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International Awards Blog


Posted by Michael Gallagher on Fri, Aug 16, 2013 @ 09:20 AM

第十届国际企业奖(International Business Awards)宣布,来自40多个国家的组织和个人分别获得了史迪威(R)(Stevie(R))奖金奖、银奖和铜奖。国际企业奖是全球唯一涵盖所有企业的国际性奖项。

该奖的名称“史迪威”源于希腊语“加冕”一词,史迪威奖将于10月14日(星期一)在西班牙巴塞罗那的W酒店举行颁奖活动。活动门票现已公开发售:www.StevieAwards.com/IBA  。


本年度荣获史迪威金奖最多的企业是杰克莫顿环球公司(英国和美国),共赢得五项金奖;其次是埃森哲公司(美国)、马拉什集团(澳大利亚)和万博宣伟(香港和英国),均赢得四项金奖;然后是Best Doctors, Inc.(美国)、博雅公关(澳大利亚和阿联酋)、可口可乐土耳其公司(土耳其)、土耳其金融银行(土耳其)、Ignacio de las Cuevas S.A.(西班牙)、KW Digital(瑞典)、LLORENTE & CUENCA(西班牙)、如新企业集团(中国内地、香港、台湾)、Reading Room(新加坡)以及RTR Rete Rinnovabile(意大利),均赢得三项金奖。

2013年史迪威金、银、铜奖获奖者的完整名单见:www.StevieAwards.com/IBA  。




浏览史迪威奖奖杯或国际企业奖标识的高清图片,请访问:http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm 。其他新闻信息和资源,请访问:http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm  。


史迪威奖(Stevie Awards)包括四个奖励项目:美国企业奖国际企业奖史迪威商业女性奖史迪威销售与客户服务奖。第五个项目史迪威亚太奖将于下月开始接受报名。史迪威奖旨在表彰全球不同类型和不同规模的企业和相关个人,对他们在全球商界的出色表现予以奖励。了解史迪威奖详情,请访问网站 www.StevieAwards.com ,或在Twitter @TheStevieAwards 关注史迪威奖。

Topics: 管理奖、企业/组织奖、营销奖、公共关系奖、客户服务奖、人力资源奖、新产品奖、IT奖、网站奖

La 10ª edición anual de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios anuncia los ganadores de los premios Stevie® de todo el mundo

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 07:02 PM

Se anunciaron las organizaciones y personas de más de 40 países que ganaron los premios Stevie(R) de Oro, Plata y Bronce en la décima edición anual de los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, el único prog¬rama internacional de premios de negocios más completo.

Stevie AwardApodados los Stevies de la palabra griega "coronado", los premios se entregarán durante un evento de gala que tendrá lugar el lunes 14 de octubre en el Hotel W en Barcelona, España. Las entradas para el evento ya están a la venta en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Organizaciones y personas de los Estados Unidos tuvieron la mejor actuación con la obtención de 70 premios Stevie de Oro. Corea del Sur ocupó el segundo lugar con 43 premios de Oro, mientras que Turquía ganó la increíble cifra de 21 Stevies de Oro. El Reino Unido obtuvo 19 premios de Oro, seguido por el país anfitrión, España, con 12, Canadá con 11, China con 10, Australia con ocho, Singapur con seis, y Filipinas y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos con cinco cada uno.

El máximo ganador de premios Stevie de Oro de este año es Jack Morton Worldwide (Reino Unido y EE. UU.) con cinco. Le siguen Accenture (EE. UU.), Maras Group (Australia) y Weber Shandwick (Hong Kong y Reino Unido) con cuatro cada uno. Los ganadores de tres premios Stevie de Oro son Best Doctors, Inc. (EE. UU.), Burson-Marsteller (Australia y Emiratos Árabes Unidos), Coca-Cola Turkey (Turquía), Finansbank A.S. (Turquía), Ignacio de las Cuevas S.A. (España), KW Digital (Suecia), LLORENTE & CUENCA (España), Nu Skin Enterprises (China, Hong Kong, Taiwán), Reading Room (Singapur) y RTR Rete Rinnovabile (Italia).

Una lista completa por categorías de todos los ganadores de los premios Stevie de Oro, Plata y Bronce de 2013 se encuentra disponible en www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Los ganadores de los premios Stevie de Oro, Plata y Bronce fueron seleccionados entre más de 3.300 candidaturas recibidas de organizaciones e individuos de más de 50 naciones. Las organizaciones de todo el mundo pueden competir por los Premios Internacionales de Negocios, y se puede nominar en una amplia gama de categorías, entre ellos, premios a la gestión, premios a la empresa/organización, premios al marketing, premios a relaciones públicas, premios a atención al cliente, premios a recursos humanos, premios a nuevos productos, premios a TI, premios a sitios web y muchos más.

Más de 100 profesionales del mundo entero participaron en la selección preliminar que tuvo lugar en mayo-julio. Sus puntuaciones promedio determinaron los concursantes que reunían los requisitos para ser considerados en la selección final que llevaron a cabo a principios de este mes los miembros de 10 comités especializados. En total, cerca de 300 ejecutivos de todo el mundo participaron en el proceso de selección este año.

La próxima semana se anunciarán los ganadores de Lo Mejor de los Premios IBA, los mejores cinco premios de la competencia.

Para fotos de alta resolución del trofeo del premio Stevie o del logotipo de los Premios Internacionales de negocios, visite http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Se encuentra disponible más información y recursos para la prensa en http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm.

Acerca de los premios Stevie

Los premios Stevie se confieren en cuatro programas: Premios Americanos de Negocios, Premios Internacionales de Negocios, Premios Stevie a la Mujer en los Negocios y Premios Stevie a las Ventas y Atención al Cliente. Se abrirá la inscripción para un quinto programa, los premios Stevie Asia-Pacífico, el próximo mes. Los premios Stevies, que honran a organizaciones de todo tipo y envergadura y a las personas que las integran, reconocen grandes logros en el lugar de trabajo a nivel mundial. Obtenga más información sobre los premios Stevie en www.StevieAwards.com, y siga los premios Stevie en @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: premios a la gestión, premios a la empresa/organización, premios al marketing, premios a relaciones públicas, premios a atención al cliente, premios a recursos humanos, premios a nuevos productos, premios a TI, premios a sitios web

10a premiação anual International Business Awards divulga nome dos vencedores do Stevie® Award de todo o mundo

Posted by Michael Gallagher on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 07:00 PM

Empresas e indivíduos de mais de 40 países, foram vencedores dos prêmios de Ouro, Prata e Bronze do Stevie(R) Award da décima premiação anual do International Business Awards, o único programa de premiação empresarial internacional abrangente.

Stevie AwardApelidada de Stevies, da palavra grega "coroado", a premiação será entregue em um evento de gala na segunda-feira, 14 de outubro no W Hotel em Barcelona, Espanha. Os ingressos para o evento estão à venda no www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Os 70 vencedores do Stevie Awards de Ouro deste ano, organizações e indivíduos dos EUA, fizeram o melhor show. A Coreia do Sul ficou em segundo lugar com 43 prêmios de Ouro e a Turquia impressionou recebendo 21 Stevies de Ouro. O Reino Unido recebeu 19 prêmios de Ouro, o país anfitrião, a Espanha, ficou com 12, Canadá com 11, China com 10, Austrália com oito, Cingapura com seis, e Filipinas e Emirados Árabes Unidos com cinco cada.

O vencedor do Stevie de Ouro este ano é Jack Morton Worldwide (Reino Unido e EUA) com cinco. Accenture (EUA), Maras Group (Austrália), e Weber Shandwick (Hong Kong e Reino Unido) e os vice-campeões ficaram com quatro cada um. Os vencedores de três Stevies de Ouro são Best Doctors, Inc. (EUA), Burson-Marsteller (Austrália e EAU), Coca-Cola Turkey (Turquia), Finansbank A.S. (Turquia), Ignacio de las Cuevas S.A. (Espanha), KW Digital (Suécia), LLORENTE & CUENCA (Espanha), Nu Skin Enterprises (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan), Reading Room (Cingapura), e RTR Rete Rinnovabile (Itália).

A lista completa de todos os vencedores do 2013 Stevie Award de Ouro, Prata e Bronze por categoria está disponível no www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Os recebedores dos Stevies de Ouro, Prata e Bronze foram selecionados dentre mais de 3.300 nomeações recebidas de empresas e indivíduos de mais de 50 nações. Empresas do mundo inteiro podem concorrer para a The International Business Awards em uma ampla variedade de categorias, incluindo prêmios de gerenciamento, prêmios para empresas/organizações, prêmios de marketing, prêmios de relações públicas, prêmios de serviço ao cliente, prêmios de recursos humanos, prêmios de novos produtos, prêmios de IT, prêmios de web site, e mais.

Mais de 100 profissionais de empresas de todo o mundo participaram do julgamento preliminar em maio-julho. A pontuação média foi o fator determinante para os inscritos passarem para a final que foi realizada no início do mês pelos membros de 10 comitês especializados. No total, quase 300 executivos de todo o mundo participaram do processo de seleção este ano.

Na próxima semana serão anunciados os nomes dos vencedores dos Best of the IBA Awards, cinco prêmios de melhores da competição.

Para fotos de alta resolução do troféu Stevie Award ou do logotipo do International Business Awards, visite http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3120.cfm. Outras informações e recursos para a imprensa estão disponíveis no http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/press/172_701_3121.cfm.

Stevie Awards

O Stevie Awards consiste de quatro programas: American Business Awards (premiação de empresas americanas), International Business Awards (premiação de empresas internacionais), Stevie Awards for Women in Business (Stevie Awards para empresárias), e Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service (Stevie Awards de vendas e atendimento ao cliente). Um quinto programa do Stevie Awards na Ásia-Pacífico estará aberto para inscrições no próximo mês. Homenageando empresas de todos os tipos, tamanhos e pessoas, os Stevies reconhecem as performances extraordinárias nos locais de trabalho em todo o mundo. Para mais informações sobre o Stevie Awards, visite www.StevieAwards.com, e siga o Stevie Awards no Twitter @TheStevieAwards.

Topics: prêmios para empresas/organizações, prêmios de marketing, prêmios de relações públicas, prêmios de serviço ao cliente, prêmios de recursos humanos, prêmios de novos produtos, prêmios de IT, prêmios de web site, prêmios de gerenciamento

20 Days to International Business Awards Final Extended Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Jun 20, 2013 @ 10:32 AM

The final extended entry deadline for The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, is 10 July. No additional late penalties or fees will be charged in association with the deadline extension. If you haven't already done so, you can request your entry kit here and it will be emailed to you right away.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. All individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs. Categories include:

See the full list of international business awards categories.

Stevie® Awards are conferred upon top-scoring nominations in each category, as chosen by an international judging panel of more than 200 business leaders. Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through 10 July 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published.

The 2013 International Business Awards will include the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies, in which the general public worldwide will vote for their favorite companies. Each company honored with a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award in The International Business Awards’ company of the year categories will automatically be included in people’s choice voting.  Voting will open on 15 August.

Because the 2013 awards banquet will take place on 14 October in Barcelona, Spain, all organizations in Spain may submitted an unlimited number of entries to the IBAs free of charge this year. Organizations in Spain should submit the promotion code "Barcelona" where indicated in the online entry process to have their entry fees waived.

The 9th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2012 in Seoul, South Korea.  Stevie winners included A.P. Moller Maersk AS, Accenture, Coca Cola Turkey, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Etisalat Group, HSBC, Hyundai Motor Company , Infosys, Lenovo Group, Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung Electronics, TATA Power, and Unilever, among others.  2012 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21728.cfm.  

Have questions regarding the 2013 IBAs? Don't hesitate to contact us or call us at + 1 703-547-8389.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

Celebrate The 2013 International Business Awards in Barcelona, Spain

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, Jun 06, 2013 @ 11:12 AM

The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards program, will be presented on 14 October in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities: Barcelona. The 2013 gala will be held at the W Hotel, in Barcelona, Spain. On the beach.

Recognized as the only completely international business awards competition, The International Business Awards honors all facets of the workplace. Our award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories. (12 June is the final entry deadline for the 2013 IBAs. If you haven't already done so, you can request your entry kit here and it will be emailed to you right away.)

Following is more information on recent initiatives by W Hotels Worldwide:

 W Hotel, Barcelona, SpainThe W Hotel in Barcelona, part of W Hotels Worldwide, was designed by the Barcelona-born Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill.  Completed in 2009, this 26-story, sail-shaped building has become a landmark on the shoreline, providing exceptional Mediterranean views. Other examples of Bofill’s work around Barcelona include Terminal 1 of Barcelona Airport, and The National Theater of Catalonia. His architectural designs can be seen around the world, including the United Continental Headquarters building in Chicago, completed in 2010. 

Support for Charity
In 2012, W Hotels Worldwide formed a partnership with charity: water, an organization whose mission is to bring clean and safe drinking water to every person in the world.  “charity: water is a forward-thinking organization with an unparalleled commitment to bringing clean drinking water to developing communities around the world,” said Carlos Becil, Vice President, North America Brand Management, W Hotels Worldwide. “W Hotels shares in charity: water’s passion for inspiring innovation and creative energy to aid those in need, and we hope our guests will join us in giving back through unique opportunities throughout the next year.” 

Throughout 2013, W guests and locals will be able to get involved in different ways to support charity: water’s efforts in 20 developing countries around the world.

Green Initiatives
W Hotels Worldwide is part of the Starwood group, which recently announced a new global alliance to expand the use of renewable energy systems at Starwood properties.

NRG Energy will own the solar arrays while Starwood will be the enabling partner through a multi-year agreement to purchase electricity from the solar arrays installed at several locations. Not only will Starwood reduce its electricity costs, it will also lock in predictable energy costs at an affordable level for years to come and reduce the company’s carbon footprint and local air emissions. The customized solar solutions designed by NRG in consultation with Starwood will seamlessly integrate with the aesthetic of each location while enhancing the guest experience.

“At Starwood, we have established an environmental sustainability goal we call 30/20 by 20, meaning we’re committed to reducing our energy consumption by 30 percent and water consumption by 20 percent by 2020 throughout our global hotel and resort system,” said Ken Siegel, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel for Starwood. “We are making great progress against those goals through a variety of programs in place around the world and we’re pleased to partner with NRG to be able to provide affordable and sustainable electricity that will benefit the environment, our guests and our business.” 

“In many parts of the world, including in the United States, solar power, generated locally, is well on its way to becoming the most cost-effective, environmentally beneficial and aesthetically pleasing energy option for any customer-facing business,” said David Crane, NRG President and Chief Executive Officer. “Starwood is an acknowledged leader in this regard in the global tourism and hospitality industry. We look forward to working with Starwood on clean energy and related sustainability initiatives in order to achieve the environmental and economic goals that we share in common.” 

About Starwood Hotels:
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world with 1,146 properties in nearly 100 countries and 171,000 employees at its owned and managed properties. Starwood is a fully integrated owner, operator and franchisor of hotels, resorts, and residences with the following internationally renowned brands: St. Regis®, The Luxury Collection®, W®, Westin®, Le Méridien®, Sheraton®, Four Points® by Sheraton, Aloft®, and Element®. The Company boasts one of the industry’s leading loyalty programs, Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG), allowing members to earn and redeem points for room stays, room upgrades and flights, with no blackout dates. Starwood also owns Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., a premier provider of world-class vacation experiences through villa-style resorts and privileged access to Starwood brands. For more information, please visit www.starwoodhotels.com.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, it awards, The International Business Awards, W Hotel


Posted by Liz Dean on Tue, Jun 04, 2013 @ 10:25 AM


BOSS Magazine Logo日本では、アワードへの応募がなかなか上司にわかってもらえない、という声がいままでも多数あったのですが、これで少し状況が改善されるのではないかと思います。





毎年140%の成長率だそうで、マイケルは”huge tax”を払ったのだとか。



Topics: stevie awards, ラベル: BOSS, 公式メディア, スティービーアワード

20 Days to 2013 International Business Awards Final Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Thu, May 23, 2013 @ 02:54 PM

The final entry deadline for The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, is 12 June. If you haven't already done so, you can request your entry kit here and it will be emailed to you right away.

The International Business Awards LogoThe International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. All individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs. Our business award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through 12 June 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published. Results will be announced on 14 August.

Stevie® Awards will be conferred at three levels of distinction: Gold, Silver and Bronze.  New for 2013, several Grand Stevie Awards will be conferred as best-of-competition prizes. The Stevie Award trophies, made by the company that makes the Oscar and other major international awards, are among the world’s most coveted prizes. Stevie Award winners will be selected by an international judging panel of more than 200 executives.

Because the 2013 awards banquet will take place on 14 October in Barcelona, Spain, all organizations in Spain may submitted an unlimited number of entries to the IBAs free of charge this year. Organizations in Spain should submit the promotion code "Barcelona" where indicated in the online entry process to have their entry fees waived.

The 9th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2012 in Seoul, South Korea.  Stevie winners included A.P. Moller Maersk AS, Accenture, Coca Cola Turkey, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Etisalat Group, HSBC, Hyundai Motor Company , Infosys, Lenovo Group, Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung Electronics, TATA Power, and Unilever, among others.  2012 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21728.cfm.  

Have questions regarding the 2013 IBAs? Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions or call us at + 1 703-547-8389.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies Return in 2013

Posted by Liz Dean on Mon, May 20, 2013 @ 03:10 PM

The 2013 International Business Awards, the world’s premier business awards program, will feature the third edition of the People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies, a worldwide vote in which the general public will get to choose one favorite company in more than 30 categories. (The final entry deadline for the 2013 IBAs is 12 June, if you haven't already done so, you can request your entry kit here and you will receive it right away.)

People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies LogoAll individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs. All organizations that are recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in the IBAs' 34 Company of the Year categories will automatically be included in People's Choice voting.  

Company awards categories include:

  • Accounting
  • Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Automotive & Transport Equipment
  • Banking
  • Business Services
  • Chemicals
  • Computer Hardware
  • Computer Software
  • Computer Services
  • Conglomerates
  • Consumer Products - Durables
  • Consumer Products - Non-Durables
  • Diversified Services
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Financial Services
  • Food & Beverage
  • Health Products & Services
  • Hospitality & Leisure
  • Insurance
  • Internet/New Media
  • Legal
  • Manufacturing
  • Materials & Construction
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Metals & Mining
  • Non-Profit or Government Organizations
  • Real Estate
  • Retail
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Utilities

See all organization awards categories.

People's Choice winners will receive a special People's Choice Stevie Award trophy allowing for honorees in the Company of the Year categories to have the opportunity to receive a second award, as voted by the general public. Voting will open to the general public worldwide on 15 August and run through 13 September.

Which companies will you nominate in this year's People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies?

Topics: business awards, International business awards, company of the year, People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Co

2 Days to International Business Awards Entry Deadline

Posted by Liz Dean on Mon, May 13, 2013 @ 10:45 AM

The entry deadline for The 2013 (10th Annual) International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards competition, is quickly approaching on 15 May.

The International Business Awards LogoIf you haven't already done so, you can request your entry kit here and it will be emailed to you right away. (If you can't make the 15 May entry deadline, late entries will be accepted through 12 June with the payment of a late fee per entry.)

Stevie® Awards will be conferred at three levels of distinction: Gold, Silver and Bronze.  New for 2013, several Grand Stevie Awards will be conferred as best-of-competition prizes. The Stevie Award trophies, made by the company that makes the Oscar and other major international awards, are among the world’s most coveted prizes. Stevie Award winners will be selected by an international judging panel of more than 200 executives.

The International Business Awards recognize achievement in every facet of the workplace. All individuals and organizations worldwide -- public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small -- may submit nominations to the IBAs. Our business award categories include: annual report awards, app awards, company/organization awards, customer service awards, human resources awards, information technology awards, management awards, marketing awards, new product awards, public relations awards, support awards, and website awards, among others. See all corporate awards categories.

Nominations should cite achievements during our eligibility period: January 2012 through 12 June 2013, the last day that late entries will be accepted. There is no eligibility timeframe for web site entries - it does not matter when the web sites were first published. Results will be announced on 14 August.

Because the 2013 awards banquet will take place on 14 October in Barcelona, Spain, all organizations in Spain may submitted an unlimited number of entries to the IBAs free of charge this year. Organizations in Spain should submit the promotion code "Barcelona" where indicated in the online entry process to have their entry fees waived.

The 9th Annual International Business Awards were presented in October 2012 in Seoul, South Korea.  Stevie winners included A.P. Moller Maersk AS, Accenture, Coca Cola Turkey, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Etisalat Group, HSBC, Hyundai Motor Company , Infosys, Lenovo Group, Qualcomm Incorporated, Samsung Electronics, TATA Power, and Unilever, among others.  2012 results are summarized at http://www.stevieawards.com/pubs/iba/awards/408_2219_21728.cfm.  

Have questions regarding the 2013 IBAs? Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions or call us at + 1 703-547-8389.

Topics: hr awards, business awards, app awards, website awards, International business awards, PR awards, stevie awards, it awards, The International Business Awards

Would You Like to Judge The 2013 International Business Awards?

Posted by Liz Dean on Wed, May 08, 2013 @ 02:05 PM

We invite you to apply to be a preliminary-round judge for The 10th Annual International Business Awards, the world's premier business awards program. Interested?  Apply here.

If you're a working professional with experience in your discipline, you'll be assigned categories related to your expertise. The IBAs have many different categories: app awards, customer service awards, HR awards, marketing awards, new product awards, PR awards, website awards, and more. Even if you've already entered or plan to enter the IBAs this year, you can still participate in the judging process, because you can still judge categories in which your organization is not an entrant.

You Be The Judge LogoHow does preliminary-round judging work?

  • All judging is done online so judges will be able to review nominations on their own time and at their own pace.
  • Judges will be assigned categories based on their experience, function, and industry.
  • There is no limit to how many (or how few) nominations judges can review.

See the introduction and application page on the IBA web site

What are the benefits of being a Stevie® Awards judge?

  • Judges get an inside look at how other organizations and individuals are achieving success and confronting challenges. 
  • All active judges will receive a certificate of appreciation, suitable for framing.
  • All judges will have a chance to win two free tickets to the 10th annual awards banquet on Monday, 14 October in Barcelona, Spain.

Need more information?

Apply to be a judge and be a part of a worldwide coalition of business heroes.

What's your top reason for applying to be a 2013 International Business Awards  judge?

Topics: customer service awards, hr awards, judging, app awards, website awards, marketing awards, International business awards, PR awards, new product awards

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