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International Awards Blog


Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Mar 23, 2011 @ 02:28 PM



史迪威(R)獎(Stevie(R) Awards)今天發出第八屆國際企業大獎(IBAs)年會報名通知。國際企業大獎是世界一流的企業獎競賽,去年吸引了來自40多個國家的提名。

 全世界所有個人和組織——無論公立和私營、營利性和非營利性、規模大小——都可向IBAs提交提名。早報名者可獲得報名費優惠,優惠截止日期為4月12日。報名截止日期為5月11日。6月8日前還可接受逾期報名者,結果將於7月初公佈。報名詳情請查詢 www.stevieawards.com/iba






















 史迪威獎總裁Michael Gallagher表示:“國際企業大獎是全球企業界著名的成就獎勵計畫。每年我們都要表彰為客戶、股東、員工和社區做出了積極的與眾不同貢獻的個人和組織所取得的成就。”

 2011年度獲獎名單將在10月11日在阿聯酋阿布達比皇宮酒店舉行的第八屆年度大獎頒獎典禮上公佈。阿拉伯聯合酋長國外貿部長Sheikha Lubna Al Qassimi閣下將出席這次會議。


 想索取國際企業大獎2011年會入場券,請訪問 www.stevieawards.com/iba


 史迪威獎包括4項大獎:美國企業獎國際企業獎史迪威商業女性獎以及史迪威銷售與客戶服務獎。史迪威獎對世界各地不同類型和規模的企業和個人成就給予認可,並對商界出色的表現予以嘉獎。欲瞭解更多有關史迪威獎的資訊,請訪問網站 http://www.stevieawards.com/ 和關注 Twitter @TheStevieAwards

2011年國際企業大獎的贊助商包括IIR Exhibitions, 韓國企業通信協會(the Korea Business Communications Association)、Netezza公司和Smart Reader Worldwide。

Topics: business awards, 年度公司獎, 新產品獎, 市場行銷獎, 管理獎, 客戶服務獎

Se encuentra abierta la inscripción 2011 para la octava edición de los premios anuales International Business Awards

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Mar 23, 2011 @ 02:18 PM


La entrega de premios tendrá lugar este otoño en Abu Dhabi

Stevie Awards anunció hoy que se encuentra abierta la inscripción para la octava edición anual de los premios International Business Awards, el certamen más importante en el mundo de los negocios que el año pasado atrajo nominaciones de más de 40 naciones.

 Todos los individuos y organizaciones del mundo, tanto públicas como privadas, con o sin fines de lucro, grandes y pequeñas, podrán presentar nominaciones para los premios IBA. El plazo para la inscripción anticipada, que ofrece descuentos en las tarifas de inscripción, es el 12 de abril. El plazo para la inscripción final es el 11 de mayo. Se aceptarán inscripciones hasta el 8 de junio, y los resultados se darán a conocer a principios de julio. Los detalles sobre la inscripción están disponibles en www.stevieawards.com/iba.

El trofeo Stevie Award, realizado por la misma empresa que hace el Oscar y otros premios internacionales importantes, es uno de los galardones más codiciados del mundo. Los Stevies se conceden según las nominaciones con mayor puntuación en cada categoría, elegidas por un jurado internacional integrado por más de 150 líderes empresariales.

Los premios International Business Awards reconocen los logros en cada una de las facetas del lugar de trabajo. Las categorías incluyen:

Para una lista completa de categorías, visite: http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/171_695_3021.cfm.

 "Los premios International Business Awards son el indicador preeminente de logros en la comunidad empresarial global", dijo Michael Gallagher, presidente de Stevie Awards. "Todos los años celebramos los logros de individuos y organizaciones que hacen una contribución positiva para sus clientes, accionistas, empleados y comunidades".

Los laureados de 2011 serán homenajeados en la octava edición de los premios anuales el martes 11 de octubre en un banquete a realizarse en el Emirates Palace Hotel en Abu Dhabi, organizado bajo el patrocinio de su excelencia Sheikha Lubna Al Qassimi, Ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

Los premios anuales International Business Awards correspondientes a la séptima edición fueron entregados en septiembre de 2010 en Estambul, Turquía. Entre los premiados figuraron Accenture, Bank of Montreal, Cisco, Coca-Cola Icecek, Edelman in Indonesia, Nokia Corp., Samsung Electronics, y Thomson Reuters, entre otros. Los resultados de 2010 se resumen en http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2633_20484.cfm.

Para solicitar un kit de inscripción para los International Business Awards 2011, visite www.stevieawards.com/iba.

Acerca de Stevie Awards
Los premios Stevie Awards se confieren en cuatro programas: los American Business Awards, los International Business Awards, los Stevie Awards a la mujer de negocios , y los Stevie Awards para Ventas y Servicio al Cliente. Los premios Stevies, que honran a organizaciones de todo tipo y envergadura y a las personas que las integran, reconocen los logros destacados en el lugar de trabajo en todo el mundo. Obtenga más información sobre http://www.stevieawards.com/, y siga los Stevie Awards en Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

 Los patrocinadores de los premios International Business Awards 2011 incluyen IIR Exhibitions, la Asociación de Comunicaciones de Negocios de Corea, Netezza Corporation y Smart Reader Worldwide.

Topics: business awards, premios al marketing, premios a relaciones públicas, premios a sitios web

Oitava premiação anual do International Business Awards anuncia chamada para inscrições para 2011

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Mar 23, 2011 @ 02:09 PM


Prêmios serão entregues em meados deste ano em Abu Dhabi

O Stevie Awards solicitou inscrições para a Oitava Premiação Anual da International Business Awards, a principal premiação de negócios do mundo que no ano passado atraiu participantes de mais de 40 nações.

Todas as organizações do mundo -- pública e privada, lucrativa e sem fins lucrativos, grande e pequena -- podem enviar nomeações para o IBA. O prazo final para a inscrição antecipada com desconto é 12 de abril. O prazo final para a inscrição é 11 de maio. Serão aceitas inscrições tardias até 8 de junho e o resultado será divulgado no início de julho. Os detalhes das inscrições estão disponíveis no www.stevieawards.com/iba.

O troféu Stevie Award, fabricado pela empresa que fabrica o Oscar e outros grandes prêmios internacionais, é um dos prêmios mais cobiçados do mundo. Os Stevies são concedidos mediante para os maiores pontuados das nomeações em cada categoria que são escolhidos por um painel de jurados composto de mais de 150 líderes empresariais.

O International Business Awards reconhece as conquistas em cada faceta do local de trabalho. As categorias são:

Para a lista completa das categorias, acesse: http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/171_695_3021.cfm.

 "Os International Business Awards são indicadores importantes das conquistas da comunidade empresarial global", disse Michael Gallagher, presidente do Stevie Awards. "Todos os anos comemoramos as conquistas de indivíduos e organizações que estejam fazendo uma diferença positiva para seus clientes, acionistas e comunidades".

 Os homenageados de 2011 receberão os prêmios no banquete da oitava premiação anual na terça-feira, dia 11 de outubro no Emirates Palace Hotel em Abu Dhabi, apresentado por Sua Alteza Xeique Lubna Al Qassimi, Ministra de Comércio Exterior, Emirados Árabes Unidos.

 A Sétima Premiação Anual do International Business Awards foi entregue em setembro de 2010 em Istambul, Turquia. Os homenageados foram Accenture, Bank of Montreal, Cisco, Coca-Cola Icecek, Edelman na Indonésia, Nokia Corp., Samsung Electronics e Thomson Reuters, entre outros. Acesse um resumo do resultado de 2010 no http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2633_20484.cfm.

Para solicitar um kit de inscrição para o 2011 International Business Awards, acessewww.stevieawards.com/iba.

 Stevie Awards
O Stevie Awards consiste de quatro programas: American Business Awards (premiação de empresas americanas), International Business Awards (premiação de empresas internacionais), Stevie Awards for Women in Business (Stevie Awards para empresárias), e Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service (Stevie Awards de vendas e atendimento ao cliente). Homenageando empresas de todos os tipos, tamanhos e pessoas, os Stevies reconhecem as performances extraordinárias nos locais de trabalho em todo o mundo. Para mais informações sobre o Stevie Awards, acesse http://www.stevieawards.com/, e siga o Stevie Awards no Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

 Os patrocinadores do 2011 International Business Awards são IIR Exhibitions, Korea Business Communications Association, Netezza Corporation e Smart Reader Worldwide.

Topics: business awards, Prêmio de Marketing, Prêmio de Relações Públicas, prêmios de web site

How to Enter The 2011 International Business Awards - New Video

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Tue, Mar 08, 2011 @ 02:24 PM


We've just published a new video entitled How to Enter The 2011 International Business Awards.  Watch it here:

The video offers a comprehensive overview of the IBAs, including the 2011 schedule, the available categories, how to prepare and submit entries, and how the judging process works.

If you're not familiar with The International Business Awards, they are one of the four Stevie Awards competitions, and they honor achievements in the workplace at organizations worldwide.  They offer many categories for management awards, overall company awards, marketing awards, public relations awards, human resources awards, new product awards, website awards, video awards, live event awards, and more.

The early-bird entry deadline is April 12.  The final deadline is May 11, but late entries will be accepted through June 8 with payment of a nominal late fee.

Learn more and get your IBA entry kit at http://www.stevieawards.com/iba

Topics: International business awards, stevie awards, video, IBAs, how to enter

New Stevie Awards Representative in South Africa: HMC Seswa

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Feb 17, 2011 @ 11:48 PM

HMC Seswa LogoThe Stevie Awards are pleased to welcome HMC Seswa as our new representative in South Africa.  The agency is one of South Africa’s most enduring public relations companies and has been in business for almost 30 years. The company focuses on a few key market sectors including business to business, technology, mining and engineering. They also are involved in several awards programs for their clients.

The agency will promote The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service to organizations in South Africa, and help local entrants to submit their entries.

The company is owned by Mazole Holdings, whose shareholders are Dan Moyane, a well known former broadcaster and businessman, and Johanna McDowell who is the Chief Executive of the company.  Mazole and HMC Seswa are committed to the growth of corporate business and small business in South Africa and to the recognition of business success, particularly among women. The team at HMC Seswa consists of seven professional public relations specialists as well as an advertising specialist.  The company is part of the Mazole Africa network which has a footprint throughout Africa where the company has active contacts and business interests.

Johanna McDowell said, "We are delighted to be part of the Stevie Awards family and we are looking forward to building the profile of the Stevie Awards brand in South Africa and maybe, in the not too distant future, into other countries in Africa."

Learn more about the agency at  www.hmcseswa.co.za

Topics: International business awards, stevie awards, hmc seswa

At Least 76 New Reasons to Enter The International Business Awards

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Jan 20, 2011 @ 02:34 PM

The entry kit for The 2011 (8th annual) International Business Awards is now available. The IBAs are the world's premier business awards, honoring achievement in every facet of the workplace, including management awards, PR awards, IT awards, web awards, and more. All organizations worldwide are invited to participate.  Last year organizations in 28 nations won International Stevie Award trophies.

Get the entry kit.

IBA LogoHere are highlights of what's new and different for the 2011 IBAs.

Eligibility Timeframe
Eligibility now extends from 1 January 2010.  Nominations should cite achievements since that date.  Advertising, video, and other media issued since that date are eligible to be entered.  There is no eligibility timeframe for web site and blog entries, however - it doesn't matter when web sites and blogs were first published.

Entry Deadlines
- 12 April 2011: Early-bird deadline, offering discounted entry fees. This is the first year in which the IBAs have offered an early-bird deadline
- 11 May 2011: Final deadline
- 8 June 2011: Last day that late entries will be accepted (late fees charged in addition to any entry fees)

Entry Fees
For the fifth year in a row entry fees have not been raised. In fact, entry fees for several categories have been lowered, specifically the categories that welcome entries exclusively from non-profit and government organizations.

New Categories
- 33 new industry-specific Company of the Year categories
- 33 new industry-specific Executive of the Year categories
- 6 new region-specific Fastest-Growing Company of the Year categories
- Best New Product or Service - Health Products & Services
- Three new Web Site or Blog categories

  • Best Mobile Site
  • Best Facebook Fanpage or Group
  • Best LinkedIn Group

Changed Categories
The categories that were formerly for Interactive Multimedia productions exclusively are now also open to Apps for smartphones and tablets.

Contact us if you have any questions about how to choose categories, prepare or submit entries to The 2011 International Business Awards.

Topics: business awards, marketing awards, PR awards, stevie awards, web awards, it awards

Stevie Awards Looking for International Representatives

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Thu, Dec 23, 2010 @ 10:38 AM

The Stevie Awards, the world’s premier business awards, are looking for representatives in countries around the world.  We invite you to respond if you are interested in representing the Stevies in your nation.

There are four Stevie Awards competitions:

Our most successful representatives are independent public relations practitioners with extensive contacts and strong ties to their national public relations, advertising, and corporate communications communities, but that profile is not a hard and fast requirement of our representatives.  A decent command of the English language is a requirement, however, as are the following

  • Facility with online marketing tools including email, social media, and web marketing
  • The willingness to be compensated on a commission basis for entry fees and sponsorship fees received from your nation(s)

The list of current representatives is online, on the International Business Awards web site. If a nation is not listed on this page, we are looking for local representation there and we invite your expression of interest. Write to us here.

Topics: customer service awards, business awards, stevie awards, sales awards

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