfort gegründete Incoming-Agentur in Hanoi mit Büros in Kambodscha, Myanmar und Laos. Auch das zeichne Indochina Travels aus: „Als einer der wenigen Veranstalter in Deutschland hat Indochina Travels seine Wurzeln in der Region und arbeitet für Einkauf und Durchführung der Reisen mit eigenen örtlichen Tochterfirmen zusammen.“

Darüber hinaus ist der Unternehmerin der persönliche Bezug ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter zu den angebotenen Reiseregionen besonders wichtig. „Jeder von unseren ausgebildeten Beratern hat Indochina bereits mehrfach bereist oder dort gelebt!“ so Herfort weiter.

Dass das unternehmerische Konzept Herforts aufgeht, zeigt das anhaltende Wachstum des Unternehmens. Im November 2018 bezog Indochina Travels seine neuen größeren Büroräume direkt gegenüber des berühmten Goethehauses; ein notwendig gewordener Schritt nachdem das Unternehmen in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich auf aktuell 17 Mitarbeiter gewachsen ist und in den kommenden Jahren weiter wachsen möchte. 

Unternehmerin mit Herz

Über ihre Arbeit für die eigene Reisemarke hinaus engagiert sich Herfort als Director Indochina im Diplomatic Council, eine von der UN anerkannte NGO, die sich durch den Einsatz erfolgreicher Wirtschaftsdiplomatie für die internationale Völkerverständigung einsetzt. 

In dieser Funktion setzt sich Herfort für eine bessere Bildung benachteiligter Kinder in Vietnam ein. Ihr Unternehmen spendet regelmäßig für caritative Zwecke in der Region Indochina. „Wir verstehen uns als Förderer der Region: Wir engagieren uns für einkommensschwache Familien und machen uns stark für die Weiterbildung von Kindern in ärmeren Ländern. Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach Partnern, die mit uns gemeinsam diese Ziele verwirklichen. Zudem setzen wir uns intensiv für den Schutz und Erhalt der Halong Bucht ein.“

2016 wurde Herfort von der Stadt Frankfurt als „Herausragende Persönlichkeit mit Migrationshintergrund“ ausgezeichnet. Branchenintern war die 40-jährige u.a. als Ausschussvorsitzende für Reiseveranstalter beim asr (Allianz selbständiger Reiseunternehmen) tätig und wirkt heute als Beiratsmitglied des Branchenverbandes Travel Industry Club (TIC) mit.


Topics: German Stevie Awards, Wirtschaftspreis, Unternehmer des Jahres, German Stevie Awards 2019, Reisebranche, Tourismus, Indochina Travels, Xuan Tinh Herfort, soziales Engagement

Sales Partnerships to Sponsor Ethics in Sales Award at Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Wed, Nov 13, 2019 @ 03:37 PM

Nominations are open for honors to be presented in Las Vegas on February 28

Nominations for the 2020 (14th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, considered the world’s top honors for customer service, business development, and sales professionals, will be accepted through January 9 at Late fees will apply for nominations, but no entry fees or late fees will apply for nominations to a new category to recognize ethical sales practices, sponsored by Sales Partnerships.


The Sales Partnerships Award for Ethics in Sales will recognize outstanding examples of ethical sales practices since July 1, 2018. As in all other categories in the competition, nominees may submit a written essay or case study of up to 650 words describing their ethical sales practices and achievements or a video of up to five minutes in length, illustrating the same.

Sales Partnerships, Inc., which provides turnkey, outsourced selling solutions, is a sponsor of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service program for the fourth consecutive year. Founder and CEO Fred Kessler says, “The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service has grown to be the premier honor for sales professionals worldwide, and it’s proven to be an outstanding platform on which Sales Partnerships can interact with sales leaders in a wide variety of industries. When we were approached about sponsoring an award for ethics in sales, we immediately accepted. The Sales Partnerships’ Award for Ethics in Sales recognizes companies who, like us, understand that being the best performing sales force also means having an uncompromising focus on selling ethically.”

Interested in entering the 2020 Stevie Award for Sales & Customer Service?

Request the entry kit

Maggie Gallagher, president of the Stevie Awards, is looking forward to having the longtime Stevie Awards sponsor present this award. “We are thrilled that Sales Partnerships has decided to recognize those not only who succeed in sales at their organization, but who do so in a particularly ethical manner. The judges are eager to read through these Ethics in Sales nominations.”

Finalists in this and all other categories, based on the ratings of more than 150 professionals around the world in the judging process, will be announced on January 16. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award placements from among the finalists will be revealed at a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Friday, February 28.

Complete details on the competition, including how to participate, are available at

Topics: customer service awards, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, sales awards, The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

How to Leverage PR to Build a Strong Business Brand

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Wed, Nov 13, 2019 @ 02:48 PM

Every new business or product is launched with the hope it will eventually become a big brand. However, getting the amount of reach and recall that goes into building a recognizable brand is no easy feat. Barring a few exceptions, most brands are built over several years of persistent marketing and strategic public relations (PR). However, many businesses are so busy building and perfecting their offerings that they forget to dedicate time to think about marketing and PR.


How PR Can Help Build a Strong Brand

Some businesses associate PR with crisis management, and they think it’s only to be called in when a company’s reputation is at stake. Crisis management, however, is just one of the many aspects of public relations. PR, when done well, can lay the foundation for a strong brand presence and can help grow the business.

PR firms and professionals today use an ever-evolving mix of tools and strategies. These include standard approaches such as press releases, conferences, and trade shows, as well as new-age tactics such as social media, influencer outreach, and disruptive technology. These firms also tend to have authentic relationships with the media, influencers, and other partners that might be valuable for businesses.

All these channels, though, are really just facilitators for PR. The true power of PR lies in its ability to build an impactful story around your brand.

“At its core, the art and essence of PR come down to one thing: storytelling,” writes Craig Cincotta, senior director of marketing communications at SAP, in an article on Entrepreneur. “Every brand, technology, product, and person has a story to tell. Whether you are a business of five people or a Fortune 50 company, you need to know how to tell your story the right way, at the right time, to the right people.”

All these channel capabilities and the ability to create authentic stories allow PR firms to help businesses launch, build, and maintain their brands. Also, public relations is often an immersive and time-consuming task that requires consistent efforts. Therefore, it makes sense for many companies to bring in people with PR experience to help with brand building instead of just winging it.

How to Choose a PR Agency for Your Business

If you have employees with great communication and people skills and who are knowledgeable about how PR works, you may choose to do PR in-house. However, if you don’t have the resources or time to spare and want to work with external PR firms or consultants, it pays to do your research and carefully consider who you want to work with After all, you’ll be handing over your brand and image for them to mold.

Here are some pointers as you begin your search:

Look for passion. The firm should be excited about what your business does and should be invested in your growth. Look at their past successes and clients. If they’ve helped other businesses like yours scale and improve reach, that’s a point in their favor. Some firms are specialized and cater to specific business categories. Look for those with experience in your field. Proven expertise and knowledge of the latest innovations or trends in PR are important as well. When you zero in on an agency, ask around. Consider testimonials that speak toward results as well as negative reviews.

ChicExecsLogo-1ChicExecs, a full-service branding agency based in San Marcos, California, United States, checks all these boxes for their clients. Their team of over 50 people helps companies with PR, marketing, and retail strategy.

“We're not an agency that started just to do PR and marketing. We started because we have such a passion for our brands,” says Amber Masciorini, a senior PR account executive at ChicExecs.

Prior to starting ChicExecs, the founders built ChicBuds, a product line that made it to Target, Nordstrom, Bed Bath & Beyond, Neiman Marcus, and several other retailers. They were also featured on The Today Show, in People and InStyle, and other media outlets.

“As entrepreneurs themselves, the founders know how difficult it can be to start a product line and build it into a successful brand,” says Masciorini. “By garnering exposure in the biggest media publications and placements in major retailers, they had a bird’s-eye view of what it takes to appeal to buyers and the media. They then duplicated their recipe for success and created ChicExecs.”

ChicExecs recently won a Bronze Stevie Award in the Corporate Communications, Investor Relations, & Public Relations Categories for Public Relations Agency of the Year at The 17th Annual American Business Awards®.

Interested in winning a Stevie Award in 2020?

Request the entry kit here.

Topics: The American Business Awards, American business awards, public relations awards

Who's Coming to the Stevie Awards for Women in Business on Friday?

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Tue, Nov 12, 2019 @ 10:11 AM

Friday, November 15 brings the staging of the 16th edition of the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, the world's top honors for achievement for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run.  

SAWIB18 PhotoMore than 550 nominees and their guests, judges, and others will convene in the Broadway Ballroom of New York's Marriott Marquis Hotel for the announcement and presentation of the Grand, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards.  

More than 1,500 entries were submitted this year by organizations and individuals in 25 nations, for consideration in more than 90 categories including Executive of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Startup of the Year, Women Helping Women and Women-Run Workplace of the Year.  Finalists in the competition were announced on October 3.

The presentations will be broadcast live via Livestream.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business event will be complemented by the two-day educational and networking event, the Women|Future Conference, also at the Marriott Marquis Hotel on November 14-15. Tickets for both the conference and the awards dinner are still on sale.

Here is the list of organizations that will be represented at Friday's awards dinner.

5W Public Relations, New York, NY
Access One, Chicago, IL
Adrea Rubin Marketing, Inc., New York, NY
Alessia Falsarone, New York, NY
Angles & Insights, Newport, RI
AnswerConnect, Portland, OR
Arco + Associates, Ballwin, MO
Arctic Fox Hair Color, San Marcos, CA
Ashira Prossack - Multi-Generational Workplace Expert, New York, NY
Aspire, Phoenix, AZ
Assiduus Distribution Pvt Ltd, New York, NY
AT&T, El Segundo, CA
Award Winning Accelerator, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Bahwan CyberTek, Natick, MA
Bank Leumi, New York, NY
BCM One,New York, NY
Bitvore, Irvine, CA
Black Dress Circle, St. Louis, MO
BlackLine, Woodland Hills, CA
Bluewater Media, Clearwater, FL
Brainchild Studios, Milwaukee, WI
BTL Group Limited, Shipley, United Kingdom
C-4 Analytics, Wakefield, MA
Canadian Cancer Society, Toronto, ON, Canada
Candice Benson, Bedford, NH
Canine Comprehension Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Caroline Kennedy Group, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Carson Group, Omaha, NE
Catalyst International, Waterford, Ireland
CBK Partners, New York, NY
Center for Deliberate Growth®, Mission, KS
CentralReach, Pompano Beach, FL
Children of Conservation, Atlanta, GA
Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA
Clerk & Comptroller, Palm Beach County, FL
Coast Professional, Inc., West Monroe, LA
CollegeFindMe, Cambridge, MA
Concentrix Corporation, Tempe, AZ
Curo Compensation, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
DarcMatter, New York, NY
DASTrader, Las Vegas, NV
Digging Deep, Cham, Switzerland
Diligent, New York, NY
Dream Catalyst Pte Ltd, Singapore
DRT Strategies, Inc., Arlington, VA
Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
East of Ellie, an events co., Shelton, CT
Elite Tek Solutions, Overland Park, KS
Empire Eagle Food Co., Ltd, Taichung City, Taiwan
Entercom, New York, NY
Enthuse Marketing, New York, NY
Experian Marketing Services, Costa Mesa, CA
First Advantage, Atlanta, GA
Florida Autism Center, Lake Mary, FL
FoundHer Community, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Forest Hills Financial Group, New York, NY
Forrest Performance Group, Fort Worth, TX
Game On, Bradenton, FL
Global Press Institute, Washington, DC
GoHealth Urgent Care, Atlanta, GA
Graziano Associates, Fairfield, CT
Growth Acceleration Partners, Austin, TX
Harman International, Stamford, CT
HGS, Bangalore, India
Hired, San Francisco, CA
HP Inc., Singapore
Humana Insurance, Louisville, KY
Hunter Plastic Surgery, Charlestown, NSW, Australia
Huntington Learning Center, Oradell, NJ
iAmLife, San Diego, CA
IBM Manufacturing Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore
IBM, Armonk, NY
Improving, Dallas, TX
INVNT, New York, NY
IRIS GLAM, Chennai, India
iTalent Digital, San Jose, CA
It's a 10, Coral Springs, FL
Jagathi Gururajan, Winchester, MA
Keto To Go, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Kiddicutter, Australia
Kurrajong Kitchen, Sydney, Australia
LBR Insight, Philadelphia, PA
Lendio, Lehi, UT
LexReception, Seattle, WA
Lockheed Martin, Iselin, NJ
Lora DiCarlo, Bend, OR
Luma Brighter Learning, Mount Pleasant, SC
MAD-learn LLC, Atlanta, GA
ManpowerGroup Solutions, Milwaukee, WI
Meli Studio, Sydney, Australia
Merritt Group, McLean, VA
MD Management Limited, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Mission Control Communications, San Francisco, CA
Motional Multimedia, Wildwood, MO
myWorth, New York, NY
National Association of Women Business Owners, Washington, DC
NationsHearing, Plantation, FL
Newday Media JSC, Hanoi, Vietnam
New Family Organization, Tel Aviv, Israel
Nicor Gas, Naperville,IL
Nuro, Mountain View, CA
PacStar, Portland, OR
Paysafe, Montreal, QC, Canada
Pennsylvania's Department of Banking and Securities, Harrisburg, PA
Picote Solutions, Porvoo, Finland
Plastic Specialties dba PSITops, Salt Lake City, UT
PNC, Tampa, FL
PointClickCare, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Portfolia Inc, Woodside, CA
Pride Cheerleading Association, Salt Lake City, UT
PT. TELKOM INDONESIA, Jakarta, Indonesia
Publicis Sapient, Miami, FL
Purpol Marketing Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Quantum Leaps Inc., Arlington, VA
RedSeal, San Jose, CA
ReMAP Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
Ripshot Enterprises, Toronto, ON, Canada
Safal Partners, Houston, TX
Sage Restoration, Overland Park, KS
Scaling Retail, Los Angeles, CA
School District of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, FL
ScriptDrop, Columbus, OH
Selligent, San Jose, CA
SkyStem, New York, NY
Soar Aviation, Melbourne, Australia
Solv by Concentrix, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
SOSi, Reston, VA
Spartan Invest, Birmingham, AL
Sportsdigita, Minneapolis, MN
SpotX, Broomfield, CO
Springbuk, Indianapolis, IN
Sprint, Overland Park, KS
Story Rock Star, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Susan G. Komen Chicago, Chicago, IL
Sutherland Coaching and Consulting, St Johns, Antigua
Swiss Post Solutions, New York, NY
Sydney and West Painting and Rope Access Pty Ltd, Winmalee, NSW, Australia
Tangible Words Ltd., Ottawa, ON, Canada
TBWA\Istanbul, Turkey
TetraVX, Chicago, IL
The Audacious Agency, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
The Bespoke Collection Australia, Sydney, Australia
The Makeup Artist Guild Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW, Australia
The Malvern School, Glen Mills, PA
The Painefree Group, LLC, St. Louis, MO
The SheFactor, Denver, CO
The Whitney Reynolds Show, Chicago, IL
Thomson Reuters, New York, NY
Titus, Ottawa, ON, Canada
TourRadar, Vienna, Austria
Trace3, Irvine, CA
Unison, San Francisco, CA
UpSpring PR, New York, NY
Vaco Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Valor Global Phoenix, AZ
Versant Health, Baltimore, MD
ViON Corporation, Herndon, VA
Vitalware, Yakima, WA
Vivid Spring Solutions, Noblesville, IN
Vydia, Holmdel, NJ
Wambi, LLC, Philadelphia, PA
Welfont, Tampa, FL
West Insurance & Financial Group, Kalamazoo, MI
WeUsThem Inc., Halifax, NS, Canada
Wolters Kluwer's ELM Solutions, Houston, TX
Women's Business Development Center (WBDC), Fairway, KS
Y Media Labs, Atlanta, GA

Entries for the 2020 edition of the Stevie Awards for Women in Business will open in May.

Request the entry kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business, stevie awards, women awards, entrepreneur awards, stevies for women

RAK Chamber und Stevie Awards starten neues Wirtschaftspreisprogramm im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika

Posted by Catrin Beu on Mon, Nov 11, 2019 @ 12:30 PM

Die Stevie Awards starten ihr achtes internationales Wirtschaftspreisprogramm. Die neuen Middle East Stevie Awards zeichnen herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz in 17 Ländern des Mittleren Osten und Nordafrika aus. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Unternehmen und Organisationen, die in Algerien, Ägypten, Bahrain, Irak, Jordanien, Kuwait, dem Libanon, Marokko, dem Oman, Palästina, Katar, Saudi Arabien, Syrien, Tunesien, der Türkei, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und dem Jemen tätig sind.

MESA_press conference

Zu gewinnen gibt es die Stevie Awards Trophäen in Gold, Silber und Bronze. Die Teilnehmer dürfen beliebig viele Nominierungen in den über 100 Kategorien einreichen. Wie bei den German Stevie Awards ist die Teilnahme an den Middle East Stevie Awards kostenfrei. Die Preisträger entrichten lediglich eine Preisträgergebühr je erfolgreicher Nominierung. Eingereicht werden dürfen die Nominierungen in arabischer und englischer Sprache.

Weitere Informationen, wie Sie sich bei den ersten Middle East Stevie Awards bewerben können, finden Sie unter

Die Middle East Stevie Awards werden durch die Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, kurz RAK Chamber, gesponsert und ausgerichtet. Ras Al Khaimah, einers der sieben Emirate der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, ist damit auch Veranstaltungsort der ersten Preisverleihung der Middle East Stevie Awards.

"Ich war äußerst erfreut, als die RAK Chamber auf uns zukam, um mit ihnen ein neues Stevie Awards-Programm für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika auszuarbeiten", erklärte Michael Gallagher, Gründer und Executive Chairman der Stevie Awards. „Wir haben die Leistungen von Führungskräften, Unternehmern und Organisationen in der gesamten Region über viele Jahre in unseren anderen Programmen gewürdigt. Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Region ein eigenes Stevie-Programm bekommt. Wir freuen uns sehr, die Stevie Awards für den Nahen Osten zu lancieren und freuen uns auf die erste Preisverleihung in RAK im Februar. “

Die RAK Chamber betonte die Bedeutung von Ras Al Khaimah als Austragungsort der ersten Middle East Stevie Awards und erklärte, dies stehe im Einklang mit der kontinuierlichen konzertierten Initiative der Regierung von Ras Al Khaimah, das Emirat als Premium-Ziel für Unternehmen, Tourismus und Lifestyle zu präsentieren.

"Die RAK Chamber setzt sich dafür ein, die regionale Geschäftswelt zu unterstützen und sie zu befähigen, sich weltweit weiterzuentwickeln und herausragende Leistungen zu erbringen", berichtete Mohamed AliAl Nuaimi Vorstand der RAK Chamber. „In diesem Sinne haben wir mit den renommierten Stevie® Awards zusammengearbeitet, um ihr positives Programm in die Region zu bringen. Die Middle East Stevie Awards können Unternehmen in der gesamten Region als wirkungsvolles Instrument dienen, um ihre Leistung zu bewerten und zu verbessern, ihre Mitarbeiter zu stärken und den Wohlstand und Spitzenleistungen im Nahen Osten zu fördern. “

Die Teilnahmefrist läuft noch bis zum 4. Dezember 2019. Ab dann prüft und bewertet eine Jury aus über 100 internationalen Fachleuten die eingegangenen Bewerbungen. Am 8. Januar werden die Preisträger öffentlich bekanntgegeben und im Rahmen einer feierlichen Preisverleihung am 8. Februar in RAK geehrt.

Mehr über den Auftakt der Middle East Stevie Awards und die Kooperation mit der RAK Chamber finden Sie unter:


Topics: Wirtschaftspreis, Internationaler Wirtschaftspreis, Middle East Stevie Awards, Naher Osten, Nordafrika

Finaler Einsendeschluss der 14. Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service in Sicht

Posted by Catrin Beu on Thu, Nov 07, 2019 @ 09:23 AM

SASCS2019_social_NovemberDie Bewerbungsphase des speziellen Wirtschaftspreises für Kundenservice und Vertrieb läuft auf Hochtouren. Noch bis zum 13. November 2019 können Unternehmen aus der ganzen Welt sich mit ihren Leistungen bewerben.

Nominiert werden können Abteilungen, Teams und Fachkräfte aus den Bereichen Kundenservice, Kontaktzentrum, Unternehmensentwicklung und Vertrieb, sowie neue Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Lösungsanbieter, die Unternehmen in diesen Bereichen unterstützen. Zulässig sind Leistungen, die seit dem 1. Juli 2018 erbracht wurden.

Wem die Zeit bis zum 13. November zu knapp wird, hat die Möglichkeit mit der Zahlung einer Nachgebühr seine Nominierungen noch bis zum 9. Januar 2020 einzureichen. Die Finalisten werden dann Mitte Januar bekanntgegeben. Die Gold-, Silber- und Bronzeplatzierungen werden im Rahmen der feierlichen Preisverleihung am 28. Februar im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas verkündet.

Die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service bieten über 150 Kategorienin den Bereichen Verkauf, Kundenservice, Unternehmensentwicklung, Produkte und Lösungsanbieter.

Darunter sind neben den etablierten Kategorien auch einige Neuheiten, wie beispielsweise Customer Service Training Professional of the Year, Customer Service Training Team of the Year: External, Customer Service Training Team of the Year: Internal, Best Customer Engagement Initiative, Customer Service Training or Coaching Program of the Year, Sales Enablement Program of the Year, Sales Incentive Program of the Year sowie White Paper or Research Paper of the Year.

In diesem Jahr werden auch wieder die People‘s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service, ein beliebter Bestandteil der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, vergeben. Bei diesen Awards wählt die Öffentlichkeit den beliebtesten Anbieter aus den Finalisten der Customer Service Department of the Year. Die öffentliche Abstimmung findet von 16. Januar bis zum 14. Februar statt. Der Link zur Abstimmung wird kurz vorher bekanntgegeben.

Im vergangenen Jahr konnten zwei Unternehmen aus Deutschland bei den Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service punkten. Der Softwareriese SAP SEaus Walldorf wurde mit zwei Silber Stevie Awards in den Kategorien Innovation in Customer Service - Computer Industriesund Best Use of Technology in Customer Service - Computer Industriesausgezeichnet. Der Berliner Chauffeur & Limousine Service Blacklanegewann einen Bronze Stevie Award in der Kategorie Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year - Other Service Industries.

Wenn auch Sie bei den Preisträgern der 14. Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service dabei sein wollen, bewerben Sie sich unter



Topics: Kundenservice, Vertrieb, Wirtschaftspreis, Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service, Wirtschaftspreis für Vertrieb und Kundenservice, Internationaler Wirtschaftspreis, 2020 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Can Tech Start-Up Driven E-Commerce Sites Compete with the Big Guys?

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Wed, Nov 06, 2019 @ 12:08 PM

One of the Internet’s initial promises was that it would finally democratize the world of commerce. Two decades later, however, there’s serious talk about whether web sellers like Amazon are monopolies. 


The web has certainly lowered barriers in one critical sense: a business no longer needs huge amounts of capital to open a storefront and to start reaching customers. Part of the reason the likes of Amazon, Walmart, and Alibaba are dominating market share, though, is their sheer logistical superiority. There’s simply no way most small or even medium-size businesses can ship as quickly and cost effectively—or to as many countries—as their larger rivals.

A company with headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, United States, is hoping to bridge that divide. Launched in 2015, Stevie-winner Easyship offers a platform that helps small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) more efficiently meet their logistical needs.

“We believe any business, regardless of size, should be able to sell worldwide,” says Jacqueline Ostrov, head of growth at Easyship.

easyship_logoBy integrating with the Easyship platform, e-commerce sites can offer a wider range of international shipping options to customers around the world, and because the rates couriers charge through Easyship are already negotiated, the firm says clients save an average of 40 percent off their shipping costs.

“We've saved our brands over one hundred thousand dollars each in shipping and fulfillment alone—all while expanding their networks and sharing really cool products around the world,” adds Ostrov.

The company also helps sellers manage international duties and taxes, which is a notoriously complex challenge for smaller ventures. Its platform calculates those charges automatically, meaning sellers don’t have to worry about their products encountering problems at customs or finding themselves having to pay unexpected costs.

“Merchants need to understand that the post-purchase experience is as meaningful as customer acquisition,” says Ostrov, whose company earned the 2019 Gold Stevie® in the transportation category of the Web Achievement Awards for the American Business Awards® . “With that in mind, Easyship not only cares but wants to make your customer experience both exceptional and easy.”

The “Aha” Moment

For a growing number of e-commerce sites, overseas sales are becoming a critical part of their growth strategies. According to a survey last year by the intelligence firm Digital Commerce 360, as many as 80 percent of respondents stated that cross-border e-commerce was “a critical source of our e-commerce growth in the future.”

Among this group is Satisfye, a small US-based company that makes accessories for the Nintendo Switch gaming system. Initially, the business only sold to two countries and used just two couriers to manage shipments.

Since making the transition to Easyship, Satisfye has expanded into more than eighty countries and now uses thirteen delivery services. In the process, it’s saved roughly $60,000 in fulfillment costs, according to Easyship.

The founders of Easyship, Tommaso Tamburnotti and Augustin Ceyrac, started their careers at the European e-commerce giant Lazada. As they worked to expand the site’s presence in places like North Africa and Southeast Asia, Ostrov says they quickly saw barriers that smaller firms had to face when looking to expand their businesses. She calls this an “aha” moment for the pair.

Over the next couple of years, Tamburnotti and Ceyrac set up a main office in Hong Kong and worked on developing a new platform and building international courier relationships. In that time, the customer base and physical presence of Easyship grew enormously. The company now has offices in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, including its new headquarters that opened last year in Brooklyn, New York, United States.

The company also recently closed a $4 million round of funding in 2018. Cofounder Tamburnotti told TechCrunch that the financing would help Easyship develop its technology and build on its network of shipping and logistics partners.

“The future of e-commerce is the enablement of hyper-local, as well as global and domestic shipping experiences,” Tamburnotti said in a statement. “Our goal is to give merchants back the control of a complicated supply chain with the best product possible so they can enhance sales and purchaser experiences.”

Easyship recently won a Gold Stevie Award for Best Transportation Website in The 17th annual American Business Awards®.

Interested in winning a Stevie Award in 2020?

Request the entry kit here.

Topics: best website, The American Business Awards, American business awards, e-commerce awards

Anugerah Stevie® Asia Pasifik Tahunan Kali Ketujuh

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 05, 2019 @ 07:23 AM

Anugerah Stevie® telah menerbitkan panggilan untuk penyertaan bagi Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik 2020 (tahunan kali ketujuh), satu-satunya program anugerah perniagaan untuk mengiktiraf inovasi dalam perniagaan di seluruh rantau Asia Pasifik.


Tarikh akhir bagi penyertaan awal ialah 27 November. Tarikh akhir bagi penyertaan akhir ialah 6hb Februari, 2020. Walau bagaimanapun, penyertaan lewat akan diterima sehingga 4 Mac dengan bayaran yuran kelewatan. Butiran lengkap mengenai penyertaan boleh didapati di

Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik adalah terbuka untuk semua organisasi di 29 buah negara di rantau Asia Pasifik: Besar dan kecil, untuk keuntungan atau bukan untuk keuntungan, awam dan swasta.

Anugerah ini menumpukan usaha untuk mengiktiraf inovasi dalam semua bentuk, di mana jua ia dicapai di tempat kerja. Penyertaan akan diterima dalam lapan bahasa – Cina, Inggeris, Indonesia, Jepun, Korea, Melayu, Thai dan Vietnam – dalam kumpulan kategori anugerah yang berikut:

Kategori baharu bagi anugerah yang diperkenalkan untuk tahun 2020 termasuk Anugerah Kategori Video seperti Anugerah untuk Inovasi dalam Video hiburan berjenama, Anugerah untuk Inovasi dalam Video sebab yang berkaitan, Anugerah untuk Inovasi dalam Video Tanggungjawab Korporat Sosial (CSR), Anugerah untuk Inovasi dalam Video Gaya Hidup dan banyak lagi.

Para pemenang Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik akan diumumkan pada 8hb April. Para pemenang akan diraikan dan diberikan anugerah mereka semasa bankuet gala pada 29hb Mei di Hanoi, Vietnam.

Sekumpulan besar profesional dari serata rantau akan mengambil bahagian dalam proses penghakiman untuk menentukan para pemenang Stevie.

Beberapa organisasi paling inovatif di rantau Asia Pasifik yang telah memenangi Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik sepanjang lima tahun yang lalu termasuklah ABS-CBN Corporation, Pusat Penyelidikan Kesihatan Bangkok, Cisco Systems, Delta Air Lines, Dentsu, DHL Express International (thailand) Ltd.,, GE Indonesia, Globe Telecom, Hong Kong Tourism Board, KEB HANA Bank, KEPCO, KT, Huawei, Maras Group, MetLife Asia Ltd., MSLGROUP China, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Samsung, Kerajaan Metropolitan Seoul, Singapore Power, Sony, Strategic Public Relations Group Limited, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, Xiaomi, dan banyak lagi.

Trofi Anugerah Stevie, dibuat oleh syarikat yang menghasilkan anugerah Emmy dan anugerah besar peringkat antarabangsa yang lain, ialah hadiah paling didambakan di seluruh dunia. Nama Stevie diambil daripada perkataan Stephen yang berasal daripada bahasa Greek yang bermaksud "yang dimahkotakan."

Perihal Anugerah Stevie
Anugerah Stevie diberikan dalam lapan buah program: Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik, Anugerah Stevie Jerman, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, Anugerah Stevie untuk Wanita dalam Perniagaan, Anugerah Stevie untuk Majikan Cemerlang dan Anugerah Stevie untuk Perkhidmatan Jualan & Pelanggan dan terbaru, Anugerah Stevie Timur Tengah. Pertandingan Anugerah Stevie menerima lebih 12,000 pencalonan setiap tahun daripada organisasi di lebih 70 buah negara. Memberikan penghargaan kepada semua jenis dan saiz organisasi dan insan-insan di belakangnya, anugerah Stevie mengiktiraf prestasi luar biasa di tempat kerja di seluruh dunia. Ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai Anugerah Stevie di

Stevie®, The American Business Awards® dan The International Business Awards® ialah tanda dagangan berdaftar bagi Stevie Awards, Inc.

Topics: business awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Anugerah Stevie, Anugerah Stevie Asia Pasifik

Mời tham gia đề cử Giải thưởng Stevie® Awards Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương thường niên lần thứ 7

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Nov 05, 2019 @ 07:19 AM

Hệ thống Giải thưởng Stevie® Awards đã gửi thư mời tham gia đề cử Giải thưởng Stevie® Awards Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương 2020 (giải thưởng thường niên lần thứ 7), giải thưởng duy nhất tôn vinh đổi mới sáng tạo trong hoạt động kinh doanh trong toàn khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương.


Thời hạn nộp đề cử sớm là 27/11. Hạn cuối nộp đề cử là 6/2/2020, tuy nhiên Ban tổ chức vẫn chấp thuận nhận hồ sơ đến ngày 4/3/2020 với phụ phí nộp muộn. Các bạn có thể xem thông tin chi tiết tại địa chỉ

Stevie® Awards Châu Á – Thái Bình Dương nhận hồ sơ đề cử từ 29 quốc gia khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương gồm có: các công ty/tổ chức lớn, nhỏ, hoạt động có thu hoặc phi lợi nhuận, công hay tư.

Các giải thưởng tập trung ghi nhận những đổi mới sáng tạo ở mọi khía cạnh tại nơi làm việc. Ban tổ chức nhận đề cử bằng một trong tám thứ tiếng: Tiểng Trung Quốc, Tiếng Anh, Inđô, Nhật, Hàn Quốc, Malay, tiếng Thái và tiếng Việt, gồm các nhóm hạng mục sau:

…và nhiều giải thưởng khác

Các hạng mục giải thưởng mới được giới thiệu cho năm 2020 bao gồm các hạng mục Giải thưởng Video như Giải thưởng cho đổi mới sáng tạo trong video giải trí có thương hiệu, Giải thưởng cho đổi mới trong video liên quan đến nguyên nhân, Giải thưởng cho video đổi mới về trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp (CSR), Giải thưởng cho đổi mới sáng tạo cho video về phong cách sống và hơn thế nữa.

Các công ty/tổ chức đoạt giải sẽ được công bố ngày 8/4/2019. Người chiến thắng sẽ được vinh danh tại gala trao giải diễn ra ngày 29/5 tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam.

Ban giám khảo tham gia chấm điểm các đề cử là các chuyên gia hàng đầu trong khu vực.

Một số công ty/tổ chức ở khu vực châu Á-Thái Bình Dương đã giành được giải thưởng Stevie châu Á-Thái Bình Dương trong năm năm qua bao gồm ABS-CBN Corporation, Cisco Systems, Delta Air Lines, Dentsu, DHL Express International (Thailand) Ltd.,, Globe Telecom, Hong Kong Tourism Board, KEB HANA Bank, KEPCO, KT, Maras Group, MSLGROUP China, Ooredoo, PT Petrokimia Gresik, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Singapore Power, Sony, Strategic Public Relations Group Limited, Telkom Indonesia, VNPT Vinaphone Corporation, Viettel, Xiaomi,…

Cúp và huy chương của Stevie Award do công ty danh tiếng đã chế tác cho các giải thưởng như Emmy và các giải thưởng quốc nằm trong số những giải thưởng uy tín nhất thế giới. Cái tên Stevie bắt nguồn từ Stephen, tiếng Hy Lạp có nghĩa là “đăng quang”.

Vài nét về Stevie® Awards

Giải thưởng Stevie Awards được trao tặng trong tám chương trình: Giải thưởng Stevie Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương, Giải thưởng Stevie của Đức, Giải thưởng Kinh doanh Hoa Kỳ, Giải thưởng Kinh doanh Quốc tế, Giải thưởng Stevie cho Phụ nữ trong Kinh doanh, Giải thưởng Stevie cho Nhà tuyển dụng xuất sắc, Giải thưởng Stevie cho Bán hàng & Dịch vụ khách hàng và chương trình mới là Giải thưởng Stevie khu vực Trung Đông. Cuộc thi Stevie Awards nhận được hơn 12.000 bài dự thi mỗi năm từ các tổ chức ở hơn 70 quốc gia. Tôn vinh các tổ chức thuộc mọi loại hình và quy mô và những người đứng sau họ, Stevies ghi nhận những màn thể hiện xuất sắc tại nơi làm việc trên toàn thế giới. Tìm hiểu thêm về Giải thưởng Stevie tại

Stevie®, American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® là các thương hiệu thuộc bản quyền của Stevie Awards, Inc.

Topics: business awards, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Giải thưởng Stevie Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương