
Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Sep 24, 2020 @ 10:42 AM

世界最高のビジネス賞プログラムを主催するThe Stevie Awardsが2021年(第15回)スティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞のエントリー受付を開始しました。エントリーキット、プログラムの詳細はホームページ(http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales)をご覧ください。


SASCS release



  • 今年のシニア営業幹部、今年の営業担当者などのセールス個人カテゴリー
  • 今年のグローバルセールスチーム、今年のオンラインセールスチームなどのセールスチームカテゴリー
  • 今年の営業ターンアラウンド、今年のセールストレーニングまたはコーチングプログラムなどの営業成果カテゴリー
  • 14産業グループの優秀セールスカテゴリー
  • 今年の第一線カスタマーサービス専門家、今年のカスタマーサービスリーダーなどのカスタマーサービスとコンタクトセンターの個人カテゴリー 
  • 今年のコンタクトセンター、今年のバックオフィスカスタマーサービスチームなどのカスタマーサービスとコンタクトセンターのチームカテゴリー
  • 電子商取引カスタマーサービス賞、カスタマーサービスイノベーション賞などのカスタマーサービスとコンタクトセンターの成果カテゴリー
  • 12産業グループのカスタマーサービス部門カテゴリー
  • 5つの産業グループのカスタマーサービス成功カテゴリー
  • 最高の新規ビジネスインテリジェンスソリューション、最高の新規マーケティングソリューションなどの新製品とサービスカテゴリー
  • 今年の営業コンサルティング業務、今年のインセンティブ、報酬または認定供給者などのソリューションプロバイダカテゴリー
  • 今年のビジネス開発専門家または今年のビジネス開発成果(ホスピタリティ&レジャー)などのビジネス開発カテゴリー



2021の授賞式では、スティービー・フェイバリット・ カスタマーサービス賞(Peoples Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service)が選ばれます。この賞はスティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞で人気を集めている賞で、一般の人々が「今年のカスタマーサービス部門」カテゴリーのファイナリストのうち、気に入ったカスタマーサービスを提供している企業に投票した結果をもとに受賞者が決定します。

2020のスティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞受賞者は American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. などです


Topics: business awards, スティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞, Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service


Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Sep 24, 2020 @ 10:34 AM


行世界最佳商奖评奖的史蒂夫®(Stevie® Awards)始征集 2021 (15)售及客史蒂夫®奖参展作品。要及象相具体详见(http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales)


SASCS release


及客史蒂夫®的特点是分150以上目,包括务开发奖 方案供等。加企可在下列目提交展作品,展作品不个数

  • 年度高级销售主管和年度销售代表等销售个人类别














2021年颁奖仪式中,将公布市民们评选的最佳客户服务史蒂夫®(Peoples Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service)该奖项是销售及客户服务史蒂夫®奖中非常受欢迎的奖,是根据普通大众在年度客户服务部门类目的所有决赛入围作品中,为自己最喜爱的提供客户服务的组织投票的结果评选的。

2020销售及客户服务史蒂夫®奖的获奖作品包括 American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc.等。


Topics: business awards, Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service, 销售及客户服务史蒂夫奖

제15회 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상 출품작 모집

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Sep 24, 2020 @ 10:23 AM

비즈니스 개발고객 서비스영업 성과와 전문가  수상 후보

세계 최고의 비즈니스 대상 프로그램들을 주관하는 스티비 어워즈(Stevie® Awards)가 2021년 (15회) 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상 출품작 모집을 시작했다. 출품요강과 대상 관련 상세 내용은 홈페이지(http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales)에서 볼 수 있다.

전 세계 모든 고객 서비스, 컨택 센터, 비즈니스 개발 및 영업 부서, 팀 및 전문가뿐만 아니라, 이 전문가들이 이용하는 신제품, 서비스 및 솔루션 공급업체 모두 수상 후보로 출품할 수 있다. 2021년 대상은 2019년 7월 1일 이후의 업적을 기준으로 수상자를 결정한다.

SASCS release

출품비가 할인되는 조기 출품 마감일은 2020년 10월 14일이다. 최종 출품 마감일은 11월 12일이지만, 지체료 지불 시 2021년 1월 13일까지 출품할 수 있다. 최종 본선진출작은 1월 중순에 발표될 예정이며, 3월 5일 (건강과 안전 조건이 허락된) 미국 라스베이거스의 시저스 팰리스 호텔에서 열리는 시상식에서 스티비 금상, 은상, 동상 수상자가 발표된다.

영업 및 고객 서비스 스티비대상은 150개 이상의  영업상,  고객 서비스상,  비즈니스 개발상,  신제품상 및  솔루션 공급업체상 등 여러 부문에 걸쳐 다양한 상을 시상한다. 참가 기업들은 아래와 같은 카테고리에 제한 없이 출품작을 제출할 수 있다.

  • ㆍ올해의 시니어 영업 임원과 올해의 영업 대행인와 같은 영업 개인 부문
    ㆍ올해의 글로벌 영업팀과 올해의 온라인 영업팀과 같은 영업팀 부문
    ㆍ올해의 영업 전환과 올해의 영업 교육 또는 코칭 프로그램과 같은 영업 성과 부문
    ㆍ14개 산업 그룹의 우수 영업 부문
    ㆍ올해의 접점 고객서비스 전문가와 올해의 고객서비스 리더와 같은 고객서비스와 컨택센터 개인 부문
    ㆍ올해의 컨택센터와 올해의 비영업 고객서비스팀과 같은 고객서비스와 컨택센터 팀 부문
    ㆍ온라인 상거래 고객서비스상과 고객서비스 혁신상과 같은 고객서비스와 컨택센터 성과 부문
    ㆍ12개 산업 그룹의 고객서비스 부서 부문
    ㆍ5개 산업 그룹의 고객서비스 성공 카테고리
    ㆍ최고의 새로운 비즈니스 정보 솔루션과 최고의 새로운 마케팅 솔루션과 같은 신제품과 서비스 부문
    ㆍ올해의 영업 컨설팅 솔루션 공급업체 부문
    ㆍ올해의 비즈니스 개발 전문가 또는 올해의 비즈니스 개발 성과(숙박&레저 부문)과 같은 비즈니스 개발 부문

올해 새로운 점은, 짧은 동영상 또는 몇몇 지시된 질문들에 대한 답변을 제출하도록 선택지를 제공하고, 전체 카테고리의 제출 요건이 간소화되었다는 것이다.

2021년 신규 카테고리에는 조직, 동료, 고객, 커뮤니티의 팬데믹의 충격을 해결하기 위한 비즈니스 개발, 고객 서비스, 영업 전문가들의 뛰어난 노력들을 인정하는 여섯개의 출품료가 없는 코로나19 대응 카테고리들이 포함된다.

2021년 시상식에는 시민들이 뽑은 가장 좋은 고객 서비스 스티비상(People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service)이 선정된다. 이 상은 영업 및 고객 서비스 스티비대상에서 큰 인기를 누리고 있는 상으로, 일반 대중들이 '올해의 고객 서비스 부서' 부문 본선 진출작 중 자신이 좋아하는 고객 서비스를 제공한 기업에 투표한 결과를 토대로 수상자가 결정된다.

2020년 영업 및 고객 서비스 스티비대상 수상자에는 American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc. 등이 있다.

2021년 대상은 전 세계 150여 전문가들에 의해 심사가 이루어진다.

Topics: business awards, 비즈니스대상, Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service, 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상

Unternehmen aus dem deutschsprachigen europa überzeugen bei den 17. International Business Awards®

Posted by Jule Kern on Thu, Sep 24, 2020 @ 06:15 AM

Die diesjährigen Gewinner der International Business Awards wurden bekannt gegeben

Die Stevie® Awards ehren bereits zum 17. Mal Gewinner aus der ganzen Welt.

Auch in diesem Jahr wurden Organisationen und Führungskräfte auf der ganzen Welt bei den jährlichen International Business Awards als Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie®-Preisträger ausgezeichnet. Aufgrund der gesundheitlichen Situation werden die Preisträger in diesem Jahr am 1. Dezember im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt.

Tickets für die Veranstaltung sind ab sofort unter www.StevieAwards.com/IBA erhältlich.

24 Organisationen aus dem deutschsprachigen europäischen Raum konnten sich in diesem Jahr über Auszeichnungen freuen

In diesem Jahr wurden aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum zwanzig Organisationen aus Deutschland, drei Organisationen aus der Schweiz und eine Organisation aus Liechtenstein mit Stevie Awards ausgezeichnet.

Corinna Reibchen, passcon CEO und Gründerin

Die passcon GmbH aus Hamburg, eine internationale Beratungsagentur, zählt zu den großen Gewinner des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs. passcon gewann einen Gold Stevie Award, die höchste Auszeichnung, sowie drei Silber- und zwei Bronze-Stevies. Der Gold Stevie Award wurde der Organisation für „GoKYC“ in der KategorieSaaS Enablement as a Service verliehen.

Passcon über zeugte in diesem Jahr bereits mehrfach die Jury der German Stevie Awards 2020. Mit welchen Leistungen sich das Beratungsunternehmen hier gegen seine Konkurrenz durchsetzte, lesen Sie hier

m.Doc. aus Köln war mit zwei silbernen und zwei bronzenen Stevie Awards ein weiterer großer Gewinner. Das Software-Unternehmen schafft neue und smarte Wege des Informationsmanagements im Gesundheitssektor. Ausgezeichnet wurde m.doc für seine Patienten-APP in den speziellen Kategorien zum Umgang mit COVID-19.  

Philip Morris International aus Lausanne (Schweiz) gewann einen goldenen, einen silbernen und einen bronzenen Stevie. Den Gold Stevie Award erhielt das Unternehmen in der Kategorie Innovation of the Year - Consumer Products Industries für „Reinventing digital printing for packaged consumer goods“.

Die VP Bank mit Sitz in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, erhält den Gold Stevie Award in der Kategorie Best Annual Report – Associations für ihren Geschäftsbericht „We connect. Annual Report 2019“.

Weitere Gewinner der International Business Awards 2020 aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum sind u.a. die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE (Köln), DHL Express (Muttenz, Schweiz), dotSource (Jena), Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue (Genf), JI Experience (München), NetFederation (Köln) und riskmethods (München).

Hier finden Sie die vollständige Liste aller Gewinner des Stevie Award 2020 in Gold, Silber und Bronze nach Kategorien sortiert.  

Die Stevie Gewinner wurden aus mehr als 3.800 Nominierungen ausgewählt

Insgesamt wurden die goldenen, silbernen und bronzenen Stevie-Gewinner aus mehr als 3.800 Nominierungen von Organisationen aus mehr als 60 Ländern ausgewählt.  Das sind rund 200 Einreichungen weniger als im letzten Jahr. "Angesichts der außergewöhnlichen Umstände, unter denen Unternehmen und andere Organisationen auf der ganzen Welt in den vergangenen sechs Monaten operierten, sind wir erfreut über die Anzahl der Einsendungen, die die IBAs in diesem Jahr erhalten haben, und über die erstaunliche Anzahl von Geschichten über anhaltenden Geschäftserfolg, individuellen Heldenmut und Selbstlosigkeit sowie über das verstärkte Engagement für die Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Gemeinden", erklärte Maggie Gallagher, die Präsidentin der Stevie Awards. 

In Kürze werden die Gewinner der Best of the IBA Awards, fünf Best-of-Competition-Preise, bekannt gegeben.  Die Gewinner werden anhand der Gesamtzahl der von den Organisationen gewonnenen Gold-, Silber- und Bronze Stevies ermittelt und am 1. Dezember im Rahmen der virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt.

Weltweit können alle Organisationen an den International Business Awards teilnehmen und Nominierungen in Kategorien wie Management, Unternehmen des Jahres, Marketing, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Kundenservice, Personalwesen, neue Produkte, IT, Websites und vieles mehr einreichen. Die Bewerbungsphase der 18. International Business Awards beginnt im Januar 2021.




Topics: deutschland, Internationaler Wirtschaftspreis, Preisträger, 2020 International Business Awards, schweiz, Liechtenstein

Staying Chill with PepsiCo

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Sep 23, 2020 @ 12:09 PM
  • - Humidity and condensation cause serious problems for PepsiCo sales including lack of visibility, water leakage, and risk of electric shock
  • - PepsiCo’s BLU cooler lowers the cost of cooling and creates a condensation-free, 100% visible case for beloved products

About PepsiCo

PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and has since grown into one of the largest multinational corporation food and beverage businesses in the country. The company is dedicated to continuously improving all of their products, operating responsibly to protect the planet, and empowering people around the world to create long-term success for society. 

Keeping Cool

Tropical countries in Asia and Africa have extreme weather conditions with temperatures over 41 degrees celsius and humidity over 75%. During the rainy season, humidity rises to nearly 90%, which leads to many of Pepsi coolers’ glass doors to drip with heavy condensation and subsequently block the products’ visibility, leading to a serious loss of sales and high risk of leakage and electrical shock. 

BLU Cooler was introduced as a super workhorse, robust design cooler with efficient temperature management. The full-length glass door doubles the visibility and lowers the cost of cooling by 20% compared to existing coolers. Patented Hot Air-Flow Management ensures 100% condensation-free see through experience in any environmental conditions, even in the highest humidity. 

PepsiCo India won multiple awards for Innovation in Product Design & Development: both Gold and Silver Stevies for Consumer Products & Services and a Silver Stevie for Energy & Sustainability in The 2020 Asia-Pacific Awards®. 

Interested in entering The 2021 Asia-Pacific Awards? 

Request the entry kit

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

ValueSelling Associates to Sponsor Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service for 12th Consecutive Year

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Sep 23, 2020 @ 10:40 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has announced that ValueSelling Associates will again sponsor the 2021 (15th annual) Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service. ValueSelling has sponsored this competition since 2008.

Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

value selling 2020 2

Eligible nominees include departments, teams, and professionals from around the world who work in customer service, contact center, business development, and sales. New products and services and solution providers used by those professionals are also eligible. The 2021 awards will recognize achievements since July 1, 2019.

“We are thrilled to work with ValueSelling once again to put a spotlight on the amazing sales and customer service professionals and organizations around the world. This competition has grown tremendously over the years with their support. The Stevie Awards values ValueSelling’s participation as a sponsor,” said Maggie Gallagher, President of the Stevie Awards.

ValueSelling Associates is the creator of the ValueSelling Framework®, the practical and proven sales methodology preferred by sales executives around the globe. Since 1991, ValueSelling Associates has helped thousands of sales professionals increase their sales productivity and realize immediate revenue growth. They offer customized training to FORTUNE 1000, mid-sized and start-up companies to keep it simple and drive sales results. 

valueselling 2020

Julie Thomas, President of ValueSelling Associates said “ValueSelling has partnered with the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service for more than 11 years. It’s been a great platform on which to celebrate the accomplishments of our customers and business partners, and a cost-effective way to promote our capabilities to prospective clients around the world.”

Interested in submitting nominations in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service?

Request the Entry Kit


Topics: stevie awards for sales and customer service

Panning for Gold at the 17th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Christina Speck on Tue, Sep 22, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

This blog is written by Christina Speck (pictured below), one of the judges for the 17th
 Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business. She is Head of the Client Lab at MassMutual and the Founder of Innovation Hacks. Connect with her on

Christina Speck, Stevie Awards JudgeIt is no secret that women are making waves in corporate America today. In the late 19th century, women broke new ground by heading for the Klondike in Alaska, panning their way to riches during the hunt for gold. In an article titled Hints to Women written on December 31, 1897, Annie Hall Strong said, "Women have made up their minds to go to the Klondike, so there is no use trying to discourage them." The article appeared in Skaguay News and was reprinted in newspapers around the country. During this trek, over a thousand women crossed the trails alone or in groups. They earned glowing tributes from the men who reported that the women hauled 100 pounds over several miles. They dragged their own stuff and fended for themselves without asking for help. Many of them made huge fortunes when they struck pure gold.

The spirit to go for gold and showcase the pure grit and determination of women is alive and well at the Stevie’s today. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business are one of eight internationally recognized, prestigious Stevie Award programs. Originally conceived by The Stevie Awards Executive Chairman, Michael Gallagher, as a way to “restore public confidence and investor trust," The Stevie Awards are intended to honor the long road to business and product innovation. As the glittering award indicates, STEVIE (derived from the Greek word ‘crowned’) is meant to crown or bestow gold on outstanding and commendable performance in the face of adversity. 

One such example is the digital anthology eBook “I fly” that was created about the stories of resilience to give hope to others grasping with change and looking for new ways to reinvent their lives. These women went above and beyond to overcome extraordinary life events. Grief, loss, and pain permeate all our lives; but to know that one can not only survive trauma, tragedy, and adversity, but thrive on the other side, is what makes this entry so enduring. Another touching more grassroots entry is a most illuminating contribution from a thought leader who is known for her brilliant contributions to often articulate Steve Jobs’ vision. And it goes on and on – stories that are equally heart rending as they are inspiring.

As a returning Stevie Awards judge, I am humbled by these stories and the entries of women who set new standards and put their proverbial footprint on the sands of time. These women in business come from all nationalities and backgrounds. There is no better place for their contributions and innovation to be showcased than the Stevies which attract thousands of entries from over 70 countries. Join me in cheering on these women who had the courage to start something that changed the world for the better and perhaps, for good!


Interested in becoming a Stevie Awards judge for 2021?

If you qualify, you'll be assigned categories based on your experience, function, and industry.  Categories are judged online, and you'll be able to review and rate as many nominations as you like, at your convenience, any time, day or night. As a judge you will learn how other organizations and individuals are achieving success and confronting challenges, you'll receive a certificate of appreciation suitable for framing, and you'll have an opportunity to win two free tickets to one of our awards banquets. Learn more about judging for the Stevie Awards.

Apply to Judge The Stevie Awards

About The Stevie Awards for Women in Business

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor the achievements of working women in more than 100 categories, including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Mentor or Coach of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Achievement in Equal Pay, Women Helping Women, Employee of the Year, Woman-Owned or -Run Company of the Year and Innovator of the Year. All female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run, worldwide, are eligible to be nominated. New this year are COVID-19 response awards categories for individuals, organizations, and marketing and PR. 

The 2020 Stevie Awards for Women in Business will be judged by more than 200 leading professionals around the world, and nominees will have access to all the judges’ comments and suggestions about their nominations. The last call for entries for the Stevie Awards for Women in Business is September 16, 2020.

The 2019 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflected a diverse group of large and small organizations around the globe. Winners included, among others: 

  • Gail Becker, CEO, CAULIPOWER, Encino, CA USA
  • Alia Koudsi, Key Account Certified International Specialist, DHL Express, United Arab Emirates
  • Carolyn Tisch Blodgett, Senior VP and Head of Global Branding, Peloton, New York, NY USA
  • Carolyn Aronson, CEO and Founder, It’s a 10, Coral Springs, FL USA
  • Stephanie Wernick-Barker, President, Mondo, New York, NY USA
  • Siti Choiriana, Consumer Service Director, PT. Telekom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Oanh Phuong, Regional Head of Customer Support, HP Inc., Asia-Pacific and Japan
  • Margarita Simkin, Co-Founder and Executive Chairwoman, INKAS® Armored Vehicle Manufacturing, Toronto, Canada
  • Seda Kalyoncu, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Turkish Airlines, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Mejuri, Toronto, Canada
  • Law on Earth, Brisbane, Australia
  • Susan G. Komen, Chicago, IL USA
  • Asian Venture Philanthropy Network, Singapore


Topics: stevie awards for women in business

How to Build And Maintain Client Relationships Remotely

Posted by Sam O'Brien on Mon, Sep 21, 2020 @ 10:23 AM

Despite the pandemic, some of us have seen an incredible upturn in workload, and most have had to handle this surge in responsibility while working remotely. Remote workers face unique challenges, particularly as it pertains to forging new relationships while strengthening existing ones.

Suppose you’re a freelancer or are working independently. In that case, you may not need frequent check-in with clients. Additionally, meeting face to face may not be practical due to the social distancing guidelines in your country; never mind the ability to access an office. Other things to consider when communicating remotely are things like different time zones, expensive phone or internet tariffs, or a lack of technical know-how. 

With the influx of technology we have at our fingertips today, there are endless ways to make a connection with remote work tools, text, video calls, and instant messaging apps. You can stay in touch with your team, improve your skill set with personal development courses online, while staying up to date on projects with a team collaboration tool and continue sales prospecting as usual with cloud-based CRMs. 

Beyond technology, there are a few more practical ways to build and maintain client relationships wherever you’re working from. Let’s examine some. 

Establish a routine 

Creating a communication plan with clients is your first step to staying on track. If this is the onset of a new relationship, have an open discussion about contact frequency and format. Ensure this is transferred across to your team, so there are no missed conversations.

This information needn’t be strictly professional, either. You can use your creativity and identify information the client may find useful like news articles or product promotions. This proactivity lends itself kindly to good relationship building.

Get deeper

To help break the ice, have an icebreaker question or questions ready to go at the start of any meeting. Not all client relationships need to stay strictly in work boundaries. If you’re having a video chat, try putting something interesting or quirky in the frame in the hopes it sparks a conversation. 

Source: Adobe stock

Get your technology on the same wavelength 

With the myriad of communication tools available on the market, it’s essential that you ask your client their preferred method of contact, and ensure you’re set up to match it.

A client’s preferred communication method varies according to their personality, age, industry, and other factors.

Some people don’t like appearing on camera and would prefer all meetings done over the phone. A landline isn’t the best for this, given limited capability and the cost of a phone call these days.

If you are dealing with clients regularly on the phone, look into a VoIP line for home offices. A VoIP line works over the internet and can improve quality. It also can link up with your CRM to help track and record conversations with third-party integration

Have a look around for the best VoIP router to suit your budget. Personally, since you’re on the Stevie Awards page, maybe go for a vendor in this field who’s been recognized by the Stevie’s alreadyInterested in entering The 2021 International Business Awards? Request the entry kit.

If the client is happy to video chat, ensure you’ve got the right software and hardware to ensure no awkward freezes or too many “can you say that again-s?”

Source:Adobe stock

Try not get too familiar 

Because it's so easy to call or text a client, there's a tendency to forget business formality. While, as we mentioned earlier, there is a need to speak more casually, if it gets too casual, it can wade into unprofessional and disrespectful territory. This is a business relationship, not a friendship, and must be treated as such.

You do this by curating professionalism across communication channels. On a call, make sure you greet and leave the conversation accordingly. No "hey" or "cheers." On a video call, lose the sweatshirt and wear something more suitable. When texting, avoid emojis and text speak. Don't just launch into a conversation either. 

Acknowledge if you've made a mistake 

If you've messed up, then don't hesitate to make it known. Leaving it hanging will only haunt you, and may mean more than just embarrassment at the end of the day. Working remotely makes it harder to gain trust and loyalty. And mishandling a situation where you're the one at fault will only make this much harder.

If you've made an error, apologize, admit you were wrong, take responsibility, and clarify how this may impact the client. For instance, "I apologize, I missed that; unfortunately, it will set us back a few days. I ensure it won't be repeated." Following that, explain how it happened, take accountability, and work on making sure it doesn't happen again.

Source: Adobe stock

Be an active listener 

Active listening means just that, listening instead of just hearing. It can be hard to listen or get your point across in a remote setting; you may be missing out on a point or on context if you’re just waiting to comment.

Instead of thinking about what to say next, listen carefully to what a client is saying. Take active notes while working on your comprehension ability. Then, once a client has finished expressing themselves, relay their message back to them to ensure you’re both on the same page.

Active listening isn’t just for the phone or video call either; it’s across written communication as well. Make sure you’ve thoroughly read and understood a message before composing your reply. When responding, include a summary of their wishes to ensure consistency. 

Don’t get lost in the jargon 

When you’re in the office talking to your peers, you can drop all the acronyms and code words you want, because you’re speaking the same lingo. Often, your client may not be an expert in your specific sector, and so your industry-related terms may as well be written in Mandarin.

You must be sensitive to the words or terms your client may be unfamiliar with. If you’re not sure, avoid them altogether. In fact, communicating in this way may help both of you - as you learn to present your ideas, topic, or concepts in a way that forces you to think differently about their positioning. 


Working remotely can make client communication challenging. Even if you’re armed with your CRM, your project planners, an all in one desktop app that collects all communications, and a million post-it notes, there’s still plenty of room for error. However, by remembering all we’ve mentioned above, you can create and maintain productive and friendly client relationships no matter where you’re working from.


Sam O'Brien is the Senior Website Optimisation & User Experience Manager for EMEA at RingCentral, a Global VoIP, video conferencing and call centre software provider. Sam has a passion for innovation and loves exploring ways to collaborate more with dispersed teams. He has written for websites such as UC Today and Martech Advisor. Here is his LinkedIn.

Headshot: from RingCentral

Call for Entries Issued for 15th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Sep 17, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

Business Development, Customer Service, and Sales Achievements, Professionals, and More May Be Nominated

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has issued a call for entries for the 2021 (15th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Eligible nominees include departments, teams, and professionals from around the world who work in customer service, contact center, business development, and sales. New products and services and solution providers used by those professionals are also eligible. The 2021 awards will recognize achievements since July 1, 2019.

SASCS release

The early-bird entry deadline with reduced entry fees is October 14, 2020. The final entry deadline is November 12, but late entries will be accepted through January 13, 2021 with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced in mid-January, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be revealed during a gala awards banquet on March 5 (health and safety conditions permitting) at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service feature more than 150 sales awards, customer service awards, business development awards, new product awards, and solution provider awards categories. Entrants may submit any number of nominations to any number of categories, which include:

  •         Sales Individual categories such as Senior Sales Executive of the Year and Sales Representative of the Year
  •         Sales Team categories like Global Sales Team of the Year and Online Sales Team of the Year
  •         Sales Achievement categories such as Sales Turnaround of the Year and Sales Training or Coaching Program of the Year
  •         Sales Distinction categories in 14 industry groupings
  •         Customer Service and Contact Center Individual categories such as Front-Line Customer Service Professional of the Year and Customer Service Leader of the Year
  •         Customer Service and Contact Center Team categories like Contact Center of the Year and Back Office Customer Service Team of the Year
  •         Customer Service and Contact Center Achievement categories such as e-Commerce Customer Service Award and Award for Innovation in Customer Service
  •         Customer Service Department categories in 12 industry groupings
  •        Customer Service Success categories in five industry groupings
  •         New Product and Service categories like Best New Business Intelligence Solution and Best New Marketing Solution
  •         Solution Provider categories such as Sales Consulting Practice of the Year and Incentive, Rewards, or Recognition Provider of the Year
  •        Business Development categories such as Business Development Professional of the Year and Business Development Achievement of the Year - Hospitality & Leisure

New this year, for all categories the submission requirements have been simplified, offering the choice to submit a short video or brief answers to several directed questions.

New categories for 2021 include six free-to-enter COVID-19 response categories that will recognize outstanding efforts by business development, customer service, and sales professionals to address the pandemic's impact on their organizations, teammates, customers and communities.

Interested in entering the 2021 Stevie Awards 

2021 will see the return of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service, a popular feature of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service in which the general public may vote for their favorite providers of customer service, from among all finalist nominations in the Customer Service Department of the Year categories.

Winners of the 2020 edition of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service included American Airlines, Barclays, Carbonite, Cisco, Clarabridge, Cricket Wireless, Cvent, Delta Vacations, DHL Express, GoDaddy, Mailchimp, OneWest Bank, SAP, Wells Fargo Treasury Management, VIZIO Inc., and more.

The 2021 competition will be judged by more than 150 professionals around the world.

Topics: stevie awards for sales and customer service

Making Classic Technologies Cloud Compatible

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Sep 15, 2020 @ 09:45 PM
  • Red Hat’s Quarkus framework modernizes Java software by making it cloud-native

  • Revolutionary open-source project helps applications consume 1/10th the memory and startup 300x faster when compared to traditional Java

  • Quarkus helps Java maintain its platform leader status through modern innovation designed to meet the fast-paced, ever-changing demands of today’s businesses

Argentine Ministry of Health Enlists Red Hat to Help Establish a National  Digital Health Network | Business Wire

About Red Hat 

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open-source software solutions. They use a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Linux, hybrid cloud, contained, and Kubernetes technologies. 

Modernizing Fundamental Technology 

Red Hat’s Quarkus framework makes Java relevant where it otherwise may have been dismissed. Despite Java’s age, there are still millions of Java developers and numerous mission-critical enterprise applications running in Java in some of the world’s largest organizations. Quarkus is a Kubernetes-native Java framework tailored for GraaIVM and HotSpot, crafted from the best Java libraries and standards. The goal of Quarkus is to make Java a leading platform and serverless environment while offering developers a unified reactive and imperative programming model to optimally address a wider range of distributed application architectures. In recent years, there has been a massive investment in Java, but without Quarkus leading Java into cloud-native, modern app development, Java would run the risk of not being able to adequately meet the changing needs of businesses today. 


Quarkus represents a fundamental shift in modern application development and is designed to address some of the shortcomings that Java faces in cloud-native application architectures. Java developers are able to use Quarkus to build apps that have a faster startup time and take up less memory than traditional Java-based microservices frameworks. Quarkus includes flexible and easy to use APIs that enable developers to build cloud-native apps and best-of-breed frameworks. 

As an open source project, Quarkus has gained attention because of its revolutionary approach to running Java in the cloud, its native use of containers, and its ability to provide a true serverless runtime for Java. This framework is designed to work out-of-the-box with more than 80 popular Java extensions. Developers can choose the Java frameworks they want for their applications, which can be run in JVM mode or compiled and run in native mode. Quarkus also includes developer productivity capabilities, such as live coding so that developers can immediately check the effect of code changes and quickly troubleshoot them, unified imperative and reactive programming with an embedded managed event bus, unified configuration, and easy native executable generation. Quarkus builds applications to consume 1/10th the memory when compared to traditional Java and to have 300x faster startup times, both of which greatly reduce the cost of cloud resources.

Quarkus is designed to spark developer joy, meaning that tried and true Java developers are able to continue working in the language they know and love. Quarkus is changing the game when it comes to driving the future of Java. 

Red Hat won the Bronze Stevie for New Product & Service Categories - Business Technology - Software Development Solution in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2021 American Business Awards?

Request the entry kit

Topics: American business awards, technology innovations