Last Call für die 17. jährlichen Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Jule Kern on Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 03:31 AM

Unternehmerinnen, weibliche Führungskräfte, Arbeitnehmerinnen und von Frauen geführte Organisationen weltweit können ihre Nominierungen noch bis zum 16. September einreichen.


Noch drei Tage läuft die Nominierungsphase der Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Bereits zum 17. Mal ehren die Stevie Awards im Rahmen dieses speziellen Wirtschaftspreisprogramms herausragende Leistungen von Unternehmerinnen, Frauen in Führungspositionen, Mitarbeiterinnen und von Frauen geführte Organisationen. Bis zum 16. September haben Interessentinnen noch die Möglichkeit, ihre Nominierungen gegen die Zahlung einer Nachgebühr einreichen. In der Bewertung entstehen den Nachmeldungen keine Nachteile.

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen

Die stolzen Gewinnerinnen werden dann am 29. September bekannt gegeben und mit ihren Bronze- Siber- und Gold-Auszeichnungen bei einer feierlichen Preisverleihung geehrt. Die Preisverleihung findet dieses Jahr erstmalig in einem virtuellen Rahmen am 9. Dezember statt.

Mit den Stevie Awards for Women in Business werden die Leistungen von berufstätigen Frauen in mehr als 100 Kategorien gewürdigt. Prämiert werden die Frauen unter anderem in den Kategorien:

  • Unternehmerin des Jahres
  • Weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres
  • Mentorin oder Coachin des Jahres
  • Preis für das Lebenswerk
  • Verdienst um Lohngleichheit
  • Frauen helfen Frauen
  • Mitarbeiterin des Jahres
  • Von Frauen geführtes Unternehmen des Jahres
  • Innovatorin des Jahres

Neue Kategorien für dem Umgang mit COVID-19

Als Reaktion auf die aktuelle Situation haben die Stevie Awards einige spezielle Kategorien in Bezug auf den Umgang der Unternehmen und einzelner Personen mit COVID-19 in ihrem Berufsfeld geschaffen.

Zu den Kategorien zum Umgang mit COVID-19 gehören:

  • Frontline Medical Hero of the Year
  • Education Hero of the Year
  • Delivery Hero of the Year
  • Public Service Hero of the Year
  • Most Exemplary Employer
  • Communications or PR Campaign of the Year – COVID-19-related Information

...und weitere.

Auch die Kategorien Marketing- und PR-Kampagne des Jahres wurden in diesem Jahr stark erweitert.

Vereinfachte Anforderungen für die Einreichung

Die Anforderungen für die Einreichungen wurden in allen Kategorien für 2020 überarbeitet und vereinfacht. Verlangte die Bewerbung in den vergangenen Jahren noch eine Leistungsbeschreibung von bis zu 650 Wörtern, beantworten die Teilnehmerinnen eine Reihe von Fragen. Alternativ können sie ein Video mit einer Länge von bis zu fünf Minuten einreichen, in dem die Fragen behandelt werden.

„Das neue Vorgehen soll es den Teilnehmerinnen erleichtern, ihre Leistungen auf den Punkt zu beschreiben“ erklärt Maggie Gallagher, Präsidentin der Stevie Awards. „Gleichzeitig erleichtert es den Juroren, die Qualität der verschiedenen Einreichungen zu bewerten“ so Gallagher weiter.

Dies kommt besonders denjenigen zugute, die sich für eine Last-Minute-Nominierung bis zum 16. September entscheiden.

 Women | Future Conference

Anders als in den letzten Jahren findet die Women|Future Conference nicht am selben Tag der Preisverleihung statt. Stattdessen wird die zweitägige Konferenz für berufstätige Frauen schon am 12. Und 13. November im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas stattfinden. Die Women|Future Conference thematisiert die drängendsten Geschäftsfragen von morgen. Sie befasst sich mit diesen Themen aus der Perspektive von Frauen, die in diesen Bereichen tätig sind und darüber hinaus, wie sie Frauen in allen Branchen –ihre Karrieren und Unternehmen – beeinflussen. Mit vielen strukturierten Networking-Möglichkeiten und Fallstudien von früheren Stevie®-Gewinnerinnen und aktuellen Stevie®-Nominierten ist diese Veranstaltung ausschließlich für Frauen.

Starke Frauen – Women in Business Preisträgerinnen des letzten Jahres 

Die Gewinnerinnen der Goldenen, Silbernen und Bronzenen Stevie Awards 2019 spiegeln eine vielfältige Gruppe großer und kleiner Organisationen rund um den Globus wider. Zu den Gold- Preisträgerinnen 2019 zählen auch Geschäftsfrauen und Unternehmen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.

  • TourRadar aus Wien gewann den Gold Stevie Award in der Kategorie Employee of the Year für Melissa Lopez, Assistant Team Lead im Sales and Support Team in Nordamerika.
  • Für Digging Deep aus Cham in der Schweiz gewann die Schriftstellerin Rosemary Lokhorst, Technologieunternehmerin und preisgekrönte Spieleproduzentin einen Silber und einen Bronze Stevie. Digging Deep ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die die heilende Kraft des Selbstausdrucks durch Spaß und die Nutzung digitaler Selbsthilfetools aktiviert.
  • Stolzer Gewinner von zwei Gold Stevie Awards war LabTwin aus Berlin. Das weltweit erste digitale Laborassistent mit Sprach- und KI-Unterstützung erhielt die jeweils höchsten Auszeichnung für Magdalena Paluch, Mitgründerin und Geschäftsführerin von LabTwin.

Nach Abschluss der Bewerbungsphase prüfen über 200 führende Expertinnen aus aller Welt die eingegangenen Nominierungen. Die Preisträgerinnen haben nach der Bekanntgabe der Gewinner Zugang zu allen Kommentaren und Vorschlägen der Jury, bezüglich ihrer Nominierungen.

Wenn auch Sie sich bei den 17. Stevie Awards for Women in Business mit ihren Leistungen bewerben möchten, registrieren Sie sich noch heute unter


Topics: Awards for Women in Business, woman awards

Pitch your Women-Owned Business! Announcing The Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition

Posted by Nina Moore on Thu, Sep 10, 2020 @ 02:00 PM

Do you or someone you know own a women-run business founded in November 2017 or later? Enter the 2020 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition for a chance to win funding! 💸 The Women|Future Conference has added this competition as a new feature to the two-day virtual event happening November 12-13, 2020. It is an opportunity for women-owned businesses and female entrepreneurs who are navigating the startup phase of their business endeavors to receive funding -- think of it as a 'Shark Tank' for female business owners. 

If selected, finalists will be asked to record a three-minute pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market. Submissions will be reviewed by the Women|Future Conference team and final pitches will be judged by a panel of female venture capitalists and conference attendees during our virtual event on November 13, 2020. There will be three winners, each of which will receive a monetary prize.

Pitch Your Business

There are still sponsorship opportunities available which go toward funding the pitch competition. If your organization is interested in sponsoring, email or visit our sponsorship and advertising page to request information.


The Women|Future Conference agenda features virtual sessions, panels, and workshops that address today’s trending topics and current issues in areas such as technology, sustainability, career and financial planning, diversity in the workplace, leadership, crisis management, and more. The conference is made up of 100 transformative women speakers from around the world including notable CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs, and executives from AT&T Business, Amazon, Girl Scouts of the USA, Deloitte, HCL, Cisco, Microsoft, Roku, PayPal and more. View the speaker lineup.

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

WFC_Social_Student Pricing Available TW FB

In the spirit of back to school season, we recently announced that students can attend the Women|Future Conference at half-price (that's just $49 compared to the regular ticket price of $99!) Many Women|Future Conference speakers will discuss topics relevant to young women who have just entered the workforce, or are thinking about their future careers.

If you know a student who is an aspiring business owner, or would love to hear from female entrepreneurs, founders, and executives in diverse industries, let her know about this incredible opportunity! Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Save 10% when you register three or more people together.

Register for the Conference

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in 17th Annual International Business Awards® from Across the Globe

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Sep 10, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

Businesses Honored for Achievements Amidst COVID-19

High-achieving organizations and executives around the world have been recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The 17th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's only international, all-encompassing business awards program.

Nicknamed the Stevies from the Greek word for "crowned," the awards will be presented at a virtual awards ceremony on Tuesday, December 1.

Tickets for the event are on sale now at

iba for winner release 2020

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners were selected from more than 3,800 nominations about 200 fewer than last year, from organizations in more than 60 nations. “Given the extraordinary circumstances in which businesses and other organizations around the world have operated over the past six months, we’re gratified by the number of entries the IBAs received this year and the amazing number of stories of continued business success, individual heroism and selflessness, and increased commitment to the health and safety of employees, customers, and communities,” said Stevie Awards President Maggie Gallagher.  

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners were selected from more than 3,800 nominations. “Given the extraordinary circumstances in which businesses and other organizations around the world have operated over the past six months, we’re gratified by the number of entries the IBAs received this year and the amazing number of stories of continued business success.”

All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in The International Business Awards, and can submit entries in a wide range of categories, including management awards, company of the year awards, marketing awards, public relations awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, new product awards, IT awards, web site awards, and more. 

IBA winner pic 2 2020

More than 250 executives worldwide participated on 13 juries this year to determine the Stevie winners.

LLYC, a global communications and public affairs consulting firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain won nine Gold Stevie Awards, more than any other organization in the competition.

Other top winners of Gold Stevie Awards include Jeunesse Global (Lake Mary, Florida USA) with eight, Yapı Kredi Bank (Istanbul, Turkey) with seven, PJ Lhuillier, Inc (Makati City, Philippines) with six, and BURSALI (Bursa, Turkey), Mayen (Istanbul, Turkey), Pan American Energy (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Samsara (San Francisco, California USA), and Thai Life Insurance Plc. (Bangkok, Thailand) with five each.

The top winner of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevies overall is Turkey’s Yapı Kredi Bank, with 20.  Other multiple winners of note are LLYC (18), Ooredoo Group, Qatar and globally (16), Thai Life Insurance (14), PJ Lhuillier, Inc (13), Jeunesse Global (12), Makers Nutrition, Hauppauge, New York, USA (12), Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Cotai, Macao (10), and Türkiye İş Bankası, Istanbul (10).

A complete list of all 2020 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at

During the week of 21 September the winners of the Best of the IBA Awards, five best-of-competition prizes, will be announced. Winners will be determined by a tally of the total number of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevies won by organizations, and will be honored on 1 December.

Topics: International business awards

Easy App Development with Creatio

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Sep 08, 2020 @ 09:17 PM
  • Global software company provides the leading low-code platform for process management 
  • Creatio has been highly recognized as a market leader by key industry analysts 

  • Operating in over 100 countries worldwide, the Creatio platform provides cutting-edge technology and out-of-the-box ideas

About Creatio

Creatio (formerly bpm’online) is a leading low-code, process automation and customer relationship management (CRM) company. Creatio’s intelligent platform accelerates sales, marketing, service, and operations for thousands of customers and hundreds of partners worldwide. Their mission is to help organizations accelerate by providing a platform to automate their business ideas faster and easier. 

In addition to three CRM products for marketing, sales, and services, Creatio offers solutions that allow apps to be built and processed quickly and effortlessly. Their low-code platform embraces the “Everyone’s a Developer” concept, a cutting-edge idea that provides solutions for businesses to shrink the IT delivery gap. With the market for low-code platforms growing by an estimated 40% annually, it is estimated that by 2024, low-code platform development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity. Therefore, Creatio moves with the times to provide its customers with cutting-edge technology to gain a competitive advantage in their markets. 

Studio Creatio

The platform has two editions: Studio Creatio, Enterprise Edition and Studio Creatio, Free Edition. 

Studio Creatio, Enterprise Edition is an intelligent low-code and process management platform enabling businesses to provide non-IT employees with the ability to build apps and processes that they need. Creatio’s robust and flexible low-code tools enable users without deep technical skills to build user interfaces as well as design business logics, define data models, and set up machine learning models for better decision making. 

The Free Edition was launched in June of 2019 and has since gained thousands of users. It is a tool for collaborative process design and is completely free to use. Studio Creatio, Free Edition allows users to build process diagrams easily using visual tools, standardized process management, and simplified process documentation. It enables teams to edit, comment on, and view designs in real time - a level of collaboration that ensures the best results possible. By releasing the Free Edition, Creatio has been able to expand their presence as a brand by differentiating their product portfolio in comparison to their numerous competitors. 

Creatio’s products enable organizations to accelerate their transformation thanks to the platform’s unique synergy of low-code, business process automation, and CRM. The release of Studio Creatio has made a substantial impact on the recent market. The regular updates to the software ensure that they provide a leading platform with a broad set of out-of-the-box functions, best industry practices, and an exceptional user experience. By extending the platform’s low-code process automation capabilities this year, Creatio was also able to send a stronger message about the “Everyone’s a Developer” concept they fully believe in. As a result, Creatio has become closer to making this concept a reality for many companies around the world. 

Benefits of Using Studio Creatio: 

  1. Providing non-IT employees with the ability to build apps and processes they need
  2. Creating business processes of any complexity as easily as playing with LEGOs: moving elements, engaging colleagues, commenting on actions, and managing all processes in a single environment
  3. Easily integrating solutions an organization already uses into its digital ecosystem with extensive integration capabilities  
  4. Accelerating app development with solutions and templates that can be used immediately instead of building from scratch 
  5. Boosting apps delivery and maintenance with robust tools for successful app deployment and upgrades

Creatio won the People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite New Products - Digital Process Automation Solution in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards, People’s Choice Stevie® Awards

First Annual Middle East Stevie Awards Winners Honored in Virtual Ceremony

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Sun, Sep 06, 2020 @ 11:23 PM

The Middle East Stevie Awards, sponsored by the Ras Al Khaimah Chamber of Commerce & Industry, is an international business awards competition open to all organizations in 17 nations in the Middle East and North Africa. The focus of the awards is recognizing innovation in all its forms.

For the past 18 years the Stevie awards programs have recognized excellence in business worldwide. Each year the eight Stevie awards competitions received more than 12,000 nominations from organizations of all types and sizes in more than 70 nations.

mesa blog post 2

More than 500 nominations were reviewed in the Middle East Stevie Awards judging process this year by more than 90 professionals worldwide whose average scores determined the winners.

2020 Middle East Stevie Award winners included:

  • Vodafone, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Telemart, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Digitallica, Uskudar, Turkey
  • Spiral Click Web Technologies, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Alandalus Property Company, Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Virgin Mobile UAE - Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Cisco Systems India, Bangalore
  • Ooredoo Oman, Muscat, Oman
  • Coca-Cola Içecek, Istanbul, Turkey
  • …and many more

Two Grand (best of show) Stevie Awards were conferred:

  • Boehringer Ingelheim, Istanbul, Turkey, is the winner of the Grand Stevie for Organization of the Year.  The pharmaceutical giant’s six Gold, two Silver, and one Bronze Stevie wins are tops in the 2020 competition.
  • Dubai Health Authority’s nomination “Diagnostic & Prognostic liquid biopsy biomarkers for Asthma,” a Gold Stevie winner for Innovation in Medical/Dental, received the highest overall average score from the judges, of all nominations in the 2020 competition, and thus wins the Grand Stevie Award for Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year.

MESA blog post

On August 25 winners were celebrated at a virtual Stevie Awards ceremony which was broadcast to winners and their guests. During the awards ceremony, the Stevie Awards shared videos about the award-winning organizations followed by acceptance speeches, messages from Stevie Awards judges, sponsors, and special guests.

Nashwa Al-Ruwaini gave the keynote speech to congratulate Stevie Award winners and appreciate their hard work over the past year, and especially over the past few months. Nashwa Al-Ruwaini is an Egyptian producer and media personality. She has been called the "Oprah Winfrey of the Arab World".

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Al-Ruwaini told Stevie winners “Innovation prevails in times of crisis. The world we knew drastically changed overnight with the outbreak of COVID-19. Often in business, you need to come up with new tactics to preserve and maintain your vision. Companies, entrepreneurs, governments, and citizens have proved how capable humans are of innovating during times of crisis.”

It was announced during the ceremony that the 2021 awards will begin accepting nominations September 15, and it will do so with a new name. The new name of the competition will be the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, to better represent the 17 nations covered in the awards.

“We aimed to honor organizations and individuals across the region. This year we received more than 500 nominations, which is very impressive for our first-year event. We can’t wait to see what 2021 holds for the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards,” said Stevie Awards President Maggie Gallagher.

Interested in entering the 2021 Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards?

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Topics: Middle East Stevie Awards

Leading the Electric Vehicle Revolution

Posted by Hailey Roos on Thu, Sep 03, 2020 @ 10:03 PM
  • In the next decade, over 170 million electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to be on the road
  • To meet the coming need for charging stations and electricity, EV Connect is proactively leading this transformation 
  • By working with electric utilities, EV Connect links all parties from EV drivers to utilities and brings simplicity to the EV revolution

What Is EV Connect, And Why Choose to Work With Us? - EV Connect

About EV Connect

EV Connect is home to the most innovative, robust, and feature-rich, cloud-based software platform for managing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The world’s largest companies ranging from enterprise, to hospitality and retail, to universities and government facilities, leverage the EV Connect platform to bring simplicity and flexibility to their personnel. As the demand for EVs surges, so does the need for charging stations and the electricity to fuel them. The number of EVs on the road is expected to increase from 3 million in 2017  to over 170 million by 2030. The energy required to support this unprecedented fuel transition is expected to exceed a staggering 500 terawatt-hours of electricity, compared to less than 10 terawatt-hours as of 2017. To deliver this energy to individual cars, the number of charging stations must grow exponentially as well. 

The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) found that most utilities are not prepared for the load of EV fueling at scale. However, utilities that proactively lead this transformation will reap the benefits of higher revenues from EV electricity demand, greater rigid stability, and overall better customer experience. There are a number of business models to choose from when deploying an EV charging network for customers: full ownership, make-ready, or incentive-based. The EV Connect platform makes these and derivative business models simple so that individual utilities do not have to become software companies and spend millions of dollars developing and testing complex software platforms. 

EV charging will place untold new demands on the electric generation and distribution systems. Through EV Connect, electric utilities will have detailed insights into when charging loads are most pronounced and how much electricity they have to provide during those times to avoid disruptions to the energy grid. To ensure that utilities have this insight, EV Connect works with utilities to find organizations and businesses that join and participate in transportation electrification programs. By working with electric utilities, EV Connect uses EV Cloud to close the loop on EV charging, linking all parties from EV drivers to utilities, and enabling utilities to centrally manage EV charging loads according to the demand on the grid at any given time. 

In 2019, EV Connect partnered with multiple utilities including Detroit-based DTE Energy to provide technical expertise surrounding EV network management and fleet deployment for participants of various programs. Under DTE’s “Charging Forward” program, EV Connect empowers Michigan residents to realize the full benefits of EVs by producing business opportunities and jobs for charging network operations, improving the EV ownership experience for EV drivers, and efficiently integrating EV charging loads with DTE electric distribution systems. 

As consumers, we can  enjoy the vast diversity of options offered by a competitive market as long as those options do not make life difficult for users, operators, and utilities. The EV revolution is at risk of becoming an unmanageable failure if the industry does not build a streamlined, efficient, and effective user experience from drivers to utilities. EV Connect is doing just that. 

EV Connect won the Gold Stevie for Energy Industry Innovation of the Year in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards

Why Businesses Should Invest in Automated Customer Service

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Sep 02, 2020 @ 10:08 AM

Look around you; automation is everywhere. From checking bags in at the airport to ordering pizza, booking a hotel room, or arranging a doctor's appointment, artificial intelligence is being used worldwide. Customer service is no different. By the end of this year, experts predict 85% of all customer exchanges will be done without human interjection. 

The automation of customer service radically reduces human input in repetitive, manual tasks, saving time, effort, and, ultimately, monetary resources. This means the addition of processes that let customers ask and have queries answered instantaneously without the need for any contact with a human representative. It works so well because the customer has to jump through fewer hoops to find a resolution.

Automated customer service removes the need for context or secondary explanations, and gets to the heart of a problem without much fuss. It's not limited by industry either, having potential use cases for retailers, manufacturers, IT pros, and even a Saas marketing agency

Are you looking to integrate automated customer service into your organization? Or, do you still need to convince those around you of its uses? RingCentral is here to help, and here's why your business should invest in automated customer service. 

Source: Finances Online

AI can preempt a problem

Through automation, you gain a level of responsiveness that just isn't humanly possible. In the not too distant future, a virtual assistant will know what a customer wants by understanding how most people interact with a business and using that data to guide the customer throughout his or her journey. 

An AI assistant will know who makes up your customer base and give them what they want before they even know they need it. AI-embedded systems can monitor an infinite amount of websites and data sets, identifying distress indicators and customer experience blockers. It can then respond instantaneously through pop-ups or virtual service agents that function across platforms. 

This preemptive problem solving can significantly lower customer abandonment rates within a purchasing cycle, while at the same time improving the customer journey and satisfaction. 

This type of preemptive problem solving is referred to as "intent prediction." It's an algorithm that figures out where the customer came from, should go next, and what they'll need when they get there. Inputs like clicks, scrolling speed, views, and prior purchases are translated into data that determines intent and selects the right kind of support. 

For example, the tech can recognize patterns based on web activity and route the incoming customer call to the right agent or department. Intent prediction lets customer service teams be there at the exact point they're needed.

24/7 365

Not limited by public holidays, sick days, or time zones, an organization with AI-empowered customer service means it can handle customer queries at all times, every day. Meaning, no waiting times for a response. No waiting times suggest better customer satisfaction, thus reduced churn. It also proves a brand's customer commitment - valuable for both trust and reputation. 

No need for training or repetition 

Onboarding and then training staff is an expensive and time-consuming process. A customer call center operator in the US can cost upwards of $4000 to hire and nearly $5000 to train them on your systems, call center workforce management software, and more. Never mind stationery and office other office expenses.

Automation solutions solve both cost and space problems, which are common issues within a call center. AI can empower team members with the resources they need to serve your customers and find more job satisfaction. 

An automatic dialer, for example, can arm agents with all they need for any specific call. Simultaneously, computer telephony integration software links all data into a single dashboard and gives the agent a myriad of methods to help answer customer queries. Such features are just part of the reason why RingCentral is a Stevie Awards winner.  

Rather than retraining your entire workforce, the software can be reconfigured and everything else automated. More still, AI-powered customer service platforms free up employees from tiresome and often dull tasks and allow them to focus more on challenging customer issues and think of creative, dynamic solutions. 

Source: Superoffice 

An easier way to personalize 

By combining big data, machine learning, and AI, companies can create an intimate personalization level across a customer’s journey. This can be as simple as using past purchases to suggest new products, or as complicated as detailed website layouts laid out in real-time to match a user’s browsing habits and reading comprehension. 

This sort of personalization improves customer experiences; it encourages conversions as well as repeat purchases. AI and automation also give human employees more context as to who they’re talking to, by understanding their purchase history, search preferences, and past experiences with your business. With this information on hand, service professionals are more prepared to give your customers better and more tailored output. 

Guaranteed reliability 

AI-powered customer service technology unlocks a level of reliability that human counterparts cannot match. Chatbots don’t have the same affiliations and biases humans may have. Chatbots don’t show up to work late. They don’t get irritated with customers or crack inappropriate jokes. 

They can also be designed to escalate matters to a human manager if they’re not providing adequate service. All of this improves customer service interactions, which is one of the best ways to generate repeat business. 

When queries are escalated to a human agent, they’re able to handle the past-call data in an instant and can pick up the baton where it was dropped. As opposed to the customer having to repeat themselves. There’s no need for siloed information or separate databases. Customer service reps, working alongside virtual assistants, can provide consistent, reliable, and friendly service. 

Source: Artificial solutions

The ability to scale quickly 

AI-powered technology allows businesses to scale customer service up or down with ease and speed, even when resources are limited (like during a pandemic). Upon launching a new product or service, a business can release FAQs or video-based solutions that can handle countless customer questions without human interjection. 

Chatbots make it easy to respond to customer inquiries even during a surge, and learn and grow from every interaction. Businesses can break into new markets without limitation or the need to hire and train a mass of staff who speak the language needed in this new market. You can keep your workforce connected, no matter where they are or where they’re working from

AI is not here to replace human teams but to support them. It can compile massive amounts of data and present it in an easy to read and action format, ultimately for the customer’s benefit. It makes work smarter, not harder, and has already changed customer service forever. 

John Allen, Director, Global SEO at RingCentral, a global UCaaS and VoIP provider. He has over 14 years of experience and an extensive background in building and optimizing digital marketing programs. He has written for websites such as MarketScale and E-Spirit.

RingCentral won a Gold Stevie for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Planning, & Practice in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Awards®. 

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Grand Stevie Award Winners Announced in 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 31, 2020 @ 11:56 AM

Bank of America and Tata Consultancy Services Names as Top Winners

Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners in the 2020 (fifth annual) Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, an international competition, were announced on August 18. The awards recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.    


It has been announced today that the organization that won the Grand Stevie Award for Most Honored Organization of the Year is Tata Consultancy Services, worldwide, which earned 40 points with six Gold, eight silver, and four Bronze Stevie wins. Organization of the Year goes to the organization with the most award points, with each Gold Stevie win counting for three points, each Silver Stevie win for two points, and each Bronze Stevie for one-and-a-half points.

The Grand Stevie Award for the Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year goes to The Academy at Bank of America, the Gold Stevie®-winning nomination for Best Strategy for a Corporate Learning University from Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina USA.

More than 700 nominations from organizations from 23 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 90 professionals worldwide, acting as judges. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  •     Employer of the Year
  •    HR Achievements
  •    HR Individual Awards
  •    HR Team Categories
  •    Solution Provider Awards
  •    COVID-19 Response
  •    More than 50 New Product & Service Categories

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes several of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering the 2021 Stevie Awards for Great Employers?

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Topics: 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Announcing 2020 Women|Future Conference Keynote Speaker & Top Sessions

Posted by Nina Moore on Thu, Aug 27, 2020 @ 12:11 PM

We are excited to announce the 2020 Women|Future Conference opening Keynote Speaker - Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business, Anne Chow!

Anne will kick off our conference on Thursday, November 12 at 8:00 am, EST. Her session is titled “Today’s Leadership, Tomorrow’s Future.” She will discuss how COVID-19 is changing life as we know it - how we work, how we live, and how we communicate. As leaders we must be mindful of our current environment, which is now marked by a global pandemic, economic recession, and social injustices, but we must also simultaneously drive forward and build a better tomorrow. Anne will be discussing leadership lessons from 2020 and her view of leading into the future.

With decades in the industry, Anne has led many global organizations through major transformations, developing and executing innovative growth strategies while building role model relationships. She's passionate about education, diversity and inclusion, advancing women in technology and cultivating next generation leaders.

Anne was appointed Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Business in September 2019. She and her organization of over 30,000 employees are responsible for serving nearly 3 million business customers in upwards of 200 countries and territories around the world. She is the first woman to hold this position and first woman of color CEO in AT&T’s history!

WFC_Social_TW FB AnneAnne is speaking among 100 talented, transformative women leaders from around the world. The Women|Future Conference agenda features virtual sessions, panels, and workshops that address today’s trending topics and current issues in areas such as technology, sustainability, career and financial planning, diversity in the workplace, leadership, crisis management, and much more. Our speakers are a diverse mix of female CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, and Senior Management and Directors from Amazon, Cisco, Deloitte, Microsoft, Girl Scouts of the USA, HCL, Roku, PayPal and more. View the full speaker lineup.

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

Women|Future Conference Sessions Include:

  • Business Chemistry! Using Science to Improve the Art of Relationships Workshop by Deloitte
  • Overcoming Personal Adversity
  • Conquer Crisis. Train Like a Triathlete. Body + Mind + Business
  • Balancing Motherhood + Business: for "Mompreneurs" and Working Moms
  • Financial Wellness: Your Relationship with Money
  • Diversity & Inclusion: The Importance in Your Workplace
  • Building Your Dream Network for Introverts
  • Competent but Not Confident: Scientifically Why So Many Women Limit Their Own Potential - and Everyone Else’s
  • Redefining Success in the New Normal: Knowing What You Want, Why You Deserve it, and How to Get it
  • Disrupt the Imposter Syndrome; Let the Real You Shine Through!
  • Women Driving the Future of Tech: How AI, VR, and Robotics Will Be the Norm
  • Create Joy in Your Career on Your Own Terms
      ...and many more

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Take advantage of the $49 student special, $99 general registration, and save 10% when you register three or more people together.

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Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


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Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Chetu Grows Exponentially On Their 20th Anniversary with Award-Winning Leadership

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Aug 25, 2020 @ 02:33 PM
  • Chetu rings in its 20th anniversary in software development industry
  • Executive team helps the organization’s revenue and employee numbers skyrocket
  • Experienced technology partner sets new records for sustainable growth in the software development industry

About Chetu

Chetu is a global, custom software developer with nearly 20 years of experience in offering innovative technological solutions and support services to clients in more than 40 different industries. With nearly 1,800 developers around the world, Chetu leverages industry-specific knowledge to provide customized software solutions to startups, small- and medium-sized businesses, and Fortune 5000 companies.

Exponential, Sustainable Growth 

2019 was perhaps the greatest year on record for Chetu, which is in its 20th year of operation. The executive team, which consists of the founder plus other members with well over 10 years of leadership in the organization, has experienced sustainable growth that is not often seen in such well-established technology companies. As an example of this success: Under the founding leadership of the company, Chetu recorded its second year of double-digit growth — 18.19% in 2019 — and brought in over $56 million in revenue. 

To achieve this growth, leadership has been firing on all cylinders and expanding every department of the company to keep up with and create demand in custom software development. In 2019, the total employee count at Chetu is nearly 1,800, including more than 100 new software experts. This includes a 21% growth in the company's sales team and 24% growth in the marketing department. 

To accommodate this increase in personnel and customer expansion, the leadership team officially opened its first office in the United Kingdom, making it the company’s 14th office. Located in the growing tech hub of Birmingham, England, the new office not only houses the expanded UK marketing team but also serves as the home base for all European and Middle Eastern operations.

Award-Winning Leadership Team

As a privately-held organization, the success of Chetu cannot be mentioned without the guidance and vision of the leadership team. Their role as advisor and teacher, while still steering the company into the direction of growth and success, is a true measure of the incredible work this company is doing and intends to continue doing well into the future. 

The leadership team helped expand the current partnership statuses by helping Chetu become an Autodesk Service Provider Select partner, UiPath Certified partner, and BigCommerce partner to further help develop Chetu's capabilities and relationships in the tech development industry. Additionally, Chetu's founder and CEO Atal Bansal was inducted into the Forbes Technology Council for his years of experience and insights into the leading tech platforms of today and tomorrow. 

In 2019, the Chetu and the leadership team completed construction on the company's new, state-of-the-art headquarters in Plantation, Florida. This stunning new HQ at University Professional Center will allow Chetu to continue to expand and improve not only the growing, local technology scene in South Florida, but also expand custom software development on a global scale.

Recent Accolades 

  • Accepted into the Forbes Technology Council
  • Received the Transatlantic Growth Award for the UK office
  • Recognized as one of India’s top e-commerce development companies by The Manifest 
  • Launched their new Channel Partners Program to enhance customer engagement
  • Hosted their first Closing for Cause campaign, from which a portion of all deals closed during the first half of May go toward charityCelebrated its 20th anniversary as a leading provider of custom software solutions

Chetu won the Silver Stevie for Founding Team of the Year - Business Services Industries in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards, software