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International Awards Blog

5 Weeks to International Business Awards Early-bird Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Mar 07, 2013 @ 03:55 PM

The early-bird entry deadline for The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, is 10 April. Take advantage of discounted entry fees for those entries submitted by 10 April, request your entry kit here.

The Internations Business Awards LogoThe International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Stevie® Awards are conferred upon top-scoring nominations in each category, as chosen by an international judging panel of more than 150 business leaders.

All individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs. Our business award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through 12 June 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published.

If you can't make the 10 April early-bird deadline, 15 May is the entry deadline, and late entries will be accepted through 12 June with the payment of a late fee per entry. Results will be announced on 14 August and the 10th annual awards banquet will be held on 14 October at the W. Hotel in Barcelona, Spain.

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about how to participate in The 2013 International Business Awards.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

Yen Ong Now Represents the Stevie Awards in Singapore

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 @ 11:09 AM

Yen OngMeet the Stevie Awards' new representative in Singapore: Yen Ong, founder of PINKSTAR, a professional marketing communications company.  PINKSTAR's focus is on helping their clients improve their image, gain more customers, and improve sales, by providing competitive professional communication services. PINKSTAR advises their clients on how to achieve that creative edge for their brand from conceptualization to materialization, being present at every step of the way.

Yen will be working with us to raise awareness of the Stevie Awards' international competitions in Singapore: The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, and the forthcoming Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards.

Yen is one of Singapore’s few independent artist managers and event planners who have dealt with numerous celebrities throughout Asia, primarily in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Korea.  Yen has worked successfully with artiste and events through her network that stretches far and wide across these the region.

Contact Yen at yen@pinkstar.com.sg, telephone 65 94788947.

Topics: stevie awards, Asia-Pacific, pinkstar, yen ong, singapore

2013 International Business Awards Entry Kit Now Available

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Jan 17, 2013 @ 01:09 PM

The entry kit for The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, is now available. Request your entry kit here.

All individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs, recognized as the world's top honors in business and the only completely international business awards competition.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. Stevie® Awards are conferred upon top-scoring nominations in each category, as chosen by an international judging panel of more than 150 business leaders.

Our business award categories include:

See the full list of international business awards categories.

Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through 12 June 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published.

The early-bird entry deadline, with discounted entry fees, is 10 April. The entry deadline is 15 May, but late entries will be accepted through 12 June with payment of a late fee. (Note that the website will not be ready to accept entries until Monday, 21 January. Please do not attempt to submit entries before then.) Entry details are available at www.stevieawards.com/iba.

Results will be announced on 14 August and 2013 honorees will be celebrated at the 10th annual awards banquet on 14 October in Barcelona, Spain.  

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about how to participate in The 2013 International Business Awards.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

W Hotel in Barcelona, Spain to Host 2013 International Business Awards

Posted by Liz Dean on Fri, Jan 11, 2013 @ 11:27 AM

It's official: The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards will take place on Monday, October 14 at the W Hotel in Barcelona, Spain. On the beach.

W Hotel, Barcelona, SpainRecognized as the world’s premier business awards program, The International Business Awards honors all facets of the workplace, our award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

Entries for the 2013 competition open in late January, join our mailing list and the entry kit will be emailed to you once it becomes available. All individuals and organizations worldwide – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small – may submit nominations.

More than 350 entrepreneurs, executives, and their guests from around the world attended the 2012 IBA gala celebrated on Monday, October 15th, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea. Watch the October 15th International Business Awards presentations here.

Will you be joining us on October 14 in Spain?

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, it awards, The International Business Awards, W Hotel

Watch Video of The 2012 International Business Awards Gala

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Oct 31, 2012 @ 12:10 PM

We are pleased to share that video clips from The 2012 International Business Awards gala are now available to view on YouTube. Recognized as the world’s premier business awards program, the IBAs were celebrated on Monday, October 15th, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea.The International Business Awards

Watch the October 15th International Business Awards presentations here.

More than 350 entrepreneurs, executives, and their guests from around the world attended the October 15th gala. Our International Business Awards video clips from October 15 showcase business award acceptance speeches made by individuals and organizations from around the world, including:

Lawrence Gitonga of Novel Technologies, Winner of a 2012 Bronze Stevie® Award for Executive of the Year
Flying in from Africa, Lawrence Gitonga of Novel Technologies shares an appreciative acceptance speech with the audience.

Mobiltel, Winner of a 2012 Gold Stevie® Award for Best Internal Recognition or Motivational Event
All the way from Sofia, Bulgaria, Mobiltel CEO,  Andreas Maierhofer, accepts the award on behalf of his 4,000 employees.

Nu Skin Korea, Winner of Multiple 2012 Stevie® Awards
From Seoul, South Korea, Luke Yoo, CEO and President of the North Asia Region and Korea for Nu Skin Enterprises, shares his gratitude to the Stevie Awards and the international judges for their recognition of Nu Skin Korea.

PT Bank Permata TBK, Winner of Multiple 2012 Stevie® Awards
From Jakarta, Indonesia, Leila Djafaar, Head of Corporate Affairs of PT Bank Permata, thanks her team, her employees, and the communities where PT Bank Permata operates.

Samsung Electronics, Winner of a 2012 Gold Stevie® Award for Company of the Year in Electronics
Soomin John Kim, Senior Manager of Samsung Electronics in Seoul, South Korea, shares a thankful acceptance speech.

Want to see more from the October 15th celebration? Watch all acceptance speeches and view photos from the event.

Topics: business awards, International business awards, stevie awards, YouTube, acceptance speeches

Voting Now Open for People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Aug 30, 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Voting for the Second Annual People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies, as part of The International Business Awards, the world’s premier business awards program, opened today will go through 21 September.

Vote now at http://peopleschoice.stevieawards.com.People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies

This is a worldwide vote in which the general public will get to choose one favorite company in more than 30 categories including:

  • Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
  • Consumer Products
  • Electronics
  • Internet/New Media
  • Non-Profit or Government Organizations

All organizations that are honored with Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award trophies in the IBAs' 34 Company of the Year categories will automatically be included in People's Choice voting. People's Choice winners will receive a special People's Choice Stevie Award trophy allowing for honorees in the Company of the Year categories to have the opportunity to receive a second award, as voted by the general public.

Winners of the crystal People's Choice Stevie Awards will be celebrated at the International Business Awards gala on Monday, 15 October at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea

2011 winners were celebrated at the International Business Awards gala in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates. Past winners include Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ActionCOACH, Beiersdorf AG, and Türk Telekom, among others. 2011 results are summarized, at http://blog.stevieawards.com/blog/bid/62803/Winners-Announced-in-People-s-Choice-Stevie-Awards-for-Favorite-Companies.

Leave us a comment and let us know your favorite companies!

Topics: business awards, International business awards, company of the year, People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Co


Posted by Liz Dean on Fri, Aug 17, 2012 @ 01:21 PM


Marketwire 2012年8月15日弗吉尼亞州費爾法克斯消息——

第九屆國際企業大獎(International Business Awards)年會宣佈,來自40多個國家的組織和個人分別獲得了史迪威(R)(Stevie(R))獎金獎、銀獎和銅獎。國際企業大獎是全球唯一涵蓋所有企業的國際性獎項。

The Stevie Awards該獎項的名稱史迪威源於希臘語中的“被加冕”一詞,史迪威獎將於10月15日在韓國首爾麗嘉酒店舉行的慶祝活動上頒發。慶祝活動的門票已在網上銷售: www.StevieAwards.com/IBA


部分知名的史迪威獎金獎獲得者包括埃森哲諮詢公司(Accenture)(印度和美國,4項金獎)、Advanced Bionics(美國,3項金獎)、AKBANK TAS(土耳其,3項金獎)、阿聯酋電信集團(Etisalat Group)(阿聯酋,4項金獎)、Kanyon(土耳其,4項金獎)、iolo technologies(美國,3項金獎)、傑克·茂頓世界公司(Jack Morton Worldwide)(美國,3項金獎)、HANAROADCOM(韓國,3項金獎)、eWIDEPLUS(韓國,4項金獎)、LifeLock(美國,5項金獎)、Quality Systems(美國,5項金獎)、Shinhan Card(韓國,4項金獎)和Slack and Company(美國,4項金獎)。

2012年國際史迪威獎金獎、銀獎和銅獎獲得者的全部名單按類刊登在網站 www.StevieAwards.com/IBA 上。




http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm 。如需其他新聞資訊和資源,請訪問網站 http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm


史迪威獎包括4個獎勵計畫:美國企業獎國際企業獎史迪威商業女性獎以及史迪威銷售與客戶服務獎。史迪威獎是表彰全球不同類型和不同規模企業和相關個人,對他們在全球商界的出色表現予以獎勵。想瞭解更多有關史迪威獎的資訊,請訪問網站 http://www.stevieawards.com,或關注史迪威獎在Twitter的帳戶@TheStevieAwards。



聯繫方式: Liz Dean


+1 703-547-8389


Topics: 管理獎, 客戶服務獎, 年度企業獎, 人力資源獎, 資訊技術獎


Posted by Liz Dean on Fri, Aug 17, 2012 @ 01:19 PM


Marketwire 2012年8月15日弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯消息——

第九届国际企业大奖(International Business Awards)年会宣布,来自40多个国家的组织和个人分别获得了史迪威(R)(Stevie(R))奖金奖、银奖和铜奖。国际企业大奖是全球唯一涵盖所有企业的国际性奖项。

The Stevie Awards该奖项的名称史迪威源于希腊语中的“被加冕”一词,史迪威奖将于10月15日在韩国首尔丽嘉酒店举行的庆祝活动上颁发。庆祝活动的门票已在网上销售: www.StevieAwards.com/IBA


部分知名的史迪威奖金奖获得者包括埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)(印度和美国,4项金奖)、Advanced Bionics(美国,3项金奖)、AKBANK TAS(土耳其,3项金奖)、阿联酋电信集团(Etisalat Group)(阿联酋,4项金奖)、Kanyon(土耳其,4项金奖)、iolo technologies(美国,3项金奖)、杰克·茂顿世界公司(Jack Morton Worldwide)(美国,3项金奖)、HANAROADCOM(韩国,3项金奖)、eWIDEPLUS(韩国,4项金奖)、LifeLock(美国,5项金奖)、Quality Systems(美国,5项金奖)、Shinhan Card(韩国,4项金奖)和Slack and Company(美国,4项金奖)。

2012年国际史迪威奖金奖、银奖和铜奖获得者的全部名单按类刊登在网站 www.StevieAwards.com/IBA 上。




http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm 。如需其他新闻信息和资源,请访问网站 http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm


史迪威奖包括4个奖励计划:美国企业奖国际企业奖史迪威商业女性奖以及史迪威销售与客户服务奖。史迪威奖是表彰全球不同类型和不同规模企业和相关个人,对他们在全球商界的出色表现予以奖励。想了解更多有关史迪威奖的信息,请访问网站 http://www.stevieawards.com,或关注史迪威奖在Twitter的帐户@TheStevieAwards 。



联系方式: Liz Dean


+1 703-547-8389


Topics: 管理獎, 客戶服務獎, 年度企業獎, 人力資源獎, 資訊技術獎

9a. premiação anual International Business Awards divulga nome dos homenageados de todo o mundo

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Aug 15, 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Business Awards Program homenageia a excelência no evento em Seul

FAIRFAX, VA--(Marketwire - Aug 15, 2012) - Empresas e indivíduos de mais de 40 países, foram vencedores dos prêmios de Ouro, Prata e Bronze Stevie® Award da nona premiação anual do International Business Awards, o único programa de premiação empresarial internacional abrangente.

The International Business AwardsApelidada de Stevies, da palavra grega "coroado", a premiação será entregue em um evento de gala na segunda-feira, 15 de outubro no Ritz-Carlton Hotel de Seul, Coreia. Os ingressos para o evento estão à venda no www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Os 69 vencedores do Stevie Awards de Ouro deste ano, organizações e indivíduos dos EUA, fizeram o melhor show. O país anfitrião, a Coreia do Sul, ficou em segundo lugar com 59 prêmios de Ouro e a Turquia impressionou recebendo 19 Stevies de Ouro. O Reino Unido recebeu 16 Ouros, seguido dos Emirados Árabes Unidos com 11, Canadá com 10 e a Índia com oito.

Alguns ganhadores de destaque do Stevie de Ouro são: Accenture (Índia e EUA, quatro Ouros), Advanced Bionics (EUA, três Ouros), AKBANK TAS (Turquia, três), Etisalat Group (Emirados Árabes Unidos, quatro), Kanyon (Turquia, quatro), iolo technologies (EUA, três), Jack Morton Worldwide (EUA, três), HANAROADCOM (Coreia do Sul, três), eWIDEPLUS (Coreia do Sul, quatro), LifeLock (EUA, cinco), Quality Systems (EUA, cinco), Shinhan Card (Coreia do Sul, quatro), e Slack and Company (EUA, quatro).

A lista completa de todos os vencedores do 2012 International Stevie Award de Ouro, Prata e Bronze por categoria está disponível no www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Os recebedores dos Stevies de Ouro, Prata e Bronze foram selecionados dentre mais de 3.200 inscrições recebidas de empresas e indivíduos de mais de 50 nações. Empresas do mundo inteiro podem concorrer para a The International Business Awards em uma ampla variedade de categorias, incluindo prêmios de gerenciamento, prêmios para empresas/organizações, prêmios de marketing, prêmios de relações públicas, prêmios de serviço ao cliente, prêmios de recursos humanos, prêmios de novos produtos, prêmios de IT, prêmios de web site, e mais.

Profissionais de empresas de todo o mundo participaram do julgamento preliminar em maio-julho. A pontuação média foi o fator determinante para os inscritos passarem para a final que foi realizada no início do mês pelos membros de 10 comitês especializados. No total, quase 300 executivos de todo o mundo participaram do processo de seleção.

Para fotos de alta resolução do logotipo do Stevie Award ou do International Business Awards, acesse http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Outras informações e recursos para a imprensa estão disponíveis no http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm.

Stevie Awards
O Stevie Awards consiste de quatro programas: American Business Awards (premiação de empresas americanas), International Business Awards (premiação de empresas internacionais), Stevie Awards for Women in Business (Stevie Awards para empresárias), e Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service (Stevie Awards de vendas e atendimento ao cliente). Homenageando empresas de todos os tipos, tamanhos e pessoas, os Stevies reconhecem as performances extraordinárias nos locais de trabalho em todo o mundo. Para mais informações sobre o Stevie Awards, acesse http://www.stevieawards.com/, e siga o Stevie Awards no Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: International business awards, prêmios para empresas/organizações, prêmios de marketing, prêmios de relações públicas, prêmios de serviço ao cliente, prêmios de recursos humanos, prêmios de novos produtos, prêmios de IT, prêmios de web site, prêmios de gerenciamento

La 9ª edición anual de los premios International Business Awards anuncia a los ganadores de todo el mundo

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, Aug 15, 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Programa de premios de negocios celebra la excelencia a nivel mundial en un evento en Seúl

FAIRFAX, VA--(Marketwire - Aug 15, 2012) - Se anunciaron a las organizaciones y a los individuos de más de 40 naciones que ganaron los premios Stevie® de Oro, Plata y Bronce en la novena edición de los premios International Business Awards, el único programa global internacional de premios de negocios.

The International Business AwardsApodados los Stevies de la palabra griega "coronado", los premios se entregarán durante un evento de gala a realizarse el lunes 15 de octubre en el Hotel Ritz-Carlton en Seúl, Corea del Sur. Las entradas para el evento están a la venta en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Este año, organizaciones e individuos de los Estados Unidos tuvieron la mejor actuación con la obtención de 69 Stevies de Oro. La nación anfitriona Corea del Sur quedó en segundo lugar con 59 premios de oro, mientras que Turquía obtuvo la impresionante cifra de 19 Stevies de oro. Por su parte, el Reino Unido obtuvo 16 de oro seguido por los Emiratos Árabes Unidos con 11, Canadá con 10 y la India con ocho.

Entre algunos de los ganadores más destacados del Stevie de Oro figuran Accenture (India y EE. UU., cuatro de oro), Advanced Bionics (EE. UU., tres de oro), AKBANK TAS (Turquía, tres), Etisalat Group (Emiratos Árabes Unidos, cuatro), Kanyon (Turquía, cuatro), iolo technologies (EE. UU., tres), Jack Morton Worldwide (EE. UU., tres), HANAROADCOM (Corea del Sur, tres), eWIDEPLUS (Corea del Sur, cuatro), LifeLock (EE. UU., cinco), Quality Systems (EE. UU., cinco), Shinhan Card (Corea del Sur, cuatro) y Slack and Company (EE. UU., cuatro).

Una lista completa de todos los ganadores de los premios internacionales Stevie 2012 de Oro, Plata y Bronce por categoría se encuentra disponible en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Los ganadores de los Stevie de Oro, Plata y Bronce fueron seleccionados entre más de 3.200 inscripciones recibidas de organizaciones e individuos de más de 50 naciones. Todas las organizaciones del mundo pueden competir por los premios International Business Awards, y pueden nominarse para una amplia gama de categorías, incluyendo los premios a la gestión, premios a la empresa/organización, premios al marketing, premios a relaciones públicas, premios a atención al cliente, premios a recursos humanos, premios a nuevos productos, premios a TI, premios a sitios web y muchos otros más.

Profesionales de negocios de todo el mundo participaron en la selección preliminar que tuvo lugar en mayo-julio. Sus puntuaciones medias determinaron los concursantes que reunían los requisitos para ser considerados en la selección final, que llevaron a cabo a principios de este mes los miembros de 10 comités especializados. En total, cerca de 300 ejecutivos de todo el mundo participaron en el proceso de selección.

Para fotos de alta resolución del logo de premio Stevie o de los International Business Awards, visite http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Se encuentra disponible más información y recursos para la prensa en http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm.

Acerca de los premios Stevie

Los premios Stevie se confieren en cuatro programas: los American Business Awards, los International Business Awards, los Stevie Awards a la Mujer de Negocios, y los Stevie Awards para Ventas y Servicio al Cliente. Los premios Stevies, que honran a organizaciones de todo tipo y envergadura y a las personas que las integran, reconocen grandes logros en el lugar de trabajo en todo el mundo. Obtenga más información sobre los premios Stevie en http://www.stevieawards.com/, y siga los premios Stevie en Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: business awards, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, IBAs, stevie winners

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