Shufti Pro's Identity Verification Services Provide Protection Against Identity Fraud

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 17, 2022 @ 10:53 AM

In 2020 alone, Identity Fraud in the US cost almost $56 billion. As digitization and automation are becoming the new norm, personal data is increasingly becoming a hot target for hackers. This is where Identity Verification (IDV) companies like Shufti Pro Limited (SP) come into play.

SP provides a wide range of IDV services, ranging from simple Know Your Customer (KYC) services to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks, for people and organizations. Their services enable clients to meet even the strictest data regulatory standard of any industry or region and ensure that they are secure from ID thieves and fraudsters. The company was created in 2017 with basic KYC features. By 2018, they added AML checks, 2-Factor Authentication, Address Verification, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Consent Verification Services.

What Separates Shufti Pro from The Identity Verification Competition

Shufti proIn 2019, Shufi Pro began to provide Know Your Business (KYB) services and between 2020-21, they became one of the few IDV companies that offered Artificial-Intelligence and Human-Intelligence based Video-KYC services, and verification through NFC technology, along with a wide range of ‘on and off premises’ IDV services. Headquartered in London, UK, they are a GDPR compliant global services provider, with offices in Cyprus, Sweden, and Dubai.

Although comparatively young in the IDV community, SP’s proactive approach to incorporate regulatory and global data protection guidelines in the delivery of services, and integrate multi-jurisdiction cybersecurity practices, makes them stand apart from competitors.

SP’s OCR services support 150 different Latin and Non-Latin languages, including Arabic and Japanese, which none of their competitors do. 

They also provide on-premises services, and cater to the demands of all clients, regardless of their order size. They offer a 14-day free trial with $50 credits for proof of concept.

They are also among the very few companies that provide payment authentication and Identity Verification through NFC technology which eliminates the need for manual data entries and hence, saves time and operational costs for all clients.

Germany’s Commission for media, Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz (KJM), has approved Shufti Pro’s age verification solution for the protection of minors. Now, the German Media can utilize Shufti Pro’s age verification solution to prevent minors from accessing content that is not suitable for their age.

They are the only IDV company that provides such a wide range of IDV services, all from a single platform, and that too with extreme ease of integration. By using SP's Restful API, Android / iOS SDK, and Hosted Verification page services, clients can integrate the services with their existing system within 30 minutes.

What Shufti Pro Has Accomplished Since their Stevie Award Win

Since their Stevie Award win, Shufti Pro has been approved by Jumpsec, and has won two more awards in the “Business Technology” and “Banking and Finance Technology” category of the Global Banking and Finance Awards 2021. Victor Fredung, the CEO of Shufti Pro, was invited to give his testimony at the hearing hosted by the US Financial Services Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and examining key points related to digital privacy and emphasized how Shufti Pro is making the financial structure secure through the use of AI technology for identity verification. Owing to the entrepreneurial spirit of Shufti Pro, the company has been nominated yet again for an award – the Nordic Startups Award Season 2021. Shufti Pro has successfully made its way into the World’s 100 Most Innovative CyberTech Companies For Financial Services in 2021. As part of its plan for global expansion, Shufti Pro has opened a new office in Kyiv, Maidan Plaza, Maidan Nezalezhnosti, 2. Kyiv, 02000, Ukraine. Shufti Pro has launched its global identity verification services on Salesforce AppExchange, empowering Salesforce customers to seamlessly integrate identity verification solutions and accelerate their business operations. Shufti Pro has introduced an auto-capture feature to its ID document and selfie biometric technology to enhance its face verification and document screening solutions.

Shufti Pro won the Gold Stevie Award for Company of the Year - Computer Services and the  Bronze for Company of the Year - Financial Services in The 2021 International Business Awards®

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Topics: International business awards

Grand Stevie Award Winners Announced in 16th Annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 17, 2022 @ 09:35 AM

The Stevie® Awards have announced the winners of Grand Stevie Award trophies in the 16th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, recognized as the world's top honors for achievement in business development, customer service, and sales.

Nominees in the 2022 Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service were not able to apply for Grand Stevie awards directly. Winners were determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the program, with a Gold Stevie win counting for three points, a Silver Stevie win for two points, and a Bronze Stevie win for 1.5 points. 

SASCS22 grand fb

This year’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service were announced on February 28. All winners will be celebrated during a virtual ceremony on May 11.

Winners of the “Top 10 Awards” for 2022 – recipients of Grand Stevie Awards trophies - are:

  1. DP DHL, with 92.5 points earned through winning nominations submitted by 26 DHL affiliates around the world. This is the tenth year in a row in which the multinational package delivery and supply chain management company, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, has won a Grand Stevie in the program, and the eighth year of the 10 in which they placed first on the list of most honored organizations.
  2. IBM, Armonk, NY USA (61). IBM has won a Grand Stevie Award in the program for the sixth consecutive year.
  3. Sales Partnerships, Inc., Broomfield, CO USA (41). Sales Partnerships has won a Grand Stevie Award for the fifth consecutive year as well as in 2016.
  4. UPMC Health Plan, Pittsburgh, PA USA (26.5). UMPC also won a Grand in 2021.
  5. Allianz SE – Allianz Services India, Kerala and Allianz Global Assistance, Richmond, VA USA (21.5). Allianz SE also won a Grand Stevie in 2020.
  6. ValueSelling Associates, Rancho Santa Fe, CA USA (19.5). ValueSelling also won a Grand Stevie in 2021 and 2019.
  7. Support Services Group, worldwide (19). Support Services Group also won a Grand in 2021.
  8. TransPerfect, New York, NY USA (18.5). TransPerfect also won a Grand in 2021.
  9. SAP, Newtown Square, PA USA and Walldorf, Germany (17.5)
  10. HP, Inc., Boise, ID USA (16)

More than 2,300 nominations from organizations in 51 nations were considered in this year’s competition. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners were determined by the average scores of more than 150 professionals on eight specialized judging committees.

Sponsors of the 16th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service include Sales Partnerships, Inc., Thought Leadership Leverage, and ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Topics: Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Stevie® Awards Extends 20th American Business Awards® Final Entry Deadline

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 10, 2022 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie® Awards, organizer of The American Business Awards®, announced today that the final entry deadline for the 20th annual competition has been extended through April 8, 2022. No additional late fees will be charged. Entries submitted through the new deadline will not be penalized in any way in the judging process.

“We’ve received so many requests for individual deadline extensions that we’ve decided to extend the deadline for everyone,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Miller. The original final deadline was March 9.

Request the entry kit


The American Business Awards are widely considered to be the premier business awards program in the U.S.A. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations— public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large, and small. The 2022 awards will honor achievements since the beginning of 2020. Entry details are available at

The American Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

New category groups for 2022 include:

More than 250 professionals nationwide will participate in the judging process through mid-April. The Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie® Award winners will be announced on April 28 and celebrated during a gala event in New York City on June 13.

Every new product or service nominated in The 2022 American Business Awards will automatically be included in voting for the People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Products, an annual feature of the ABAs in which the general public votes for their favorite new products. Voting will open on April 29.

The list of past Stevie Award winners in The American Business Awards reads like a who’s who of innovation and business success in the U.S.A. Explore the list of last year’s winners.

Sponsors of The 2022 American Business Awards include HCL Technologies, John Hancock, Melissa Sones Consulting, and SoftPro.

Topics: social media awards, marketing awards, American business awards, company awards, Thought Leadership

Dürfen wir vorstellen? Vorsitzende des Jurygremiums für Marketing, Kreative, Social Media und Video Awards: Susanne Baumann-Söllner

Posted by Jule Kern on Thu, Mar 10, 2022 @ 07:37 AM

Sympathisch, kompetent und erfolgreich - Dr. Susanne Baumann-Söllner ist seit 2012 Vorständin für Kongressmanagement und Sprecherin des Vorstands für das Internationale Amtssitz- und Konferenzzentrum Wien, und trägt die Verantwortung für Österreichs größtes Konferenzzentrum, das Austria Center Vienna. 


Im letzten Jahr wurde Susanne Baumann-Söllner bei den German Stevie® Awards für ihre großartigen Leistungen, die ihre Arbeit im Austria Center Vienna hervorbrachte, mit einem Gold und einem Silber Stevie® in den Bereichen Live-Event und ihre Reaktion auf COVID-19 ausgezeichnet. Heute freuen wir uns sehr, Sie als Vorsitzende des Gremiums für die Kategorien Marketing, Kreative, Social Media & Videos vorstellen zu dürfen. 

Die studierte Wirtschaftspädagogin, Wirtschaftstreuhänderin und Finanzanalystin arbeitete zunächst als Steuerberaterin und war danach im Bundesministerium für Finanzen als Beraterin mehrerer Minister und als Abteilungsleiterin für Steuerpolitik und Abgabenlegistik tätig. Baumann-Söllner ist Autorin mehrerer steuerpolitischer Fachpublikationen und Preisträgerin des Leopold Kunschak Wissenschaftspreises 2011.  Als Sprecherin des Vorstands ist sie für das Kongressgeschäft, also die Bereiche Marketing, Sales, Eventmanagement sowie den Bereich Finance & Accounting, Personal, IT und Sicherheit verantwortlich.

Über Ihre Arbeit als Jurorin bei den German Stevie® Awards war Susanne Baumann-Söllner bereit, uns einige Fragen rund um ihre Person und das Jurieren bei den German Stevie® Awards zu beantworten:

Wie würden Sie sich in zwei Sätzen beschreiben?
"Ich bin ein Mensch, der beruflich wie privat gerne gestaltet und umsetzt. Dabei ist mir die tägliche enge Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern immens wichtig."

Können Sie uns ein wenig über Ihre Arbeit als führende Business-Mentorin erzählen?
"Besonders für junge Frauen ist es entscheidend, Perspektiven für ihre Zukunft zu bekommen. In diesem Sinne bin ich gerne Vorbild auch für andere Frauen – sowohl durch gezielte Frauenförderung im eigenen Unternehmen wie auch im direkten Umfeld. Immer wieder haben wir Anfragen von Schulen oder Universitäten – und wo möglich unterstützen wir sie gerne und geben Einblick in die spannenden Berufe bei uns und persönliche Karrierewege."

Was treibt Sie an in Ihrem täglichen Job?                        
Das sind die großen und kleinen Erfolge, die uns bisher gelungen sind und auch tagtäglich aufs Neue gelingen. Konnten wir uns bis 2019 über sehr starke Veranstaltungsjahre und schöne Zuwächse freuen, ist es uns 2020/21 gelungen, mit der Beherbergung von Österreichs größtem Impf- und Testzentrum einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Bekämpfung der Pandemie zu leisten. Gleichzeitig sind wir mittendrin im größten Modernisierungsprojekt der Geschichte des Hauses und auch die Kongresse und Veranstaltungen kehren wieder verstärkt zurück. Das gibt mir Kraft und macht mich stolz auf mein Team."

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten Ihre Karriere nochmals komplett neu starten. Was würden Sie tun?
Wahrscheinlich würde ich wieder sehr ähnlich vorgehen. Ich hatte das Glück, dass ich stets Vorgesetzte hatte, welche „gefordert und gefördert“ haben – dies versuche ich auch mit meinen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern so zu leben. Gemeinsam mit meinem Team kann ich täglich gestalten und einen wesentlichen Beitrag für unsere Gesellschaft leisten. Immerhin bringen wir normalerweise jährlich mit den internationalen Großkongressen, die bei uns stattfinden, weit über 100.000 Kongressgäste nach Wien, was immense positive Auswirkungen auf die heimische Wirtschaft hat. Laut dem Österreichischen Institut für höhere Studien sprechen wir dabei über einen internationalen BIP-Effekt von rund 500 Mio. EUR."

 Sie sind Vorsitzende der Jury für Marketing, Kreative, Social Media und Videos. Wie erleben Sie die Jurierung der German Stevie® Awards?                                              
"Ich war überwältigt von der Anzahl und Qualität der Einreichungen. Das zeigt mir, dass die German Stevie® Awards eine hohe Reputation haben und ich bin sehr stolz, hier einen Beitrag leisten zu dürfen."

Was ist für Sie das Besondere an den German Stevie® Awards?
"Das Besondere ist für mich die Vielfältigkeit des Awards mit der Fülle an Möglichkeiten, die außergewöhnlichen Unternehmensleistungen einreichen zu können und – dass die German Stevie® Awards im Vergleich zu anderen Auszeichnungen mit Preisträgergebühren und nicht mit Einreichgebühren arbeiten. Das nimmt Unternehmen mit kleinen Budgets die erste Hürde und ermöglicht auch ihnen eine einfache Teilnahme am Award."

Warum würden Sie anderen Fachleuten empfehlen, als Juror an den German Stevie® Awards teilzunehmen? 
"Als Jurorin bekommt man Einblick in die Kreativität der anderen Unternehmen und sieht, was bei anderen besonders gut funktioniert hat. Das gibt einem natürlich selbst auch den einen oder anderen Gedankenanstoß. Zudem wurden wir letztes Jahr auch mit zwei Stevie®-Awards ausgezeichnet – mit unserem Spielefest 2019 als bestes B2C-Event und mit unserem Pilot-Projekt COVID-19-Schnellteststraße als eine der besten Reaktionen eines Unternehmens auf die COVID-Krise. Darauf bin ich sehr stolz! Für mich bedeutet mein Engagement als Jury-Vorsitzende daher auch, etwas zurückgeben zu können und anderen großartigen Unternehmen zu helfen, ihre Leistungen vor den Vorhang stellen zu können."

Wir haben dieses Jahr den Award für Social® Media eingeführt. Waren Sie von der Qualität der Einreichungen überrascht?                                                  
Ich habe mich vor allem darüber gefreut, dass die Stevie® Awards nun einem so wichtigen Bereich der Kommunikation Rechnung tragen. Ich glaube, das ist ein ganz wichtiges Zeichen an die gesamte Marketing- und Kommunikationsbranche."

Zum Abschluss: Welchen Rat würden Sie zukünftigen Teilnehmenden der German Stevie® Awards geben? 
"Mutig sein, eigene neue Wege gehen und Leistungen, auf die sie besonders stolz sind, einzureichen.  Das sind die ersten Schritte zu einer möglichen Auszeichnung – und diese motivieren das eigene Team dann wieder zu weiteren Spitzenleistungen."

Erfahren Sie hier mehr.  

Topics: Jury, europäischer Wirtschaftspreis, deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftspreis, Juryvorsitzende, GSA22

Zii Empowers Business Travelers to Take Control of Their Trip Life Cycle

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Mar 09, 2022 @ 09:15 AM

Zii is the world’s first FinTech platform focused on enabling better business travel. Specifically designed for corporate travel leaders, by corporate travel leaders, Zii’s innovative, unique functionality and user experience can’t be seen anywhere else in the marketplace. The platform is specifically designed to complement TMC functionality, enabling easy implementation and seamless integration into any travel program.

The proprietary scoring mechanism uses social motivation and immediate feedback to show the direct implications of non-compliant travel behavior and influence employee travel decisions to align with travel policy. Zii’s real-time data & analytics capabilities get to the root causes of overspending at both macro and microeconomic levels, significantly reducing travel spending.

zii logo

Companies are wasting millions of dollars each year on unnecessary travel expenses. According to a recent report by Mastercard, Travel, and Expense (T&E) costs are usually an organization’s second-highest indirect expense, behind labor. The report also revealed that 80% of the organizations surveyed lacked real visibility into their T&E spending. With no insight into how travel spending is being managed, many companies are leaving money on the table.

With corporate travel set to rise 25-50% as the pandemic decreases, this means another $1.2 trillion will be wasted through 2025.

That’s where Zii comes in:

The solution is Zii. Zii works with three main pillars to identify and address areas of non-compliance and overspend within the organization.

Financial Optimization

By identifying and addressing specific areas of unnecessary spending, organizations will be able to save millions of dollars annually.

Distribution of Responsibility

Travel managers waste approximately 500 hours annually in faulty T&E management protocols, costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasted wages. By improving productivity and reducing bottlenecks, you can amplify cost savings across multiple departments.

Automation & Gamification

It’s time to bring T&E management into the 21st century. Using data analysis to automate cost savings and applying gamification techniques to encourage and maintain usage, companies can consistently save millions year over year.

From the moment a trip is booked to when the expense report is submitted, Zii makes T&E spending and reporting automated and compliant. Using gamification tools to modify behavior and improve employee engagement, Zii turns your traveling workforce into independently-managed cost-savers. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive booking technology, Zii revolutionizes travel across all levels of your organization.

Zii is designed to enable information delivery that is Personalized, Relevant, and Timely:

Personalized – Advanced data analysis achieves personalized information for travelers and administrators, enhancing the user experience across all levels and verticals of the organization.

Relevant & Timely –Sorting through information to try and understand what is critical and what isn’t costs you valuable time and money, factors that are essential when it comes to travel. Zii does this for you, prioritizing relevant information and delivering it when and where you need it. 

Zii empowers travelers to take control of their entire trip life cycle. Designed specifically to be both comprehensive and user-friendly, Zii’s online booking tool makes travel arrangements a simple task, accomplished in minutes.

Many competing enterprise travel booking tools require a certain level of training in order to effectively use their system. Zii’s interface is straightforward - users at any level of technical ability can quickly learn how to manage their trips from start to finish. With 99% uptime, users enjoy uninterrupted use of the application in any location, at any time.

Since entering The International Business Awards in 2021, Zii Travel Technologies has been hard at work developing a sustainability solution product that will revolutionize the corporate travel industry when it comes to bridging the gap between corporate travel and sustainability.  Zii hopes to bring to market a solution that will: Inform, Educate and make it easy to measure and report overall progress and achievements tailored to each organization’s goals and objectives.

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Topics: International business awards

Call for Entries Issued for The 19th Annual International Business Awards®

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Mar 08, 2022 @ 09:00 AM

The Stevie Awards are now accepting nominations for The 19th Annual International Business Awards®, the world's premier business awards competition, which attracts nominations from organizations in more than 60 nations and territories each year.

All individuals and organizations worldwide - public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - may submit nominations to The International Business Awards. The early-bird entry deadline, with reduced entry fees, is 6 April. The final entry deadline is 11 May, but late entries will be accepted through 15 June with payment of a late fee. Entry details are available at

IBA22 Opens - 1200×630 (1)

Juries featuring more than 150 executives around the world will determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners. Winners will be announced on 15 August and celebrated at a gala banquet in Europe in October.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Categories include:

There are many new and revised features of The International Business Awards for 2022:

  • Nine new event awards categories, ten new innovation in social media categories, three thought leadership categories, three video categories, three mobile site & app categories, two new product categories, and categories for Achievement in Diversity & Inclusion and Influencer Marketing Campaign of the Year

  • Nominations that won in the 2021 IBAs may be resubmitted for consideration in the 2022 IBAs.  If they have been updated with recent achievements, they may be submitted to the same categories in which they won.  If they have not been updated, they must be submitted to categories different from those in which they won.

  • In many of the category groups and categories, you may now submit a video of up to five (5) minutes in length, illustrating the nominee's achievements, instead of the traditional Stevie Awards written essay.

Stevie Award winners in the 2021 IBAs included Ayala Land (Philippines), Cvent (USA), Ernst & Young Global Limited (UK), Etihad Airways Group (UAE), IBM (USA), Halkbank (Turkey), HP Inc. (USA), Google (USA), Nestle India (India), PJ Lhuillier, Inc (Philippines), Rufus & Coco (Australia), Philip Morris International (Switzerland), Polish Railway Lines (Poland), SAP SE (Germany), and many more.

Topics: International business awards

Stevie-Winner Created Successful Business Development Company During COVID-19

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Mar 03, 2022 @ 09:52 AM

ASCIRA COO Belynda Lee was named the winner of a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Woman of the Year category in The 18th Annual International Business Awards®. 

Belynda is a dynamic corporate executive with over three decades of experience in building strong international industry relationships with key corporate vendors and sales teams. She has an excellent reputation with high-profile, high-volume business associates.  She has been involved in the building of billion-dollar companies like Usana Health Sciences, Elizabeth Arden, Organo Gold to name a few.

Belynda LeeIn the past two years, Belynda bravely moved across the world to Dubai UAE to set up a brand new startup ASCIRA Global. It is a digital platform offering personal and business development in a subscription-based model.  Having launched in March 2020, right at the onset of the COVID 19 outbreak, the company has recorded numerous accomplishments, including surpassing 10,000 new members worldwide in less than a year.

More on Belynda's Experience

Belynda brings international business acumen and her unique ability to perform as a cross-functional strategist to the team. Born in Singapore and formally educated with a Master of Business Administration, Belynda's multilingual background helps her facilitate multi-channel distribution strategies that benefit both corporate and sales teams globally. Her ability to work directly with the sales field to develop winning strategies has resulted in many individuals achieving success, both professionally and personally. 

As a public figure and inspirational speaker, Belynda has moved crowds globally. With her personable character and the ability to resonate with individuals from all walks of life, Belynda has garnered a large following of fans around the world. She also serves as a mentor and coach for numerous young professionals learning the corporate system, thriving to excel in their careers. Her other interests involve restoring unloved homes, and she has left her mark in multiple properties in one of the most aggressive real estate markets in Vancouver.

Belynda penned her first autobiographical book, "Five-Inch Heels - When Women Step Into Power and Success," in 2014. The book delves into how one person can realize their worth and power to alter the course of life. In it, she teaches how effective servant leadership can be compassionate and inspiring. "Five-Inch Heels" went on to become a bestseller in North America. Influenced by her struggle, Belynda is also passionate about empowering other women. Whenever possible, she speaks on different platforms to share her story of adversity and conquers and how the Power of Choice-Change-Mind can alter anyone's destiny.


Belynda is exceptionally passionate about empowering women. In 2008, Belynda started the Canadian Women in a Business tour to highlight the success of female entrepreneurs. Her ongoing mission is to create personal and professional examples for others to follow while making a global impact on females today and in the future. 

In 2012 she presented an Outstanding Leadership Award from Global Women Summit in Vancouver, Canada, for creating a platform to recognize successful female entrepreneurs. 

In 2013, at the 13th Annual International Leadership and Financial Summit, Dr. Deavra Daughtry, CEO of Texas Women's Empowerment Foundation (TWEF), presented Belynda with an International Leadership Award for her leadership role as a vice president and her contribution to society as an inspirational speaker at various empowering platforms. 

In 2014, she was awarded "Leader of the Year" at the 10th Annual Women of Worth Conference. In the same year, she was also awarded the "Top Chinese Women of Canada" award from United Global Chinese Women Association in Canada. 

In 2021, she was presented "Champion in Global Women Empowerment" by Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Bint Khalifa Al Khalifa in Dubai, UAE.

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Topics: International business awards

Schedule Revised for 2022 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards

Posted by Clara Im on Thu, Mar 03, 2022 @ 12:06 AM

Entry deadline extended to April 1


The Stevie® Awards, organizer of the world's premier business awards programs, announced that they are revising the entire schedule for the 2022 (ninth annual) Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.




They have extended the final entry deadline for the awards to April 1. No additional late fees will be charged for entries submitted through April 1, and the entries will not be penalized in any way in the judging process. The judging process will extend through April 11. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced on April 19. As the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region discourages the staging of an awards banquet this year, a virtual ceremony will be staged instead, on Wednesday, June 29.


The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards is the only business awards program to recognize innovation throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. The competition is open to all organizations across 29 nations of the Asia-Pacific region: large and small, for-profit and non-profit, public and private.


The awards focus on recognizing innovation in all its forms, wherever it is achieved in the workplace. Entries are accepted in eight languages - Chinese, English, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Thai and Vietnamese - in the following category groups:

New categories for 2022 will recognize Social Media innovations, in content creation and moderation, management, and marketing since July 1 2019.

Scores of professionals from throughout the region will participate in the judging process to determine the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie winners.

The Stevie Award trophy is among the world's most coveted prizes. The name Stevie is taken from the name Stephen, which is derived from the Greek for "crowned".


Interested in entering the 2022 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards?

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Topics: business awards, Asia Awards, Asia-Pacific, The Stevie Awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, AsiaPacificStevieAwards

Winners Announced in 16th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Mar 01, 2022 @ 09:00 AM

Winners in the 16th annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, recognized as the world's top customer service awards and sales awards, were announced today. Stevie Award winners will be celebrated during a virtual awards ceremony on May 11.

The complete list of Stevie winners by category is available at

SASCS22 Winners Announced Social

More than 2,300 nominations from organizations in 51 nations were considered in this year’s competition. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners were determined by the average scores of more than 150 professionals on eight specialized judging committees. Entries were considered in more than 90 categories for customer service and contact center achievements, including Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service, and Customer Service Department of the Year; more than 60 categories for sales and business development achievements, ranging from Senior Sales Executive of the Year to Sales Training or Business Development Executive of the Year to Sales Department of the Year; and categories to recognize new products and services, solution providers, and organizations’ and individuals’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. New categories this year honor excellence in thought leadership in customer service and sales.

IBM of Armonk, NY USA and DP DHL, worldwide both won 11 Gold Stevie Awards, the most of any organization in the competition. Other Stevie winners with three or more Golds include Sales Partnerships, Inc., Broomfield, CO USA (eight), ValueSelling Associates, Carlsbad, CA USA (six), HP, Inc. Boise, ID USA (four), The Biz Dojo Inc, Calgary, Canada (four), UPMC Health Plan, Pittsburgh, PA USA (four), Allianz Services Pvt Ltd, Kerala, India (three), Nutrisystem, Fort Washington, PA USA (three), TransPerfect, New York, NY USA (three), and Voya Financial, Chandler, AZ USA (three).

Winners of two Gold Stevie Awards include athenahealth, Watertown, MA USA; Contact Lens King Inc., Chaplain, NY USA; Datasite, Minneapolis, MN USA; Dubai Municipality, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Empolis Group, Kaiserslautern, Germany; Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd., Mumbai, India; Michael Kors, New York, NY USA; Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA USA; Municipality and Planning Department, Ajman, United Arab Emirates; Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Santa Ana, CA USA; POWERHOME SOLAR, Mooresville, NC USA; PowerSchool Group LLC, Folsom, CA USA; Ruby, Portland, OR USA; SAP, Newtown Square, PA USA; Sber, Moscow, Russia; SoftPro, Raleigh, NC USA; Spinnaker Support, Greenwood Village, CO USA; Support Services Group, Lewis Center, OH USA; Talkdesk, San Francisco, CA USA; Templeton & Partners, London, United Kingdom; VakifBank, Istanbul, Turkey; and VMware, Palo Alto, CA USA.

Other organizations winning a combination of four or more Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie Awards include Abrigo, Austin, TX USA; Arise Virtual Solutions, Miramar, FL USA; Blackhawk Network, Pleasanton CA USA; CarrefourSA, Istanbul, Turkey; Clubspeed, Irvine, CA USA; EFG Companies, Irving, TX USA; Element Electronics, Winnsboro, SC USA; HireVue, South Jordan, UT USA; Intuit, Mississauga, Ontario Canada; Nuance Communications, Boston, MA USA; OpenGov, San Jose, CA USA; Optum Eden Prairie, MN USA; Princess Polly, Los Angeles CA USA; Pushpay, Redmond, WA USA; QNB Finansbank, Istanbul, Turkey; RAIN Group, Boston, MA USA; Toco Warranty, Los Angeles, CA USA; TTEC, Englewood, CO USA; Visualize, Birmingham, MI USA; VIZIO Inc., Irvine, CA USA; and WNS (Holdings) Limited, Mumbai, India.

The 10 most-honored organizations in the competition will receive Grand Stevie Award trophies. Those winners will be announced the week of March 14.

Beginning today through April 1, the public may vote for their favorite providers of customer service in the People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service, an annual feature of the awards. Voting is open at Winners of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards in multiple industries will be announced the week of April 4.

One category in the awards will continue to accept entries through March 11.  It is the Sales Partnerships Award for Ethics in Sales, which will recognize organizations for best practices and achievements in demonstrating the highest ethical standards in the sales industry.  Entry requirements for this category are outlined at

Topics: sales award, customer service success, Steve Awards for Sales and Customer Service

Umbrella IT Provides Web and Mobile Services Around the Globe

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Feb 24, 2022 @ 10:28 AM

Umbrella IT (UIT) is a Stevie Award-winning company providing web and mobile development and IT consulting services focusing on finance, retail, and media. UIT has successfully completed more than 220 international projects for clients including Variety, Rolling Stone, Disney, Hamleys, 9GAG, IKEA, METRO AG, BCS bank and others. In April 2021, MirrorMe Web, developed by UIT for Mary Kay, became the winner at the Russian Corporate Media Competition in the category "B2B. Industry media/Web media". The other UIT’s client is BCS bank, whose mobile app was included in the TOP 11 best banking applications according to analytical agency Markswebb. As a trusted partner UIT takes responsibility for negotiations with other contractors on behalf of METRO, covering up to 50% of requests.

Umbrella IT

Based on the 11 years of experience in the global market they formed fourteen client-focused services involving flexible team models depending on the nature of the job and the scope to be covered. Their key goal is to create value for the clients’ end customers using our knowledge of segment-specific pains and the best industry practices.

Though founded in Taganrog, UIT has extended its presence to Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Moscow, and New York

The Umbrella IT team is proud of their results which stemmed from well-coordinated efforts from each employee. 

  • Since 2005 the IAOP has been publishing its annual listing Global Outsourcing 100. The listing includes Umbrella IT together with such industry leaders as IBM, Canon, Accenture, CBRE, Deloitte.
  • Since 1954 iF Product Design Award has been organizing one of the world's most valued design competitions. Within 67 years, only 38 Russian design projects including Umbrella IT’s received iF Design Awards quality mark.
  • Last year Umbrella IT became the Stevie Awards winner. This time they are recognized with a Gold, Silver, and 2 Bronze Stevie Awards for Best Marketing App; Best User Experience; IT Team of the Year, and Executive of the Year.
  • In Clutch’s Global b2b Top 1000 Service Providers for 2020 list, UIT climbed up 317 positions at once and rose from the 400th place to the 83rd. Only the top 1% of the companies listed on the Clutch site are listed in this rating. For three consecutive years, Umbrella IT has been ranked among the best B2B service providers with improved results. 
  • The BIG Innovation Awards recognize the organizations, innovative developments, and solutions that bring new ideas to life creating value not for the clients only, but for the entire humanity. UIT joined the winners along with 52 other companies, 137 products, and 7 individual winners who have achieved significant results in their industries.
  • MobileAppDaily’s 40 under 40 report highlights the young innovators in the sphere of mobile development. The 2020’s list marked UIT CEO Mikhail Menshinskiy’s ability and desire to use technology for the benefit of humanity

UIT’s team of professionals numbers more than 250 specialists. In March 2021 they opened the first representative office in New York. UIT released its own products: RomDo, AtTrack, and UnSpot. 

umbrella it 2Based on the 10 years' experience in the global market, one of the 14 new client-focused services is “Technical Debt Reduction by 80% in One Month Without Stopping Project”. This service was developed during the Customer Development interviews, conducted by the UIT experts.

During 2020 and 2021 Umbrella IT achieved significant results and was recognized by the global professional community. Umbrella IT has been acknowledged by numerous ratings and awards: The Global Outsourcing (IAOP), Big Innovation Awards, Clutch (UIT is the first the list b2b-providers in Russia and 83rd among the list Global 1000). In total,
they won 75+ various
international awards

UIT won multiple Stevie Awards in The 2021 International Business Awards. 

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Topics: International business awards