Call for Entries Issued for Sixteenth Annual International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 21, 2019 @ 10:45 AM

The Stevie® Awards has opened entries for The 16th Annual International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, which attracts nominations from organizations in more than 70 nations and territories each year.

All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is 10 April. The final entry deadline is 8 May, but late entries will be accepted through 12 June with payment of a late fee. Entry details are available at

iba 28

Juries featuring more than 150 executives will determine the Stevie Award winners. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced pm 13 August. Stevie Award winners will be presented their awards at a gala banquet in Vienna, Austria on 19 October.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of the IBAs for 2019:

  • A variety of new categories, including the IT categories Best Technical Support Strategy and Implementation and Best Technical Support Solution. In categories for business-related media, there are many new Live Event, Publication, and Video categories.
  • Entry fees have been eliminated for nominations to the Company of the Year categories. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners in these these 35 by-industry categories will again be included in the worldwide public vote called the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies.
  • In the Marketing, New Product & Service, and Public Relations categories, nominees may now submit a video of up to five minutes in length, instead of the traditional written Stevie Awards essay or case study.

Stevie Award winners in the 2018 IBAs included DHL Express (worldwide), Dubai Health Authority (United Arab Emirates), GXEVER (China), iFinance Canada, Kia Motors Corporation (South Korea), LLORENTE & CUENCA (Spain), Megaworld Foundation (Philippines), NBCUniversal (USA), Net World Sports (Wales), Shinhan Bank (South Korea), Telkom Indonesia, and many more.

Topics: marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards, company awards, International Awards

Neues bei den 16. International Business Awards®

Posted by Catrin Beu on Mon, Mar 18, 2019 @ 10:24 AM
  • Bewerbung per Video
  • Keine Teilnahmegebühren für die Company of the Year Kategorien 
  • Viele neue Kategorien
  • Festliche Preisverleihung in Wien in brandneuem Hotel

Es ist wieder soweit. Die Stevie® Awards loben die diesjährigen International Business Awards® aus. Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen aus der ganzen Welt können sich jetzt wieder mit ihren geschäftlichen Leistungen aus allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt bewerben. Prämiert werden Leistungen, die seit dem 1. Januar 2018 erbracht wurden. 

IBA Preisverleihung in London 2018Frühentschlossene Teilnehmer profitieren dabei von reduzierten Teilnahmegebühren. Wer seine Bewerbung bis zum 10. April einreicht, spart dabei bares Geld. Die Teilnahmefrist zu den regulären Konditionen läuft bis zum 8. Mai. Und wer ein bisschen mehr Zeit braucht, der darf mit der Zahlung einer Nachgebühr seine Unterlagen auch noch bis zum 12. Juni einreichen. 

Für dieses Jahr haben die Organisatoren einige spannenden Neuerungen eingeführt.

Bewerbung per Video
In den Kategorien Company of the Year Awards, Marketing, Neue Produkte & Dienstleistungen sowie in den PR-Awards dürfen die Teilnehmer jetzt ein Video mit einer Länge von bis zu fünf Minuten, anstelle des traditionell verfassten Stevie Awards-Essays oder der Fallstudie, einreichen. 

„Gerade im Marketing und in der PR spielen (Bewegt-)bilder heute eine große Rolle. Die Bewerbung ihrer Kampagnen in Form eines Videos aufzubereiten, birgt für die Teilnehmer eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, um die erbrachten Leistungen der Experten-Jury umfassender zu präsentieren und wirklich näherzubringen“ erklärt Michael Gallagher, Präsident und Gründer der Stevie® Awards. „Auch neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen können durch ein Video dynamischer dargestellt und beschrieben werden. Wir sind sehr gespannt darauf, wie kreativ die Teilnehmer diese neue Einreichungsform nutzen werden.“ 

Kostenfreie Teilnahme in den Company of the Year Awards
In der Regel ist bei der Einreichung von Nominierungen bei den IBAs eine Teilnahmegebühr fällig. Nur einzelne Kategorien sind davon ausgenommen. In diesem Jahr verzichten die Stevie® Awards erstmalig auf die Teilnahmegebühren der 35-Branchen Kategorien in den Company of the Year Awards.

Die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Preisträger dieser Kategorien, nehmen dann automatisch an der öffentlichen Abstimmung des People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies teil. Damit haben Preisträger in diesen Kategorien die Möglichkeit, gleich zwei Preise zu gewinnen: einen von unseren Fachjurys verliehenen Preis und den anderen, der von der Öffentlichkeit gewählt wird. 

Viele neue Kategorien
Den Teilnehmern stehen wieder eine große Auswahl an Kategorien zur Verfügung. Beispielsweise die 

Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es in den einzelnen Award-Bereichen wieder eine Vielzahl an neuen Kategorien. Komplett überarbeitet wurden etwa die Kategorien der Live Event Awards. Hier stehen den Teilnehmern nun eine viel größere Auswahl an Kategorien zur Verfügung, die thematisch gruppiert wurden. 
Auch in den Video-Awards finden sich viele neue Einzelkategorien, wie beispielsweise zu den Themen Corporate Social Responsibility, Fashion & Lifestyle oder Science & Education. Die IT Awards zeichnen ab diesem Jahr auch die beste technische Supportstrategie und -implementierung sowie die beste technische Supportlösung aus. Eine komplette Übersicht finden Sie hier. 

Preisverleihung in brandneuem Luxushotel ANDAZ Vienna am Belvedere
Die Preisträger der Stevie Awards werden ab Juni von spezialisierten Jurygremien mit über 150 Fachjuroren ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse werden am 13. August bekanntgegeben. Die Stevie Awards Trophäen und Medaillen werden den Preisträgern in diesem Jahr in dem brandneuen Luxushotel Andaz Vienna am Belvedere in Wien verliehen. Dazu findet am 19. Oktober ein exklusives Gala-Bankett statt. 

Wenn Sie jetzt loslegen möchten, um Ihre Bewerbung optimal aufzubereiten, erhalten Sie hier Ihre Teilnahmeunterlagen und registrieren Sie sich direkt auf der Awards-Webseite.   

Sehen Sie hier ein kurzes Video mit Michael Gallagher über die International Business Awards® 2019. 




Topics: International business awards, great employers, 2019 International Business Awards

Should Companies Be More Cautious?

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Feb 27, 2019 @ 01:13 PM

Ask executives about their biggest priorities, and you might hear plans to grow sales, to generate efficient systems, or to develop new product lines.

Jillian Hamilton’s mission is to remind corporate leaders they should also focus on threats that seemingly come out of nowhere: an expensive fine from regulators, a large-scale cyberattack, or a costly workplace accident.

For Hamilton, founder and managing director of Australian risk advisory firm Manage Damage, organizations tend to be under-invested in certain areas. The reason? It’s hard to put a dollar amount on the potential damage an incident will produce.

A corporate safety officer and risk manager by background, Hamilton decided to change that dynamic. She launched Manage Damage in 2016 with what she calls a “risk dollarization” approach, in which nonfinancial risk is translated into a financial cost.

“Our method provides senior management members with risk information in language they understand,” says Hamilton. “It enables businesses to see where issues lie and where true associated costs are located.”

manage damage

Monetizing Risk

By putting a dollar value on risk, she says leaders are more likely to act on the threats most likely to cripple a business. As an example, she points to a client whose workers’ compensation premiums were so high the entire business was on the brink of shutting down. In an industry where workers’ insurance normally accounts for 6.5 percent of an operating budget, the company was paying more than 16 percent.

After working with Manage Damage, which is based in Brisbane, Australia, the company was able to significantly curtail its expenses and improve profit margins.

“We often find the businesses we help are not even aware of how much they are paying,” Hamilton says. “More importantly, they are not aware that what they are paying is far too much.”

Hamilton will sometimes hear people object to putting a monetary value on a human life, but for her, there’s a simple way to think about this dilemma.

“Each person who works at a business is valued,” she says. “Today, you are costed at your business, and you are part of a line item in a budget.”

That number, she says, includes salary, taxes, retirement contributions, and insurance payments made on your behalf. However, she believes monetizing a potential accident only makes the workplace safer for workers.

“It’s vital we create this financially savvy safety approach precisely because I care deeply about minimizing work-induced harm,” she says. “A pragmatic approach that effectively translates safety risk into terms business and financial people can understand has the best possible chance of delivering that outcome.”

Though it only launched a couple of years ago, the company is quickly winning converts, and Manage Damage now has clients in five continents. At the 2018 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards, the company won a Gold award for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Planning, and Practice. They also won a Gold in The 2018 International Business Awards®.

The company is certainly benefiting from a rising tide concerning risk awareness. A 2017 survey by risk management association RIMS found that nearly three-quarters of businesses have either a complete or partially integrated enterprise risk management solution in place, up from about half in 2013. Hamilton, though, sees her company’s approach as a particularly effective solution.

“Money talks,” she says. “When you start talking about the costs of safety, people listen. They listen when it is in the newspaper—that is, when it's far too late. We aim to capture people’s attention before incidents and workplace disasters. Follow the money, and listen to where business risk truly lies.”

Topics: International business awards, top business awards, risk awards

40 Million Reasons to Keep Going

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Feb 06, 2019 @ 05:31 PM

After raising more than $40 million in January during a series D funding round led by Al Fahim Group, a Berlin, Germany-based, automotive and travel conglomerate, 2018 was going to be a make-or-break year for Blacklane GmbH as it continued its expansion.

Jens Wohltorf, CEO and co-founder of Blacklane, highlighted the high-end chauffeur service’s vision and ambitions, declaring that “this investment accelerates Blacklane’s ability to bring end-to-end peace of mind onto the road and into airports around the world.”

Blacklane GmbH is taking an alternative approach to capital-intensive transportation start-ups, such as Uber and Didi. While those companies target growth and demonstrate scant regard for losses, Blacklane aims to create a highly efficient back-end system for managing rides and customer care. The system is a proven success, winning a 2018 Gold Stevie® Award for Technology of the Year. The system will ultimately allow Blacklane to beat its competitors on utilization rates and, therefore, prices.


While its funding levels and recorded losses pale in comparison to larger rivals, frugality and efficiency are of great importance in its domestic German market. By emphasizing these characteristics, Blacklane offers an attractive alternative to investors who are eager to give money in the transport innovation sector but are wary of the all-or-nothing strategies of other start-ups.

With its emphasis on ensuring sustainable growth, investors expected tangible deals and value-adding investments from Blacklane. The company delivered on this while demonstrating its potential. It earned the aforementioned Gold Stevie Award for its back-end technology, as well as a Gold Stevie Award for Transportation Company of the Year and a Bronze Stevie Award for its carbon-offset program in the Corporate Social Responsibility category in April. The company, however, did not simply rest on its laurels. In May, Blacklane announced its integration with the SummitLink booking tool provided by SummitQwest. This put Blacklane at the disposal of the platform’s corporate clients, who even have the option to choose it as a preferred service provider.

The company’s official goal for 2018 was to expand its services to 300 cities worldwide. It achieved this in early September when 32 more cities were added to its roster. According to Blacklane representatives, Limerick, Ireland, became the 300th city the company served. The remaining 31 cities were located in countries all over the globe, including France, Germany, Switzerland, India, Japan, and Malaysia. The careful selection of targeted regions again speaks to the company’s discerning approach, underscoring that Blacklane enters markets suited to its service rather than entering them simply to boost growth rates.

An August announcement swiftly followed wherein Blacklane introduced a “Green Class” to its services. Tesla BEVs became available for booking in 20 cities the company covers, including locations in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

“We welcome battery-electric, chauffeur-quality vehicles from all premium automakers to our fleet,” Wohltorf says. “Supporting business and leisure travelers with green travel options is essential to a healthy planet.”

While unlikely to generate significant extra revenue alone, the availability of a green option is of great importance to the company’s reputation in its domestic market, as well as any other markets that value environmental sustainability. As more people and countries grow concerned about the impact of climate change, a green transition is inevitable. By considering environmental concerns early on, Blacklane puts itself in a prime position to take advantage once that tipping point is reached in any given market.

In November, Blacklane then reached an agreement with the Shangri-La, an Asian luxury hotel chain. The agreement stipulated that members of the hotel chain’s Golden Circle loyalty program would receive incentives, including fare discounts and extra loyalty points for using Blacklane. This news coincided with the announcement that Blacklane opened an office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Following the significant investment made by the Al Fahim Group in January, Blacklane then announced Emirates Airlines had selected Blacklane to provide its complimentary chauffeur service to first-class and business-class passengers in Bangalore, India; Bologna, Italy; Chennai, India; Delhi, India; Hyderabad, India; Milan, Italy; Mumbai, India; Rome, Italy; Stockholm, Sweden; and Venice, Italy. Both deals seem likely to give a significant boost to the company’s revenue.

In reflection, 2018 was a very successful year for the multiple-Stevie-Award-winning company. The funds raised at the beginning of the year were deployed gradually and strategically, and the company rigorously followed its strategy of sustainable growth. Investors are happy to see the funds allocated to Blacklane are being used to grow revenue and market presence, as well as to bolster the company’s green credentials. It remains to be seen whether Blacklane can manage to reduce its losses—or even to turn a profit—in 2018, let alone gain the upper hand over its larger competitors.

However, by seeking to differentiate itself from and to improve upon their rivals’ business models and by consistently pursuing its strategy of sustainable growth, day-one efficiency, and strategic partnerships, Blacklane certainly created an impressive foundation upon which it can build.

Topics: International business awards, technology awards

How Italy is Transforming the Auto Industry

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 03:14 PM

With the influx of electric car companies, automobile functionality and design are finally becoming smarter, but are car-related rules and regulations keeping up? Artificial intelligence capabilities are migrating from our phones and finding new ways to be helpful behind the steering wheel, but these advances in computers, sensors, and software mean legislation needs to address new problems and situations. Simply put, these laws must provide a more nuanced and modern take on what today’s drivers need.

Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI) is a public institution dedicated to promoting and safeguarding the interests of Italian motorists. They carry out their mission to promote road safety, to act for a sustainable mobility, and to support and to develop motorsports by enhancing their positive attributes. The company also aims for all Italian citizens to have equal access to mobility-related services. To that end, they provide the necessary support to ensure social programs are never negatively affected by any kind of private profit.

aci automobile

Over 100 Years of Service

ACI and motorists want new measures aimed primarily at eliminating older and obsolete vehicles. This will contribute to decreased pollution, as well as less vehicular accidents (in number and severity).

Luckily, ACI is a governmental institution. Ludovico Fois, the external relations and institutional affairs advisor at ACI, speaks to that.

“It’s our duty to provide all citizens with proper, correct information and assistance concerning all mobility-related matters, regardless of the interests from various business players.”

ACI has been working for mobile Italian citizens for over 100 years, guiding and assisting Italian motorists, as well as supporting the development of a new mobility culture. As a result, Italian road users recognize ACI as their reference point for many mobility-connected matters.

“Public policy considerations clearly guide all our activities, and we commit ourselves to establishing a concept of mobility that’s smart, sustainable, accessible, and inclusive.”

Electric Challenges

Intelligent transport systems and services, digital applications, electric-powered engines, and a litany of unforeseen changes all look to contribute to future mobility challenges. Deep technological changes in the automotive sector will require more dynamic, rational, flexible, and environmentally friendly responses to sustain this new mobility culture.

ACI spent years creating a wide network of field offices, acting as a model for other companies looking to create concrete change through legislative bodies. They eventually covered the entire national territory and had a main office based in Rome, Italy. This led to widespread cooperation with governmental Italian institutions, trade associations, and European organizations, a critical synergy for progress.

ACI also organizes a wide range of activities, including road safety and driver education classes, roadside assistance, vehicle paperwork, traffic information services, and motorsport events. The breadth of offerings is indicative of the complex needs of the industry which will have to be monitored as the technologies evolve.

Just like ride-sharing companies, such as Uber and Lyft, and countless tech firms trying to eliminate or to mitigate driving-related annoyances with new technological advances, ACI is traversing this wild west of mobility. For their campaign to promote a new mobility culture, ACI won a Bronze Stevie for Communications or PR Campaign of the Year in The International Business Awards®.

“We’ve worked very hard to achieve a deep culture shift, and we’ve definitely learned it needs the generalized involvement of decision makers, designers, and technicians, as well as road users.”

Topics: marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards

Six Predictors of Success for Teams

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Jan 23, 2019 @ 10:34 PM

For older businesses that began in the pre-digital era, there’s a race to get up to speed technologically to meet new security and regulatory standards in a data-driven world. Regardless of the service offering, a company needs to design and implement innovation that helps that organization reach its full potential and profits.  

Accedia is a professional IT services company that specializes in technology consulting, software development outsourcing, and development of end-to-end IT solutions for businesses across the globe.   The company’s aspiration is to be a leading IT solutions company where technology experts are inspired to create.


Yana Doshkova, the marketing manager for Accedia, details how much growth the Bulgaria-based firm has seen since they started in 2015.   “Since its establishment, the company has grown to a team of more than 150 people, and it has achieved 388% revenue growth from 2015 to 2017. In August 2018, Accedia also moved into a new office, which has opened so many doors for us.

We’ve doubled the team’s size and implemented a number of new initiatives. The company’s vision for the future is to keep up the fast-paced development, expand in to new locations, and launch its own software solution to help businesses excel in the technology ecosystem.”   They also take part in interactive nature groups, which inspire various kinds of team growth, including developing advanced technology expertise, cultivating product-to-market knowledge, and unleashing analytical and leadership potential.  

What Does It Take?  

Regardless of the company, sector, or industry, maintaining a business focus that supports the organization's values can drive progress. Although Accedia is a relatively young company, its success speaks volumes about how professionally mature it is. Accedia shared six characteristics that they believe are the best predictors of how successful teams or individuals will be:  

1. Reaches for the stars. Strives for continuous personal and professional improvement.

2. Enjoys variety at work. Involves oneself in a sea of different tasks and      responsibilities.

3. Takes initiative. Brings game-changing ideas to the table.

4. Adapts quickly. Jumps headfirst into the unfamiliar without hesitation or fear.

5. Shares know-how willingly. Eagerly shares the exciting things learned.

6. Is always up for a beer. Prizes being friendly and making social connections, whatever the circumstance. Whichever sector you work in, building your career on these tenets will provide you with a solid foundation.

Striving for continuous personal and professional improvement, for example, can help employers notice you, as well as inspire fellow employees to work harder.   Driven by these ideals, Accedia won the Silver Stevie® Award for Company of the Year in Computer Software in The International Business Awards.

Topics: business awards, International business awards

The Glue for Popular Consumer Products is the Users

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Jan 16, 2019 @ 04:04 PM

Even early in the development process, Irish inventor Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh believed she was onto something special: a moldable glue that sticks to virtually any surface and forms a strong, rubber-like material overnight.

With the help of entrepreneur Roger Ashby, she launched FormFormForm Ltd. (based in London, England) and started marketing her flexible new product, dubbed “Sugru,” to retailers in 2009. The challenge was convincing big-box stores they needed yet another glue product on their crowded shelves.

Ni Dhulchaointigh, though, had a compelling way to show just how versatile her product was: thousands of user-generated YouTube videos and pictures on the company’s website. The company even devised a Twitter hashtag (#MySugruFix) for customers to share their creative solutions.


There’s the homeowner who resealed his torn swimming pool liner, the guy who fixed his tattered laptop charger, and even an adventurer who used the silicone-based glue on his ski poles during a trek in the Arctic Circle. In one case, a motorcycle enthusiast used Sugru to stick a camera on his helmet, which he used to film his journey on the open road. To stimulate participation, the company provides discounts to the most impressive social media submissions.

The uniqueness of the product—a pliable glue that can withstand moisture and extreme temperatures and cling to any number of surfaces—was a powerful selling point, but the social media strategy helped showcase Sugru’s usefulness in tackling a broad range of everyday projects. What’s more, it created much-needed buzz around the adhesive during its start-up phase.

Over the past few years, the company’s customer base has swelled. To date, the company has sold more than 14 million single-use packs of Sugru to people in over 175 countries and territories worldwide. Time magazine went so far as to include it on their “50 Best Inventions of 2010” list (12 spots ahead of the iPad.)

“Start Small, and Make It Good”

The idea for Sugru dates back to 2003, when Ni Dhulchaointigh was working toward a master’s degree in product design at the Royal College of Art in London, England. Rather than attempting to develop a whole new product, she decided to work on something that could extend the lives of things people already owned.

Her first prototype for a moldable glue—a substance she describes as foul smelling and slimy—was well short of the mark. She was convinced, however, the idea itself was valuable.

“I knew that by tapping into people’s innate creativity, all kinds of products could be fixed and reimagined,” she writes.

In addition to hiring Ashby, she enlisted two former Dow Corning scientists who served as consultants on her project. Ni Dhulchaointigh set up a small lab to help refine the formula, and she relied on family and friends to provide real-world feedback.

“The company motto has always been to start small and to make it good,” she says.

In 2009, she offered samples to several journalists. When one of them gave the product a glowing review on a popular U.K. news site, it turned the company’s fortunes around immediately. The first product run sold out in a mere six hours. More importantly, she and her business partner, Ashby, started to gain interest from investors who could help them ramp up the operation.

Eventually, the company won over product buyers from national chains, such as Target and the Container Store, moving the entrepreneur closer to her lofty goal of getting Sugru into every kitchen drawer.

The company’s tinkering didn’t stop with its original product, though. FormFormForm Ltd., which now employs a team of 70 people, later introduced a family-safe formula that’s gentle enough for even younger users to try. This latest iteration also proved a winner, earning the 2018 Bronze Stevie® Award for New Consumer Product.

Ni Dhulchaointigh hopes the ability to get kids involved will lead to even more creative ideas for users to share on platforms like YouTube and Twitter.

“Repair inspires creativity," she says. "People are more creative than they think, especially when it comes to saving things they love—and potentially some money at the same time.”

Topics: International business awards, company awards, new products

Who's Coming to The International Business Awards® on Saturday?

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Mon, Oct 15, 2018 @ 04:40 PM

For the first time in their 15 year history, The International Business Awards®, the world's premier business awards program, will visit London, England this coming Saturday, October 20 for the sold-out presentations of the 2018 Stevie® Awards.  The InterContinental London Park Lane Hotel will be the setting for the event, with more than 400 executives from over 30 nations expected to attend.

More than 3,900 nominations from a record 74 nations were submitted to the IBAs this year.  More than 270 professionals worldwide, working on 12 juries, determined the Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners, who were announced in August.  That announcement was closely followed by the announcements of best-in-show Grand Stevie Award winners, and the winners of People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies, a worldwide public vote.

Saturday's presentations will be broadcast from the IBA website, from 7:00 pm local time (2:00 pm EST).

brettmacfarlaneSaturday's presentations will be followed on Sunday morning by several social events for IBA delegates.  At 8:30 am, Brett MacFarlane, Client Services Director with EVRY Strategic Design Lab at Method in London, will speak during a session called Breakfast with Branding, sponsored by Stevie Awards partner AD STARS.

The presentation will be followed by delegates' choice of two whirlwind tours of London.

Here's the list of organizations that will be represented at Saturday's event.

7 Stage Advisors
Accedia JSC
Ahjo Communications
Airport Railroad
Al Jazeera Media Network
Amorette Ltd
AmRest sp. z o.o.
APAX Recreation
Biggin & Scott Knox
Binary Digital Advertising Inc.
Business Coaching Hanoi West CO., LTD
Canadian Tire Corporation
Central de Informação
Cisco Collaboration
Cisco Systems, GATS  IT
Cisco Systems, GIS
Cisco Systems, Global Virtual Engineering
Cogeco Peer 1
College Works Painting
Colquimica Adhesives
comm:up Kommunikation & Management GmbH
Dani Communications
Deutsche Telekom Services Europe GmbH
DHL Express
Diligent Corporation
Directorate of Public Work of Sharjah
DRF Deutschland Fernsehen Produktions GmbH & Co. KG
Dubai Economy
Dubai Health Authority
ECi Software Solutions
Edelman Intelligence
Eff Creative Group
Egypt Express
Empire Eagle Food Co., Ltd.
endorfina events sp. z o.o.
Enerjisa Enerji A.S.
eNett International
Events DC
Federal Demographic Council
Federal Electricity & Water Authority
First Advantage
Flamingo Group
Garden of Words
GeiserMaclang Marketing Communications Inc
General Sport Authority
Gilan Holding /Publicity Genie
Graham Shapiro Design
GTT Communications, Inc.
Gyeonggi Province
HansaWorld Ltd.
Hanyang University
Herbalife Nutrition
HeyMoments® The Experience Design Company
Horizon Communication Group
HUYA Bioscience International
I Am Enough
Informa Pharma Intelligence
ING Bank Turkey
IRPC Public Company Limited
KB Kookmin Bank
KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Company
Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Korea Gas Safety Corporation
Korea Rail Network Authority
Korea Seven Co., Ltd.
Korean Culture and Information Service
Limak Foundation
Mariposa Consulting International
Megaworld Corporation & Foundation
Merck KGaA
MicroHealth, LLC
Ministry of Youth and Sport Affairs
Minor Hotel Group Limited
Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd
Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund
Net World Sports
NeuroTransData GmbH
Ooredoo Group
Ortigas & Company
Pan American Energy
Paradigm Design Group
Pegasus Airlines
Penny Appeal
Philia Earth Limited
Philip Morris International
Port It Global Kenya
Port It Global Mexico S.A. de C.V.
PRecious Communications
Pru Life UK
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
PT Petrokimia Gresik
RAK Chamber
Resolute Forest Products
SABC Pension Fund
SCHUFA Holding AG - Project SPIRIT
Seocho Gu
Seoul Metropolitian Government
Shade Tree Auto
Smart Dubai Government Establishment
Strategic Public Relations Group
Super Life Saver Board Game
SuperLife World
Tata Consultancy Services UK
TELUS International
TemaCC - Talent Entertainment Management and Consultancy Company
TH Food Chain Join Stock Company
Thai Life Insurance Plc.
The Female Social Network
The Saem International Co.,Ltd.
The Surgery
Thomson Reuters
Trainer Rx
Ulled Asociados C.R.P. S.A.
University of Greenwich
Velocity Global
Viettel Group
Virtusa Corporation
WebTalk sp. z o.o.
Westminster Abbey
Wharf China Estates Limited
Whirlpool Corporation
WP Engine

Entries for the 2019 IBAs will open in early February.  Join the mailing list for the entry kit and it will be sent to you then, as soon as it is available.

Get the Entry Kit

Topics: International business awards

Stevie Awards Mengumumkan Para Pemenang IBA Awards Terbaik Tahun 2018

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Aug 30, 2018 @ 01:25 AM

Para pemenang Grand Stevie Awards akan menerima piala di InterContinental London Park Lane Hotel, pada tanggal 20 Oktober.

The Stevie® Awards telah mengumumkan para pemenang IBA Awards Terbaik Tahun 2018 International Business Awards®  (Tahunan ke-15), kompetisi penghargaan bisnisutama dunia.

Para nominator di IBA 2018 tidak dapat mengajukan permohonan IBA Awards Terbaik secara langsung. Para pemenang ditentukan dengan sistem poin berdasarkan jumlah total penghargaan yang dimenangkan di IBA dengan kemenangan Emas Stevie untuk tiga poin, kemenangan Stevie Perak untuk dua poin, dan kemenangan Stevie Perunggu untuk 1,5 poin.

Para pemenang Emas, Perak dan Perunggu Stevie Award tahun ini diumumkan pada tanggal 9 Agustus. Para pemenang IBA Awards Terbaik akan dianugerahi piala Grand Stevie Award pada banquet International Business Awards Tahunan ke-15 di InterContinental London Park Lane Hotel pada tanggal 20 Oktober.

Para pemenang Grand Stevie Awards 2018 adalah sebagai berikut:

IBA grand pic 2017

Most Honored Organization: Perusahaan logistik dan surat pos International  DP DHL Group, dengan perolehan 84,5 poin dari entri memenangkan Stevie Emas, Perak dan Perunggu yang diajukan oleh kantor dan afiliasi mereka di 30 negara. Dengan sekitar 520.000 pekerja di lebih dari 220 negara dan wilayah, Group menghasilkan pendapatan lebih dari 60 milyar Euro pada tanun 2017.

Most Honored Public Relations Agency: ASDA’A BCW, dengan total 53 poin penghargaan perolehan dari entri memenangkan Stevie Emas, Perak dan Perunggu yang diajukan atas nama klien seperti Ford dan GEMS Education. Perusahaan, yang berkantor pusat perusahaan di Dubai dengan 11 kantor di Timur Tengah, juga memenangkan Top 10 Grand Stevie Awars pada tahun 2017.

Most Honored Marketing AgencyGXEVER, dengan total perolehan 25 poin dari entri memenangkan Stevie Emas, Perak dan Perunggu yang diajukan oleh kantor pusat mereka di Beijing dan kantornya di Shanghai, Chongqing dan sebagian besar kota-kota yang lebih kecil di China.

Most Honored Interactive Services Agency: Magnet20, dengan perolehan 26,5 poin dari entri memenangkan Stevie Emas, Perak dan Perunggu yang diajukan oleh kantor mereka di Istanbul, Turki untuk memenangkan Stevies atas nama kliennya termasuk perusahaan GSK Turki dan perusahaan Akcansa.

Top 10: Berikut ini adalah para pemenang Stevie Emas, Perak dan Perunggu diantara semua perusahaan/organisasi lainnya yang dianugrahkan di IBA 2018. Mereka juga akan diberikan piala Grand Stevie Awards. Dikarenakan poin seimbang ada 11 penerima penghargaan dalam Top 10 tahun ini.

1. Telkom Indonesia – Jakarta (83.5 point)

2. PT Petrokimia Gresik – Gresik, Indonesia (31.5)

3. Ooredoo Group worldwide (30.5)

4. PJ Lhuillier, Inc (PJLI)  Manila, Philippines (30)

5. FIS  Jacksonville, FL USA (29.5)

6. (tie) Akbank – Istanbul, Turkey (28)

YapiKredi Bank – Istanbul, Turkey (28)

8. Turk Telekom – Istanbul, Turkey (26)

9. LLORENTE & CUENCA – Madrid, Spain (25.5)

10. (tie) Makers Nutrition – Hauppauge, NY USA (23)

Jeunesse Global – Lake Mary, FL USA (23)

Dari semua perusahaan/organisasi dan pecapaian luar biasa yang diakui diantara nominasi-nominasi IBA tahun ini, 15 perusahaan/organisasi ini menonjol sebagai perusahaan/organisasi dengan pencapaian terluas,” kata Michael Gallagher, presiden dan pendiri Stevie Awards. “Penghargaan IBA Terbaik ditujukan untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada perusahaan/organisasi yang menunjukkan dedikasi yang sangat kuat terhadap penghargaan pekerjaan pekerja mereka, komitmen kepada klien mereka, dan rasa inovasi, serta kami mengharapkan dapat menganugerahkan perusahaan-perusahaan ini dengan piala Grand Stevie Award di acara gala kami di London pada tanggal 20 Oktober.”

International Business Awards menampilkan berbagai kategori untuk pengakuan pencapaian dalam setiap aspek kehidupan kerja, termasuk penghargaan manajemen,penghargaan produk baru, penghargaan marketing, penghargaan hubungan masyarakat(PR), penghargaan layanan pelanggan(CS) , penghargaan website, dan banyak lagi.

Penentuan Emas, Perak dan Perunggu Stevie Award dalam IBA 2018 ditentukan dengan nilai rata-rata lebih dari 200 profesional di seluruh dunia dalam proses penjurian tiga bulan..

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang International Business Awards, termasuk daftar lengkap dari semua para pemenang Stevie Award dalam kompetisi 2018, kunjungi

Tentang Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards diberikan untuk tujuh program:Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, German Stevie Awards, American Business Awards®, International Business Awards®, Stevie Awards for Great Employers, Stevie Awards for Women in Business dan Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Kompetisi Stevie Awards menerima lebih dari 10.000 entri setiap tahun dari organisasi/perusahaan di lebih dari 70 negara.Menghargai semua jenis dan ukuran organisasi/perusahaan serta orang-orang dibaliknya, Stevie mengakui kinerja luarbiasa di tempat kerja di seluruh dunia.Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Stevie Awards di

Topics: business awards, International business awards, The Stevie Awards, The International Business Awards, grand awards


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Aug 30, 2018 @ 01:19 AM



    2018 国际商业奖的被提名人不可直接申请参赛国际商业大奖。获奖者通过国际商业奖金、银、铜奖的数量来计分评选,获国际商业奖金奖为3分,银奖为2分,铜奖为1.5分。



IBA grand pic 2017最高荣誉组织国际邮政及物流公司 DP DHL Group其分布于30个国家的附属办事处及附属企业所提供的金、银、铜奖作品的获奖分数为84.5分。该集团在220国家拥有约 520,000名员工,在2017年创造出超过600亿欧元的收入。

最高荣誉公关机构 ASDA’A BCW, 代表福特(Ford)环球教育(GEMS)等客所提交的金、银、铜奖作品的获奖分数为53分。 该公司的总部设于迪拜,在中东有11个办事处,在2017年曾十大史蒂夫®奖。

最高荣誉营销机构 GXEVER, 由其北京总部及上海、重庆和众多中国大部分小城市的办事处所提供的金、银、铜奖作品的获奖分数为25分。

最高荣誉互动服务机构 Magnet20, 由其属下的土耳其伊斯坦布尔办事处所提供的金、银、铜奖作品的获奖分数为26.5代表葛兰素史克土耳其公司(GSK Turkey Company) Akçansa公司等客户获得史蒂夫®奖。

TOP 10: 他们是2018国际商业奖所有组织中最为优秀的金、银、铜奖得主他们也将获颁史蒂夫®奖奖杯。由于同分的关系,今年的TOP1011位得奖者

1. 印尼电信(Telkom Indonesia) – 雅加达 (83.5 )

2. 锦石石化公司(PT Petrokimia Gresik ) – 印尼锦石(31.5)

3. 卡塔尔电信(Ooredoo Group) – 全球 (30.5)

4. PJ Lhuillier, Inc (PJLI)  菲律宾马尼拉 (30)

5. FIS  美国佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔 (29.5)

6. (同分) 阿克银行(Akbank) kb土耳其伊斯坦布尔 (28)

               建设信贷银行(Yapi Kredi Bank) Ba土耳其伊斯坦布尔 (28)

8. 土耳其电信(Turk Telekom) ur土耳其伊斯坦布尔 (26 )

9. 悠岚宣雅(LLORENTE & CUENCA) – 西班牙马德里 (25.5 )

10. (同分) Makers Nutrition  美国纽约霍波格 (23 )

                 Jeunesse Global  美国佛罗里达州玛丽湖 (23 )

    史蒂夫® 奖的主席及创办人Michael Gallagher表示: “今年的国际商业奖提名数打破了往年记录,其中这15个组织的成就最大,因而在众多优秀机构及卓越成就中脱颖而出。国际商业大奖旨在表彰那些尊重员工工作、恪守客户承诺、拥有创新意识的机构。我们期待1020日在伦敦的颁奖礼上以蒂夫® 奖的奖杯为他们庆祝。






    查看 http://www.stevieawards.com了解更多史蒂夫®的详情。

Topics: International business awards, The Stevie Awards, 国际商务大奖, 史蒂夫奖