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International Awards Blog

La 9ª edición anual de los premios International Business Awards anuncia a los ganadores de todo el mundo

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Aug 15, 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Programa de premios de negocios celebra la excelencia a nivel mundial en un evento en Seúl

FAIRFAX, VA--(Marketwire - Aug 15, 2012) - Se anunciaron a las organizaciones y a los individuos de más de 40 naciones que ganaron los premios Stevie® de Oro, Plata y Bronce en la novena edición de los premios International Business Awards, el único programa global internacional de premios de negocios.

The International Business AwardsApodados los Stevies de la palabra griega "coronado", los premios se entregarán durante un evento de gala a realizarse el lunes 15 de octubre en el Hotel Ritz-Carlton en Seúl, Corea del Sur. Las entradas para el evento están a la venta en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Este año, organizaciones e individuos de los Estados Unidos tuvieron la mejor actuación con la obtención de 69 Stevies de Oro. La nación anfitriona Corea del Sur quedó en segundo lugar con 59 premios de oro, mientras que Turquía obtuvo la impresionante cifra de 19 Stevies de oro. Por su parte, el Reino Unido obtuvo 16 de oro seguido por los Emiratos Árabes Unidos con 11, Canadá con 10 y la India con ocho.

Entre algunos de los ganadores más destacados del Stevie de Oro figuran Accenture (India y EE. UU., cuatro de oro), Advanced Bionics (EE. UU., tres de oro), AKBANK TAS (Turquía, tres), Etisalat Group (Emiratos Árabes Unidos, cuatro), Kanyon (Turquía, cuatro), iolo technologies (EE. UU., tres), Jack Morton Worldwide (EE. UU., tres), HANAROADCOM (Corea del Sur, tres), eWIDEPLUS (Corea del Sur, cuatro), LifeLock (EE. UU., cinco), Quality Systems (EE. UU., cinco), Shinhan Card (Corea del Sur, cuatro) y Slack and Company (EE. UU., cuatro).

Una lista completa de todos los ganadores de los premios internacionales Stevie 2012 de Oro, Plata y Bronce por categoría se encuentra disponible en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Los ganadores de los Stevie de Oro, Plata y Bronce fueron seleccionados entre más de 3.200 inscripciones recibidas de organizaciones e individuos de más de 50 naciones. Todas las organizaciones del mundo pueden competir por los premios International Business Awards, y pueden nominarse para una amplia gama de categorías, incluyendo los premios a la gestión, premios a la empresa/organización, premios al marketing, premios a relaciones públicas, premios a atención al cliente, premios a recursos humanos, premios a nuevos productos, premios a TI, premios a sitios web y muchos otros más.

Profesionales de negocios de todo el mundo participaron en la selección preliminar que tuvo lugar en mayo-julio. Sus puntuaciones medias determinaron los concursantes que reunían los requisitos para ser considerados en la selección final, que llevaron a cabo a principios de este mes los miembros de 10 comités especializados. En total, cerca de 300 ejecutivos de todo el mundo participaron en el proceso de selección.

Para fotos de alta resolución del logo de premio Stevie o de los International Business Awards, visite http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Se encuentra disponible más información y recursos para la prensa en http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm.

Acerca de los premios Stevie

Los premios Stevie se confieren en cuatro programas: los American Business Awards, los International Business Awards, los Stevie Awards a la Mujer de Negocios, y los Stevie Awards para Ventas y Servicio al Cliente. Los premios Stevies, que honran a organizaciones de todo tipo y envergadura y a las personas que las integran, reconocen grandes logros en el lugar de trabajo en todo el mundo. Obtenga más información sobre los premios Stevie en http://www.stevieawards.com/, y siga los premios Stevie en Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, IBAs, stevie winners


Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Aug 15, 2012 @ 10:03 AM

Business Awards Program to Celebrate Excellence Worldwide at Seoul Event

Fairfax, VA U.S.A. – August 15, 2012 – Organizations and individuals in more than 40 nations have been announced as Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The Ninth Annual International Business Awards, the world’s only international, all-encompassing business awards program.

The International Business AwardsNicknamed the Stevies from the Greek word “crowned,” the awards will be presented at a gala event on Monday, 15 October at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. Tickets for the event are on sale now at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.    

Winning 67 Gold Stevie Awards this year, organizations and individuals in the United States made the best showing.  Host nation South Korea came in second place with 59 Golds, while Turkey earned an impressive 19 Gold Stevies.  The United Kingdom earned 15 Gold followed by the United Arab Emirates with 11, Canada with 10 and India with eight.

Some notable Gold Stevie winners include Accenture (India and USA, four Gold), Advanced Bionics (USA, three Gold), AKBANK TAS (Turkey, three), Etisalat Group (United Arab Emirates, four), Kanyon (Turkey, four), iolo technologies (USA, three), Jack Morton Worldwide (USA, three), HANAROADCOM (South Korea, three), eWIDEPLUS (South Korea, four), LifeLock (USA, five), Quality Systems (USA, five), Shinhan Card (South Korea, three), and Slack and Company (USA, four).

A complete list of all 2012 Gold, Silver and Bronze International Stevie Award winners by category is available at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.   

Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie winners were selected from more than 3,200 entries received from organizations and individuals in more than 50 nations.  All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in The International Business Awards, and can nominate in a wide range of categories, including management awards, company/organization awards, marketing awards, public relations awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, new product awards, IT awards, web site awards, and more.  

Business professionals around the world participated in preliminary judging in May-July.  Their average scores determined the entries that were eligible to be considered in final judging, which was performed earlier this month by the members of 10 specialized committees.  In total, nearly 300 executives around the world participated in the judging process. 

For high-resolution photos of the Stevie Award or International Business Awards logo, visit http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Other information and resources for press are available at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm

About the Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about the Stevie Awards at http://www.stevieawards.com/, and follow the Stevie Awards on Twitter @TheStevieAwards.   


Topics: business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, IBAs, stevie winners

One Week to International Business Awards Final Extended Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Jul 11, 2012 @ 01:20 PM

The final extended entry deadline for The 2012 International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition is quickly approaching on 18 July. All individuals and organizations worldwide – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small – may submit nominations.

All IBA entries are submitted directly online through your account. You can begin by registering here.

The International Business AwardsThe International Business Awards honors all facets of the workplace, our award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

The 2012 International Business Awards will include the Second Annual People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies, in which the general public worldwide will vote for their favorite companies. Each company honored with a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award in The International Business Awards’ company of the year categories will be automatically included in people’s choice voting, which will open in mid-August.

Final results of this year's IBAs will now be announced in mid-August, with the awards presented at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on Monday, 15 October.

The 8th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2011 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.  Honorees included American Express, Bombardier, Inc., Etisalat, Everything Everywhere, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Siemens AG, TATA Motors, Tesco Poland, Toyota Motor Corporation, Turk Telekom, and Unilever N.V., among others.  2011 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21081.cfm

Have last minute questions? Contact us at help@stevieawards.com and we'll help direct you to categories that are right for your organization.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

10 Days to International Business Awards Final Extended Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Mon, Jul 09, 2012 @ 02:21 PM

18 July is the final extended entry deadline for The 2012 International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition.

If you haven't yet done so, you can request your entry kit here. The entry kit contains all of the information you'll need to be able to prepare and submit entries to this year's IBAs.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Types of award categories include:

We are also pleased to announce that the second annual People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies will coincide with this year's International Business Awards. All organizations that are honored with Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie® Award trophies in the IBAs' 34 Company of the Year categories will automatically be included in People's Choice voting, which will open to the general public worldwide in late July and run through mid-September. People's Choice winners will receive a special People's Choice Stevie Award trophy allowing for honorees in the Company of the Year categories to have the opportunity to receive a second award, as voted by the general public.

The 8th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2011 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.  Honorees included American Express, Bombardier, Inc., Etisalat, Everything Everywhere, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Siemens AG, TATA Motors, Tesco Poland, Toyota Motor Corporation, Turk Telekom, and Unilever N.V., among others.  2011 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21081.cfm

Final results of this year's IBAs will now be announced in mid-August, with the awards presented at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on Monday, 15 October.

Need last minute help? Contact us at help@stevieawards.com and we'll direct you to categories that are right for your organization.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

3 Weeks to International Business Awards Final Extended Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Tue, Jul 03, 2012 @ 02:28 PM

The final extended entry deadline for The 2012 International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition is 18 July. All individuals and organizations worldwide – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small – may submit nominations to the IBAs. If you haven't yet done so, you can request your entry kit here.

The International Business AwardsThe International Business Awards honors all facets of the workplace, our award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

Final results of this year's IBAs will now be announced in mid-August, with the awards presented at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on Monday, 15 October.

The 2012 International Business Awards will include the Second Annual People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies, in which the general public worldwide will vote for their favorite companies. Each company honored with a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award in The International Business Awards’ company of the year categories will automatically be included in people’s choice voting, which will open in late July.

The 8th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2011 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.  Honorees included American Express, Bombardier, Inc., Etisalat, Everything Everywhere, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Siemens AG, TATA Motors, Tesco Poland, Toyota Motor Corporation, Turk Telekom, and Unilever N.V., among others.  2011 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21081.cfm

Not sure where to start? All IBA entries are submitted directly online through your account. You can begin by registering here.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards


Posted by Liz Dean on Mon, Jun 25, 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Final Deadline for World’s Top Business Honors Extended to 18 July 

Fairfax, VA USA  – 25 June, 2012 – The Stevie® Awards, organizers of The Ninth Annual International Business Awards, the world’s premier business awards competition, announced today that the final entry deadline for the competition has been extended to Wednesday, 18 July.

All individuals and organizations worldwide – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small – may submit nominations to The International Business Awards.  No additional late penalties or fees will be charged in association with the deadline extension. Entry details are available at: www.stevieawards.com/iba

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace.  Categories include:

Final results of this year's IBAs will now be announced in mid-August, with the awards presented at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on Monday, 15 October.

The 2012 International Business Awards will include the Second Annual People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies, in which the general public worldwide will vote for their favorite companies. Each company honored with a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award in The International Business Awards’ company of the year categories will be automatically included in people’s choice voting, which will open in late July.

The 8th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2011 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.  Honorees included American Express, Bombardier, Inc., Etisalat, Everything Everywhere, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Siemens AG, TATA Motors, Tesco Poland, Toyota Motor Corporation, Turk Telekom, and Unilever N.V., among others.  2011 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21081.cfm

About The Stevie Awards:
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about The Stevie Awards at http://www.stevieawards.com/, and follow the Stevie Awards on Twitter @TheStevieAwards

Topics: business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, new product awards

One Week to International Business Awards Final Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Jun 21, 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Wednesday, 27 June is the final entry deadline for The 9th Annual International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition

If you haven't yet submitted your 2012 entries, you can submit them directly online through your account. You can begin by registering here.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Types of award categories include:

We are also pleased to announce that the second annual People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies will coincide with this year's International Business Awards. All organizations that are honored with Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie® Award trophies in the IBAs' 34 Company of the Year categories will automatically be included in People's Choice voting, which will open to the general public worldwide in late July and run through mid-September. People's Choice winners will receive a special People's Choice Stevie Award trophy allowing for honorees in the Company of the Year categories to have the opportunity to receive a second award, as voted by the general public.

Winners of the competition will be celebrated at the ninth annual awards banquet on Monday, 15 October at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. 

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about how to prepare and submit entries to The 2012 International Business Awards. Email us at help@stevieawards.com or call us at + 1 703-547-8389.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

5 New Ways to Win in The 2012 International Business Awards

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Jun 20, 2012 @ 12:09 PM

As the final entry deadline for The 2012 International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, approaches on 27 June, we wanted to highlight five additional ways you can win awards in the 2012 IBAs.

The International Business AwardsA new addition to the' repertory of awards in 2012 are five best-of-competition prizes that will awarded to the organizations that submit the best body of work to the competition, in their own name or in the names of one or more clients. New business award recognitions include:

  1. Organization of the Year:   Will be awarded to the organization with the highest overall point total in the IBAs.  The organization may be large or small, public or private, for profit or non-profit.
  2. Public Relations Agency of the Year:  Will be awarded to the PR agency network or shop with the highest overall point total, earned in its own name or in the name of one or more clients.
  3. Marketing Agency of the Year:  Will be awarded to the marketing services agency network or shop with the highest overall point total, earned in its own name or in the name of one or more of its clients.
  4. Interactive Services Agency of the Year:  Will be awarded to the web, interactive, app development, etc. services firm with the highest overall point total, earned in its own name or in the name of one or more clients.
  5. Top 10: Will be awarded to the 10 organizations with the most award points in the 2012 IBAs.

These awards cannot be applied for directly. Winners will be determined by a points system based on the total number of awards won in the IBAs, with a  Gold Stevie win counting for 3 points, a Silver Stevie for 2 points, and a Bronze Stevie counting for 1.5. 

Overall point winners in the five categories will be awarded the exclusive right to use a unique Best of the 2012 IBAs logo.

Have questions about the best-of-competition prizes? Email us at help@stevieawards.com or call us at + 1 703-547-8389.

Topics: business awards, International business awards, stevie awards, business award

9 Days to The 2012 International Business Awards Final Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Tue, Jun 19, 2012 @ 04:22 AM

The final entry deadline for The 2012 International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, is 27 June.

All individuals and organizations worldwide may submit nominations to the IBAs. All IBA entries are submitted directly online through your account. You can begin by registering here.

The International Business AwardsThe International Business Awards honor all facets of the workplace, our award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

Winners of the competition will be celebrated at the ninth annual awards banquet on Monday, 15 October at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. 

The 8th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2011 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.  Honorees included American Express, Bombardier, Inc., Etisalat, Everything Everywhere, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Siemens AG, TATA Motors, Tesco Poland, Toyota Motor Corporation, Turk Telekom, and Unilever N.V., among others.  2011 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21081.cfm

Need help answering  your 2012 IBA questions?  Email us at help@stevieawards.com or call us at + 1 703-547-8389.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

Two Weeks to The 2012 International Business Awards Final Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Jun 13, 2012 @ 06:45 AM

27 June is the final entry deadline for The 2012 International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition.

All individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs. If you haven't already done so, you can request your entry kit here and you will receive it right away.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Types of award categories include:

The 2012 International Business Awards will include the Second Annual People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies, in which the general public worldwide will vote for their favorite companies. Finalists in the company of the year categories will automatically have the opportunity to win two awards: a Stevie® Award, as voted by your peers, and a crystal People's Choice Stevie Award, as voted by your customers.

Winners of the competition will be celebrated at the ninth annual awards banquet on Monday, 15 October at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. 

Not sure how to begin? All IBA entries are submitted directly online through your account; you can begin by registering here.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

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