Data Analysis at Lightning Speed with GigaSpaces

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Jul 28, 2020 @ 10:11 PM
  • Accessing data through GigaSpaces accelerates the operation by up to 100x, meaning that analyses can be processed in minutes instead of hours.
  • GigaSpaces solves the problem of processing rapidly growing data from different sources by seamlessly accessing external data stores to improve the efficiency and streamline business intelligence. 
  • By interacting with data as it streams through the network in real time, users of GigaSpaces can proactively enhance network performance to improve customer satisfaction and to prevent technological slowdowns and glitches. 

About GigaSpaces

GigaSpaces provides the fastest in-memory computing platforms for real-time insight to action and extreme transactional processing. With GigaSpaces, enterprises can operationalize machine learning and transactional processing to gain real-time insights on their data and act upon them in the moment for mission-critical applications across the globe.


GigaSpaces AnalyticsXtreme, launched in February 2019, accelerates analytics running on real-time and historical data, thus enabling companies to generate smarter, faster insights for better business intelligence on big data. More efficient queries, analytics, and machine learning on live data enriched with historical data can have a huge impact on several time-critical applications.  These include predictive maintenance, live risk analysis, fraud detection, dynamic pricing, personalized services, customer 360, and location-based advertising.

Using AnalyticsXtreme to access information stored on data lakes is accelerated by up to 100x, and batch analytics can run in minutes instead of hours. For example, when stock market data was streamed using AnalyticsXtreme to speed up searches on data lakes, queries were completed in six milliseconds instead of 2.5 seconds—100 to 400 times faster. This time reduction can have a huge impact on trading profitability that requires split-second buy and sell decisions.

How It Works

AnalyticsXtreme accelerates analytics by providing a unified speed layer over different data storage technologies (Hadoop, Amazon s3, Azure Blob Storage) on premise, cloud and multi-cloud. With AnalyticsXtreme, all types of data (structured, unstructured, and semi-structured including tables, key-value, objects, documents, text, graph, images, etc.) is ingested into a multi-model speed layer, reducing the need to stream the data multiple times and accelerating processing by reducing the operational overhead. By co-locating business logic and data, events are processed as they enter the system, resulting in a reduction of multiple network hops and overhead.

A vast array of industries can benefit from this extreme transactional and analytical processing. Insurers can perform a continuous risk analysis to determine the optimal premiums for policyholders. Loan approvals can be executed in near real time. Online retailers can ingest, store, and analyze huge amounts of data about competitor’s offers, personal preferences, and more to generate best offers. Customer service applications can automatically transfer calls to the most relevant agent and then provide answers based on responses to similar requests. Transportation companies can use a live view of vehicles and operators to optimize routes and to protect the personal safety of their passengers. By interacting with rich, real-time data as it streams through the network, telecommunications companies can proactively enhance network performance to prevent customer frustration due to a lack of coverage, slow page downloads, and stuttering video.


GigaSpaces’ COVID-19 Response

Meeting the expectations of the “customer of now” will require advanced technology that can deliver actionable personalized information at split-second speeds. Real-time analysis is an essential capability, enabling organizations to deliver excellent customer experiences and improve profitability. AnalyticsXtreme solves the problem of ingesting, processing, storing, and analyzing large and rapidly growing data from diverse data sources. It also seamlessly accelerates access to external data stores to improve the wisdom and speed of business intelligence. To provide better scaling and availability to ride out the COVID crisis, GigaSpaces offered a free Go-Live professional services package.

GigaSpaces won the Gold Stevie Award for New Product & Service Categories—Business Technology in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards, emerging technology

Helping the Planet Recover with Essential Oils

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Jul 27, 2020 @ 11:04 PM
  • Essential oil industry leader sets high standards for sustainability, conservation, and community support. 
  • “All businesses should have a human focus and an environmental focus”. 
  • Young Living is more than an essential oil company - they exceed expectations in every way by creating a sustainable business model, aiding those in need, and caring for the planet and its inhabitants.

About Young Living

Young Living Essential Oils is a leader of the modern essential oil movement. Young Living was founded in 1994 by D. Gary Young, and since then, they have expanded into 29 worldwide offices that oversee 33 markets, 24 corporate-owned and partner farms, nearly 600 individual products, and more than 3200 employees. As the world leader in essential oils, Young Living’s vision is to bring the benefits of essential oils to every home. They take their industry leadership seriously by setting a standard for sustainability, conservation, and giving back to the community. 

young living

Celebrating Earth Day

Young Living declared an inaugural company holiday to give back to their local community. Around 2000 employees participated in service projects to cultivate gardens, plant trees, clear trash, and tidy trails. They have also partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to restore wildlife habitat by planting more than 5000 trees (on behalf of each Young Living team member) in Fishlake National Forest. 

Eco-Friendly Achievements 

In 2019, Young Living spearheaded many impactful efforts to protect the lives of those they touched. Last year, they increased focus on corporate and community sustainability efforts. In particular, the Spanish Fork warehouse reduced its waste to about 1% in just eight months. Open-top dumpsters were repurposed, and plastics, office paper, metals, pallet wrap, wood, etc. have their own bins for recycling, or turning into energy. 

Lehi employees moved into the brand-new global headquarters, which includes more than 20 eco-friendly features, including regionally-sourced construction materials, vehicle charging stations, and extensive recycling systems. As a result, Young Living was given LEED and Green Globe certifications, as well as the 2019 Utah Business Green Business Award. 

Last year, they also implemented a new water recycling program at their Utah-based farm, saving close to 260 million gallons of water per year, which earned the 2019 SEAL Award. The Green Team was created to not only lead green initiatives, but to support efforts in the community as well. This team participates in the Utah Sustainable Business Coalition with the mission to connect with other local businesses to implement sustainable practices. Young Living’s conservation efforts are ensuring that animals and their habitats are protected and preserved. Both the global headquarters and the Utah-based farm are home to milkweed waystations to support migrating monarch butterflies, helping to offset the loss of milkweeds and nectar sources needed. 



Each year they donate a portion of their proceeds from their Animal Scents products to benefit the Vital Grounds Foundation. Their mission is to protect and restore North America’s grizzly bear populations by conserving wildlife habitats. 

The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation led their 2019 global philanthropic efforts which impacted over 220,000 lives, raised $5.5 million in donations, and supported 86 organizations. 

The Young Living Academy in Ecuador educated 350 students in 2019, and celebrated the 21 graduates of the fourth graduating class.

By partnering with Hope for Justice, Young Living has impacted over 18,000 lives and helped end human trafficking and slavery. 

This nature-friendly company is continually growing deep roots in purpose, people, and our planet. As frequently quoted by the president and COO, Jared Turner, “We firmly believe that all businesses should have a human focus and an environmental focus”. Young Living is a purpose-filled company, fueled by what really matters - making the world a better place so we can all continue to enjoy nature’s living energy. 

Young Living’s COVID-19 Response

Young Living has stepped up their social responsibility efforts by partnering with several non-profit organizations to help those in need: 

  • They are working with Baby2Baby to fulfill needs for baby essentials and personal care items in family resource centers, homeless shelters, health clinics, and Head Start centers across the US.
  • They donated over 400lbs of food to the Utah Food Bank. 
  • They offered the use of their corporate Lehi Building to the Utah Department of Health as hospital overflow. 
  • Their Philippines office raised funds for the Red Cross to benefit front-line workers in the country.  
  • Employees have sown over 2500 fabric masks for use by employees in the Spanish Fork warehouse and for donation to the Navajo Nation Tribe. Operations continue, with additional masks being donated to local health care organizations. 
  • The D. Gary Young, Young Living foundation donated $100,000 to the International Rescue Committee’s COVID-19 response efforts which helps people impacted by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and regain control of their future. This is accomplished by providing aid in crisis-stricken areas to pave the way for long-term recovery in over 40 countries. 
  • Young Living donated over $200,000 to the Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund. 
  • They are donating Thieves hand sanitizer to fire and police departments, school districts, health care workers, and other vital support areas. 

Young Living won the Silver Stevie for Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year - At Organizations With More Than 2,500 Employees in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2021 American Business Awards? 

Request the entry kit here.

Topics: American business awards, consumer products, consumer product awards

Stevie® Awards verlängern die finale Teilnahmefrist der Stevie® Awards for Great Employers bis zum 5. August

Posted by Jule Kern on Thu, Jul 23, 2020 @ 10:08 AM

Die Stevie® Awards, Veranstalter der Stevie Awards for Great Employers, haben die Verlängerung der finalen Teilnahmefrist des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs bis zum 5. August 2020 bekanntgegeben.

"Wir haben so viele Anfragen für einzelne Fristverlängerungen erhalten, dass wir beschlossen haben, die Frist für alle zu verlängern", sagte Maggie Gallagher, Präsidentin der Stevie Awards. Gallagher betont, dass für Nachmeldungen, die bis zum 5. August eingereicht werden, keine zusätzlichen Nachgebühren erhoben werden und diese im Rahmen des Bewertungsverfahrens nicht benachteiligt oder abgestraft werden. Alle Organisationen haben jetzt noch drei Wochen Zeit, um ihre Einträge vorzubereiten und einzureichen.


Die fünfte jährliche Auszeichnung für die weltweit besten Arbeitsplätze nimmt weiterhin Nominierungen entgegen

Teilnehmen dürfen Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit – ob öffentlich oder privat, gewinnorientiert oder gemeinnützig, groß oder klein. Der Fokus liegt auf den Leistungen, die erbracht wurden, um Unternehmen darin zu unterstützen, herausragende Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu erhalten.

Eingereicht werden dürfen in den 2020 Awards Leistungen, die seit Anfang des Jahres 2019 erbracht wurden. Informationen, wie sich Unternehmen am besten bewerben, finden Sie unter


Zu Ihren Teilnahmeunterlagen


Neue Kategorien im Bereich HR-Leistungen

Für das Jahr 2020 gibt es viele neue Kategorien für HR-Leistungen, darunter

  • Leistungen im Bereich der Barrierefreiheit
  • Leistungen in der Führungskräfteentwicklung
  • Best Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
  • Bestes Teamentwicklungsprogramm
  • Beste Nutzung des mobilen Lernens und das Innovativste Lern- und Entwicklungsprogramm

In 14 der 16 Auszeichnungen für einzelne Personen im Personalwesen werden keine Teilnahmegebühren erhoben.

Mehrere Kategorien zum Umgang mit COVID-19 am Arbeitsplatz wurden kürzlich zum Wettbewerb hinzugefügt, um den positiven Umgang von Arbeitgebern und Personalverantwortlichen mit der Pandemie zu würdigen. Auch für diese Kategorien wird keine Teilnahmegebühr erhoben.

Die Preisträger der 31 branchenspezifischen Arbeitgeber des Jahres Kategorien werden durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus öffentlicher Abstimmung und professionellen Bewertungen ermittelt. Die öffentliche Abstimmung findet vom 23. Juli bis zum 10. August 2020 statt.

Die Stevie Awards for Great Employers zeichnen Leistungen in vielen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt aus. Unter anderem in den folgenden Kategorien:

Im Anschluss an die Bewerbungsphase ermittelt eine international besetzte Jury aus über 100 Führungskräften die diesjährigen Stevie Award Preisträger. Die goldenen, silbernen und bronzenen Stevie-Preisträger werden am 4. November im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt.

Topics: 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

The Stevie® Awards for Great Employers Final Deadline Extended through August 5

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jul 23, 2020 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, announced today that the final entry deadline for the fifth annual competition has been extended to Wednesday, August 5. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers honors the world’s best companies to work for and the HR teams and professionals, HR achievements, new products and services and suppliers that help to create and drive great workplaces.

“We’ve received so many requests for individual deadline extensions that we’ve decided to extend the deadline for everyone,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher. The original final deadline was July 22. Gallagher emphasizes that no additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through August 5, and late entries will not be penalized in the judging process. All organizations now have three more weeks to prepare and submit their entries.


All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The 2020 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2019. Entry details are available at

Request Your Entry Kit

There are many new categories in 2020 for HR achievements including Achievement in Accessibility, Achievement in Leadership Development, Best Employee Value Proposition (EVP), Best Team Development Program, Best Use of Mobile Learning, and Most Innovative Learning and Development Program. Of the 16 HR Individual categories, 14 do not require an entry fee.

Several COVID-19 Response categories were recently added to the competition to recognize the positive ways that employers and HR professionals have responded to the pandemic. These categories have no entry fee.

Winners in the 31 industry-specific Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blend of public votes and professional ratings. Public voting will take place from July 23–August 10.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers will recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Employer of the Year
  • HR Achievements
  • HR Individual Awards
  • HR Team Categories
  • Solution Provider Awards
  • More than 50 New Product & Service Categories
  • COVID-19 response

More than 100 professionals worldwide, working on several juries, will determine the Stevie Award winners. Winners in the 2020 Stevie Awards for Great Employers will be honored at virtual awards ceremony on November 4.

Topics: hr awards, human resources awards, Stevie Awards for Great Employers

The Stevie® Awards Issues Call for Entries in 17th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Jul 22, 2020 @ 10:31 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has issued the call for entries for its 2020 (17th annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at

The awards are produced by the creators of the prestigious American Business Awards® and International Business Awards®.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor the achievements of working women in more than 100 categories, including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Mentor or Coach of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Achievement in Equal Pay, Women Helping Women, Employee of the Year, Woman-Owned or -Run Company of the Year and Innovator of the Year. All female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run, worldwide, are eligible to be nominated.

SAWIB call for entries 2020

The submission requirements for all categories have been revised and simplified for 2020. Instead of a 650-word essay as in previous years, submissions now require answers to a set of questions, or a video submission up to five minutes in length.

The final entry deadline is August 19, and late entries will be accepted through September 16 with payment of a late fee. Winners will be announced on September 29, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners will be celebrated at a virtual awards ceremony on December 9.

Request Your Entry Kit

New this year are COVID-19 response awards categories for individuals, organizations, and marketing and PR. These categories do not have entry fees, but the $55/entry late fee will apply for entries submitted after August 19.

COVID-19 response categories include:
-Frontline Medical Hero of the Year-Education Hero of the Year
-Delivery Hero of the Year
-Public Service Hero of the Year
-Most Exemplary Employer
-Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - COVID-19-related Information
and more

The Marketing and PR Campaign of the Year categories have been greatly expanded for 2020. Startup of the Year categories do not have entry fees as well as the categories for Government and Non-Profits.

The 2019 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflected a diverse group of large and small organizations around the globe. Winners included, among others: 

  • Gail Becker, CEO, CAULIPOWER, Encino, CA USA
  • Alia Koudsi, Key Account Certified International Specialist, DHL Express, United Arab Emirates
  • Carolyn Tisch Blodgett, Senior VP and Head of Global Branding, Peloton, New York, NY USA
  • Carolyn Aronson, CEO and Founder, It’s a 10, Coral Springs, FL USA
  • Stephanie Wernick-Barker, President, Mondo, New York, NY USA
  • Siti Choiriana, Consumer Service Director, PT. Telekom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Oanh Phuong, Regional Head of Customer Support, HP Inc., Asia-Pacific and Japan
  • Margarita Simkin, Co-Founder and Executive Chairwoman, INKAS® Armored Vehicle Manufacturing, Toronto, Canada
  • Seda Kalyoncu, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Turkish Airlines, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Mejuri, Toronto, Canada
  • Law on Earth, Brisbane, Australia
  • Susan G. Komen, Chicago, IL USA
  • Asian Venture Philanthropy Network, Singapore

The 2020 Stevie Awards for Women in Business will be judged by more than 200 leading professionals around the world, and nominees will have access to all the judges’ comments and suggestions about their nominations.

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Serial Entrepreneur Leads Teams to Success

Posted by Hailey Roos on Mon, Jul 20, 2020 @ 05:05 PM
  • Under the guidance of Carl Gould, the 7 Stage Advisors team helps clients discover where they need to place their efforts for maximum efficacy by coaching, mentoring, and training clients on how to sustain growth over an extended period.
  • Gould’s dynamic presentations, practical content, and real-world experience makes him one of the world’s most sought-after speakers. 
  • Gould built three multi-million dollar businesses by the age of 40 and has donated thousands of hours of coaching to populations in need. 

About 7 Stage Advisors 

7 Stage Advisors addresses the needs of small- to mid-market firms in a variety of ways through coaching, mentoring, and training. Many of 7 Stage Advisors’ clients need guidance on how to best accelerate and sustain their business growth. This team helps clients discover where they need to place their efforts for maximum efficacy by coaching, mentoring, and training clients on how to sustain growth over an extended period.


Carl Gould

Gould is an inspirational leader, always challenging those around him to seek out their passions, reach their potential, and make and achieve their goals. He has experienced adversity and challenges in his life. However, he has used those experiences to push himself in new directions by never allowing negative circumstances to dictate his potential future opportunities. For example, when he was in college, he broke his leg which required several surgeries and extensive recuperation. Gould was forced to drop out of college because his funding ran out. This “opportunity,” however, was where it all started: It was his chance to start a business and begin his path to entrepreneurship.


Gould’s Achievements 

Gould donated over 1,000 coaching hours to those in need including the homeless, military personnel, assisted living and nursing home recipients, students, and emerging entrepreneurs. This coaching experience not only aligned with his philanthropic values, but it also helped him hone his skills as one of the pioneers of the coaching and professional services sector.

A serial entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Gould built three multi-million dollar businesses by the age of 40. He is at the forefront of the entrepreneurial community domestically and globally. Gould believes that the mark of a great leader/executive is defined by the value you create for others and the legacy you leave behind. There are more than 7,000 advisors worldwide that are serving over 35,000 businesses on six continents as a result of Gould’s methodologies. His company, 7 Stage Advisors, has mentored the launch of over 5,000 businesses. 7 Stage Advisors donated over 400 hours of coaching to entrepreneurs as a service to the community. 

Recent Accolades

The past couple of years have been a busy time for Gould. He has extended his impact not only domestically but around the world, through mentoring, coaching, consulting, speaking, and appearing in the media. He is also an influential thought leader in the area of business growth, focusing on growth strategies for small- to mid-market companies. 

Gould’s dynamic, energetic presentation style combined with his practical, impactful content and real-world experience are the reasons why he is one of the most sought-after speakers globally. He engages his audience and keeps them on the edge of their seats. His content is original, profound, and battle-tested.

Gould appears regularly in print publications, podcasts, and on television and radio, providing his expertise and analysis on today's most pressing political and business issues. His appearances include Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, Forbes, and iHeartRadio.

This year he launched his own daily micro-podcast #70secondCEO, a daily fix for busy CEOs and entrepreneurs. 


This year also saw the launch of Hypergrowth Academy. Gould grew four businesses in his career (landscaping, construction, real estate development, and coaching) and advised tens of thousands of others on six continents to do the same. He now wants to help others achieve their business goals. Gould’s inspiration for the academy came from the tremendous lessons he has learned, the benefit of working with top mentors, and the experiences he has been grateful for his entire career.

Since 2019, his major accomplishments include: 

  • Launching “#70secondCEO”, a daily micro-podcast for CEOs and business owners
  • Launching Hypergrowth Academy for committed entrepreneurs who want to build a sustainable, profitable business that reaches its full potential 
  • Donating 7 Stage Advisors’ mentoring services to over 240 businesses in eight countries
  • Winning Visionary Co-Chair for the Entrepreneur’s Organization NJ chapter
  • Winning The Bronze Stevie® Award - Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Becoming a member of Forbes Coaches Council 
  • Winning the prestigious CEO World Awards® in the Gold Award Entrepreneur of the Year category
  • Winning NJBIA Executive of the Year award
  • Mentoring entrepreneurs in five countries
  • Being the keynote at conferences in seven different countries

7 Stage Advisors’ COVID-19 Response

This team has been helping CEOs, business owners, and others navigate through this pandemic, equipping them to cope with the swift changes and come through prepared and stronger than before. 7 Stage Advisors has offered live sessions and weekly offerings including helpful Q&A time to hear and respond to their business needs on a weekly basis.

7 Stage Advisors won the Silver Stevie for Entrepreneur of the Year - Business & Professional Services in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2021 American Business Awards? 

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Topics: entrepreneur, American business awards

Winners Announced in 2020 People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite New Products

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Jul 20, 2020 @ 09:49 AM

4Life Transfer Factor Collagen received the most votes in the 2020 People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite New Products, a feature of The American Business Awards®, the U.S.A.’s top business awards program, which are now in their 18th year.

The worldwide public vote was conducted last month, with the highest number of votes deciding the winners in a variety of product categories. More than 87,000 votes were cast.  To win, a category’s leading vote-getter had to have received at least 100 votes. 4Life Transfer Factor Collagen collected more than 19,000 votes.

The crystal People’s Choice Stevie Awards will be mailed to Stevie Winners before they are honored at the virtual awards ceremony on August 5. There, the winners of peer-adjudicated Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Awards will also be honored for their awards.

Peoples choice aba

All new products and services nominated in the new product awards categories of this year’s American Business Awards were eligible to be included in voting for the people’s choice awards.

The winners of the 2020 People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Products are:

-Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Solution: Retention Intelligence
-API Management Solutions: Ambassador Edge Stack
-Business-to-Business Service: Credit Logix
-Big Data Solution: Tavant Manufacturing Analytics Platform
-Biz/Competitive Intelligence Solutions: Datamatics TruCap+
-Business Technology – Other: Ericom Shield
-Cloud Infrastructure: Wind River Cloud Platform
-Cloud Platforms: iboss cloud
-Cloud Storage / Backup: Quest Software's QoreStor 6.0
-Collaboration/Social Networking Solution: Passageways' OnSemble Employee Intranet
-Consumer Electronics: The SpotOn Virtual Smart Fence
-Consumer Products – Durables: Delta® Glass Rinser
-Consumer Products – Other: 4Life Skincare & Age-Defiance
-Content Management Solution: Laserfiche Vault
-Content Solution: Humana's CMS EOB statement merge
-Corporate Learning/Workforce Development Solution: Articulate 360
-Digital Process Automation Solution: Creatio
-Education Solution: Emotional ABCs Classroom
-Endpoint Security Management Solution: Ericom Shield
-Financial Management Solutions: CCH Tagetik Analytic Information Hub
-Financial Service: Bitvore Cellenus
-Financial Solutions: Bank of America Mobile Banking App
-Governance/Risk/Compliance Solutions: Passageways' OnBoard Governance Platform
-Hardware – Computer: OWC Mercury Elite Pro Dock
-Hardware – Storage: OWC ThunderBay 4 mini, Thunderbolt 3
-Healthcare Technology Solution: MedTrainer's Improved Compliance Platform
-Healthcare/Pharma: Butterfly Network's Portable Ultrasound Device
-Identity & Access Security Solutions: Sontiq Small Business Suite
-Industrial Products & Services: Newberry's New Slim Line 280 and 500 gallon Steel Tanks
-Insurance Solution: John Hancock EDGE
-Migration as a Service: DCAC Migration Solution
-Network Security Solutions: iboss cloud Network Security
-Payments Solutions: Century Business Solutions'  EBizCharge
-Relationship Management Solutions: RE/MAX, LLC’s booj Platform
-Telecommunications: Nextivity's Cel-Fi QUATRA 4000

Topics: American business awards, people's choice awards

Reshaping the U.S. Health Care System

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Jul 15, 2020 @ 12:15 PM
  • BioIQ is reshaping how payers, employers, and consumers navigate the U.S. health care system
  • The company provides individuals with a comprehensive view of their health journey
  • Populations previously overlooked, underserved, or disadvantaged by the health care system are BioIQ’s focus

About BioIQ

BioIQ is a health care engagement and quality care gap closure company that is redefining the way payers, employers, and consumers navigate and connect with the U.S. health care system. BioIQ leverages consumer analytics, real-time omni-channel engagement strategies, and an extensive ecosystem of health care partners to provide a comprehensive view of individuals throughout their health journey.

BioIQ provides payors and employers with tools that simplify health testing programs. The company also helps organizations understand population health risks and motivates people to prevent and monitor costly, chronic conditions. Care is more easily accessible with BioIQ’s seamless connection between people and testing. 


Recent Accolades

In the past year, BioIQ reached a major milestone on their journey to positively impact 100 million patient lives by conducting their one millionth colorectal cancer (CRC) screening - CRC being the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. BioIQ reached this milestone, often helping unengaged or disadvantaged populations, by facilitating care using consumer analytics, omni-channel engagement, and a curated network of partner solutions. This combination of capabilities are being leveraged to produce similar results across myriad other major health conditions. This milestone shows the importance of offering convenient access to care, meeting consumers where they live, and communicating via their preferred method. BioIQ also introduced several new retail service offerings, including vision, immunizations, and point-of-care screening through our collaboration with Walmart. 

With a new website, BioIQ rebranded and relaunched to better reflect the 18 million+ people the company serves. The new site combines images of positive, active individuals as part of a streamlined and modern appeal that evokes the ease and simplicity BioIQ brings to navigating health care.

BioIQ’s COVID-19 Response

BioIQ has added COVID-19 diagnostic and antibody testing to the company's lineup of health screening solutions. They are working with employers and health plans to get vital testing resources to those who are most in need, including health care workers, essential workforces, and vulnerable patient populations. The company is actively working with employers on a thoughtful return-to-work strategy inclusive of on-site provider access for testing as well as legal recommendations.

BioIQ won the Bronze Stevie for Company of the Year: Computer Software - Medium in The 2020 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2021 American Business Awards?

Request the entry kit

Topics: American business awards, computer software awards, health care

Winners in 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Jul 14, 2020 @ 10:17 AM

Winners to Be Celebrated During Virtual Event on 22 September

Winners in the seventh annual Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards, the only awards program to recognize innovation in business throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region, were announced today. The list of Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners is available at

The Stevie Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards, conferring recognition for achievement in the workplace over the past 18 years in programs such as The International Business Awards® and The American Business Awards®. The name Stevie is derived from the Greek word for “crowned.”

The 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards have recognized organizations in 20 nations including Australia, China including Hong Kong and Macao, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam. More than 1,000 nominations about innovative achievements in the 29-nation APAC region were considered by the judges this year in categories such as Award for Excellence in Innovation in Products & Services, Award for Innovative Management, and Award for Innovation in Corporate Websites, among many others. 

Among the top overall winners are Songpa-gu Office (South Korea) with four Gold and one Silver Stevie Awards and VNPT VinaPhone (Vietnam) with three Gold, three Silver and nine Bronze Stevie wins.

IBA asian winners

Winners of two or more Gold Stevie Awards include Accenture, Inc. (Philippines), Airport Railroad (South Korea), Cathay United Bank (Taiwan), Dell Technologies Ltd. (India), D.TRIBE (South Korea), FPT Software (Vietnam), IPG Box (South Korea), Jeju Province Development Co. (South Korea), Jungnang-gu Office (South Korea), Korea Environment Corporation (South Korea), KT KBN (South Korea), Macarthur Makeovers (Australia), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea (South Korea), OCBC NISP (Indonesia), Ooredoo Maldives (Maldives), PT. PETROKIMIA GRESIK (Indonesia), Seocho-gu Office (South Korea), and ZEEP Medical (Australia). 

Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners were determined by the average scores of more than 100 executives around the world acting as judges in May and June.

“We are delighted that the seventh edition of the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards attracted so many impressive nominations,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher. “This year’s winning nominations are testament to the resiliency and innovation of organizations in the region, many of which continue to succeed despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are disappointed that we cannot stage the in-person awards banquet we had planned for Hanoi, Vietnam this year, we look forward to celebrating many of this year’s winners during our virtual awards ceremony on 22 September.”

Details about the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and the 22 September awards ceremony, and the list of Stevie Award winners, are available at

Sponsors and partners of the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards include adobo magazine and PR Newswire Asia.

Details about the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and the 22 September awards ceremony, and the list of Stevie Award winners, are available at:


Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

The Stevie® Awards for Great Employers Final Entry Deadline is July 22

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jul 09, 2020 @ 05:32 PM

The Stevie® Awards for Great Employers final entry deadline for the fifth annual competition is Wednesday, July 22.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers honors the world’s best companies to work for and the HR teams and professionals, HR achievements, new products and services and suppliers that help to create and drive great workplaces.

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Stevie Awards President Maggie Gallagher emphasizes that no additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through July 22, and late entries will not be penalized in the judging process.

All individuals and organizations worldwide—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The 2020 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2019. Entry details are available at

There are many new categories in 2020 for HR achievements including Achievement in Accessibility, Achievement in Leadership Development, Best Employee Value Proposition (EVP), Best Team Development Program, Best Use of Mobile Learning, and Most Innovative Learning and Development Program. Of the 16 HR Individual categories, 14 do not require an entry fee.

Several COVID-19 Response categories were recently added to the competition to recognize the positive ways that employers and HR professionals have responded to the pandemic. These categories have no entry fee.

Winners in the 31 industry-specific Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blend of public votes and professional ratings. Public voting will take place from July 23–August 10.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers will recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Employer of the Year
  • HR Achievements
  • HR Individual Awards
  • HR Team Categories
  • Solution Provider Awards
  • More than 50 New Product & Service Categories

An international judging panel of more than 70 executives will determine the Stevie Award winners. Finalists will be announced on August 13. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be revealed and presented their awards at a virtual gala event this Fall.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Great Employers