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International Awards Blog

Maggie Gallagher

Recent Posts

Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards Training Sessions Now Available

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Dec 04, 2014 @ 02:34 PM

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are pleased to announce a tour of "how to enter" training sessions in China.  The training sessions are open to all organizations and individuals in China.

Three training sessions for the 2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are to be held across various cities in China.  More training sessions may be added at a later date. The overall topic of the sessions is “A Focus on Best Business Cases.”


Past Stevie Award winners that will speak during the sessions include Pepsico Asia, Huawei Group, and UCWEB. These speakers will share their “Best Business Cases," provide details on how they created their winning nominations, and share professional insights. Most Asia-Pacific Stevie Award categories require a 625 word essay. Some organizations may find it difficult to summarize their accomplishments in a short essay, but the training sessions will help entrants narrow down where to begin and what to include.

If you are interested in attending the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards training sessions, please contact Dr. Richard Hu for further information.

Dr. Hu can be reached at +86 186 2514 2168
Email: RichardHuWorldwide@163.com
Skype: Richardhuzhaoyang
Weichat: Suipiankongjian

The first step to winning an Asia-Pacific Stevie Award is to get your entry kit.

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are open to all organizations in the 22 nations of the Asia-Pacific region, and feature a wide range of categories to recognize achievement in every aspect of the workplace. In the 2014 awards, only 18 categories were offered. This year there are over 250 industry specific entry categories including:

The entry deadline is January 28 and late entries will be accepted through March 11 with a late fee. Awards will be presented in Shanghai, China on May 15. Attendance is not required to win.

Topics: website awards, International business awards, it awards, information technology awards, management awards, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Deutscher Wirtschaftspreis “German Stevie Awards” bietet reduzierte Teilnahmegebühren bis zum 05. November 2014 an

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 29, 2014 @ 03:26 PM

Das neueste Stevie Awards Programm “German Stevie Awards”, lädt deutsche Unternehmen zur Teilnahme ein unter www.StevieAwards.com/Deutschland.

German Stevie AwardsDieser deutsche Wirtschaftspreis „German Stevie Awards“, prämiert besondere Leistungen in der deutschen Unternehmenswelt und bietet bis zum 5.11.2014 die niedrigste Teilnahmegebühr des Jahres an, von nur 99,- Euro pro Bewerbung. Nach diesem Stichtag erhöhen sich die Teilnahmegebühren erheblich vom 6. November an bis zur letzten Einsendefrist am 10. Dezember 2014.

Die German Stevie Awards starteten im August 2014 und haben bereits eine hohe Anzahl von Bewerbungen aus zahlreichen Branchen erhalten.

Die Stevie Awards gehören zu den größten, internationalen Wirtschaftspreisen und genießen seit über 12 Jahren besondere Anerkennung in der Wirtschaftswelt mit Programmen wie den “International Business Awards” und “American Business Awards”. Die Stevie Awards Programme erhalten über 8.000 Bewerbungen jährlich von Unternehmen und Organisationen aus über 60 Nationen.

Harald Oberhofer, Direktor Unternehmenskommunikation bei optivo und Stevie Awards-Sieger, über die neuen German Stevie Awards: „Deutsche Unternehmen werden vermehrt international tätig. Die German Stevie Awards können dazu beitragen, die globale Denkweise in deutschen Unternehmen zu stärken. Gleichzeitig finde ich es hervorragend, wenn deutsche unternehmerische Leistungen durch diesen neuen Award ausgezeichnet werden und dadurch deutsche Innovationen und Produkt-Highlights die Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, die sie verdienen.“

Die German Stevie Awards freuen sich auf Bewerbungen von Unternehmen und Organisationen in Deutschland,- großen und kleinen Unternehmen, Profit oder Non-Profit, öffentlichen Stellen oder privaten Unternehmen. Der Wirtschaftspreis hat eine große Auswahl an Kategorien, beispielsweise:

Die Bewertung der eingesandten Bewerbungen für die German Stevie Awards findet in zwei Runden statt. Die erste Bewertungsrunde bestimmt die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze -Stevie Award Sieger in jeder Kategorie. Die Stevie Award Wirtschaftspreise werden übrigens von über 200 Jury-Fachleuten unterstützt. Die Sieger der German Stevie Awards werden am 23. Februar 2014 bekannt gegeben.

Alle Gold-Stevie Award Sieger treten dann in der zweiten Bewertungsrunde gegeneinander an, in der die Grand Stevie Award Sieger jeder Kategorie-Gruppe ausgewählt werden.

Bei einem feierlichen Gala Bankett der German Stevie Awards in Berlin, werden Ende März die Gold-, Silber- und Bronze –Stevie Award Sieger geehrt und die Gewinner der Grand Stevie Awards bekanntgegeben.

Die Stevie Award Trophäen, die von demselben Unternehmen hergestellt werden, das den Oscar und andere großartige Trophäen produziert, gehören zu den weltweit begehrtesten Auszeichnungen.

Um mehr über die German Stevie Awards zu erfahren, besuchen Sie die FAQ-Webseite: http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/gsa/about/514_2923_24742.cfm oder den Film über die German Stevie Awards auf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cowVwvlIk7U

Über die Stevie Awards

Die Stevie Awards beinhalten sechs verschiedene Programme: Die American Business Awards, German Stevie Awards, International Business Awards, Stevie Awards for Women in Business, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service sowie Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

Die Stevie Awards würdigen weltweit Organisationen und Unternehmen jeder Art und Größe, sowie die Personen dahinter, für besondere Leistungen im Unternehmen.

Weitere Informationen über die Stevie Awards unter www.StevieAwards.com

Folgen Sie den German Stevie Awards auf Twitter @German Stevies.

Topics: German Stevie Awards, Unternehmen des Jahres, Neue Produkte Award, Management Award, public relations award, customer service award

Die International Business Awards 2014 prämieren zahlreiche deutsche Unternehmen für besondere Leistungen in der Wirtschaftswelt

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Oct 15, 2014 @ 09:50 AM

Preisverleihung in Paris am 10. Oktober 2014

Eine Auszeichnung bei den „International Business Awards“ gehört zu den größten Ehrungen in der Geschäftswelt. Jährlich bewerben sich zahlreiche Unternehmen mit ihren unternehmerischen Leistungen in verschiedenen Kategorien der International Business Awards. Auch in 2014 gehören zahlreiche deutsche Firmen zu den Siegern der International Business Awards und wurden am 10. Oktober 2014 im Rahmen einer feierlichen Gala mit den begehrten Stevie Awards ausgezeichnet. Die diesjährige International Business Awards –Preisverleihung, mit hochkarätigen Gästen und Medienvertretern, fand im Westin Paris -Vendôme Hotel in Paris statt.

Zu den deutschen Siegern der International Business Awards 2014, gehören: Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA aus Gütersloh, Daimler AG Stuttgart, Sinner Schrader Group Hamburg, Hessen Trade & Invest (HTAI) Wiesbaden, Virtual Identity AG München, Siemens AG, F&H Public Relations München, intelliAd Media GmbH München, optivo Berlin, Lufthansa Cargo AG Frankfurt sowie Gold-Ziehm Imaging GmbH Nürnberg.

Alle Informationen über die International Business Awards 2014, die vollständige Liste aller prämierten Unternehmen, sowie Bildmaterial, auf: www.stevieawards.com

German Stevie Awards starten in 2014 erstmals in Deutschland

GSA BlogErgänzend zu den Internationalen Business Awards, starteten im August 2014 erstmalig die German Stevie Awards. Sie prämieren herausragende Leistungen von Unternehmen, die ihren Geschäftssitz in Deutschland haben,- in zahlreichen Kategorien, die auf der Website der German Stevie Awards aufgelistet sind.

Ein Film über die German Stevie Awards, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cowVwvlIk7U , erklärt anschaulich alles  Wissenswerte über den hochkarätigen, neuen Wirtschaftspreis in Deutschland.

Die Teilnahmeunterlagen der German Stevie Awards 2015 stehen unter www.stevieawards.com/deutschland zur Verfügung. In allen Kategorien können Bewerbungen hierfür bis zum 10. Dezember online, in deutscher oder englischer Sprache, eingereicht werden. Besonders attraktiv sind die bis zum 05. November reduzierten Teilnahmegebühren der German Stevie Awards. Die feierliche Preisverleihung an die Sieger der ersten German Stevie Awards findet im März 2015 in Deutschland mit hochkarätigen Gästen und Medienvertretern statt.

Eine Auszeichnung bei den German Stevie Awards genießt höchste Anerkennung in der internationalen Geschäftswelt.

Für Rückfragen zur Teilnahme oder zur Erstellung der Einreichungen steht die Repräsentantin der German Stevie Awards, Veronika Guld, Agentur marketing services, unter vge@pr-marketing-services.com zur Verfügung.

Kurzporträt International Business Awards / German Stevie Awards

Die International Business Awards gehören zu den globalen Auszeichnungen, die unternehmerische Leistungen weltweit prämieren und werden seit dem Jahr 2002 ausgeführt.  Sie zählen zu den wichtigsten Auszeichnungen in der internationalen Geschäftswelt. Die Internationalen Business Awards gehören ebenso wie die German Stevie Awards, zu den Programmen der Stevie Awards mit Sitz in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. www.stevieawards.com          Die German Stevie Awards finden seit August 2014 erstmalig in Deutschland statt.


Topics: business awards, German Stevie Awards, Internationalen Business Awards, internationalen Geschäftswelt

Technology Awards Winner Telkom Indonesia Drives a Digital Nation

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 27, 2014 @ 11:51 AM

Telkom Indonesia won two Gold Stevie Awards in the 2014 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the Asia-Pacific region's top business awards program.They won in the Technology Awards categories and for New Business Service of the Year (for IndiSchool, its Indonesia Digital School). Telkom Indonesia also received a Grand Stevie for being one of the five highest-scoring organizations in the competition.

TelekomThe 2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards will open for entries in September 2014.  GET THE ENTRY KIT HERE.

We talked with Muhammad Awaluddin, Enterprise Service CMO of Telkom Indonesia, about what the future held for his company and how the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards may be of help in broadening awareness of Telkom Indonesia’s services in the region.

“We are proud to have received these awards,” Muhammad Awaluddin told us. “Telkom Indonesia is a Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment, and Services (TIMES) provider, with Indonesia as its major market. Since 2007,Telkom Indonesia has been expanding internationally and adopting world-class services. Our Stevie Awards provide an International endorsement of this, as well as recognizing our responsibility in continuing to improve service to all our stakeholders.”

Muhammad Awaluddin outlined some new areas that Telkom Indonesia will be working on to improve business efficiency and customer service in the coming year

“In 2012, Telkom Indonesia chose to reinvent itself from a telecommunications company to a TIMES provider,” explained Awaluddin.

“With the reconfiguration from telecommunication company to TIMES provider, we shifted our focus to three areas: double digit cellular business; broadband penetration by implementing Indonesia Digital Network (IDN); and international expansion. Our aim is to become the king of digital, and these areas have the highest potential for growth and value, ultimately generating optimum benefits for Telkom Group.

Masterpiece Program

“IDN is Telkom Indonesia’s masterpiece program. Our aim is to deploy and strengthen the broadband-based infrastructure and platform of the company throughout Indonesia. Our target in 2015 is to deploy 15 million true broadband accesses and to develop a 100,000 m2 data centre.”

Awaluddin explained the IDN program in more detail. “Included in the IDN program is the Indonesia Digital Ecosystem (IndiCo) initiative, which provides broadband infrastructure and cloud solutions for parts of Indonesia’s business ecosystem.  These include:

IndiBanking, which is designed to provide an e-channel banking platform and create seamless integration in Indonesian banking;

IndiCloud, providing cloud services and data centers; and

IndiConnect, which offers machine-to-machine services that help companies to provide a better customer experience.”

We asked Awaluddin to describe how winning a Grand Stevie in the 2014 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards had benefited his company.

“Winning the Grand Stevie® Award is proof that our service has being recognized in the Asia=Pacific region,” said Awaluddin. “This success will encourage our employees to enhance services to our customers. It will also be recognized by our stakeholders, including our major customers and shareholders.

International Expansion

Awaluddin told us more about his company’s plans for the future. “It’s not just Indonesia’s Enterprise Business sector that shows promise for the future,” he explained. “Prospects for Telkom Indonesia—which has 140 million subscribers through its cellular subsidiary Telkomsel—also look extremely favorable as the company turns its attention to international growth.

“International expansion will be a new business challenge for Telkom and is essential if we are to maintain our growth momentum.”

Awaluddin is excited about future prospects. “Looking back on our performance during the past couple of years, I think we can be justifiably optimistic about our prospects for the next 12 months,” he told us. “We will continue to target double-digit growth for Telkomsel and to push ahead with the expansion of broadband infrastructure through IDN, including the IndiBanking, IndiCloud, and IndiConnect initiatives.  And we will be promoting and growing our business through our international expansion program.”

About Muhammad Awaluddin:

Muhammad Awaluddin has served as Enterprise Service CMO of Telkom Indonesia since May 11, 2012. Prior to that, he held several positions in the group, including CEO of PT. Infomedia Nusantara, a Telkom subsidiary company. from 2010-2012.  He also currently serves as a Chairman of PT. Infomedia Nusantara and Chairman of PT. Telkom Akses, and is active in the Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA), of which he is currently President. 

Awaluddin has received numerous awards, including being named Marketing Professional Of The Year in 2014 at the CMO Asia Awards; and Best Chief Marketing Officer of an Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise in 2013, presented by the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises. In 2009, the Ministry of Social Welfare presented him with the Indonesian Platinum Category for Corporate Social Responsibility for “Education for Tomorrow,” an Information and Communications Technology Empowerment Program; and in 2008 he received the Satya Lencana Pembangunan, a medal of honor recognizing services to the country bestowed by the President of The Republic of Indonesia

About Telkom Indonesia:

Telkom Group is the only state-owned telecommunications enterprise as well as telecommunications and network service provider in Indonesia. Telkom Group serves millions of customers throughout Indonesia with a complete range of telecommunications services that include fixed wireline and fixed wireless connections, mobile communications, networking and interconnection services, and Internet and data communication services. Telkom Group also provides various services in the fields of information, media, and edutainment, including cloud-based and server-based managed services, e-Payment services, and IT enabler, e-Commerce and other portal services.  For more information go to: www.telkom.co.id/.

Topics: communications awards, business awards, technology awards, Telekom Indonesia, Muhummad Awaluddin, Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

Décima-primeira Premiação Anual da International Business divulga nomes dos vencedores de todo o mundo

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 13, 2014 @ 03:04 PM

Business Awards Program homenageia a excelência no evento em Paris

FAIRFAX, VA--(Marketwired - Aug 13, 2014) - Organizações e executivos de grande sucesso foram vencedores dos prêmios de Ouro, Prata e Bronze do Stevie(R) Award da décima-primeira 2014premiação anual do International Business Awards, o único programa de premiação empresarial internacional abrangente.

Apelidada de Stevies, da palavra grega "coroado", a premiação será entregue em um evento de gala na sexta-feira, 10 de outubro no Westin Vendôme Hotel em Paris, França. Os ingressos para o evento estão à venda no www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Os recebedores dos Stevies de Ouro, Prata e Bronze foram selecionados dentre mais de 3.500 nomeações recebidas de empresas e indivíduos de mais de 60 nações. Empresas do mundo inteiro podem concorrer para a The International Business Awards em uma ampla variedade de categorias, incluindo prêmios de gerenciamento, prêmios para empresas do ano, prêmios de marketing, prêmios de relações públicas, prêmios de serviço ao cliente, prêmios de recursos humanos, prêmios de novos produtos, prêmios de IT, prêmios de web site, e mais.

No total, mais de 250 executivos de todo o mundo participaram do processo de seleção este ano.

Os vencedores do Stevie de Ouro este ano são Quality Systems, Inc. (EUA) e Weber Shandwick, em todo o mundo, com sete cada. Accenture (EUA), Akbank (Turquia), LLORENTE Y CUENCA (Spain), MSLGROUP em todo o mundo, MWW Group (EUA), e Plasenta Conversation Agency (Turquia) são vice-campeões com cinco cada. Os vencedores de quatro Stevies de Ouro são AT&T (EUA), CallidusCloud (EUA), Jack Morton Worldwide, Maras Group (Austrália), e Oxford City Football Club (EUA).

Dentre os ganhadores de três Stevies de Ouro são Advanced Bionics (EUA), AECOM (EUA), ASDA&apos;A Burson-Marsteller (Emirados Árabes Unidos), DHL Express em todo o mundo, Globe Telecom (Filipinas), Kanyon (Turquia), Odea Bank (Turquia), e PS Communication (Dinamarca).

A lista completa de todos os vencedores do 2014 Stevie Award de Ouro, Prata e Bronze por categoria está disponível no www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

"As inscrições deste ano foram as mais notáveis que já vimos", disse Michael Gallagher, presidente e fundador dos Stevie Awards. "Parabenizamos os vencedores e esperamos homenageá-los por suas conquistas no nosso evento de gala em Paris no dia 10 de outubro".

Na próxima semana serão anunciados os nomes dos vencedores dos Best of the IBA Awards, cinco prêmios de melhores da competição.

Para fotos de alta resolução do troféu Stevie Award ou do logotipo do International Business Awards, visite http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Outras informações e recursos para a imprensa estão disponíveis no http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm

Stevie Awards

O Stevie Awards está dividido em seis programas: American Business Awards (premiação de empresas americanas), International Business Awards (premiação de empresas internacionais), Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards (premiação de empresas da Ásia-Pacífico), Stevie Awards for Women in Business (premiação de empresárias) e Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service (premiação de vendas e atendimento ao cliente). O sexto programa, German Stevie Awards (premiação alemã), estará aberto para inscrições no dia 18 de agosto. Homenageando empresas de todos os tipos, tamanhos e pessoas, os Stevies reconhecem as performances extraordinárias nos locais de trabalho em todo o mundo. Para mais informações sobre o Stevie Awards, visite http://www.stevieawards.com, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter e YouTube.

Topics: International business awards, prêmios de serviço ao cliente, prêmios de recursos humanos, prêmios de novos produtos, prêmios de gerenciamento

La undécima edición anual de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios anuncia los ganadores de los Premios Stevie en todo el mundo

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Wed, Aug 13, 2014 @ 02:46 PM

El programa de premios de negocios celebra la excelencia mundial en un   evento  en París Business

FAIRFAX, VA--(Marketwired - Aug 13, 2014) - Las organizaciones y los ejecutivos en todo el 2014mundo que han logrado alcanzar el éxito, fueron anunciados como ganadores de los Premios Stevie(R) de oro, plata y bronce en la undécima edición anual de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios (IBA), el único programa internacional de premios de negocios totalmente integral.

Conocidos como los Stevies por la palabra griega "coronado", los premios serán entregados en un evento de gala el viernes, 10 de octubre en el Westin Vendôme Hotel en París, Francia. Los boletos para el evento están a la venta en, www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Los ganadores de las categorías de oro, plata y bronce fueron seleccionados entre más de 3.500 nominaciones recibidas de organizaciones e individuos en más de 60 naciones. Todas las organizaciones en el mundo son elegibles para competir en los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, y pueden enviar sus inscripciones para una vasta variedad de categorías, incluyendo premios a la gestión administrativa , premios a la compañía del año , premios de marketing , premios a las relaciones públicas , premios al servicio al cliente , premios a los recursos humanos , premios a los nuevos productos , premios a la tecnología informativa , premios al sitio web , y más.

Más de 250 ejecutivos de todo el mundo participaron en el proceso de selección este año.

Los principales ganadores de los Stevies de oro este año son, Quality Systems, Inc. (EUA) y Weber Shandwick, en todo el mundo, con siete premios cada uno. Accenture (EUA), Akbank (Turquía), LLORENTE Y CUENCA (España), MSLGROUP mundial, MWW Group (EUA) y Plasenta Conversation Agency (Turquía) son los finalistas con cinco premios cada uno. Los ganadores de cuatro Stevies de oro son, AT&T (EUA), CallidusCloud (EUA), Jack Morton Worldwide, Maras Group (Australia) y Oxford City Football Club (EUA).

Entre los ganadores de los tres Premios Stevie de oro están, Advanced Bionics (EUA), AECOM (EUA), ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller (Emiratos Árabes Unidos), DHL Express mundial, Globe Telecom (Filipinas), Kanyon (Turquía), Odea Bank (Turquía) y PS Communication (Dinamarca).

Una lista completa de todos los ganadores de los Premios Stevie de oro, plata y bronce de 2014, por categoría está disponible, www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

"Las inscripciones recibidas este año están entre las más notables que hayamos visto hasta hoy", dijo Michael Gallagher, presidente y fundador de los Premios Stevie. "Felicitamos a todos los ganadores, y esperamos con entusiasmo reconocer sus logros en nuestro evento de gala en París, el 10 de octubre".

La próxima semana se anunciarán los ganadores de los Premios a lo Mejor de los IBA , cinco premios a lo mejor de la competencia.

Para fotos de alta resolución del trofeo del Premio Stevie o el logotipo de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, visite, http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Información adicional y recursos para la prensa están disponibles en, http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm

Acerca de los Premios Stevie

Los Premios Stevie se confieren en seis programas: Los Premios Americanos de Negocios, los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, los Premios Stevie Asia-Pacífico , los Premios Stevie a la Mujer en los Negocios , y los Premios Stevie a las Ventas y Servicio al Cliente. El sexto programa, los nuevos Premios Stevie Alemanes, abrirán las inscripciones el 18 de agosto. Rindiendo homenaje a las organizaciones de todo tipo y tamaño y a las personas que las conforman, los Stevies reconocen el rendimiento de excelencia en el lugar de trabajo en todo el mundo. Para más información acerca de los Premios Stevie visite, http://www.stevieawards.com y siga los Premios Stevie en Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter y YouTube.

Topics: Los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, Premios de la compañía, Premios Website, PR Premios

Meet the New Stevie Awards Representative in Japan

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 @ 12:07 PM

The Stevie® Awards are pleased to announce that Atsuko Nishikawa is now our representative in Japan. Atsuko has joined the team as we are accepting entries for The International Business AtsukoAwards, the world’s premier business awards program.

Get your entry kit and full details on the competition here. The final entry deadline is July 9.

Atsuko Nishikawa is an internationalization and localization professional with a strong background in finance, IT and advertising. She has helped coordinate over 100 events during her career, including award ceremonies, festivals, sports tournaments, exhibitions and conferences. Atsuko is also a member of the Academy of Human Informatics. She is a confident self-starter who is thrilled to be a part of the Stevie Awards family. A fun fact about Atsuko is that she has visited 23 countries to date.

Atsuko can be reached at a2ko@ayumoo.com and her direct telephone number is
+81 5071002964.

Judging for The International Business Awards began in late May and will conclude in early August. Results will be announced on August 13. The awards banquet will take place on October 10 at the Westin Vendome Hotel in Paris, France.

Topics: business awards, International business awards, stevie awards, IBAs

2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards Schedule Published

Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Jun 17, 2014 @ 02:57 PM

After the first Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards successfully concluded on Friday, May 30 with a gala event in Seoul, South Korea, we have announced the schedule for the 2015 awards.

The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, Asia's premier business awards program, are the first APSA logoStevie Awards program to be launched in seven years.  This business awards program is open to all organizations operating in the 22 nations of the Asia-Pacific region. Organizations and individuals may enter a variety of categories for Technology Awards, Management Awards, Manufacturing Awards, and more.

Join the mailing list for the 2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and you'll be emailed the entry kit as soon as it's available this fall.

The 2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Award schedule is as follows:

September 2014:  Open entries

October 29: Early-bird entry deadline

December 3: Entry deadline

December - mid-February: First-round judging

January 28 2015: Late entry deadline. 

March 11: Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners announced

April 6-15: Final judging to determine the Grand Stevie Award winners

April 24: Awards banquet, setting TBD

Learn all about the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and see the full list of 2014 Grand, Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners at http://Asia.StevieAwards.com.

Topics: business awards, stevie awards, company awards, new product awards, management awards, public relations awards, Asia-Pacific


Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 @ 04:36 PM

Stevie Uluslararası İş Ödülleri bu sonbaharda Paris’te temsil edilecek

Her yıl 50’den fazla ülkedeki  aday katılımı gerçekleştiren, dünyanın önde gelen iş rekabeti describe the imageödülleri Stevie Awards bugün 11.Yıllık Uluslararası İş Ödülleri için kayıtların başladığını ilan etti.

Kamu veya özel, kar amaçlı veya amaçsız, büyük ya da küçük. dünya çapında tüm birey ve kuruluşlar Uluslararası İş Ödüllerine başvuru yapabilirler. Son kayıt tarihi 14 Mayıs. Geç başvurular 11 Haziran’a kadar kabul edilecek ve sonuçlar Ağustos ayı ortasında açıklanacak. Başvuru ayrıntıları www.StevieAwards.com/IBA adresinden alınabilir.

2013 yılında Türkiye çok başarılı oldu. 108 başvuruda kazanılan 20 altın, 25 gümüş ve 40 bronz madalyayı, Finansbank, Coca-Cola, TTNET, Marmara Forum, Ülker, Domestos, OPET, Plasenta ve diğer bazı kuruluşlar kazandı. 50’den fazla katılımcı ülke arasında Türkiye elde ettiği başarı oranıyla üçüncü sırayı aldı.

Uluslararası İş Ödülleri, şirketlerin her alandaki başarısını değerlendiriyor. Bu değerlendirmeye şu kategoriler de dahil:

. Yönetim

. Yılın Şirketi

. Müşteri Hizmetleri

. İnsan Kaynakları

. İletişim Teknolojisi

. Pazarlama

. Yeni Ürün

. Halkla İlişkiler

. Web sitesi, mobil ve diğer medya    


2014 Uluslararası İş Ödülleri, dünya çapında bireylerin en beğendiği şirkete oy vereceği ‘Uluslararası Bireylerin Seçimi En Gözde Şirketler’ alanını da ihtiva edecek.

10. Uluslararası İş Ödülleri 2013 Ekim ayında Barcelona, İspanya’da verilmişti. Geçen yılın en başarılı şirketleri arasında Dominos Pizza (ABD), Samsung (Kore), Akbank A.S. (Türkiye), Unilever (Endonezya), Ignacio De Las Cuevas S.A. (İspanya), Lufthansa (Almanya), KW Digital (Sweden), Accenture (ABD), Danone (Fransa), Maras Group (Avstralya), DHL (Suudi Arabistan), Udebrecht (Arjantin), Thai Life Insurance (Tayland), Reading Room (Singapur), Cisco (ABD), RTR Rete Rinnovabile (İtalya), Adidas (Almanya) ve Weber Shandwick (Hong Kong ve UK). 2013 sonuçlarının özetlerine şu adresten ulaşılabilir http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_24132.cfm

Stevie Awards Hakkında

Stevie Awards için beş kategoriden oluşuyor: Amerikan İş Ödülleri, Uluslararası İş Ödülleri, İş Kadınları Stevie Awards ödülleri, ve Satış ve Müşteri İlişkileri Stevie Awards ödülleri ve Asya-Pasifik Stevie Awards ödülleri. Altıncı bir kategori olan Almanya Stevie Awards bu yıl sonuna doğru devreye girecek. Her çeşit ve ebattaki kuruluşları ve arkasındaki kişileri onurlandıran Stevies, dünya çapında iş yerlerindeki seçkin performansları takdir ediyor. www.StevieAwards.com adresinde Stevie Awards hakkında daha fazla bilgi alabilir, ve Stevie Awards’ı Twitter adresinde (@TheStevieAwards) takip edebilirsiniz.

Hooper Consulting İnternational yöneticisi Martha Hooper, Stevie Awards Türkiye Ülke Temsilcisidir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’deki şirketler’in başvuru sürecini hazırlama ve lojistik uygulamaları yöneterek uluslararası ödül hizmetleri vermektedir. Başarı oranı %75 ‘dir. Hooper’a şu adresten ulaşılabilir:


Topics: İş ödül, Asya-Pasifik Stevie Ödülleri, Kadınlar Ödülleri, Müşteri Hizmet Ödülleri


Posted by Maggie Gallagher on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 @ 10:50 AM


Marketwired 2014年4月29日美國弗吉尼亞州費爾法克斯消息――

describe the image新設立的史迪威亞太獎(Asia-Pacific Stevie(R) Awards)獲獎企業今天公佈,該獎項是表彰取得卓越成就的亞太企業的唯一企業獎項目。史迪威金、銀、銅獎的全部獲獎企業名單公佈在網站 http://Asia.StevieAwards.com  。




· 馬來西亞亞洲航空公司,馬來西亞

· 貝納幫國際有限公司,澳大利亞

· 迅銷有限公司,日本

· 現代制鐵, 韩国

· 佑瑪戰略控股有限公司,新加坡




瞭解史迪威亞太獎詳情,請訪問 http://Asia.StevieAwards.com


史迪威獎(Stevie Awards)包括五個獎勵項目:美國企業獎國際企業獎史迪威商業女性獎史迪威銷售與客戶服務獎史迪威亞太獎。史迪威獎旨在表彰全球不同類型和不同規模的企業和相關個人,對他們在全球商界的出色表現予以獎勵。想瞭解更多有關史迪威獎的資訊,請訪問網站 www.StevieAwards.com  ,或在Twitter @TheStevieAwards 關注史迪威獎。

Topics: 亞太Stevie獎,企業獎,中國獎,網站獎

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