A Handyman’s Perspective On Building an Award Winning Business

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Sun, Apr 05, 2020 @ 09:16 PM

Stevie-winner Chíc Creations Heaven started out as a two-person operation that has since expanded to two locations. Read about Daniel and Rebecca's story of growth and success.

Think about the success stories you love. Maybe one of your heroes or heroines overcame great adversity to be a successful athlete, or maybe that person became a doctor and now serves those suffering across the world. Maybe he or she wrote a song that changed your life. Everyone and everything has a story, and the most inspiring tales tend to be those of victory, where an individual or group rises up and conquers with integrity. In many cases, these heroes and heroines receive recognition for their work, whether that’s media coverage, a title, a medal, a trophy, or another award.


Daniel Foster and his wife, Rebecca, built their business, Chíc Creations Heaven—Gardening, Handyman, Joinery, Decorating, from scratch. Daniel went from having no work to operating two branches that serve Bridlington, England, and Yorkshire, England. He projects opening two more branches in the next 18 months. Receiving their due recognition, Chíc Creations Heaven recently won a Gold Stevie® Award in the Startup of the Year - Consumer Services Industries category at The 2019 International Business Awards®.

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Unemployed & Depressed to Business Owner

Daniel was unemployed and living in a seaside town with waning seasonal business. Tourists just were not coming to the area as much, and Daniel eventually started to fall into depression. In the meantime, he did odd jobs for his landlord to earn extra income, which used the labor and trade skills he had acquired throughout his life. 

“This gave me the confidence boost to seek more work in this area,” explains Daniel.

Daniel had worked previously in sales, and he began to use social media to launch Chíc Creations Heaven. He also focused on doing reputable work at an affordable price. If Daniel couldn’t complete the job himself, he hired another tradesman to complete it, paying a good wage.

“A happy worker is a productive one,” says Daniel.

The company has even generated temporary employment opportunities for seasonal workers. 

For businesses or individuals looking to emulate this model, here are five takeaways:

  • Don’t discredit any of your life or work experiences.
Daniel had worked many jobs before he discovered his niche. All those experiences worked together to form an entrepreneurial success story.
  • Being resourceful is essential to achieving business success.
When Daniel didn’t have the skills or time to meet a customer’s request, he found someone who did, and he paid that person well.
  • Even in this tech-focused economy, practical solutions at affordable costs are still pillars for success.
This business model isn’t a fancy app driven by artificial intelligence. It is a straightforward model of a person helping people with their property needs, and it is thriving.
  • Social media is a driving force for budding entrepreneurs.
Daniel launched his entire business with the help of social media. Networking and word of mouth helped the business grow. 
  • Paying people fairly helps build a strong reputation and helps grow a business.
If you pay people competitively, you are more likely to keep the right employees. Not only will you build employee loyalty, but you will also build customer loyalty, which can earn you repeat business. 

Two-Person Operation Opens Two Locations in One Year

Daniel and his wife, Rebecca, started this business. Daniel focused on operations, while his wife worked on marketing and graphics and took charge of the accounts. They currently manage a team of six, as well as two branches servicing North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, Humberside, and West Yorkshire (all in England). They passed their annual business goal of over £10,000 in one month, and they earned a profit of nearly £30,000 in the first year alone. 

They increased growth and had a particularly significant breakthrough after successfully putting up PROMESH security for a local beloved nonprofit, the Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary rescues and rehabilitates approximately 4,000 wild animals a year from anywhere in the United Kingdom and transports them back to their natural habitats. The nonprofit just celebrated 10 years.

“We gained a lot of business where they are located after that job was complete,” Daniel shared. 

Here are five more takeaways for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  • There is no shame in starting small. 
Sometimes the vision exceeds what the current situation is. When people haven’t fully achieved their visions yet, they can get discouraged. Even the biggest corporations started small, though. The Fosters went from having several clients to opening two branches in one year. 
  • Trial and error is part of growing.
There is always a learning curve when operating a business, meeting client needs, and regulating costs. This can be particularly tricky when labor and time are variable and higher cost. Daniel noted how learning to quote for work was a difficult process.
  • Perseverance is key.
People make mistakes. That’s part of business. It’s part of life. Keep at it. Learn from your mistakes, and keep going. 
  • Referrals help grow your business.
A lot of Daniel’s business, and some of his biggest growth, came from referrals after servicing the local nonprofit. It was a tipping point, of sorts, for his company. 
  • Doing the right thing counts.
Integrity goes a long way. For Daniel, this means paying employees and contractors fairly, offering work for seasonal employees, fixing homes for the elderly at a reduced rate, and working responsibly with community nonprofits. 

Winning Awards Is Good for Business 

Awards like the Stevie® Awards offer a standard and a metric for success that current and prospective clients, partners, and businesses in other verticals understand. After a successful first year, Daniel wanted to know where his business stood in the world. He searched and found the Stevie® Awards and submitted the application. As a result, Chíc Creations Heaven is now a Gold Stevie® Award winner.

The win strengthened this company’s brand locally, nationally, and internationally. It also instilled a deeper confidence in the Fosters and inspired them to pursue greater success as entrepreneurs. The Fosters’ goal is for Chíc Creations Heaven—Gardening, Handyman, Joinery, Decorating to become a national company in England and a major employer that offers great wages, benefits, and training to those who want to further their trade skills.

Topics: International business awards, The International Business Awards, Startup of the Year, 2019 International Business Awards

Startschuss für die Stevie® Awards for Great Employers 2020

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Apr 03, 2020 @ 09:42 AM

Es ist soweit. Die Bewerbungsphase für den jährlich ausgelobten Stevie® Awards for Great Employers läuft an. Zum fünften Mal zeichnet der bedeutende Wirtschaftspreis die weltweit besten Arbeitgeber sowie Teams und Manager im Personalbereich aus. Prämiert werden auch Dienstleister, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die Unternehmen darin unterstützen, bedeutsame Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu erhalten.


Bis zum 3. Juni dürfen Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - ob öffentlich oder privat, gewinnorientiert oder gemeinnützig, groß oder klein – Bewerbungen für die Stevie® Awards for Great Employers einreichen. Dann endet die reguläre Teilnahmefrist. Jedoch ist eine Bewerbung noch bis zum 22. Juli mit der Zahlung einer Nachgebühr möglich. Schnellentschlossene Teilnehmer profitieren von ermäßigten Teilnahmegebühren, wenn sie Einreichungen bis zum 29. April vornehmen.

Die Finalisten des internationalen Wettbewerbs werden am 13. August 2020 bekannt gegeben. Im Rahmen einer Galaveranstaltung im Hotel Caesars Palace in Las Vegas erhalten die Preisträger der Gold, Silber und Bronze Stevie Awards am 17. September ihre Auszeichnungen. Eine international besetzte Jury aus über 50 Führungskräften ermittelt die diesjährigen Stevie-Gewinner.

Alle wichtigen Informationen, wie sich Unternehmen am besten bewerben, sind zu finden unter www.StevieAwards.com/HR.

Sie möchten an den Stevie Awards for Great Employers 2020 teilnehmen?


Die Stevie Awards for Great Employers zeichnen Leistungen in folgenden Kategorien aus:

Arbeitgeber des Jahres erhalten die Employer of the Year Awards. Die Preisträger der 31 branchenspezifischen Arbeitgeber des Jahres  werden durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus öffentlicher Abstimmung und professionellen Bewertungen ermittelt. Die öffentliche Abstimmung findet vom 23. Juli bis zum 10. August 2020 statt.

Im Personalwesen werden die HR Achievement Awards vergeben. Einzelne Personen im Personalwesen erhalten die HR Individual Awards. Die besten externen Lösungsanbieter werden mit den Solution Provider Awards und die besten HR-Teams in den HR Team Categories ausgezeichnet. Lösungen, Implementierungen und Schulungsprogramme oder Medienkategorien werden in den Kategorien Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media Awards vergeben.

Für das Jahr 2020 sind viele neue Kategorien für HR-Leistungen hinzugekommen. Erstmals werden Leistungen im Bereich der Barrierefreiheit prämiert. Die beste Nutzung des mobilen Lernens und die innovativsten Lern- und Entwicklungsprogramme werden gesucht, ebenso das beste Team-Entwicklungsprogramm und besondere Leistungen in der Führungskräfteentwicklung.

Auch einzigartige attraktive Angebote, die ein Unternehmen potentiellen Arbeitnehmern anbietet, werden ausgezeichnet in der Kategorie Best Employee Value Proposition. Neu ist auch, dass bei 14 der 16 Auszeichnungen für einzelne Personen im Personalwesen keine Teilnahmegebühren erhoben werden.

2019 wurden aus 550 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aus 21 Nationen die Stevie-Gewinner in Gold, Silber und Bronze ermittelt. Zu den Preisträgern der Stevie Awards for Great Employers 2019 zählen unter anderem die Berliner Products Up GmbH. Sie gewann einen Gold Stevie Award in der Kategorie Employer of the Year - Computer Software - Up to 250 Employees.

Die Deutsche Telekom Services Europe AG gewann einen Silber Stevie in der Kategorie Achievement in Internal Communications und Bronze als Employer of the Year – Telecommunications. Und die DPDHL Deutschland gewann einen Bronze Stevie in der Kategorie Achievement in Recruitment.

Weitere Preisträger sind die Advisor Group (USA), Allianz Partners (USA), Cisco (USA), DenizBank A.Ş. (Turkei), Deutsche Telekom Services Europe (Deutschland), ej4 (USA), Globe Telecom, Inc. (Philippinen), IBM (USA), L&T Technology Services, Ltd. (Großbritanien), Paysafe Group (Kanada), Productsup (Deutschland), Techcombank (Vietnam), Toyota Turkey (Turkei).


Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Wirtschaftspreis HR, 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Jetzt bewerben: International Business Awards 2020

Posted by Catrin Beu on Fri, Apr 03, 2020 @ 06:12 AM

Die 17. International Business Awards® sind eröffnet. Ab sofort können Beiträge für den weltweit renommierten Wirtschaftspreis für Unternehmungsleistungen, der jährlich verliehen wird, eingereicht werden. Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - ob öffentlich oder privat, gewinnorientiert oder gemeinnützig, groß oder klein - dürfen ihre Empfehlungen für die International Business Awards® 2020 einreichen.


Die International Business Awards zeichnen herausragende Leistungen in allen Unternehmensbereichen aus, z.B. im Management, in der Kundenbetreuung oder im Marketing. Auch Produktneuheiten und Websites werden unter anderem prämiert. Neu hinzugekommen ist der Bereich geschäftliche Erfolge. Zu den Preisträgern gehören verschiedene Unternehmen und Führungskräfte aus aller Welt. Jedes Jahr gehen Nominierungen von Organisationen aus über 70 Nationen ein. Spezialisierte Jurygremien mit über 150 Fachjuroren ermitteln die Preisträger der Stevie Awards. Die Ergebnisse der Jurys werden am 11. August bekanntgegeben. Den Gewinnern werden die begehrten Stevie Awards Trophäen am 24. Oktober bei einem Gala-Bankett in Paris überreicht.

Für die Einreichungsphase gelten folgende Abgabefristen: Die erste Frist mit ermäßigten Teilnahmegebühren ist der 8. April. Die reguläre Teilnahmefrist endet am 13. Mai. Spätere Nominierungen werden noch bis einschließlich 17. Juni mit einer Nachgebühr akzeptiert.

Alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Teilnahmebedingungen und zu den Beiträgen finden Teilnehmer unter www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.


Den Teilnehmern der International Business Awards stehen verschiedene Kategorien zur Verfügung – etwa die Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, die speziell die Leistungen von Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten würdigen. Oder die Company of the Year Awards die Unternehmen des Jahres auszeichnen.

Die Stevie Awards haben für 2020 die Kategorien überarbeitet und einige Neuerungen eingeführt. Hinzugekommen sind neun neue Kategorien, um einzigartige geschäftliche Erfolge anzuerkennen, unter anderem in Bereichen wie Geschäftsumstellung, Finanzen, Umsatzgenerierung sowie Wissenschaft und Technologie.

Viele weitere Kategorien zeichnen besondere Leistungen in allen wichtigen Unternehmensfunktionen aus, unter anderem im Marketing mit den Marketing Awards, im Management mit den Management Awards, in der Kundenbetreuung mit den Customer Service Awards , in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit mit den Public Relations Awards  und in der IT mit den  Information Technology Awards. Leistungen im Bereich Produktentwicklung werden mit den New Product Awards ausgezeichnet und für den Personalbereich sind es die Human Resources Awards.

Eine große Auswahl an Kategorien würdigen auch herausragende Leistungen im Bereich der unternehmensbezogenen Medien und Publikationen. Beispiele hierfür sind die Awards für Website Awards, Awards für Smartphone und Tablet Apps sowie weitere Medien Awards

Eine vollständige Übersicht über die Kategorien findet man unter https://stevieawards.com/iba/categories. 

Die Stevie Awards haben für die International Business Awards® 2020 die Anforderungen für die Einreichungen verändert. Sie wurden in folgenden Kategorien vereinfacht: Company/Organization Awards, Corporate Communications & Public Relations Awards, Marketing Awards, and New Product & Product Management Awards. Statt des üblichen Essays, beantworten die Teilnehmer nun gezielt fünf Fragen zu ihren Leistungen. Als Alternative kann auch ein maximal fünfminütiges Video eingereicht warden, in dem diese Fragen beantwortet warden.

Für Nominierungen in den Kategorien Company of the Year" und in weiteren ausgewählten Kategorien fallen keine Teilnahmegebühren mehr an. Beiträge können in schriftlicher Form oder als maximal fünfminütiges Video eingereicht werden.

Zu den Preisträgern der International Business Awards 2019 zählen unter anderem ASDA’A BCW (United Arab Emirates), Cisco Systems, Inc. (USA), DHL Express (worldwide), Dubai Health Authority (United Arab Emirates), IBM (USA), Megaworld Foundation (Philippines), Meli Studio (Australia), NBCUniversal (USA), Switching-Time (China), Tata Consultancy Services (United Kingdom),  Vodafone Turkey Foundation (Turkey).

Topics: International business awards, 2020 International Business Awards

COVID-19パンデミックによるスティービー・アジア・パシフィック賞(2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie®Awards)のスケジュール改訂

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Mar 31, 2020 @ 06:03 AM

世界有数のビジネスアワードプログラムの主催者であるStevie®AwardsCOVID-19のパンデミックが進行中のため2020年(第7回)Asia-Pacific Stevie Awardsのスケジュール全体改訂すると発表しました


最終エントリー期限が617まで延長されました617までに提出されたエントリーには追加の遅延料金はされず、審査プロセスにおいてらかのペナルティをけることはありません 審査期間629まで延長されThe Asia-Pacific Stevie Awardsのゴールド、シルバー、ブロンズの受賞者は78に発表の予定です。ベトナムのハノイで529予定されてい7回表彰式、現在94に変更されております(場所はハノイで変更ありません)。

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards アジアパシフィック地域全体におけるイノベーションを評価す唯一のビジネスアワードプログラムですこのコンテストはジア太平洋地域29か国のすべての組織(組織の大小、営利/営利、公的/私的わずを対象としています

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards 、例えそれがどこの職場で達成されたものであってもあらゆる形態のイノベーションを表彰することに焦点を当てていますエントリーは、中国語、英語、インドネシア語、日本語、韓国語マレー語タイ語ベトナム語の8言語で受け付けられており、以下のカテゴリーに分類されています。







* 第7回 スティービー賞(The Stevie Awards)アジア・パシフィック(APSA)2020 のスポンサー企業はadobo magazinePR Newswire Asiaを含みます。

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービー賞, 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, アジア太平洋スティービー賞


Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Mar 31, 2020 @ 05:38 AM







史蒂夫奖的奖杯由制作艾美奖和其他国际知名奖项的公司负责制作,是世界上最受认可的商业奖项之一。「Stevie史蒂夫」的名字取自「Stephen斯蒂芬」, 派生于希腊语「加冕」一词。


史蒂夫®奖共有八大奖项,包括亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)德国史蒂夫奖(German Stevie Awards)美国商业奖(American Business Awards®)国际商业奖(The International Business Awards®)史蒂夫女性企业家奖(Stevie Awards for Women in Business)史蒂夫优秀雇主奖(Stevie Awards for Great Employers) 、以及史蒂夫销售与客户服务奖(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service)以及新设的中东史蒂夫奖Middle East Stevie Awards)。



*2020年亚太史蒂夫®奖的赞助商包括adobo magazine PR Newswire Asia

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 亚洲-太平洋史蒂夫奖, 史蒂夫, 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

코로나19의 영향으로, 2020 아시아-태평양 스티비상 일정 변경

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Mar 31, 2020 @ 05:12 AM

세계 최고의 비즈니스 대상 프로그램 운영조직 스티비 어워즈(The Stevie® Awards)는 코로나19의 영향으로 2020 (제7회) 아시아-태평양 스티비상(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards)의 전체 일정을 변경한다고 발표했다.


먼저 최종 출품 마감일이 6 17일로 더 연장된다. 추가적인 지체료는 부과되지 않으며, 6 17일까지 제출되는 출품작들은 어떤 이유로든 심사 과정에서 불이익을 받지 않는다. 심사 과정은 6 29일까지 연장되며, , , 동 스티비상 수상자들은 7 8일 발표된다. 5 29일 베트남 하노이에서 열리기로 했던 제7회 시상식의 일정은 9 4일 하노이로 변경된다.

아시아-태평양 스티비상은 아시아-태평양 전 지역에 걸쳐 비즈니스계의 '혁신'을 시상하는 유일한 비즈니스 대상 프로그램이며, 대규모와 소규모, 영리와 비영리, 공공과 민간에 상관 없이, 아태지역 29개국에 있는 모든 조직들에 열려 있다.

이 상은 어떤 일터에서 성취되었든, 모든 형태의 혁신을 시상하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 출품작들은 8개의 언어(한국어, 말레이어, 영어, 인도네시아어, 일본어, 중국어, 태국어, 베트남어)로 출품할 수 있으며, 출품이 가능한 카테고리에는 연례보고서 및 출판물 부문, 고객 서비스 부문, 기업/조직 부문, HR 부문, IT 부문, 경영 부문, 마케팅 부문, 비디오 부문, 신제품 부문, 기업 커뮤니케이션, IR, PR 부문, 웹사이트 부문 등이 있다.

2020년의 새로운 점은, 전통적인 스티비상의 에세이 대신 성취에 대한 5분 길이의 비디오를 제출할 수 있다는 것이다. 이는 모든 카테고리에 해당된다
, , 동 스티비상 수상자들은 아태 전 지역의 수많은 전문가들이 심사 과정에 참가해 결정한다.
스티비상 트로피는 애미상을 비롯 여러 국제적인 비즈니스 상의 트로피를 제작한 곳에서 만든 것으로 세계에서 가장 갖고 싶어하는 상 중의 하나이다. 상명인 스티비(Stevie)는 그리스어로 왕관(Crowned)’을 의미한다.

스티비 어워즈에 대하여

스티비 어워즈는 아시아-태평양 스티비상(Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards), 국제 비즈니스 대상(The International Business Awards®), 여성 기업인 스티비 대상(Stevie Awards for Women in Business), 영업 고객서비스 스티비 대상(Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service), 미국 비즈니스 대상(The American Business Awards®), 독일 스티비상(German Stevie Awards), 위대한회사 스티비상(Stevie Awards for Great Employers), 그리고 새로운 중동 스티비상(Middle East Stevie Awards) 8개 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 스티비상에는 매년 70여 국가에서 1 2천 이상의 조직이 출품한다. 모든 형태와 규모의 조직 및 그 조직을 이끄는 사람들의 명예를 기리는 스티비 어워즈는 전세계 기업들이 창출해낸 뛰어난 성과들을 인정하는 일을 하고 있다. 스티비상에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.StevieAwards.com에서 볼 수 있다.

*adobo magazinePR Newswire Asia2020년 아시아-태평양 스티비상의 공식 스폰서이다.

Topics: 스티비상, 비즈니스대상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Schedule Revised for 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Mar 31, 2020 @ 04:48 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world's premier business awards programs, announced that they are revising the entire schedule for the 2020 (seventh annual) Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


They have extended the final entry deadline for the awards to June 17. No additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through June 17, and the entries will not be penalized in any way in the judging process. The judging process will extend through June 29. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced on July 8. The seventh annual awards banquet, originally scheduled for May 29 in Hanoi, Vietnam, is now rescheduled for September 4 in Hanoi.

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards is the only business awards program to recognize innovation throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. The competition is open to all organizations across 29 nations of the Asia-Pacific region: large and small, for-profit and non-profit, public and private.

The awards focus on recognizing innovation in all its forms, wherever it is achieved in the workplace. Entries are accepted in eight languages - Chinese, English, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Thai and Vietnamese - in the following category groups:

New for 2020, you may now submit a video of up to five (5) minutes in length about your achievements, in all categories, instead of the traditional Stevie Awards written essay.

Scores of professionals from throughout the region will participate in the judging process to determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners.

The Stevie Award trophies, made by the company that makes the Emmy and other major international awards, are among the world's most coveted prizes. The name Stevie is taken from the name Stephen, which is derived from the Greek for "crowned".

* Sponsors of the 2020 (7th annual) Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards include adobo magazine and PR Newswire Asia.

Are you interested in entering the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards?

Request the entry kit


Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Call for Entries Issued for The 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Posted by Daniel Ferguson on Mon, Mar 30, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

Fifth Annual Awards Honoring Employers and HR Professionals Is Accepting Nominations

The Stevie Awards has issued the call for entries for the fifth annual Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, which honor the world’s best companies to work for and the human resources teams, professionals, suppliers, and new products and services that help to create and drive great places to work.


All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit, and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is April 29. The final entry deadline is June 3, but late entries will be accepted through July 22 with payment of a late fee. Entry details are available at www.StevieAwards.com/HR.

Interested in entering The 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers?

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An international judging panel of more than 50 executives will determine the Stevie Award winners. Finalists will be announced on August 13. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be revealed and presented their awards at a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on September 17.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new categories in 2020 for HR achievements including Achievement in Accessibility, Achievement in Leadership Development, Best Employee Value Proposition (EVP), Best Team Development Program, Best Use of Mobile Learning, and Most Innovative Learning and Development Program. Of the 16 HR Individual categories, 14 do not require an entry fee.

Winners in the 31 industry-specific Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blend of public votes and professional ratings. Public voting will take place from July 23–August 10.

Stevie Award winners in 2019 included Advisor Group (USA), Allianz Partners (USA), Cisco (USA), DenizBank A.Ş. (Turkey), ej4 (USA), Globe Telecom, Inc. (Philippines), IBM (USA), L&T Technology Services, Ltd. (UK), Paysafe Group (Canada), Productsup (Germany), Techcombank (Vietnam), Toyota Turkey (Turkey), and many more.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Great Employers, 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Rethinking Corporate Video

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Fri, Mar 27, 2020 @ 11:49 AM

Stevie-winner KÖNIGSKLASSE#1 is a video production team that travels to their clients' locations to produce corporate videos in order to make business leaders more comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

Video marketing is a vital tool in your brand promotion toolbox, and it’s becoming more essential to ROI every day. In 2019, it is no longer sustainable to avoid video content because you’re scared of the medium or you don’t think you have the resources to create something watchable. Success means hopping on board and understanding why video is one of the most profitable and versatile digital marketing tools around.


Videos Increase Conversions

According to Forrester’s research into digital marketing, if you add a product video to your landing page, it is possible to double your conversion rate. Similarly, if you embed an informational video about your service, you are more likely to see sales of that service. 

Hiring a great video production team is an investment worth making, as they can help you create an engaging video that showcases your company. Although it is possible to create a corporate video with online tools, poorly produced content can turn off customers. To ensure your video is giving you the best possible return on investment, focus on top-quality content presented in a slick way.

Know, Like, and Trust

Many businesspeople use the “know, like, and trust” mantra, but building trust truly helps your audience engage with your company. If you’re using video to provide potential customers with useful, interesting information, you are creating a valuable relationship. Whether you’re using your video content on your company website or getting it in front of your audience via your social media channels, you need to concentrate on trust, not just traffic. 

As Martin Grosse of KÖNIGSKLASSE#1 notes, “the corporate video market will shift within the process of digital transformation … to revolutionize the thinking of how a corporate video should look and how it should be consumed.”

KÖNIGSKLASSE#1_logoStevie-winner KÖNIGSKLASSE#1, which is located in Munich, Germany, makes a point of traveling to a company’s location in order to make business-to-business (B2B) corporate videos. This allows the C-suite of the business to be comfortable in front of the camera, which lets them shine.

Engagement with Content

LinkedIn is the social media channel of choice for engaging CEOs and decision-makers. Video is an integral part of getting in front of your audience and capturing their attention, and video plays automatically in your LinkedIn feed, which also helps to increase engagement. Additionally, LinkedIn is the perfect platform to showcase your company’s authenticity, allowing your C-suite to demonstrate the human side of the business. 

One pitfall of video content marketing is that B2B corporate videos can look very similar. That’s why you need to present your content in a way that keeps people watching. In addition to showing your brand’s accessibility, keep in mind how your audience is likely to be viewing your video. According to Insivia, mobile views are on the rise as more and more people check their social media platforms on the go. Google reveals that people who use smartphones are 1.4 times more likely to feel a sense of personal connection to video content they watch on a mobile device.

The key to a successful video marketing campaign is creating entertaining content that people are likely to share. To do this, it’s important to demonstrate value to your audience and keep them engaged in your message. 

In recognition of its innovative approach to video marketing commitment, KÖNIGSKLASSE#1 earned a Silver Stevie® Award in the Company of the Year - Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations - Small category at The 2019 International Business Awards®.

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Topics: International business awards, company of the year, corporate video, 2019 International Business Awards

American Business Awards Final Entry Deadline Further Extended to May 5

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 26, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of The American Business Awards®, announced today that the final entry deadline for the 18th annual ABA competition has been further extended to May 5. The organizers said it is apparent that the original final deadline extension to April 14 will not be enough time for American organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to submit their nominations of achievement.

No additional late fees will be charged, and nominations submitted through May 5 will not be penalized in any way in the judging process. Organizers still hope to be able to stage the 18th ABA awards banquet at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on Friday, June 12.

The American Business Awards are widely considered to be the premier business awards program in the U.S.A. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations— public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large, and small. The 2020 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2019. Entry details are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/ABA.

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With the announcement of the deadline extension organizers said they have waived all fees for nominations to the Startup of the Year and Tech Startup of the Year categories, for organizations that began operations since the beginning of 2018.

ABA pic for linkedin big

The further extension of the final entry deadline has prompted the organizers to change several other dates in the 2020 ABA calendar:

  • May 10: Revised end of judging
  • May 15: Revised winners notification and announcement
  • May 15 - June 5: Revised window for public voting in the People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Products

The American Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

More than 200 executives on 13 juries will rate nominations to determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners.

The list of past Stevie Award winners in The American Business Awards reads like a who’s who of innovation and business success in the U.S.A. Explore the list of last year’s winners.

Topics: The American Business Awards, American business awards, tech awards, deadline extension, startup awards