Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities at the Women|Future Conference

Posted by Nina Moore on Wed, Jul 28, 2021 @ 11:00 AM
Get your brand exposed to a growing community of ambitious women professionals and thought-leaders by being a Sponsor at the 2021 Women|Future Conference. Founded by the Stevie® Awards, the Women|Future Conference is an annual event that encourages engaging connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and financial wellness through keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. 
The 2021 Women|Future Conference (November 1-5, virtual) is looking for brands to partner with as a Sponsor, Advertiser, or Media Partner. We are looking for brands that resonate with the forward-thinking business professionals who attend the Women|Future Conference; 40% of attendees in 2020 were female founders and CEOs, 25% of women held Vice President or Director-level positions, and the remaining 35% of attendees were managers, employees, or students. 
 Sponsorship Women Future Conference
Hundreds of women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will be tuning in to this year's event. Past Sponsors and Media Partners included Enterprising Women Magazine, Hydrow, SHE Media, and the US Department of State. Attendees that participated in 2020 worked for and held leadership roles at  AT&T, Amazon, Cisco, Deloitte, Girl Scouts of the USA, Girls Who Code, HCL, John Hancock, Microsoft, PayPal, and Roku. 
If you'd like to get your name in front of an audience of ambitious, career-driven women professionals, this is a good fit for you. We love working with organizations that support women, and we'd love to help you with your goals.
Click the button below to view our Sponsorship brochure which outlines the benefits and costs of being a Sponsor. If interested in this opportunity, email Nina@stevieawards.com
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What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Our fourth annual event celebrates women in business, professional and personal development, and progress. Here's what attendees can look forward to:

  • Five days of virtual learning and networking from November 1-5, 2021
  • Future of work - preparing for the changing business landscape
  • Work-life balance and burnout discussions
  • Workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion as a change management initiative
  • Personal Development Training: Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Entrepreneurship success stories - fireside chat with successful female founders
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • Marketing tactics to future proof your business and your career
  • Confidence Code: Embrace Your Uniqueness
    Mentorship Matchmaking with other attendees
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses
  • 1:1 Networking: our online platform/mobile app will have AI matchmaking capabilities to match you to different attendees, sponsors, sessions
  • Stevie® Awards for Women in Business winners will present case studies on their cutting edge work

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

2021 Conference Updates

Sign up for our mailing list to get notified about important conference announcements. Whether you're a female entrepreneur, small business owner, executive, or employee, the Women|Future Conference welcomes movers and shakers like you, looking to Cultivate Your Tomorrow.

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Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager



Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager



Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Die Timmermann Change App als digitaler Begleiter

Posted by Jule Kern on Tue, Jul 27, 2021 @ 06:29 AM

Die TP GmbH aus München unterstützt Organisationen dabei, Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich zu gestalten. Als erstes vollintegriertes Change-Unternehmen bietet der Marktführer seinen Kunden in Sachen Beratung die volle Bandbreite: Topmanagement- und Strategieberater, Moderatoren, Trainer und Coaches. Frei nach dem Motto: “With bright minds and open hearts, we shape change with clients who really mean it.“, begleitet die Timmermann Group Menschen und Organisationen in Veränderungsprozessen und Personalentwicklung, die in Transformationen eine große Rolle spielt.


Bei den German Stevie® Awards 2021 gewann Timmermann Digital für die ChApp (Change App) gleich drei goldene Stevies für die beste neue Dienstleistung im Bereich Business-to-Business-Produkte, für die beste App – Berufsausbildung und in den Kategorien für Business Technology Solutions.

Die neueste Version dieser Allrounder-App in Sachen Veränderung steht seit September 2020 im AppStore und Google Play Store zur verfügung und hilft Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern dabei, entscheidend zum Erfolg von Change-Prozessen beizutragen.

Die Lernplattform mit der 3-Senses-Methodik®

Die ChApp (Timmermann Change App) ist die erste mobile Lernplattform, die unternehmensspezifische Themen mit der 3-Senses-Methodik® aufbereitet und über Smartphones zur Verfügung stellt. Die 3-Senses-Methodik® baut bei der Vermittlung von Wissen auf drei wesentliche menschliche Sinne auf, nämlich das Hören, Sehen und Fühlen von Informationen. Die ChApp unterstützt Unternehmen darüber hinaus dabei, Change-Prozesse zu skalieren und deren Ergebnisse messbar zu machen und dient mit einer Messangerfunktion zusätzlich als Instrument zur hierarchieübergreifenden Vernetzung in Change-Prozessen.

Veränderungsprozesse, Agilität und Führungsverhalten in Lessons

Ein wesentlicher Grundbaustein der ChApp ist der Lernbereich, welcher zahlreiche „Lessons“ beinhaltet. Eine Lessons besteht dabei aus einem kurzen, audiovisuellen Input, welcher relevantes Wissen zu diversen Themen kompakt vermittelt. Diese Themen umfassen unter anderem Grundwissen über Veränderungsprozesse, Agilität, Führungsverhalten und Motivation. Zusätzlich zu jedem Input gibt es ein zugehöriges Austauschforum, in welchem eine Frage gestellt wird, die wiederum die Selbstreflexion zu einem spezifischen Thema fördert. Am Ende jeder Lesson werden den Nutzerinnen und Nutzern kleinere oder größere Challenges gestellt, welche das Gelernte in den Alltag übertragen. Durch das Abschließen von Challenges bekommen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer Punkte gutgeschrieben und können in einem Levelling-System ihren Rang vom Change-Anfänger bis zum Change-Experten erhöhen.  

Kurse mit Zertifikat

Neben den einzelnen Lessons gibt es in der ChApp auch Kurse, welche thematisch zusammengehörige Lessons zu einem Lernpfad zusammenfassen. Ein Kurs besteht in der Regel aus ca. zehn Einheiten und beinhaltet neben den Bestandteilen der einzelnen Lessons auch noch einen übergreifenden Abschlusstest zum jeweiligen Thema. Werden 80% der Fragen richtig beantwortet, erhält die Nutzerin oder der Nutzer ein Zertifikat der Timmermann Academy. Die ChApp liefert somit eine dauerhaft flexible und kontinuierlich aktualisierbare Lernreise an. Durch das Vermitteln von Lerninhalten in vier Schritten – Zuhören, Reflektieren, Austauschen, Ausprobieren – kann sich jedes Teammitglied individuell und im eigenen Tempo den Lerninhalten und Entwicklungsstufen nähern, sie verinnerlichen und dann einüben.

Als weiteres Kernelement wurde in der neuesten Version der ChApp ein ChApp Duell eingebaut, in dem Nutzerinnen und Nutzer sich gegenseitig herausfordern können und angelehnt an die populäre App QuizzDuell ihr Wissen bezüglich Change vergleichen und spielerisch verbessern können.

Der innovative, digitale Begleiter sorgt für große Zufriedenheit

Sebastian Hertlein, Product Owner bei Timmermann Partners freut sich: „Die ChApp wird von mehreren unnamed-3unserer Beratungsklienten als Begleiter für Change-Prozesse eingesetzt und ist auch bereits als Standalone-Produkt im Einsatz. Die Zufriedenheit unserer Klienten mit dem System ist allgemein sehr hoch und die Rückmeldungen durchwegs positiv. Besonders freut uns, dass einzelne Nutzerinnen bzw. Nutzer proaktiv mit neuen Vorschlägen auf uns zu kommen und wir die App somit stetig an reale Nutzerbedarfe anpassen können. Bezüglich der Verkaufszahlen haben wir uns zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie einen deutlichen Rückgang erwartet, welcher jedoch ausblieb. Andererseits trat auch kein deutlicher Anstieg der Nutzerzahlen ein, als Organisationen vermehrt auf Homeoffice setzten. Letzteres erklären wir uns mit der gesunkenen Bereitschaft externe Dienstleistungen in Anspruch zu nehmen, während sich ein Unternehmen in solch wirtschaftlich herausfordernden Zeiten befindet. Insgesamt erfüllt das Produkt somit unsere Erwartungen weitestgehend.“

Auch Laura Hoffmann, Assistentin des Vorstands bei DataGroup ist von der ChApp als Hilfestellung begeistert: „Große Veränderungen sind im ersten Moment oft „unbequem“ und ohne Hilfestellung auch überfordernd. Mit der ChApp habe ich im Change-Alltag immer wertvolle Unterstützung und neue (Denk-)Ansätze „in der Hosentasche“ und kann sie mir mit wenig Aufwand in kurzen Sequenzen abrufen. Was aber besonders wertvoll für mich ist, ist der Netzwerkgedanke und die Möglichkeit, sich mit den anderen ChApp-Buddys auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. Auch die gemeinsamen Challenges begleiten mich dabei, immer wieder aus der Komfortzone zu gehen, das Gelernte aktiv auszuprobieren und wirklich im Alltag zu verinnerlichen.“

Wir gratulieren Timmermann Partners zu den verdienten Auszeichnungen bei den German Stevie Awards 2021. Eine Liste aller Gewinner:innen der German Stevie Awards 2021 finden Sie hier. 

Sie möchten auch zu den Preisträgern der German Stevie Awards zählen? Am 8. September 2021 startet die Bewerbungsphase der 8. German Stevie Awards. Hier können Sie sich bereits jetzt schon für die Zusendung den Teilnahmeunterlagen registrieren. 


Topics: Winner Portrait, German Stevie Awards 2021

Nutricraft provides safer alternatives to traditional stainless steel cookware

Posted by Hailey Roos on Thu, Jul 22, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

About Nutricraft

Nutricraft is a provider of safe, non-toxic, and health-conscious high-quality cookware. Their goal is to provide non-toxic cookware to keep the original food nutrients intact and educate people on safe cooking and proper nutrition that will have a lasting impact on consumers’ health and nutrition. After launching Nutricraft in the Australian market nearly three years ago, they have had massive success globally. 


Nutricraft uses unique 316Ti Titanium Stainless Steel on the interior of their cookware, which makes the product 20x more resistant to corrosion and pitting than any other stainless steel brand. This durable, hypoallergenic, non-porous, and non-reactive cooking surface creates the best possible cooking experience, allowing users to cook with less to no oil, as the minimum moisture cooking method maximizes nutrition. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nutricraft pioneered the “Try Before You Buy” program so people could experience the cookware firsthand and see how Nutricraft can benefit them. They are the only cookware brand offering this program. With instructional videos, Nutricraft teaches consumers how to use their cookware. 

In addition, during the pandemic, Nutricraft transitioned its business to online marketing, and sales continued to grow as more people spent their time at home cooking. 

As Nutricraft hit more and more business milestones, they started the Nutricraft Livelihood Program, which helps uplift people from poverty and make a positive impact on lives.  

After the huge success of the ‘Try Before You Buy’ program, Nutricraft has rolled out a  global campaign for Reseller’s Program.  It offers business opportunities for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to earn extra income, start their own business, or sell cookware products in their stores or shops.  


Nutricraft has envisioned a trusted brand that does not only care about health and wellness but also helps in income generation and livelihood support.  Through Reseller’s Program, everyone has an equal chance to reach their financial goal while enjoying the lifelong benefits of safe, smart, and healthy cooking.

Nutricraft won the Gold Stevie for Company / Organization Categories - Startup of the Year - Consumer Products Industries in the 2020 International Business Awards® and Bronze in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards for Excellence in Corporate Innovation. 

Interested in The 2022 International Business Awards? 

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Topics: International business awards, asia pacific awards

Tailoring Wellbeing During the Pandemic

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Jul 20, 2021 @ 12:53 PM
  • Taylor Medical Center in Jackson, TN serves mostly uninsured or underinsured patients in the community
  • Dr. Mechelle Taylor Moragne provided unwavering service to the community during the pandemic, including creating a free testing center, providing free masks, and distributing free vaccinations

About Taylor Medical Center 

Taylor Medical Center is a primary care facility that focuses on preventive health and chronic care management. Dr. Mechelle Taylor Moragne opened the Center in 2017 with the goal of being an advocate for patients and providing exceptional medical care. She was the first medical director of a clinic that served mostly underinsured and uninsured patients, who often carried a high burden of chronic conditions. Her style of care relies on the input of the patient, ensuring that they feel heard and seen. Dr. Taylor Moragne believes that each patient that enters her office deserves the best care possible regardless of socioeconomic status. Her motto is “Tailor your well-being”, and that's exactly how she works with patients.

taylor medical center 3

Dr. Mechelle Taylor Moragne of Taylor Medical Center was nominated for the Frontline Medical Hero of the Year Award for her untiring service to the Jackson, TN community during the COVID-19 pandemic. While most businesses closed doors and providers worked from home, Dr. Taylor Moragne and the staff at Taylor Medical Center kept the doors open to the patients of Jackson. 

taylor medical center 2Many patients found themselves without access to medical care and were unsure where to turn for help. Because most of these patients in this region of West TN are uninsured or underinsured, they have the highest burden of chronic health conditions, making them even more vulnerable to the effects of the coronavirus. 

These patients needed to have their illnesses managed, medications refilled, and guidance delivered about decreasing their risk and exposure during the pandemic. Dr. Taylor Moragne met and provided them with a COVID testing center at no cost. When LabCorp (the facility used to process the test) ran out of solution, swabs, and collection tubes, Dr. Taylor Moragne purchased these items to assure testing. She also became a community partner with the local Health Department to provide free masks to the Jackson community. Today, the Taylor Medical Center is providing free vaccinations to uninsured individuals in the Jackson, TN community, and is doing its part to get the vaccines into arms to beat the COVID pandemic. 

Taylor Medical Center won two Silver Stevie Awards: for COVID-19 Response Categories - Frontline Medical Hero of the Year, and for Company / Organization Categories - Minority-Owned Business of the Year in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2022 American Business Awards? Request the entry kit. 

Request the entry kit

Topics: American business awards

The 2021 Women|Future Conference Agenda Launched

Posted by Nina Moore on Mon, Jul 19, 2021 @ 02:30 PM

This just in—the 2021 Women|Future Conference agenda has launched with an incredible lineup of speakers leading thought-provoking conversations for the ambitious, career-driven woman. The Women|Future Conference will be held virtually over five days, with 40+ sessions, panels, and interactive workshops led by inspiring female leaders around the world.

The fourth annual Women|Future Conference celebrates women in business, professional and personal development, and progress. Attendees will explore a variety of topics including mental health and financial wellness, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, and preparing for the changing business landscape. With panel discussions, invaluable networking opportunities, and a woman-owned business pitch competition, this is an event you won't want to miss!

Kicking off the conference on Monday, November 1 at 11:00 am EST will be the opening keynote about the future of work for women (speaker coming soon!) followed by breakout sessions and workshops, starting with "The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women" at 11:45 am. Other sessions on day one are "Women Leading in a Male-Dominated Industry" and "Financial Planning- The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success." The full agenda can be viewed here. The 100+ speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of female CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, and executives leading organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others.


View the Agenda

Over the course of the week, there will be 1-hour and 15-minute blocks in between sessions designated for networking, mentorship, yoga, meditation, or mini-style consultations to break up the days. New for 2021, attendees can schedule one-on-one mini-style consultations with Monica Barnett, Founder & Chief Image Curator of Blueprint for Style, a wardrobe styling and personal branding company based in Washington, DC. Across Ms. Barnett’s distinguished career, she has partnered with major corporations such as Marriott International, NBC Universal, Comcast, Georgetown University’s Schools of Business and Law, and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management to fine-tune their employees’ style and brand.

What to Expect at the 2021Women|Future Conference

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights about challenges and changes that impact their industry, their career, their personal lives. Below is a partial list of some of this year's sessions. 

  • Career Reinvention in Mid-Career Crisis
  • Confidence Code: Embrace Your Uniqueness
  • Entrepreneurship - Success Stories Fireside Chat with female founders
  • Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • How to Deliver Presentations that Stand Out: On and Off the Screen
  • Lessons from Women STEAM Leaders
  • LinkedIn Logic: Leveraging Your Professional Connections
  • Managing Crisis: Becoming a Resilient Leader
  • Marketing and Lead Generation Strategies to Future Proof Your Business and Your Career
  • Personal Development Training: Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • ‘Shark Tank’ style pitch competition for newly founded woman-owned businesses
  • The Power of Purpose: Organizations that Give Back
  • Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Change Management Initiative
  • ...and many more

Stay tuned for our Keynote announcement and featured speakers. This already world-class lineup will continue to grow!

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Take advantage of the $49 student special and save 10% when groups of three (3) or more register together.

Register for the Conference

About the 2021 Women|Future Conference

The 4th annual Women|Future Conference is a five-day virtual event happening November 1-5, 2021 for women in business and entrepreneurs. The conference encourages connections, professional and personal development, and mental health and financial wellness through motivational keynotes, educational sessions, and networking. From aspiring business professionals to inspiring entrepreneurs to executives, there are sessions for women in all stages of life that open your mind and inspire action. The Women|Future Conference is hosted by the Stevie® Awards, the world's premier business awards.

👍 Get Social With the Women|Future Conference 



Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities
Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager

Conference Marketing and PR 
Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference

Großartige Arbeitgeber können aufatmen!

Posted by Jule Kern on Fri, Jul 16, 2021 @ 03:13 AM

Wir haben gute Neuigkeiten für alle, die es nicht rechtzeitig geschafft haben, Nominierungen für die Stevie Awards for Great Employers 2021 einzureichen: die sechste jährliche Auszeichnung für die weltbesten Arbeitsplätze und HR-Profis nimmt weiterhin Nominierungen an. Die endgültige Teilnahmefrist wurde bis zum 3. August verlängert.


Die Stevie® Awards geben bekannt:

Die Einreichungsfrist für den sechsten jährlichen Wettbewerb wurde bis Dienstag, den 3. August, verlängert. Die Stevie Awards for Great Employers zeichnen die weltweit arbeitnehmerfreundlichsten Unternehmen aus sowie die HR-Teams und -Fachleute, HR-Leistungen, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen und Zulieferer, die dazu beitragen, großartige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern.

"Wir haben so viele Anfragen für individuelle Fristverlängerungen erhalten, dass wir uns entschlossen haben, die Frist für alle zu verlängern", sagte Maggie Gallagher Miller, Präsidentin der Stevie Awards. Der ursprüngliche Abgabetermin war der 13. Juli. Gallagher Miller betont, dass für Beiträge, die bis zum 3. August eingereicht werden, keine zusätzlichen Gebühren erhoben werden, und dass verspätete Beiträge bei der Bewertung nicht benachteiligt werden.


Noch drei Wochen Zeit

Organisationen haben nun noch drei Wochen Zeit, ihre Beiträge vorzubereiten und einzureichen. Alle Einzelpersonen und Organisationen weltweit - öffentlich und privat, gewinnorientiert und gemeinnützig, groß und klein - können Nominierungen für die Stevie Awards for Great Employers einreichen. Die Auszeichnungen für das Jahr 2021 werden die Leistungen seit Anfang 2019 würdigen. Details zur Einreichung finden Sie unter www.StevieAwards.com/HR.

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen

In diesem Jahr gibt es mehrere neue Kategorien für HR-Leistungen, darunter "Achievement in Managing a Remote Workforce", "Achievement in Leadership Development for Racial/Ethnic Minorities" und "Best Transformation Strategy". Zwei neue Kategorien für Lösungen und Implementierungen sind „Remote Workforce Management Solution - New or New-Version“ und „Implementation“.

Die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner in den 31 branchenspezifischen Kategorien für den "Employer oft he Year" werden durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus öffentlichen Abstimmungen und professionellen Bewertungen ermittelt. Die öffentliche Abstimmung findet vom 19. Juli bis 9. August statt.

Diese Kategorien erwarten Sie

Mit den Stevie Awards for Great Employers werden Leistungen in vielen Facetten des Arbeitsplatzes gewürdigt.

Die Kategorien umfassen:

Mehr als 100 Fachleute weltweit, die in mehreren Jurys arbeiten, werden die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner der Stevie Awards ermitteln. Die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner der Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie Awards 2021 werden am 19. August bekannt gegeben und bei einem Gala-Bankett am 1. Oktober im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada USA, gefeiert, sofern die Bedingungen dies zulassen.

Zu den europäischen Stevie Award Gewinnern und Gewinnerinnen im Jahr 2020 gehörten AstraZeneca (Moskau, Russland), Benify (Stockholm, Schweden), Dentsply Sirona (Bensheim, Deutschland), Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE (Köln, Deutschland), DHL Supply Chain (Bonn, Deutschland), Gamelearn (Madrid, Spanien), Schneider Electric (Hauts-de-Seine, Frankreich), Swiss Re (Zürich, Schweiz) und viele mehr.


Topics: 2021 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

How to Successfully Manage a Hybrid Workforce

Posted by Severine Hierso on Wed, Jul 14, 2021 @ 11:14 AM

It’s been a year of extremes. Trading bustling office spaces for home offices, colleagues for cats and children, and entering into the world of online meeting spaces, managing your workforce has most likely had some changes. Some of these look likely to stick around, challenging and reshaping how we view work and productivity, requiring new, imaginative ways of managing your team. The current buzzwords are ‘hybrid working’, but what exactly is hybrid working and how can you manage it successfully?

What is hybrid working?

A hybrid is a mix of two different things – in this case, the mix of in-office working and online remote working. This has benefits as well as challenges, so it is worth spending some time preparing and setting structures in place to accommodate for it. This might be a daunting undertaking, but we’re here to make sure your hybrid workforce runs as smoothly as possible.




You might have already started running through all the difficulties facing a hybrid workforce and absolutely, there will be challenges. However, by acknowledging them early on, you can strengthen your hybrid workforce, anticipating and avoiding issues later on. Some challenges to be aware of upfront might be:

  • Difficulty collaborating across the workforce
  • Suitability of different work environments to different people
  • Avoiding prejudice or assumptions about either workplace
  • Ensuring security and privacy online
  • Flexibility required


However, just because hybrid working faces some challenges, doesn’t mean it is without its benefits. These can add to your company’s appeal as an employer, whilst boosting the morale and loyalty within current employees. Depending on your company and the people you work with, the benefits can outweigh the challenges. These include:

  • Wider inclusivity and diversity of employees, particularly those with disabilities, chronic illness and other circumstances that make commuting difficult
  • Larger hiring area 
  • Reduced costs on office spaces
  • Greater flexibility in working hours
  • Workplaces more suited to employees 

What are you waiting for? Turn your team into a successful hybrid workforce quickly and easily with our guidance.

Key ways to manage hybrid workforces

Check-in with the individuals

A company is nothing without the employees, whatever role they take. So, the better you look after your employees, the more productive your company. This can be through one-to-ones or team meetings, any way to gauge how they are doing. Making use of the best RPA tools when scheduling check-ins can save time and ensure this is an automatic part of your week.

For hybrid workforces, communication between you and your team needs to be taken to the next level. Don’t assume that because someone has been working from home for the past year, that is their preference. Likewise, members of the team who have been in the offices may not thrive in that environment constantly. Having conversations clears up ambiguity and prevents issues from arising.


Make sure everyone is fully equipped

Not everyone in your workforce will have the same access to the equipment they need to work their best. While in office spaces, it is apparent if someone requires additional equipment to improve their workspace and they can easily join an IT helpdesk ticketing system when facing technical issues. This can be challenging when managing a hybrid workforce.

One way to check everyone is properly equipped is by listing the resources, equipment and technologies that would be available to them in the office. This includes laptops, second screens, and extends to less obvious things, like paper to print on, high internet speeds and a technical support team on call. Using this list, discuss with your employees what they need, and how the company can provide additional support for those both in the offices and working remotely.

Look for signs of burnout

This year has taken its toll on all of us, and your workers may be in different circumstances to where they were a year ago, six months ago, or even last month. Happy and healthy employees are more productive, creative and innovative, so it is worth watching over your team and finding ways to help them. Encouraging the whole team to do this for one another starts building community and can be more perceptive to individuals.

Working remotely doesn’t eliminate burnout, and can often be just as stressful as working in an office. The concerns of each person might differ, but they should be taken just as seriously. Showing a real interest in your team member’s well-being is a great quality in a manager and can provide early solutions to issues before they become problematic.


Create a regular team schedule

With a hybrid workforce, it can be hard to keep track of everyone and where they are at. Private cloud computing can help to some extent, but ensuring regular meetings as a whole team and in smaller task forces can help with organization and keeping tabs on everyone. This is key for clear and consistent communication across the office and remote workers.

Having a team schedule also gives advanced warning to workers regarding when they are needed in calls – perfect for those factoring in school runs, doctors visits, or additional demands on their time. This may apply to workers both remote and in-office, improving the working experience for the whole team.

Share resources

Having a shared drive and applications for instant messaging helps to accelerate projects and communication, especially between those in office and remote. Although emails are still necessary, they take longer to receive responses from and are not always suitable for sending files. By sharing resources and documents instantly, there is no delay between employees working together, regardless of their proximity to each other.

This is useful when searching for documents, not knowing who created or had them saved. Rather than asking everyone to look, anyone within the team can access the shared drive and find past documents without hassle. Using voice recognition software can further speed up this process, using AI to search through shared drives.


Work hard, play hard

This year has been tough on everyone and adapting to hybrid working can put a strain on some. Take time as a team to have fun together, both remote and office workers. Use one of the myriads of online team-building exercises, have designated coffee breaks including remote workers, or find events where the whole team would be comfortable getting involved.

Having a strong team relies on the relationships between team members. So, although these activities might not seem directly productive, they can diminish division between office and remote workers, building up community spirit within your workforce.

Be flexible

Hybrid working gives employees additional flexibility to improve their work/life balance. Whether in flexible working hours, part or full-time remote working, or flexibility to take your dog to the vet, this improves the wellbeing of employees and gives them ownership over their work. 

Although you might anticipate needing flexibility with remote workers, it is equally needed for those returning to offices, or who never left. Being aware of this can prevent assumptions of what office working or remote working is, and allows each individual to have the same opportunities available.


Prepare for change

We have adapted to a lot of change recently, becoming familiar with new rules and regulations and managing our teams through very different methods. This should act as a reminder to prepare for change and things not playing out how you anticipate. This could extend to the purposes of offices and meeting rooms changing, as well as ensuring you have business continuity planning software and procedures in place.

Be aware that the needs and preferences of your workforce might also change. Working remotely might be ideal for a parent during the school term, but during holidays working in the office may be better. Similarly, keen office workers might find themselves needing to work remotely while looking after vulnerable family members. Being open and ready for change makes conversations with employees around changing their work environment a lot easier, ensuring they can always work in a place suited to them.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as it works

Hybrid workforces are a new and constantly improving aspect of companies, meaning there is no one way to perfectly manage your new hybrid team. What works for you depends on your workforce and the individuals within it. There are plenty of new developments to share the workload across your team, from dialler software, to synchronized calendars. In testing the ropes, mistakes and difficulties will happen, but don’t let this put you off. You’re in good company with many other businesses also making the move to hybrid working. 

RingCentral won the Award for Innovation in Human Resources in the 2020 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

Severine Hierso

Severine Hierso is EMEA Senior Product Marketing Manager for RingCentral Office, the leader in cloud communications solutions and ACD systems. She is passionate about creating value, differentiation and messaging, ensuring a better experience for customers and partners.

She has gained extensive international Product Marketing, Market Research, Sales Enablement and Business development experience across SaaS, Telecommunications, Video Conferencing and Technology sectors
within companies such as Sony, Cisco, Cogeco Peer 1 and Dimension Data/NTT.

Topics: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

The Stevie® Awards for Great Employers Final Deadline Extended through August 3

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Jul 14, 2021 @ 10:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, announced today that the final entry deadline for the sixth annual competition has been extended to Tuesday, August 3.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers honors the world’s best companies to work for and the HR teams and professionals, HR achievements, new products and services and suppliers that help to create and drive great workplaces.

“We’ve received so many requests for individual deadline extensions that we’ve decided to extend the deadline for everyone,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Gallagher. The original final deadline was July 13. Gallagher emphasizes that no additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through August 3, and late entries will not be penalized in the judging process.

All organizations now have three more weeks to prepare and submit their entries.

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to the Stevie Awards for Great Employers. The 2021 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2019. Entry details are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/HR.

There are several new categories in 2021 for HR achievements including Achievement in Managing a Remote Workforce, Achievement in Leadership Development for Racial/Ethnic Minorities, and Best Transformation Strategy. Two new categories for Solutions and Implementations include Remote Workforce Management Solution - New or New-Version and Implementation.

Winners in the 31 industry-specific Employer of the Year categories will be determined by a unique blend of public votes and professional ratings. Public voting will take place from July 19 - August 9.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers will recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

    Employer of the Year
    HR Achievements
    HR Individual Awards
    HR Team Categories
    Solution Provider Awards
    More than 50 New Product & Service Categories
    COVID-19 Response

More than 100 professionals worldwide, working on several juries, will determine the Stevie Award winners. Winners in the 2021 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards will be announced on August 19, and celebrated during a gala banquet, conditions permitting, on October 1 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.

About the Stevie® Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Topics: hr awards, HR professionals, Stevie Awards for Great Employers, best employers

2021 American Business Awards® Winners Honored in Virtual Ceremony

Posted by Nina Moore on Fri, Jul 09, 2021 @ 10:43 AM

The American Business Awards® are the premier business awards program in the U.S.A.  All organizations - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations. The 2021 winners were celebrated during a virtual awards ceremony on Wednesday, June 30.

The 2021 American Business Awards winners accepted their trophies and medals from home in lieu of an in-person awards gala. Each winning organization that participated was honored during a virtual ceremony on Wednesday, June 30. The ceremony live stream was viewed by over 1,000 individuals comprised of winners, friends, and family.

Winners accepted their awards by filming 30-second acceptance speeches from their home offices, corporate settings, and even while holding their prized Stevie trophies outdoors. In addition to pre-recorded acceptance speeches, the ceremony featured videos about the winning organizations, messages from Stevie Awards judges and sponsors, and surprise celebrity guests. This year's surprise guests included actor and director of The Office, Brian Baumgartner, celebrity magician Penn Jillette, and Paula Abdul.

"Congratulations to all of you Stevie Awards winners on your business achievements," Baumgartner said. " I know this last year has been tough, so if you won an award, you really did something right!...But, onwards and upwards. Let's look to the rest of 2021 and make it Twenty-twenty-awesome."

A complete list of The 19th annual American Business Awards winners by category can be found here. The winners are determined by the average scores of more than 250 professionals worldwide in a three-month judging process. Some of the winning organizations that participated in the virtual awards ceremony included:

  • AARP, Washington, DC
  • American Dental Association, Chicago, IL
  • Church's Chicken, Atlanta, GA
  • Cyara, Redwood City, CA
  • Delta Dental of Kansas, Wichita, KS
  • Diamond Resorts®, Las Vegas, NV
  • Estée Lauder Companies, New York, NY
  • Fidelity Investments, Jersey City, NJ
  • GAVS Technologies N.A., Inc., NJ
  • Grant Thornton LLP, Chicago, IL
  • Hilton Grand Vacations, Orlando, FL
  • Hilton Supply Management, McLean, VA
  • IBM, Armonk, New York, NY
  • Marvel Marketers, LLC, San Mateo, CA
  • Masks4Missions, Shelburne, VT
  • Medidata Solutions, a Dassault Systemes Company, New York, NY
  • Nature's Sunshine, Lehi, UT
  • The Salvation Army, New York, NY
  • Tinuiti, New York City, NY
  • VUMI Group, Dallas, TX
  • …and many more

A favorite part of the virtual ceremony platform was our "virtual red carpet," which transformed the background of attendee photos into the 2021 American Business Awards step and repeat backdrop. View the red carpet photo gallery. 


The ceremony replay, individual acceptance speeches, and red carpet interviews are available to watch on YouTube and below.


Of the winning organizations that participated in the June 30 virtual awards, two were esteemed Grand Stevie Awards Winners; The Salvation Army and Tinuiti. 

Highest-rated COVID-19 Response Category NominationThe Salvation Army’s (New York, NY) nomination of Seth Ditmer, their Deputy Director of Operations - Emergency Services, won Gold for Delivery Hero of the Year, for his oversight of the delivery of pantry boxes to home-bound seniors, people with compromised immune systems, and coordinated mass grocery deliveries to soup kitchens at The Salvation Army’s 38 community centers in the New York City area. With an average score from the judges of 9.5/10, the nomination wins a Grand Stevie Award as the highest rated of all those in the competition’s COVID-19 Response categories.

Most Honored Marketing Agency: Tinuiti, the New York-based performance marketing firm, wins for 26.5 award points earned for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie wins in a variety of marketing and technology categories.

To close out the 2.5-hour virtual awards show, the President of the Stevie Awards, Maggie Gallagher Miller, remarked on the creativity from this year's winners and her anticipation of celebrating the 2022 American Business Awards in person in New York City. "Thank you again for being here today to celebrate your many accomplishments over the past year, she said. "It was great to hear so much creativity and positivity from the Stevie Awards community. Have a great rest of your day and we hope to see you in person next June."

Sponsors and supporters of The 19th annual American Business Awards are Microsoft, Medidata, VideoAmp, Inc., and HCL Technologies.

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Interested in entering The 2022 (20th Annual) American Business Awards? Entries will open this coming October.

Request the entry kit


Topics: The American Business Awards, American business awards, ABAs, grand stevie

Continuous Innovation with CoreStack

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Jul 07, 2021 @ 04:59 PM
  • CoreStack is at the heart of digital transformation
  • CoreStack Enterprise Cloud Governance enables organizations to rapidly achieve continuous and autonomous cloud governance by applying a unique governance model 

About CoreStack 

CoreStack is an AI-powered multi-cloud governance solution that empowers enterprises to rapidly achieve Continuous and Autonomous Cloud Governance at Scale. CoreStack was recognized as IDC Innovator in Cloud Management Solutions and in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Management Platforms in 2020. CoreStack is a Microsoft Azure Gold Partner and Amazon AWS Advanced Competency Technology Partner.


CoreStack Enterprise Cloud Governance is a product offering by CoreStack where innovation is continually underway. This was released for use by customers in 2020 and has been reviewed by Gartner, IDC, etc. since early 2020. The latest innovation in the product is AI-powered backing.

The cloud lies at the heart of digital transformation. However, it is impossible to unleash the real benefits of the cloud without governance. Organizations struggle with operational complexities, security and regulatory compliance, and unabated cloud costs. CoreStack Enterprise Cloud Governance helps organizations overcome these challenges with deeper cloud visibility, governance guardrails, and automatic remediation.  CoreStack enables organizations to realize outcomes such as 40% decrease in cloud costs and 50% increase in operational efficiencies by governing operations, security, cost, access, and resources. CoreStack assures 100% compliance with standards such as ISO, FedRAMP, NIST, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, AWS CIS, and Well Architected Framework (WAF).

CoreStack Enterprise Cloud Governance (ECG) enables organizations to rapidly achieve continuous and autonomous cloud governance by applying a unique governance model - OSCAR that uses deep AI/ML, declarative definitions, and a patented cloud service-chaining technology to help achieve these outcomes:

Run Lean and Efficient Cloud Operations 

Leverage automation and proactive governance to achieve high cloud availability and optimal performance. Automate monitoring and alerts, activity tracking, back-up, restore, and patch management.

Build a Strong Defense against Cloud Security Threats

Set up security governance guardrails. Identify the threats and assess the vulnerabilities continuously. Obtain a real-time cloud security posture and insights into security trends by region, resource, type, and age.

Optimize Cloud Costs

Gain deeper visibility into cloud-spend by account, category, type, tag, region, product category, and resource group. Enable budget controls and charge-back mechanism. Identify the unoptimized cloud resources and configurations.

Govern Access based on Principle of Least-Privilege

Gain centralized visibility of cloud accounts and their access by user, cloud service, policies, and roles. Learn how the access is utilized and identify violations.

Ensure Resource Consistency across Cloud Footprint

Define, enforce, and track the resource naming and tagging standards, locks, and usage by regions. Consistency discipline ensures that the resources are deployed, discovered, and managed effectively at scale.

Measure the Cloud Governance Index

Continuously measure the overall cloud governance index and for each pillar – Operations, Security, Cost, Access, and Resource. Benchmark it against the industry best practices. Implement the recommended practices and witness your governance index improving.

CoreStack won the Gold Stevie Award for New Product & Service Categories - Business Technology - Cloud Infrastructure in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2022 American Business Awards®? Request the entry kit. 

Request the entry kit

Topics: American business awards