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International Awards Blog

2015 Stevie Awards Seminar in Korea

Posted by Clara Im on Wed, Jan 07, 2015 @ 10:18 PM


We invite you to attend a free seminar about the importance of Corporate Storytelling, presented by the Stevie Awards.

To be successful in today’s communications environment, it is critical that organizations be able to summarize and communicate their successes in a manner that will engage and inspire their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. This seminar will discuss the importance of Corporate Storytelling and will show you how to communicate the achievements of your organization in the best possible way.

The seminar is presented by the Stevie Awards, which have been called "the business world's own Oscar Awards.” The Stevie Awards present international business awards programs such as The International Business Awards and the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. Organizations in more than 60 nations submit more than 8,000 nominations to Stevie Awards programs each year. The best of these nominations are prime examples of excellence in Corporate Storytelling. At this seminar you will learn about the reputation-building process of corporations and organizations from an award-winning Korean PR expert. You will discover the benefits of Corporate Storytelling, and how preparing and submitting entries to Stevie Awards competitions can benefit the development of a Corporate Storytelling strategy. Also, you will meet the special Corporate Storytelling example of PartspARTs IMSEONOC, which won a Grand Stevie Award trophy in the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards for their account of the Korean art performance team uniform for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic. You will also have an opportunity to network with other CEOs and communications executives.  

Invest two hours in this seminar to learn how your organization can benefit by improving your Corporate Storytelling. We trust you will come away from the event will several useful ideas for your organization. Seating is limited so reserve your seat at the seminar today.

* Day and Time: Noon~2pm, January 22 (Thur.) [We will offer Korean Style lunch buffet.]
* Location: Confucius Institute in Seoul (635-17, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
* Participants: CEOs and People who in charge of PR and Communications
* Respond to: 임정희/ Clara Im (02-3443-8389, Clara@stevieawards.com)
             Communications Director for Asia (www.asia.stevieawards.com)
             Stevie Awards (www.stevieawards.com)  

Bertelsmann gewinnt Goldenen Stevie Award für Geschäftsbericht 2013

Posted by Catrin Beu on Tue, Jan 06, 2015 @ 04:00 AM

Im Oktober 2014 wurde der Medienkonzern Bertelsmann SE & Co. aus Gütersloh im Rahmen der International Business Awards 2014 mit einem Goldenen Stevie Award ausgezeichnet. Prämiert wurde der Online-Geschäftsbericht 2013 in der Kategorie Publication Awards.
Im März 2014 beschloss Bertelsmann, den Inhalt des Geschäftsberichts 2013 auf möglichst vielen verschiedenen Plattformen zu veröffentlichen. Erstmalig stand der Geschäftsbericht sowohl als Printformat, als interaktive Onlineversion und als App zu Verfügung. Zusätzlich präsentierte Bertelsmann die Inhalte auf seinen Social Media Kanälen und den Media-Walls der verschiedenen Unternehmenswebseiten.
Die Online-Versionen des Geschäftsberichts enthielten verschiedene interaktive Extras. So dokumentieren beispielsweise vier kurze Filme die Fortschritte der Umsetzung der Unternehmensstrategie und ein exklusives „Making-of“ das Foto-Shooting für den Geschäftsbericht. Interviews mit dem Bertelsmann Vorstand und dem Group Management Commitee runden das Konzept ab.
Wir sprachen mit Karin Schlautmann über die Bedeutung dieser Auszeichnung und über die Medienbranche in Deutschland. Schlautmann ist die Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation von Bertelsmann und verantwortlich für den mit dem Stevie Awards ausgezeichneten Geschäftsbericht.

Belohnung für ein mutiges Konzept
„Wir freuen uns sehr über die Stevie Awards, die wir für die Print- als auch die Online-Version unseres Geschäftsberichts 2013 gewonnen haben“, berichtet Karin Schlautmann. „Die Awards würdigen das ungewöhnliche und mutige Konzept, das wir für unseren Jahresbericht gewählt haben und der als Aushängeschild für unser Unternehmen fungiert. Unser Herzblut und jede Menge harte Arbeit stecken in jeder einzelnen Seite. Auszeichnungen, wie die Stevie Awards, sind die Belohnung dafür und Motivation, uns im nächsten Jahr weiter zu verbessern.“
Transformation ins Digitale
Im Rahmen der bevorstehenden German Stevie® Awards befragten wir in Deutschland ansässige Unternehmen und Organisationen nach ihrer Meinung zu verschiedenen Themen. Karin Schlautmann baten wir um Tipps für die kreative Medienbranche und die Unternehmenskommunikation in Deutschland.
„Es ist die Hauptaufgabe der Unternehmenskommunikation, eine bestimmte Unternehmensstrategie weltweit zu unterstützen. In dieser Hinsicht unterscheidet sich das Wesentliche der Unternehmenskommunikation in Deutschland wohl nur minimal von der Unternehmenskommunikation in anderen Ländern“, erklärt Schlautmann.
„Grundsätzlich sollte man natürlich immer die individuellen kulturellen Gepflogenheiten des Landes, in dem man Geschäfte betreibt und in dem man kommuniziert, verstehen und berücksichtigen“, fügt Schlautmann hinzu. „Bei Bertelsmann legen wir großen Wert darauf, ständig innovative Kommunikationsangebote zu entwickeln, ohne dabei bewährte Kanäle zu vernachlässigen. Das gilt vor allem für den digitalen Bereich. Bei Bertelsmann ist die Transformation zum Digitalen ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Unternehmensstrategie und in unseren Unternehmen längst gelebter Alltag. Das müssen wir im Bereich der Unternehmenskommunikation ebenfalls berücksichtigen.“
Digitale Kanäle verstehen
In ihrer Arbeit ist Karin Schlautmann von einer Fülle von Apps und Blogs umgeben. „Ich persönlich bin ein großer Fan von Magazin-Apps und ich halte immer nach neuen Angeboten Ausschau, um mich zu inspirieren. Aber das Entscheidende ist nicht, was mir persönlich gefällt: Wichtig ist, sich in allen digitalen Kanälen auszukennen und ein Gespür für Themen und Austauschmöglichkeiten zu entwickeln und damit umzugehen“. Dann fügt sie hinzu: „Wir haben in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich die Social-Media-Präsenz von Bertelsmann verstärkt. Beispielsweise haben wir jetzt eine „Social Cloud“, die alle Social-Media-Aktivitäten der Bertelsmann-Unternehmen bündelt. Das sind aktuell mehr als 6.000 Kanäle mit insgesamt ca. 636 Millionen Followern.“
Kommunikation als Mittel der Inspiration
Schlautmann genießt die Herausforderungen ihres Berufes. „Kommunikation bedeutet mit Menschen in Verbindung zu treten, sie zu bewegen, Reaktionen hervorzurufen und Feedback zu bekommen – das ist es, was ich an meiner Arbeit liebe“, erklärt sie. „Und an diesen Grundelementen wird sich auch nichts ändern, egal auf welchen Kanälen sie in Zukunft stattfinden werden.“
Über Karin Schlautmann
Karin Schlautmann ist Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation der Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. Im Mai 2007 wurde sie Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation der Bertelsmann Stiftung und im Dezember 2011 Mitglied des Group Management Commitees (GMC). Schlautmanns Karriere basiert auf Erfahrungen als Chefreporterin, Chefredakteurin, Redakteurin und Reporterin bei großen deutschen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, wie der „Bild“ Zeitung, der „Bunten“, der „Gala“ und der „Frau im Spiegel“.
Über Bertelsmann
Bertelsmann ist ein internationaler Medienkonzern in den Segmenten Fernsehen, Bücher, Zeitschriften, Mediendiensten und Medienclubs in mehr als 50 Ländern. Bertelsmann möchte die Menschen weltweit mit erstklassigen Medien- und Kommunikationsangeboten inspirieren - mit Entertainment, Informationen und Services - und gleichzeitig die Marktführerschaft in den jeweiligen Märkten besetzen.
In Kürze startet bereits die Registrierung für die International Business Awards 2015. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie hier. Die Teilnahmefrist der German Stevie Awards 2015 wurde indes bis zum 11. Februar 2015 verlängert. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie an dem neuen Award-Programm teilnehmen können.

Topics: 2014 International Business Awards, 2015 Geman Stevie Awards

Profile of a German Stevie® Award Winner: Bertelsmann

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Dec 24, 2014 @ 10:42 AM

Bertelsmann SE & Co. in Gütersloh, Germany won a Gold Stevie® for their 2013 Online Annual Report in the publication awards categories of The 2014 International Business Awards.

The 2015 International Business Awards will open for entries in January. You can learn more about it here. In the meantime, the deadline for entries for the 2015 German Stevie® Awards has been extended to February 11, 2015. Find out more about how to enter here.

1412Bertelsmann2We asked Karin Schlautmann, Executive Vice President Corporate Communications of Bertelsmann and responsible for the Stevie® Award-winning annual report, for some comments on what winning a Stevie® Award has meant to her and an overview of the creative and media scene in Germany today.

Bertelsmann decided to publish the content of their 2013 Annual Report on as many platforms as possible when it was published in March, 2014. The report was made available in print form, as an interactive online version, and as an app. Bertelsmann also presented the report’s content on its social media platforms and on media walls at the company’s various sites.

The online versions of the Annual Report included a variety of interactive extras, such as four short films showing the progress made in implementing the Group's strategy, as well as an exclusive “making-of” on the photo shoot for the Annual Report, plus interviews with the Bertelsmann Executive Board and Group Management Committee.

Bold Concept

We’re very happy about the various Stevie Awards that both the print and online versions of our 2013 Annual Report have won,” Karin told us. “The awards honor the unusual, bold concept we chose for our Annual Report, which serves as our company’s business card. Our heart and soul and a lot of hard work went into every page, so prizes like the Stevies are a reward for this, and also a motivation to make next year’s even better!”

Transformation to Digital

With the upcoming German Stevie® Awards, we are asking German-based companies and organizations for their expertise on a variety of topics. We asked Karin for her tips on the creative media and communications scene in Germany.

The most important job of communications is to support a given business strategy everywhere in the world. So in this respect, the essentials of communications in Germany probably only differ marginally from communications in other countries,” Karin suggested.

“In general, of course, you should always understand and consider the individual cultural practices of the country in which you’re doing business and conducting communications,” Karin added. “At Bertelsmann, we are very eager to constantly develop innovative communications offerings, without neglecting tried and tested channels. This is especially true in the digital domain. At Bertelsmann, the transformation to digital is a core component of our corporate strategy and has long since become a reality in our businesses. We need to take this into account in communications as well.”

Understanding Digital Channels

Karin also commented on the plethora of apps and blogs that abound in her industry. Personally, I’m a great fan of magazine apps and I’m always looking at new ones to find inspiration. But the crucial thing isn’t what appeals to me personally: what’s crucial is that you know your way around all the digital channels and develop a feel for themes, options for dialog, and ways to go about things,” explained Karin. “We’ve significantly strengthened Bertelsmann’s social media presence in the past years. For example, we now have a “Social Cloud” that pools all the social media activities of Bertelsmann companies. It currently depicts more than 6,000 channels with a total of around 636 million followers.”

Communication for Inspiration

Karin enjoys the challenges of her profession. “Communicating means connecting with people, moving them, eliciting reactions, and getting feedback–that’s what I love about my work,” she told us. “And nothing’s going to change about these basic elements, regardless of what channels they takes place on in the future.”

About Karin Schlautmann

Karin Schlautmann is Executive Vice President Corporate Communications, Public Affairs, and Marketing at Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. She became Head of Communications of the Bertelsmann Foundation in May 2007 and a member of the Group Management Committee (GMC) in December 2011.

As a student, Karin studied literature and history, and completed an internship at the Westfalen-Blatt newspaper in Bielefeld, Germany. She then joined Bild newspaper in Chemnitz in 1991 and in 1994 she became a member of the editorial team of Thomas Gottschalk’s late night show on German television.

In 1995, Karin was appointed chief reporter of “Bild” newspaper in Munich, followed by posts in Hamburg and Berlin as chief reporter and head of the entertainment desk. In 2001, Karin became an editor for the women’s magazine Bunte. She joined Gala magazine as Deputy Editor-in-Chief in 2002 before taking up successive executive roles at Frau im Spiegel magazine in October 2002, where she served as Editor-in-Chief from March 2003.

About Bertelsmann
Bertelsmann is an international media company encompassing television, book publishing, magazine publishing, media services, and media clubs in more than 50 countries. Bertelsmann’s claim is to inspire people around the world with first-class media and communications offerings–entertainment, information, and services–and to occupy leading positions in its respective markets.

Topics: International business awards, German Stevie Awards, publication awards, German Business, best annual reports

Profile of a German Stevie® Award Winner: Bertelsmann

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Dec 23, 2014 @ 02:08 PM

Bertelsmann SE & Co. in Gütersloh, Germany won a Gold Stevie® for their 2013 Online Annual Report in the publication awards categories of The 2014 International Business Awards.

The 2015 International Business Awards will open for entries in January. You can learn more about it here. In the meantime, the deadline for entries for the 2015 German Stevie® Awards has been extended to February 11, 2015. Find out more about how to enter here.

1412Bertelsmann2We asked Karin Schlautmann, Executive Vice President Corporate Communications of Bertelsmann and responsible for the Stevie® Award-winning annual report, for some comments on what winning a Stevie® Award has meant to her and an overview of the creative and media scene in Germany today.

Bertelsmann decided to publish the content of their 2013 Annual Report on as many platforms as possible when it was published in March, 2014. The report was made available in print form, as an interactive online version, and as an app. Bertelsmann also presented the report’s content on its social media platforms and on media walls at the company’s various sites.

The online versions of the Annual Report included a variety of interactive extras, such as four short films showing the progress made in implementing the Group's strategy, as well as an exclusive “making-of” on the photo shoot for the Annual Report, plus interviews with the Bertelsmann Executive Board and Group Management Committee.

Bold Concept

We’re very happy about the various Stevie Awards that both the print and online versions of our 2013 Annual Report have won,” Karin told us. “The awards honor the unusual, bold concept we chose for our Annual Report, which serves as our company’s business card. Our heart and soul and a lot of hard work went into every page, so prizes like the Stevies are a reward for this, and also a motivation to make next year’s even better!”

Transformation to Digital

With the upcoming German Stevie® Awards, we are asking German-based companies and organizations for their expertise on a variety of topics. We asked Karin for her tips on the creative media and communications scene in Germany.

The most important job of communications is to support a given business strategy everywhere in the world. So in this respect, the essentials of communications in Germany probably only differ marginally from communications in other countries,” Karin suggested.

“In general, of course, you should always understand and consider the individual cultural practices of the country in which you’re doing business and conducting communications,” Karin added. “At Bertelsmann, we are very eager to constantly develop innovative communications offerings, without neglecting tried and tested channels. This is especially true in the digital domain. At Bertelsmann, the transformation to digital is a core component of our corporate strategy and has long since become a reality in our businesses. We need to take this into account in communications as well.”

Understanding Digital Channels

Karin also commented on the plethora of apps and blogs that abound in her industry. Personally, I’m a great fan of magazine apps and I’m always looking at new ones to find inspiration. But the crucial thing isn’t what appeals to me personally: what’s crucial is that you know your way around all the digital channels and develop a feel for themes, options for dialog, and ways to go about things,” explained Karin. “We’ve significantly strengthened Bertelsmann’s social media presence in the past years. For example, we now have a “Social Cloud” that pools all the social media activities of Bertelsmann companies. It currently depicts more than 6,000 channels with a total of around 636 million followers.”

Communication for Inspiration

Karin enjoys the challenges of her profession. “Communicating means connecting with people, moving them, eliciting reactions, and getting feedback–that’s what I love about my work,” she told us. “And nothing’s going to change about these basic elements, regardless of what channels they takes place on in the future.”

About Karin Schlautmann

Karin Schlautmann is Executive Vice President Corporate Communications, Public Affairs, and Marketing at Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. She became Head of Communications of the Bertelsmann Foundation in May 2007 and a member of the Group Management Committee (GMC) in December 2011.

As a student, Karin studied literature and history, and completed an internship at the Westfalen-Blatt newspaper in Bielefeld, Germany. She then joined Bild newspaper in Chemnitz in 1991 and in 1994 she became a member of the editorial team of Thomas Gottschalk’s late night show on German television.

In 1995, Karin was appointed chief reporter of “Bild” newspaper in Munich, followed by posts in Hamburg and Berlin as chief reporter and head of the entertainment desk. In 2001, Karin became an editor for the women’s magazine Bunte. She joined Gala magazine as Deputy Editor-in-Chief in 2002 before taking up successive executive roles at Frau im Spiegel magazine in October 2002, where she served as Editor-in-Chief from March 2003.

About Bertelsmann
Bertelsmann is an international media company encompassing television, book publishing, magazine publishing, media services, and media clubs in more than 50 countries. Bertelsmann’s claim is to inspire people around the world with first-class media and communications offerings–entertainment, information, and services–and to occupy leading positions in its respective markets.


Posted by Clara Im on Fri, Dec 19, 2014 @ 09:56 PM























斗山ビナはベトナム中部のQuang Ngai省Dung Quat経済区域内にあるハイテクコンビナートである。規模は110ヘクタールで3000人の従業員を採用、世界市場に10億ドルを輸出している。同社は現代的な生活を実現するメガインフラ製品を供給している。斗山ビナの製品は火力発電所のボイラー、一般の発電所の効率を30%向上させた熱利用蒸気発生器、世界の港の中でも物流の中心にあり、サッカー競技場の大きさに95のクレーンを回している4500トンの塩分除去装置、地球の自然資源を日常的に使用する便利な製品に変える化学処理装置などがある。




Topics: Asia-Pacific, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Doosan, Doosan VINA, Stevie Awards Judge, 斗山グループ, 斗山ビナ

배움 경험: 베트남에 있는 스티비 어워즈 심사위원으로부터의 조언

Posted by Clara Im on Mon, Dec 08, 2014 @ 06:33 AM

데일 거스텐슬레이거는 두산 중공업 베트남의 홍보 및 커뮤니케이션 총괄 매니저입니다. 그는 지난 2년간 여성 기업인 스티비 대상의 심사위원이었으며, 아시아-태평양 스티비상 심사를 돕기 위해 바쁜 스케줄에도 새해 초에 시간내기를 바라고 있습니다. (2015 아시아-태평양 스티비상에 어떻게 출품하는지 여기서 찾아보세요.)


데일과 회사, 베트남에서 일하는 것, 스티비상 심사하는 것에 대해 이야기를 나누었습니다. 그는 우리에게 심사 경험에서 배웠던 유용한 것들을 말했습니다. "무엇보다 먼저 여성 기업인 대상 심사위원으로서 가장 크게 배웠던 것을 말하고 싶습니다. 그것은 놀라운 홍보와 커뮤니케이션 캠페인들을 볼 수 있었던 기회였습니다. 출품작들은 전 지구에 미치고, 카테고리들의 다양한 스펙트럼을 다룹니다. 많은 시간 저는 내용들을 적고 생각하는 저를 발견했습니다. 얼마나 대단한 아이디어인가요."


실제적 두뇌집단

데일은 현재 아시아-태평양 스티비상에서 기업 커뮤니케이션, 투자자 관계(IR)와 홍보 카테고리 심사를 기대하고 있습니다.

"스티비상은 창조력이 꽃피우고 자랄 수 있는 비옥한 환경을 제공하는 실제적 두뇌집단을 창조합니다." 데일은 언급했습니다. "인생에서 드물게 '공현'이 일어났습니다. 그래서 사람들은 어느 때나 아이디어를 공유하고, 마음의 문을 열기 시작하고, 하나의 아이디어를 다음 단계로 이끌며 가능성을 확장합니다. 그것은 어떻게 스티비상과 같은 프로그램들이 비즈니스 리더들의 시장 점유를 증대시키고, 그들이 사업을 확장하는 새로운 기회를 찾도록 돕는지 하는 것입니다."

타의 추종을 불허하는 패키지

우리는 데일에게 왜 대한민국에 본사를 둔 국제적인 기업 두산 그룹이 베트남에 설비들을 세웠는지 물어봤습니다. "두산 그룹은 3억 달러 투자처로 베트남을 선택했습니다. 왜냐하면 특별한 인센티브제와 베트남 리더들이 제공한 환경 때문입니다." 데일은 설명했습니다. "그것은 오랜 기간의 세계 조사와 세계 곳곳 나라들로부터의 많은 제안들에 기울인 상당한 주의에 따른 중요한 표준들과 함께 시작되었습니다. 두산은 특별한 지원과 지방, 지역, 중앙 정부들의 안정성, 타의 추종을 불허하는 재정적 인센티브, 열심 있는 노동력, 주요 항로로 접근할 수 있도록 우리에게 주었던 전용 항구 건설을 허용한 해안가 위치 때문에 궁극적으로 베트남을 선택했습니다."


데일이 그 지역 커뮤니케이션 전문가이므로, 우리는 그에게 베트남에서 사업하는 것을 생각하는 기업들을 위한 몇 가지 조언을 부탁했습니다. "먼저 자신의 숙제를 하라는 것입니다." 데일이 조언했습니다. "그리고 그것은 '경험하여 알고, 그것을 하며, 증명을 위한 티셔츠를 갖추는' 컨설팅을 포함해야 합니다. 그것이 결국 많은 시간과 돈을 절약하게 해주고, 다른 곳보다 훨씬 빠르게 생산하도록 할 것입니다."

"둘째로, 베트남은 당신께서 - 마치 전에 한번도 그곳에 없었던 것처럼 혹은 심지어 가능성을 상상하지 못했던 것처럼 - 유연성을 준비해야만 하는 빠른 속도로 발전하고 있습니다. 그리고 그것이 갑절됩니다." 

미래 잠재력

우리는 데일에게 무엇이 일에 대하여 그를 가장 신나게 하는지 물어봤습니다. "커뮤니케이션은 우리 삶에서 행하는 모든 것의 기초입니다." 그는 우리에게 말했습니다. "그래서 누군가에게 닿기 위해 새롭고 보다 효과적인 방법을 찾는 것은 - 고객이나 동료나 커뮤니티나 - 도전적이면서 동시에 흥미진진합니다. 그것은 나의 바퀴들이 돌아가게 하고 나의 마음이 일하도록 해줍니다. 이곳 베트남에서 커뮤니케이션 산업은 거의 일간 단위로 변하고 있습니다. 여전히 발전하고 있지만, 단 몇 년 전만 돌아보더라도 오늘과 비교했을 때, 저는 엄청난 개선과 더 위대한 잠재력을 보고 있습니다."

데일 거스텐슬레이거

미디어에서 25년의 커리어를 쌓고, 수상 경력이 있는 편집자, 저널리스트, 발행인으로서 6개 나라와 미국의 14개 주에서 살고 일했던 데일 거스텐슬레이거는 매스 커뮤니케이션에서 홍보와 커뮤니케이션으로 이동했다. 그는 2008년 두산(Doosan) 베트남의 직위를 받아들였는데, 두산 그룹의 베트남 3억 달러 투자를 위해 계획하고, 착수하고 현재 이끌고 있는 홍보 및 커뮤니케이션 역할이다.

두산 비나(DOOSAN VINA)에 대하여

두산 비나는 중부 베트남의 Quang Ngai 지역 Dung Quat 경제구역 안에 있는 하이-테크 산업 복합체이다. 이는 110헥타르에 이르며, 3000명의 직원들이 있고, 세계 시장에 10억 US 달러를 수출하고 있다. 이 회사는 현대 삶의 실제성을 만드는 메가 기반시설 생산품을 공급한다. 두산 비나의 생산품은 화력발전소를 위한 보일러, 일반 발전소보다 30% 효율성이 증대된 열 이용 증기발생기, 세계의 항구들 중 물류의 중심에 있으며 축구경기장 크기에 95개의 크레인을 돌리고 있는  4500톤 염분 제거 설비, 지구의 자연 자원을 우리가 매일 사용하는 유용한 생산품으로 바꾸는 화학작용 설비들을 포함한다. 

두산 그룹에 대하여

두산 그룹은 세계적으로 전기, 물, 그리고 다른 기반시설을 개발에 집중하고 있는 다국적 기업이다. 이 회사는 한국에서 가장 오래된 기업으로서, 그 근원은 1896년 박승직 가게의 시작으로 귀결된다. 본사는 대한민국 서울에 있으며, 37개국에 35,000명이 넘는 직원들이 일하며, 연간 매출 220억 달러로 운영되고 있다.

Topics: stevie awards, 스티비상, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 아시아-태평양 스티비상, 아태 스티비상, 두산 중공업, Doosan, 두산, 두산 비나, Doosan VINA

Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards Training Sessions Now Available

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Dec 04, 2014 @ 02:34 PM

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are pleased to announce a tour of "how to enter" training sessions in China.  The training sessions are open to all organizations and individuals in China.

Three training sessions for the 2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are to be held across various cities in China.  More training sessions may be added at a later date. The overall topic of the sessions is “A Focus on Best Business Cases.”


Past Stevie Award winners that will speak during the sessions include Pepsico Asia, Huawei Group, and UCWEB. These speakers will share their “Best Business Cases," provide details on how they created their winning nominations, and share professional insights. Most Asia-Pacific Stevie Award categories require a 625 word essay. Some organizations may find it difficult to summarize their accomplishments in a short essay, but the training sessions will help entrants narrow down where to begin and what to include.

If you are interested in attending the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards training sessions, please contact Dr. Richard Hu for further information.

Dr. Hu can be reached at +86 186 2514 2168
Email: RichardHuWorldwide@163.com
Skype: Richardhuzhaoyang
Weichat: Suipiankongjian

The first step to winning an Asia-Pacific Stevie Award is to get your entry kit.

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are open to all organizations in the 22 nations of the Asia-Pacific region, and feature a wide range of categories to recognize achievement in every aspect of the workplace. In the 2014 awards, only 18 categories were offered. This year there are over 250 industry specific entry categories including:

The entry deadline is January 28 and late entries will be accepted through March 11 with a late fee. Awards will be presented in Shanghai, China on May 15. Attendance is not required to win.

Topics: website awards, International business awards, it awards, information technology awards, management awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards


Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Dec 02, 2014 @ 09:13 PM


今年最高のスティービーアワード金賞受賞者は、8つのカテゴリーで受賞したウィーバー・シェンドウィック・ワールドワイド、7つのカテゴリーで受賞したクオリティ・システムズ(USA)です。アクセンチュア(USA)、Akbank(Turkey)、LLORENTE Y CUENCA(Spain)、MSLGROUP ワールドワイド、MWW Group(USA)、Plasenta Conversation Agency(Turkey)がそれぞれ5つの受賞で2位でした。4つの金賞を受賞したのはAT&T(USA)、CallidusCloud(USA)、Jack Morton ワールドワイド、マリスグループ(Australia)、オクスフォード・シティ・フットボールクラブ(USA)です。

3つの金賞受賞者はAdvanced Bionics(USA)、AECOM(USA)、ASDA'Aボスンマステラー(United Arab Emirates)、DHL Expressワールドワイド、グローブテレコム(Philippines)、Kanyon(Turkey)、Odea Bank(Turkey)、PS Communication(Denmark)、StarHub Ltd(Singapore)です。



Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Dec 02, 2014 @ 09:07 PM


今年的史帝维奖最高奖获得者是Weber Shandwick和worldwide,获得8个奖项,以及Quality Systems,获得7个奖项。另有Accenture(USA)、Akbank(Turkey) 、LLORENTE Y CUENCA(Spain) 、MSLGROUP worldwide、MWW Group(USA)和Plasenta Conversation Agency(Turkey)位居第二,分别获得5个奖项;AT&T(USA)、CallidusCloud(USA)、Jack Morton Worldwide、Maras Group (Australia)、和Oxford City Football Club (USA)分别获得四个奖项;获得3个奖项的有Advanced Bionics (USA)、AECOM (USA)、ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller (United Arab Emirates)、DHL Express worldwide、Globe Telecom (Philippines)、Kanyon (Turkey)、Odea Bank (Turkey)、PS Communication (Denmark)、和StarHub Ltd (Singapore).

各分类的所有2014 史帝维金银铜奖获奖者目录可在 www.StevieAwards.com/IBA中查阅。

Topics: stevie awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, 史帝维奖, 国际商务大奖


Posted by Clara Im on Tue, Dec 02, 2014 @ 08:29 PM



  •     Accenture, Chicago, IL U.SA. (#1)

  •     NEI Global Relocation, Omaha, NE U.S.A. (#2 – tie)

  •     iFinance Canada, Toronto, ON Canada (#2)

  •     Nerium International, Addison, TX U.S.A. (#4)

  •     MWW, East Rutherford, NJ U.S.A. (#5 – tie)

  •     Jeunesse Global, Orlando, FL U.S.A. (#5)

  •     LLORENTE & CUENCA, Madrid, Spain (#5)


Topics: stevie awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, スティービーアワーズ, スティービーアワードビジネス女性大賞

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