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International Awards Blog

Michael Gallagher

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Aufruf für Einsendungen für die erstmals vergebenen Stevie Awards in Deutschland

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Mon, Aug 18, 2014 @ 11:36 AM

Jüngstes Stevie-Awards-Programm zur Würdigung der „Best in Business“ in Deutschland; keine Teilnahmegebühren für Einsendungen bis zum 30. September

Der Veranstalter des weltweit führenden Business-Awards-Programms gab heute bekannt, dass das neueste Programm - die German Stevie Awards - in Deutschland angesiedelt wird. Nominierungen von Firmen, die ihre Geschäfte in Deutschland betreiben, sind ab sofort unter www.StevieAwards.com/Deutschland möglich.

Die Stevie® Awards gelten weithin als weltweit renommierteste Wirtschaftspreise, die seit 12 Jahren in Programmen wie The International Business Awards und The American Business Awards vergeben werden. Jedes Jahr werden mehr als 8.000 Preisträger von Unternehmen aus mehr als 60 Ländern für die Stevie Awards nominiert.

GSA logotypeDie Stevie Awards in Deutschland sind eines von nur zwei nationalen Stevie-Awards-Programmen nach den zwölf Jahre alten American Business Awards. „Deutschland ist ein riesiger, dynamischer Wirtschaftsraum mit vielen ausgezeichneten Unternehmen in einer breit gefächerten Branchenvielfalt“, erklärte Michael Gallagher, President und Gründer der Stevie Awards. „Es ist seit langem unser Ziel, ein weiteres nationales Stevies-Programm in einer bedeutenden Wirtschaftswelt einzurichten, und Deutschland ist die ideale Wahl, da es die größte europäische Wirtschaft und nach BSP gemessen die fünftgrößte Wirtschaft der Welt ist.“

Die Stevie-Awards-Trophäen werden vom selben Hersteller produziert, der auch die Oscars und weitere internationale Preise herstellt, und gehören zu den begehrtesten Auszeichnungen der Welt.

Für die Stevie Awards in Deutschland werden Nominierungen aus allen Organisationen, die in Deutschland tätig sind, angenommen - groß oder klein, gewerblich oder gemeinnützig, in öffentlicher oder privater Hand. Zur Auswahl stehen zahlreiche Kategorien, darunter

Zur Feier der erstmaligen Verleihung der Awards in Deutschland wird für Nominierungen, die innerhalb der Frühanmeldefrist bis 30. September eingereicht werden, keine Teilnahmegebühr erhoben. Ab 1. Oktober beträgt die Teilnahmegebühr für Nominierungen bis zum zweiten Einsendeschluss am 5. November nur 99 Euro. Für Nominierungen, die nach dem 5. November bis zum endgültigen Einsendeschluss am 10. Dezember eingehen, wird die Standard-Teilnahmegebühr von bis zu 400 Euro je Einsendung erhoben.

Die Prüfung der Einsendungen erfolgt in zwei Runden. In der ersten Runde werden die Gewinner der Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevie-Awards in jeder Kategorie ermittelt. Diese Preisträger werden am 23. Februar bekanntgegeben. Die Gewinner der Gold Stevie Awards gehen dann in eine zweite Runde, wo der Gewinner des Grand Stevie Award der jeweiligen Kategoriegruppen ermittelt wird. Die Preisträger der Gold-, Silber- und Bronze-Stevies werden Ende März im Rahmen einer Galaveranstaltung in Deutschland geehrt, bei der auch die Grand Stevie Awards verliehen werden.

Die Preisjurys der Stevie Awards in Deutschland werden demnächst zusammengestellt. Interessierte, die am Beurteilungsverfahren teilnehmen möchten, können sich ebenfalls unter http://www.StevieAwards.com/Deutschland anmelden. An den Stevie-Awards-Wettbewerben nehmen im typischen Fall mehr als 200 Führungskräfte als Preisrichter teil.

Im Lauf der Jahre sind schon zahlreiche deutsche Firmen in den Stevie-Awards-Programmen ausgezeichnet worden, darunter beispielsweise die Adidas-Gruppe, Bertelsmann AG, DP DHL, Lufthansa und Siemens AG. „Mit den Stevie Awards in Deutschland sind wir dann in der Lage, die Leistungen von wesentlich mehr deutschen Unternehmen und Führungskräften zu würdigen“, so Gallagher weiter.

Uwe Krummenoehler, CEO der AVL Emission Test Systems GmbH in Neuss, Gewinner eines Bronze Stevie Award der Kategorie International Business Awards 2013, sagte: „Die Auszeichnung mit einem Stevie Award zeigt, dass wir in vieler Hinsicht auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Unsere gute Leistung wurde von zahlreichen hochrangigen Führungskräften bestätigt und das ist für unser Geschäftsleitungsteam und unsere Mitarbeiter von großer Bedeutung.“

Laut Gallagher gibt es viele Gründe, warum sich Unternehmen an den Stevie-Awards-Programmen beteiligen, darunter in erster Linie die markenfördernden Vorteile einer bedeutenden nationalen oder internationalen Auszeichnung, die positive Einstellung der Mitarbeiter, wenn sie für Auszeichnungen nominiert werden, und die Networking-Möglichkeiten mit anderen Führungskräften bei den jährlichen Awards-Galaveranstaltungen.

Weitere Informationen über die Stevie Awards in Deutschland erhalten Sie auf der FAQ-Seite unter http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/gsa/about/514_2923_24742.cfm.

Über die Stevie Awards

Die Stevie Awards werden in sechs Bereichen verliehen: Die American Business Awards, die German Stevie Awards, die International Business Awards, die Stevie Awards for Women in Business, die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service und die Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards. Mit den Stevie Awards werden Organisationen aller Art und Größenordnung und die dahinter stehenden Menschen geehrt und herausragende Lesitungen am Arbeitsplatz weltweit gewürdigt. Weitere Informationen über die Stevie Awards erhalten Sie unter www.StevieAwards.com und folgen Sie den Stevie Awards auf Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: stevie awards, Business-Awards-Programms, deutschland, germany

What’s So Great About Singapore? Stevie® Awards Winner Margaret Manning Explains

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Feb 20, 2014 @ 02:48 PM

Margaret Manning is the CEO of Reading Room, a digital communications agency. Reading Room Singapore won three Gold Stevie® Awards in The 2013 International Business Awards: Advertising/Design Agency of the Year; Fastest-Growing Company of the Year (Asia, Australia, and New Zealand); and Margaret herself, now based in Singapore, was named Executive of the Year - Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations (Entries to The 2014 International Business Awards are now being accepted, get your Entry Kit here.)

We talked with Margaret her about her company, her move to Singapore, and her thoughts on the launch of the Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards.

Margaret ManningOver the last fifteen years, Margaret Manning and her team have grown Reading Room into a global, award-winning consultancy, with offices in London, Manchester, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Reading Room is the UK’s top digital agency (Design Week Top 100) and a global top ten digital agency working with clients such as the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Skoda, Philips Healthcare, ASEAN, and UNHCR.

Since January 2012 Margaret has led Reading Room through a period of very high growth in all territories, but particularly in Asia and Australia. Margaret recognized that the downturn in Europe had the potential to be long lasting and therefore looked overseas and particularly towards the Asia-Pacific for growth opportunities.

Why Singapore?

Margaret explained what brought her to Singapore. “Our arrival in Singapore in 2011 was actually off the back of a personal invitation from the Singapore Government for me to mentor young entrepreneurs in the start-up tech scene.

“At the time, Reading Room had two offices in the UK and three in Australia. I knew that to grow the company we had to work in the APAC market, we just weren’t sure where. I landed in Singapore and instantly fell in love. It had a market that was coming to its digital maturity and had realized the importance of integrated digital strategy.

“We conducted a thorough market and competitor analysis and found a gap in the market that allowed us to step in and provide consultancy services that were not being offered by anyone else. In addition, we found that our targeted sectors were looking towards the UK and Australia as thought leaders in our space, providing us with powerful credentials.

“Within four weeks, we had registered our company and rented a small, converted shop space in Chinatown.  We started out with three staff members. Now we have over 50 staff and—of course—a much bigger office, although still in Chinatown, I’m pleased to say.”

Significant Growth

We asked Margaret how Reading Room’s success in the Stevie® Awards had affected her business.  Her initial response was: “Wow, where does one start?”  On reflection, she continued: “First of all, we won the awards for our clients. Not only were they greatly appreciated by our clients—which in consequence provided us with repeat business—but also they made a great story to tell in all of our communications.”  

Reading Room received its own accolades in The 2013 International Business Awards.  Margaret told us how these have provided opportunities for her company in new regions as word of its success has traveled beyond its sectors of operation.

As she puts it: “The exposure that these awards have given us has gone beyond our expectations. I am, of course, most proud of my personal awards, particularly for Executive of the Year in The 2013 International Business Awards. This has literally catapulted my own standing within the business community, and has contributed significantly to our growth in Asia.”

Impact of New Awards

With the launch of the new Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards in 2014, we asked Margaret for her business perspective on what these Awards will mean to her.  She told us:It’s great to see the Stevie® Awards localized for the APAC market, and we’re going to see some fierce contenders. There is so much opportunity in the Asia-Pacific region, and I believe that in 2014 we’re going to see the most fierce competition ever!”

Margaret made Singapore her global operation headquarters tasked with expanding Reading Room in the APAC region, which resulted in two more office openings in Hong Kong and Melbourne, each servicing different sectors and local clients.

Singapore has had a huge amount of growth since, doubling from 25 to 50 people since 2012. It is currently one of the fastest-growing digital agencies in Singapore. Since its foundation in 2011 Margaret has led the Singapore office to achieve 300% turnover growth in the APAC region.

Reading Room Singapore now successfully supplies consultancy services to every Singapore government agency and Margaret has been personally selected by the Infocomm Development Authority to mentor Government bodies on user experience to citizens.

A Springboard Into Asia

Margaret has advice for companies thinking of doing business in Singapore: “We find that a lot of businesses look to Singapore as a springboard into Asia, which it is—but remember, it’s much more than that: It is a vibrant, exciting society filled with opportunity; with great people; terrific food; and fantastic weather—so long as you don’t mind humidity.

“There is opportunity here, but to make the most of that opportunity you have to work hard within the Singaporean community.”

Concludes Margaret: “It’s a great testament to the Stevie Award team that they recognize the impact that this region is currently having on global business.”


Margaret tells us that it’s a strong coffee that helps her to hit the ground running in the morning, but that her inspiration comes from working in an innovative sector where there is constant change and challenge.   “It is impossible to be bored, and I work with an amazing bunch of people that feel more like family than work colleagues.”

Margaret has one weakness, however:  “Honestly … Candy Crush. Ok, so it’s not for business purposes, but it allows me to take two minutes here and there and just relax!”

About Margaret Manning
Margaret Manning is founder and CEO of Reading Room, a Top 10 Global Agency (IMA awards 2012) with offices in the UK, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Margaret won a Gold Stevie® for Female Entrepreneur of the Year at the 2012 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business; and the Best CIO Awards held in Singapore chose her for the top prize in Women in Leadership. The London Observer named Margaret one of the top 50 media people to watch in Courvoisier The Future 500.

Margaret loves her work, adores her family, and feels very lucky to have such a great team around her.

About Reading Room
Reading Room is an international digital communications business with over 200 staff across offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, London, Manchester, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney. They provide strategic consultancy, creative, and technical production services for web, mobile, and social channels including user research, content management, and campaign management.

Topics: business awards, stevie awards, apac, reading room, margaret manning, Asia-Pacific

한국의 하나로애드컴, 그들의 성공에 어떻게 스티비상을 활용했는가

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Mon, Jan 20, 2014 @ 09:51 AM

대한민국 서울의 광고 및 홍보 디자인 전문기업인 하나로애드컴의 손정희 대표가 2013 국제 비즈니스 대상에서 크리에이티브상부문 올해의 크리에이티브 경영자 금상을 수상했다. 그녀에게 스티비상 수상의 경험과 2014년 회사의 목표에 대해 물어보았다.

“하나로애드컴은 2015년에 맞이하게 될 창립 20주년을 위해, 2014년 동안 준비할 것입니다.” 손대표는 말했다. “이것은 높은 질의 홍보마케팅 활동을 제공하고 고객들을 대신해서 강력히 메시지를 전달하고자 했던 20년의 노력이 성공했다는 뜻이며, 저희에게 매우 중요한 기념일입니다. 그래서 올해는 그간 20년의 활동들을 돌아보고 더 새롭고 위대한 성장을 준비하는 해가 될 것입니다.”

새로운 시장 개척
2014년의 또 다른 중요한 목표는 해외시장의 개척이다. “이미 몇 군데의 해외 고객이 있습니다.” 손대표는 설명했다. “명실상부한 세계적인 네트워크를 가진 회사가 되기 위해 마케팅을 강화할 것입니다. 한국에서 마케팅을 위한 광고나 홍보 파트너를 찾는다면, 하나로애드컴을 찾아주길 바랍니다! 우리의 목표는 한국에서 비즈니스 마케팅을 위한 최고의 창조적 파트너가 되는 것입니다.”

새로운 비즈니스 획득
손대표에 따르면 지난 몇 년 동안 스티비상에서 여러 차례 수상한 것이 하나로애드컴에 중대한 영향을 끼쳤다고 한다. “국제 비즈니스 대상은 한국에서 높이 평가되는 대회로, 수상하는 것은 하나로의 발전에 큰 공헌을 했습니다. 저희 팀의 자긍심에 긍정적인 영향력을 미쳤을 뿐만 아니라, 고객들과 함께 명예를 공유하도록 했습니다.”
“스티비상은 회사의 업무에 대한 객관적인 평가를 제공하고, 이것은 저희가 새로운 비즈니스를 수주하는데 분명한 도움을 주었습니다. 이 말도 추가해야겠네요. 트로피들이 저희 명예의 벽을 멋지게 채워주고 있다는 것을요!”

아시아-태평양 스티비상
우리는 손대표에게 어떻게 새로운 아시아-태평양 스티비상이 하나로애드컴의 성공에 공헌할 수 있다고 느꼈는지 질문했다. “더 많은 스티비상을 수상할수록 더 많은 고객층이 증가합니다. 특히 공공기관은 훌륭한 경영의 지표로서 스티비상을 바라봅니다. 그리고 국제대회에서 지난 7년 동안 지속적으로 수상한 하나로애드컴의 능력은 신뢰성을 말해줍니다.”
손대표는 또 말했다. “또한 다른 나라들에서 개최되는 국제 비즈니스 대상 시상식에 참가할 때마다 그 나라의 문화와 특성을 공부하는 좋은 기회가 됩니다. 이와 같은 경험은 다른 나라 회사들과의 업무적 관계를 향상시키는 중요한 데이터를 제공합니다.”

일에 대한 열정
손대표는 성공적인 마케팅 경영자일 뿐만 아니라, 소셜 미디어 매니아이기도 하다. “저는 매일 페이스북을 점검하여 댓글을 달기도 하고 실시간으로 대화하기도 합니다.” 그녀는 또한 올빼미형 이다. “저는 밤에 많은 일을 합니다. 잠자리에 들기 전에 아침에 해야 하는 많은 일들을 처리하지요. 새벽 2시에 잠드는 것이 오랜 습관입니다.” 그녀는 건강한 식단의 식사를 신뢰한다. “저는 매일 아침 건강에 좋은 식사를 합니다. 제게 활력을 주기 때문이지요.”

손대표의 결론이다. “저에게 영감을 주는 원천은 바로 일에 대한 열정입니다. 미래를 위해 더 높은 기준을 세우는 것은 우리가 직면하게 되는 어려움에도 불구하고 앞으로 나아가도록 용기를 줍니다. 사무실에 있는 스티비상을 보면서 우리가 성공할 수 있고 목표들을 성취할 수 있다고 상기합니다.”

아시아-태평양 스티비상출품 마감일이 2월 19일입니다. 이 상은 아시아-태평양 지역 22개 나라들의 모든 조직이 출품할 수 있습니다. 세계 모든 조직들이 출품 가능한 국제 비즈니스 대상의 조기 출품 마감일은 4월 16일입니다.

손정희 대표에 대하여
손정희 대표는 IBA에서 7년간 연속적으로 상을 받은 창립 19년 된 회사의 CEO다. ‘올해의 창조경영인’ 등의 개인 부문의 상을 6년 동안 잇달아 수상했다. 15년째 주경야독하여 광고홍보, 영어, 사회복지, 시각디자인, 부동산학 등의 분야에서 전문적인 지식과 학위를 습득했다. 최근에는 정부 기관이나 협회의 홍보 및 디자인 자문위원으로 활동하고 있다.

하나로애드컴에 대하여
하나로애드컴은 다양한 홍보툴의 창의적인 제작을 통해 조직의 마케팅 활동을 돕는 전문기업이다. 브로슈어, 기업사보, 브랜드 개발, 커뮤니케이션 솔루션과 소셜 미디어 등을 전문영역으로 하고 있다. 하나로애드컴은 국제 비즈니스 대상(IBA)에서 7년간 연속적으로 수상한 한국에서도 몇 안 되는 회사이며, 여러 국내 수상을 통해서도 인정받고 있다. 하나로애드컴의 주요 고객은 국내 정부기관, 공공기관, 대기업들이고, 해외의 정부기관, 글로벌 기업과도 파트너십을 유지하고 있다. 더 많은 정보를 위한 웹사이트 www.hanaroad.com

Topics: 광고상, 연차보고서상, 아시아-태평양 스티비®상, 커뮤니케이션상, 크리에이티브상, 국제상, 출판상, 스티비상


Posted by Michael Gallagher on Fri, Aug 30, 2013 @ 04:55 PM

Organizations and individuals in more than 40 nations have been announced as Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie® Award winners in The 10th Annual International Business Awards, the world’s only international, all-encompassing business awards program.

Stevies 2013 logoNicknamed the Stevies from the Greek word “crowned,” the awards will be presented at a gala event on Monday, October 14 at the W Hotel in Barcelona, Spain. Tickets for the event are on sale now at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.    

Canadian organizations won 10 Gold, 10 Silver, and 12 Bronze Stevie Awards in this year’s IBAs.  Harbinger Communications, Toronto, and Wajam, Montreal, each won two Gold Stevies.  Other Gold winners include Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto; Clearpath Robotics, Kitchener, ON; Firmex, Toronto; TELUS Communications, Edmonton; Toronto Hydro Electric System; and WiLAN, Ottawa.

Among the Silver and Bronze Stevie winners are Aditya Birla Minacs, Mississauga, ON; Amaya Gaming, Pointe-Claire, QC; BlueCat, Toronto; Eagle’s Flight, Guelph, ON; iFinance Canada, Toronto; Inovex Inc., Oakville, ON; LAJQ Chick Enterprises, Toronto; Magazine Maison Montreal Inc.; Opentext, Waterloo, ON; Prophix Software Inc., Mississauga, ON; Rogers Communications, Toronto; and TELUS, Burnaby, BC.

A complete list of all 2013 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.   

Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie winners were selected from more than 3,300 nominations received from organizations and individuals in more than 50 nations.  All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in The International Business Awards, and can nominate in a wide range of categories, including management awards, company/organization awards, marketing awards, public relations awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, new product awards, IT awards, web site awards, and more.  

More than 100 professionals around the world participated in preliminary judging in May-July.  Their average scores determined the entries that were eligible to be considered in final judging, which was performed earlier this month by the members of 10 specialized committees.  In total, nearly 300 executives around the world participated in the judging process this year. 

About the Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  A fifth program, the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, will open for entries in September.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about the Stevie Awards at www.StevieAwards.com, and follow the Stevie Awards on Twitter @TheStevieAwards.   

Topics: International business awards, stevie awards, IBAs, canadian winners, canadian stevie award winners, canadian stevie winners

Stevie Awards, 2013 Best of the IBA Awards 수상자 발표

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Aug 22, 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Stevie® Awards는 세계 최고의 비즈니스 시상 대회인 2013 (제 10 회) International Business Awards에서 Best of the IBA Awards 의 수상자를 발표했다.

Stevie Award2013 IBA의 후보자는 Best of the IBA Awards 에 직접 신청할 수 없었다. 수상자는 IBA에서 획득한 상의 전체 숫자를 기반으로 한 점수 시스템으로 결정되었다. 올 해의 International Business Awards에서 Stevie Award 금상, 은상 및 동상 수상자는 8월 14일에 발표되었다.

Best of the IBA Awards 의 수상자는 10월 14일 스페인 바르셀로나의 W 호텔에서 열리는 제 10회 Annual International Business Awards 연회에서 새로운 Grand Stevie Award 트로피를 받게 된다. 수상자는 다음과 같다.

해의 기업(Organization of the Year): Accenture (미국 일리노이주 시카고) 총점 29.5, Accenture는 2012 IBA에서 가장 영예로운 기업이었다.

해의 PR 에이전시(Public Relations Agency of the Year): Burson-Marsteller. 전 세계 Burson-Marsteller 사무소는 총점 26점을 얻었다.

해의 마케팅 에이전시(Marketing Agency of the Year): Plasenta Conversation Agency (터키 이스탄불) (28.5 점)

해의 인터랙티브 서비스 에이전시(Interactive Services Agency of the Year): Reading Room (싱가포르) (17.5 점)

10: 상기 수상자 다음으로 아래와 같은 참가기업들이 2013 IBA에서 가장 높은 점수를 얻었다.

1. Quality Systems, Inc.(미국 캘리포니아주 어바인) (24.5 점)
2. Jack Morton Worldwide, (미국 및 영국) (23)
3. LLORENTE & CUENCA, (스페인 마드리드) (21.5)
4. Maras Group, (호주 애들레이드) (20)
5. Strategic Public Relations Group, (홍콩) (18.5)
6. MWW, (미국 뉴저지주 이스트 루터포드) (17.5)
7. Nu Skin Enterprises (중국, 홍콩, 대만) (17.5)
8. Finansbank A.S., (터키 이스탄불) (17)
9. Save Your Numbers, (스페인 바르셀로나) (17)
10. CallidusCloud, (미국 캘리포니아주 플레젠튼) (16)

2013 IBA의 모든 Stevie Award 수상자 목록을 포함하여 International Business Awards에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 www.StevieAwards.com/IBA에서 볼 수 있다.

Stevie® Awards 관련 정보
Stevie Awards는 American Business Awards, International Business Awards, Stevie Awards for Women in Business, Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service의 네 가지 프로그램으로 구성된다. 다섯 번째 프로그램인 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards는 다음 달 참가자들에게 개방된다. Stevie Awards에 대한 더 자세한 사항은 www.StevieAwards.com에서 보거나Twitter에서 @TheStevieAwards를 팔로우하면 된다.

Topics: stevie awards, 스티비 상, 홍보 상, 마케팅 상, 사업 상

スティービーアワード、2013年度Best of the IBA Awardsを発表

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Aug 22, 2013 @ 11:52 AM

スティービーアワードは、世界有数のビジネスコンペティションである2013年度国際ビジネス大賞(第10回)のBest of the IBA Awardsを発表しました。

2013年IBAの候補者は、Best of the IBA Awardsに直接応募はできません。受賞者はIBAで勝ち取った賞の合計数に基づいたポイントシステムにより、決定されました。今年度の国際ビジネス大賞のStevie Award金賞、銀賞、銅賞は、8月14日に発表されました。

Stevie AwardBest of the IBA Awardsの受賞者は、10月14日にスペインのバルセロナのWホテルで開催される第10回年次国際ビジネス大賞の晩さん会で、新たにGrand Stevie Awardトロフィーを授与されます。受賞者は以下のとおりです。

年間最優秀企業・団体:アクセンチュア (米国イリノイ州シカゴ)。アクセンチュアは合計ポイント29.5で、2012年度IBAの最優秀組織となりました。


年間最優秀マーケティング会社:Plasenta Conversation Agency (トルコ、イスタンブール) (28.5ポイント)

年間最優秀インタラクティブサービス会社:Reading Room (シンガポール) (17.5ポイント)


1.Quality Systems, Inc. (米国カリフォルニア州アーバイン) (24.5ポイント)
2.Jack Morton Worldwide (米国および英国) (23)
3.LLORENTE & CUENCA (スペイン、マドリード) (21.5)
4.Maras Group (オーストラリア、アデレード) (20)
5.Strategic Public Relations Group (香港) (18.5)
6.MWW (米国ニュージャージー州イーストラザフォード) (17.5)
7.ニュー スキン エンタープライズ(中国、香港、台湾) (17.5)
8.Finansbank A.S. (トルコ、イスタンブール) (17)
9.Save Your Numbers (スペイン、バルセロナ) (17)
10.CallidusCloud (米国カリフォルニア州プレザントン) (16)

国際ビジネス大賞についての詳細や、2013年度IBAのStevie Award受賞者一覧は、www.StevieAwards.com/IBAをご覧ください。

スティービーアワードには、全米ビジネス大賞・国際ビジネス大賞 ・スティービー ビジネス女性大賞・スティービー セールス&カスタマーサービス大賞の4つの褒賞プログラムがあります。5つめのプログラム、アジア太平洋地域スティービーアワードは、来月発表される予定です。スティービーアワードについて詳しくは、www.StevieAwards.comをご覧いただくか、Stevie AwardsのTwitter @TheStevieAwardsをフォローしてください。 

Topics: マーケティング賞, 広報賞, ビジネス賞, スティービー賞

Stevie Awards anuncia los ganadores de los premios Lo Mejor de los IBA 2013

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Aug 21, 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Los Premios Stevie® anunciaron a los ganadores de los premios Lo Mejor de los IBA 2013 en la décima edición anual de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, la principal competencia de empresas del mundo.

Stevie AwardLos nominados para los premios IBA 2013 no pudieron presentarse directamente para los premios Lo Mejor de los IBA. Los ganadores fueron determinados mediante un sistema de puntos basado en el número total de premios obtenidos en los IBA. Este año, los ganadores de los Premios Stevie de Oro, Plata y Bronce en la categoría de Premios Internacionales de Negocios fueron anunciados el 14 de agosto.

Los ganadores de los premios Lo Mejor de los IBA recibirán el nuevo trofeo Grand Stevie Award en el banquete de la décima edición anual de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios en el Hotel W en Barcelona, España, que tendrá lugar el 14 de octubre. Los ganadores son:

Organización del Año: Accenture, Chicago, IL, Estados Unidos. Con 29,5 puntos en total, Accenture es la organización más venerada en los IBA 2012.

Agencia de Relaciones Públicas del Año: Burson-Marsteller. Las oficinas de Burson-Marsteller en todo el mundo ganaron 26 puntos en total.

Agencia de Marketing del Año: Plasenta Conversation Agency, Estambul, Turquía (28,5 puntos)

Agencia de Servicios Interactivos del Año: Reading Room, Singapur (17,5 puntos)

Principales 10 ganadores: Después de los ganadores de los premios antes mencionados, los siguientes participantes obtuvieron la mayor cantidad de puntos en los IBA 2013:

1. Quality Systems, Inc., Irvine, CA, EE. UU. (24,5 puntos)
2. Jack Morton Worldwide, EE. UU. y Reino Unido (23)
3. LLORENTE & CUENCA, Madrid, España (21,5)
4. Maras Group, Adelaide, Australia (20)
5. Strategic Public Relations Group, Hong Kong (18,5)
6. MWW, East Rutherford, NJ, EE. UU. (1,5)
7. Nu Skin Enterprises (China, Hong Kong, Taiwán) (17,5)
8. Finansbank A.S., Istanbul, Turquía (17)
9. Save Your Numbers, Barcelona, España (17)
10. CallidusCloud, Pleasanton, CA, EE. UU. (16)

Para obtener más información acerca de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, incluyendo una lista completa de todos los ganadores de los Premios Stevie en los IBA 2013, ingrese en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Acerca de los Stevie(R) Awards
Los premios Stevie se confieren en cuatro programas: Premios Americanos de Negocios, Premios Internacionales de Negocios, Premios Stevie a la Mujer en los Negocios y Premios Stevie a las Ventas y Atención al Cliente. Se abrirá la inscripción para un quinto programa, los premios Stevie Asia-Pacífico, el próximo mes. Obtenga más información sobre los premios Stevie en www.StevieAwards.com, y siga los premios Stevie en Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: Los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, Agencia de Relaciones Públicas del Año, Agencia de Servicios Interactivos del Año, Los Premios Stevie, Agencia de Marketing del Año

Stevie Awards anuncia vencedores dos Melhores de 2013 do IBA Awards

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Aug 21, 2013 @ 12:13 PM

Stevie® Awards anunciou os nomes dos vencedores do Melhor do IBA Awards do 2013 International Business Awards (10o anual Prêmio Internacional de Negócios), a principal competição mundial de prêmios de negócios.

Stevie AwardOs nomeados do 2013 IBA não puderam se inscrever diretamente no Melhor do IBA Awards. Os vencedores foram escolhidos com um sistema de pontos baseado no número total de prêmios de IBAs. Os vencedores de Ouro, Prata e Bronze do Stevie Award deste ano no The International Business Awards foram anunciados no dia 14 de agosto.

Os vencedores do Melhor do IBA Awards receberão um novo troféu Grand Stevie Award no banquete do 10th Annual International Business Awards no W Hotel em Barcelona, Espanha, no dia 14 de outubro. Os vencedores são:

Organização do Ano: Accenture, Chicago, IL EUA. Com um total de 29,5 pontos, a Accenture é a organização mais homenageada do 2012 IBAs.

Agência de Relações Públicas do Ano: Burson-Marsteller. Os escritórios da Burson-Marsteller de todo o mundo conquistaram um total de 26 pontos.

Campanha de Marketing do Ano: Plasenta Conversation Agency, Istambul, Turquia (28,5 pontos)

Agência de Serviços Interativos do Ano: Reading Room, Cingapura (17,5 pontos)

Top 10: Depois dos premiados acima, os seguintes inscritos receberam o maior número de pontos do 2013 IBAs:

1. Quality Systems, Inc., Irvine, CA EUA (24,5 pontos)
2. Jack Morton Worldwide, EUA e Reino Unido (23)
3. LLORENTE & CUENCA, Madri, Espanha (21,5)
4. Maras Group, Adelaide, Austrália (20)
5. Strategic Public Relations Group, Hong Kong (18,5)
6. MWW, East Rutherford, NJ EUA (17,5)
7. Nu Skin Enterprises (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) (17,5)
8. Finansbank A.S., Istambul, Turquia (17)
9. Save Your Numbers, Barcelona, Espanha (17)
10. CallidusCloud, Pleasanton, CA EUA (16)

Para mais informação sobre o International Business Awards, inclusive uma lista completa dos vencedores do Stevie Award do 2013 IBAs, visite www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Stevie Awards
O Stevie Awards consiste de quatro programas: The American Business Awards (premiação de empresas americanas), The International Business Awards (premiação de empresas internacionais), Stevie Awards for Women in Business (Stevie Awards para Empresárias) e Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service (Stevie Awards de vendas e atendimento ao cliente). Um quinto programa do Stevie Awards na Ásia-Pacífico estará aberto para inscrições no próximo mês. Para mais informações sobre o Stevie Awards, visite www.StevieAwards.com, e siga o Stevie Awards no Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: stevie awards, Campanha de Marketing do Ano, Agência de Serviços Interativos do Ano, premiação de empresas internacionais, Agência de Relações Públicas do Ano


Posted by Michael Gallagher on Fri, Aug 16, 2013 @ 09:22 AM

第十屆國際企業獎(International Business Awards)宣佈,來自40多個國家的組織和個人分別獲得了史迪威(R)(Stevie(R))獎金獎、銀獎和銅獎。國際企業獎是全球唯一涵蓋所有企業的國際性獎項。

該獎的名稱“史迪威”源於希臘語“加冕”一詞,史迪威獎將於10月14日(星期一)在西班牙巴賽隆納的W酒店舉行頒獎活動。活動門票現已公開發售:www.StevieAwards.com/IBA  。


本年度榮獲史迪威金獎最多的企業是傑克莫頓環球公司(英國和美國),共贏得五項金獎;其次是埃森哲公司(美國)、馬拉什集團(澳大利亞)和萬博宣偉(香港和英國),均贏得四項金獎;然後是Best Doctors, Inc.(美國)、博雅公關(澳大利亞和阿聯酋)、可口可樂土耳其公司(土耳其)、土耳其金融銀行(土耳其)、Ignacio de las Cuevas S.A.(西班牙)、KW Digital(瑞典)、LLORENTE & CUENCA(西班牙)、如新企業集團(中國內地、香港、臺灣)、Reading Room(新加坡)以及RTR Rete Rinnovabile(義大利),均贏得三項金獎。

2013年史迪威金、銀、銅獎獲獎者的完整名單見:www.StevieAwards.com/IBA  。




流覽史迪威獎獎盃或國際企業獎標識的高清圖片,請訪問:http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm 。其他新聞資訊和資源,請訪問:http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm  。


史迪威獎(Stevie Awards)包括四個獎勵項目:美國企業獎國際企業獎史迪威商業女性獎史迪威銷售與客戶服務獎。第五個專案史迪威亞太獎將於下月開始接受報名。史迪威獎旨在表彰全球不同類型和不同規模的企業和相關個人,對他們在全球商界的出色表現予以獎勵。瞭解史迪威獎詳情,請訪問網站 www.StevieAwards.com ,或在Twitter @TheStevieAwards 關注史迪威獎。

Topics: 管理獎、企業/組織獎、行銷獎、公共關係獎、客戶服務獎、人力資源獎、新產品獎、IT獎、網站獎


Posted by Michael Gallagher on Fri, Aug 16, 2013 @ 09:20 AM

第十届国际企业奖(International Business Awards)宣布,来自40多个国家的组织和个人分别获得了史迪威(R)(Stevie(R))奖金奖、银奖和铜奖。国际企业奖是全球唯一涵盖所有企业的国际性奖项。

该奖的名称“史迪威”源于希腊语“加冕”一词,史迪威奖将于10月14日(星期一)在西班牙巴塞罗那的W酒店举行颁奖活动。活动门票现已公开发售:www.StevieAwards.com/IBA  。


本年度荣获史迪威金奖最多的企业是杰克莫顿环球公司(英国和美国),共赢得五项金奖;其次是埃森哲公司(美国)、马拉什集团(澳大利亚)和万博宣伟(香港和英国),均赢得四项金奖;然后是Best Doctors, Inc.(美国)、博雅公关(澳大利亚和阿联酋)、可口可乐土耳其公司(土耳其)、土耳其金融银行(土耳其)、Ignacio de las Cuevas S.A.(西班牙)、KW Digital(瑞典)、LLORENTE & CUENCA(西班牙)、如新企业集团(中国内地、香港、台湾)、Reading Room(新加坡)以及RTR Rete Rinnovabile(意大利),均赢得三项金奖。

2013年史迪威金、银、铜奖获奖者的完整名单见:www.StevieAwards.com/IBA  。




浏览史迪威奖奖杯或国际企业奖标识的高清图片,请访问:http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm 。其他新闻信息和资源,请访问:http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm  。


史迪威奖(Stevie Awards)包括四个奖励项目:美国企业奖国际企业奖史迪威商业女性奖史迪威销售与客户服务奖。第五个项目史迪威亚太奖将于下月开始接受报名。史迪威奖旨在表彰全球不同类型和不同规模的企业和相关个人,对他们在全球商界的出色表现予以奖励。了解史迪威奖详情,请访问网站 www.StevieAwards.com ,或在Twitter @TheStevieAwards 关注史迪威奖。

Topics: 管理奖、企业/组织奖、营销奖、公共关系奖、客户服务奖、人力资源奖、新产品奖、IT奖、网站奖

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