SingleCare Helps Millions of Consumers Save on Prescriptions

Posted by Hailey Roos on Thu, Sep 30, 2021 @ 09:30 AM
  • Stevie-winner SingleCare is a prescription savings service that provides low prices to improve access and adherence to medication 
  • The company saves millions of consumers up to 80% on medications 
  • SingleCare rolled out COVID-safe initiatives to help vulnerable populations get medications at an affordable price 

About SingleCare

SingleCare is a free prescription savings service for consumers that provides consistently low prices to improve access and adherence to medication. Its convenient access to low prices saves consumers up to 80% on medications at pharmacies nationwide through its website, app, and discount cards. SingleCare handles hundreds of thousands of prescriptions per day, helping millions save money on their prescriptions. 

Drug costs are rising 5x faster than inflation and the onset of COVID-19 lead to more than 5.4 million Americans being newly uninsured and facing financial pressures. SingleCare responded by rolling out a series of new products and services to help drive down the cost of prescriptions and expand pharmacy partners to improve access for people to get the medications they need. 

To help provide consumers with financial relief during the pandemic, the company launched SingleCare Member Savings, a free program designed to lower the cost of prescription prices to deliver more affordable medications. With Member Savings, nearly every prescription filled earns SingleCare customers $1 to apply towards their next prescription, discounting their medications even further. There is no fee and customers can start earning immediately. 

SingleCare also recognized the challenges for customers to access care, whether impacted by social distance and sheltering guidelines, or delays in the USPS. The company expanded its pharmacy partners to include new home delivery services so that customers could order prescriptions from the comfort and safety of their own homes. SingleCare’s new home delivery service partners with GeniusRx to provide convenient access along with market-leading prices on hundreds of the most commonly filled drugs. 

During the pandemic, the company also dedicated its customer support hotline to help people set up prescription delivery from their own local pharmacies. For many users, these resources have been a lifeline as social distancing and quarantining have limited their options for obtaining prescriptions. SingleCare is committed to providing more affordable prescriptions and helping people across the USA with access and adherence to needed medications. 

SingleCare won a Silver Stevie Award in the COVID-19 Response Award Categories - Most Valuable Corporate Response in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2022 American Business Awards? Request the entry kit. 

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Topics: American business awards

Diese deutschen und schweizerischen Unternehmen konnten bei den Stevie® Awards for Women in Business glänzen

Posted by Jule Kern on Thu, Sep 30, 2021 @ 04:33 AM

Weibliche Führungskräfte, Unternehmerinnen angestellte und von Frauen geführte Unternehmen - am 23. September gaben die Stevie Awards alle die starken Frauen und Organisationen bekannt, die bei den Stevie® Awards for Women in Business ausgezeichnet wurden. 

SAWIB21 Winners Social-R5

Die Stevie Awards for Women in Business sind ein internationaler Wettbewerb, der von den Schöpfern der renommierten International Business Awards® und American Business Awards® ins Leben gerufen wurde. Der Stevie Award gilt weithin als weltweit führender Wirtschaftspreis.

Großartige und herausragende Frauen und  Organisationen 

Mehr als 1.500 Nominierungen von Organisationen und Einzelpersonen aus der ganzen Welt wurden in diesem Jahr für die Preisverleihung eingereicht, unter anderem in den Kategorien zur Reaktion auf COVID-19, Unternehmerin des Jahres, weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres, Innovativstes Unternehmen des Jahres und Startup des Jahres. Mehr als 160 Geschäftsleute, die in acht spezialisierten Jurys arbeiten, haben die Gewinnerinnen der Stevie Awards in Gold, Silber und Bronze ermittelt.

Die diesjährigen Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Gewinnerinnen des Stevie Awards werden am Donnerstag, dem 13. Januar 2022, im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt. Mehr als 450 Frauen und ihre Gäste aus der ganzen Welt werden erwartet.

Anmeldungen für die Preisverleihung sind ab sofort möglich.

Deutsche und schweizerische Frauen im Rampenlicht

Auch drei Organisationen aus Deutschland und drei aus der Schweiz waren unter den vielen außergewöhnlichen Organisationen und Frauen, die als Stevie-Gewinnerinnen anerkannt wurden. Mit starken Frauen und tollen Projekten konnten sie die Jury überzeugen.

  • DHL Global Forwarding mit Sitz in Bonn, Deutschland wurde mit einem Gold und einem Bronze Award in den Kategorien für besondere Leistungen für Erfolge bei der Entwicklung und Förderung von Frauen und Human Resources geehrt. 
  • DHL Supply Chain aus Bonn, Deutschland wurde mit einem Gold Award für die Frau des Jahres, einem Silber Award für die Weibliche Führungskraft des Jahres - Regierung oder Non-Profit-Organisation und einem Bronze Award für den Podcast des Jahres ausgezeichnet.
  • Hoffmann-La Roche aus Basel, Schweiz erhielt einen Gold und zwei Bronze Stevies für die Mitarbeiterin des Jahres, die Vorreiterin des Jahres und für die innovativste Frau des Jahres im Gesundheitswesen.
  • Philipp Morris International aus Lausanne, Schweiz wurde in den Thought Leadership Kategorien mit einem Silber Stevie für die Thought Leaderin des Jahres im Bereich Konsumgüter geehrt.
  • Veeam mit Sitz in Baar, Schweiz erhielt zwei Silber Awards für die Mitarbeiterin des Jahres im Bereich Wirtschaft und die innovativste Frau des Jahres im Bereich Technologie.
  • Zalando aus Berlin, Deutschland gewann einen Gold Stevie für die innovativste Frau des Jahres im Bereich Werbung, Marketing und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.

Stolze Gewinnerinnen

Eva Mattheeussen_1Eva Mattheeussen, Head of Human Resources bei DHL Global Forwarding Middle East und Africa und Global Project Lead von ‘Women at DHL Global Forwarding, Freight’, freut sich über den Gewinn:


„Wir sind sehr stolz auf das, was wir mit Women at DHL Global Forwarding, Freight erreicht haben, das über den Aufbau einer starken Frauengemeinschaft hinausgeht. Es konzentriert sich auch darauf, Verbündete einzubinden, die sich aktiv an der Schaffung eines ausgewogenen Arbeitsplatzes beteiligen. Die Förderung von talentierten Frauen in unserem Unternehmen ist ein Schwerpunkt für uns alle bei Deutsche Post DHL und DHL Global Forwarding, Freight. Unser Ziel ist es, mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen zu bringen, und unsere Initiative ist der Hauptantrieb dafür. Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit sind Teil der Grundwerte unseres Unternehmens, und wir freuen uns darauf, weiterhin ein großartiges Unternehmen aufzubauen, in dem alle arbeiten können.“

Auch Jessica Bensch, die mit allen drei Awards für La RocheJessica Bensch_Profile ausgezeichnet wurde, ist begeistert: „Ich setze mich mit Leidenschaft und Herz für werteorientierte Arbeitsplätze ein. Ich fühle mich geehrt, von den Stevie Awards for Women in Business ausgezeichnet zu werden.“

Nominierungen für den Stevie Award wurden von Organisationen aus Australien, Belgien, Brasilien, Deutschland, Estland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Hongkong, Indien, Irland, Israel, Italien, Kanada, Kenia, den Niederlanden, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, den Philippinen, Russland, Schweden, der Schweiz, Singapur, Südafrika, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, der Türkei, der Ukraine, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, den USA und Vietnam eingereicht.

Eine vollständige Liste der Gold-, Silber-, und Bronze-Stevie-Gewinnerinnen finden Sie hier.

Die Gewinnerinnen in den drei Red Ladder Women in Technology-Kategorien, die von HCL Technologies gesponsert werden, sowie die fünf Grand Stevie Award-Gewinnerinnen des Wettbewerbs werden noch bekannt gegeben. Die Grand-Stevie-Gewinnerinnen werden am 5. Oktober bekannt gegeben. Die Gewinnerinnen der HCL-Kategorien werden Ende November bekannt gegeben. 


Topics: stevie awards for women in business, DHL, Preisträgerinnen, Women Future Conference, 2021 Stevie Awards for Women in Business

Die neuen Kategorien bei den German Stevie® Awards 2022: Klimaschutz-Awards

Posted by Jule Kern on Thu, Sep 30, 2021 @ 03:33 AM

Extreme Wetterereignisse wie Starkregen und anhaltende Hitzewellen waren in diesem Jahr erst der Anfang - durch den Klimawandel drohen auch weiterhin gewaltige Schäden. Der Klimawandel hat vielfältige Folgen und betrifft jede und jeden. Die Anpassung ist daher eine Gemeinschaftsaufgabe, bei der alle gefragt sind. Doch besonders in der Wirtschaft liegt nun die Verpflichtung zu handeln, um den Klimawandel zu verlangsamen.


Die Wirtschaftswelt trägt in Sachen Klimaschutz eine besondere Verantwortung, denn ihr Anteil an der Umweltbelastung ist erheblich. Wenn Unternehmen ihr eigenes Handeln und das ihrer Lieferanten verändern, hat das unmittelbar Einfluss auf die Umwelt und kann so einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit leisten sowie als Vorbild für andere Akteure wirken. Viele Unternehmen wollten angesichts der der fortschreitenden Klimakrise in absehbarer Zeit klimaneutral wirtschaften. 

Der Klimawandel trifft die Wirtschaft auf jeder Ebene 

Sowohl der Klimaschutz als auch die Anpassung an den Klimawandel haben Strukturveränderungen zur Folge. Unternehmen müssen sich an das veränderte Klima und sich wandelnde Wetterbedingungen anpassen. Dadurch werden bestimmte bisherige Produkte, Produktionsweisen, Märkte und Standorte infrage gestellt. Unter dem zunehmenden politischen Druck, das Klimaabkommen von Paris einzuhalten, wächst die Zahl der neuen Gesetze, Verordnungen und anderer regulativer Eingriffe wie dem Emissionshandel. Auch Kunden erwarten immer mehr von Unternehmen,  nicht nur volle Transparenz in Bezug auf ihre Emissionen und Reduktionsziele, sondern sie beobachten auch genau, ob die tatsächlichen Bemühungen im Einklang mit den angestrebten Klimazielen stehen. 


Nachhaltige Strategien für einen Wettbewerbsvorteil

Aktives Handeln gegen den Klimawandel und seine Folgen ist gut für das Ökosystem Erde, für die Menschheit als Ganzes und für jedes Individuum in der Gesellschaft. Doch nicht nur das - es ist auch gut für Unternehmen: Wer nachhaltige Strategien entwickelt und seinen Klimaimpakt verringert, schafft sich Wettbewerbsvorteile gegenüber Mitbewerbern, die im Klimaschutz weniger aktiv sind – etwa durch neue Umsatzbringer, ein besseres Verständnis für Änderungen im Kundenverhalten, weniger Klimarisiken, niedrigere klimabezogene Kosten oder eine Kombination aus all diesen Faktoren. In jedem Fall werden Unternehmen und Organisationen, die sich heute den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels stellen, in der neuen, nachhaltigen Wirtschaft von morgen im Vorteil sein. Denn in dieser veränderten Welt wird klimaverantwortliches Handeln – oder Nicht-Handeln - die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens bestimmen. 

Die Klimaschutz- Awards

Um die Bemühungen verantwortungsbewusster Unternehmen anzuerkennen, haben die German Stevie Awards für das Jahr 2022 die Kategorien für Klimaschutz ins Leben gerufen. Mit diesen Kategorien würdigen wir die Leistungen von Einzelpersonen oder Organisationen, die sich besonders in nachhaltigem Handeln und Engagement für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz hervorgetan haben.

Hier erhalten Sie Ihre Teilnahmeunterlagen

Die Kategorien umfassen: 

Produkte und Dienstleistungen für den Klimaschutz

  • Produkte für den Klimaschutz
  • Dienstleistungen für den Klimaschutz
  • Geschäftsmodelle für den Klimaschutz

Umweltfreundliche Technologien

  • Wiederverwendung und Recycling
  • Schonen von Ressourcen
  • Einsparen von Energie
  • Nachhaltige Produkte und Dienstleistungen
  • CO2-Nutzungstechnologien

Marketing und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Klimaschutz

  • Beste Nutzung Sozialer Medien – Klimaschutz
  • Kommunikations- oder PR-Kampagne des Jahres - Klimaschutz.
  • Marketingkampagne des Jahres - Klimaschutz 

Nominierungen für Einzelpersonen - Klimaschutz

  • Klimaheld*in des Jahres
  • Influencer*in für Nachhaltigkeit
  • Klimarechtler*in des Jahres

Eine vollständige Liste der Kategorien finden Sie hier

Wollen auch Sie den Beitrag Ihrer Organisation zum Klimaschutz feiern? Haben Sie innerhalb Ihres Unternehmens Maßnahmen getroffen und Nachhaltigkeit in den Vordergrund gerückt? Reichen Sie jetzt Ihre Nominierung ein!

Topics: German Stevie Awards, GSA22, Klimaschutz

Bombora Pioneers B2B Services

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Sep 29, 2021 @ 03:42 PM
  • Stevie-winner Bombora is a marketing data company that arms marketers with information that allows them to approach new targets with confidence 
  • Bombora’s Company Surge Analytics uses intent data to tell which businesses are researching the products that marketing/sales leaders and their competitors sell

About Bombora

Bombora is a marketing data company that tells B2B marketers exactly which companies are showing an increased interest in the marketers’ goods and services. Armed with that knowledge, marketers can approach their new targets with confidence. This intent-driven approach revolutionizes the way businesses market and sell to other businesses through transparent data built on a quality ecosystem.

Bombora is a pioneer in the field of B2B intent data, and due to the ubiquity of the Company Surge product, many in the field use the terms “surge” or “surging” to describe increases in intent signal. More than 6,000 customers use Bombora data, and the company predicts increased adoption ahead, as more than 70% of B2B marketers will use third-party intent data to target prospects and engage with groups of buyers in selected accounts by the end of 2022. 

Bombora’s intent data is sourced from its exclusive data cooperative of more than 4,000 highly trafficked B2B researched sites. The co-op provides information on when businesses are actively researching products or services, signaling buying intent. It indicates when a business is consuming content on a topic significantly more than usual, according to its historic data consumption behavior and benchmarks.

B2B purchase intent data has emerged as a critical tool to increase business performance. Bombora’s Company Surge Analytics helps marketing and sales leaders by using intent data to tell which businesses are researching the products that leaders and their competitors sell. With more than 35 integrations, Company Surge is available within the platforms that sales and marketing professionals already use on a daily basis, making it easy to activate these insights. 

For example, if a sales team has a target account list, they can upload that list to Bombora’s interface, and in return receive a list of companies on that target list that are actively researching the product or services. Company Surge allows businesses to sort based on a prospect’s interest across multiple topics, called topic clusters. These clusters are often more indicative of purchase intent than a single topic. Armed with these insights, sales and marketing teams can identify businesses that are not actively researching relevant topics and add them to a top-of-funnel digital advertising campaign that delivers brand awareness messages. Meanwhile, businesses that are actively researching relevant topics are hot prospects and can be routed directly to sales immediately. Using the data in this way can lead to increased marketing engagement, reduced cost-per-lead, efficient ROI for the marketing budget, and an expanded pipeline. 

Bombora won a Bronze Stevie Award for New Product & Service Categories - Business Technology - Business or Competitive Intelligence Solution in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

Interested in entering The 2022 American Business Awards? Request the entry kit. 

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Winners in 18th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business Announced

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Sep 23, 2021 @ 10:49 AM

The Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, which shine a spotlight on female executives, entrepreneurs, employees, and organizations run by women, announced the 2021 winners today.

View the Full List of Winners

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business is an international competition produced by the creators of the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®. The Stevie is widely regarded as the world’s premier business award.

SAWIB21 Winners Social-R1

This year’s Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be honored during a virtual awards ceremony on Thursday, January 13, 2022. More than 450 women and their guests from around the world are expected to participate.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business event will be complemented by the fourth annual Women|Future Conference, a five-day networking and learning event for female founders, business owners, entrepreneurs and women looking to move forward in their careers, also held virtually November 1-5. Registration is just $115, or $49 for current students with an active student ID. Details and registration are available at

Registration for both the conference and the awards ceremony are now on sale.

More than 1,500 nominations from organizations and individuals around the world were submitted to the awards this year for consideration in categories including COVID-19 Response, Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, and Startup of the Year, among others. More than 160 business professionals working in eight specialized judging committees determined the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners.

Among the many extraordinary organizations and women who have been recognized as Stevie winners, the following organizations stand out as those with three or more winning nominations:

AlterContacts (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Bug Bite Thing (Port St. Lucie, FL USA), City of Philadelphia - Division of Aviation (Philadelphia, PA USA), Conde Nast (NY, New York USA), Curator24 (Solana Beach, CA USA), DevelopHer (Dallas, TX USA), Deutsche Post DHL (Bonn, Germany and affiliates worldwide), EMBERS (Vancouver, Canada), EY (London, United Kingdom), IBM (Armonk, NY USA), Iris Du of Careerists and YouWantGroup (Dockland, VIC Australia), Jeunesse Global (Lake Mary, FL USA), Kids on the Spectrum (Melbourne, VIC Australia), Leaderology (Santa Ana, CA USA), Lisa Cox (Hamilton, VIC Australia), Living Security (Austin, TX USA), MIG Living (Colorado Springs, CO USA), New American Funding (Tustin, CA USA), Newberry Executive Solutions, LLC (Dallas, TX USA), Ocean Rescue Alliance (Apollo Beach, FL USA), Olivia Jenkins (Adelaide, SA Australia), PeopleReady (Tacoma, WA USA), Publicis Health (New York, NY USA), Replicon (Red Wood City, CA USA), Serving Our Superheroes (Uxbridge, United Kingdom), Sleepm Global, Inc. (Toronto, ON Canada), Southern Company Gas (New York, NY USA), STEMi Makers Africa (Lagos, Nigeria), and Tavuun Welfare Association (Lahore, Pakistan).

The 2021 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflect a diverse group of large and small organizations from around the globe. Notable Gold Stevie Award winners in this year’s competition include:

  • Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO, GLAAD, New York, NY - Female Executive of the Year – Government or Non-Profit
  • Mani Thiru, Space Industry Development Asia-Pacific, AWS, Singapore - Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Asia, Australia or New Zealand
  • Forbes, Jersey City, NJ – Event of the Year - 2020 Forbes Power Women’s Summit
  • Natalie Brennan, General Manager, Muffin Break, Sydney, Australia – Most Innovative Woman of the Year - Franchising and Women of the Year – Franchising
  • Mona Bharadwaj, Global University Programs - India Leader at IBM Research, India - Education Hero of the Year
  • Lisa Dyson, Co-Founder and CEO, Air Protein, San Francisco Bay Area, CA - Most Innovative Woman of the Year – Technology and Female Thought Leader of the Year - Consumer Products
  • The Roundtable, Toronto ON, Canada - Achievement in Customer Satisfaction
  • OPET, Istanbul, Turkey - Achievement in Women-related Corporate Social Responsibility and Communications or PR Campaign of the Year - Corporate Responsibility
  • John Hancock, Boston, MA - Achievement in Promoting Work-Life Balance

Stevie Award-winning nominations were submitted by organizations in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam.

Visit for a list of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners by category.

Yet to be announced are the winners in three Red Ladder Women in Technology categories, sponsored by HCL Technologies, as well as five Grand Stevie Award winners in the competition.   Grand Stevie winners will be announced on October 5. HCL category winners will be announced in late November.

Topics: stevie awards for women in business

Stevie-Winner Ties Insight Led Strategies to Consumer Engagement

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Sep 22, 2021 @ 10:11 PM

Illumis™, by Valassis, a Vericast business, is a transformative marketing platform that combines best-in-class technologies, innovative media and robust intelligence to empower marketers to directly tie insight-led strategies to high-performing consumer content.

Consumers are constantly adapting to today’s realities, embracing new interests, and consuming different media. This shifting behavior, coupled with a landscape that is rapidly evolving, is a challenge for marketers seeking to build integrated strategies responsive to today’s consumer.


Illumis was purposefully built to plan, execute, and optimize marketing in a seamless way to expand reach and improve results. This unified marketing platform helps marketers keep pace with the changes in consumer behavior; unifies the disparate tools marketers must manage and balance when creating campaigns; and removes silos around data and execution.

The platform offers a competitive, data-informed approach to omnichannel media buying, fueled by the powerful, predictive intelligence of the two-time award-winning Valassis Consumer Graph™. The Consumer Graph unifies massive amounts of data by making 7 trillion daily model calculations to help customers improve marketing strategy, audience targeting, engagement and results.

How Illumis brings data together to uncover consumer motivation is unique. Using patented analyses and rich text mining on over 110 billion bid stream signals every day, they can discover consumer interest as well as a propensity to buy. They have access to 33 billion daily location signals to understand where consumers like to shop and where they live. This data helps to build a more complete, custom audience for each campaign. All the data is anchored to a household for stability and for the ability to scale – to neighborhoods and targeting across channels. With this, Illumis allows advertisers to discover new high-value markets, targets, and ways to reach consumers. It also spotlights the best media – across both print and digital channels – to connect with the right audience to drive commerce. Illumis uses machine-learning for real-time optimization and to continuously learn and improve, sparking further discovery for consumers and growth for marketers.

There are challenges around the fragmented nature of marketing technologies. Illumis’ integrated platform helps to solve those pain points by delivering meaningful multichannel engagement with an architecture that minimizes data loss and unifies intelligence for optimal results.

For example, longtime Valassis Direct Mail Insert client, La-Z-Boy, wanted to drive sales as COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and stores reopened, pivoting to digital ads ahead of an omnichannel approach. Predictive data in Illumis revealed high-propensity shoppers in-market, who the company engaged with through Display Ads and Direct Mail Inserts. Illumis also identified prospects outside the trade area who received Display Ads alone. Digital ads extended consumer reach and outperformed industry benchmarks. Overall, the omnichannel campaign influenced $2.4M in revenue and a 15:1 return on ad spend.

“The discussions, the planning, and the next steps were so professional, respectful and smart,” said Kevin Mauldin, La-Z-Boy Owner. “(It) reassured me that Valassis is still an awesome partner.”

Additionally, Forrester conducted a Total Economic Impact™ study that evaluated the potential financial impact and return on investment for brands using Illumis. Forrester developed a composite organization and aggregate three-year financial analysis based on interview data, which yielded a 110% increase in revenue from ads; nearly 4:1 incremental return on advertising spend; and an 83% increase in ROI – all without increasing costs from previous marketing platforms. Details here:

Driving results and building connections comes down to capitalizing on high-impact moments that deliver the right message at the right time to the right consumer – which requires reaching audiences through several, high-impact media formats. A recent Vericast study found when consumers see an ad in print and online, 52% say it captures their attention. Not only does Illumis help marketers measure what consumers do in these moments, it makes it easier to understand what media drove engagement. Using a closed-loop connection with measurement and campaign insights, marketers can refine strategies and media mix to grow results from campaign to campaign.

More recently, the power of the Illumis integrated platform enabled olive oil company Filippo Berio to increase household penetration and drive in-store sales at key retailers across the Midwest, Southeast and Northeast. Using data from Illumis, the campaign targeted high-intent consumers who grocery shop in-store, omnichannel and use delivery, and the profile was continuously optimized by real-time sales. Consumers were targeted when activity like recipe lookups indicated they were in a buying mindset. The display advertising campaign ran in two flights, spaced one month apart, and outperformed both viewability and click-through-rate benchmarks. Both flights of the campaign drove a 6% sales lift at a key retailer, surpassing the benchmark of 1.1% - 5.7%.

“Working with Valassis and their wealth of data allows us to target [the right] consumers to drive household penetration and trial for our brand in a way that is efficient for our campaign and budget,” said Meghan Boyd, Marketing Manager at Filippo Berio.

Valassis won the Gold Stevie Awards for Marketing/Public Relations Solution in The 2021 American Business Awards ®.

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Topics: American business awards

Calder Capital’s Growth During COVID-19

Posted by Hailey Roos on Wed, Sep 15, 2021 @ 02:57 PM
  • Calder Capital, LLC is a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm for small privately held companies
  • The firm grew significantly despite the coronavirus pandemic, which dropped the industry average by roughly 20%; Calder’s revenue grew by 85% and transactions by 74%

About Calder Capital, LLC

Calder Capital is a lower middle market Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory Firm focused on representing sellers of industrial, distribution, and business services companies, as well as strategic buyers seeking platform and bolt-on acquisitions in the same market segments. 

Founded in 2013 by Max Friar, the boutique mergers and acquisitions firm is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At its core, the company spends its days calculating the value of small privately held companies and subsequently engaging with the owners of those companies to locate buyers and consummate a sale transaction with the buyer that is the best fit in terms of price, purchase structure, and continuity for the business. Typical clients are industrial, distribution, or service businesses with 10-100 employees where the owner has no natural successor and wishes to transition out of their business generally for retirement purposes. 

Prior to 2020, Calder operated out of one office and had never broken 23 transactions in a single year. The company had experienced growth in most years of its existence, but 2020 was truly a watershed period in terms of breakout growth, despite COVID negatively affecting the M&A markets. In 2020, the firm opened four new offices and closed 40 successful transactions, which represents an 85% increase in revenue and a 74% increase in closed transactions compared to 2019. 

Led by Founder and Managing Partner, Max Friar, the firm took a number of intentional steps that fostered its growth in the face of the coronavirus backdrop that decimated deals nationally by double digits. Calder Capital’s initiatives include: launching a service offering specifically focused on helping distressed/turnaround businesses locate buyers quickly; catalyzing a Franchise Outreach Program specifically targeted at helping franchise owners transition successfully; implementing a sales program that targets 300 business per week to inform them of Calder’s services, and deploying a Buy-Side M&A Services program that guarantees unlisted leads for clients. 

Calder’s achievements, particularly in 2020, are significant because M&A transactions were down 13-15% across all sectors internationally and down 22% in US-based small businesses. Despite this, Calder Capital has grown significantly in the face of strongly unfavorable industry headwinds. 

Calder Capital won the Gold Stevie Award for Company / Organization Categories - Company of the Year - Financial Services - Small, a Bronze Stevie Award for Company / Organization Categories - Fastest Growing Company of the Year - Up to 100 Employees, and a Bronze Stevie Award for Entrepreneur Categories - Entrepreneur of the Year - Financial Services in The 2021 American Business Awards®.

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Topics: American business awards


Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Sep 13, 2021 @ 03:24 AM


行世界最佳商奖评奖的史蒂夫®(Stevie® Awards)始征集 2022 (16)售及客史蒂夫®奖参展作品。要及象相具体详见(


sascs october 3-2


及客史蒂夫®的特点是分150以上目,包括销售客户服务商务开发奖新产品 解决方案供应商等。加企可在下列目提交展作品,展作品不个数

  • 年度高级销售主管和年度销售代表等销售个人类别
  • 年度全球销售团队和年度在线销售团队等销售团队类别
  • 年度销售周转率和年度销售培训或指导计划等销售业绩类别
  • 14个行业分组中的优秀销售类别
  • 年度一线客户服务专业人员和年度客户服务领导等客户服务和联络中心个人类别
  • 年度联络中心和年度后台客户服务团队等客户服务和联络中心团队类别
  • 电子商务客户服务奖和客户服务创新奖等客户服务和联络中心成就类别
  • 12个行业分组中的客户服务部门类别
  • 5个行业分组中的客户服务成功类目
  • 最佳新商业解决方案和最佳新营销解决方案等新产品和服务类别
  • 年度销售咨询解决方案供应企业类别
  • 年度业务发展专业人士和年度商务发展成就(住宿与休闲领域)等商务发展类别


2022颁奖仪式中,公布市民们评选的最佳客史蒂夫®(Peoples Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service)该奖项售及客史蒂夫®中非常受迎的,是根据普通大年度客目的所有决赛作品中,自己最喜的提供客组织票的评选的。

2021及客史蒂夫®获奖作品包括 American Red Cross, Blackbaud, Inc., Carbonite, Cisco Systems Inc.,, DHL Express, ElectronicArts, GoDaddy, IBM, John Hancock Financial Solutions, Land O’Lakes, Mailchimp, Modern Campus, Nasdaq Governance Solutions, Nutrisystem, Paylocity, SoftPro, Travelzoo, ValueSelling Associates, VIZIO, Inc., Vodafone Turkey 等。

全世界150多名将进2022年大审查 如果趣担任可以登

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Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, The Stevie Awards, 史蒂夫奖, 史蒂夫, 销售及客户服务史蒂夫奖

제16회 영업 및 고객서비스 스티비대상 출품작 모집

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Sep 13, 2021 @ 03:15 AM

비즈니스 개발, 고객 서비스, 영업 성과와 전문가 등 수상 후보

세계 최고의 비즈니스 대상 프로그램들을 주관하는 스티비 어워즈(Stevie® Awards) 2022(16) 영업 고객서비스 스티비대 출품작 모집을 시작했습니다. 출품요강과 대상 관련 상세 내용은 홈페이지(에서 볼 수 있습니다.

세계 모든 고객 서비스, 컨택 센터, 비즈니스 개발 영업 부서, 전문가뿐만 아니라, 전문가들이 이용하는 신제품, 서비스 솔루션 공급업체 모두 수상 후보로 출품할 있습니다. 2022 대상 2019 7 1 이후의 업적을 기준으로 수상자를 결정합니다.

SASCS 2019 pic-2

출품비가 할인되는 조기 출품 마감일은 2021 10 13일입니다. 최종 출품 마감일은 11 10일이지만, 지체료 지불 시 2022 112일까지 출품할 수 있습니다. 최종 본선진출작은 120일에 발표될 예정이며, 4월 초에 열리는 온라인 시상식에서 스티비 금상, 은상, 동상 수상자가 발표됩니다.

영업 고객 서비스 스티비대 150 이상의  영업상,  고객 서비스상,  비즈니스 개발상,  신제품상   솔루션 공급업체상 등 여러 부문에 걸쳐 다양한 상을 시상합니다. 참가 기업들은 아래와 같은 카테고리에 제한 없이 출품작을 제출할 있습니다.

  • 올해의 시니어 영업 임원과 올해의 영업 대행인와 같은 영업 개인 부문
  • 올해의 글로벌 영업팀과 올해의 온라인 영업팀과 같은 영업팀 부문
  • 올해의 영업 전환과 올해의 영업 교육 또는 코칭 프로그램과 같은 영업 성과 부문
  • 14개 산업 그룹의 우수 영업 부문
  • 올해의 접점 고객서비스 전문가와 올해의 고객서비스 리더와 같은 고객서비스와 컨택센터 개인 부문
  • 올해의 컨택센터와 올해의 비영업 고객서비스팀과 같은 고객서비스와 컨택센터 팀 부문
  • 온라인 상거래 고객서비스상과 고객서비스 혁신상과 같은 고객서비스와 컨택센터 성과 부문
  • 12개 산업 그룹의 고객서비스 부서 부문
  • 5개 산업 그룹의 고객서비스 성공 카테고리
  • 최고의 새로운 비즈니스 정보 솔루션과 최고의 새로운 마케팅 솔루션과 같은 신제품과 서비스 부문
  • 올해의 영업 컨설팅 솔루션 공급업체 부문
  • 올해의 비즈니스 개발 전문가 또는 올해의 비즈니스 개발 성과(숙박&레저 부문)과 같은 비즈니스 개발 부문

22년 대상에는 올해의 영업 엔지니어, 올해의 영업 지원 전문가, 올해의 온라인 및 사전 영업 전문가, 올해의 원격영업 혁신, 올해의 영업 직원, 그리고 비즈니스 개발, 고객 서비스, 영업 분야의 사고 리더십 성취(Thought Leadership achievements )를 시상하는 전체적으로 새로운 영역의 카테고리들이 포함됩니다. 모든 카테고리를 여기서 확인해보세요.  

2022 시상식에는 시민들이 뽑은 가장 좋은 고객 서비스 스티비상(Peoples Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service) 선정됩니다. 상은 영업 고객 서비스 스티비대상에서 인기를 누리고 있는 상으로, 일반 대중들이 '올해의 고객 서비스 부서' 부문 본선 진출작 자신이 좋아하는 고객 서비스를 제공한 기업에 투표한 결과를 토대로 수상자가 결정됩니다.

2021 영업 고객 서비스 스티비대 수상자에는 American Red Cross, Blackbaud, Inc., Carbonite, Cisco Systems Inc.,, DHL Express, ElectronicArts, GoDaddy, IBM, John Hancock Financial Solutions, Land O’Lakes, Mailchimp, Modern Campus, Nasdaq Governance Solutions, Nutrisystem, Paylocity, SoftPro, Travelzoo, ValueSelling Associates, VIZIO, Inc., Vodafone Turkey 등이 있습니다.

2022년 대상은 전 세계 150여 전문가들에 의해 심사가 이루어집니다. 심사위원의 한 명으로 활동하는데 관심이 있다면에서 지원할 수 있습니다.

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Topics: stevie awards for sales and customer service


Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Sep 13, 2021 @ 03:06 AM

世界最高のビジネス賞プログラムを主催するThe Stevie Awardsが2022年(第16回)スティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞のエントリー受付を開始しました。エントリーキット、プログラムの詳細はホームページ(をご覧ください。


sascs october 1-1

エントリー料が割引される早期エントリーの締切りは2021年10月13日です。最終エントリーの締切りは11月10日ですが、遅延料を支払うと2022年1月12日まで応募できます。 最終本選進出作は1月20日に発表される予定で、4月初めに開かれるオンライン授賞式でスティーヴィー金賞、銀賞、銅賞の受賞者が発表されます。


  • 今年のシニア業幹部、今年業担者などのセルス個人カテゴリ
  • 今年のグロバルセルスチム、今年のオンラインセルスチムなどのセルスチムカテゴリ
  • 今年業タンアラウンド、今年のセルストレニングまたはコチングプログラムなどの業成果カテゴリ
  • 14産業グルプの優秀ルスカテゴリー
  • 今年の第一線カスタマーサービス専門家、今年のカスタマーサービスリーダーなどのカスタマーサービスとコンタクトセンターの個人カテゴリー
  • 今年のコンタクトセンター、今年のバックオフィスカスタマーサービスチームなどのカスタマーサービスとコンタクトセンターのチームカテゴリー
  • 電子商取引カスタマーサービス賞、カスタマーサービスイノベーション賞などのカスタマーサービスとコンタクトセンターの成果カテゴリー
  • 12産業グループのカスタマーサービス部門カテゴリー
  • 5つの産業グループのカスタマーサービス成功カテゴリー
  • 最高の新規ビジネスインテリジェンスソリューション、最高の新規マーケティングソリューションなどの新製品とサービスカテゴリー
  • 今年の営業コンサルティング業務、今年のインセンティブ、報酬または認定供給者などのソリューションプロバイダカテゴリー
  • 今年のビジネス開発専門家または今年のビジネス開発成果(ホスピタリティ&レジャー)などのビジネス開発カテゴリー

22年大賞には、今年の業エンジニア、今年の業支援門家、今年のオンライン及びプリセルス門家、今年のリモ業革新、今年の業スタッフ、ビジネス開、顧客サビス、業分野の思考リシップ成就(Thought Leadership achievements)を表彰する全体的に新しい領域のカテゴリが含まれます。すべてのカテゴリをこちらでご確認ください。

2022の授賞式では、スティービー・フェイバリット・ カスタマーサービス賞(Peoples Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service)が選ばれます。この賞はスティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞で人気を集めている賞で、一般の人々が「今年のカスタマーサービス部門」カテゴリーのファイナリストのうち、気に入ったカスタマーサービスを提供している企業に投票した結果をもとに受賞者が決定します。

2021のスティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞受賞者は American Red Cross, Blackbaud, Inc., Carbonite, Cisco Systems Inc.,, DHL Express, ElectronicArts, GoDaddy, IBM, John Hancock Financial Solutions, Land O’Lakes, Mailchimp, Modern Campus, Nasdaq Governance Solutions, Nutrisystem, Paylocity, SoftPro, Travelzoo, ValueSelling Associates, VIZIO, Inc., Vodafone Turkey などです

2022のプログラムは世界の150人以上の専門家によって審査が行われました 審査委員一人として活動することにがある支援することができます

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Topics: stevie awards for sales and customer service, スティービー, The Stevie Awards, Stevie, スティービー・セールス&カスタマーサービス賞, スティービー賞

Gewinnende des Grand Stevie Award 2021 bei den Stevie® Awards for Great Employers bekannt gegeben

Posted by Jule Kern on Fri, Sep 10, 2021 @ 02:47 AM

Die Bank of America, mit Hauptsitz in Charlotte, NC USA, hat den Grand Stevie® Award für die Organisation des Jahres bei den zum sechsten Mal verliehenen Stevie Awards for Great Employers 2021 gewonnen, einem internationalen Wettbewerb, der die besten Arbeitgeber*innen der Welt sowie die Personalfachleute, Teams, Leistungen und HR-bezogenen Produkte und Lieferanten auszeichnet, die dazu beitragen, großartige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern. 


"Es ist ein Privileg, den Grand Stevie Award für die „Most Honored Organization of the Year“ zu erhalten. Dies ist ein weiterer Beweis für das Bestreben der Bank of America, ein großartiger Arbeitsplatz zu sein und in den Erfolg unserer Mitarbeitenden zu investieren", sagte Sheri Bronstein, Chief of Human Resources Officer der Bank of America.


Congratulations Grand Stevie sage


Ein zweiter Grand Stevie Award für die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung des Jahres geht an Sweetrush Inc. aus San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA, für ihre mit dem Gold Stevie Award ausgezeichnete Nominierung als Anbieter von Lösungen für die Entwicklung von Führungsqualitäten oder -fähigkeiten des Jahres. Die durchschnittliche Bewertung von 9,17/10 durch die Jury war die höchste, die die Jury in diesem Jahr für Nominierungen vergeben hat.

Die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Gewinner der Stevie Awards for Great Employers wurden am 30. August bekannt gegeben. Bei dem diesjährigen Wettbewerb wurden mehr als 950 Nominierungen von Organisationen aus 29 Ländern bewertet. Die Gewinner wurden anhand der Durchschnittsnoten von mehr als 90 Fachleuten weltweit ermittelt, die als Juroren fungierten.

Alle Gewinnenden werden am 17. November im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung geehrt.

Der Grand Stevie Award für die Organisation des Jahres wird nach einem Punktesystem ermittelt, bei dem jeder gewonnene Gold-Stevie drei Punkte, jeder Silber-Stevie zwei Punkte und jeder Bronze-Stevie eineinhalb Punkte einbringt. Die 66,5 Punkte der Bank of America sind die höchste Punktzahl aller Teilnehmer des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs.

Bei der Preisverleihung im letzten Jahr gewann die Bank of America außerdem einen Grand Stevie für die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung des Jahres.

Arturo Schwartzberg, Mitbegründer und Vorsitzender von Sweetrush Inc. kommentierte: "Mehr denn je sind Führung und Kompetenzentwicklung der Weg in eine bessere Zukunft. Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt und sind dankbar für diese Auszeichnung und für die Anerkennung unserer Arbeit, die wir in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden leisten, denen der Erfolg ihrer Mitarbeiter sehr am Herzen liegt. Wir gratulieren auch unserem anderen Gewinner des Grand Stevie Award, der Bank of America, unserem langjährigen Kundenpartner!"

Mit den Stevie Awards for Great Employers werden Leistungen in vielen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt ausgezeichnet. Zu den Kategorien gehören:

  • Arbeitgeber des Jahres
  • HR Errungenschaften
  • HR-Einzelauszeichnungen
  • HR-Team-Kategorien
  • Auszeichnungen für Lösungsanbieter
  • Reaktion auf COVID-19
  • Mehr als 50 neue Produkt- und Dienstleistungskategorien

Einsendungen für die Stevie Awards for Great Employers 2022 werden im März entgegengenommen.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Call for Entries Issued for 16th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Sep 09, 2021 @ 10:50 AM

Business Development, Customer Service, and Sales Achievements, Professionals, and More May Be Nominated

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world’s premier business awards programs, has issued a call for entries for the 2022 (16th annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Entry kits and complete details on the competition are available at

Eligible nominees include departments, teams, and professionals from around the world who work in customer service, contact center, business development, and sales. New products and services and solution providers used by those professionals are also eligible. The 2022 awards will recognize achievements since July 1, 2019.

sascs march insta 4

The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is October 13, 2021. The final entry deadline is November 10, but late entries will be accepted through January 12, 2022 with payment of a late fee. Finalists will be announced January 20, and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be revealed during a virtual awards ceremony in early April.

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service feature more than 150 sales awards, customer service awards, business development awards, new product awards, and solution provider awards categories. Entrants may submit any number of nominations to any number of categories, which include:

  •         Sales Individual categories such as Senior Sales Executive of the Year and Sales Representative of the Year
  •         Sales Team categories like Global Sales Team of the Year and Online Sales Team of the Year
  •         Sales Achievement categories such as Sales Turnaround of the Year and Sales Training or Coaching Program of the Year
  •         Sales Distinction categories in 14 industry groupings
  •         Customer Service and Contact Center Individual categories such as Front-Line Customer Service Professional of the Year and Customer Service Leader of the Year
  •         Customer Service and Contact Center Team categories like Contact Center of the Year and Back Office Customer Service Team of the Year
  •         Customer Service and Contact Center Achievement categories such as e-Commerce Customer Service Award and Award for Innovation in Customer Service
  •         Customer Service Department categories in 12 industry groupings
  •        Customer Service Success categories in five industry groupings
  •         New Product and Service categories like Best New Business Intelligence Solution and Best New Marketing Solution
  •         Solution Provider categories such as Sales Consulting Practice of the Year and Incentive, Rewards, or Recognition Provider of the Year
  •        Business Development categories such as Business Development Professional of the Year and Business Development Achievement of the Year - Hospitality & Leisure

There are many new categories for 2022 including Sales Engineer of the Year, Sales Support Professional of the Year, Virtual and Pre-Sales Professional of the Year, Remote Sales Innovation of the Year, Sales Employer of the Year, and an entirely new section of categories to recognize Thought Leadership achievements in business development, customer service, and sales.  Explore all of the categories here.

2022 will see the return of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Customer Service, a popular feature of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service in which the public may vote for their favorite providers of customer service, from among all finalist nominations in the Customer Service Department of the Year categories.

Winners of the 2021 edition of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service included American Red Cross, Blackbaud, Inc., Carbonite, Cisco Systems Inc.,, DHL Express, ElectronicArts, GoDaddy, IBM, John Hancock Financial Solutions, Land O’Lakes, Mailchimp, Modern Campus, Nasdaq Governance Solutions, Nutrisystem, Paylocity, SoftPro, Travelzoo, ValueSelling Associates, VIZIO, Inc., Vodafone Turkey, and more.

The 2022 competition will be judged by more than 150 professionals around the world. Those interested in participating on one of the juries may apply at

Request Your 2022 Entry Kit

Topics: Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Women|Future Conference Keynote Announced: Embracing Diversity & Empowering the Next Generation

Posted by Nina Moore on Wed, Sep 08, 2021 @ 12:49 PM

This just in! We are excited to announce our opening Keynote Speaker for the 2021 Women|Future Conference; Sandy Carter, Vice President of Public Sector Partners and Programs, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

We have some truly incredible speakers this year who are leading the industry in everything from Finance to Influencer Marketing, Social Media, Lead Generation, and Public Relations, but in today's blog, we highlight our anticipated Opening Keynote Speaker, Sandy Carter of Amazon Web Services.

To say that Sandy is a woman who wears many hats would be an understatement. Sandy has earned dozens of impressive accolades for her work spanning from Cloud Computing to thought leadership, to her positive influence on girls in technology. Sandy's responsibilities at AWS include evolving partner models to intensify partner innovation, AWS cloud adoption, and the creation of mission-critical cloud solutions with partners across the public sector. In addition to driving next-generation partnering at AWS, Sandy has also been a Founder and CEO of a startup, and in her last role at IBM, she ran the Cloud and AI/ML Ecosystem on behalf of the IBM corporation.

Sandy is the Chairman of the Board of Girls in Tech, Chairwoman for WIoTCoE, and an adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley. As if that wasn't enough, Sandy is also the author of the book, Extreme Innovation: Three Superpowers for Purpose and Profit. 

Keynote Women Future Conference

Sandy's list of achievements include:
  • Federal 100 Award Winner
  • 2020 Stevie Award Winner for Woman of the Year – Technology
  • Women in Tech: Top 50 Influencers
  • CRN Women of the Channel 2021 Power 100
  • 2021 Cloud Girls Rising Inaugural Visionary Award
  • Top 50 Influencers
  • Top 150 Global Cloud Thought Leaders and Next Generation Leaders of 2021
  • Top 40 Cloud Computing Influencers on Twitter
  • Top 50 Digital Influencers
  • Awards Magazine Top 50 Women of Influence
  • Top 15 IoT Premier League
  • Lifetime Achievement Winner, 'Excellence in Cloud Achievement'
  • AI Innovator Nominee of the Year
  • Top 10 AI Influencers 2019
  • Verdicts ten of the most influential people in artificial intelligence on Twitter during Q4 2020
  • Top 10 Cloud Computing Influencer

In her Women|Future Conference Keynote, "Embracing Diversity & Empowering the Next Generation," Sandy will share her experiences as a pioneering woman in tech, discuss how embracing diversity drives innovation, and highlight the importance of empowering the next generation of women leaders. She will provide insight into her expansive career and inspiration to all of the women of the future — YOU!

Our closing Keynote Speaker will be announced later this month.

What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Speakers Women Future Conference

Hundreds of ambitious women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will be tuning in to the fourth annual Women|Future Conference November 1-5, 2021. The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards.

The five-day agenda features over 40 sessions, interactive workshops, and a motivational keynote. Topics range from mental health to financial wellness, lead generation, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, and workplace diversity. The 140+ Speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of women from global organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, Ralph Lauren, Salesforce, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others. Below is a partial list of conference panels, sessions, and workshops:

  • Entrepreneurship – Success Stories Fireside Chat
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • Marketing Tactics to Future Proof Your Business & Your Career
  • Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships
  • Personal Development Training: Abundance 360 - Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Real Life First Impressions: Rethinking How To Do Business
  • The Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women
  • Top Secrets from World-Class Speakers on How to Use Presentations to Grow Your Business
  • Why Diverse Teams Drive Better Outcomes
  • The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda

Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may attend the Women|Future Conference for a discounted rate of $49 (with proof of a valid current student ID).

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference, Women Future Conference 2020, women's conference 2021, women leadership, women in leadership, women in leadership conference

Grand Stevie Award Winners Announced in 2021 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Sep 07, 2021 @ 11:55 AM

Bank of America, headquartered in Charlotte, NC USA, has won the Grand Stevie® Award for Organization of the Year in the 2021 (sixth annual) Stevie Awards for Great Employers, an international competition that recognizes the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.    

“It’s a privilege to receive the Grand Stevie Award for Most Honored Organization of the Year. This further demonstrates Bank of America’s commitment to being a great place to work and investing in the success of our teammates,” said Sheri Bronstein Chief Human Resources Officer at Bank of America.

Congratulations Grand Stevie sage

Today’s announcement was made by the Stevie Awards, organizers of this and seven other national and international business awards programs, including The American Business Awards® and The International Business Awards®.

A second Grand Stevie Award, for the Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year, goes to Sweetrush Inc., of San Francisco, CA USA for their Gold Stevie Award-winning nomination for Leadership or Skills Development Solution Provider of the Year.  Its average score of 9.17/10 from the jury was the highest received by nominations reviewed by the judges this year.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners in the Stevie Awards for Great Employers were announced on August 30. More than 950 nominations from organizations in 29 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 90 professionals worldwide, acting as judges.

All winners will be celebrated during a virtual awards ceremony on November 17.

The Grand Stevie Award for Organization of the Year is determined by a points system in which each Gold Stevie win earns three points, each Silver Stevie win two points, and each Bronze Stevie win one-and-a-half points. Bank of America’s 66.5 points is tops among all participants in this year’s competition.

Bank of America also won a Grand Stevie in last year’s awards, for Highest-rated Nomination of the Year.

Arturo Schwartzberg, Co-founder and Chairman of Sweetrush Inc., remarked, "More than ever, leadership and skills development are the path to a brighter future. We are truly honored and thankful for this award, and to be recognized for the work we are doing in collaboration with our clients who care deeply about the success of their people. We also congratulate our fellow Grand Stevie Award winner, Bank of America, our long-time client-partner!"

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  •    Employer of the Year
  •    HR Achievements
  •    HR Individual Awards
  •    HR Team Categories
  •    Solution Provider Awards
  •    COVID-19 Response
  •    More than 50 New Product & Service Categories

Entries for the 2022 edition of the Stevie Awards for Great Employers will open in March.

Topics: Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Die Gewinnenden der sechsten jährlichen Stevie® Awards für großartige Arbeitgeber stehen fest

Posted by Jule Kern on Fri, Sep 03, 2021 @ 04:12 AM

Die Gewinnenden der sechsten jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Great Employers 2021,eines internationalen Wettbewerbs, wurden bekannt gegeben. Mit den Auszeichnungen werden die weltweit besten Arbeitgeber*innen und Personalfachleute, Teams, Leistungen sowie HR-bezogene Produkte und Lieferanten gewürdigt, die dazu beitragen, großartige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern. 

Zu den ausgezeichneten Organisationen zählen auch sechs Unternehmen aus Deutschland und der Schweiz

  • DHL Global Forwarding (Bonn) wurde mit zwei Silber und einem Bronze Award für Leistungen im Bereich Diversität und Eingliederung, Erfolge beim Mitarbeiterengagement und Leistungen in der internen Kommunikation ausgezeichnet.
  • Raytheon Professional Services GmbH (Rüsselsheim) erhielt einen Gold, einen Silber und einen Bronze Stevie für Leistungen in den Bereichen Kundenschulung, Zertifizierungsprogramme und Technische Ausbildung.
  • Swiss RE (Zürich) wurde mit einem Gold Award für ihre Leistung im Leistungsmanagement geehrt.

Weitere Gewinnende aus Deutschland und der Schweiz sind Dentsply Sirona (Bensheim), F. Hoffmann-La Roche (Basel) und Personio (München).

Eine vollständige Liste der Gewinnenden finden Sie hier:

SAGE21 Winners FB-R2

Wir freuen und auf die Bekanntgabe der Grand Stevie Gewinnenden

Nächste Woche werden zwei Gewinner des Grand ("best of show") Stevie Award bekannt gegeben. Einer geht an die Organisation, die die am höchsten bewertete Nominierung für den Wettbewerb eingereicht hat. Der andere, für die Organisation des Jahres, geht an den Teilnehmer mit den meisten im Wettbewerb erzielten Punkten.

Die Gewinnenden der Grand, Goldenen, Silbernen und Bronzenen Stevie Awards werden am 17. November im Rahmen einer virtuellen Preisverleihung gefeiert. Die Anmeldung für die Veranstaltung ist ab sofort möglich.

Für den diesjährigen Wettbewerb wurden mehr als 950 Nominierungen von Organisationen aus 29 Ländern bewertet. Die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner wurden anhand der Durchschnittsnoten von mehr als 70 Fachleuten weltweit ermittelt, die als Juroren fungierten. Mit den Stevie Awards for Great Employers werden Leistungen in vielen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt gewürdigt. Die Kategorien umfassen:

Die Stevie Award-Platzierungen in den 31 Kategorien für den Arbeitgeber des Jahres wurden durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus den Bewertungen von Fachleuten und den Stimmen der breiten Öffentlichkeit ermittelt. Mehr als 81.000 Stimmen wurden in diesem Jahr von der Öffentlichkeit für ihre Lieblingsarbeitgeber*innen abgegeben.


Topics: Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Pitch Your Women-Owned Business at the Women|Future Conference

Posted by Nina Moore on Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

All women-owned businesses founded in November 2018 or later are invited to enter the 2021 Women|Future Conference Business Pitch Competition for a chance to win funding! 💸 For the second year in a row, the Women|Future Conference is hosting this 'Shark Tank' style pitch competition for female business owners and entrepreneurs.

Ten selected finalists will be required to present a four-minute virtual pitch about their product/service, business model, and target market. Submissions will be reviewed by the Women|Future Conference team and final pitches will be evaluated by a panel of judges during the conference on Thursday, November 4. There will be three winners, each of which will receive a monetary prize.*

If you are a female founder navigating the startup phase of your business, looking for funding, or simply seeking exposure presenting in front of hundreds of women professionals around the world, consider entering the Pitch Competition. The deadline to enter is September 24. 

Pitch Competition Women Owned 

The Pitch Competition is funded entirely through the generosity of our sponsors. If your organization is interested in sponsoring, email or visit our Sponsorship and Advertising Page to request information. We love working with organizations that are aligned with our mission of supporting women in business!

*A monetary prize will be sent in the form of a check to the first, second, and third place winners. The amount of prize money will be determined by the Women|Future Conference Pitch Competition Sponsorship money raised.

Learn More and Enter the Pitch Competition

Our 2nd annual Pitch Competition will be hosted by Quinn Conyers, a Speaking Strategist for Entrepreneurs, Emcee, and Pitch Competition Host. Quinn has over 16 years of virtual and in-person speaking, event hosting, and training experience. Quinn is the author of 2 books, and made it to the second round of Shark Tank auditions four times! She's been featured on the Entrepreneurs Elevator Pitch TV show as well Essence, Black Enterprise, Vision and Purpose, and Empowering Women to Speak Out Magazines.


What to Expect at the 2021 Women|Future Conference

Hundreds of ambitious women business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from around the world will be tuning in to the fourth annual Women|Future Conference November 1-5, 2021. The Women|Future Conference is a professional and personal development, learning, networking, and mentorship conference hosted by The Stevie® Awards.

The five-day agenda features over 40 sessions, interactive workshops, and a motivational keynote. Topics range from mental health to financial wellness, lead generation, imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship, and workplace diversity. The 110+ Speakers at this year's conference are a diverse mix of women from global organizations such as Facebook, IBM, Infosys Limited, John Hancock, Pinterest, Quartz, Ralph Lauren, Salesforce, SAP North America, Talkspace, and others. Below is a partial list of conference panels, sessions, and workshops:

  • Entrepreneurship – Success Stories Fireside Chat
  • Financial Planning -The Smart Women's Guide to Financial Success
  • How to Blend Strategy and Storytelling to Grow Your Company
  • How to Deliver a Presentation that Stands Out: On and Off the Screen
  • Marketing Tactics to Future Proof Your Business & Your Career
  • Networking Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Become Memorable and Build Authentic Relationships
  • Personal Development Training: Abundance 360 - Creating Your Best Life Ever
  • Real Life First Impressions: Rethinking How To Do Business
  • The Future of Work - Preparing for the Changing Business Landscape
  • The Truth Bombs on Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout for Busy Women
  • Why Diverse Teams Drive Better Outcomes

View the Women|Future Conference Agenda


Registration for the Women|Future Conference is open. Attendees save 10% when groups of three or more individuals register together. Students may attend the Women|Future Conference for a discounted rate of $49 (with proof of a valid current student ID).

Register for the Conference

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Questions about the Conference?

Conference Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Ruslana Milikhiker, Conference & Event Manager


Conference Marketing and PR 

Nina Moore, Marketing Manager


Topics: women awards, Women in Business, Awards for Women in Business, female entrepreneurs, woman awards, Stevies awards for women, women in busines, Women Future Conference