The Stevie Awards signed a letter of agreement with the Asia Journalist Association to provide marketing representation for its awards programs in Asian markets including Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, among others.
Stevie Awards president Michael Gallagher cosigned the agreement with AJA president Lee Sang-ki during his visit to Seoul, South Korea to open the Stevies' new office there.
The Asia Journalist Association is an international organization dedicated to the fulfillment of truthful and impartial reporting, the realization of press freedom, and the advancement of journalism in close cooperation with journalists of Asia. AJA individual members and/or chapters will be selected by AJA president Lee to raise awareness of Stevie Awards programs in their nations, to encourage organizations in their nations to participate in Stevie Awards programs, to provide editorial and logistical support to nominees in the preparation and submission of their entries, and to recruit judges for Stevie Awards programs.
Learn more about the AJA at
Other Asian nations in which AJA members or chapters will represent Stevie Awards programs include Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Fiji, Laos, Mongolia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vietnam.
When AJA member representatives have been selected their contact information will be published on the Stevie Awards websites.

아시아기자협회, 16개 아시아 시장에서 스티비상을 대표하다
스티비 어워즈는 아시아 시장의 스티비 어워즈 마케팅 대표부를 세우기 위해 아시아기자협회와 협정을 체결했습니다. 아시아기자협회는 아시아의 저널리스트들과 긴밀하게 협력하여 정직하고 공정한 보도의 달성과 언론자유의 실현, 저널리즘의 진보를 위해 헌신하는 국제적인 조직입니다. 아시아기자협회의 멤버들과 챕터는 인도네시아, 이스라엘, 말레이시아, 싱가포르, 타이, 브루나이, 미얀마, 캄보디아, 동티모르, 피지, 라오스, 몽골, 사모아, 솔로몬제도, 통가, 베트남 등 아시아 국가들에서 스티비 어워즈 프로그램을 대표할 것입니다.