Mission Partners Is a Women-Led Company Prioritizing Equitable Practices For Clients

Posted by Grace Payne on Wed, Jun 29, 2022 @ 12:23 PM


Mission Partners is a social impact communications firm and Certified B Corporation that uses the power of communication to advance social justice. Based in Maryland, their team is made up of passionate women that guide organizations to be more authentic in their words, equitable in their strategies, and intentional about their impact. Through their work, Mission Partners use communications to bridge differences, address injustice, and act in the spirit of service with communities for more just and equitable outcomes. They specialize in offering their services to companies in critical moments of organizational change to help them maintain or improve their levels of success. 

mission partners logo

Since its founding in 2017, Mission Partners have counseled hundreds of foundations, nonprofit organizations, and social impact organizations as well as the partners who fund and support their work. Additionally, they have helped organizations refine their strategies, increase their impact and amplify their stories in order to inspire other entrepreneurs. And we regularly invest our own dollars and time back into the clients we represent. They regularly invest their own revenue and time back into the clients they represent, as their goal is to share and strengthen powerful ideas that will improve our world. 

Since receiving their Silver Stevie Award for Women-Run Workplace of the Year - 10 or Less Employees, their commitment to service has been demonstrated in several ways. Mission Partners have participated in community volunteering and monthly learning labs, given paid time off to vote and participate in elections, and had a collective commitment to skills-based volunteering. Recently, they met their goal of delivering $100,000 in skills-based pro bono services to Black-led organizations in 2021, doubling their originally intended amount.

Additionally, after the onset of the pandemic, they focused on creating simple and authentic ways to support their team. Mission Partners rolled out new employee benefits, including paycheck advances, a stipend to support home office expenses, and an allotment of additional time off to support staff through the year. They also instituted a COVID response strategy for client projects, which included significantly discounted rates and granted pro-bono work to existing clients and community partners. The support of their clients and team maintained Mission Partners goal of providing equitable and intentional care in the business world.

Mission Partners won the Silver Stevie Award for Women-Run Workplace of the Year - 10 or Less Employees in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Interested in submitting a nomination for the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Unvergessliche Veranstaltungen mit nachhaltigem Erfolg - Stevie® Gewinner Event Inc

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Jun 29, 2022 @ 02:45 AM

Herausfordernde Zeiten können Europas größte Einkaufsplattform für B2B Events nicht davon abhalten, sich weiterzuentwickeln und das eigene Produkt zu optimieren, so lautet das Motto von Event Inc. Mit der Bildung der Event Inc Group ist eine innovative MICE Sourcing Solution entstanden, die die Eventbranche revolutioniert und digitalisiert.

Bei den German Stevie® Awards 2022 wurde Event Inc in der Kategorie Bestes neues Produkt oder Dienstleistung - Digitale Prozessautomatisierungslösungen mit dem Gold Stevie® ausgezeichnet.


Gegründet in 2013, fungiert Event Inc als Schnittstelle zwischen Locations und Kund:innen und erkennt im Handumdrehen neue Bedürfnisse auf dem MICE- und Eventmarkt und setzt diese gezielt in ihr Produkt-Portfolio um. Im Zuge der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung verstärkte die Einkaufsplattform ihr B2B-Geschäft, sodass Unternehmen schnell den optimalen Raum für ihre Veranstaltung finden, unkompliziert die besten Angebote erhalten und direkt buchen können. Dahingehend werden Prozesse permanent optimiert, um stets am Puls der Zeit zu sein.

Allrounder-Tool mit echtem Impact

Manuell war gestern, digital ist heute: Als besonderes Tool für Eventplanende und Einkäufer:innen dient Event Inc Business, die digitale Komplettlösung für den Einkauf von Meetings, Events und Hotelzimmern. Mit dem Tool wird der Buchungs-, Beschaffungs- und Abrechnungsprozess für Veranstaltungen end-to-end digitalisiert. Sämtliche Veranstaltungsformate können aus einer zentralen Plattform heraus angefragt, gebucht und ganzheitlich gemanagt werden. Event Inc’s All-in-One Software erleichtert ferner das Daily Business von Event-Organisator:innen, lässt sie effizienter und zufriedener arbeiten, da mehr Zeit in Planungsaspekte fließen kann, und spart langfristig Kosten ein.


Der Krise zum Trotz – neuer Investor und Bildung der Event Inc Group

Trotz einer wahren Achterbahnfahrt, die die gesamte Event- und MICE Branche in den letzten zwei Jahren durchrollt hat, blickt Event Inc weiter optimistisch in die Unternehmenszukunft. Auch wenn das Tagesgeschäft temporär lahmgelegt war, gelang es dem jungen Unternehmen im vergangenen Jahr einen neuen Investor zu gewinnen und sich damit für das zukünftige Business gut aufzustellen. Ein erster Meilenstein war die Übernahme der auf strategischen Einkauf spezialisierten smart and more GmbH und die damit einhergehende Entwicklung zur Event Inc Group in 2021. Mit der Erweiterung unternehmensinterner Kompetenzen ist im Laufe der letzten Monate eine erstklassige MICE Sourcing Solution entstanden, welche durch eine serviceorientierte Beratung die perfekte digitale Einkaufslösung im deutschen MICE Markt bietet.

Haben Sie mit Ihrer Organisation auch Großartiges geleistet? Dann melden Sie sich jetzt für unseren Newsletter an, um immer up to date für die Fristen der German Stevie® Awards 2023 zu sein!

Möchten Sie mehr über EventInc erfahren? 





Topics: German Stevie Awards, europäischer Wirtschaftspreis, GSA22, eventinc, Bestes neues Produkt

Einsendeschluss für die 19. International Business Awards® verlängert

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Mon, Jun 27, 2022 @ 02:44 AM

Nominierungen werden jetzt bis zum 15. Juli angenommen


Auf vielfachen Wunsch wurde der Einsendeschluss für die 19. jährlichen International Business Awards® 2022 bis Freitag, den 15. Juli, verlängert, wie der Veranstalter der Stevie® Awards heute mitteilte. Ursprünglich war der 15. Juni der letzte Einsendeschluss. 

Die International Business Awards gelten weithin als der weltweit wichtigste Wettbewerb für Wirtschaftspreise. Im Jahr 2021 zog der Wettbewerb mehr als 3.700 Nominierungen von Organisationen aus mehr als 60 Nationen an.

Alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentlich und privat, gewinnorientiert und gemeinnützig, groß und klein - können Nominierungen für die International Business Awards einreichen. Details zur Einreichung finden Sie unter www.StevieAwards.com/IBA

Erhalten Sie hier Ihre Teilnahmeunterlagen

"Wir haben beschlossen, dass es für die IBA-Teilnehmer hilfreich ist, wenn wir ihnen mehr Zeit für die Vorbereitung und Einreichung der Nominierungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Organisationen haben jetzt einen zusätzlichen Monat Zeit, um ihre Beiträge einzureichen", sagte Maggie Miller, Präsidentin der Stevie Awards. "Für Nominierungen, die innerhalb der verlängerten Frist eingereicht werden, werden keine zusätzlichen Gebühren erhoben, und verspätete Einsendungen werden im Bewertungsprozess in keiner Weise benachteiligt."

Die Jury, bestehend aus mehr als 150 Führungskräften, wird die Gewinner der Stevie Awards 2022 bestimmen. Die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Preisträger und Preisträgerinnen der Stevie Awards werden am 15. August bekannt gegeben. Die Gala der International Business Awards wird am 15. Oktober in London, England, stattfinden. 

Die International Business Awards würdigen Leistungen in allen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

Es gibt viele neue und überarbeitete Eigenschaften der International Business Awards für 2022:

  • Neun neue Kategorien im Bereich Event-Auszeichnungen, zehn neue Kategorien für Innovation in den Sozialen Medien, drei Kategorien für Thought Leadership, drei Video Kategorien, drei Kategorien für mobile Seiten & App, zwei Kategorien für neue Produkte, sowie Kategorien für Unternehmensleistung in Diversität & Inklusion und Influencer Marketingkampagne des Jahres.
  • Nominierungen, die bei den International Business Awards® 2021 mit Gold, Silber oder Bronze ausgezeichnet wurden, können bei den IBAs 2022 erneut nominiert werden. Wenn in diesen neue Leistungen erbracht wurden, können sie in der selben Kategorie, in der sie bereits gewonnen haben, nominiert werden. Andernfalls müssen diese in anderen Kategorien eingereicht werden als denen, in denen sie 2021 gewonnen haben.
  • In vielen Kategorien und Kategoriegruppen können jetzt Videos bis zu einer Länge von fünf (5) Minuten, die die Leistung der Nominierungen widerspiegeln, statt der schriftlichen Einreichung, abgegeben werden.

Nutzen Sie die letzte Möglichkeit, sich für die Auszeichnung bei den International Business Awards 2022 zu bewerben. Die Teilnahmeunterlagen und alle Informationen zum Wettbewerb finden Sie hier.


Topics: German Stevie Awards, Internationaler Wirtschaftspreis, Finale Teilnahmefrist, 2022 International Business Awards, IBA22

Viola Palescandolo is Making the Luxury Travel Industry Accessible to All

Posted by Grace Payne on Wed, Jun 22, 2022 @ 09:19 PM


Viola Palescandolo is a former naval engineer, and luxury market expert, who founded Black Platinum Gold B.V. in 2017. Viola always had a passion to become an entrepreneur, and after gaining international expertise in the luxury industry, she decided to give a deeper meaning  to the word “luxury.” She founded Black Platinum Gold with no associates or investors, to empower dreamers to go after their goals, and created the first travel auctions platform that makes luxury more accessible without markdowns. Her vision revolved around the difference between price and value, for travelers that want to bring home new values from their journeys.

Black Platinum Gold

viola headshot

Her business model is based on a virtuous cycle, which generates value for all the involved parties, including travelers, hotels, and destinations, going beyond simple services in exchange of a fee. Hotels benefit from this agreement because it’s based on barter agreements and they receive, while travelers are able to add significant value within their budget.

Despite the pandemic, Black Platinum Gold has seen over 1,000,000 unique website visitors, partnering with over 100 high-end destinations and hospitality brands and offering auctions in more than 20 countries. Additionally, Black Platinum Gold launched its first official app available worldwide. With this success, Viola’s next goal is to start giving back, with a project that revolves around supporting local initiatives, focusing on environmental sustainability and animal rights as beneficiaries of part of the auctions’ revenue.

Since receiving her Bronze Stevie Award for Female Solo Entrepreneur of the Year, Viola has partnered with major hospitality brands including The Ritz Carlton, Nobu, Kempinski, among others. Black Platinum Gold has expanded to a global platform that is accessible to all travelers, and with this she has received international press coverage by the most influential luxury travel magazines and portals. Viola was invited by David Meltzer to his show for an interview on "how to reinvent the luxury travel business during the pandemic."

bpg travel

Additionally, Black Platinum Gold is about to launch a first-of-its-kind Luxury Travel Auction NFT. Along with the usual benefits of this digital collectible, the winner of the auction for this product will also receive an exclusive travel experience on Lake Como. Together with 15 other guests, the winner will spend New Years in luxury accommodation with other perks including a live music performance on New Year’s Eve, a professional photographer, and all-inclusive food and beverage. Viola's goal with this new project is to combine the tourism and crypto industry together and bring out the best in both. 

Viola Palescandolo won the Bronze Stevie Award for Female Solo Entrepreneur of the Year in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

Interested in submitting a nomination for the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

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Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Die Stevie® Awards rufen zur Teilnahme an den 19. jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Women in Business auf

Posted by Jana Novatscheck on Wed, Jun 22, 2022 @ 03:07 AM

Die Stevie® Awards, Veranstalter der weltweit führenden Wirtschaftspreisprogramme, haben die Ausschreibung für die 19. jährlich stattfindenden Stevie Awards for Women in Business 2022 veröffentlicht. Die Teilnahmeunterlagen und alle Details zum Wettbewerb sind unter http://www.StevieAwards.com/Women erhältlich.

Die Auszeichnungen werden von den Machern der renommierten American Business Awards® and International Business Awards® produziert.


Die Stevie Awards for Women in Business würdigen die Leistungen berufstätiger Frauen in mehr als 100 Kategorien, darunter "Unternehmerin des Jahres", "Weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres", "Mentorin oder Coachin des Jahres", "Preis für das Lebenswerk", "Gleiche Bezahlung", "Frauen helfen Frauen", "Mitarbeiterin des Jahres", "Von Frauen geführtes Unternehmen des Jahres" und "Innovatorin des Jahres". Nominiert werden können alle weiblichen Unternehmerinnen, weibliche Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiterinnen und von Frauen geführte Organisationen weltweit.

Der Einsendeschluss für Frühbucherinnen ist der 29. Juni, der endgültige Einsendeschluss ist der 27. Juli, und verspätete Einsendungen werden bis zum 24. August gegen Zahlung einer Verspätungsgebühr angenommen. Die Finalistinnen werden am 22. September bekannt gegeben, und die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Gewinnerinnen werden bei einer Preisverleihung am 12. November in Las Vegas bekannt gegeben.

Zu den neuen Kategorien in diesem Jahr gehören: Unternehmensleistung in Diversität & Inklusion, Unternehmensleistung in Nachhaltigkeit und eine Reihe Social Media Award Kategorien für Einzelpersonen und beste Social Media Präsenzen. 

Die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Gewinnerinnen des Stevie Awards for Women in Business im Jahr 2021 spiegeln eine vielfältige Gruppe von großen und kleinen Organisationen rund um den Globus wider. Zu den Gewinnerinnen des letzten Jahres gehörten unter anderem:

  • DHL Global Forwarding, Bonn, Germany: Woman at DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (DGFF)
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland: Jessica Bensch, Engagement Partner, Culture Coalition Lead
  • Philip Morris International, Lausanne, Switzerland: Marian Salzman, Senior Vice President, Communications
  • AlterContacts, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Julia Skupchenko, Co-Founder & Head of SDG Actions
  • Veeam, Baar, Switzerland: Lindsey Costello, Director of Design & Development
  • EuroHR Solutions, Lummen, Belgium: Inez Vermeulen, Founder & CEO
  • Pushed Ltd, Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom: Karen Meadows, Marketing Director
  • Kelley Higney, Founder & CEO, Bug Bite Thing, St. Lucie, FL USA
  • Carolyn Aronson, Founder & CEO, It’s a 10 Haircare, Miami, FL USA
  • Anita Aherne, Founder, Kids on the Spectrum, Melbourne, Australia
  • Kitty Chaney Reed, Vice President of Enterprise Operations, IBM, Armonk, NY USA
  • Teresa Sternhagen, General Manager, Toshiba America Business Solutions, Lake Forest, CA USA
  • Mani Thiru, Space Industry Development Asia Pacific, Amazon Web Services, Singapore
  • Sherry Comes, Managing Director of the Cognitive and Analytics Practice, Deloitte, London, UK
  • Sarita Rao, President of AT&T Integrated & Partner Solutions, Dallas, TX USA
  • Ellen Polansky, Managing Director and Coordinating Partner, EY, New York, NY USA
  • Bitcoin of America, Chicago, IL USA
  • Rufus & Coco, Sydney, NSW Australia
  • HYYH / EQUO International, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Forbes, Jersey City, NJ USA
  • Halkbank, Istanbul, Turkey
  • City of Philadelphia - Division of Aviation, Philadelphia, PA USA
  • Visa Client Care in partnership with Visa Operational Resilience, Austin, TX USA
  • Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA USA
  • SiriusXM Radio, Pompano Beach, FL USA

Die Stevie Awards for Women in Business 2022 werden von mehr als 200 führenden Fachleuten auf der ganzen Welt beurteilt, und die Nominierten haben Zugang zu allen Kommentaren und Vorschlägen der Jury zu ihren Nominierungen.

Ergreifen auch Sie die Chance für Ihre Leistungen bei den 19. Stevie Awards for Business ausgezeichnet zu werden und reichen Sie noch heute Ihre Nominierung ein.  

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen


Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag: die Earnest App von uptodate.de

Posted by Jule Kern on Tue, Jun 21, 2022 @ 07:52 AM

Mit der Earnest App leistet uptodate.de einen beträchtlichen Beitrag zum Erreichen der Klimaziele, aber nicht mit Fingerzeig und Informationsüberfluss – bei Earnest (aus engl.: earth + earn + honest) lautet die Devise: einfach mal machen! 

Bei den German Stevie® Awards 2022 gewann das Corporate Start-up der Versicherungskammer aus Bayern den Gold Stevie® für die beste App im Bereich Lifestyle.



uptodate.de glaubt, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein essentieller Bestandteil des Lebens ist. Nach dem Motto „Dein Leben. Deine Zukunft“ sieht das Start-up den Umgang mit Nachhaltigkeit aus einer Zukunftsperspektive. Deswegen wurde die App Earnest entwickelt. Earnest hilft dabei, neue nachhaltige Routinen zu entwickeln. Die App motiviert und hält up to date bei den neuesten umweltrelevanten Themen. Eine Win-Win-Situation für uns und unsere Umwelt!

Aber warum ist das Thema eigentlich so wichtig?

Hier geht's zur APP.Etwa ein Drittel aller CO2-Emissionen entsteht in privaten Haushalten. Genau dort setzt uptodate Ventures an. Die App fördert das Problembewusstsein seiner Nutzer:innen. Sie inspiriert und motiviert in einem spielerischen Ansatz Nachhaltigkeit in den eigenen Alltag zu integrieren: weniger Abfall, weniger Emissionen, mehr Respekt für die Umwelt.

Und das Beste: dafür müssen wir nicht gleich unser Leben komplett verändern. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten im Alltag, unseren CO2-Fußabdruck zu verringern. Bereits kleine Verhaltensänderungen können einen direkten Einfluss haben und die Earnest App von hilft dabei, die passenden Maßnahmen zu finden. Die App ist kostenlos und wurde bereits über 700.000 Mal heruntergeladen.


Und so funktioniert es: 

  • Tipps: Die bereits über 500.000-mal gelesenen Tipps helfen den Nutzer:innen dabei, ihren CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren.
  • Coach: Die Kurse bestehen aus drei Einheiten, dazu zählen das Vermitteln von spannendem Wissen, spaßige To-dos sowie ein abschließendes hilfreiches Quiz. Der Coach leitet die Nutzer:innen Schritt für Schritt an ein nachhaltiges Kernthema, wie z.B. das Problem mit dem Plastikmüll heranführen. Das relativ neue Coach-Feature wurde mittlerweile bereits etwa 30.000-mal absolviert.
  • Challenges: In der App wurden bereits 330.000 Challenges erledigt. Diese fordern die Nutzer:innen zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit heraus und
  • Prämien: Die Nutzer:innen können ihre gesammelten Punkte nutzen, um Bäume zu pflanzen, Korallen zu züchten und einzupflanzen oder die Meere von Plastik zu befreien. Diese Prämien werden in Zusammenarbeit mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen direkt für die Nutzer:innen eingelöst.

Wir freuen uns, eine solche Leistung honorieren zu dürfen und sagen: einfach mal machen! zur APP geht es hier: https://bit.ly/3OaZADs 

Haben auch Sie tolle Leistungen im Bereich Klimaschutz erbracht? Schauen Sie doch mal in unseren neuen Kategorien für Klimaschutz vorbei und fordern Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen für 2023 an.

Topics: Apps, German Stevie Awards, Wirtschaftspreis, europäischer Wirtschaftspreis, deutscher Wirtschaftspreis, GSA22, Nachhaltigkeit

Final Entry Deadline Extended in The 19th International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jun 16, 2022 @ 12:25 PM

By popular demand the final entry deadline of The 2022 (19th Annual) International Business Awards® has been extended through Friday, July 15. It was announced today by the Stevie® Awards, the organizers. The original final entry deadline was June 15.

The International Business Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards competition. In 2021 the competition attracted more than 3,700 nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations.


All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. Entry details are available at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Request the Entry Kit

“We have decided to grant Stevie Award entrants an extra month to submit their nominations in awards categories for business achievements, COVID-19 response, overall company awards, marketing, new products, public relations, and more,” said Stevie Awards President Maggie Miller. “No additional late fees will be charged for nominations submitted through the extended deadline, and late entries will not be penalized in any way in the judging process.”

Juries featuring more than 150 executives will determine the 2022 Stevie Award winners. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award honorees will be announced on August 15. The International Business Awards gala ceremony will be held on October 15 in London, England.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The International Business Awards for 2022:

  • Nine new event awards categories, ten new innovation in social media categories, three thought leadership categories, three video categories, three mobile site & app categories, two new product categories, and categories for Achievement in Diversity & Inclusion and Influencer Marketing Campaign of the Year

  • Nominations that won in the 2021 IBAs may be resubmitted for consideration in the 2022 IBAs.  If they have been updated with recent achievements, they may be submitted to the same categories in which they won.  If they have not been updated, they must be submitted to categories different from those in which they won.

  • In many of the category groups and categories you may now submit a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, illustrating the nominee's achievements, instead of the traditional Stevie Awards written essay.

Topics: International business awards

Greenville Developments Creates Innovative Spaces That Encourage STEM Research

Posted by Grace Payne on Wed, Jun 15, 2022 @ 12:47 PM

Greenville Developments is a women-owned business headed by Australian business woman, Beverley Honig. The company repurposes unused shipping containers into remarkable spaces including pop-up shops, offices, student accommodations, and most importantly homes for victims of bushfires. In addition to providing sometimes critical living spaces for Australians, Greenville is committed to sustainability in their work.

greenville logo

Beginning with the very foundation of its company, Greenville works to reduce waste by recycling abandoned shipping containers to create shelters and workspaces that do not compromise on safety and longevity. Additionally, the building process for these structures produces a carbon reduction factor of 78% compared to traditional build. This statistic is encouraging given that materials and construction processes throughout the whole building life cycle is responsible for 11% of all carbon emissions in the world. Greenville's goal is to encourage others to decarbonize the sector by eliminating carbon emissions associated with the construction process. 

greenville containerGreenville is also able to maintain a rapid building process, due to the repurposed shipping containers. Compared to a traditional build, the shipping container structures reduce the time to build by 70% and cost of build by 50% due to the rapid build offsite process and the use of smart materials. 

Since earning the Bronze Stevie Award for Startup of the Year - Business Products Industries, Greenville Developments has partnered with one of the largest global oil and gas companies in Australia to build hi-tech mobile FutureLabs for collaborative STEM research. The FutureLab concept sprang from the desire to create mobile eco-pods to enable inspiration for innovators, universities, and STEM graduates. The growing demand for fast affordable homes has caused them to produce these eco-friendly pods in a way that is more efficient than ever before. 

Through this partnership, Greenville has secured a global presence and has set up partnerships with global channels in Asia and Europe. Its products have been used by universities and communities to develop world leading research and development. Greenville continues to focus on innovation, raising standards in sustainable building, striving to achieve carbon neutrality with eco-friendly building material and practices, and producing innovative and resilient structures. Ultimately, the company hopes to help organizations and people innovate and grow, and help save our planet through the use of carbon neutral materials.

greenville build


Greenville Developments won the Bronze Stevie Award for Startup of the Year - Business Products Industries.

Interested in submitting a nomination for the 2022 (19th Annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

Get Your Entry Kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

The Stevie® Awards Issues Call for Entries in 19th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Jun 14, 2022 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has issued the call for entries for its 2022 (19th annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Women.

The awards are produced by the creators of the prestigious American Business Awards® and International Business Awards®.


The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor the achievements of working women in more than 100 categories, including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Mentor or Coach of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Achievement in Equal Pay, Women Helping Women, Employee of the Year, Woman-Owned or -Run Company of the Year and Innovator of the Year. All female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run, worldwide, are eligible to be nominated.

The early-bird entry deadline is June 29, the final entry deadline is July 27, and late entries will be accepted through August 24 with payment of a late fee. Winners will be announced on September 22, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners will be honored at an awards ceremony on November 12 in Las Vegas.

New categories this year include Achievement in Diversity & Inclusion, Achievement in Sustainability, and a variety of Social Media Awards categories for individuals and best social media pages. 

The 2021 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflected a diverse group of large and small organizations around the globe. Winners included, among others: 

  • Kelley Higney, Founder & CEO, Bug Bite Thing, St. Lucie, FL USA
  • Carolyn Aronson, Founder & CEO, It’s a 10 Haircare, Miami, FL USA
  • Anita Aherne, Founder, Kids on the Spectrum, Melbourne, Australia
  • Kitty Chaney Reed, Vice President of Enterprise Operations, IBM, Armonk, NY USA
  • Teresa Sternhagen, General Manager, Toshiba America Business Solutions, Lake Forest, CA USA
  • Mani Thiru, Space Industry Development Asia Pacific, Amazon Web Services, Singapore
  • Sherry Comes, Managing Director of the Cognitive and Analytics Practice, Deloitte, London, UK
  • Sarita Rao, President of AT&T Integrated & Partner Solutions, Dallas, TX USA
  • Ellen Polansky, Managing Director and Coordinating Partner, EY, New York, NY USA
  • Bitcoin of America, Chicago, IL USA
  • Rufus & Coco, Sydney, NSW Australia
  • HYYH / EQUO International, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Forbes, Jersey City, NJ USA
  • Halkbank, Istanbul, Turkey
  • City of Philadelphia - Division of Aviation, Philadelphia, PA USA
  • Visa Client Care in partnership with Visa Operational Resilience, Austin, TX USA
  • Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA USA
  • SiriusXM Radio, Pompano Beach, FL USA

The 2022 Stevie Awards for Women in Business will be judged by more than 200 leading professionals around the world, and nominees will have access to all the judges’ comments and suggestions about their nominations.

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Founder’s Journey: How Michael Gallagher Built the Stevie Awards 20 Years Ago from the Ground Up

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Jun 13, 2022 @ 09:00 AM

Today, the Stevie® Awards are widely known as the world's premier business awards, but the journey to get here did not come without risks, challenges, clear goals, determination, and a dedicated team.

Michael Gallagher founded the Stevie Awards in 2002 to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of organizations and working professionals worldwide. Thousands of nominations are submitted year after year in a myriad of categories across eight Stevie Awards programs. All organizations—public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small—may submit nominations. Entries detailing everything from achievement in product innovation, thought leadership, creative marketing campaigns, outstanding customer service, entrepreneurial ventures, and more recently, COVID-19 response, are reviewed by our respected group of judges. 

Past notable Stevie Award winners include Aflac, Apple, Chipotle, Bank of America, Ford Motor Company, IBM, ING, PayPal, Procter & Gamble, Roche Group, Samsung, and Verizon, among many others. In short order, the crystal pyramid-topped Stevie trophy has become one of the most coveted prizes in the business world. 48052353451_03d746386b_o-1

In the following interview responses, Michael Gallagher shares his personal background and experiences that molded the foundation and core values of the Stevie Awards.

How and why did you come up with the idea to found the Stevie Awards?

I was at a point in my life where I needed to find something else to do, after working for other people since I was 16. I enjoyed working for a company called The New York Festivals for six years in the ‘80s that staged awards for video, advertising, radio, television, and other media, and thought, I enjoyed that, but the world doesn’t need any more film festivals. But why isn’t there an “Oscars” for business?

What was your previous business experience and background before you founded the Stevie Awards?

After working for The New York Festivals for six years, I moved to the Washington, DC area and worked in the tradeshow and conference industry for seven years, then in the dot-com world in various marketing and sales roles through 2001.

What were some of your goals for the Stevie Awards when you first started the organization? Have they come to fruition and/or evolved since then?

I wanted them to become known as the “Oscars for business,” and to some extent, we’ve achieved that, but of course, we’re not as well known yet as the Academy Awards. 

What are the most challenging experiences you faced when first starting the Stevie Awards?

The first year is always the hardest for any new venture. Every process, procedure, and system has to be imagined, designed, and created for the first time. Cash was in short supply so we had to scramble for just about everything. But the advantage of having to do almost everything yourself is that you learn how to do just about everything.

How do you define success at the Stevie Awards?

A well-subscribed competition, reviewed and rated by a sufficient number of experienced professionals in the judging process, resulting in a diverse body of winners, leading to a well-attended awards ceremony that comes off without a major problem.

What is something that all Stevie Award winners have in common?

The aspiration to have their achievements recognized by a wider audience than just their colleagues.

What do the Stevie Awards mean to you?

47195435251_7f7abaff05_o (1)-1I try not to dwell on the past too much. I think I’m very forward-thinking. I think of the Stevie Awards as a movement, rather than a company or organization. A movement toward wider public recognition of the achievements of people in the workplace, beyond the headline-grabbing billionaires who hoard so much of the news coverage of business. We’ve achieved that to a large extent in some nations and regions, and hardly at all in others. So we still have work to do.

What has surprised you most over the past 20 years with the Stevie Awards?

That I’m still doing this and enjoying every day of it.

What is your role like today compared to when you first started the Stevie Awards in 2002?

I don’t have to do everything as I did the first few years - yay! We have a good team now and I don’t fret over every little thing as I used to.

Which awards programs are most promising for future growth?

Awards programs usually grow slowly for the first few years, then grow quickly in years five through 10, say, and then grow incrementally each year after that. All eight of our programs have followed that pattern, more or less. I can’t say which of our existing programs will grow the most. Maybe it will be the ones we haven’t started yet.

What has changed the most in the past 20 years at the Stevie Awards?

There was a lot of skepticism in the early years that I’d be able to pull it off, at first, and that I’d be able to keep making it work, after that. We’re well beyond that point now. I don’t know that there are many now who doubt that the Stevie Awards are credible and here to stay.

What do you believe the next 20 years of the Stevie Awards will look like?

Wider acceptance and growth in areas that haven’t really accepted the Stevie Awards yet, such as central and South America, Japan, and other places. And a new Stevie Awards competition of some type every three to five years.

The 2022 American Business Awards® Celebrates 20 Years

The first Stevie Awards program was The American Business Awards®. In 2003, honorees of the first competition were recognized at an awards gala in New York City. Today, Monday, June 13, winners of The 2022 (20th annual) American Business Awards will be celebrated during an awards banquet at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Times Square, New York City. This event will be the first live, in-person ABA awards ceremony since June 2019. More than 520 professionals from across the USA will gather to network and celebrate one another's achievements.  

Grand, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and People's Choice Stevie® Awards will be presented to winners announced in April and May this year. TV personality Cheryl Casone will emcee the ceremony. The presentations will be live-streamed here on the Stevie Awards website and on the Stevie Awards Facebook page, beginning at 7:00 pm ET.


For a complete list of the 2022 American Business Award winners, visit www.StevieAwards.com/ABA.

“We are thrilled to be able to recognize such a wide array of American organizations in The 2022 American Business Awards. American companies have thrived in the face of hardship and have adapted to the needs of their workforce,” said Stevie Awards President, Maggie Miller. This year’s Stevie-winning nominations in The American Business Awards are testament to the commitment, passion, adaptability, and creativity of the American people. We look forward to seeing Stevie Award winners and their guests at the first in-person awards ceremony since 2019.”  

All organizations operating in the U.S.A. – large and small, public and private, for-profit and non-profit - are eligible to submit nominations to the ABAs in a wide range of categories, honoring achievement in every aspect of work life, from customer service and management to public relations and product development. More than 3,700 nominations were considered in the judging process this year by more than 240 professionals worldwide, whose average scores determined the winners.

Topics: American business awards