Weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres 2020: Eva Mattheeussen

Posted by Jule Kern on Wed, Aug 25, 2021 @ 02:21 AM

Eva Mattheeussen ist Head of Human Resources bei DHL Global Forwarding (DGF) Middle East & Africa, einer Region mit über 1.900 Mitarbeitern, und Global Project Lead von "Women at DHL Global Forwarding", einer Organisation mit über 38.000 Mitarbeitern.

DHL Logo

Bei den Stevie Awards for Women in Business 2020 wurde DHL mit vier goldenen Stevie Awards ausgezeichnet. Einer der Awards zeichnete Eva Mattheeussen als Female Executive of the Year aus. 

Eva Mattheeussen_1Eva Mattheeussen nimmt nichts im Leben als selbstverständlich hin, besonders die dauerhaften Beziehungen zu den Menschen, die ihr lieb und teuer sind. Mattheeussen, die von klein auf von Pflegeeltern in Antwerpen, Belgien, aufgezogen wurde, hat immer die schönen Erinnerungen und die engen Bindungen geschätzt, die sie im Laufe der Jahre mit ihrer Familie, Freunden und Kolleg:innen aufgebaut hat.

In ihren 15 Jahren im Unternehmen war sie an der Spitze mehrerer Teams. Ihre jüngste Verantwortung als Global Project Lead for Women bei DGF zeigt ihr Engagement für Diversity & Inclusion und Employee Engagement.

Eva Mattheeussen hat maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, Vielfalt, Inklusion und Gender auf ein neues Level zu bringen, indem sie das Sponsoring des DHL Global Forwarding (DGF) Vorstands erhalten und Frauen bei DGF in die DGF-Prioritäten 2020 und die Strategie 2025 aufgenommen hat.

DGF bringt Menschen aus den unterschiedlichsten Gesellschaften und kulturellen Hintergründen zusammen – alle mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten, Erfahrungen und Ansichten. 46 Prozent der Belegschaft sind Frauen unterschiedlichen Alters und Herkunft.

Seit 2019 hat Eva Mattheeussen als Global Project Lead of Women bei DHL Global Forwarding  die Aufmerksamkeit des Managements auf das Thema Gender und die Notwendigkeit gelenkt, den Wert von D&I-Initiativen im gesamten Unternehmen zu nutzen und sie strategisch in die Arbeitsplatzkultur und -praktiken zu integrieren.

Wir freuen uns, dass Eva Mattheeussen bereit war, und einige Fragen zu Ihrem Gewinn bei den Stevie Awards for Women in Business zu beantworten:

Eva Mattheeussen_2


Wie hat sich Ihr Erfolg bei den Stevie Awards for Women in Business auf Ihr Unternehmen und/oder Ihre Mitarbeiter:innen ausgewirkt?

Die Förderung von talentierten Frauen in unserem Unternehmen ist ein Schwerpunkt für uns alle bei Deutsche Post DHL und DHL Global Forwarding. Unser Ziel ist es, mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen zu bringen, und unsere Initiative 'Women at DHL Global Forwarding' ist der Hauptantrieb dafür. Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit sind Teil der Kernwerte unseres Unternehmens, und wir freuen uns darauf, weiterhin einen großartigen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, an dem jeder willkommen ist.

Diese Auszeichnungen sind etwas ganz Besonderes, weil sie unsere Mitarbeiter zusammenbringen, um Diversity & Inclusion zu feiern, aber auch, weil sie uns helfen, DHL Global Forwarding nach außen hin als den bevorzugten Arbeitgeber und die richtige Spedition für Frauen zu positionieren.

Der Bewerbungsprozess war auch deshalb sehr wertvoll für uns, weil wir nach der Auswahl ein Feedback von der Jury erhalten haben, das wir genutzt haben, um die Arbeitsbereiche von 'Women at DHL Global Forwarding' zu bewerten und die Auswirkungen des Projekts für 2021 zu planen.

Was würden Sie zukünftigen Teilnehmer:innen der Stevie Awards empfehlen?

Die Stevie® Awards sind die weltweit wichtigsten Wirtschaftsauszeichnungen. Kleine Unternehmen haben also genauso gute Chancen, einen Stevie zu gewinnen wie große Unternehmen wie DHL. Wir haben uns für die Teilnahme an den Stevie Awards for Women in Business entschieden, da Diversity & Inclusion ein Teil unserer Geschäftsprofis ist und wir unser Projekt 'Women at DHL Global Forwarding' vorstellen und Feedback von der Jury erhalten wollten, um unsere Pläne und Auswirkungen zu verbessern.

Der Gewinn der Stevie Awards for Women in Business in den vier Kategorien gab uns eine großartige Plattform, um unsere Karrieren nach außen zu tragen und unser Unternehmen weiterhin als Top-Arbeitgeber zu positionieren.

Möchten Sie auch an den Stevie Awards for Women in Business teilnehmen? Dann reichen Sie noch bis zum 25. August 2021 Ihre Nominierungen ein!

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen


Topics: Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business

airSlate Helps Millions of Users Work More Efficiently

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Aug 24, 2021 @ 08:49 PM
  • airSlate is a global technology company that provides no-code business process automation and document management solutions
  • The company’s goal of solving a simple problem evolved into expanded solutions and processes that now serve millions of users around the world 

About airSlate

airSlate is a global SaaS technology company serving tens of millions of users worldwide with its no-code business process automation and document management solutions. airSlate's PDF editing, e-signature workflow, and business process automation solutions empower users to digitally transform their businesses to run faster and more efficiently. 

airSlate was founded in 2008 with the goal of solving a simple problem that originally had nothing to do with workflows: how to create fillable and editable forms and documents from PDF files. Today, the product that came from the original effort, pdfFiller, is used by millions of people around the globe. Since then, airSlate has expanded its solutions and no-code workflow automation to empower non-technical users to digitally transform their front and back-office business processes, such as employee and customer onboarding, sales, and ordering workflows, contracts, and payments. 

Nearly 700k customers and more than 87 million users have achieved significant improvements in the delivery and effectiveness of their departments through airSlate’s fully digital, remote-work-first environment. Individuals and teams can collaborate at any time, from any device, on any cloud, supported by industry-leading security and compliance standards to keep all important data safe and secure. 

With exponential growth to its user base, fresh financing, new product launches and integrations, and a rapidly expanding global team, airSlate has seen significant momentum in the business process automation, e-signature, and document management markets since 2019. In 2020, buoyed by the pandemic and an increasingly global, remote work environment, airSlate’s user base skyrocketed. 

The company launched its newest product to expand its portfolio, offering an end-to-end workflow ecosystem for customers. airSlate’s solution gives teams the power to build and automate any part of their workflows using a single, no-code, easy-to-configure solution. In addition, airSlate announced several major integrations, including with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft. 

The company’s launch of its airSlate product in 2020 was a significant differentiator for the business and what was currently available in the market. airSlate’s closest competitors only offer point-based solutions, meaning customers have to bring together multiple disparate systems to meet their workflow goals. The launch of airSlate eliminated that need, offering up the first of its kind, end-to-end workflow automation solution for teams. 

airSlate won the Gold Stevie Award for Company / Organization Categories - Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year - Up to 2,500 Employees and a Bronze Stevie Award for Company / Organization Categories - Computer Software - Large in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2022 American Business Awards? Request the entry kit. 

Request the entry kit

Topics: American business awards

What is Employee Recognition and Why is it Important?

Posted by Marjorie Hajim on Thu, Aug 19, 2021 @ 09:30 AM

Employee recognition does pretty much what it says on the packet: it’s about recognizing the hard work that your staff has done, and rewarding them for it. 

It sounds simple, but it’s actually a lot more complex than you may at first realize. It’s done in many ways and for many different reasons. This article will break all this down for you, and explain why employee recognition is so important to your business.

What Is the Purpose of Employee Recognition?

Employee recognition is carried out in order to meet three main objectives: 

To Showcase Achievements

It feels great just to get a simple “thank you”, doesn’t it? That’s what showcasing achievements is all about. 

It gives your employees the opportunity to admire each other’s work, as well as learn from it. 

Take this example. Say you run a business VoIP service. You sell communication services to help companies stay connected, using a mixture of both traditional conference call methods and online tools.

Imagine a cloud architect of yours has recently done a particularly good job. They’ve met all their targets and even come up with some new ideas. Showcasing their achievements to the rest of the company by doing something as simple as publicly thanking them on the company’s social media can go a long way. Not only will it boost the morale of that individual employee, but it can also inspire the rest of the company to work harder.

This takes us to the next objective: motivation.

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For Motivation

Showing employee recognition can increase motivation for all employees. To continue the original example, imagine that the same social media post is seen by employees in other departments. Seeing another member of staff being publicly praised and thanked can inspire someone to work harder in the hopes that they will also enjoy that reward.

This of course applies to other types of recognition and reward as well. Employees that see other people being rewarded, even in non-corporate public sectors like restaurants or pubs, are much more likely to increase their engagement and productivity as a result. It’s a rule that applies across the board.

To Reinforce Company Values

This is an important one. Recognizing employees’ efforts can reinforce the values that your business holds. For example, if you’re rewarding a cloud engineer and recognizing their work, praise their innovative outlook and their problem-solving skills.

If you run a newsletter builder software, you could award recognition to an employee that has shown exceptional time management and written communication skills.

It’s all about realizing what your values as a company are and bolstering them by rewarding employees that demonstrate them.

Types of Employee Recognition

Now we arrive at the nitty-gritty. What are the types of employee recognition and when should you use them?

  • Peer recognition
  • Superior recognition
  • Attributed recognition
  • Anonymous recognition
  • Social recognition
  • Private recognition
  • Behavior recognition
  • Achievement recognition

All of these kinds of recognition are fairly self-explanatory - but the real trick is knowing when to use each one.

Say, for example, that you run an appointment booking app. One of your employees has reached a sales target and deserves recognition for their efforts.

Achievement-based recognition is the way to go here because your employee has reached a productivity goal rather than exhibiting any exceptional behavior. However, in terms of whether the employee would prefer to be publicly awarded or privately thanked? That’s your call.

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Every employee will have different preferences when it comes to recognition. Some desire the spotlight, while some can’t imagine anything worse. Would they prefer a meeting with a more senior manager or an anonymous thank-you card on their desk?

Ultimately, it’s all about deciding which method of recognition would suit that particular employee, taking their wants, needs, and comfort into account at all times. What would inspire them the most? What will motivate them and make them feel appreciated within your company?

These are all important questions to consider.

Why Is Employee Recognition Important?

Now we come to the final piece of the puzzle. Why is employee recognition so important? Doesn’t it seem like a bit of a hassle?

It may well seem like one, especially if you have lots of employees that each require their own method of recognition. What we’re trying to get across here is that it’s a completely worthy investment of your time and money.

Think about it this way. Morale is at an all-time low due to the pandemic. Colleagues can’t see each other except in online meetings, and it’s easy for workers to feel isolated and underappreciated when working from home.

If you make a habit of regularly recognizing and rewarding your staff’s achievements, the news will spread that your company has a great working environment, and you can expect to onboard new employees as a result.

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Here are some proven benefits of habitual employee recognition:

  • Stabilized workplace

You’d be surprised how many people leave due to lack of recognition; investing in this process can encourage your employees to stick around for longer.

  • Decreased absenteeism

Recognition affirms to the employees that what they’re doing is useful and helpful to the company, which encourages longer workdays and less lateness and sick days.

  • Increased productivity

Recognition increases general employee happiness and motivation, which naturally raises productivity.

  • Improved sense of unity

Seeing other employees succeed encourages everyone to do the same, which fosters a sense of unity among the staff - it’s a team effort.

  • Increased trust between employees and management

If management shows that they appreciate the effort that employees put in, it will show the staff that the higher-ups keep their promises and truly care about their workers.

  • Improved customer experience

If employees are all working harder to gain recognition and rewards, customer service and the customer experience will naturally be more seamless and enjoyable. When everyone’s doing their best work, the clientele is the first to enjoy the benefits.

  • Decreased employee stress levels

Employee recognition can do wonders for stress relief. Imagine working tirelessly day after day for nothing but a paycheck, without even so much as a “thank you” or a “good job!”. It follows, then, that regular recognition goes a long way in relieving employee stress and increasing their enjoyment of work.


If all this isn’t enough to convince you, try it and see the results for yourself. Bringing this much more human side to a technologically advancing working world reminds us all that businesses are, first and foremost, made of people, and people deserve to be recognized and rewarded.

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Marjorie Hajim

Marjorie Hajim is the SEO Manager for EMEA at RingCentral, a leading cloud communications company that provides VoIP and an automatic call distributor system. She develops and executes strategies for short-term and long-term SEO growth. In her spare time, she loves reading books at coffee shops and playing with her dogs.

Topics: American business awards

Final Entry Deadline Approaching in 18th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 18, 2021 @ 03:48 PM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, is accepting final nominations its 2021 (18th annual) Stevie Awards for Women in Business program through August 25. Entries will not be accepted past this deadline.

Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Women.


The awards are produced by the creators of the prestigious American Business Awards® and International Business Awards®.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor the achievements of working women in more than 100 categories, including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Mentor or Coach of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Achievement in Equal Pay, Women Helping Women, Employee of the Year, Woman-Owned or -Run Company of the Year and Innovator of the Year. All female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, and the organizations they run, worldwide, are eligible to be nominated.

Finalists will be announced on September 23, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on November 6 in Las Vegas (health conditions permitting) or at a virtual ceremony.

New categories this year include Most Innovative Woman of the Year in Accounting and Healthcare, Mentor or Coach of the Year - Consumer, Women Helping Women - Social Change, Social Change Maker of the Year, and many more.

The Stevie Awards has partnered with Thought Leadership Leverage to offer Thought Leadership awards categories. These categories include:

  • Thought Leadership Campaign of the Year
  • Achievement in Thought Leadership
  • Female Thought Leader of The Year

SAWIB Responsive (5)

Stevie Awards President Maggie Gallagher says “We are excited to welcome the final round of nominees this year. The judges are already impressed with the body of work submitted by female entrepreneurs, executives, employees, mentors, and more. We encourage anyone who is considering nominating for the Stevie Awards for Women in Business to create their entry account at www.StevieAwards.com/Women.”

The 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business will be judged by more than 200 leading professionals around the world, and nominees will have access to all the judges’ comments and suggestions about their nominations.

Interested in entering the 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business?

Request Your Entry Kit

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in 18th Annual International Business Awards® from Across the Globe

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Mon, Aug 16, 2021 @ 10:53 AM

High-achieving organizations and executives around the world have been recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The 18th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's only international, all-encompassing business awards program.

Winners were selected from more than 3,700 nominations submitted by organizations in 65 nations.

A complete list of all 2021 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

See the Full List of Stevie Winners


More than 260 executives worldwide participated on 11 juries to determine the Stevie winners.

The top winner of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevies overall is Ayala Land of Makati City, Philippines with 34. Other winners of multiple Stevie Awards are LLYC (33), IBM (23), Viettel Group (22), HALKBANK (20), DHL Express Worldwide (16), Masks4Missions (16), Telkom Indonesia (15), Yapi Kredi (13), Wolters Kluwer (13), Jeunesse Global (11), Tata Consultancy Services (11), Dubai Municipality (10), Zer Central Services and Trade (10), Zimat Consultores (10), AXA Sigorta (9), Google (8), Ooredoo Group (8), Sberbank of Russia (8), Isbank (7), MTR Corporation Limited (7), Thai Life Insurance (7), pH7 Communications (7), Sleepm Global, Inc. (7), Ulled Asociadios C.R.P. S.A. (7), Uniomedia Communications (7), and VNPT VinaPhone Corporation (7).

LLYC, a global communications and public affairs consulting firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain won 14 Gold Stevie Awards, more than any other organization in the competition.

All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in the IBAs, and can submit entries in a wide range of categories for achievement in management, marketing, public relations, customer service, human resources, new products and services, technology, web sites, apps, events, and more. 

The awards will be presented during a virtual awards ceremony on December 8, 2021.

Topics: International business awards

Passionate Volunteer is Dedicated to Improving the World

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Aug 11, 2021 @ 12:36 PM
  • VOMO’s platform and app hosts a global volunteer movement and connects organizations and communities 
  • Support Staffer of the Year, Paige Dudek, exemplifies the values of VOMO with dedication and proactivity to keep the company running smoothly

About VOMO

VOMO is a web-based platform and app powering a global volunteer movement by providing organizations with the tools needed to discover and initiate projects, connect to community causes, and measure and amplify the impact of volunteering. VOMO, which stands for Volunteer Movement, harnesses the strength of technology to galvanize a generation to change the world for good by streamlining volunteer engagement.

Support Staffer of the Year

Paige Dudek is the backbone and spirit of VOMO. As a company that exists to change the world by serving those who serve others, Paige exemplifies everything it means to be a “VOMie”. VOMO is a small, close-knit team that thrives because of every extra step that Paige takes. She takes care of
hundreds of unseen tasks that keep the company
running smoothly. 

In September 2019, Paige stepped up to lead the sales team. In doing so, she turned what was once a stressful environment into a fun, exciting atmosphere through team-building games. She managed to simultaneously operate daily office functions such as ordering supplies and manning the phone. Her willingness to help and her ability to work cross-functionally are two of the many attributes that earned her the title of Human of the Month, September 2019. 

When the coronavirus shook the world and VOMO needed to shift, Paige didn’t miss a beat. VOMO relaunched the Be A Neighbor campaign, and Paige was at the helm to ensure it functioned without a hitch. She spent her personal time mastering the platform overnight as she sourced and posted various serving opportunities to the campaign page. In addition, she learned the ins and outs of WordPress, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Canva in the span of one week to seamlessly manage the national campaign. She also took on managing all social media for the campaign while still completing her regular work, and somehow never letting the snack box run empty. 

A woman who wears many hats, Paige’s unending dedication to VOMO is evident through her passion for everything that she does. 

VOMO won the Gold Stevie Award for Support Categories - Support Staffer of the Year in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2022 American Business Awards? Request the entry kit. 

Request the entry kit

Topics: American business awards

Letzte Chance für die Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Posted by Jule Kern on Fri, Aug 06, 2021 @ 09:47 AM


Nutzen Sie noch jetzt die Gelegenheit, Ihre Nominierungen für die Stevie Awards for Women in Business einzureichen! Der beliebte Award zu Ehren von Unternehmerinnen, weiblichen Führungskräften und Arbeitnehmerinnen weltweit nimmt noch bis zum 25. August Nominierungen entgegen.


Bereits zum 18. Mal ehren die Stevie Awards im Rahmen dieses speziellen Wirtschaftspreisprogramms herausragende Leistungen von Unternehmerinnen, Frauen in Führungspositionen, Mitarbeiterinnen und von Frauen geführte Organisationen.

Teilnahmeunterlagen und sowie umfassende Informationen zum Wettbewerb finden Interessierte Teilnehmerinnen unter http://www.StevieAwards.com/Women.

Mit den Stevie Awards for Women in Business werden die Leistungen von berufstätigen Frauen in mehr als 100 Kategorien gewürdigt.

Prämiert werden die Frauen unter anderem in den Kategorien:

Hier erhalten Sie die Teilnahmeunterlagen

Was erwartet uns Neues? 

  • Erweiterung des Leistungszeitraums: Die Teilnahmeberechtigung für die Stevie® Awards for Women in Business 2021 erstreckt sich vom 1. Juli 2019 bis zum 25. August 2021, dem letzten Tag, an dem Einsendungen akzeptiert werden.
  • Für Websites und Apps gibt es keinen Zeitrahmen für die Erstellung - es spielt keine Rolle, wann die Websites oder Apps erstmals veröffentlicht wurden.

Nach Abschluss der Bewerbungsphase prüfen über 200 führende Expertinnen aus aller Welt die eingegangenen Nominierungen. Die Preisträgerinnen haben nach der Bekanntgabe der Gewinner Zugang zu allen Kommentaren und Vorschlägen der Jury, bezüglich ihrer Nominierungen.

Frauen vor!

In diesen neuen Kategorien werden die Leistungen von Organisationen seit dem 1. Juli 2019 gewürdigt, die aktive Maßnahmen ergriffen haben, um die bei ihnen beschäftigten Frauen als Führungspersönlichkeiten weiterzuentwickeln und ihre Führungsqualitäten bei einem Publikum innerhalb und außerhalb der Organisation zu fördern.

Thought Leadership Kategorien


Die Stevie Awards haben sich mit Thought Leadership Leverage zusammengeschlossen, um Kategorien für Thought Leadership Awards anzubieten. Diese Kategorien umfassen:

  • Thought Leadership-Kampagne des Jahres - In diesen Kategorien werden die Leistungen seit dem von Thought-Leadership-Programmen und Kampagnen gewürdigt, die für oder von Frauen erstellt wurden.
  • Leistung in Thought Leadership - In dieser Kategorie werden die Leistungen von Organisationen  gewürdigt, die aktive Maßnahmen ergriffen haben, um die bei ihnen beschäftigten Frauen als Vordenkerinnen zu entwickeln und ihre Vordenkerrolle bei einem Publikum innerhalb und außerhalb der Organisation zu fördern.
  • Female Thought Leader of The Year - In dieser Kategorie werden die Leistungen von Frauen gewürdigt, die für sich selbst und/oder ihre Organisationen herausragende Leistungen im Bereich Thought Leadership erbracht haben.


Starke Frauen – Women in Business Preisträgerinnen des letzten Jahres

Die Gewinnerinnen der Goldenen, Silbernen und Bronzenen Stevie Awards 2020 spiegeln eine vielfältige Gruppe großer und kleiner Organisationen rund um den Globus wider. Zu den Gold- Preisträgerinnen 2020 zählen auch Geschäftsfrauen und Unternehmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Europa:

  • Gleich vier goldene Stevie Awards gewann DHL Global Forwarding aus Bonn. Für die Initiative „Women at DHL Forwarding“ in den Media Awards Categories wurde das Unternehmen für die vorbildliche Förderung von Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz ausgezeichnet.
  • Mit einem silbernen Stevie Award in den COVID-19 Response Categories wurde Marina Reinders aus dem Unternehmen ZIB – Zurück in den Beruf als Deutschlands hervorragendste Zweigstellenleiterin einer Bildungseinrichtung ausgezeichnet.
  • Die Industrie und Handelskammer Berlin wurde für ihre crossmediale COVID-19-Kampagne in den Kategorien zur Reaktion auf COVID-19 für die PR-Kampagne des Jahres mit einem bronzenen Stevie Award ausgezeichnet.

Eine vollständige Liste aller Gewinnerinnen 2020 finden Sie hier.

Wenn auch Sie sich bei den 18. Stevie Awards for Women in Business mit ihren Leistungen bewerben möchten, registrieren Sie sich noch heute unter www.StevieAwards.com/Women/register.


Topics: Awards for Women in Business, SAWIB21

Tolle Neuigkeiten: Die Stevie® Awards for Sales and Customer Service Öffnen ihre Pforten

Posted by Jule Kern on Fri, Aug 06, 2021 @ 09:42 AM

Endlich ist es so weit: Die Stevie Awards® for Sales and Customer Service nehmen ab sofort Nominierungen für 2022 entgegen. Fachleute, Teams und Organisationen im Bereich Vertrieb und Kundenservice sind dazu eingeladen, ihr Team und ihre Leistungen wertzuschätzen und zu feiern.

SASCS22 Earlybird Deadline

Teilnahmeberechtigt sind Abteilungen, Teams und Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt, die in den Bereichen Kundenservice, Contact Center, Geschäftsentwicklung und Vertrieb tätig sind. Neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Lösungsanbieter, die von diesen Fachleuten genutzt werden, können ebenfalls eingereicht werden. Die Early-Bird Deadline ist der 13. Oktober und die Teilnahmefrist endet am 10 November.

Hier erhalten Sie Ihre Teilnahmeunterlagen

Die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service umfassen mehr als 150 Kategorien für:

Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer können beliebig viele Nominierungen in beliebig vielen Kategorien einreichen. Der Wettbewerb 2022 wird von mehr als 150 Fachleuten aus der ganzen Welt bewertet.

Das erwartet Sie Neues in 2022

Der Leistungszeitraum gilt ab dem 1. Juli 2019. Nominierungen sollten Leistungen seit diesem Datum anführen. Das dieses Zeitfenster ist ein Jahr länger ist als üblich. Wir haben es erweitert, um die Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf Organisationen weltweit zu berücksichtigen.


Im Jahr 2022 wird es wieder die People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service geben, eine Beliebtheit der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, bei denen die Öffentlichkeit unter allen Nominierungen der Finalisten in den Kategorien der Kundendienstabteilung des Jahres für ihre bevorzugten Anbieter im Bereich Kundenservice abstimmen kann.

Die Thought Leadership Kategorien: In diesen KategorienThought Leadership image werden seit dem 1. Juli 2019 die Leistungen von Organisationen gewürdigt, die aktive Maßnahmen ergriffen haben, um sich selbst und ihre Führungskräfte als Thought Leader zu entwickeln und ihre Vordenkerrolle gegenüber einem Publikum innerhalb und außerhalb der Organisation zu fördern.


Zu den europäischen Gewinnerinnen und Gewinnern der Ausgabe 2021 der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service gehörten Competence Call Center (Wien, Österreich), Mitto (Zürich, Schweiz), Modis Bulgaria (Sofia, Bulgarien), Pekao Direct (Krakau, Polen), Telefonica (Madrid, Spanien), Veeam Software (Baar, Schweiz).

Eine vollständige Liste der Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner 2021 finden Sie hier

Topics: Sales & Customer Service, SASCS22

Testing Lab Ensures Hand Sanitizers Met FDA and CDC Standards During COVID-19

Posted by Hailey Roos on Tue, Aug 03, 2021 @ 02:46 PM
  • Microbiological Testing & Consulting is a Chicago-based testing lab registered by the FDA
  • Small lab size allows MTC to uniquely meet their clients’ needs
  • With the whole world shopping for hand sanitizer during the pandemic, MTC’s clients were under significant pressure to deliver, and Microbiological Testing & Consulting helped make it possible

About Microbiological Testing & Consulting

Microbiological Testing & Consulting is an FDA-registered microbiological testing lab in Chicago, Illinois. MTC provides state-of-the-art microbial, sterility, preservation, and product development testing for clients in the personal care industry, a critical component in the development of safe and effective consumer products. 

What sets Microbiological Testing & Consulting apart is its size. MTC is a small lab, which allows them to be nimble in their ability to satisfy clients’ needs. With state-of-the-art equipment, MTC offers clients the testing services they expect from a large organization but delivers it with the personalization of a boutique lab. Clients appreciate that they can speak directly with lab personnel and discuss specific issues and timeframes. They enjoy rapid turnaround and MTC’s ability to re-prioritize as necessary to keep production lines running smoothly, something that larger competitors cannot offer. 

MTC’s COVID-19 Response

When the pandemic struck the nation, Microbiological Testing & Consulting became an essential business. Due to the CDC’s recommendations surrounding hand hygiene as a means to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, hand sanitizers were in high demand and in short supply, so the FDA authorized local production and published specifications for efficacy against COVID-19. MTC’s clients quickly switched their product lines from personal care products to hand sanitizers, and with the coronavirus spreading quickly, there was an intense pressure to provide the market with products that would protect consumers and contain the spread of the virus. 

Because hand sanitizers and other OTC products cannot be released to the consumer market without FDA-approved microbial testing, MTC’s lab services became critically important, and a quick turnaround was essential. MTC worked around the clock, accepting samples from across the region and extending hours to accommodate critical testing. Staff performed Kill Time studies to ensure that the alcohol-based sanitizers were effective, and if not, they consulted with their clients to reformulate their products to perform within CDC and FDA specifications. MTC troubleshot their clients’ formulations, adjusting where necessary to align tolerances or increase effectiveness. They tested the purity of each sample to ensure there were no bacteria present, and if necessary, they identified the pathogens and devised a production plan to eliminate them. 

With the whole world shopping for hand sanitizer, MTC’s clients were under significant pressure to deliver, and Microbiological Testing & Consulting helped make it possible. 

Microbiological Testing & Consulting won a Bronze Stevie Award for Company / Organization Categories - Company of the Year - Health Products & Services - Small in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

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Virtual Reality Solutions Bridge Education Gaps

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Jul 28, 2021 @ 10:28 PM
  • BSI Solutions fosters novel thinking and creates custom solutions designed to meet complex organizational challenges
  • The Novel Education in Virtual Reality (NEVR) platform is a fully immersive virtual learning platform that allows teachers and students to enter the classroom from anywhere. 
  • VR Technology is a natural learning solution for future generations, and BSI Solutions is ready to innovate for the future  

About BSI Solutions

BSI Solutions provides innovative and transformative development services to global corporate and government partners. The company fosters novel thinking to create customized, state-of-the-art solutions designed to meet the most complex organizational challenges. The core expertise is artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technology, XR technology, staffing and program management.

BSI Solutions was founded in May of 2019 by retired US Army veteran Dr. Kendrick Carroll. The company started with very humble beginnings with just one client and one office, and has since grown to over 20 business partnerships, over 60 employees, and operations nationally and globally. Dr. Carroll has fostered an undeniable passion within the company for empowering youth for future growth. Under his leadership, BSI Solutions has created the first 100% student-focused program to provide career-bound students with full-time career opportunities upon graduation. 

Novel Education in Virtual Reality (NEVR)

As schools across the nation navigated the new distance learning challenges created by the pandemic, innovative technologies were critical in ensuring that children’s educational experience is protected and enhanced. As an innovative solution to this growing issue, BSI Solutions created the Novel Education in Virtual Reality (NEVR) platform. This interactive, fully immersive platform uses the power of virtual reality for education and training and provides students and teachers with stand-alone VR headsets that enable them to enter the classroom from anywhere. 

NEVR offers increased levels of embodied learning and engagement that allow students to interact with teachers in real-time, as well as interact with, manipulate, and build objects and virtually touch items they may not have access to in their own classrooms. 

Participating educational institutions first identify which classes would be best suited for a virtual offering for lectures. Each instructor then works with a BSI Solutions software developer to identify how they would prefer for their classes to look and function within virtual reality. Students and instructors are able to design and create their own avatars to use while in the virtual environment. Unique experiences such as virtual field trips are also created.

VR Technology is a natural learning solution for future generations. It connects the innate learning language of students with the ability to comprehend the presented lesson plan. Technology continues to be the ultimate culture neutralizer, and with the unknown waiting around every corner, virtual reality platforms are the future. 

BSI Solutions won a Bronze Stevie Award for COVID-19 Response Categories - Most Valuable Technical Innovation in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards